The Sisterly Showdown (Ep. 12) | Fantasy High

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you absolutely get the sense that coach daybreak was the brains of the operation as far as the harvester your lives at egg fort completely changed the seniors all stop making fun of you I also got a job offer here in town you should definitely take the job here what is it kocha a port how'd you know a beautiful elven young woman walks in palsy is getting started BAM oh I love you you are an added sister are you what happened yes a spell is cast goodbye ostentatious I'll break it sure ostentatious sucking the power sets you [Music] welcome back to fantasy hi my name is Brenda Lee mulligan these are our intrepid heroes say hi intrepid heroes still doing it and we still love it guys last we left off we were at old six nine four two zero spell jammer laying a party leg sick I didn't get that at first for the doodle helium's the team of the who told : you should be okay nots this sports party has some unlikely sports goers but a group of egg fort cheerleaders have showed up along with a Linda Burnett we have rolled initiative ribs you are the first to act huh let me know what it is you would like to do this what what you can see that iodine and Riz are on the second-story looking in at Elwin who is in a hole has just pocketed the palimpsest with ostentation Wollaston silence cool I am going to roll on in and I'm gonna try to get does she get an opportunity attack if I like go past her over here if you leave her threatened range yes she just gets like a melee attack that's great she's a wizard sure take your swing does a 15 hit sure does she slices you for eight points of damage cool that's more than I would have liked as you rush out thinking like okay here's this like party you see that Wow a silver Mercury like liquid dagger appears in her hand and she watches you across the cheek as you run so I run over oh you guys are in the second-story bedroom so I run over to try to get out of the same spell ranges a dine and then I'm gonna use my oh yeah oh oh goes back as far back as I can cool by this bed and then I'm gonna use my inquisitive or my insightful fighting to try to get a read on earth so a real deception correct yep you got a beat a user's be tonight oh sweet I have a plus 8 so and I got an at once oh I got a 9 now one's an automatic failure here's the problem element a brunette is alive with arcane energy and a confidence that makes you feel truly uncomfortable to the core of your being cool then I have to just shoot her 20 to hit 20 is going to hit go ahead and roll damage cool oh my god five damage you deal five points of damage yep you see that you draw your gun as it goes right for her head a circling miasma of runic patterns goes in front of it you notice that your bullet does crack the runic patterns appears to damage them okay she's got like she's got some temp HP or something that is now going to be a lens turn I would like to cost dispel magic on my sister I know you want to but it's a luhan's turn sound very similar and that's my parents fault I can't imagine having a sister your sibling of course not I don't know I think just like sisters do like cute things like fix each other's hair and I think that's not true I mean I guess I died my sisters have pink does that counts kind of cool I don't mean sexually confused I just think there would just have been more femininity in my life growing up 13 points of fire damage as attack spell or is it a rain is an attack spell okay so I'm gonna use on Kenny dodge take off okay cool uh she whips around oh uh you are fire bolted 4x13 so that would be six points of damage and Aylwin vanishes what thank you gorgs turn uh you're just like playing her drums out here you hear an explosion from upstairs okay well you were a gunshot and then an explosion kind of make it an insight check or percent yeah check make it inside check it go for it that one is gonna be one you're not proud you've been struggling with this for so long that momentarily it occurs to you that there's a possibility however slim that you are your own go back in time I think if you need to be you may hold your action if you'd like or you can just say that Gorgon loses this action I mean I'll be ready to attack if anything like charge is that you yeah I feel weird so that's cool you guys see Fabian you hear a noise behind you as you see one of the cheerleaders strides out and goes where are you going you suddenly all six of you feel one of the beer pong balls freezes in midair you see that the dog going for the hamburgers over on the grill freezes with its mouth just on them all of you are still moving and the cheerleaders are moving you see everything else has frozen in time Meaghan Arcana check for me by the way all of us 15 ah you saw your sister take a silvery pocket watch out of her pants as she teleport other way that is Fabian this elemental comes running out at you I'm going to need you to make a looking for your friend you see she says what tell me more about that to attack Oh what's your arm class 19 I don't know how to describe what just happened I just rolled two natural ones at the same time I've been four ones this fight all right haven't even gone yet the odds my two natural ones occurring on the same roll with two dice is truly astounding you do not have to make a saving throw against whatever this thing's ability is the true leader Mullah and erupts into this like shadowy night time vortex whirlwind you see that this cheerleader who's sort of swimming in the pool going what oh hi my name is River tell me worry about that rushes out of the pool for gorg ugh you can go ahead and take a swing okay okay that's 16 16 hits oh yeah good thing my great axe is oiled with some sort of magic so that is a t12 plus I'm not raging unfortunately so that's only seven points of damage uh I don't get to take my other attacks right no just the one can't go into a rage as I attack so that would be two plus so that's nine instead I cool nine damage you see your axe glows and the tin flower on your leather holster glows bright and you just hear a voice saying like when you get mad it's okay to stick up for you [Music] this water elemental take some swings at you hits two times and deals first eight points of damage have two four and then 11 points of damage have two five so it's so but this type of damages have this type of damage is head it's just whacking you a huge watery fists cheerleader is still like has this like face this like smiling and happy but her limbs can grotesque and like giant whirlpools of water her legs become this torrent of raging just mud and grass and things swept up into the whirlpool of her body you see but that is not going to be Kristin that's your turn you're making out cheerleader and you can see as the time thing stops you see that your cheerleader starts to become like Rocky and earthen as you make out with her okay I say how did you come out to your parents Kristen loses reaction uh what do you mean do you want to like get you want to do something right now cuz this thing is like rearing back to hit you oh yeah definitely I am going to graça Kaka who's around me it's just me in that room right oh yeah you're yeah we're about here where oh yeah you can't see any of us yeah cool Oh Casper Guardians Joe hell yeah make sure that cars ready and reminding me it's on there turn right but it does stuff yeah cool so just be sure to remind me about that keep uh keep me honest cool great kristin cast spirit guardians and then can i okay yeah i would like to get to kind of like a central location can i like get to like the stairs or something sure you can run out here you see that there's an elemental in your way out here itseif a be on the other side oh maybe I'll go through those stairs like the outside so the others just to be on the porch if people need to run by me jump okay cool yeah you see an elemental attacking gorga out on the lawn as this weird look you see that like a couple little drops of like a light drizzle or like falling about that fast as you guys fight these guys go this one moves over here and it's going to take some swings at Gore GOG that's gonna hit both times team 14 yeah it's gonna hit both times you take first 16 damage Habs to 8 and then 12 damage had to 6 so 8 and 6 damage oh I made a mistake on this spirit Guardians I'm supposed to claim who in my sight it doesn't affect is that cool that's totally cool yeah cool you sure obviously I'll do like fig and yes taking some hits that's going to now be fig okay I would like to cast fear on these two girls I'm the two