IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9 Technique

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful central europe i hope everybody is having a good week so far hi i shield back eldor exod nice to see many of our regular students vishnu mahmoud good to see many of our members joining in on time as well in this lesson everyone we are looking at the speaking section of isles specifically we're looking at part one and i will be discussing some band nine speaking techniques with you welcome prashita rashika jainil lots of members joining in now this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success visit us there for general ielts check us out at g i e l t s help dot com that's generalist help dot com on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you improve your english and your communication now this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat it's good to type in the chat make sure to also speak and repeat so copy my intonation copy my pronunciation enunciation as much as you can so this is a great chance uh for you to practice um on there you are yeah anz uh joining in here and on saying i set the ielts exam on february 25th and scored 7.5 overall thank you adrian and a help you're awesome much love from vietnam and hope everybody will achieve their goals on congratulations that's a fantastic score 7.5 is a really really good score uh by any standard even for a native speaker and i hope that you will succeed in your next steps on i know you've been in the classes for about the last year and you've done a great job and it shows in your results so great job on and thank you for encouraging everybody else to do the same thank you for that that's a nice way to start the week all right so let me just show you our websites real quick this is our academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join our premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an ielts registration center and we are british council agents as well this is the general ielts here with the green background again click that big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so uh well worth spending a couple of dollars to get uh interactive courses mobile apps uh lesson videos in hd and practice exams and of course on our website everyone you can practice your speaking for free so once you have a my student account and you go to your my student account in your my student account you will find a button that says student partner speaking and then when you click on that button you get redirected to another window where you can basically video chat with other people and right now we have uh rajiv and mesh and masaki in here waiting for somebody to join up with them so make sure to use this function it's absolutely free on both the general ielts and the academic islets i'm just going to close this so people do not ping me during the lesson okay so that's uh of course it's a speaking class so i wanted to show you that i know many people already use that function and yeah it's free try it out it's a great way to practice okay all right if anybody has questions uh send me an email to adrian and i will definitely uh get back to you as soon as possible so right now speaking part one tomorrow we'll have task two starting for members then we'll have a reading for everyone and we have classes all the way until uh saturday so two classes uh each day thursday friday saturday today is one class and right now in this one class we're going to do speaking so uh you are arriving to your ielts exam center for the speaking um question when should you get to your ielts exam center for your speaking exam so how many minutes or how long before your actual interview time starts should you arrive to your speaking exam what's the right answer for that okay uh nikki i will answer that question as well nikki's asking how long should answers be in part one and i will answer that nikki in just a moment okay so nikki says like an hour before yeah absolutely everyone so uh that's my first tip to you i've said it lots and i just did the exam a couple weeks ago and i will be r um releasing some videos on my exam experience i got there early it to be honest with you i got there about 40 minutes early and i kind of wish that i got there an hour early i did find somebody to practice my speaking with before sitting my speaking exam but i wish i had a little bit more time and actually that speaking practice went by really really fast okay so i definitely recommend an hour okay i'm also learning and improving our strategies all the time and i recommend at least an hour so my first tip i used to tell students at least 40 45 minutes but not an hour even a little bit more than an hour okay so uh arrive to your speaking exam at least an hour before remember that you have to register 20 minutes before your interview so this will give you 40 minutes to get comfortable and find another candidate to practice some speaking with take with you some printed speaking questions okay you can easily save half a band score to a band score by just taking this extra step okay is everybody clear on that are we all tuning in are you following me can i see some thumbs up it's a really important tip so get there an hour before you have to register 20 minutes before your interview so that time is gone from the one hour right away okay and so you have about 40 minutes to just really get comfortable go to the washroom uh build some courage build some confidence and then find another candidate that you can go up to and of course in english not in your own language but in english say hey i'm here for the speaking are you here for the ielts speaking it's very obvious by the way when i did my exam