Iconic Adaine Moments/Scenes (Season 1) || Fantasy High || Dimension 20

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I get the paper on my crystal do you not I get it on my it's not allowed crystal because I failed the entrance exam that's right you're not allowed to crystal well I'm sure if you you know kill a Hobgoblin maybe you'll what are the sort of things they do it egg for it I'm not sure it's known as question do you kill Hobgoblin I cast ray of sickness underneath the kitchen table you see your sister goes oh dear I mean I think that maybe my sister is too sick to go to school today well the Elven oracle has died in a shipwreck very dreadful business on her way from fallon middle to bastion city looks like a ship the cerulean just went down to be dealing with that I'm sure the art magic I will have no end of talking about what's to be done she can't have been that good and Oracle if you didn't see the storm coming I ca only goes no really that's much too much my only game going to this school to find a group of people to destroy your you see she says I'm sure you will you're going to join one of those little arcane secret societies good I punch her in the face three you skinny Elvis lifts right she said it's all for that you got kicked out a few door it's awful it's it doesn't reflect well I'm our family but that's not even the least I'm sure [Laughter] 4:48 Hey she says really stop the game is me hitting you in the face she goes she just likes [ __ ] terminator like give me back my these tables are ya [ __ ] working wacker on the back of the head lunch ladies were a sixteen plus what it doesn't matter 16 hits six eaten great go ahead and roll a 1 d 4 + your dexterity modifier great ladles of finesse way fo for your prep school you [ __ ] brain this old lady a little blood splatters all over your room I'm so sorry I'm sorry uh like every worse nightmare about this school has been completely confirmed you walked up a witness to fight the first stole something out of panic attack and just attacked one of the faculty oh I'm saved alas done the lunch lady stands up and is going to grapple with you making opposed you get an attackers opportunity under if she stands up for it no I'll sit here from prom um yeah you talk about shitty going to catch a girl 19 slap her with a ladle 5 Jesus it's beating the [ __ ] out of dory I'm sorry she stands up and says tries and you hit her so hard - side of the face the face that her jaw breaks and a bunch of teeth fly out of her mouth and she passes out hits her head really and unconscious my god would you do like a bloodless definitely have a panic attack ladle is like a weird curve to it now you're covered in blood you have much fragment of tooth hang all right he's [ __ ] she makes a death save and it was like the only cool person at the school and not oh not like a corn gremlin or weird monster like a human like a lunch lady I was gonna make another death saving through a single woman of some years we made pre-prepared meals for children they asked for nothing and I didn't choose for this to happen to me it's your responsibility to make this right because you killed me you did it only you and you didn't have to you chose to these were your choices and you live with them remembering my face every time you closer to her eyes she passes from this mortal plane a time you see that your mother and father show up I'm standing so stiff you see that your father pulls up your mother side of the passenger seat her father does not get out your mother walks up to you briskly kind of has like a hand up over the side of her face is you she says your father would like you to get the car he doesn't want to step out and be seen here I don't have to have him step out for me to get into the car I'm not an idiot he wanted to let you know that he wasn't going to stop oh really oh really how very mature I don't think that this is a proper time for you to be chastising your mother you are first of all sleeveless and second of all we understand that you defended yourself through your martial prowess I say nothing to them for the rest of the night oh you get into the car with them as you're driving along you see that your father doesn't say anything other than anything until you're right about to get home and your father says I never thought I would have a daughter that would receive detention and he steps out of the car and walks into the house and tell me I'm like that's I killed my parents sucks so much this werewolf turns there's no other people in here said that guy right here turns and rushes a died great I think yes he is poised okay rushes you what stirred ac-12 this werewolf I didn't he oh you already rolled it I did already roll it but I don't I didn't tell you what it did so you can tell okay so he gets a seven on his first one or his second one first one okay claw misses bite hits I'm going to need you to make a first of all you take five points of damage all right did I bring out the box of doom iodine this is a constitution saving throughout to go ahead and take the box thank you thank you the DC for contracting lycanthrope B is 12 I'll tell you that right off the bat what's your - so I gotta get a 10 ohm or a 9 or lower means I'm a wolf you feel the wound in your arm fester as things try to place themselves in - I like so much genuinely like Jannik attacking a little bit tell me if this will work if I use web can I [ __ ] spider-man some web to the end of the halfpipe and then the other end to the floor so it like to create like a rope or something like that yeah - like so if he steps forward he falls backwards essentially oh it's really like prevent him from uh go ahead this is a crafty spell work go ahead and make an arc Anna