IELTS Live - Listening Section - Part 3 and 4 Practice

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here in Hungary I hope everybody has had a successful and healthy week and looking forward to a good weekend in this class students we are looking at the IELTS listening section specifically part three and four which are of course the more challenging parts and this is continuing from yesterday's part 1 & 2 if you weren't here for that that's totally ok this will still be very very useful for you as each of these parts are unique welcome Khyber you were able to join that's great I bet you're really really happy congratulations new members I saw there was another new member in the class as well make sure to send me an email so that I can hook you up with our perks khadeem gull our other new member that joined this class members you can send me an email to adrian at AE help comm to get hooked up with your perks so please do so while we wait for a few more of your peers this class is presented to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS please check us out there and for the general version of the exam visit us at GI e LTS help comm on both of these websites we have loads and loads of materials to help you prepare and pass your IELTS exam not only teaching you good English but also improved communications so make sure to visit us there and join the premium packages this is the academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join and this is the general version at gol comm click that big red button to join us there ok so students of course we have apps as well your apps link to your web academic IELTS help app for the a help comm general IELTS help app for GL Telecom linked them together for a really integrated dynamic useful learning experience and again if you have questions just send me an email these live classes they go Wednesday's to Saturdays and the classes are for members starting at 1330 and all chat classes at 15 o'clock according to Central European time of course tomorrow we will have speaking part two for members and speaking part 3 for everyone as well to cap off this week so right now we'll get into doing some listening we are looking at exam number 2 part 3 I'm playing the audio through my headset if there's any problem with the audio do let me know I have maximum volume on my side so if it's quiet for you please try to use a headset or turn up the volume on your end and very very importantly students please do not write your answers in the chat that will confuse your classmates so make sure to write your answers on a separate piece of paper or in a separate document and then we will go through the answers together at the end so please do not write them into the chat that will confuse people so just let's warm up our listening skills and we'll get right into it I'm going to darken up the screen a little bit here so that you can see the questions clear a couple of the questions in this part three are quite bright so I have to darken it up so it's visible for you alright so here we go I'm just gonna hop over to our website here where we have our audio located so logging into my students account at the top and then once I'm in my student to count I can open up the audio CDs and in my audio CDs because this is test two I will go to CD two track three and we'll get going on it so here we go students three two one hopefully everybody's ready again if there's any problems with the audio let me know alright here we go now turn to section three take some time to look at questions 21 to 26 listening section three you will hear a student and her professor talking about their class now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 26 coming Laura thanks a lot for making the time to see me professor Gorman as I mentioned in my email I've been very ill this past week now missing the first week of school is not a good way to start the term indeed it's not a very good start at all but I think you can overcome it you had a good grade in my course last term and I'm sure this absence is just a bump in the road as far as this term goes now what would you like to discuss well I don't even have a syllabus so maybe you could give me one and then we could go over it in some detail yes that would be sensible let me grab your syllabus here you go as you see the class meets each Monday and Thursday from 10 to 11:30 in room a3 1/3 of the Juliet building do you know where that is yes the Juliet building is right next to the Student Union Building correct yes that's right okay so next are my office hours I hold them each Monday and Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon if these do not work for you feel free to send me an email and we can make arrangements to meet at another time now let's discuss the books you'll need as you see on the syllabus there are two books you'll need for this course you need not purchase either of them however as there are several copies of each available in the library I like keeping my books for future reference so I will prefer to buy both books are they available in the bookshop the first one is but the second one must be purchased from Buster's books do you know where Buster's books are located roughly but do you have an address yes the address is three four one nine Yonge Street in Brighton right I know where that is do you know how much the books cost approximately I think the one at the University bookshop