The Unsleeping City | Season 1 | Ep. 14 | Showdown at the Stock Exchange

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- Robert Moses didn't try to play Faerie and Hell against each other, he successfully played Faerie and Hell against each other. - Wait, so he has everything now, right? - Sinatra's Law, the Imperial Axiom. If you can make it here... - You can make it anywhere. - You appear to David. - You don't have to forgive me, but I'm sorry. - I don't have to forgive you? Well, that's nice to hear. Have a nice rest of your life you fucking rat. My family has been cursed. - We're gonna find a way to get rid of that curse. - You think people make choices? - I do. - Big choices already got made for them. - Well, Mr. Moses, how about this? You have a choice where you can leave this city, and I will not come for you. - You rush to St. Owen's. You see Liz in traction on life support. - The eagle got back to me! There's a spell happening tonight at the Stock Exchange! (warm instrumental music) Welcome one and all to another exciting episode of "The Unsleeping City." Robert Moses, king of the undead, wheeler and dealer, mastermind of the Highway Hex is here concocting a ritual on the floor of the den of evil itself, the New York Stock Exchange. (mimics reverberations) Pete, you feel that infection deep in the heart of this place. (mimics energy humming) - Of course. - You have called out to each other. You have said what needed to be said, and it is going to be Kugrash as the first to act. - Um, we're missing Rowan. - Oh, Rowan, that's right. - Has anyone seen Rowan? - Rowan does dash in. - Oh my goodness. - Wow, look at her. - So sprightly. - Look at that-- - Let me see! - I haven't changed any of my outfits. I'm just young and hot now. (group laughing) - Wow. - Cool. - Young. (laughs) - Pete-- - [Ally] Hey, we're both wearing hats. And we're the only two wearing hats. - That's crazy. - Uh-oh, uh-oh. - [Ally] Uh-oh, no! (laughs) - Oh no, we begin! (dramatic instrumental music) Kugrash, you are first to act, my friend. - All right, so I've got my fire elemental here that I had summoned on the way over. I have my new watch, gives me haste. It doesn't say if it uses an action to-- - It does not use an action, but it only lasts for one round so it's a free round where you have haste on you. - Oh interesting, okay, then I might save it for now. I think Kugrash-- - This little rat with this huge, chunky Rolex. (laughing) - I'm gonna summon the juiciest cockroach I know. Cockrash, I summon thee! (group groaning) - Why? - What? It's my name in the cockroach! - No. - Cockrash! - You have to understand what that sounds like. - Hey there, Kugrash. Where does this little? - He's coming just to give everybody some HP. - Get the fuck away from me. - How much HP? - So much, no, right. - Thank you Pete, now you understand. - How much HP does everybody gain? - So it is nine, five plus my druid level so 14. - Wow. - And then if I leave this do I still get it? - Yes. - [Emily] Okay. - Are there any other benefits to staying in the aura of the juicy cockroach? - It'll give you advantage on strength throws, but that's not really as important. And then I'm going to use my crown to summon rats. - Incredible. (mimics reverberation) - It's 14, we got 14 hit points? - Yeah. - Yeah! - That's sick, that's amazing. - That's wild, we're powerful. - I'm at 99. - I'm at 93! - A Cockrash that makes you stronger. (groans) - Mm-hmm. - Place them wheresoever you want. - What are you guys on? - 99. - That's pretty good. - I'll do.. - What are you at? - What are you at? - 108. - Oh! - You fuckers! - I'm at 88, but I love to get hurt, so... - Yeah, me and Sofia are on 88. - [Murph] I'll have them kind of jamming up the-- - Sofia is a full masochist. (Emily laughing) Please hurt me! - Hurt me up, daddy. - Hurt me, I want to get hurt. - [Ally] I'm gonna shoot you in the leg. - Remember, Ox gains those as well. - Yes, that does. That over doubles Ox's self. - Oh, sweet. Oh yeah, it could also give it to my fire element. - You got four rats out? - Yes. - [Lou] Damn. - You see, yeah, Kugrash, you went into the stock exchange. You were a different man the last time you were here. In fact, you're not a man at all any longer, you're a fucking rat, and (mimics wind rushing) fire, rats, cockroach, the fucking filth of New York springs into the Stock Exchange. All of your rats and the cockroach all go, "Oh, these place feels fucking gross." - We're gonna burn it down, return it to the earth! - Smells like cocaine and piss and Axe body spray in here. It's fucking awful. To arms, to arms, brothers! - Yes. - Great, so you-- - Can I run forward. And I don't want to break my concentration on this guy so I don't wanna get hit so I wanna like, can I hop in one of these little guys? - Yeah, go ahead and hop in. - I wanna hide in there so I'm in there. - Cool, dope. Wonderful, that is going to be, you see Moses says, "All right, let's cut it out, shall we?" Kiosks around the trade floor begin to change and morph-- - [Emily] that's why I was like, oh God, what are you doing? - [Murph] I'm too fast for my own good. - [Zac] It felt like this. - [Ally] Same, I was like, it's the only thing to switch. - [Lou] Jesus. - They go. - Are those vampires and robots? - Yep, those are vampires piloting kiosk mechs of stock floor trading stuff with a little-- - Incredible, but I'm so mad. - Bunch of bullshit that I love. - I think it's great! I cannot wait to be hurt by them. Finally, an honorable foe. - You see that one of them says, "Oh boy, get a load of this. "Bunch of humanities majors coming in "and telling us how we should run our arcane dark ritual." (Brennan mimics electronics humming) These guys rush over here and boom. These guys are actually just gonna close with the rats here. (Murph chuckles) Awesome. That's going to be... - Does the fire elemental go on my turn? - The fire element goes on your turn. So if you want the fire elemental to go, it can. I thought you were done with your turn, I'm sorry. - Oh sorry, yeah, I'd like the fire elemental, I guess, to attack one of these guys. - Yeah, go for it, have the fire element attack one of them. - Sweet. He gets two attacks. 