check call it a DC this is a using spell very much as it's not intended I'm gonna say an easy 20 Arkana ah [ __ ] okay oh I have body conspiration oh yeah hell yeah dude 92 strands of elven light all the [ __ ] tests you failed at who da all the [ __ ] times that you panic didn't get it right you are improvising a spell on the spot for a different purpose and it's used for you see gorg like hanging in the midst now you have to [ __ ] like web strands to stand on and pull the back of the halfpipe BAM anchors to the ground and the thing lurches even more uncomfortable than it already is I knew it I knew our biscuit of magic I knew it is he a hundred and twenty feet for me so I can I can do that snide and nice for sure hundred twenty yeah great I will cost ray of sick on that [ __ ] so it is a constitution saving through and what's the DC on that 15:15 incredible um you are looking at raagh bar croc he sees this freak like you goes Wow and right in between his faces a pulsating beam of green energy hits daybreak right in the back which looks his kidneys and he's just here the most violent [ __ ] of pants ever it literate you hear like a like I was like a [ __ ] lawn mower starting oh holy evacuating his bowels his [ __ ] sweat pants snot weeping blood coming out of his eyes fully hit by the race so he's poisoned and he takes six eleven points of damage eleven points of damage awesome in your wildest dreams just like a normal kid that's not wearing a school uniform at a school that doesn't have a school uniform I wouldn't tiny little sailor no Lyman I'm a teenager I'm not a baby no all right well something normal normal just like a t-shirt and jeans maybe like a jean jacket like a t-shirt and jeans and a jean jacket don't say that like they're foreign words you know what those words my extremely diligent study of the craft of fashion if I ever heard those words before I think you should look an absolute fool dearie but who owned this before I owned it rules County Fair well it's mid it's the middle of the day can I cast identify in my jacket ah yes formally of useful things crafted by elven up a giant time immemorial the most recent dark matter of the elves Olivia Buchanan thought stuffy and old wanted to give it a new rad vibe changing it into a denim wool lined jacket this has been another use of the identifier sphere I would like to have the object that the last owner of this jacket put in it you pull out a note saying I'm hiding in the jacket please don't take me out who are you you look at it just like an empty pocket an overwhelming wave of thoughts thousands or millions of strains of consciousness beat into your psyche all at once and you take 10 points of damage how many people are in this jacket don't pull any of them out otherwise they'll be trapped in the half-life thing right ask for a note that says the number of how many people are in the jacket I would like a note saying how many people are hidden in this jacket a note comes out saying mind your own [ __ ] business oh my god it looks so good but like also you're carrying around like a multitude of people but they're all taking refuge in there though yes I'm like wearing a cool but if I pull them out I think they come out are they still they do they have to live a half life who never again identify again ah yes the question of whether the beings in the jacket will never half-life if they didn't originate from the jacket question as old as time itself is it no jacket of course can only produce objects worth a pittance expensive items jewels and that sort cannot be produced is just useful things that the jacket produces the creatures taken refuge in the jacket are various refugees criminals and hideaways that live in a city in the center of the extra dimensional space within the jacket they live complex lives form relationships nations rise and fall and they have no way of exiting the jacket it's more of a thought experiment really and has no ability to interfere with you living your life just sort of a mindfuck for you to walk around with can I just like put my hand in one of the pockets just a little bit here at the bottom of the pocket okay [ __ ] [ __ ] I knew she was bad you start to get texts from people you knew at feudal showing your sister making out with Fabian oh my god I'm gonna [ __ ] kill everybody I would definitely text that I'm take come to this party coz R is is no longer having fun at high school since then I run down says I show them the picture of my [ __ ] sister at a potty and then I run off to it you rush away I hate my parents you go to the park you hear her say oh goodie you were telling the truth goodbye ostentatious I break down the door I use stories to freeze the door lock open and uh a surprise I'll go ahead and make a check dick just dexterity yeah okay nineteen click you click the door open you rush in you see Elwin holding a crystal palimpsest in her hands you [ __ ] [ __ ] sucking the Powell says she looks whip Sian punch her in the face everybody roll initiative yeah well I with blink you can only come in within 10 feet so you can where I was so I'm going to cost web which is a 20 foot cube where Elwin went into blink okay cool let's figure this out you're here uh you can reappear ten feet in any direction from that point in the house okay and she is down here you know that she's not here as you saw her great I yelled to you this much movement and then I can cast web which is a sixty foot range hell yeah directly down I yell whereas I'm sorry but at least your Faust cuz it's a dexterity saving through okay mmm-hmm I think you can just choose to not web me I don't think rad you cast web I think oh [ __ ] was the fire elemental right [ __ ] there which will set the web on fire I guess