Ally Beardsley References (Season 1) || Fantasy High || Dimension 20

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[Music] death is a part of life eternal and unforgiving it exists around us in all places for energy can neither be created nor destroyed he [ __ ] do something or not death is an old friend of glass your clerics our priests or anybody here it's a spoon when all you need is a knife this is Alanis Morissette lyrics I know I'm dead let her get on the back the back let her get on the back this has been another use the identify spell may identify spell is the latest pose is almost plug its yeah you hear a voice right behind you say cute you turn around there is a young woman very like strong looking like broad shouldered she's got like like hiking like jean shorts and a shredded up t-shirt like the sleeves cut off it has like love kind of three Wolf Moon shirt on it and a little bit of hair in the middle of her eyebrows and she's got like the side shave and a short flop of hair to one side [Laughter] [Music] I do live right around the corner friends friends um I mean he always hangs around Kraven Croft the cemetery thinking this though I mean I know he's a Michael Cera talking to Michael Cera that makes sense Mike it might kind of make it sense here but I'm reading so much about the Crusades and it feels like all the people who believed the halo just like they killed a bunch of people I heard a thing where they took they all had coats that they loved the indigenous people and they burned all the coats like after they had already won they just they just piled the coats and they lit them on fire and they were like these were ugly anyway it was like a straight quote so here's the thing soul right is the god of the Sun mm-hmm and Sun gives life to everything but it also burns okay I have a question and do you know what songs he likes to listen to since he's walking around and he's singing along with his Walkman it involved a lot of him making two fists and rotating them around each other clockwise and then kind of like at this Bank EDM yes dance music have used right so like things that would have more clues about that or can we should we text the crystal one more time and see if we hear like a sound yes like another question um tomorrow night jazzy question mark jazzy jeff uh you text it and oh you know what's funny about live your life is my whole life I've been living for the afterlife and everything's been a promise for the afterlife and I don't think that's even coming and you know what I might be in love with a woman and that's crazy no well I don't know my parents my parents are gonna send me away to where I pray the gay away do you know how crazy that is so here's the good news is that there's all this corn stuff going on in your parents my crazy deep in Reddit and there are a couple tips for a corn what worked long days so that we might come here and see what it's gate yeah we skate but ya know what not so I just had you were really cool yeah we're just fellow lovers of speeding like fans thinking about starting a street wear company and we wanted like real people to model for it it's a really big leap but I'm right there with ya yep sign you Jesus you guys I'm not gonna mix words okay there's no God I think there's no devil it's gonna go we've seen spy talk to one know holy gods and devils everything is random and not the good random like you go to Vegas and you're excited because it's random weird random like oh that was my brother and he was just smashed by a hound what did you smack this flying rage really three feet above the ground just scream what do you say as you're holding this book of a comparative world religion sometimes it's sad to have more questions than answers but explode the dust really Ricky Martin is the only thing I've believed in maybe a real religion is done yes that is going to be Gorga well credible are you back at fault I know I'm at 47 the power of whatever fills your body as you're wound every we all believed in the corn god that's a little owl bear that's a literal owl bear the school mascot in terrifying and then one of them had a suggestion yes we're gonna make an opposed check as this arrow and it'll goes for the fire elemental why have you forsaken me but we have the flames let's stick together are you singing sister move it down and Christmas you the more good call your parents I'm gonna go find our God calls us parent cool see Gorgo takes out his phone Gorga now has little crow's feet at the edge of his eyes and a streak of white in the front of his hair you look really cool I feel open the door they just run down the hallway shooting wildly in the air somewhere that I can like you guys here you guys here down the end of the hallway a little bit little donkey you guys hear the end of the hall go invisible and check out the gym it only lost her a minute and then I can't use it again okay I'm calling an uber unit go looking as much soon as you can't jump in the over with me come to my house yeah okay adolfo will be here in two minutes in a Honda Civic all right guys here's one of those minutes go hop in I'm so sorry she was gonna be right here okay it's okay because you're you're not doing a share so it's just you know there's just always gonna go oh yeah my whole family's on fire oh they're being attacked and killed his car begins to fly through the air I actually am waiting to sign up for Plus because I should be able to you should if the car is nice enough this is great for sure do you help fighting yeah yeah would you mind giving me five stars yeah and I'm gonna give you a little gem they have that now I can get my gem and then I say great car cool tunes awesome love it okay a little bit of lipstick okay I'm nine you take you have a whole time you need all right yeah we we can save your friends remember Kristin the greatest magic of all remember is friendship what the [ __ ] is wrong greatest the Chris winter a true friendship 16 you guys see Kristen is it this philosopher still or is it something new now there's a bunch of yes yes yes sure they're annoyed and we bond over you see that a bunch of the Fosters appear in a little book that says fifteen best philosophy quotes you've never heard you see I wanted to talk to you about that tracker I you know I started out believing in God Helio and you know I obviously I don't think that's true and then we landed on this religion where we're worshipping a giant yes in the sky but it just looks like a BuzzFeed sticker but she is still incapacitated so you see yeah ocular egos I promise I'm funny haha and she can't go prone so I think she just rotates like like a screensaver [Music]
Channel: Dimension 20 Highlights
Views: 115,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dimension 20, Fantasy High, Fabian, Kristen, Fig, Riz, Adaine, Gorgug, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Ally Beardsley, Zac Oyama, Siobhan Thompson, Brian Murphy, Emily Axford, Lou Wilson, alena morissette, The Game, Instagram, cameron esposito, friends, michael cera, zoot suit riots, edm, jazzy jeff, Reddit, ricky martin, streetwear, Las Vegas, Anime, roomba, Ice Age, Dunkirk, system of a down, jerry blank, disneyland, pirates of the caribbean, uber, buzzfeed, Compilation
Id: eGdOoDWjmM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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