12 to hit, I'm assuming it's not gonna do anything. - Nope. (dice tapping) - 10 to hit! - Nope. - It's got a plus six, I'm just doing bad. (laughs) - Awesome, these vampires are gonna go for, one is coming for Sofia. - Bring it on! - That's gonna be a miss, one goes for Ricky. That's gonna be a miss as well. All right, that is now going to be, and then the vampires are gonna go for the rats. - Oh no. - What are the rats' AC? - 10. (Ally laughing) - Come on, rats. - Squished. - They didn't get juicy cockroach. Oh no, that's not AC, nevermind. - They weren't there at the time. - Cool, your first rat swarm takes seven points of damage. - Okay. - Next one takes nine points of damage. - Oh, okay. - Also, I don't believe that swarms can be grappled, right? - No, they can't. - Cool. - Immune grapple, yeah. - Cool, yeah, the vampires just start slogging through those two swarms of rats. That's going to be Sofia. - Okay. I am going to just jump all the way there. I'm gonna use my entire action and a ki point Step of the Wind. And with the help of my Louboutins I will soar through the air. - Your welcome guys, I stopped doing drugs so I had a shit ton of extra money. - Oh, thank you, I-- - And bought you all luxury items. - Thank you so much. - You bought me a Maserati? - Yeah, dude, I knew you'd love it. - Drugs are so expensive. I have literally never bought them every time I've taken them so-- - Really? - Do you have Otherworldly Leap active now or not? - I can get you drugs anytime, all right. - [Emily] I do not. - No I couldn't, actually I was just kidding. - I calculated it and it's under-- - Your long jump with just Step of the Wind and the magic boots is 78 feet horizontally which should be able to reach. - Oh, I thought it was 90-something. - No, I got the calculator up right here. So it's 78, which is about, we'll just round that up to 80. But you can also run and take a running start 'cause your movement with Step of the Wind and using your action will be enough to get there and jump up. - Yeah. - However, one of them is going to take an attack of opportunity on you. - Bring it on, come on! Would now be the time that I would have to throw up shield? Do I need to announce it now? - Now would be the time before I announced it that you had to throw up shield. - Yeah, I'm gonna throw up shield. I wanna get over there, and if he grapples me that's gonna fuck with me. - Does a 24 still hit you? - Yeah, it does, I think it's 24. - One of them reaches out, doesn't deal any damage, but grapples you, brings your movement to zero. - (groans) Motherfucker, now I'm pissed! - So this vampire doesn't deal any damage. Grapples you, moves you to zero, but you still have your action. - All right, I'm gonna fucking attack him you little fucking asshole. - How do we, oh sorry. - Cool. - What do I have? What do I have, what do I have, think, okay. (dice tapping table) Does a 17 hit, no, 18 hit? No, I'm sorry, 15. - 15, a 15 does not hit. - Fuck, what about my back slap? No, I used my bonus action. (sighs) All right. - But you can use both attacks on him. - Oh, right, duh. - [Brennan] 'Cause you have extra attack, yeah. - It also doesn't it. Okay, I just go limp. (group members laughing) - Yeah, you go to jump and this huge (mimics electronic arm moving) claw grabs you. Oh, no, no, no, I'm sorry. We're not gonna be interrupted. We're conducting a big ritual right now. Sorry about that. - Okay, if you're gonna at least, if you're gonna stop me, could you at least do damage? Because I'd like to get below 10 hit points. - Oh, we'll do damage. - Okay, thanks. - [Brennan] You see... - Oh. - Cool, that's Sofia. The vampires are gonna go again. - What? - Yipes. - The one that's got you there, Sofia, is going to attack, miss. (Lou scoffs) - Thought you said you were gonna do damage. - (chuckles) It's hard, I'm having a hard time! - One of them, so this one's got you right now, Sofia. - He's just like holding me as I try to run away. - As you try to run away, exactly. - Pushing against your forehead. (laughs) - These guys take another swing and deal this time nine points to the first rat swarm that was injured. - Okay. - Other one misses the other rat swarm. And then one's gonna go for Ricky. And is going to miss Ricky again. - [Siobhan] Dope. - Cool, that's going to now be Pete. - Oh, wait a second! When he, oh, are there any guys within five feet of him? God damn it, no, nevermind. - I'm gonna run... - Oh, that would be sick. - I know. - [Brennan] Cool. - What do I get as a normal move again, six? - [Brennan] Six, yeah. - Yeah, one, two, three, four. - Be careful, Pete. - Five, six and then I'm going to cast Vitriolic Sphere on Bob Moses. - Hell yeah. - So that's not a roll or anything. - Cool range, yeah, you just do it. Awesome, so yeah, each creature in that area must make a dexterity saving throw. (dramatic instrumental music) Wild. Cool, go ahead and roll damage. - Yeah, did he save or do I roll the damage first? - On a failed save a creature takes 10d4. On a successful save, a creature takes half the initial damage and no damage at the end of its next turn. So he's gonna roll the save. - Can I use everyone's D4s? I need 10. - Wow. - Shit, yeah. - Yeah, baby, purple and pink are-- - Do you need more? - Yes, please. - [Brennan] He does save. - Oh, okay. - Come on, purple and pink. - There you go. - Get them fours. Come on. - Let's see how our kids do. - This is 10, perfect, all right. - [Murph] Let's go, let's go, let's go. - Make mama proud, make mama proud. Okay, one of them's got a three. - You got a two. - Okay, we got a three, four, seven, eight, nine, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24 so he only takes 12. - Hell yeah. - But that does that stop any sort of, is he like in a concentration or? - So he takes 12, he's gonna roll a concentration check. (dice tapping table) Which he succeeds. - Can I make an insight check to see what is going on with this blood on the ground? - Sure, absolutely. - Cool, okay, yeah, that is a lot, 20. - You look at it, what would it be if it was an arcana check, just asking? - Oh cool, also 20. - Also 20. You look at it, there is insane money magic happening here. All these symbols are currency symbols drawn in blood on the floor. And you see that he is calling the infection that is tapping into the golden door and he is unable to enter the dream realm, but is casting magic through this web in the dream realm though he cannot enter it. - Cool, and a cantrip isn't a bonus action, right? That would a full action. - No, some cantrips are, but it will say on the cantrip if it is. - Okay, cool, awesome, thanks everybody. These look so cool. - Right? - Those look great. - We got great dice. - Hell yeah. Pete, go ahead and give me a wild magic roll. - Oh yeah, fuck. (dice tapping table) 14. - Cool. - These are everyone's, grab yours. - Kingston, that's gonna be you. - Okay my man, how electronic do these mechs look? - They look pretty fucking electric. - I'd like to cast a fifth level shutdown spell. - Oh! - Hey gang, this episode of "The Unsleeping City" chapter one is brought to you by our friends at Roll20! This is a service that we endorse so hard that we actually