IELTS Speaking | Band 7 Mock Speaking Test

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[Music] all right Solana let's start off by talking about whether you work or whether you study so do you work or study at the moment I work I work in hospital which is called L&D Hospital which is based in the town where I live at the moment in Luton and what is your job at the moment I do nursing associate practitioner which is a kind of assistant nurse but my dream job is to be a fully qualified staff nurse hopefully in the future and do you enjoy your job I do enjoy my job I do enjoy my job quite a lot that's the reason why I choose to be a nurse although at the moment I don't fully practice it as a nurse but the main reason why I chose it is because of I like to have contact with people and this job gives me that opportunity and it's quite challenging job it can be quite challenging sometime but it's a lot rewarding at the same time as well that's why I like it and have you always wanted to do this job I remember since I was a little child that always been my dream job so I always used to play with my friends like I was the nurse looking after them where they get hurt so I don't remember myself seeing myself in other another profession this was my always been mine my dream job okay now let's talk about your hometown where are you from I'm from Albania which is a small country in the southeastern part of Europe that won't come from and can you describe your home time to me I was born in a little village in Albania it's very small like you know typical Albanian village where I remember my hometown is the scenery because it's always was you know green a lot of open spaces a lot of spaces to play as a child it was nice nice place to know to grow up is it a good place for tourists to visit I would say the town which is close by to my village which is called kocha that is a really nice and interesting place to visit if you want to come as a tourist there's lots to explore like if you if you are I don't know nature lover you can go and you know explore lakes or you can go up the mountains and you know if you are active person I want to try and explore different type of sports that's there's another cute option there or if you love museums that's you know that's lots to see and a lot to do in this although it's a small city still a lot has lots to offer for the tourists and now let's talk about social media and which social media apps do you have on your phone and the moment I have Facebook and Instagram this is mine to social apps which I used like in day to day basic mm-hm and how often do you check your social media before I used to check it like every day but now because I'm I think because I'm busy with other other stuff maybe in two three days a week I would just open it and just go through through it and just check it I will say I'm addicted to it or will check it every single day do you ever post things on social media I took post mainly like pictures of me and my children because my family my family is not based in the UK so that's the only connection that I have with my family or doesn't I was there as an opportunity for my family to to see my children and that's there's a way you know keeping in touch even with my my friends who don't live in the UK but they still base in obeying us or there's a waiver or still connecting with them and keeping in touch with each other and do you think you will use social media more or less in the future if I go by my experience I see that I'm using less and less maybe because at the moment I focus on other things you know do more studying and maybe because my job and my children keeps me busy and I'll go less time to dedicate to social media so that's the end of part one Silvana now we're going to move on to part two I'm going to show you a cue card with the topic on it and you should look at that cue card and you'll have one minute to look at the cue card and you can think about the answer and prepare an answer for one minute after the one minute I will ask you to talk for up to two minutes about that topic on the cue card any questions with that nope okay you've done this before okay so here you are and I'll start the timer now so you have one minute [Music] okay so please speak for up to two minutes yeah today I'm going to talk about a traditional thing which I bought it for my house but this is kind of traditional handmade picture back home is it's very very traditional to have this in your own home because when I went last year when I went back home I bought this and make picture doesn't have an a specific name so I don't know how to call it in English it doesn't have a specific name in English but is there it has to do with our tradition with Albanian tradition and the reason why I bought it is because it doesn't have any financial benefit so does have an economy benefits to my home the only reason why I bought it is because it's a sentimental thing because sometimes I believe in the UK for 10 years but I still miss my my hometown hello so by is like when I bought this picture it's like about a piece of my hometown and I I have it with me in my new home which I created here in the UK and every time I see it will brings a lot of memory to me and he even makes me feel happier and it makes till me makes me feel like relating with my hometown although I've lived in here for 10 years and probably English going to be my hometown for a long long time now I still want to keep that connection that strong connection that I still have with my hometown and another reason why I bought it is because I want to I want my own children to know the part of our history and I want them to get to know the other new culture instead of the English culture as well okay very good done can I have the cue card back please excellent all right so we've been talking about something you bought for your home and we're going to continue to talk about how to create a nice home so why do some people spend a lot of money on creating a nice home my being for different people might be different reason why they choose to spend a lot of money to create a nice environment I think when you go back home after stressful day at work maybe if you have a nice and comfortable house it will make you feel relaxed less stressed maybe other people might think that you know that's the way how them we make them feel happier and if they can't afford to spend a lot of money who I know and you might bring them more happiness to the environment and do you have to spend a lot of money to create a nice home for me personally I don't think so he it depends what makes you feel happier because some people they that might be Mary very materialist that's you know they could spend a lot of money makes them feel happy but for me personally I I don't like to spend a lot of money to create a happier home just you know but by having the the basic things for me is enough as far as I have the