a couple of weeks ago i could just tell that the person was waiting for the outside they seemed nervous they seem like a person who's ready to take an exam you can feel that energy okay even with covid you will find people outside of the exam center waiting all right so um okay great i can see lots of thumbs ups from members and from our students that's really really nice okay all right yeah don't drink lots of water um drink a bit so be hydrated but don't drink lots of water right before your exam so that you don't have to go to the washroom because that can be a problem okay all right i saw always making a note of that and that's true okay so go to the exam early and practice stay in english okay it's very important that you you don't start speaking english when you see the examiner okay you need to be speaking english well before you see the examiner it's very very important okay and i'll just add that one quick note before we get into some practice so [Music] you need to you need to speak english well before you sit and speak with your examiner okay it's very important all right now i'm gonna answer that one question i think it was nikki that was asking me about this how long should part one answers be that's a really good question okay students are often confused about how long should answers be so here's a good question okay so how long should my i'm gonna put this in brackets part one answers b okay the answer to that is they should be long enough to include an answer plus explanation plus let's say 70 percent of the time uh an example a smooth example and we'll talk about that okay all right i'll give you uh i'll give you an example in a moment here about what i'm talking about exactly so that you can do this okay so a smooth example all right if i had to say um then i would say roughly two to three sentences okay all right now here's an important tip you can also um judge the conversation by the body language of the examiner okay so what i mean by that is look at the examiner so if they are looking down at the sheet for the next question it means that you have said enough okay do not over speak and go off topic okay be really careful about that all right so reflect on the examiner look at the examiner's body language okay we're going to practice this and it will make more sense as we do so you found someone before the exam you practiced with them you're feeling more confident you're relaxed loosen up the shoulders take a couple of deep breaths the sun will shine tomorrow and then you walk in and you are met by the examiner don't worry about the examiner's appearance don't worry about the examiner's mood you are there to do a job okay so the examiner will likely start by asking you for your identification so the examiner will say okay welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is mark i will be your examiner i'm recording this for clerical and administrative purposes for marking purposes this is student id 54321 the exam is taking place in london england at 1400 hours let's begin okay and then the first question they will ask you is uh can you please show me your identification now because of covid you don't pass it to them they used to actually take it and look at it but now they just say please show me your identification so you open up your passport or you have your national id card and you show them that identification and they'll mark it on a piece of paper that you have showed them this okay so give me a nice full sentence response when the examiner says may i see your identification i mean nice full sentence response for this may i see your identification okay all right okay uh crystallite turn up the volume i think it's just on your end sammy says yes certainly here's my passport which i used to register for this exam please have a look and you can find my personal details on the last page yeah very nice sammy be fluent good this is your chance to remind yourself that you need to be fluent bharat says of course sir here's my passport that i used to register for this exam please take a look yeah so don't just say yeah sure i still get a lot of students when i'm doing speaking interview practices with them just saying yes and then they hold their password it's like oh really i hope we're gonna be more conversive than that okay so um it's a good chance to remind yourself that this is a conversation and you are the one carrying this conversation not the examiner so you need to speak okay more all right os says my pleasure here's my id card i used to apply for this ielts exam in the previous month please take a look very good yes so certainly here is my national id card that i used to register for the test a few weeks back please take a look okay and then you hold up the card all right so here we go repeat after me again repeat copy my speed copy my intonation try not to read okay if you are confident in your english do it from hearing or auditory only if you're having trouble then read okay here we go three two one may i see your identification certainly here's my national id card that i used to register for the test a few weeks back please take a look okay thank you you can put it away uh and what is your full name usually they ask for your id first or sometimes with for your name i think for me they actually ask for my name then my id so it could be one or the other okay and so what is your full name the reason it makes sense for them to ask for the id first is because if you don't have it you they have to ask you to leave um so janil says my first name is gabbani and my surname is janil uh please just call me jay for short okay jay very good nice fluent answer again answer fluently i did that and the examiner didn't stop me or cut me