is about twenty pounds and the one at Busters is about fifteen pounds so that's a total of 35 pounds for the two of them you now have some time to look at questions 27 to 30 now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 27 to 30 great can we talk a little about the coursework required of course there are two essays one midterm exam and one final exam Wow that's a lot of coursework yes but at this level I don't believe in just having one essay or one final exam determine your entire mark in a class I like arranging it so that a student can have a chance to reflect on their ability and understanding of materials throughout the term that makes sense so what are the percentages associated with each assignment and exam the first essay is worth 15% the second is worth 25% the midterm exam is worth 20% and the final exam is worth 40% would you like to talk about the first essay it is June next Friday yes could we of course the essay should be approximately 1,500 words and the topic must be chosen from the list and can I get a copy of the list there is one attached to your syllabus right so do we have to tell you what topic we are writing on beforehand no it's alright you only have to notify me if you want to do a topic that is not on the list right is the Shu in class or can we submit it by email I will accept essays without penalty until midnight after the class it's due so yes you can submit it by email hand it in during class or submitted to the department office if you submit it to the office make sure to get a time stamp put on it so that I can be sure the paper was submitted on time and also be sure that is the end of section 3 you will now have half a minute to check your answers and students use that half minute wisely to check your answers so make sure that you're not making any silly mistakes with the questions the instructions or with spelling for instance okay those are the most common kinds of mistakes that you can catch right away and we'll go through the answers here together I'll just brighten up our day a little bit for these first few and then take it down again for the next few so first of all students why does this student go to see the professor is it a she has been in the hospital B she has been ill or sheet C she registered late is it a B or C for 21 she does stated quite clearly and the professor even reflects what she says okay so the correct answer here Hina and Georgie have it right and D vas the correct answer is B okay she has been ill so she says I've been quite ill and she couldn't start until now which is a little bit late so B is the correct answer use the capital letter put it into the answer key at the end and you will be fine for that question okay she doesn't talk about the hospital for multiple-choice students make sure to change the question into a statement so I'm here to see you professor because I've so that's the way that I would imagine this if I read this question during the preparation time is I'm here to see you I'm here to see you because okay and she does say something similar to this so I'm here because I've been quite ill and I missed the first few days of class I believe that's what she says so turning the questions the for multiple choice into statements is very important and also you can quickly jot it down if you can't catch all of these so don't read these and hope the answer is gonna jump into your face but instead write down I was ill okay and then later you can match it with the correct answer okay if you don't hear hospital then don't choose that one you don't visualize it okay so again though there's some important points for multiple choice questions turn the question into a statement listen for the answer jot down what you think is the answer quickly into your question booklet and then match it up later if you don't catch it okay alright for these next few questions I'm gonna make it again a little bit dark because this chart is quite bright so you won't see it if I brighten it up you won't see the questions and then I'll promise I'll stop being a silhouette for the rest of the class okay so here you had to fill out the class syllabus a syllabus is basically the curriculum instructions for that class in university okay they talked about that so here we have the category of what it is here we have the answers of when or why and so on so class times number 22 it's something and Thursday here you just have to catch the day and I can see that a lot of you Elena firmer or can lazier have a correct it's Monday now days of the week are proper nouns so you definitely need a capital and that's given to you here as well you can see that it's a capital letter now you don't need the whole word in your answer sheet you can just write Munn like that so you can use the abbreviation and I recommend using the abbreviation because it's much faster okay if you really want to write Monday still use the abbreviation during the listening time and then during the ten minutes to transfer your answers you can write out Monday if you are worried that that's going to be a problem it won't be but if you're worried that it is you can still write it out at that time don't waste time in this critical quick audio okay all right the location so the location is a building on campus you had to catch the name of this building they do not give you necessarily the spelling in part three because they expect you to be able to spell these words at