the other things the happiness and my children being in the home or creating a nice environment for them that's that's my main reason I don't want to spend a lot of money and why do some people not care at all about creating a nice home this is a difficult question I don't know you will it depends maybe we spend a lot of their time outside the house maybe they're more interested in the work lifestyle than interested in in their own house well some of them maybe they just don't care that's that's the way they choose them to live their life now let's talk about different types of home and how is living in an apartment better than living in a house I think it's got some advantages if you live in apartment compared with you've live in your in the house you don't have to do a lot of gardening for example the main thing the people that don't like garden you know they don't know how to look after the plants and stuff they like them they think that chosen to live in apartment is quite convenient as well you then you don't have to worry for maintenance of your like you have to worry if it's your own house you just have to maybe pay some extra money for maintenance and somebody else will deal with the problems but if you have your own house then you have to be more hands to it my apartment is more convenient is some people might feel even more secure if they live in apartment rather than living in in a private house makes them feel maybe more secure and in the future do you think more people will live in apartments or more people will live in houses it's hard to tell but if the population I think the population grows in the same numbers as it's growing maybe it's going to be more convenient for people to live in apartment because there's not going to be enough lunch with to build keep building you houses so maybe this is a solution to the overpopulation of our planet and then we can save more lands for landscaping you know to have more greenery areas ok well done that's the end of the test wallah thank you thank you how did you feel about that didn't do it like I think you did he did very very well I think he did very well and was there anything that was different from the other two times that you did the test for real it's very similar to the atmosphere you get on the real test I don't think there's no difference in there you may be the difference is because you know you know I know you and they because I mean that maybe you don't know the person the city next to you but because I've been on the real test and usually they very very welcoming they never make you feel like you know impress you're stressed oh yeah normally they're there like that not all of them but normally they're there like if you do get someone you know and your next test who's not very friendly don't don't bother and they they might just be having a bad day you know so don't worry about it and just give the same performance so you need a 6.5 and so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go through the test and then I'm going to talk about the four marking criteria I don't think there's any chance that you will get below a 6.5 but what I would like to do is to give you the confidence so that you feel confident on test day and you're not worrying too much about speaking because your main worry is writing so I would you know if somebody is really worried about speaking and then they're also worried about writing it can drain or their energy a little bit so we want to give you as much confidence as Paul it's a long day yeah and speaking in a different language is tiring you know so so so let's talk about each part so part one the part at the the thing that I really liked about your performance in part one was it was nearly exactly the same as when we were speaking before the test so when I was speaking to you and your husband you were speaking to me like you were a friend or a colleague in the same way that I would speak to to Justin or to one of my friends just in a nice relaxed way and I'm dead you had no problem dealing with any of those questions you gave full answers you developed them well your fluency was good your coherence was good and we'll talk about grammar and vocabulary later your no problems with pronunciation but you you had no issues at all and sometimes when people do part one the first few questions they're a little bit nervous but I didn't sense that from you at all you didn't really seem like you were nervous or you were worried about it and so I don't think I would have any um worries for you and in part one one of the things that I noticed was and we'll talk about grammar later in a second but one of your areas of weakness when it comes to grammar is verb tenses and for example when I said will you use social media in the future you were using the the progressive tense they you're talk using present continuous and to describe what you were doing in the future you're saying I am using it less and one of the ways instead of using will or going to for example to talk about the future one of the things that the examiner will do is they will ask you about the past the present the future they'll ask you how often you do something they'll ask you to compare things what are your favorite things so they're trying to get you to use different grammatical structures like compare things comparatives what's your favorite things superlatives how often do you do things the past the present the future different verb tenses and you can sometimes judge that by that the type of question that they ask you so if they ask you about the future you're going to use you know well going to or something like that future structures that we would use to describe the future if they're saying how has your home time changed if you compare it to 20 years ago you might be using present perfect or past simple so that could help you and with your verb tenses by listening to what they're trying to get you to do in the test so if they say what did you do last weekend pass simple what do you normally do at the weekend you're going to use present simple because you're talking about habit and things that you do so you can you can tell what they're looking for and that can help you in in part one but I don't think you have a major problem with tenses but it's one of your your weak areas so just I don't think you have a huge problem part one but I like to help you help you write as much as I can and part two was very very good you had no problem speak for the two minutes that's saying that the examiner is listening out for is mostly fluency and coherence so at were you able to speak without much effort for the full two minutes and you had no problem talking for the two minutes and I think you could you could have spoken for three or four or five minutes about that topic without much effort there was some small hesitations and things like that we'll talk about that later and but you know problem with with part two and