cheerleaders cheerleading elementals Joe uh did you with some savings her for that what's the DCN that wisdom saving 3:16 damn you see that you your infernal your eyes I have a fire they both go what you're weird and start to flee from you and then I turn around at a little party conspiration this fire elemental comes charging for Kristen what's your honor class Kristen 18 that's one hit you take four you take seven points of fire damage you also catch on fire as this cheerleader the cheerleader has to do with time saving throw first rat Lisa uh wisdom saving throw fails that wisdom saving 3d a radiant damage cool three of these yep dope sixteen sixteen points of damage awesome I have a question they my Ange my Guardians show up as angelic PHA or fiendish depending on who I am and I don't know who I am so what did they look like um you see that a group of phantasmal academic religious authors you see there's sort of an older bearded dwarven guy and there's like a sort of fashionable eccentric looking older elven woman and they've oh you're like little tweed patches it seems it's quest for freedom that we are condemned to the tonally search this goes through this elementals head it's just the questions not the answers that's mixed in Carroll that elemental looks badly hurt this is insanely another fire being roars out from the kitchen attacks Fabian what is your armor class my good man 1919 that's going to hit only one time you take 12 points of fire damage and also catch on fire do you guys want to like shout anything in Elvis Elvis or anything like that I mean they're huge oh they all speak elvish that's now going wrong for your time maybe and that's your turn you take an additional two points of fire damage okay maybe telling us that she disappears yeah maybe just alert I so I'm on fire a holy on fire is there a way to put can I go I can help you but I I don't know I guess like can I run and I run and jump in the pool you may absolutely Rob great that's my plan I I think my first thought is that I summon the hangman because Iowan is clearly in trouble and we have to do something to impress her but my second thought is that I need to put myself out you need to put yourself out yes go for it you got to put yourself out you call the hangman you hear in your mind the hangman say lost I know the good knowledge movement right yeah one two three four five six ah so unfortunate if you wanted to have to pull this turn you're gonna have to let that elemental get a swing on you I'll tell you this way and that fire elemental as well just to my mind let's treat it as a disengage then I won't get in the pool this turn okay cool you fully disengage you get out of there that's going to be iodine's turn can I do an arc on a check to see what spell it was that like just to use to get the [ __ ] out of there absolutely maybe concentrate 14:14 is gonna do a 10-plus spell level she used a spell called misty step which is only a 30-foot teleportation she's not far though yeah hmm okay we're up by a window right we are by a window I would like to cost blink so when I at the end of each 10 I roll and if I hit an 11 or higher I blink into the ethereal plane until my next turn awesome dope as hell great so I I i tell rizz she's teleporting she could turn up back anywhere in this room you should hide she got when she's teleporting can she see what's going on in the room the spell that you know she just cast is an emergency bailout it's not a powerful teleportation it's a quick get me thirty feet away from here and it can't go farther than thirty feet and it's not something she can do forever I think we gotta find her yeah we got a fine temp she's running cool that's as much competition as you guys can do right now a dying casts blink and you begin to pierce through the veils of multi-dimensional reality good school work this year on your spell-casting 15 add-ons vanishes you are standing in a strange gauzy glassy misty version of this in the ethereal plane the house is permeable the walls and floors and ceilings are all permeable to you and you can see vague outlines of creatures but there's no obvious of your sister here she can go up or down teleport can go in any direction okay um so I I'm just gonna spend my entire time between my descent in the next end like checking on this floor and the floor below me to see what's going on okay so you're basically going yeah uh 21 you eagle eye looking for some trace the zero plane is full of runes moving around people with wisp magical things you are scanning looking for the matrix of aerial blaming where are you where are you where are you we move now to the last of the elementals to go earth elemental comes out to Kristin takes two swings at you hits you for seven points of damage goes waste done saving throw for that one yeah that just attacked slime cheerleader comes around the side doing a double move action wisdom saving throw not successful oh yeah it's seven to two all right 1111 damage yeah and I'm gonna fired like in a bad way it does at the beginning of your turn looks see one of another professor says well we think therefore you clocks the earth elemental you feel strangely comforted by these ghostly philosophers sir Edwin that is now going to be back to R is cool in let me look out the window and can I do a perception check to see if I can see anyone yes which window do you wanna look at the one right there go for it I know Alvin's right down there cast a spell dude wait what huh you look out the windows literally outside Elwyn is down on the patio cast a spell I'm gonna jump out the window with my rapier out and just try to stab her in the head go for it I guess I'll try to do my insightful fighting oh yeah go for it okay I'm gonna look down on her I get a read on her that's gonna be a 24 that succeeds okay just a attack do I get advantage when I jump on somebody fire thing I think we already have advantage from the insightful right yeah I'm just hoping to hit see cuz that's not gonna do it twelve twelve does not hit but you roll do you roll advantage for insight or just did your sneak attack it just gives me my sneak attack but I thought by I'll say you get advantage from the jump thanks for humoring me sweets 21 that'll do it your sisters out here I don't know where you went on wizards are tricky 8 12 16 20 damaged and I'm also gonna do fury of the small to do another 626 damage 20 you scratched through her runic worn and slice across her arm ah freak weirdo you and you are now down here go ahead actually in make an acrobatics check what was a DC 15 not to take any falling dude yeah that was pretty careless huh oh wait wait oh no fourteen you going to take six points of damage from falling great use wound Elwin terribly and she vanishes bad line you see Elwin appear on the ethereal plane oh you oh hell are you so bad and you're gonna be grounded forever oh no if I kill you your friends first I'm gonna kill you so bad I wanted to do this my entire life you're not going to get to the sad ending to a sad chapter in a fairy it's gonna be Gorgan can I get an insight check but tell you about specifically what I'm trying to figure out does that help at all or no uh yeah you make an insight check into something we're trying to figure out I'm trying to figure out if I can use the elementals against each other [Music] 18:19 doesn't seem so okay they appear to be working together I should i reefer it like like literally make the water hit like if I force them into each other uh if you tried to shove you might be able to do some damage you're not sure if it would be as good as your magical axe but you might be able to do some interesting stuff especially if you could make it like really impactful you know what I mean like find some way to make it really impact all right well I'm for now I'm just going to attack the one that already attacked me which is the wind one right ah I mean the the one that already heard you're talking the one that you already heard gotcha you're going for the water elemental go for it make a second alright here we go ooh I'm gonna roll my Bartok inspiration five plus eight 1313 messes okay can I take a second my second no time yeah we can take your full attack now right you're telling that uh-huh ooh 20 but not now that'll do it okay sixteen sixteen damage yeah uh hell yeah and then I'll do my friends the on top of that go who are you doing it's in the tornado looking one I think who that's not gonna hit that's just it 1212 misses that's going to be they're frightened yes there disappears into the pool makes another saving throw on the end of its turn cool that's going to be on this