use it in our games! It's not even, like we, we straight up use this stuff. Roll20 provides the tools you need to game in-person or online for all your favorite TTRPGs. We're talking clickable character sheets, 3D virtual dice, awesome maps, tokens for PCs, NPCs, characters, and creatures of all types. It's the stuff you need to play the games you love. You wanna know how cool Roll20 is? We partnered with them to make all of our amazing battle maps for this current season of "The Unsleeping City Chapter II" currently airing every week on Go to and create your free account today for all the tools, tips, tricks, forums, and community you need to make your games better, easier, and more fun. And now, back to the show. - Ooh! - And so all electronic devices not in use are shut down, and I believe each one of these mechs will have to make-- - In use? - Anything that's not in use will get shut down. - Not in use, like, these can't be turned into them. - And then these four dudes will all make constitution saving throws. And if they succeed I think they prevent it, but if they don't their electronic device will be shut down and cannot be restarted. - Fuck yeah! - Is this like a sleep spell almost? - Holy shit, no, they can do constitution saves to try and avoid it, but Kingston, this is some powerful fucking magic. - Level five! - Really sick. - Level five! - [Emily] (cheers) Is this your first level five? - Incredible, what does Kingston step up 'cause you are fucking, you just called out Robert Moses. - Yeah, I step forward, I say, "You stupid motherfucker!" (group laughing) - Yeah! - You come for my family, you come for my friends. I will fucking drop you and anyone you attempt to bring at me. And then I just like slam my fucking fists on the ground. - You guys hear the roar of crowds from all over the city as New Year's Eve celebrations lend all of their power and (explosion resounds) all of these kiosks that were on, the screens fucking blow out and they shut down. The only things that get a roll are Moses and the tickers up here and these four here. - Oh my God. - So I'm gonna roll for them. - I hope my guy fucks up. - So this is a constitution saving throw against a DC 17. - Did anyone else notice that Kingston called us his friends? - Yeah, and I was so happy. - Oh... - Okay, you see, Kingston, you burn through with holy power of this city. This one dodges behind a kiosk. All of the rest, vampires, go ahead actually and make a religion check for me. - Only seven. - Mm-hmm, cool. You're not sure exactly what you're seeing, but you see that these undead, undead are creatures moreso than fiends or celestials or fey or anybody. Undead are creatures of pure willpower. By the strength of their will alone they cling to life after death. They have a pool, an extremely limited pool of times where they can burn through some of that willpower to straight up just resist magical effects. You see that three of these have to dig deep into that pool of stuff that's literally keeping them alive to prevent your spell from working. None of the mechs shut down. All of them have used a vital resource to prevent that from happening. I'm gonna roll for Robert Moses 'cause this range on this spell is fucking crazy. No, he doesn't get advantage on this, okay. Okay-- - Wait, does that Robert Moses is mechanical? - No, it means that he's protecting this spell up here on the ticker. - Oh, right, great. - He successfully does that. He does not burn up some of his resistance. That is your action, are you taking any moves? - Yeah, I'll move up just behind Pete. - Okay. Wild. That was extreme. I know that feels like they're still active, but the thing that they've burned up is incredibly valuable. That is now going to be Mr. Moses. You see that Robert looks out and says, "As I call upon the names of those that have passed "and the power given to me of life and death." And you see that all the money figures on the tickers begin to go up and down, up and down. You see that he goes, "Neither Heaven nor Hell can claim me." And he pulls Santa's List out of his coat and it glows and then he just discards it casually to the floor no longer needing it. He also casts a spell on himself. Anyone's welcome to make an arcana check if they'd like. - I would like to cast counterspell on-- - You are not in range, 60 feet. - God damn! (dice tapping table) - 16. - 16. - Ooh, I got a... - I'll do an arcana check. - What was it, arcana? - 11. - 17. (laughs) Just a flat 17-- - A flat 17, you got a 16. You remember this from one of the Phantasma memories from the Metropolitan Museum of Memories. He's casting a powerful anti-magic spell on himself. Like, big whammy anti-magic stuff that's almost like a force field or bubble through which magic cannot pass on him. Ricky, you recognize this from the night you were flirting with Esther and looking at magic books. It's called a globe of invulnerability. - Guys, I think this is a the glbve of invulnerability. - Oh, what does that mean? What? - [Brennan] Awesome. - Nothing can get, uh... - It's probably gonna be really hard to get to him or something. - I'm gonna shoot him. - Yeah, we should just fuck him up. - Cool, that's going to be Ricky. - Okay-- - Sorry, no, no, no. That was Robert, that's right, it's gonna be Rowan. - Wonderful, so this locate creature is still running. Can I figure out who one of these vampires is, dismiss the spell, and then cast a different spell or is that? - Sure, yeah, absolutely. - Great, so I would like to figure out which one of these people fucked up my friend. - The locate create was cast by this vampire over here. - Okay, great. So I let Kingston know, hey Kingston, it's the one to your left. That's the guy you wanna fuck up. - Good to know, thank you. - We both look at each other like... - And then how large would you say these kiosks were, object wise? Would you say that they were large? - I would say that they were large, yes. - Great, so I would like to cast animate objects. (laughing) So I can do 10 objects, but it's 10 tiny objects and each large object counts as four objects so I can get two of them. So what I would like to do is I would like to Misty Step up to here. - Okay, you're not gonna be able to cast two spells in a round if you Misty Step. - Fuck, you're right, shit. - Climb. - Or can you just do it from the ground? - I definitely can't climb. - I could give you a hand. - No. - Okay, Pete. - All right, Pete, calm down. - Hm? - Head in the game. - I would give anyone a hand. - Thanks, Pete. - You're welcome. - How far away is that bell up there, that cute, tiny little bell? - That cute, tiny little bell? That's probably like 150 feet away or something like