so that was good so based on on that I don't think you'll have any problems with part two part three and one of the main things examiner will be listening out for in part three is development of your ideas and one of the problems that you have that we did dealt with today when we were working on our writing was answering the question explaining how that answers the question using examples and I I think this is a good opportunity for you to kind of kill two birds with one stone by you could maybe practice part three questions and you can use the structure that we were talking about today for task two writing which is answer the question explained example because you were sometimes you were answering questions or you're like I don't know some people would think this and some people would think that and some people would think a third thing and some people would think without really developing it and then sometimes you would answer the question but your explanation might not have been as cohesive and it's coherent as as I would have liked so I think that could be an area where you if you wanted to practice speaking part get some part three questions and kind of try and answer them in by using that kind of format of like answer the question explain why you think that why it answers the question and then also use examples and so we were talking about do you have to spend a lot of money to create a nice home well why not talk about some of the things that you do in your home that don't maybe don't cost that much money and we were talking about how is an apartment better than living in a house I don't know if you'd live in an apartment or a house but that you know if in house hot what what do you like about living in a house you know talk about what my house we have a garden and it's really nice to play with the kids in the garden and you know because those things are very easy to talk about and often people get to part three and they're like oh I just want this to be over I've been talking for 15 minutes so those little examples from your real life or you know my husband works in construction and he built Isis and I've noticed that he's building a lot more apartments these days so that that's probably an indication that in the future well you know what I'm you know what I'm saying and I don't think you had a huge problem with part three and but I think those are just some ways it make it easier for yourself make your job easier and then you'll have more energy and more focus and when we're doing doing the writing so and the last two times you did the speaking test you got about seven I can see why you got you got such a high score pronunciation I can understand everything that you say to get a seven or above the examiner will have to understand a hundred percent of what you're saying you have no problems with with pronunciation we could talk about higher level pronunciation features but for someone like you that needs a 6.5 it's overdoing it we don't need to talk about intonation and sounds and stress and connected speech and things like that because you don't really need to waste your time on that because there are other things ie the writing test that we need to spend more time and in order to get a high score overall we should spend most of our energy on things that need spend our energy on fixing our weaknesses on pronunciation is not a weakness for you and your your coherence is good you answer the question that has been asked you develop your answers some of them in part three could have been a bit of a bit more developed but overall your coherence is good your fluency is also very very good you do hesitate at times but those hesitations are when you're trying to think of the next thing to talk about you're trying to think of content you're trying to think of ideas you're not pausing and hesitating because you can't think of the correct word or the correct so don't think you have any problems with em fluency you have a nice range of vocabulary as well your vocabulary is very strong one area that you could maybe work on a little bit is collocations and but again someone who needs a 6.5 I wouldn't say to them okay you need to spend six months improving your vocabulary of proving your collocation is because we don't need to do that your vocabulary is good enough to get a a 6.5 overall and the main area of weakness when it comes to your speaking it's not it's not bad I can understand everything you're saying and and if you were making grammatical errors that stopped me understanding what you were saying you could get a five for grammar which would bring your whole score down but you are making lots of little grammatical errors ooh prepositions especially articles some verb tenses from time to time and countable uncountable Minds things that don't stop me understanding anything that you're saying and you're not making them knock frequently but they do pop up from time to time especially prepositions and so that would be my only area of concern but to get a six point five I don't think you need to go away and spend six months on a grammar course in order to get that six point five writing maybe a little bit different we need to work a little bit more and you make more mistakes when you're writing than you do speaking in terms of grammar but if you really wanted to get to go beyond about seven let's say in a few years time you want to move to Canada or you want to change a career you want to become a doctor and you need a higher score then we would we would maybe have really focused on those weak areas of grammar but I don't think we need to do that at the moment so overall I would be confident that you would get you probably would get a seven again and you might get a 6.5 if you got a topic that you were not familiar with and you make you got nervous and you were making a few or grammatical errors and you were that caused your fluency to drop but I don't think you would drop below 6.5 and for the reasons that that I said so I think you're pretty safe and well done do you have any questions thank you that's all no I think you should go into the test with a lot of confidence and and just speak to the examiner in the same way that you spoke to me like you were talking to a colleague talking to a friend and I think you'll be fine thank you okay so let's move on to writing [Music]
Channel: IELTS Advantage
Views: 83,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Speaking Test, Mock IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS Mock speaking test, Band 7 Mock Speaking Test, IELTS Speaking | Band 7 Mock Speaking Test, IELTS Test, IELTS Exam, Mock Speaking Exam, Speaking Exam, IELTS Speaking Exam, IELTS Speaking Preparation, Band 7, Band 7 IELTS Test, IELTS Band 7, Band 8, IELTS Speaking Part 1, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS preparation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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