shadow thing races out here if it moves through it yes it happens it's gonna fit yeah cool it's gonna make a wisdom standings row fail let's go ahead and all your damage yeah fifteen fifteen damage god damn yeah you know you're like such a bottlenecks but yeah you see another person says there's no this is sort of like monk with like holy wrappings around their hands and forearms that says always striving never arriving perfection is a direction not a destination [Music] and this shadow takes a crack across the jaw you're weird [Laughter] [Music] that's now going to be that was the shadow the water right away Kristin on the end of your turn you take two points of fire damage all right great where's rizz you know you haven't see you up no idea where is Nana see you guys out in the backyard see the four of you no clue what's going on with Elwyn no clue yeah I've been shouting I don't know why I can hear me I know the goblin war cries I jumped out of the window yeah I'll run into the pool if I can get there to get on on fire hmm cool you want to run a jump to the pool yeah I mean while passing do I hit them or it's only on their turn if they pass me I think it's when they entered the first time yeah and then on their turn so these guys have all already that one is gonna get a swing on you though okay eighteen that's a hit and you take 13 points of tip you do jump into the pool you hit the water and you splash the water splashes and then freezes in midair as you like push through it you fully doused the flames uh wait the water's frozen now because there's like a time stop thing oh I see I see so you're able to move it and douse yourself but the farther the water gets from you it begins to freeze back again meaning you can interact with objects here but they slow as soon as they leave from your kind of ability to not have to be stuck in this weird time thing can I ask which one attacked Kristin which one attacked Kristin yeah that's going to be Oh this shadow air elemental part of cental Sentinel the Sentinel feet is that anyone who accent a person a creature within 5 feet of me I get an attack on them you absolutely get an attack yeah that'll be 24 so 9 9 damage rapier flashes out as this thing dares to hurt one of your friends and you injure this thing tell me more about that and then I'm gonna use my like move to heal what was that one where I can heal multiple people mass healing word I'm just gonna do a small heal on myself cuz no one's really worried right I'm in the boonies you take care ok yeah and that is a what d4 with my spell casting modifier that's a - my spell casting one fire is five I think that's so cool and then number two add your disciple place yeah which is another - yes spells Bell level it's a 4/4 okay 11 okay this whirling tornado that was just dominating at beer pong flies up into the sky uh still scurred this creature is going to all the way down the stairs and makes it to out here lands beside fig and it's going to take it out on fig what's Gracie fig takes 12 and then 11 damage you've already used your reaction here it is we're learning first first time with the feed cuts is that the best you got but I'm clenching my you isn't read these elemental cheerleaders are no joke some magic sort of moves between them and you see one goes growl egg for owl bears destroy yummy school next person to go okay um okay I do like it um no I just want to try I'm gonna cast the suggestion on the girl who just hit me I would like to cast suggestion go for it ah so yeah I hit a sweet bass guitar chord that seduces the mind of this hot elemental uh what's your suggestion I'm gonna tell her to throw the fire elemental into the pool you're cute whips around to look at the fire elemental do you want to use your movement are you good um oh so now her attention is an army not on you then I'm also gonna jump behind my boy gorg ugh and while while I'm jumping behind gorg ugh I'm giving him another wig oh that is now going to be fire elementals goes here I was gonna take it out on baby in nineteen armor class correct mm-hmm you go ahead and take thirteen points of damage fire damage is the thing Wallops you you are still ignited other fire elemental C's R is fifteen armor class correct yep and hits you for nine points of fire damage uncanny dodge and you are ignited that's Fabian at the beginning of your return you take an additional six points of fire god okay can I so this water that Kristin like pushed up into the air when she is there away from me - I don't know pull it onto myself without fully getting into the pool are you like worried about messing no you're gonna have to fully get I'm gonna have to get into the pool and that would involve in some way you know I'm gonna stab the shadow elemental cool go for it yeah and those were both hit for ya 20 21 and 24 both hit great 13 and 9 for 13 plus 9 equals 22 you see that you rape your flashes forward and injures this thing but you can tell that your rapier it's like this thing should be magical you're like as it goes out injuring it badly but I like you that's going to be a die it's the Lumiere ethereal plane no you snap out of the beanie okay well I with blink you can only come in within text so you can where I was so I'm going to cost web which is a 20-foot cube where Elwin went into blink okay cool let's figure this out you're here uh you can reappear ten feet in any direction from that point in the house okay and she's down here you know that she's down here as you saw her great I yelled to you this much movement and then I can cost web which is a sixty foot range hell yeah directly down I yell Riz I'm sorry but at least you're fast cuz it's a dexterity saving through okay mm-hmm I think you can just choose to not web me I don't think that rad you cast web I think oh there's the fire elemental right which will set the web on fire I guess I don't do it on the fire elemental so just raise yes and now you she's also not there right now she's yes but when she pops back in she will pop directly into where the weather's okay the web fills a 20-foot cube yes so you're going to put okay so ten feet on either side yes gotcha wild so you cast it here here's the thing there's a window here I'm gonna need you to make in our kana check to try to break through that window I'm gonna use my seventeen roll oh hell yeah that's bad sorry I use my rolls on me but this is personal yeah webs appear strands of arcane energy cover the battlefield that is now going to be slime and would you see gorg ugh this thing does not get an attack using double movement two hits you take ten so then five and then 13 so six five and six damages room is huge Stoney pompom smash into your face oh that's going to be uh back to the top that's R is need you to make a dexterity saving through 15 it's a DC 15 you succeed okay so what that means I'm out of the web you are out of the web cool where's your sister gonna pop up right way you're standing anywhere between 10 feet cool oh boy alright I will then okay just fire guys alright I am going to disengage from the fire elemental can I okay the web is also in this window so I can't climb in this window right you gotta measure the width it was the web's are difficult terrain so it's half movement you're not restrained by them okay then in that case I'm just going to disengage as my bonus section with my goblin ability um and I'm just gonna move into the hallway sure one two three four five six okay and I'm trying to figure out you know what I'm gonna take I'm just gonna take a dash action I'm gonna take a double movement because I'm pretty banged up and I'm just gonna try to get like over over there kind of kind of out of one two three four five six cool so you make it out here ma'am rad that is now going to be alphas turn oh wait I didn't roll to see whether I go back into the ethereal planner oh yeah go for 1017 I do cool no one appears here in the living room immediately stuck in webs let's see what Garrity save is you here from downstairs oh and we can all hear that right yes I put my head and fingers through the ceiling in this she can't see it but I'm watching taking my things just such a piece you're so annoying end of her round she rolls it appears back in the ethereal plane with you well at least when your web gets burned up by my elemental I won't be a little feeling [Music] about that the first time you okay those guys are just right in front of me huh okay I just to humor myself I'm going to try to slam the rock one into the poison one it's not acid though that's a different thing than poison um it it's flying it's like a slime thing this fire one is