that. - Great, so I'm gonna fucking risk the attack of opportunity on me from this guy coming. - He's grappling someone though. - Yeah, oh yeah, he's already grappling Sofia so he can't grapple a second person, right? - He actually can, well, do what you're gonna do. - Great, well, I'm gonna run so that I'm within 120 feet of the bell. - Yes, although Sofia, he actually, no, he's actually already used his reaction to grab Sofia. - Great. - So you actually are free. - Dope, so I'll get within 120 feet of that. - [Brennan] Cool, one, two, three, four, five. - Okay. - Let me see if that's... Yep, you're within 120. - Did you want to talk or something? - Not right now. - Weird, no, mixed signals. - And I would like to animate these two ones in the middle right here. - Incredible. - And then the bell. - And then the bell, awesome. - Yes. Ooh, mm... Actually, would you say that the door, how big would you say the door was? - Oh, the door? - Yeah, the door directly behind Robert Moses. - I'd say that's medium, medium sized. - Great, so medium target counts as two objects so I would like to animate those two kiosks and the door directly behind Robert Moses. - Hell yeah, great. - And then you have the stats for them, right? - I have the cards right here, I do. - You have door stats over there? - You got door stats and kiosk stats. - I got stats for everything. It's based on the size of the object. Wild, awesome, so this is normally, so the reason that like, your fire elemental's gonna act on your turn 'cause you already had it as you entered, these ones I'll need you to roll initiative for. - Okay, great, so that is a two. Also, they go directly after me? - Or soon. - Or soon, okay, great. That's dope, that's actually good. - Lovely. - I'm good, I'm happy. I'm happy with that initiative. - So Rowan runs up, young, vivacious. The first battle in this new body. And what do you say to these things? - It's time to get to work. (claps) - This little (claps) Broadway like fairy princess magic. You see the two kiosks go (roars) ♪ It's time to get to work ♪ ♪ Time to fight on behalf of Rowan ♪ (Brennan vocalizing) (cheerful instrumental music) And you see the door says. ♪ Let me open ♪ (door slams) And slams into Robert Moses's ass. Incredible, that's your movement and your action. Anything else? - Oh! Then I'm gonna turn to Kingston and say, hey, I believe in you and give him some... - Thank you, that's very, okay, okay. - Bardic inspiration. - All right. - But you know, like, you know, if your wife, it doesn't work out with her, I'm always, you know... - I'm crushed. (laughs) I'm so crushed. - It's 2018! Why are you so? - I, uh... - Incredible. - Don't be so exhausting, Pete. - I'm just, you are just so rude to me. You just clearly, I mean, if you liked both of us, that'd be fine, but you just clearly don't like me and love him. - Cool, another legendary action. This vampire's gonna grab Sofia, slam you up against the wall over here. You don't take any damage. - What? - This one's gonna take another swing at Ricky. - Give me damage. (Ally laughing) - Ricky, you are grappled by this one over here. - Ah, okay, oh, do I, nevermind. - These two are gonna take some more swings. That's gonna be a hit and that's gonna be a crit. - Fuck. - On who? - That's gonna be another nine damage to the rats over there. - Okay, they're not looking good. - That's what they're there for. - And the other one is gonna be seven points of damage to the other rats. - Okay. They're looking a little better. - They're at least taking them off our hands. That's great. - Great. - That's what the rats are here for. - To arms, to arms, let us die that a new era may dawn! - Oh, you're so brave, you beautiful bastards. - Incredible, that is going to be Ricky, you are grappled. - Grappled, eh? (Lou laughing) Okay, Ricky is... - You have advantage on strength checks within the cockroach's... - Oh, yeah. - [Zac] Oh yeah? - So you can probably get out easier than normal. - But it's still a massive robot, right? - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - I think with grapple you could still attack, right? Your speed's just zero. - Yeah. - What's the cockroach's range? - The actual rules, 'cause it's a little bit tricky, so the actual rules are, escaping a grapple is a full action which is your athletics check. You can also make a shove as a single attack. So if you have the extra attack action you can actually kind of make two attempts. But shove is you moving the thing out of your square. - Gotcha, I'm gonna check this other ability I have real quick. I think I'll attack it with Ox first. - Cool. - He gets pack attack, pack tactics. - [Brennan] Cool. - Okay so, ooh, a nat 20. - Whoa! (players cheering) Does Ox deal radiant damage or no? - Crit for the pup. - Uh, I don't know. - I don't know if he does or not. - I don't think so, I don't think-- - He is made of light. - Can he? - Yeah, I wanna say it's radiant damage. - Okay, cool, and it's only 2d4. - Cool. - But that's doubled, right? - Yes, 4d4. - 4d4? - 4d4. - And then plus four. Ooh, six, (die tapping table) he did 11 plus four so he did 15 to that. And then now it has to take a DC 11 strength saving throw to not be knocked prone. - Wait, how much damage is that again? - 15. - Jesus. - And that's 15 regular damage. - You see as Ox, regular damage, makes a DC 10-- - 11. - DC 11. It succeeds. - The massive robot wasn't knocked over by the dalmatian? (players laughing) - No, but that would be pretty fucking wild. - Okay, it does that, yeah, Ox does the damage. You see Ox's bite with that light in it burns the machine and you see the vampire inside goes, (screams in pain) and screams at that radiant damage. - Okay, well, then I'm going to cast Branding Smite as a bonus action. - Cool. - And I have to call it before I hit, right? - Yes, you do. - Is that how that works? Okay, and just try to hit it. (dramatic instrumental music) Ooh, does a 26 hit? - Sure does. - Okay, then I'll swing my second attack. Does a 20 hit? - A 26 and a 20 both hit. - Okay. - And you are, you're not shoving in other words. You're like, just wailing. - I'm just wailing on it. - Cool, dope. - Branding smite is also radiant damage. - Ooh. - So 2d6 of radiant damage I'm adding to this, whoops. All right, so that's nine plus, nine plus nine of radiant. And then on my second attack-- - And you're adding that plus from normal just like plus to your damage, right? D8 plus eight plus radiant, right? - Yes, that's what I'm doing. I rolled a one, so... - 18 from the first one. - And then for my second attack I'll also do just a level one smite if I can do that. - Cool, go for it. And you add an extra d8 because these are undead. - Oh, then should I add that to the first attack as well? - You were doing a Branding Smite, not a divine smite on the first one I believe. - Sure, sure, sure, so now it's, okay. So that would be 3d8 total. - 3d8 total, yep. - So 15 plus... - 4d8 'cause it's 2d8 from, a first level smite is 2d8 damage. - Yes. - Plus the d8 from your normal ax. - Okay. - [Brennan] Plus another d8 'cause they're undead. - Okay. - So for that second attack you're rolling 4d8 plus eight. - Okay. - Nice. - So 15 for the first two and then three. 