IELTS Live - Reading Section - Interpret for a Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on vancouver island situated on the southwest coast of canada welcome kyber gineal earphone and welcome our moderator carolina it's great to see many students already here not bandiche i hope you have a great exam tomorrow stay calm stay focused be yourself remember the sun will shine just do your best clearly you've been investing lots of time energy and effort into this so i'm sure you'll do just fine and let us know how you did uh afterwards all right um okay so right now we are going to be looking at more ielts reading this week i put two of these in for our members so that we can really just get into it and practice and use the strategies that we've been learning uh throughout the weeks in order to really get fluent in your reading it has to be regular it has to be something that you practice day in and day out while we wait for a few more of our members and students and our general english help channel as well this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts visit us at g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com that's general ielts help dot com on both of these websites we have lots and lots of information to help you prepare for your exam including practice exams a fully interactive course and lots of hd video lessons this is our academic english site here you can click this big red button to join our premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you're in great hands with us welcome thomas hi aristotle welcome uh cinda good to see you all here hi jyoti hi enough preet back at you our general ielts website looks like this with the green background you can click that big red button to join us there if you're a general aisle student of course the reading and writing section materials videos strategies will be a bit different because general ielts the reading and writing sections are somewhat different not completely different for instance reading section 3 in the general ielts is virtually the same as any of the reading passages in the academic aisle so if you can do well on the academic reading passages you should do well in section three of the general ielts also all right everyone so uh yeah get the world's most popular ielts learning material download our apps uh from your app stores we have thousands and thousands of downloads you'll actually see that in the app store um academic aisles help links to your account general aisles help links to your account and you can follow us on instagram ielts underscore a help gls help you can send me an email if you have some questions um adrian ae help dot com hello saif in bangladesh i hope life is treating you well okay let me just center this a little bit better so you can see this all right there we go so um our streaming schedule coming up i just want to bring your attention to an important point here so we've got reading today and then we'll have listening part three and part four after uh that's a continuation from yesterday we did listening part one and two if you missed it no worries there's still lots to be learned and practiced um and tomorrow we'll have a q a session for members so uh maybe you can join us uh for uh that um not and share your ielts experience um and then we'll have speaking part three for everyone now just an important note here this is an fyi next week there will be no live classes okay i'm going on a trip so no live classes there's a bit of a holiday break there but we will be releasing some new hd videos on some interesting topics so definitely keep an eye on your notification because you will see new speaking videos and other videos as well and that will be exciting so no live classes but lots of new hd content and then i'll be back october 13th with speaking part one live class okay so just make a note of that i'll keep reminding students over the next couple of classes and we'll post that on our youtube community board as well welcome mode aslam all right thank you kyber i appreciate that so now let's get into our reading and this is reading passage three from our eighth exam which will be released a little bit later on in the year okay um so here we have reading passage three um students the way the reading works and this is kind of the same concept in general ielts and academic as well i think a lot of students get a little bit freaked out when they get to the reading section especially because of the time pressure and time management is a very important skill in the ielts exam and in the reading section and interestingly enough ielts isn't just testing your english as many of you already discovered it's also testing your communication skill your critical thinking skills and it's also testing your time management skills okay any timed exam is testing your time management skills and so here's an interesting question for you before we begin our reading um which passage should you start with when you get to your reading section so ielts is testing your time management skills because it's a timed test okay and clearly that's because time management is an important skill in life people who have good time management skills tend to be successful people who have poor time management skills tend to be less successful that's a very common statistic right gineal brilliant okay very good so janil um has the uh right answer it's the topic that's more relevant or most relevant or most familiar for you okay so my question here was which ielts reading should you start with um and the and the answer here and jaynelle gave the right answer sorry um okay so so danielle said start with the um one that's most familiar yeah so technically sorry technically the the topics get more and more difficult as you go along so since ielts is a graded exam uh the passages and questions get more and more difficult as you progress however um there may be a topic that is related to your major in university or your work and you are more familiar with it and you have more vocabulary in that field okay so start with that one this will give you confidence and help build your reading fluency okay all right so always start um with the passage that's closest to you the english language has become so big around the world and one of the reasons being is that in the last hundred years where we have this technological and information boom and globalization we need a common language right