off denture says my given name is kishji but please call me an mall which is my nickname okay by the way sorry if i mispronounced some of your names of course as you can imagine it's quite challenging with people from around the world uh aldor says my full name is elton jones please just call me eldor all right elder that works be fluent good akash says my full name is akash patel you can call me by my first name akash and akash because you're using all capital letters in the chat you're kind of shouting at me so don't do that just use regular sized letters okay uppercase and lowercase practice that faith anu says my name is onu faith ifu please call me by my nickname zippo okay like the famous lighter brand zippo mahmud rahal says my first name is mahmoud and my surname is al rahal please uh just call me with my first name makmood okay yeah please call me by my first name more natural okay all right very good yeah so again don't be too concise uh i think some where in the world somebody started spreading this idea that you have to uh speak very short in part one it's absolutely not true you want to show fluency right away you want to show good communication right away so um my given name is annabelle and my surname is mckenzie please just call me anna for short okay all right so um national or international women's day a couple of days ago uh so in light of that here's a beautiful woman's name um what is your full name repeat after me my given name is annabelle and my surname is mackenzie please just call me anna for short okay all right anna now i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic where do you live okay very common icebreaker question here where do you live okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one now remember to be clear and be specific so where do you live geographic location plus residence okay give the information for both all right danielle says i reside in a two-bedroom apartment on the third floor of the building which is next to the um shore of the tuffy river next to the tuppy river bank and in the heart of sarad it's also known as the capital of diamonds uh janil yeah we don't say shore for river it's interesting it's a river bank okay river bank just like the bank where you deposit money so seashore or or the um the beach and for a river we say the river bank it's the banks of the river and in this case you can count them as well oftentimes so the river bank or river banks okay when you're talking about the two all right so careful with that it's a tricky one um sammy says i live in a three-bedroom apartment on the fourth floor of marg township along with my wife it's on the beach side and it's uh a hundred away from this place hundred steps sammy you have to give me the measure it's 100 steps away 100 meters away okay so 100 yards away okay sarov says i live in kathmandu which is also the capital of my country nepal and i've been living there for the past 10 years with my family in a small apartment uh with two small bedrooms okay sarov that's great um watch my corrections and check for those later okay all right uh vaishnavi says well i reside in a two-bedroom flat in tirupati andhra pradesh which is located in the southern part of india okay good so again uh residence location assad beck says i live in the capital city of uh uzbekistan tashkent good assad so give me your specific residence i live in a house in the suburbs or in a one-bedroom condo penthouse okay so more specifics so here that's what you want to do okay um i reside in a luxury um two bedroom apartment on the 11th floor of a high-rise building and downtown victoria just two blocks from the pacific ocean all right so uh here we go where do you live i reside in a luxury two-bedroom apartment on the 11th floor of a high-rise building in downtown victoria just two blocks from the pacific ocean all right so uh residence and then geographic location all right that's what you need to do all right that's what you want to give is the answer here so showing fluency right away okay all right next question uh what helps you to relax what helps you to relax now this is where you can immediately implement the answer explanation example strategy okay so answer explanation example strategy all right if you're having difficulty seeing the um the screen clearly switch your resolution in youtube to 720p okay so if it's blurry for you use 720p in your settings okay all right bakrat says well um often exhausted after college classes i prefer to make some green tea that really helps me relax to sit on the couch and turning on some background music okay buckrad that's great so you have a bit of explanation you're exhausted after your college classes you have the answer you like to make green tea sit on the couch listen to music good also add an example so yesterday i had five hours of classes and it was just really nice to sit on the couch for half an hour listening to some smooth jazz sipping on my tea okay so that's what you want to do for a nice high band answer okay prashita says listening to music or taking a few deep breaths usually calms me down for instance when i get nervous or i panic i just put on some soul music and it helps me unwind prashita very nice same tip as what i gave to bahrat which is to include that smooth example okay smooth examples students so don't say for example don't say for instance just a smooth example okay all right faith onu says often uh when i put on some weight and get exhausted i visit the gym daily to relax and lose some weight faith that's a bit of an awkward answer um it sounds like you're combining something that you've practiced with the question and you're trying to make sense out of it i'm not sure if that's what you're