looking pretty arias oh well I've got I said someone alright okay I'm just going to try to like I'm just gonna smack the rock one in front of me cool go for it right and like down below so I can grab little own at 20 go ahead fully 3d 12 minutes yes I need one okay 12 I would be honored to give my d12 so that is nine eight three so that's seven to 20 plus 7 27 for this for the first attack yeah and then I have two more attacks said crit guarantee 312 that's two of the three times I've ever done that so 23 plus seven thirty thirty uh you guys watch gorg ugh lose it harder than he's ever lost it something about whatever the whatever word of I'm not my own father that elemental scatters into rock and rubble in front of Gorgons Zak you almost use your turn to push them into each other shadows coming at you again I'm going to make a wisdom saving throw for me Oh three the shadow it's going to take some swings at you it's going to deal first eight and then eleven points of damage Oh AC goes don't you ever wonder if like you know that you're never gonna be as good as your dad because you started further than he was and you feel a fear grip the inside of your heart and make you want nothing more than to run screaming from this place that's going to be Kristin okay I'm going to run out of the pool into kind of like trying to get to that part of the porch so that I can look in through that window and see what's going on inside rat awesome you hop up from here you get to the window you look inside you don't see Elwin in here so you just see a bunch of webs at the moment just okay yelling yeah yes I could use a heal if you got anything okay 22 you're can I see you right here oh great yeah then I'm gonna do like a mass heal oh I threw some heal you let you see pure wound three so then I'm gonna cast mass healing word and I think unfortunately that's just a D four plus five for everyone I think it's plus nine because of your disciple of life ability right oh yes you're right yeah spell level plus two its but level plus two is healing word is the second spell master yes everywhere it's a third so that's five and five so it's actually plus 10 so it's 1 d 4 plus 10 okay and then you're blessed healer also gives you some extra cool yeah so one d 4 - okay so - everyone gets 12 so basically it's everybody but yeah ok cool and then that gave me yeah I think it's just 2 times spell level right yeah so so another 6 awesome and then that was a bonus action so does that mean I can still do something else you can do something else you can't cast a spell yeah okay I'm gonna hide behind that chair but be like peeking into the living room to see if I could figure out what's going on so you take a hide action but your dexterity is very bad you could also take a dodge action which would get people disadvantaged to try to hit you I'll do that yeah and are my like Guardians hitting anyone or they now they're just like swarming in this area right as you move now that you're back out of the pool these two can be affected when you were here you were too far away to everybody now these two are affected again at the beginning of their turn okay so make sure to hit me up in remind me if I start moving them sounds good awesome that was Kristin's turn now it's our air elementals and these ones that are running away I've been rolling saves for every turn and they're not doing great yeah that are here I really there's two more and then one of them had a suggestion yes we're gonna make an opposed check as this air little goes for the fire elementals wild okay you see that the air elemental rushes to shove and is rebuffed suggestion lasts for a minute cool yeah so I think she's got to keep trying if she rolls every round on a failed save it pursue it pursues the course of action you describe to the best of its ability the suggested of course of action can continue for the entire duration you can also specify that it doesn't say anything about no more oh but if you were any of your companions damage the target the spell and oh I think any of its turn spirit Guardians effects it go ahead saved it's a wisdom save right yeah it fails so it takes damage to the spell yeah yeah 14 no that's fine you see that another philosopher comes up and says other philosopher rushes up to me and says from each according to their ability to each according to their need economic philosophy in there why not that's no that's now going to be fake that's or true okay so I've been sent I like my last turn I had moved into this window did I see her blink in and blink out but did you see her blink in and blink out yeah Oh CT sauce she did come in and yell Oh 18 plus 220 oh yes you think she's like phasing in and out okay I would like to ready an action for when she comes when I see her next Jo writing in action cool so I'm gonna ready like I can ready a spell right I can cast a spell that's what I was yeah um where where are you going to because she might appear behind a wall from you Oh I'm just looking in the window oh cool you ready an action is it open is it an open window can I climb in the window it's not an open window okay so I'm just uh I'm coming on that edge yeah okay look in yeah you know what maybe I'll climb yeah I'll just climb as close as I can cool though and then uh and then I'll all we get gorg no you already have it well we get Kirsten Appleby's who is the OL until I kissed me just it was the rock making out or did you yeah cuz you obliterate my one crush I've ever had no shoes I'm a very private person I've never crashed um that's going to be um the fire elementals oddest thing burns up all the webbing into this room sees fig she's outside but it's gonna smash the windows what's your AC you take oh I have resistance to fire damage you take first five fire damage so two and then you take four so two I say sister why would you hurt me what your weird V you were also ignited you're on fire isn't that good that does nicely made me more powerful so metal pretty metal but your fire take some swings at baby and it's going to hit only one of those times for nine points of fire damage cool arjan Marvel can't be more on fire I hope no can't be more on fire good your next turn you take another nine points of fire great however you do here eight [Music] right here well luckily I'm absolutely terrified and don't want to be here at all so I would like to disengage and get on the hangman and dry I'd get away from here Fabian a still on fire leaps on the hangman and tears off flames streaking into the night coming off of his coat and you are gone baby it's do another save as soon as he's out of sight he gets another set go ahead and make a saving throw right now great can I also second wind yes my good friend so saving throw is 15 succeeds great and second wind is just like second wind is we're I'm six level six so then plus 13 that is Fabian's turn uh iodine that is going to be you you flip out of the can I actually so can I do an insight check in to where I think she will pop back out give me an insight I'll oppose it with her deception great you need to beat a five I don't know I did I rolled for uh do you think she's so mad does that web that she's coming for you are you upstairs I'm upstairs but you couldn't ten feet is up as well as you can great so I would like to come over here and you can also you can moot user movement too as you pop back out can I so when you ready in action could I've readied an action for when she appears again that's what I was doing yeah but of course the property tray in action is maybe the thing that you made an action for doesn't have can I hide and ready in action no icon right uh you cannot hide and remove already in action okay um I'll move and ready in action dump where you moved to come down to us I'm not I'm gonna kill like this where is your sister she's gonna come and get me can I be like right here in the doorway yeah you want to get some cover from the doorway yeah because I have spell sniper so I can do my spells with half cover oh and I'm assuming that she doesn't know how's that she does know she's a stupid little Oh what what do you would actually ready I would like to cost dispel magic as soon as she arrives back here that is going to be slime and mud muds dead slimes come in for gorga slime takes spirit Guardians it does that's right go ahead it's wisdom safe fails it save go ahead and okay let's see what's that 1313 this thing comes for you gorg ugh I'm going to need you to make a DC 15 strength saving throw oh and I have advantage strength checks right yeah you do have advantage oh yes thank you case 18 hell yeah plus uh whatever my