18 plus eight, 26. - Jesus, hell yeah. You guy see Ricky is being held up in a claw and just boom, boom, boom, just hacking away at electronics as the cockpit fills with smoke and the vampire starts coughing. - Great. - Cool, that is your turn. You're still grappled. That is-- - I should have gotten out of this. (laughs) (Brennan mimics electronics buzzing) - What? - Oh, shit. - The little stock ticker goes from green to red. The objects can go. - Oh! Well, I'd like to start off with the door going for Robert Moses. - Sure, hold on a second. What level spell, sorry, is animate objects? - It's a fifth level spell. - I'm so sorry, you are welcome to choose another target. The door actually cannot be animated because of Globe of Invulnerability which is the spell that Robert cast. - Okay, and the bell is the same? - The bell is the same. Anything on that dais pretty much. - I mean, there are so few other objects, is there-- - If you wanna animate your umbrella, you're welcome to do that. - Is there a piece, like a computer on that thing? - Yeah, I'll animate my umbrella. So it has 30 feet of movement because it doesn't have legs and arms it flies. - Cool. - I'm gonna send that to attack Robert Moses. - Cool, dope. - Oh wait, but the Globe of Invulnerability doesn't... - There's a change it would just cancel out the animated object when it got there. - Right, fuck. Well, then I'll send it after the robot that's attacking Sofia then. - (gasps) Thank you. - Rad. - And then I'll have the yeah. - The other two get up and go to work on the others. - Yeah. - Cool. - These two front guys. - Each one takes on its own? - Yeah. - Dope. (Lou laughing) Cool. Go ahead and roll your attacks for these objects. - Great. - And their stats should be on the card there in very itty, bitty print. - So the umbrella you would say was tiny or small? - I'll let you say it's medium because you have one of those giant old lady golf umbrellas. - Great. (dramatic instrumental music) To hit is plus five, okay, so 20. - 20 hits. - Great. And then the other ones, they are large so it's plus six. One of them is a nat 20. - Hey, crit. - Ooh, an umbrella crit. - And the other one is a four. Well, a 10, so... - Gotcha cool, gotcha, gotcha. - I'll do the crit against the one on the left with Kingston's, I'm just gonna soften him up for you, Kingston. - Good, I appreciate that. - Cool, go ahead and roll damage. - 2d6 plus one for the umbrella. So that's eight damage. - Over there, great. - For the umbrella and then large 2d10 plus two. Which one is a d10 again, oh, here we go. - So it's actually gonna be 4d10 plus two. - So 4d10 plus two. Oh, I have, here we go. (dice rattling) Hold on, 10, 13, 15. - Damn, cool, 15 is, yeah, goes over and just fucking wallops those ones. - And does the attack, does in attacking the one that's attacking Sofia, does that make it let go of its grapple or do I have to do a check? - No. - To let go of its grapple? - No, it doesn't have to do a check or anything like that. - Okay. - We are back to Kugrash at the top of the order. - Sweet, I think, can I have my monsters go before me? - Yeah. - Is that cool? Sweet, so I'll have the fire guy go after the robot that's holding Ricky. - (laughs) Ricky. Literally a fire is trying to help save you. (group laughing) - Allies at last. - You're on my side? - Am I your favorite thing? You're a fireman, right? - It's, I like it. - God damn it. First one misses, 19 on the second attack. - [Brennan] Okay. - Does that hit? - 19 hits, yes. - Sweet, okay. (dice tapping table) Eight fire damage. - Eight fire damage, gotcha. (fire roaring) - And then the rats'll go, these two guys will go after this guy. The two guys will go after the other guy. They're gonna have a hard time, I'm sure. One guy got a 17. - 17 hits. - Sweet. That's seven damage to the guy over here. - [Brennan] Cool. - And then the other two guys are gonna go. First guy misses, second guy hits. It's a 20 to hit, 11 damage. - Nice. - To this one again? - To the other one. - [Brennan] The other one, gotcha, cool. - Yeah, one missed on both sides. - [Brennan] Gotcha. - And then as Kugrash, I've got concentration going so I can't do too much, but I'm going to turn into a giant eagle. (Brennan shouts) I turn into a giant eagle and hey, why not? Let's go crazy here. I turn into a giant eagle. I'm gonna use my Rolex to do haste. - Yes! - Sick, sick, sick, sick. - And I'm gonna use my dash action. - And you go with the Rollie. - I have 80 flying speed. I'm gonna fly to Robert Moses and then make attacks. - Hell yeah. - Beak attacks? - Yeah. - Peck his eyes out. - It's 160 feet of movement, but... - Fuck yeah. (eagle calling) So American. Fuck you and your greed! ♪ Proud to be an American ♪ ♪ Where at least I know I'm free ♪ So sassy, such a sassy line. - At least I know I'm free. - At least I know I'm free. - Yeah, incredible, awesome, you dash towards him. - Sweet, 20 to hit. - 20 hits. - Get that beak action. - That's my talons. My talons do nine damage. - Incredible. - And then I do a beak attack. (mimics bird squawking mildly) I'm a real shit eagle. - Yeah. - Oh sweet, that's 22 to hit. - Yeah, so how much damage did the first one do? - What did I say? - Nine I think. - Nine I think. - Nine, cool. - Yeah, okay, nine. And then I got 21 to hit on the second one. The beak does less, that'll be five damage unless I can attack. - Okay. - Fuck, yeah. - In-fucking-credible. - That's such a great look. Him under all those tickers fighting a literal eagle. - This game is dope as hell. - Yeah, KFC commercial. (players laughing) - That's Kugrash. - It's so random, people will love it. - Can I get his body out? - Yeah, go for it. Wanna get his little rat body. - [Lou] Get his body out of here. - Get the little rat body out of here. - Little rat body out of here. I'm going to need Kugrash to make a wisdom saving throw at the end of his turn. - Yipes. (sinister instrumental music) 19. - Moses looks at you and says, "Bruce Kugrash, you look different than the last time I saw you. (laughs) - I wasn't a rat or an eagle, yeah. - I'm gonna give you this one chance to run, and if you don't take it, understand me as a man of my word. And