I don't do it on the fire elemental so just raise yes but now you she's also not there right now she's yes but when she pops back in she will pop directly into where the weather's okay the web fills a 20-foot cube yes so you're going to put okay so ten feet on either side yes gotcha wild so you cast it here here's the thing there's a window here I'm gonna need you to make in our kana check to try to break through that window I'm gonna use my seventeen roll oh hell yeah that's so [ __ ] rad sorry I used all my rolls on me but [Applause] like a window badge um okay cool I'm gonna do a care wound so I banishes but she's gonna throw a fire bolt at add-on Adam what's racy 12 you clamber to the roof to see your fallen I go into a rage go to honestly yeah Anna you fully just lose it you [ __ ] like Hulk out you remembered like just raining Dorian with a [ __ ] ladle I am going to punch my sister in the face okay I don't [ __ ] give a [ __ ] about magic anymore I am going to punch her in the face oh yes what is that plus Oh your dexterity modifier and your proficiency eighteen that's a hit I need you to be tell me so it's what what's your strength modifier - so you punch up what are you [ __ ] insane I yes I'm [ __ ] insane hmm you make me [ __ ] insane put this on your way - yes great so let's um you guys get to the library you sneak in you stole the darkness up you put the book in there you guys see that as you put the book back iodine floats up in the air about a foot and is surrounded by motes of silvery I'm not doing this this isn't me and you see that in an image of a spectral elven woman with flowing hair looks and says kisses you on the forehead it says dies I died in a shipwreck brutal yay what you didn't see it coming I did I thought there was a shot man took a swing and it ended up a miss you know what I mean I really do sometimes it doesn't work doesn't work out future might of prophecy and the endless strands of fate are in good hands young one and it from real be careful on ships because when should go sideways because let it go it's just no she just lent water breathing so that like if that happened third water breathing yeah but [ __ ] of it I had it in my spell book didn't prepare how did it miss belly dancer parent on a ship yeah I guess it's what we're learning here good night oh ah the ray of Frost scours him he turns back around and says what are you doing back here you work running away terrified oh very mature are just supposed to be some kind of Haifa looting elf I'm a child you're attacking a bunch of children you coward be careful a time he has a taste for the young I have a mental illness and that's fine you see he goes all right let's not turn this into a [ __ ] PSA after-school special [ __ ] my parents suck I didn't have any family they do mm-hmm they just went back to Fallon I think they didn't even tell me my parents were elven [ __ ] - what is up with that I don't know it's a good weird cultural thing I don't so much I'm just boyfriend are you sure yeah okay coach dad here's the students you guys it sounds like you guys solved everything really I see says I don't mean it's in a shitty way but if you ever did want to just come and I could I don't have my spell books here at the cemetery if you ever wanted to just hang out and do magic together that'd be awesome yeah cool do we cool that sounds like a date to me you see saying goes like it goes like whatever it's whatever don't you they're just busting your chops like cool uh I'll see you later as you are well aware an armistice has been reached between phenomenal and the nation of Sighs we would really SuperDuper like if our Oracle came back I mean look I do hate you I do but it's the first day of sophomore year and I really really want to make a better impression than he did last year and I feel like showing up on the first day of school is probably like a step to doing that right right counterpoint the elven Oracle's have long dwelt in the chapel of the stars above the hill of trees and the boughs of friend right yeah and that sounds like really nice but you know my friends are here so okay I get that you're a teenager but do you you hear a knock at the door and a voice outside says either kiddo jawbone now here I uh I got pancakes and I mean the whole deal with pancakes is they kind of you know you gotta get to them in the first five 10 minutes so you're not really getting the full pancake experience ya know I'm so sorry this pancakes waiting for me so like I gotta go bye we can supply you then a little t-shirt that shows a picture of a werewolf like clawing open like the tea you know that night was good graphic - you were a werewolf like and then it just says the speech bubble says caring rules and he hands you a big plate and pushing spectacles up and says yeah I'm so glad you're wearing the tisha I got you you know attitudes around werewolves they're meaner bite you you know there's not been my experience at all except for one time and again very cool how you handle that soup very I would say on the spectrum of how people react when I've bitten them an almost Kirsten with lycanthrope II getting me a job and changing my life forever very far end [Applause]
Channel: Dimension 20 Highlights
Views: 122,298
Rating: 4.9851532 out of 5
Keywords: Dimension 20, Fantasy High, Fabian, Kristen, Fig, Riz, Adaine, Gorgug, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Ally Beardsley, Zac Oyama, Siobhan Thompson, Brian Murphy, Emily Axford, Lou Wilson, Compilation, Prompocalypse, Iconic, Moments, scenes, Brooklynn, wizard, Jawbone, Werewolf, Abernant, Aelwyn, Elf, Zayne, Darkshadow
Id: dhfjnsjduF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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