strength good um you still take five points that acid damage which is not halved so you see that this there goes what let's get out of here and just surrounds you any whirlpool of acids time an attempt to drown you and I to the ground but you managed to get an arm down and keep yourself up from being pulled into the earth that is going to be the slimes turn R is that's you man I'm gonna try to climb up and get I'm gonna try to climb up and get in the window so I can be on the second floor you could try to climb to get the second floor go ahead and give me an extra twenty two hell yeah you jump in you get up through here to the second floor you're out right behind a die dope I am going to ready in action for when a one appears to shooter yeah well tops out cool she appears womb go ahead and you're ready to action is a disspell yes anything fed level or below ends on the target ends and for each spell of higher on the target and make an ability check which is d c---ten plus the spells level so you have to make an ability check d c---ten plus the spells little she has one spell on her which is a fourth level so it's a raw intelligence checkers flying 2p no 14 great [Applause] [Music] no didn't do it oh uh you woo bring to spell down her and hopefully the blink is gone is gone uh can I shoot her you can't shoot her sweet I think my inquisitive or my insightful fighting stays for like several minutes or until I pick another target cool so I think I still get her as long as I had 14 14 does not do we gonna get blasted a time I don't give a kill her and if she kills me so be it she will be in so much trouble oh god I'm going to need each of you to constitution oh my god so many oh my god eighteen three eighteen is successful three and 18 Riz you take 36 points of damage a dine you take with 18 points of damage you get anything from cover as well cover does not affect this you see that l1 appears to rob the blink from her and an eruption of icy energy blasts forth from her hands Riz is fully taken out a dime you managed to throw up a shield at the last possible second to defend yourself from the blast that is going to end she doesn't roll for blank cuz that's done that is going to be gorg okay wait hang on a second I didn't I end my turn off to dispel magic uh-oh you would have had to voluntarily stay here and not go to the ethereal oh okay that make sense yeah cool yes that's fine just checking for sure for sure that would be a neat trick but that's not how that works um that's going to be gorg I want to grab Can I grab hmmm okay I want to grab Kristin and try to jump to this window oh is that sure there will be mean this one too where they are like booster I want to somehow if possible get both of us in there um go ahead and make I'm gonna say JC 15 gets Kristen in the window and you hanging from it DC 20 gets you both there okay I'm gonna take inspiration oh yeah all right so I have an advantage as well yes your favorite song so DC 20 gets us in there okay I'm gonna save that because at 25 yeah Christine you're standing there with you're surrounded by these kung-fu philosopher ghosts oh yes very good a point well argued yes one for reason and you grab Kristin Gorga jumps 15 feet straight in the air smash the window you were both up here oh yeah bam bam I'm gonna say that's your action and the movement to get there or rather you have an action left but you're not in where you could like throw a hand axe maybe can I take the discharge effect magic or no it does if it's an attack dodge you can do a Dodge okay I just wanna take a dodge action and say what is happening I'm going to kill my sister how did she stop time oh she had the cloth she's a wash that's going to be shadow looks around at where anyone could possibly be and it's going to rush up here smash three into this cluster it's going to go for uh Kristen does it get hit by your oh it does get going it rolls wisdom Hales these guys are not wise oh yeah 16:19 ooh ah you you see that another philosopher jumps up and says of the many virtues there are none is greater than love rips their chests open and their heart shoots out like an organ shadow elemental wheels from that it's looking it's still gonna take some swings at you do see 18 DC 18 misses both times yes that's going to be bum Kristin that's your turn great um I do really want to revive you but I also have hold person that I can cast on your sister which is more important as hold person also rizz is not dead really die yeah you can't just healing would bring Rigsby back in the fight if you heal me oh really yeah oh you're not in like oh you're like dead oh then hell yeah ok cool cuz I can do that as a bonus action or not if I cast can't cast two spells but you could uh can smack that guy yeah if you you could just take a swing with your staff instead of holding her sister to like over there you can you can heal him and and literally attack this yeah yeah yeah I was just saying since all of her spells are so insanely strong she just did 30 damaged improbably so she's passed my eye and she doesn't even get held yeah yeah true okay cool and also if I I'm gonna I can do like 25 damage but okay cool I'm gonna do a care wound so I need two more D AIDS if you guys have um dope I'm going to do a third level cure wounds on RIS sweet oh I had this whole time well they were lucky cool okay so that's seventeen but then I also have this extra healing stuff so seventeen plus the level of this five so it's 20 to 25 I think it's whatever your role +10 okay cool yeah so then that's 27 so you also healed six hit points cuz a blessed and you very good thank you you're gonna hit that guy I think use that's an action a that's an action that's a great cuz healing word is not nearly as good as cure wounds I healed seven you say uh six you automatically heal six for this hair thing okay also I think that shadow guy might dine is next to her first appeared gardens yeah um then you see that the air thing that you can't suggestion on rolls up behind you as you're peering through the fire he goes um can I talk to you for a minute I'm gonna need you to make a dexterity saving throw baby or is that too bad I'm sorry a strength saving throw straight string yeah boom six hmm so I think what no damage actually heal from it you take mm-hmm you take twenty damage okay when you fall and take an additional 424 okay still standing you see that that cheerleader turns into a whirlwind all of you standing up here fighting Aylwin see Fig pop up into the second-story window and fall back down okay we know that window to throw christen up the window and fig beginning of your turn you take additional to fire damage a strong virile six it is your turn you are on fire and just got your ass popped in the air but it's for NATO okay I'm going to try to catch suggestion on this tornado again okay be like actually can I talk to you it goes yeah you're cute um I really need you to steal L winds little timepiece you see that guy because oh my god Oh what you're cute tell me more about that ah you see that yeah it looks like the spell has worked movement yeah I wanted to try to climb the wall a dc-15a let Excel is the Hail Mary watch big Papa slam theta and a moment later a literally burning fig close up folks herself into the second-story window Elwyn like literally out behind her just like because I'm ugh uh uh no you you've used your action your movie star you pull something through the window fire goes roars up behind thing that's gonna be this thing roars up the stairs at the top of the staircase near where Kristen is we are making the most out of this house gang this thing takes some swings and fig no no that's what it will ditch we have the flames let's stick together are you singing sister move it down and Kristen you see the fire elemental cheerleader was you these flaming pom-poms you effortlessly dodge both of them um you're cute the fire elemental I am doesn't it get take damage spiritual it does already today have you ever given me honest yeah go for it it rolls fails it's saving throw go internal damage 12 ask not what your note that's not a philosophy yeah one of them rolls up and says the unexamined life is about to end for you Wow that's now going to be Fabian so I'm out on the street it's gonna having like regained my still on fire am I still on fire oh you are so far you take not that's not put the fire amazingly being fully engulfed in flame and driving as fast as you can does not but you see that the hangman is like yes master I love this this look is us this is our thing now you take another six points again what's that hose right here just because you