you see that the Lich Robert Moses has his eyes sink into his head. I'm gonna kill you right here in front of all your friends. The fear effect does not take hold. - Yeah, baby. I gotta get up there, I'm immune to it. - Yipes. Hey guys, he's a Lich, that's bad. - What does that mean? - I think that means he can become like a God or something. - That's going to be-- - It's like a very powerful evil. - The vampires. This one is going to, has got-- - Do the turnstiles get attack of opportunity on them? - You know, those turnstiles. - Or what are they? I don't know, kiosks. - And 19... - Does hit, yeah. - 19 does hit. Okay, you take-- - What are we doing? - What are we doing? What's the damage? - What's the damage? I'm ready. - You take 13 damage. - Okay. - And your HP max is automatically reduced by eight. - Okay. - Sheesh. - So that's that one. This one's gonna go the same for Ricky, hits. Ricky, you take four damage. (Murph scoffs) Your HP max is reduced by three. - So how does that factor in with the cockroach thing? Does that do-- - I actually think that you're because... - My HP max is based on what the cockroach. - No, 'cause it is attacking your life force. So the hit points you're actually losing are coming out of your temp HP. When you start eating into your real hit points that decrease will follow you and bite into your regular HP max. - So it affects your real one. - It affects your real one, yeah. - [Zac] Okay, cool. - That one over there does that. - I don't like that. - [Brennan] And this one's also gonna move with you, Ricky, over here. - Oh, that's bad. - Damn it. - And then these ones are gonna go again for these fucking rats. That's gonna be 10 damage to the rats over here. - That, wait, which side? - These ones over here. - Oh, dead. - Cool. - [Murph] Bye. (rats squeaking) You fought well. - This one's over here. That's gonna be another nine damage to these ones over here. - Two HP left on that guy. - Jesus Christ. - Go rats! - Go rats. - They're beefy. - My brothers! - These vampires just smashing. We were very effective, but these rats, they're so scrawny. We are many a number are strong in spirit! That's the vampire's turn. That's going to be now, you also see that except for this one still looks a little bit injured. One, two, three all heal their wounds. This one's still a little bit injured. That one does not heal or regenerate over in the corner. - Oh. - Oh, 'cause he's taken radiant damage. - He's taken radiant damage. - That's not fire, right? That's light? - No, that's light. - Yeah, it's about goodness. - Huh, interesting. - We're bad to the-- - I can do it radiant damage if I get fucked up. - Sofia, that's gonna be you. - Okay, would disengage get me out of a grapple? - Disengage would not get you out of a grapple. It's just about not having attacks of opportunity. To get out of a grapple you either need to find a way to move your, force them to move or to just break the grapple on an acrobatics or athletics check. - Okay. - [Brennan] That takes a full action. - I'll probably do that. I do have my unseen servant. Can I tell my unseen servant to take the battery out or to press off? - You can have your unseen, actually, no, your unseen servant cannot make attacks. - Okay, but it wouldn't be an attack. It would be sort of a menial task. Okay, yeah, that's fair. (players laughing) All right, so I'm gonna do an acrobatics check to get out. - You can either do that or attempt to shove it, but either way. - And shoving it would be... - Strength. - Strength. Would I get that strength bonus? - So you could use strength. You can use an athletics check in place of one of your attacks which will leave your other extra attack. Or you can use acrobatics, which is a higher score for you but it will take your action. - Oh, I'm gonna take my action. - Cool, let me know what your acrobatics roll is. - Okay, 26. - 26, you escape the grapple. - Sick. - And that's my action, but then I'm gonna use another ki point to take a dash. - Cool. - And I just wanna go as far as I can. I want to kick around the blood. - I was thinking of doing that, too? - Really? - Yeah. - Cool, if you would like to, okay, so if you're taking a disengage this thing will get an attack of opportunity on you. - Oh, I have to, um... - You can take the risk and hope it doesn't it and do the dash. - It's gonna fucking hit me. Fuck it. All right, I'm just gonna take a disengage and go as far as I can. - Cool. - I go pretty far. - Yeah, 45 is not bad. - 45. - So as your bonus action is disengage so you're gonna move, yeah, nine squares. - So okay, yeah, I'm just gonna get up here. - Cool, (mimics steps on floor) start running as fast as you can, rad. That is your turn. - And then I do have a question. Is Otherworldly Leap, is that like something that, does that take an action for me to use 'cause it says that I can do it without spending a spell slot. - Exactly. It doesn't take a spell slot, but it does take an action to cast. - All right. (dramatic instrumental music) - 17... You see that Robert Moses flicks a hand at you and a scorching ball of fire hits you for 28 points of fire damage. - Me? - You. - Wait, Robert Moses? - Yeah. - Except I do have something, fire, is it a fireball? I have evasion, let's me dodge out of the way. - This is an attack roll he's making. It's not a dexterity check. He just hits you with the fireball cantrip. - A fireball cantrip? Okay, I Hellish Rebuke him. - (chuckles) Awesome. You Hellish Rebuke him and his Globe of Invulnerability cancels it out. - All right, that was what I did, okay. (Brennan laughs) 28 you said? - 28, now-- - Are you close to radiant damage? - He did 28 damage with a cantrip? - Yes, he did. - Fuck, man. - These guys are gonna take a move. One, two, three, four, five, and six. This guy is not going to trigger attacks of opportunity but moves over here to the other side of Sofia. - No, are you fucking kidding me! - Legendary actions. Is not taking an attack yet. And then this guy is going to take another swing at these rats over here. - It's really funny to look and see Ox is just next to a raging fire. - [Emily] I know! - Seven points to those over there. - They're gone. - They're just alone. - And then this one's gonna take another swing at Ricky. And that's gonna be, he gets a 20 on that which I believe does hit you. - Yeah, hits me. - And you're gonna take, he opens the cockpit, brings your body down, bites into your neck and starts draining your blood. - (gasps) Fuck. - You take seven points, sorry, you take 11 points of damage and your max is reduced by six. That is gonna be Pete. - Great. Okay, I'm gonna run and can I try to jump through the middle of this, like jump in