this level all right so yes Khyber I'm happy you were fine no you were struggling so I'm happy you're able to join so febri on says Juliet the reason why you get it wrong February on is because of the small J so make sure that you write it big names or proper nouns so Juliet like that that's the English spelling if you use the French spelling like that they'll take that okay in English remember that English is coming also from French modern English so in modern English which is the English we use today you can use the French spelling for names as well okay modern English is a mix of Latin French English Arabic sorry German Arabic a couple other languages it's mostly a Germanic language Germanic and French alright so Juliet Juliet either one of those would be okay and double check your spelling for these kinds of names when you are reviewing and when you're transferring okay so here for question number 24 you had to get the actual category as opposed to the answer here so we know that it's on Monday and Wednesday but what's on Monday and Wednesday for number 24 okay it's not office house raheem its office hours office hours it means when you can find the professor in their office so office hours okay and again you can abbreviate so office it doesn't have to be capital because it's a proper noun and you can do ours like that okay so learning the abbreviation for hours and minutes is a good idea abbreviations save you time energy and spelling sometimes so they can really be that important difference between a band-aid and an 8.5 okay so learn those abbreviations all right now the books for this course and by the way students this is kind of what a typical syllabus looks like in college or university this is the first piece of paper that you'll get in your class your course syllabus so that you know what you can expect in the semester all right so the required books book 1 it's available at the book shop what's the cost of that book shiok hours an hour plurals matter so if it's hour it's just HR if it's ours it's hrs know that difference - okay all right so a lot of you got the idea that it's 20 and it is 20 and you don't need to use pounds because you have the symbol for pounds right there okay when the symbol is included then you do not need the symbol here it's included so no need for the symbol just the number 20 okay don't write the word pounds don't put the word or the symbol for pounds because you can get it wrong if you do that all right so pay attention it's kind of tricky because sometimes the symbol is not there sometimes it's there so double check for that okay double check to make sure it's there or not all right booktube is available at something books and the cost is 15 pounds now they say this before and they say it after so they give you this answer about three different times hoping that you can catch it again they don't give you the spelling because they say it okay so you're right yet Buster's books Buster's there is an S so it's Buster's books so you can do Buster's books or just Buster's books without the the apostrophe it's fine if you do Buster's books like this showing possession that's fine too we don't really know what kind of possession if it's more than one Buster or just one Buster or the name so all of these will be okay as long as you have that s okay clearly all three times they say Buster's and not just Buster books and they say Buster's books so any one of these three would be okay all right any one of these three the best guess is what dr. Krishna is saying it's probably this one but they'll take all three so IELTS is not that strict that they'll be like well you didn't know that it would be just one buster who owns the bookshop now they're not going to be that intense they'll take all three of these as long as you have that s okay so Buster's books okay and then you had a little bit of break to review the remaining questions and it's kind of odd that you would have a break within the same question sequence but that can happen in some some of these exams so pay attention to that okay it is possible to have a break within the same question sequence alright so that's it might seem a bit awkward but it's the way that it works so here they talk about the coursework and they say that there's two essays a midterm and or something so the first essay is worth 15% the second essay is worth what percent okay everybody's saying 25% now of course you should be able to get that because 15 plus 25 plus 20 plus 40 equals 100% and as we know most courses are graded out of 100% so here you just had to do some simple math if you missed this number you were daydreaming you dropped your pencil something unexpected happened so again logic okay if you miss an answer don't panic just use your logic stay the course okay don't don't freak out all right number 28 was yeah the final exam okay not just final outmatch final would not be enough so if you write final this would be wrong why why is it wrong if you write only final you need final exam here okay if you write final exam it's correct why is it wrong to right just final why do you think so if you write only final why do you think that you'll get marked wrong why would the IELTS people say that eh that's that's wrong that's sort of the wrong answer why do they say that you need the word exam what do you think the logic is and I want you to think about this so syrup deep says there's no value of it and flower son says