can't see I I would say so I know nothing none of what has happened right ah in order to regain my composure like I guess my status I'm going to drive the hangman straight down that central hallway into the back yard where I think everyone is screaming see caster as I fully douse yourself awesome and then realized that there's nobody out here where have you been I almost died figs almost dead he's fine most of the elementals are still alive scared I did not run scared I was not scared I mean the Hagman had some business well do you wanna see an action mister that's your movement oh gosh uh poolside crossbow I really yeah well what can I see of what like what can I see of the second floor you see these two elementals right here you see you see big being attacked in the second storey by that fire elemental I guess I'll cross for the apartment I'll take a shot at the fire elemental window you guess yeah that's a crit for me and come Chris go ahead roll your damage did great is that so that'll be two 2d6 yes great six ten fifteen Jesus Christ fantastic so fifteen on the first a second one probably doesn't hit 12 so does not have so the fire elemental turns to gaze at you awesome turn that's going to be a dine I would like to use mage hand to pull the watch out of her pocket intelligence versus intelligence spell casting attack versus spell casting attack so she's I'll tell you what you have to be you have to be tonight you reach out your hand and you see that your sister reaches up to counterspell and uses your own mage hand to slam your face into the door jamb for six points of damage telekinesis I didn't realize back in grade school I need to know how did she do that um how does she do that counterspell what do I see her doing McGee in architecture 14 it was a user counter spell based on a feat this year but like it she is she sang it with her mouth is she doing like hand motions what is she doing both verbal and somatic okay that's your action slime turns comes after Fabian it's gonna take some swings here something will do is it just other piece just no it's just oh it's like a tax of opportunity I'm gonna go ahead Oh Fabian is gonna go ahead and take 16 points of damage yell yell as you get hit oh my god he's a little he's on the bike so right you may still take actions as the hangman if you great hangman drive upstairs as you go down rizz that's you baby okay I am going to this okay I guess I'm just gonna peek in and I will just take a shot at her uh go for it cool please hit oh yeah that's a 26 that's gonna do it 18 you see that her Ward had partially regenerated you fracture the rest of the ward and graze her cheek ever so slightly with the bullets and then I'd like to use you know we should spread out so we don't all get hit by the same spells and then I'm going to try to where am i I'm down under the shadow guy cool I guess I will just bless you oh he's coming up the stairs - I'm gonna try - I'm gonna try to just move into this bathroom I guess just like move back cool girlfriend hide I'll go ahead with your piece yeah okay okay I probably gets an opportunity attack on me right you took your action - can you dig about its disengage right now uh I can't cuz I'm gonna hide okay yeah gets a swing on you missus okay cool and then I'll try to hide 25 stealth track you are so deep in that toilet I just called you're in you're in the upper deck of the toilet me what am I at I'm at six I pulled that dude that's in there on top of me so you see Elwin vanishes once again but she's gonna throw a fire bolt at Adam Adam what's your AC twelve twelve yeah it's fourteen here she still manages to hit to you for ten hits you for nineteen fired I am down and vanishes that is going to be Gorga hmm trying to decide which one this the one dude is gonna take spiritual guardians damage so you have a choice maybe a guy who's gonna instantly get can I do okay can I do an acrobatic check to see if I can dive through this window at this guy pastel fast so I'll do that you can do acrobatics or athletics oh I'll do a plank for sure sure and I've advantage for that oh yeah ooh 218 are you effortlessly like +7 yeah I told you gonna take an opportunity from that one which hits you for seven for eleven half to five damage now you're gonna make opposed athletics with this fire elemental okay so just roll again yeah you have to beat a a thirteen okay I'm gonna roll Bartek inspiration so that's ten plus seven so yeah okay uh you see Gorgo whoo you're like getting pulled out of the winter with this fire elemental gorg freaks out and a full owl bear tackle with him who's Russia the second-story smash into the beer pong table and destroy I'm sorry Doug Doug playing reference guys house party dude this party is getting wild good yeah this guy I was gonna I'm gonna say go ahead and roll to d6 fire damage to d6 fires Oct 6 falling damage okay I mean he fell on 203 okay and then also I mean he's on you and by the way to take four fire damage from touching the sparkle metal and that's not that's not happening awesome incredible Oh shadow and me go ahead and this is how does he make a save it feels it safe again go ahead roll damage kill em cool 12 do 12 damage you see that I studied philosophy for so many years how am i running out of things flaws you see that one of your sort of philosophy people looks at you and says hey you know asking the questions is the first part second part is killing metals wait elemental fully destroyed hell yes shadow is gone that is now going to be that so that was its turn its turn was dying Kristin it's gonna be you great I'm gonna cure wounds on a dine last as a three a third level spell so then that's 3d 8 plus 10 suite 23 oh yeah right 7 or 6 full baby and then can I do a perception check to see if I know where her sister's gonna appear again so hopefully she'll encounter my yeah go ahead yeah go ahead and make an insight check 19:19 um you think you saw her the moment for she disappeared looking straight up oh ok cool then can I use my movement to get on the roof is that an athletics check out this window Jesus yeah that's gonna be an athletics check out the window that's gonna be a dc-15a --tx which is nothing to 13 uh we don't fail by 5 or more so Kristin brings you back to the brink of death and it's like heroically jumps out the window gets up there and you just see does that thing we're like a leg can't quite come out of can't quite get up to the next level oh you're gonna get move Fawcett no what did you suggest the air elemental to do to steal the pot pocket watch to seal a luhan's pocket watch rad okay but boom you guys see that this thing fly straight up and you hear a scuffling noise that's going to be fixed turn I would like to ready in action to cast a spell like the next time I hear when I hear someone like a parade on to the roof to cast a spell on that you don't have one I decide to it I don't I I need that what can I just look up I want to do shatter oh you just want to shatter up there yeah yeah you could essentially like it where I hear it come from I can make that point shatter okay make a perception check to be able to do it without line-of-sight so DC 15 I got 14 you can use your movie you could make a climb check to get up on the roof I think that I will do that yeah we're a week right yeah what do you add help don't dwell at first I'm gonna look out the window at Fabian and give them a healing word ok dumb for it's not gonna be that much let me see Oh actually I'll do a higher level one I'll give you a helix that means yes it'll make them not die yeah I'll do shoot people from the pool again I'll do a second you know I'll do a third level healing word so it's gonna be two five seven 15 15 and then I'm gonna try to climb onto the roof are you sure oh by the way you take another two points of fire damn Oh actually you know what no instead if I use healing what is this protection from fire I can be once a day from my Ruby it would just give you resistance so I said okay go ahead and get DC 15 here wait so I could take another - are you done - five I'm down to four okay don't go on the roof you don't go on the roof might get permanently killed if they do if she does your remaining hit points and your hit point maximum one hit if she does like 50 damage possibly do if you're negative if you get hit in one shot for negative whatever your hit point maximum is you're dead you don't get to roll same photos so if you go to hit you for like 40 or something I don't know every six she probably couldn't do that much damage but maybe then I'll be up there next so I could heal you if you do wait but if I cast it if I