so we need a language that people around the world can use in their specific field of engineering computers graphic design and if you happen to have a topic that's closer to what you know start with that one for sure if none of them are okay so this is an important tip too because sometimes people say well none of them are so if none of the topics are familiar i'll give you an idiom if none of the topics are up your alley okay um so this is an idiom here up your alley means familiar to you there's an idiom for that um so if none of the topics are up your alley which means familiar to you then start with passage one okay because technically that should be the easiest all right so then just start with the first one because technically that's the easiest topic uh easiest types of questions so start with that okay but otherwise start with the the one that's closest to you so the reason i tell you that is because um here today we're looking at this passage and this passage is titled touch screens 20th century innovation 21st century commonplace and a lot of people might be like hey i you know i work with phones and mobile phones all the time i'm actually a techie i'm into hardware and software and even though this is reading passage 3 in this exam you might find that touch screens is a much more familiar topic for you than for instance world history like the history of berlin from 1945 to 1990 so you might feel hey this is the one i should be starting with because i i know how touch screens work i have some good english around touch screens and gadgets and that's where you want to start okay so that's why i'm introducing this to you okay so omuklisha of course i'm going to suggest our own books hey for general aisle it's definitely okay all right um hope everything's great there in south korea okay uh so again um we're going to do this nice and quickly and i'm going to think and speak out loud with you so step number one is we look at the title and based on the title we aim to predict some of the information that's in the passage let me try to maximize because it's kind of smaller font here and this is one of the ways that the third passages might be a little bit trickier is that they tend to be the longest passages okay just a second i'm just really trying to maximize the screen space here because i realize the um the text is a bit smaller so let me center this up and really just maximize it um again uh make sure you uh go to 720p in your youtube settings if it's a bit blurry for you and that should clear it up okay all right um so uh read the title and predict so think about you know what is this topic about or what is this essay about why are we discussing it how is this going to be discussed so touch screens 20th century innovation or a sorry 20th century invention uh 21st century commonplace so i asked myself okay well what is this was talking about touch screens what are touch screens so touch screens are screens on our mobile phone or tablet or on the car in your display so lots of different kinds of touch screen displays you can even have them on your microwave your dishwasher your washing machine so touch screens are everywhere these days it seems like and that's what 21st century commonplace means but obviously they were invented in the 20th century um just a quick question here because sometimes students are confused by this and they lose points on the isles because of it what is the 20th century so uh what years does the 20th century include so if somebody asks you multiple choice question what is the 20th century uh what does that include so arda says 1900 to 2000 nikhil says 1901 to 2000 mohit says 1900 to 2000. yeah 1900 to 2000 is pretty good if we want to be really really really technical it's actually 1900 to 1999 um that would be the 20th century and then comes the 21st century uh which starts from 2000 to 2099 okay that would be your 21st century so that the century turns at the at the 100 year mark okay it's 100 years covering the hundred years of uh the previous century right so that would be your 20th century okay so yeah at night some people will say it's 1900 to 2000 but technically it's 1900 to the end of 1999 1999 december 31st if we want to be really technical okay so keep in mind that uh sometimes people get confused and they think the 20th century is like in the 21st century um it's a common mistake so be really careful in your reading and writing and listening and speaking for that okay um all right so uh here we go everyone um so uh why is the um why is this author uh talking about touch screens uh well because we all seem to use them and rely on them right it's a very important tool for today's people to navigate everyday life okay so that's why um and then how so this is where the how question is really important we have a screen that displays information and then you can touch the screen with your finger or with an object right the stylus pen and often times you have touch screens where you can touch multiple points at multiple times so there's different kinds yeah kyber says because it's very common nowadays okay good so now we look at the questions to get some more information okay so here we have this interesting kind of um complete the notes below so it's almost like a summary completion but not quite you have no more than two words all of this information is contained in the reading passage so um we can definitely read this and go through it it will help us uh don't spend a lot of time reviewing questions okay that's time wasting so for good time management just read through the questions quickly okay the goal here is not to start deciphering figuring out exactly what these questions are about it's just to give you main some main ideas okay so title of summary topic uh capacitive touch screens okay so this is clearly a type of touch screen resistive touch screens okay so i'm going to be reading about two types of touch screens uh johnson's touch screen is used as an insulator and transparent conductor coating the worked as the conductor and because the dose of electricity was small it did not affect the person's health oh by the way students this is a reading class so when i'm reading make sure to read uh don't just uh listen to me that that's the listening class coming up next okay um and read aloud okay moving your mouth using the english language moving the muscles of your mouth is extremely important for the ielts exam not