we don't know what final okay cuz it's final what and that's right so if you just write final it could be final paper or it could be final project okay the outs examiner expects you to make the answer clear so it has to be final exam final project would be wrong final paper would be wrong and final nothing would also be wrong you have to have final exam so keep in mind students that when you have these two or three word for the answer sometimes it's only one sometimes it's only one number or one word okay like here 25 because you have percent okay but you have to check with the answer so during the review time and during the time to transfer your answers to your answer sheet check to make sure that your cific enough that it's clear what you're writing okay so we'll go on to these next couple questions here in a second but I'm just gonna make a quick note of that and brighten up our day a little bit all right because this is an important tip and a lot of students who have good English skills good listening skills they miss the the important points the easy points because they're not paying attention to this little detail an important detail okay so this is a listening section tip here that I want you to keep in mind okay so one more time during the review time okay during the time to review your answers that's why else gives you that 30 seconds after each part so during the time to review your answers for 30 seconds at the end of each part for fill-in-the-blank questions check to make sure that you have enough words that the answer is sensible okay which means comprehensible specific enough to be comprehensible okay so don't lose that easy mark all right okay so let's go to these last couple of questions now right no more than two words and or a number for each answer okay so again no more than two words so pay attention right so how long should the first assignment be approximately so what's the answer for this number twenty-nine and again this is going to strengthen what we just talked about yeah so very good Alec so Alec Haider is paying attention to what I was just putting down and a lock says 1,500 words very good so you need both to get this correct if you only have 1500 it would be wrong okay because it doesn't say here if it's words paragraphs pages characters okay some of you are saying well 1500 pages of course not but what if it's 1500 characters there are some kind of strange assignments where professors will ask you to write just an ingenious one paragraph final concept or something so it could be 1500 characters okay you never know alright so it's 1500 words it's 1500 satinder not 15,000 okay 1,500 1,500 words all right okay and then we had what's called an inference type question where you have to carefully listen to several pieces of information to get the right answer so this question definitely review it carefully when you see this before the audio starts okay so one more time make sure to carefully review inference type questions before the audio starts the students class ends at 11:30 a.m. on the paid day the paper is due you decide whether a paper handed in is on time or late right the correct letter air be next to question 30 a the student receives a late penalty B the essay is on time no penalty okay careful reading here the paper is handed in at 5:00 p.m. the same day dropped off at the department office with no time stamp received okay so here for inference type questions pay really careful attention to every little detail of tense and negatives as well a lot of students here unfortunately would get this wrong okay no timestamp so the correct answer is a the student receives a late penalty okay the professor very clearly says and this is this could happen in university this is why they put it into the exam okay the professor very clearly says if you hand it in at the department office okay it's dropped off at the department office you have to get a time stamp so I know it was handed it on time obviously implying that if there's no time stamp and it's after the class it even shows you that very clearly it's after the end of class because it's 5 p.m. and the class finishes before that ok so the answer is the student gets a late penalty we can easily infer that because the professor will not be picking it up until the next day and there is no mercy in university students they go by the rules all right US Canada Australia there's no getting a mark for having a nice smile or other reasons rules are rules if you don't follow them you get penalized all right so that was a so be careful all right students so definitely a few important tips there on how to use your time wisely how to think about multiple-choice questions what to do with these inference type questions okay is everybody clear on those important points that I mentioned okay how to use time wisely the review time what to do with abbreviations those were some of the important points know your abbreviations okay no your Spelling's alright inference type questions that I just showed you here multiple choice questions turning questions into statements I gave you a lot of tips there hopefully you paid attention to all of them and of course you can review the video later as well okay alright students so how are you doing so far for this section three what did you get out of ten so how did you do dr. krishna says ten out of ten right on dr. Krishnan that's great I think you're going for a PhD as well so