cast it one last thing and then I'll shut up if I guess healing where that's blown Sachs jack is still trying casting you can't rip is there anyone out there okay I'm gonna try to do vicious mockery it is a it would assume it's wisdom because that's usually what this with me gets wisdom this line looks too stupid does not react to this mockery well I still give it my all can't do nothing fire things gonna hit you gorg for another 10 points of fire damage not halved and attempting out of the grapple no that's actually just exactions to attack you that's going to and the other one is up here's gonna take another some swings at Kristen the Guardian feels it's a nice they have not made a single save on this yeah 15 I can't say that enough how much spirit Guardians rules yeah for someone I never attack so just like this running around and doing we keep like climbing the stairs looking for a oh and you're the only one consistently just hitting a philosophy goes goes pissed apology is the study of how we know what we claim to know Wow helpful I write that down that is and then it's gonna take some swings at you hits one-time deals you nine points of fire damage you were also ignited cold baby and you're back baby so I'm currently in a pool on a motorcycle what do you add me yeah I'm at 39 okay and you're wrestling with em so I can see him wrestling with a fire elemental I can see this slime thing in front of me I can see Kristen dangling from the roof yes okay great what to do I guess I guess can I ask the hangman to drive me to the second floor you go ahead and just give me in acrobatics seventeen you Ian rides his motorcycle up the stairs of the two that's now going to be a dine I have no choice but to attempt to climb onto the roof go I do not have the skills for this and yet I have minus two athletics so acrobatics it is can you climb on me to make it easier like can oh yeah can she help me someone else would have to chosen to take the hell back you know I'll go ahead and give you a plus two bonus because of 15 okay maybe one of our spirit Guardians I got a 12 yeah oh yeah I got a 10 plus 2 plus so 1401 away it's all on the shoulders of the tornado slime comes over to help the fire fight morgog rizz that's you baby oh boy okay oh boy okay I'm gonna climb out of the toilet together jump back out your bot ship and character goes to ethereal realms Murph's character goes oh wait I didn't cost blink I didn't know of my four I still have blink I did not blink join my friends out on the side of the roof actually I would like to and tell me if this is some I would like to try to hang on the side and like I I want to try to get up there I would like to try to shoot and then I would try to use a hide action and blank go back down if you can make the acrobatic try to get up there oh wow cool that's a sixteen that makes it cool you pop up there so I'm gonna look with my little goblin eyes look with your little goblin eyes holy hold on you see Elwin with the air elemental [Music] [Applause] finally more seductive suggested risk you jump out there go ahead and do the shot elemental I take a shot at her Kim and print 22 that's a hit oh yeah Oh what did so bad I know 3 to the 1 4 6 7 11 damage oh she looks right at you then I'm gonna try to hide she's gonna try to go up oh go for yet make Hine 16 okay okay a woman looks right at you I'm gonna take a reflex savings from you mean Dexter's right yeah dicksterity savings were you for the beat of 15 okay 21 whoa do you have a vision to know um what is evasion rogue ability I don't think maybe you don't get it yet um oh no I don't get that oh where I would take no damage instead of half damage yes it's isn't it's just a spell attack or is this just an area uh area you take fourteen points of damage as a lightning bolt roughs from her fingers she's gonna use her movement to try to take that stopwatch back doesn't do it oh the elemental has Elmo has rested the stopwatch from hand that is now going to be Gorga that's your turkey am I on fire you are on fire sorry yes so you take another five fire that's not ham right not half so I'm at 34 look I'm gonna I'm gonna not disengage but I want to try to acrobatics up the chimney great swings on you acrobatics up the chimney fire one Critz Jesus and that's gonna be seven seven is 14 plus five 19 points of fire damage to you slime misses so this one you are fully engulfed in flame goody in fire go ahead and make your athletics check I'll say DC 15 gets you half way DC 20 gets you to the top of the roof okay or can I do at let --ax yeah okay I got a 24 core gun leaves from the elemental just pounding your flesh hands into the chimney smashing through brick you are on the roof my man and I couldn't snatch it with this turn still alright you use your movement to get out you took a hit so yeah you can snatch the water trying to snatch the life making opposed athletics you have to beat a 14 I did that to this tornado cheerleader snatch the stopwatch press it press the button time resets all the hewed all kids see this so in other words all the fire and water splashing everything suddenly time resets and so like what they saw it was like let's go fight all happened in less than two seconds of their time oh and you see that all of them saying I say it's a Vic you love rembu and magic starts to appear around all of their hands oh my god that's going to be that's shadow and shadows dead that's going to be Kristen that's return great I climb up onto the roof and get as close to her as I can give me the check DC 15 - it's a 2 which athletics is another so for you take 8 points of falling damage your smashes into the brick patio as you lose your grip yeah okay okay then I am going to sprint and jump on the motorcycle with Fabian if I can do that because he's just going up those stairs yeah so Hugh whoop you run up the stairs Kristin jumps on the back of the hangman okay and then I'm gonna heal Oh 15 yeah yeah okay then I'm gonna do cure wounds but I don't think I have a third slot so I'm gonna have to do it a second you also take sorry I keep forgetting this but you take another two points of fire damage that is going to be oh this is update healing Oh go for yeah it's let's see that's 13 plus 10 is I know I wanted to fly out there thanks for letting me ride with you who were those hit points maybe and you were healed by Kristin on the back of the bike thank you no worries dog gorg ugh you are dealt 9 so then 4 and then 13 so 6 damage so 10 damage overall okay you have four yeah but I got dub in the last time um that's gonna be fig okay um can I lean out the window and try and get line of sight on the roof no way okay can I do another perception I just want to cast shatter on where I make her where she's standing give me a perception check if you beat a 15 you can do it because you're doing it without line-of-sight - you make that you can try me to athletics to get up there you're also so Taylor yeah I remember Oh up to dead bodies on the roof oh god I just want to do something um I guess I will where are you baby oh you're on the thing you could maybe if you're in that window weekend failures we come up these stairs you also could probably hit these guys out the window work yeah you could you could crawl through the window and get to where Fabian is gonna be you know but make a call what do I do um I'm gonna I guess I'm gonna cast healing word on myself and uh and join you guys cool oh you put yourself into the window casting any word on yourself you rush in here [Applause] that's going to be the fire elementals one turns take some swings and I wink it we get Fabian I think you still have a party uh if else they have not made a single save against this are Keable spell that is just a ten just a ten just a ten um how's it looking uh it's looking for another philosopher comes out and says axiology the study of value written both aesthetics and ethics yeah thought this fire elemental it turns around to take two swings Fabian one of those is a crit Fabian you take 11 to 14 points of fire damage this thing gets up Wars gonna take two swings at gorg ugh it's gorg for 6 points of damage total you rage it's not like gorg ugh is damn Fabian that's you baby okay I would like to revved Mike I'd like can I take the hangman's turn like we're in this area right Oh actually a make an inside check of both Fabian and Kristen - 13 Eggman is a magical item these elementals are resistant to not magical anthems can I Ram it though yes you absolutely can because we're on like it can I try and push it out of the window with absolutely fantastic go ahead and make an attack role as though you