since your exam is tomorrow one tip for you to help you with your exam tomorrow is spend at least a few hours between now and your exam speaking english aloud really articulated moving the muscles of your mouth that will really help you with your thinking and confidence there's a very strong link between our muscle memory and our conscious thought of speaking okay all right so uh resistive touch screens this technology was developed by accident instead of making calculations by hand they used a special kind of something which conducted electricity when the researchers applied for a patent for the technology they were denied patent officers did not believe the technology had any something applications outside of the laboratory uh hurst was no longer bothered hurst developed his technology uh to the point that while one could still use a finger to manipulate the touch screen a person could also use a something a device akin to a pen with no ink okay and then we have again these very popular true false not given the reason true false not given questions are so popular on the ielts reading is because you cannot skim and scan for these questions and they don't want you to skim read and scan for answers that's not actual reading that's not good reading so this is one the way that they stop you from getting good band scores by skimming and scanning is by putting in questions that are not uh realistic uh to solve with those strategies okay and then um we have some multiple choice okay multiple choice we only want to look at the question don't look at the answers because again there's false uh and uh incorrect and ungiven information so which two of the following statements are made in the text about g s hearse so we're going to pay attention to this g s hurst he's definitely important um and then which two of the following statements are made in the text about ea johnson so clearly some information about here these scientists or these inventors and that's it okay so that's 37.38 okay so you have to choose two letters and then 39 and 40. so these are kind of multi multiple choice about these two people all right so let's get into some reading and then we're going to do a bit of reflective reading so i'm going to ask you what each paragraph is about as we read them okay all right artist says even some laptops have touch screens you're right arta like the one that i'm using to control the screen i don't know if you've realized that but that's a touch screen laptop that's why i move it around like that okay they're very good for these kinds of classes arda where you're projecting for presentations touch screen laptops okay um so here we go um let's read this from the top all right now read with me nice and loud the touch screen is everywhere in modern society while the most commonplace touch screens are encountered is mobile phones touch screens are also found in atms grocery stores computers and tablets parking meters cars restaurants medical equipment and countless other applications they are a part of everyday life that most people take for granted but how did they come to be how do they work okay so um what is this paragraph about okay so if you had to uh tell another person after reading this what it's about how would you answer that question in a very very simple way okay you should always be practicing this right so asking after you read a paragraph what is this paragraph about all right how would you answer that welcome for rusa so apollo says touch screens are everywhere okay yeah so the the commonplace applications of touch screens in various parts of life right so it says medical equipment uh computers laptops tablets right so harwinder says the significance of touch screens yeah fatima says where we can find touch screens very good okay so that's all we want to do we don't want to get lost and forget what we're doing so let's keep reading okay the first touch screen was developed in the mid 1960s sorry that was pretty quick let me start that one more time so again read with me nice and loud if you can the first touch screen was developed in the mid 1960s by british scientist e a johnson as soon as you do this visualize that you are ea johnson okay so um you're this scientist maybe give yourself some curly hair i don't know if he a johnson had curly hair but visualize yourself as a scientist with some curly hair maybe you've got glasses if you give some visualization to this then you're going to do much better okay so there you are your ea johnson working in the 1960s while working for the royal radar establishment in malvern uk johnson's invention utilized what came to be known as uh capacitive touch now remember that both of these were highlighted in the questions capacitive touch so uh maybe you've got a hairpin it's a giant c okay um in your hair you got big earrings like chanel earrings and they're giant see so you can remember now that um ea johnson is responsible for the capacitive touch technology okay so keep that in mind all right use your visual powers to help you all right okay um it worked by using an insulator usually glass that had a transparent conductor coating such as indium tin oxide the finger acted as a conductor for electricity a very small amount that was not damaging to a person's health that activated the desired input this device had limitations first it could not handle multiple touches at the same time that is the device could only register one touch at any time second it could not register a sensitivity it was like a light switch that registered either on or off and nothing in between touch screens that could handle variations of pressure would not come until decades later though johnson's touch screens were lacking certain aspects of modern touch screens they still found important uses in the latter decades of the 20th century his touchscreens technology was implemented by air traffic controllers in the united kingdom and was still in use until the late 1990s okay so that's e a johnson let's keep going let's keep reading so though johnson's touch screen was used throughout the latter part of the 20th century it was quickly overshadowed in popularity by a different type of touch screen technology resistive this technology was developed by accident in the early 1970s by g s hurst while working at the university of kentucky okay so um visualize hearst maybe got an egg kind of head a little bit different eyes got maybe some long hair