that's really good because you're going to need a high band score the higher the better okay George's has nine out of ten and eight out of ten Alec says six out of ten yeah I mean for part three if you're going for a band seven okay so if you're going for band seven or more you should be looking to get about seven or more correct four for part three okay so you should be aiming for seven or more if you're getting under seven you're still in a six five range overall usually but you have to be careful okay all right students let's do listening part four okay so we're gonna go right into listening part four it's going to be a little bit more challenging a little bit faster no break in the audio again the audio is coming from the website AE help calm so if you want all of the practice exams just join the Premium Package there and now let's do this together once more students do not write your answers into the chat please wait until the end as you can see it's easy to make a mistake and give a false answer that will just make it difficult for other students who are paying attention so save your answers on a separate piece of paper will share them later at the end ok so here goes section 4 just gonna hop over to the website here and again if it's quiet before you just turn up the volume use a headset ok it's max volume on my end so here we go everyone now turn to section 4 take some time to look at questions 31 to 40 listening section 4 you will hear a lecture about the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40 good evening class if you are registered for anthropology 3 to 2 you are in the right place today we will be talking about the most famous of all dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus Rex or t-rex as it is commonly referred to this dinosaur has a fearsome reputation mainly due to popular culture films and books in this class we will be discussing the facts regarding the Tyrannosaurus Rex as opposed to its Hollywood depiction Tyrannosaurus Rex lived from approximately 80 to 65 million years ago of course the reason it died out 65 million years ago is the same reason all of the dinosaurs died out at that time a massive asteroid which hit the earth and destroyed almost all life the period in which the Tyrannosaurus Rex lived is known as the Late Cretaceous period this reality is in contrast to fictional portrayals which often cast the t-rex as living in the Jurassic period in fact t-rex did not come to be until 65 million years after the end of the Jurassic period Tyrannosaurus Rex was a meat-eater but it is not entirely clear whether it killed its own prey or if it merely scavenged the prey of other dinosaurs in our minds we imagine t-rex fighting to the death with other dinosaurs but it is not known for sure whether this is the truth Sauron asaurus rex was a large dinosaur not nearly the largest mind you but still large by any standards of modern day wildlife the dinosaurs length was approximately 12 meters his height could reach 6 meters and it weighed anywhere between 5 and 7 tons that weight is the equivalent of about 80 average-sized human beings if humans had been around back then we would have been the perfect size for an afternoon snack the location of t-rex fossils discovered is very interesting they have been found in Western North America as far south as Texas and as far north as Alberta and also been found in eastern Asia mainly in Mongolia how is this possible how can fossils be found in such different regions of the world the answer is what geologists school continental drift the continents have not always been in the same location they have shifted and around the time of t-rex Western North America and eastern Asia were connected this explains perfectly the discovery of the fossils in the different locations one of the more well-known interesting facts about Tyrannosaurus Rex is that it had extremely short arms they measured only about one meter long which is very short when you consider the size of the dinosaur to put such small arms in perspective it would be as if humans had arms that measured only 10 centimeters what use would they be well that is one of the questions that has led scientists to believe that t-rex was a scavenger and not a predator it is very difficult to believe that it could have been an effective predator with arms being so important for hunting another fact that lead scientists to believe t-rex was a scavenger was it's extremely strong sense of smell this enabled t-rex to smell carcasses over long distances giving it a big advantage as a scavenger on the other side of the argument t-rex had very large serrated teeth which would have been perfect for tearing through the tough skin of other dinosaurs if t-rex was a pure scavenger it may not have required such teeth another interesting point about their teeth was that they were replaceable over time unlike humans who grow only two sets in a lifetime T Rex's teeth could be replaced over and over throughout a lifetime again this is evidence that they were at least in part likely predatory that is the end of section 4 you will now have half a minute to check your answers and so there you basically have ten and a half minutes before the start of the reading section in the paper-based exam you have half minute to look over your answers and then of course another ten minutes to transfer your answers into the answer sheet we're going to go over the questions and the