were making it with your rapier oh yeah that's very it's very hot 24 go ahead and roll to d6 + your decks modified Oh 46 Thank You two sixes in a 5:17 frame for the second-story window a rocketing thing of slate all the huge oh that's gonna hurt my and cries shout down to all the Hugh doll children yes you can members of the you doll Academy there is a matter of great consequence of happening upon the roof of this building I ask that you turn all of your attention to the roof of this house a request humbling eloquently made wanting to be answered say man is the big most like fighter fighter of all fighters and he speaks these nerds language so well yeah incredible baby and you also take oh no you're you're not I mean I have no choice but trying to climb up from the roof again if you don't keep flying Hugh tall students are gonna give you an advantage on this roll 15 ha thank God because the other one was a boy Oh gorg is gone well I might go oh you're on the roof fallin you clamber to the roof to see your fallen I go into a rate go dude honestly yeah adda you fully just lose it like Hulk out you remembered like just raining Dorian with a ladle I am going to punch my sister in the okay I don't give a about magic anymore I am going to punch her in the face oh go ahead go ahead make an attempt roll yes what is that plus all your dexterity amount of fire and your proficiency 18 that's a hit I need you to be tell me from here so it's what would your strength modifier - punch up what you tame i yes I slime honestly has nothing that slime can do slime slime did I do any damage yes minimal amount of damage to her but she looks partially hurt that's not going to be R is that's you cool I'm going to then okay I will just shoot at a one go for it fourteen okay then I guess I hide again uh nevermind yeah I can't go for the hide yeah fifteen I'm gonna need you to make another somebody another reflux at 1:28 rizz it's the middle of the deck you don't students word's gotten around you watched your sister kills your friend lightning unleashes from her hand Gorga I'm gonna need you take a death sanding throw baby that's going to be Kristen great okay um we are where are we we're kind of like in the hallway up we closer to the window after the Rama yes you are closer to the window cool can I get up on the roof with advantage from 29 2000 up jump up you are on the roof great um okay I am going to run pretty close here so that my thing will affect all three of them and then I'm gonna try to heal gorg with uh oh I get what you're saying I have a another second level so that's just two but whatever this is plus ten right yeah okay yeah twenty yeah I was gonna say should I yeah use like a last thing yeah you can grab the and then I put it in my shirt I'm already wearing military dog tags cuz I think it's cool haha put the watch on that you see on the next turn the water elemental reappears made there saves and came back Figg that's going to be oh sorry the air elemental is gonna take some more swings at Goro on the beanie of its turn it makes it safe oh and it's going to yeah it takes half damage right for 15 down to seven and six yeah to seven and six damage okay it'll take half damage so that's seven nine it takes four damage that is now going to be back at 7 that's going to be fake so if I went through the chimney and climbed up would that be an easier roll then trying to jump onto the you have advantage with Jude all students are looking yeah but what did what would it be to go through make the roll entrance to it oh is that the entrance is not in the second floor you go down to the first floor okay so okay but I get advantage because the hero students okay I got I didn't get it wait what do I add to it you've to get fast Linux or oh you can so that's you know that's 13 you'd give you a hand you're stuck there you can make a perception try to cash at ER if you want wait if I'm if I'm stuck hanging on one then do I at least have you got a lot of sites yeah okay then I'm gonna cast then I'm gonna cast shatter on l1 and ill win and anything or and boy around her a 10-foot radius around her exact but but specifically just elemental in her gotcha they make saves its Constitution saving throw they both fail okay so then I do oh I'm doing this I had this is a third level so it's actually 448 yeah I lend me a DA yeah okay that's good okay okay six five 11 15 17 the H take 17 you take 17 damage air elemental is gone the and Aylwin is looking for hurt she is looking unbelievably hurt fire elemental are gonna go this one's gonna take a swing you fig I take damage oh hell yeah 20 is the discourse that matters by discussing these issues we come to a greater understanding of not necessarily the truth but of ourselves within the truth I'm fiercely writing all this down over the words in my corn Bible yes so I'd like to get on the roof of my friends go for great 15 plus 800 you're gonna have to leave the hangman that's fine and then I would like to attempt to grapple a Owen awesome great no no you rush up go ahead and make an opposed athletics check you need to beat a 1i shoo Russia it's not clear to add on you can kind of see there mister clearly Europe like it looks like baby just jumped your sister they're like make it out or something it doesn't make you feel great but you are a tussle in the roof to get rest stay down stay down not right now no I'm not trying to do that just give up um add on you snapped ethereal plane I would like to cost Tosh's hideous laughter on my sister and as she's grappled and maybe doesn't know what's happening do I get advantage on that role what would she get disadvantage on her save which is the wisdom saving through I think I'd attack spells you would get advantage but yes you she's prone I don't think she gets such a disadvantage here I'm gonna R what's the DC on this it's my DC so 15 let's bring out the box of dim Bucks Mattoon was used for important roles here on fantasy high Aylwin a burn aunt sister of a guy and a burn aunt he's about to make a saving throw against Tasha's hideous laughter parties at low hitpoints rizz is down many have already dropped she gets a plus for this role she rolls an 11 or higher she succeeds if she rolls a 10 or lower she fails you see as Aylwin grapples with Fabian she turns and you manifest out of the ethereal plane spell energy blasts towards her you see that she goes are you guys to stick your costume Tasha's hideous laughter spell oh my god you know boys do you see that she full she fell for Tasha's hideous laughter landing in their flight and levitation all the hewed all boys surrounded oh my this little spell no no no this won't do at all you see that she goes you said all them turned to look at you and say we were able to subject and with a banette to a simple elementary enchantment iodine Aven and how do you do my name is Percival my name is Hector nice to meet you well it's rather remarkable you see that a always like all of the elementals pizza disappear and vanish if she loses control of her spells I'm going to need crying a little bit yes she's pretty funny pretty funny get what else is funny and then I reach it to help pocket and pull out the palimpsest and that's where we're gonna end today on fantasy high tune in next week for the exciting conclusion I think well know where I got the idea from he is not gonna be happy a diplomat's child cannot be taken into custody hey mom I know about dad because I broke the case all right the spell has a very disturbing name it's called detect play guys that's it for today's chapter of dimension 20 but are you called you from the great beyond I have possessed the dungeon master known as Brennan leave melittin to say that more full episodes of dimension 20 await you on dropout dog TV sorry Rob for your free trial to Sam did we get that look the cops pull up and you see that your mom gets out with a couple other please cool honey sorry
Channel: Dimension 20
Views: 967,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: school, Dimension 20, fantasy high, brian murphy, ally beardsley, lou wilson, siobhan thompson, zac oyama, emily axford, brennan lee mulligan, dungeons and dragons, magic, mythical creatures, teens, high school, fantasies, games, role playing, illusions, motorcycles, falling down, death, crashes, chanting, swimming, rage, teachers, fires, making out, punching, time travel, beer, confused, dads, monsters, cheerleaders, partying, fights, battles, siblings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 44sec (7064 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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