there and jump out and keep running straight? - You can make an acrobatic check to be able to do that, yeah. - Okay, let's see, what is my acrobatics, it's fine. Yeah, 18. - Cool. You run and, like, you body partially separates, turning into weird colored mist as you slink through there. One, two, three, four, five, six. - Great, and then I will cast Erupting Earth. - Careful with the anti-magic thing, kid. - Underneath, 'cause then maybe the whole platform will fall if I fuck with the... - Yeah. - Yeah, you can try to fuck with it. - Oh, interesting. - Cool. So I'm casting Erupting Earth underneath the balcony that he's on that starts to like crumble, like, takes all the pillars down, causes the whole thing to drop. - Hell yeah, hold on one second. What level spell is that? - This is a third level, but if I cast it higher I can add d12, so I think I'll actually cast it as my fifth level spell slot. - Ooh, fuck. - Spending all of our fifth levels early on, I love it. - Yeah, immediately, look. - But it gives me 5d12 bludgeoning damage on a failed save. - Awesome, and you're keeping it out of the range of his globe, right? - Well, I'm trying to cast it under so hopefully he and the globe fall and encounter it. - Okay, we're gonna do our first Box of Doom roll here, gang. - Oh, my goodness. - Bring it the fuck on! - So this is gonna be 10 plus the spell's level so five. 15 is the difficulty as Moses is going to try to attempt to counterspell. As he attempts to counterspell, what he rolls on this is, spell at the forth level... Okay, Moses on a 10 or higher is going to effectively counterspell this. - Okay, the whole thing? - The whole thing. - [Ally] Okay, okay. - Got any kind of bend luck thing or anything? - [Ally] Yeah, I'm gonna bend luck and... - You don't have bardic inspiration or anything right, or else... - No, so I'm gonna use a sorcery point, those are still there. - You're gonna do, are you gonna do bend luck? - Yeah. - Go ahead and roll it. See how much harder this gets for him. He's gotta roll a 12 or higher. - Cool. - Okay can I, I have to cutting words after you roll, right? - I believe so, but what can cutting words be used on real quick? And does it have a range on it? - I don't have it written down anywhere. - Let me, that's actually very important. I'm gonna look that up real quick just so we're all on the same page. - I love being on the same page. - Hey, who has some d12s? Let's just get these ready, huh? - You're not gonna be able to do it. Here we go, on a 12 or higher Robert Moses counterspells this. (dramatic instrumental music) (dice taps Box of Doom) - No, motherfucker! (groans) - 13. - Jesus. - You see-- - If so many things had gone differently. - We're getting so whooped here! - You see, you run up, you see that Moses looks at you and goes, "Kid, what are you thinking?" - Wait, I don't know if it's not too late, but I have Tides of Chaos, and once a day I get advantage on a roll. Can I advantage that on my bend luck roll? - No, advantage only on d20 rolls. - Oh, okay. - So you. (mimics reverberations) He knocks the spell out of your hand. (Emily groans) - Fucker. - Okay. - That's so mean! I hate this motherfucker! - (laughs) Okay. - Cool. - Can I use your-- - That's gonna be. - Yeah. - Pete, give me a wild magic roll. - Oh yeah, right. Two. - Fuck. - Yep. - Okay, let's see. - Please be good. - Oh come on, good luck. - You get to choose between two now, right? - Yeah. - You choose... - I mean, that's fun. - One undead among you becomes living. - Yeah. (laughs) - You feel the magic (mimics bubbling) bubbling up inside of you. - You fucker! - Robert's fucking with you. You can either go evil to match him or you can stay pure and try to resist what you're feeling. - Oh, that's so hard! (sighs) I stay good. (laughs) - Aw, Kingston would be so proud though. - I stay good, God fucking damn it. - Say it all out loud so Kingston knows. - Say it so I know I'm proud. Let me know I should be proud of you. (Emily laughs) (Ally sighs) - The magic surges through your body and all, this is literally sort of what it says, all chemical addiction within you, every residual toxin, every bit of poison is pushed out of you as you glow with radiant light. - Yes! - I start crying. I start truly weeping, I'm on my knees. - Is it just me, or does it smell like a fucking Phish concert in here now? (all laughing) What? - Incredible. At the end of Pete's turn this one's gonna take a swing, boom. Deals four points of damage to you, Ricky. And then this one's going to finish moving to Sofia. They're like super fast. This one's gonna make an attack. Misses Sofia, you are not grappled. - Thank you! - Is one of them shut down or no? - No, none of them are shut down. - This one's going to take a swing. Actually, this one's gonna fight the fucking kiosk that is right in front of it and misses that one. - Wait a second, he missed on me? He tried to attack me and missed on me? - [Brennan] Yeah. - Tipsy sway, bitch, you gotta attack him! - [Ally, Murph, And Siobhan] Yeah! - Fucking finally! - Finally, it happened. - This is Battle Bots, baby! - Push that robot over! - Jesus Christ, you see that you are there fighting. This thing goes to hit you, you roll on your back, do that full break dancing capoeira like legs around nove and its fist, bam, and cracks the glass shield of its friend over here. (Emily gasps) - Sick. - Does that mean I could rush in there and attack the vampire? - No. - Damn. - Oh, we gotta keep track of which one has the concentration spell on your ex. - I know which one. - Yes. - It's the one on the right, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Or left, sorry. - The furthest one on the left. - [Ally] Yeah. - Oh, it's the furthest one on the left, the one that I just made attack someone else. - The one you just made get attacked. - Get attacked. - The one who's cracked. - Kingston, that's gonna be you. - All right, in the spirit of Pete, can I roll insight to see if I think that these mech vampires would be susceptible to command? - Roll either arcana or religion. - Let's go, they're the same, it's 10. - You're not sure. You know for sure that Moses is not. You could go either way on the vampires. - All right, I'm gonna try it. I'll cast a second level command spell on these two, the two around Sofia. - Cool. What is the command you are issuing forth to them? - Smash, and I point at the pillars underneath Robert Moses. - Okay. (dice rattling) One of them resists. The other reaches deep down and burns through more of that willpower. - What the fuck is this willpower? - Yeah, I don't like it. - Cool, that's your command. Any movement that round or no? - Can I snake through