maybe a bald spot on the top okay and uh he's got resistive technology so maybe he's got a hat with a giant r on top of it okay all right so just use your visualization again get creative that's going to be helpful right um hearst while working at the university of kentucky while working through the night on a particle accelerator hurst and his team wanted a faster way to complete their computations they came upon the solution of using electrically conductive paper to read coordinates instead of calculating them by hand a side effect of this work was that the electrically conductive paper also worked as a touch screen the university of kentucky applied for a patent but was rejected the discovery did not seem to the patent officers to have any relevant applications beyond the laboratory freed from intellectual property concerns hearst later worked during his off hours with a team of inventors scientists and engineers who also happened to be friends on refining his chance invention hearst knew that the technology was promising how it worked was quite simple the previously mentioned electrically conductive paper was used to cover a sheet containing the x and y axes which were connected to a power source when pressure was put on the conductive cover sheet voltage was allowed to pass between the x and y wires which was then instantaneously measured to indicate the position of the pressure one advantage of the resistive technology over the capacitive technology was that it did not require the toucher to be specifically a finger while it could certainly still be a finger it could also be a stylus a kind of pencil type device to operate the touch screen in the 1990s this led to a generation of so-called personal digital assistants which used a stylus to operate a resistive touch screen today resistive touch screens are still common around the world because they are cheaper and more durable these devices can be found today in hospitals factories restaurants and other retail environments okay so clearly we've gotten into a comparative type of reading and it's very important to realize this okay and i hope that all of you are realizing this so you should be creating an image here in your mind where you have johnson on one side with his capacitive touch screens and you have hearst on the other side with his resistive touch screens okay and um you have comparisons like uk us kentucky okay uh you have finger you have a stylus plus finger okay um you have uh electric connection you have x y pressure okay as best as you can so let me ask you right now uh members and students in the general english channel how many of you are actually creating this uh comparative graph visually again so you should see this you don't need to write this down although you might so you have a piece of paper that you can take notes on and it might be worth 30 seconds of your time in this reading to just really quickly jot down uh these simple notes okay jay neil says me carolina's like yep i'm doing that at maul says not me okay so maul uh make sure you do it our window says me me okay good ali rajprat says hmm i'm not sure what that means ali but uh hopefully you're creating this okay so just in your mind yeah as long as you're creating this and if you've created those visual images of the two scientists one with the curly hair and the other with the long um bald head i don't know if that's what they look like but anyway just uh kind of creating those then that's helping as well okay so that's something that you should do okay uh so let's keep going the next technological development which was critical for the device you have in your pocket is the ability for a touchscreen to be contacted in more than one position i.e with two fingers at once this functionality is fundamental to the operation of modern smartphones multiple finger gestures are made to zoom in and out of web pages photos or maps among other useful functions interestingly this technology is built upon the foundation laid by e.a johnson in the 1960s and 1970s the capacitive aspect of the touch screen while certainly more complex than previous iterations is fundamentally the same as that from half a century ago modern modifications have allowed for multiple touch points as well as pressure gradations but the technology is remarkable remarkably similar to its origin so again when you see that division ea johnson multiple touch points okay one negative aspect of capacitive touch technology is that a user cannot use a stylus or other objects since these objects do not conduct electricity like a finger but this has changed in recent years for example in 2015 apple unveiled the apple pencil which used highly responsive sensors built into the tip of the pencil to detect force position and pencil tilt to provide a multitude of effects what is the future of touch screens 50 years since their advent the possibilities seem endless one fact seems doubtless however touch screens are a huge part of our lives and all evidence points to this staying the case for the foreseeable future so touch screens are here to stay let's try to answer these questions now together students ali if you have a question just fire away okay all right so here we go uh the title of the summary topic capacitive touch screen so remember those big c earrings johnson's touch screens use something as an insulator and a transparent conductor uh coating so uh you have the touch screens of johnson uh what was used as the insulator so as the padding insulator is kind of like the padding okay insulation um is the sponge that you have in your walls to keep your homes warm so what is the insulator for a touchscreen okay jyoti says glass mojit says a glass coating okay let's see how many words were allowed for this so it's no more than two words uh yeah glass or glass coating fatima says glass as well very good and again if you know about hardware then you know that we use glass as the insulator in many cases so glass is the correct answer okay very very nice good good and a lot of you got that glass glass coating very good it is right um because otherwise you'd literally be touching like the leds and that just wouldn't work all right very good and again students when you're good at reading and you're good at reading comprehension you don't have to go back and look at the passage for all of this information okay so thus something worked as the conductor and because the dose of electricity