answers now together so let's do this together a lecture in an anthropology class talking about the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex are also known as the t-rex here we go students so question 31 it was a kind of a multiple choice where you had to listen for a few different facts and then choose whether it's a fact 1 and 3 or B fact 1 2 3 4 or C fact 1 3 & 4 so the question was which of these events happen 65 million years ago and again you had to kind of just listen for the actual answer to be able to get it so the dinosaurs became extinct sure Tyrannosaurus Rex came into existence well maybe maybe not Tyrannosaurus Rex died out a large asteroid hit the earth all right now again if we're following logic this happens and then this happens and of course at the same time this happens so it's all logic Tyrannosaurus is our dinosaur dinosaurs become extinct so Tyrannosaurus becomes extinct it dies out it's checking of course that you know that the meaning of extinct is the same as died out ok why did that all happen because an asteroid hit the earth Tyrannosaurus Rex came into existence no that was a little bit earlier so the correct answer for this one is si okay let's see 1 3 & 4 all right ok so if you got si good for you if not make sure to apply good logic the next time that you read this kind of question but for those of you who got c-congratulations all right okay let's keep going so Tyrannosaurus Rex lived during which time a the Jurassic be the Late Cretaceous or see the Late Triassic period so number 32 when did t-rex live yeah so t-rex lived during this time the professor very clearly explains that t-rex came way later than the Jurassic period of course some of you if you're thinking about the movie that's going to confuse you and of course they named the movie Jurassic Park because it sounds really cool Jurassic Park whoa that sounds great it would not sound as great if they named the movie the Late Cretaceous Park Late Cretaceous what so yeah Hollywood is not science okay careful about Hollywood movies and mixing that into IELTS IELTS is scientific based exam Hollywood is not scientific based exam okay Jurassic Park just sounds good and Jurassic world sounds good but that's not when the t-rex was alive okay Late Cretaceous and Late Triassic just doesn't sell as many movie tickets unfortunately all right so be is the correct answer t-rex lived during the Late Cretaceous period now here we go so again more multiple choice and you want to change this into a statement the height of t-rex was so that's how I would change it and the professor does use the word height instead of tall a B or C yeah six meters what does 12 meters stand for anybody catch that a it was a little bit tricky anybody catch what 12 meters stood for it stood for let's see who's paying attention not height not large Nerissa Georgie that's right Eldar it stood for length yeah length okay obviously cuz the dinosaur is a big tail right so there's my very cute and basic t-rex it's like a little dragon short teeth okay so obviously this way he's much longer than this way okay otherwise balancing would be a serious problem right and of course he had those stumpy little hands right stumpy little arms okay all right so 12 meters long 6 meters high a height of 6 meters is what she said okay all right so let's keep going here so be and be all right no the letters can really repeat sometimes in these multiple choice questions this one you really had to catch the words so number 34 the theory which explains why fossils fossils are solidified bones or the remains of where bones were are found in very different regions of the world it's called so what is this called ranganna rahim very good continental drift capitals small letters are okay here okay now an interesting tip for this one so all of you who got continental drift you're doing great an interesting tip for this one did everybody notice that when she gave this answer her intonation was a deflection okay it was going down so intonation of course is the ups and downs of our voice as we speak and when our voice goes up like this it's called an inflection and when our voice goes down it sorry I should say when our voice goes down it's a deflection okay you don't need to memorize those unless you're planning to be linguist or an English teacher so in flexions and deflections it's used in some other signs as well just an interesting tip students when you have these kinds of answers especially notice how this answer it's a period so it's just before the end of a sentence usually the end of sentences in English especially when we're explaining a concept will end with the deflection so the theory which explains why dinosaur fossils of the same dinosaur are found in very different parts of the world is because of continental drift okay or an inflection continental drift all right New Zealanders tend to inflect more Americans Canadians Brits deflect more but you'll hear that very significant deflection at the end of a sentence and if you see that it's the end of a sentence it's gonna be a good catch is everybody clear on that tip that I just gave you there it's a good one especially if you're going for those high bands with these scientific lectures okay the period watch for it and watch for the deflections and the inflections okay all right so keep that in mind inflections deflections listen for them okay of course in your classes as well when you're