doing but that's what it feels like to me uh so i definitely um suggest everyone to be original okay it doesn't mean give a really unique tricky um super high vocabulary loaded answer but be original okay um so if faith if working out at the gym helps you relax that's fine i'm not sure where putting on weight comes into the picture okay so well whenever i'm feeling stressed after a long day of work at the office i like to go to the gym to work out for an hour that helps me to relax especially because my work is a desk job so i'm sitting for long hours yesterday i hit the weights for two hours and i felt just really nice and calm and relaxed after okay so answer explain example but original and answering the question all right okay pranav says i usually prefer traveling around the city but since that's not possible these days i mostly play my guitar and sing songs which helps me relax and this is a kind of meditation before i embark on my daily tasks before i do anything it's a bit awkward okay rashika says i like gardening to relax because i have a green thumb i like greenery after my hectic schedule throughout the week i usually do planting such as vegetables and fruits when serving my garden goodies okay i'm not sure the serving garden goodies it's a bit confusing rashika but the beginning is okay try not to repeat words like green greenery okay avoid repetition so um in order to kick back and chill out after a um after a difficult day at the office i like to do a stretch stretch yoga for 30 minutes this helps me to be relaxed in both body and mind yesterday i had some very challenging meetings and it was great to hit the yoga mat in the evening all right okay uh so here we go uh repeat after me what helps you to relax in order to kick back and chill out after a difficult day at the office i like to do stretch yoga for 30 minutes this helps me to be relaxed in both body and mind yesterday i had some very challenging meetings and it was great to hit the yoga mat in the evening okay so um part one that's kind of where you can intertwine these nice natural expressions or idiomatic expressions it doesn't mean that you should be coming up with really difficult idioms often those can be used incorrectly incoherently so keep your idioms relatively simple phrasal verbs are considered to be idioms okay so to kick back is actually a phrasal verb that means to relax but it is considered um an idiom okay uh chill out uh again um is uh a phrasal verb that's considered also an idiom so it's natural idiomatic expression okay all right one more time so what helps you to relax in order to kick back and chill out after a difficult day at the office i like to do stretch yoga for 30 minutes this helps me to be relaxed in both body and mind yesterday i had some very challenging meetings and it was great to hit the yoga mat in the evening okay make sure that you're fluent you're not repeating information and you stop after you give an answer explanation and an example okay so i'm giving my answer i like to do yoga for 30 minutes i explain it after a difficult day at the office why it helps me to relax in body and mind and then an example yesterday i had meetings and then i did yoga okay so notice the smooth example so i don't say for example or for instance okay that's not good because it kind of scares the examiner that you're going to go into a really long uh explanation and um and that's not good okay all right so keep that in mind okay so a couple of important tips all right so tip two do not use for example or for instance okay this will often lead to an interruption by the examiner okay so careful about that all right use smooth examples whereby you simply state the example okay so that's really important and so this is the length of an answer that you're going for in part one now you do have to be fluent okay you want to be really fluent any new words or new expressions like kick back or chill out that you see make sure you write them down and you practice them okay all right students so at this point the examiner will introduce a topic and they'll say something like let's talk about the news how often do you read the news so how often do you read the news give me a nice uh full sentence answer for this one how often do you read the news okay all right so here we go um priti says reading is paramount to relaxation for me i think that's for the previous okay uh my chat seems to be stuck a little bit let's see if i can all right um yeah i don't see the chat moving so uh maybe it'll catch up in a second all right well while that's happening um when you get a question like how often do you read the news here's a really important tip for any question that's how often make sure to use both qualitative like rarely and very importantly quantitative information in your answer okay so quantitative means like once a month okay so combine the two usually you want to start with qualitative and then you want to continue with quantitative okay so first qualitative then quantitative okay all right let's see what you have um okay uh gus says i frequently watch news both online or offline i would say two to three times a day not only does it increase my brain to be more broad-minded but also i know breaking news that occurs in my country okay pay really careful attention to the verb students always it's read the news so in this case gus you're not getting a lot of marks because you're talking about watching the news and here the question is reading the news so you have to say reading the news okay uh punjabi motivationals says after my morning workout i get the latest updates from the newspaper with a cup of tea and how often is that is that every morning do you do a workout or is it just three