was small it did not affect the person's health conductor here means transmit electricity transmitter so um if i have uh electricity and i have a copper wire and then um i have a tv okay the copper wire would be considered my conductor of electricity okay um so in this case when we're using the capacitive touch screens and this was very clear again for this one you probably shouldn't be searching the text johnson's touch screens uh what did they use as the conductors so what kind of made that electrical connection and uh we've got a lot of everybody's answering it's your finger your finger is okay uh karthikeyan you need to read all of the passage uh karthikeyan is asking is it enough to read the first and last sentence of each paragraph absolutely not okay you're not going to get a good mark if you do that right that's that's bad strategy i don't know who in the world came up with that idea to read the first and the last line of each paragraph if you do that you're going to bomb your ielts reading score don't do that okay that's really not a good idea in the general ielts that wouldn't even work because you have some passages that are like list of instructions and such so it doesn't make any sense at all so no don't do that okay uh yeah 28 finger okay so it looks like a lot of people got that you should get that okay so when you think about it you got your smartphone you touch it with your finger your finger is the conductor right it's got that little electrical charge okay so forever cricket is saying finger i just don't use the middle finger forever cricket that's why it's being blocked your emoji by uh youtube okay so use the pointer finger not the middle finger okay all right um resistive touch screen so this is now uh according to uh hurst right hearst was the resistive touch means he had all right so i'm sure you can hear me now again with some fresh batteries in my wireless microphone there you go okay uh thank you for letting me know right away okay um so fatima says for this one it's conductive paper and thomas says not able to hear the audio that's because i had no conductive juice going on uh between the batteries and the microphone all right okay so um back to it all right so again resistive touch screens we're talking about hurst now right with the r-shaped hat so this technology was developed by accident instead of making calculations by hand they used a special kind of paper that's right jyoti so i'm keeping it simple here right so special kind of paper and you don't need to say conductive paper because it says which conducted electricity so arda pay attention to what comes after the blank as well okay students so before the blank and after the blank both are important okay all right um when the researchers applied for a patent for the technology they were denied so the patent office says ah no um patent officers did not believe that technology had any something applications outside of the laboratory um they didn't think that this technology had there you go that's so much for patent offices uh any kind of what applications says relevant not agrees okay look at all of you go i thought real world um this is one where i'm a little bit unsure of the exact wording it is a good idea to use the same word that's in the passage relevant would be correct but i would check here and i remember this is kind of the third um uh paragraph okay this big one here now this is where i could look for the word patent okay all right and i remember it was somewhere it's a big long paragraph and i remember it was something in the beginning okay so let me look for the patent office okay so the university of kentucky applied for a patent there's the word okay the discovery did not uh seem to the patent officers to have any relevant applications so good for all of you who had the uh working memory to keep that word in mind i thought maybe it was real world and that would be okay but that might not get the right answer relevant is definitely the answer they're looking for so relevant it is but at least now i'm absolutely confident that um the right answer here is relevant okay hearst was no longer bothered by worries about something so uh he toiled in his off hours with friends to refine his invention okay so no longer worried about what now if you know these words and thomas that's good that you got relevant there as well now if you know these words and then you might be thinking okay about intellectual property rights maybe something like that um so when you have an invention you have what's called intellectual property rights to it okay but i'm not exactly sure what this is again so i'm going to go back and check one more time i know that it's in the same paragraph so i might as well take a look one more time and just be absolutely sure again it's okay to do this for a couple of questions as long as you're not doing this for all the questions so this is why it's important that you get words like finger and paper without searching the passage so that you can spend a little bit of extra time on these less uh clear answers so beyond the laboratory freed from intellectual property concerns hearst later worked during his off hour so freed means no longer worrying about intellectual property concerns okay all right so let's go back to it so hearst was no longer um worried about intellectual property okay so who does the idea belong to so he toiled in his off hours with friends to refine his invention so it's intellectual property and art and nick hill got that now they're like okay it's intellectual property okay all right so no hands required hurst developed his technology to the point that while one could still use a finger to manipulate the touch screen a person could also use a something a device akin to a pen with no ink now i know this word i guess some of you also know this word because you've used them before there are those touch pads that we use for graphic design carolina you might use one of these touch pads for your graphic design sometimes as well right and all of those touch pads use this uh non-inking kind of pen and yeah i can see that all of your like stylus it's a stylus yeah so we all know this word stylus and i'm sure many of us at some point have had a stylus even those pens with like the little rubber tips that conduct electricity we call those a stylus as well so good if you live in a part of the world that gets cold winters where you're wearing