Fantasy High Ep 3 but it's just some of my favorite moments

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well it seems that you had lived a very holy life and then arrived at your final resting place but I'm afraid your work is not done I'm going to crawl into your backpack and if you can just go ahead and walk through the gates they're going to straighten all this out well you're going unzips your backpack and just starts to crawl in hey it's all good just whoa all good oh good what was he his face peering after the backpack as he zips it closed it's all good no he's a full human sighs dude he just gets in there oh hey as he's hugging you you feel your backpack jiggling around you see he's got clearly got his eyes closed in the hug you feel Arthur slip out of the backpack now that he has passed the threshold of heaven winks and Sprint's into heaven as fast as I can what hmm go knock them out down there I will hey ask you something yeah why is there so much suffering in the world later it's so weird you lied to helio you lied to your god I don't I finessed the truth I don't know if Helio is as smart I need another God maybe [Music] this strange forest Santa Catalina it slices your head Oh last thing I saw my boss that's right you guys back so cool mrs. old pissed I missed it i mike the cops are not inna my mom's cop and she's cool is she is she 19 or under no then I don't trust her I'm going to go get that dragon man alright he seems fine with our work I need to remember Doreen the way that I know she would want to be remembered so I take her hairnet and I make some sick what do you call those [ __ ] tight nobody [ __ ] cares make some sick fishnet tights that's gonna be a seventeen uh it looks [ __ ] let's just go home and talk about it tomorrow like nothing happened we need to be more proactive this is the worst idea we have his mom could have called my mom oh don't be spiteful yeah we're gonna cancel your detention early obviously I'm gonna do an inside joke on that one that one yeah this guy it's because you are half worth this guy could be your dad a break goes my dad where is that where is that guy the ball oh he's yeah the ball oh it's probably in the shower just the idea he takes really long showers if the teacher is your dad they have to tell you well there's got to be a rule about that somewhere teacher is your day are you a cop I think that your dad is gonna come to visit you in like a in like a vision at some point cuz that's what happened with me yeah that's that might be true but that's an irresponsible thing to tell an adopted child you think that I just got to knock myself out no um you see that your mom her eyes dart over to you hiding you see that she's sort of writings in the notebooks quickly can we like exchanged numbers in the parking lot or something so we can start like a text group taxi are you guys on line I gotta go but I do once a week I it's not a Bible study but is there way for everyone when they wake up to get an alert of some kind that I've added them to a system called prayer chain [Laughter] Christmas this could be in nineteen plus six golden rod cool you see he says we are looking for some new kitchen staff and they guidance counselor so if you know any adults there really so I would think you would post this in the newspapers huh oh you're asking me if I know any AV Club spends a lot of time behind the scenes so you can imagine how excited I am to come up here and shoot the breeze with the number one student body in the whole golden horde walks right around the corner looks to you guys what's the deal fig huh god damn it look I'm gonna I'm gonna level with you all right you know I took a class on managing you know students that are you know you're attracted to you just always you I imagine gorg ugh is there right I'm in that class cool you just walked in the middle of the class until was rage mean to you I don't and you weren't asking specifically me but I don't know elected to start talking it's been crazy here people have been coming in left and right it's been nuts I bet you guys yesterday if he's so pumped I kind of I don't want to go to the library but I don't want to do the other thing so I might just sit here the only boy I could find that sort of fit that was an autobiography of Arthur egg fort this is from the restricted section but not because it has dark magic it's just pretty spicy you see your dad is Bill see Chester right what are you doing out here I'll make an inside check both of you you bit one of the disadvantages are in a backpack perception yes yeah I only got five oh she looks hear what they're saying but you see a facial expression that looks like deep hurt and worried do you remember a girl named penny luck stone rizz throws up in your backpack it stinks my Tupperware spilled you know gross [ __ ] lunch does your dad Peggy thank you [ __ ] its he's generally easy it's just a lot of citrus and raw meat so I'm gonna go clean this out okay you know actually I got a I got a tan you you make an athletic shake it to get a 15 to get it to where Oh nope so you come bleep for it Gorga say that you Riz take six points and salvage as you are room skyward and slam into a car I think that freak loser just stole your backpack out of that car you hit oh what a [ __ ] loser I just run around the corner okay like some of your shirt I'm small no we're gonna have like a crop top I just started biting his shirt crop top so I guess Sam honestly gets pissed at him cuz they like haven't like I've done it what he's like extremely weird about it everything I've heard about this guy's that he [ __ ] no like straight up like no I know that everyone here is that he [ __ ] behind if you look at friends I know I know it lets people know that you've cast it at the end of it uh was it me it was that freak you see she treasured make a persuasion check with disadvantage disadvantage okay I got a ten a ten turns around it says the creep did it yeah maybe Penelope I'm saying spy that's like so make a persuasion check of fifteen it's totally his game honestly I'm so sorry I freaked out I'm just like this place like my best friend validation I'm like oh my god it's not hard at metrics cool because you want to like use hyperbole by man perception check from around the corner yeah I get what fourteen and I will play the Nerds if it means we can solve the Milky we might have to act like we're unpopular professor AG thoughts autobiography which apparently is a little spicy johnny spells doesn't yeah that was it John spelt it does not [ __ ] maybe he thinks that if he waits then that night I definitely think I will be stopping it again you have a lower potential and I don't say that lightly thank you I'm sorry I saying earlier you were there to keep I you know the potential were you gonna say I have potential I think I think he just IB T just is he's trying to think of the word the word he can forgot the word potential I think who's a good dancer I mean I play music I'm an acrobat very flexible I do a dance with a scarf that rippers it's how the world contain to you I'm speechless after you haven't even seen it yeah okay I actually we can stop dancing stop dancing maybe we were mistaken but we thought that perhaps we saw them dancing in there that's right you know they when they Rumble they do a whole dance before when they Romney one day night yeah they do it what a fight they come out I've seen them a bunch of it sort of half walk bruises came by one time and they said hey you know what this is our turf and they get started going and they started doing this incredible dance they are the Jets what the Jets don't know so these they danced and then maybe the dangerous game they do a dance there you can just jump into a dance extemporaneously no you have to rehearse alive yeah sorry threatening gang dance you got a working I don't think it's actually rock and roll to be rude to wait stuff I know guys we gotta go go where well I gotta go to the garage someone needs to be saved oh yes we need to go to whisper just came through my guitar DS is like a halfling voice in the guitar whisper do I know do I have any kind of idea can I do inspiring speech absolutely go ahead take away all right we're probably gonna have to go in there and encounter what we already did which is corn cuties corn cuties I worship the corn and yesterday I had to see it's perverted upside down gonna get inspired yeah I know oh I standing on the taste really hocked I had a lot of reading to do but anyway something has been yeah something don't worry - clapping something yeah so if you would just take my hand and let's close this out let's pray dear really big God maybe not hélio anymore
Channel: Baron from the Baronies
Views: 85,612
Rating: 4.9751315 out of 5
Id: B_7SI8v3QZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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