in university when professors have these very distinct inflections deflections in their lectures it's a good chance you're listening to information that will be on your next Sam okay alright so here you had to fill out a table and you have some really clear instructions so pay attention tyrannosaurus rex predator or scavenger that's the conclusion pay attention no more than two words so column one is the evidence column two is the implication and column three is the conclusion extremely something arms short very good Georgina's ear shut up deep and yep short extremely short arms you saw my drawing extremely short arms arms are important for hunting so if it had extremely short arms and arms are important for hunting the conclusion must be for number 36 that t-rex was that's right irken a scavenger scavenger scavenger don't get the spelling wrong because it's right underneath it that would be horrible to get the wrong spelling its scavenger it's right there okay underneath it we know that those are the answers because it's predator or scavenger alright so next one strong sense of smell able to detect carcasses carcasses students its remains of a dead animal okay that's what a carcass is it's the remains of a dead animal able to detect carcasses from long distances yeah distance says and it's plural here distances so very good alright okay and of course that means it's a scavenger large serrated teeth so big sharp teeth able to tear through tough what for number 38 able to tear through those okra my daddy says skin and you are correct so able to tear through tough skin absolutely very good and if the animal is able to tear through tough skin carcasses are usually soft and mushy especially if they've been in the warm Sun for a while so if it's able to tear through tough skin it means it's probably fresh skin which means that the animal the dinosaur is Mokpo an Eldar agreed that it means that the animal is a predator predator means a hunter don't right hunter right predator it's here it's in the question get the spelling correct number 40 something teeth did not have to be careful with the teeth could break its teeth chisel its teeth crack its teeth so that means that it had teeth like I think sharks have these kinds of teeth to this day sharks and a few other animals what kind of teeth did it have if it didn't have to be careful that's right kina mojits replaceable yeah replaceable replaceable so probably there were no t-rex dentists during the Late Cretaceous period or they wouldn't be making a lot of money anyway if there were t-rex dentists because you wouldn't really have worried about a cavity all you would need to do is just bust out that tooth and you're good to go so no t-rex dentists alright for those students who are here yesterday and today what did you get out of 40 so what was your total okay if you got over 6 in part 4 that's great what did you get out of 40 ok now Jesus says 32 let me check your score students I'm gonna I'll check your band score here okay so let me darken up the screen because we're gonna hop over to the website here and we're gonna check some scores for some of these students so on the website at both a help calm and Jihad's help calm at the very bottom okay you're going to see quite a few different extra pages that you can go to one of them is called the score calculator here okay so you click on that score calculator this is that a help calm and then once you're in the score calculator you can enter in your raw score there are tables for this as well but this is really simple if you're on our website so here you have listening there you have the raw score so for those of you who got 32 you would have a 7.5 so you see students you really can only get eight questions wrong in all of these sections to get a 7.5 okay those higher bands you really don't have a lot of wiggle room if you got 28 like Oh Molly al golly 28 is a 6.5 ok 28 is a 6.5 knock Ravi 30 would be a 7 ok Fabri on 35 is an 8 that's very good all right nicely done sheet oh GG in 36 I believe that's still an 8 no 8.5 and 9 are just the very top top scores but anyway you can check that out on the website if I didn't get your raw score take a look and students tomorrow will have speaking part 2 for members followed by speaking part 3 for everyone again be sure to get our HD videos interactive courses original practice exams and you can get those from AE help calm for academic outs in G Alex help calm if you're having trouble with credit cards and so on you can also buy the full version of the app academic IELTS help and then link your web account and it will activate your full web account so you can purchase the website course or the app but only buy one because they link together the price is the same and then same with the GL so general outs help for the app for some people I know it's easier to use their Google pay accounts and so on so you can do that and then link to the website okay all right cool thank you for joining me in this listening session I hope everybody has a great start to their weekend and hopefully I'll catch all of you tomorrow for some speaking part 2 and part 3 for Saturday much love to all of you from Budapest bye for now Adrian signing out
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Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: SsEaXUUd7Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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