times a week so you really have to pay attention to each part of the question how often and do you read the news okay all right nadia says well to retain myself to current affairs i usually read the news um while eating breakfast in the morning uh careful with that nadia and again include quantitative information nikki says well i read the news on a daily basis especially bbc i read it not only to boost my vocabulary but also to keep in touch with current affairs okay on a daily basis is good because daily basis is quantitative so it means once a day at least right so you're answering the question that's great so you frequently read the news if you're going to omit one it's better to omit qualitative than quantitative you should say both but if you're going to so this is kind of an interesting food for thought for everyone okay so if you are going to omit using either qualitative or quantitative information it is actually better to omit qualitative ironically people usually do the opposite okay so most of the time people will give an answer like oh i seldom read the news because i prefer watching it instead so i usually tune into video streams from bbc on my tablet okay i read the news maybe once a month because i like to watch the news more and i usually check out bbc on my tablet okay well i seldom read the news maybe once or twice a month because i'm more into watching the news like bbc on my tablet but the odd time i do check out a push notification article that comes in on my phone okay uh so here what i'm trying to show you [Music] is the different band levels okay so uh this is about a band seven this is about a band eight this is a this is a band nine okay notice the difference so i seldom read the news because i prefer watching it instead so i usually tune into video streams uh from bbc on my tablet okay um first of all i just barely answer this question here so the question is how often do you read the news i barely answer it i seldom read the news that's that's really my only answer and then right away i switch to an explanation uh which is more about watching the news and so it's like okay but we're not really communicating clearly okay uh so the next one here i communicate a little bit clearer uh by using quantitative instead of qualitative so i read the news maybe once a month because i like to watch uh the news more and i usually check out bbc on my tablet okay so this is better because this also doesn't answer the question in a lot of detail but at least it's a clearer answer because it's a quantitative answer all right now um in this third example i'm combining qualitative and quantitative and giving a much clearer and more rounded answer okay so i seldom read the news maybe once or twice a month because i'm more into watching the news like bbc on my tablet but the odd time i do check out a push notification article which i read obviously that comes in on my phone do you see the difference between the quality of these answers so when you're in the high band levels in band 789 they expect you to have good vocabulary and good english okay the ielts becomes very subjective in the speaking and in the writing at band 789 okay and you really have to work hard with communication at that point to get those higher band scores okay do you see the difference in the clarity and in the quality of communication between these three okay it's all good english but this is just better communication okay and so until 6.5 your vocabulary and your grammar they also matter a lot but after 6.5 once you get into the good to very good to expert user range it's much more subjective okay all right jennifer i just explained band 9 and how to get that okay jennifer's asking how do i get a band 9 clarity having a lot of clarity and quality in your communication and you get quality and clarity by quantitative information all right um so here we have the next question okay all right um where do you get the latest news from and why okay so where do you get the latest news from give me a nice full sentence answer for this question okay faith good luck on your exam all right for doves good to see you in the class uh for dobb says i late i get the latest scoop not i read the latest i get the latest scoop for dobs i get the latest scoop from online news apps like bbc and cnn as they are instantly available on my smartphone therefore i'm able to read them anywhere anytime like i have just read an interesting update on uh the vaccines this morning before coming to the exam uh yeah very good for dobbs nice answer explanation example good good flow eldor says i take news from a telegram channel this channel sends several news uh throughout the day to improve reading comprehension yesterday i downloaded a couple of files to read okay elder good so telegram news all right oh it says i usually get the latest news from apps on my phone i do not have time to watch tv because most of the time i'm running around town and so my smartphone is the most convenient location to get the latest scoop okay very good lois i added a little bit of pizzazz and some natural language there uh tarun says most of the news i get from online sources mainly i would uh directly open the news portals to keep up to date about the happenings around the world and i subscribe to some newsletters as well okay good give me an example tyrone so i can give you a little bit more on your marks okay lucknow says i get the latest news from the internet like videos online papers uh and blogs because it's up to date and it's fast and i don't have uh to do much searching okay look you know don't use and so on or so on it doesn't it's useless for your listener okay all right uh cab thug says i usually get the latest news from uh bbc