gloves all the time and it's hard to use your mobile phone because whenever you're outside you have gloves on and in canada that's in many places during the winter months people use a stylus to be able to use their phones outside with their gloves on right okay um uh yeah so rashika says we use it for drawing okay uh so there we go a stylus okay so true false not given like yesterday we want to figure out if it's given or not given and then whether it's true or false if it's given okay so number 33 personal digital assistants were developed to facilitate business communication is this important so is it important to know that some of the early touch screen devices these personal digital assistants what their primary goal was and if that primary goal was not only for business but for business communication yeah so i would definitely say not important here okay because it's too much detail remember that these ielts passages are only like 650 700 words so when you have a topic about touch screen technology and this would be considered too much detail for this amount of uh writing so i would just very confidently go with not given because it's not important in this level of discussion okay that's clear i think for everyone all right um 34 multi-touch gestures facilitate the magnification of web pages and photos all right so is it important to know why we would have multi-touch gestures on touch screens so think about this it's the why question why questions are usually very important okay so number 34 why questions why you have something is very important okay personal digital assistant is a specific device and even though it's a why the device itself is too specific but here we're actually talking about not the device but about the touch technology and this passage is not about the device but it's about the touch technology so discussing the reasons for the touch technology is important and it's going to be true so this is true we talked about that and you should have visualized that as well okay so fatima says it's true gurjeet says it's false but it's not false because we know that that's what we use it for to magnify web pages okay so good for you gurjeet with the true there oh sorry earlier you said true okay don't jump ahead in the answers because then i get confused okay so stay with the answer that we're on okay jenny you're right it's true okay 35 not only is the capacitive aspect of touch screens more complex it represents a fundamental transformation from iterations uh 50 years before okay so um is it important to know that capacitive aspects of touch screens are more complicated today and um is it important to know that they have transformed over the last 50 years 50 years said another way is what so this is definitely important yes so it's given 50 years is half century okay and i remember reading about half century near the end of the passage so here a fundamental transformation okay so it means that they're completely different than before so are they completely different now than before the capacitive touch screens iteration was also there harvinder very good so our vendor says iteration was there as well yeah that's true good um so and are they fundamentally different so have they completely changed the technology fifth than 50 years ago what it was janil says it's false yeah no it's not right it's still using basically the same technology it's much more complex but it's not fundamentally different so it's false okay be really careful with the wording all right okay number 36 apple was the first company to unveil a highly responsive stylus able to detect force and position okay so is this important um maybe okay when your answer is maybe check it's really simple to check for this because of the name apple so you can skim read for that especially if you remember where it is now apple was the first company okay so keep that in mind apple was the first company so that's what we're checking for and we're looking for the word apple okay so let's have a look at that that was near the end okay we're looking for that big a apple okay all right apple pencil very easy to identify with your eyeball if you're looking carefully okay so but this changed in recent years for example in 2015 apple unveiled the apple pencil which used highly responsive sensors so does it say apple was the first to unveil so does it say in 2015 apple was the first to unveil the apple pencil um no it doesn't so according to the author do we know if apple was the first or not the first yeah very good nick hill so nikhil's starting to catch on when we use the not given we don't know okay so keep in mind the definition of this right so not given there's no information on this so apple was the first no there's no information on this so the author doesn't say apple was the first or they were the third there's no information on this so it's not given okay ng all right we don't know think about it that way we don't know according to the information okay now here we have 37 and 38 i don't want to rush through these this is where you have to use that comparative thinking that i was talking about so you have to choose two letters which two of the following statements are made in the text and that's 3738 about hearst and then which two um are made about ea johnson for 39 and 40. i'll let you figure these ones out on your own send me the answers for these last four questions by email and i'll give you the answer key okay that's all the time i have for this reading class but i do hope that you've learned a lot uh you can send your answers to adrian and i'll send you back a special uh discount code for our premium course at uh ae help dot com and uh again if you liked this lesson just visit us there this is our general ielts website here click that big red button to join and this is our academic one click this big red button to join us there okay students i will be back shortly in half an hour with listening parts three and four okay good job in the general english help channel as well carolina thank you for moderating i will see everybody in half an hour for some listening bye for now i'm adrian signing out shortly i'll be back you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers, line graph description ielts
Id: 4sZ2zHWfa-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 8sec (3608 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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