as it is one of the most dominant and trustworthy channels worldwide however i also get news from uh recommendations from youtube or google kevin bowie says i opt to receive news from two channels one of these is youtube streaming services of major news casts like abc news while the other is from daily newspapers of revered publishers like the new york times what sets these places apart from the others is that they're up to the minute reports and integrity which i think is super crucial given the excessive amount of misleading information nowadays yeah yeah misleading news nowadays good very nice kevin okay so as i had uh just mentioned uh one of my go to places for getting the latest scoop is uh bbc i both have an app on my phone and i have a subscription tv subscription as well also i like reading reliable blogs and forums online as this gives me a more intimate perspective from various uh reputable uh people just this morning i read an interesting article about um tesla's latest developments it's my once a month reading right according to my previous answer so here we go everyone uh where do you get the latest news from as i had just mentioned one of my go-to places for getting the latest scoop is bbc i have uh i both have an app on my phone and i have a tv subscription as well also i like reading reliable blogs and forms online as this gives me a more intimate perspective from various reputable people just this morning i read an interesting article about tesla's latest development okay good so here again i'm being original i'm being specific i'm giving examples and i'm also connecting uh to my previous answer that's really good strategy to connect among your answers i did that during my speaking exam and that worked really well okay so here's another tip um it's either three or four think about your interview as an interview make connections among your responses and have very clear uh communication okay so i haven't expressed this too much in the past however one really good way to conceptualize or to think about your islet speaking is as if you are being interviewed so just imagine and this will give you confidence just visualize that you are um a famous person an actor or an actress or a famous scientist and you're being interviewed by a tv channel or by some kind of famous blogger and they're asking you questions on your expertise and in this case you're an expert on media and journalism okay and they're asking you some questions about the news where you watch the news what are your new sources so you're talking about it confidently as an expert on this topic you're the one being interviewed you're the one showing fluency you're the one dominant in the situation does that make sense so practice this before you're speaking interviews so visualize yourself as a reputable person who is being interviewed as an expert on whatever topic the questions um pose okay is everybody clear on that so the the kind of um uh mental context that i want you to conceptualize or to visualize as you're in this speaking interview okay just like when you watch a tv show where some experts are being interviewed and they're really kind of professional and expressing themselves as well and from my experiences the best places to receive the news are reliable sources like bbc which have proven themselves over the past 20 30 decades and that's why my go-to for getting the latest scoop are these uh channels such as the globe and mail the new york times okay okay nikki yes it is a good idea to not just act like a person who knows everything it's not about knowing everything it's about acting as a professional who is great at communicating okay so it's there's a difference there nikki it's not about knowing everything okay it's more about um okay so it's not about knowing everything nikki it was a good question nikki's like so do i present it like i'm a know-it-all somebody who knows everything no it's not about knowing everything it's more about believing in what you say and saying it very professionally okay does that make sense nikki the different difference yeah okay i can see that you said got you okay all right everyone um so here you have a few more questions that you can practice on your own or with partners on the website what kind of news do you not like when do you like to research the news if you could change one thing about news media what would that be and have the way people followed the news changed in the last 20 years is this good or bad so practice these questions on the website again at and you can do video chat audio chat text chat with other ielts students to practice questions uh like these it's definitely a good idea to visit our websites join the premium package um it's a one-time payment for lifetime access that's all the time i have for today everyone i saw lots of great answers that's fantastic we'll get more into it in this week in our upcoming live classes tomorrow uh and the day after okay um parkour if you do not understand the meaning of a question you cannot ask the examiner you can you can ask them but they won't tell you anything okay it's an english proficiency exam okay um prime it's not about giving unreal information it's about giving subjective information you're very welcome prashita you're very welcome bakrat thank you for those emojis uh yujin to liven up the day and have an awesome rest of your day everyone if it's late in your country get some rest much love to all of you wherever you are in the world keep up the good studies see you tomorrow i'm adrian signing out for now bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9
Id: ubO9ljQH7TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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