here? - Yeah, absolutely. - Yeah, six. - Yep, one, two, three-- - Someone go kick the blood around. - Four, five, six. - Yeah. - Cool, Kingston, you see Robert looks at you as you approach looking down from the balcony. He's got Kugrash around him and you see he says, looks at you, the room grows dark. He says, "As a favor to a friend and someone I respect, "who do you want me to drop? "Your friend the eagle or the kid? "One of 'em's gotta go." - Can I stay silent? - You can stay silent. He says, "Tick-tock, tick-tock. "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by the toe. "If he hollers let him go. "My mama says to pick the very best one, and you are it." (mimics wind howling) A spell releases from his fingers. - Shield. - Pete, this spell that he is casting is a ninth level spell. - Mm-hmm, and shield is a cantrip. (group laughing) - It's actually first level. - And this spell does not have a saving throw. This is Power Word Kill. It doesn't have a saving throw. The only thing this spell cares about is how many hit points you've got. Do you currently have less than 100 hit points? You watch Pete's life leave his body as he falls to the ground dead. (Brennan mimics body impacting floor) - [Zac] Do you have... - [Lou] I have Revivify. - [Ally] What the fuck? - [Emily] Is it like, dead or making saving throws? - [Ally] Death saving throws or like? - [Brennan] No saving throws, fully dead right now. (electronic beeping) (dramatic instrumental music) - Fuck. (Brennan mimics reverberations) - I just got sober! (group laughing) Do you know much weight was just lifted from my fucking shoulders? - (laughs) That is Power Word Kill. You guys all watch Pete drop to the ground. - Fucking fuck. You probably don't have another fifth level spell. - I don't, but Revivify's a third-level spell. - Oh, okay. (Lou laughing) - Let me at him. - Fucker. - Power Word Kill. - Power Word Kill. Robert looks up and goes, (dramatic instrumental music) "I am purified of my undeath "and thus the realms beyond cannot claim me." And the water of the fountain, the Bethesda sprinkles from his hand, falls to the floor. (mimics magical reverberations) Rowan, that's gonna be your turn. - Am I within 30 feet of, can I get within five feet of Sofia? - You can get within five feet. - Yeah. - Yes, right? - Yep, absolutely. - Okay, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get within five feet of Sofia and I'm gonna say, you wanna take a trip? - Yeah! - And then I'm gonna cast Dimension Door so that we cast above his globe of... - Ooh! (laughs joyously) (cheering and clapping) - And so we fall on top of him and hopefully do some falling damage as we do that. - Incredible. - Woo! - Fuck, yeah. - Cool. - Those Louboutins are heavy. - It's also sharp. - Can I hold Misty's body so that I absorb all the impact of the landing 'cause I have slow fall. - Give me just an athletics check, low DC just to hold on to Misty while you fall. - Okay. - Sick. - 12. - Cool, you do it. You grab Rowan around the waist and slide to the ground. - As I'm falling I'm like, "If only Pete could see this. "Actually, maybe it's better he can't see this." (group laughing) - You Dimension Door, you appear. - [Ally] Fuck yeah. - You guys fall to the ground here. As you're slow falling you don't deal any damage, but you don't take any damage either. - Okay, great, that's fine. - Cool, at the end of your turn I'm going to need Kugrash, Sofia, and Rowan to all give me constitution saving throws. - Okay, can I also before I, 'cause I have not done a bonus action yet. - Oh yeah, go for it, yeah, yeah. - I would like to turn to Sofia and be like, hey, thanks. - Oh my God, any time. - You're so like, cute and flirty and then... - Misty Moore who, this is my new hero. - And now you have Bardic Inspiration. So it's a constitution saving throw? - Constitution saving throw, that's correct. - Who has bardic now? - I do. - Fuck. - Constitution saving throw. Is this an area effect or fearing or charming. - Your evasion only is for dexterity saving throws. - No, but I have stillness of mind so I can't be charmed or frightened. - This is not a charm or a frighten. - I had a seven. - Seven. - And constitution, I got a 15. - 15. (dice tapping table) - I got a 15 as well. - 15 as well. - Should I use the Bardic Inspiration for that? I'm gonna use a Bardic Inspiration for that. - Cool. - I got an 18. - You got an 18 for the Bardic Inspiration? - [Emily] Yeah. - Okay, Rowan and Kugrash, you take 11, 15, 17, 22 points of damage each. You take 11 points of damage. You see Robert just goes, "I'm starting to lose my patience!" (mimics explosion) And just the power of raw death surrounds him, and fluttering, ashy scraps of dollar bills flutter around him. As you do this damage, I'm going to need constitution checks from Kug and from Rowan. - Again? - God, oh, wait. So I got 14. - So you got a 14. - So what was that half of? - You're only trying to beat an 11. - Okay, cool. - Oh, I got an 11. - You got an 11, you succeed. - Okay. - You pass. I'm also gonna need another one for the conjured rats as well. - Oh, shit, are they? - There's some left, so go ahead and give me that. - Oh, just to like keep them up? - [Brennan] For concentration, yeah. - Oh, concentration. - (scoffs) They're gone. - Oh, I think I have, oh, I have advantage on that anyway. (rats squeaking) That's worse, well, anyway, I succeeded it. - You succeeded it. - So it doesn't matter. - So you guys hold on to your spells. The rats scatter and vanish, that's Robert's turn. These guys are gonna go one, two. - Ricky, are you okay? - I'm having a horrible time. - Yeah. - [Brennan] One, two, three, four, five, six. - [Emily] We're getting so fucked in this. - Ricky is next to some fire watching his friend be killed being held up against the wall. - [Zac] It's awful. - By a stronger person. - So he's kind of standing in the blood. They're like tracking the blood around. That's not having any effect? - Doesn't seem to be having any effect. - All right, well I'm glad I used it. - I was gonna slide into the blood as a whole action. - I was, too, I was gonna like Slip 'N Slide. - Cool, that was Rowan, that's that. Ricky, that's gonna be you. - He is out of the thing now, right? - Who's out of the thing? - He's opened the hatch to bite me, right? - Yes, he has. - Oh, God. I guess, I don't have any of the information for suggestion in front of me, but that is a wisdom saving throw, right? - Correct, yes. - And from what we know they probably can save themselves from wisdom saving throws is what it seems like. - Yeah, maybe, probably. - Is the wisdom what the willpower helps them resist? - I don't know. - This was a wisdom saving throw that they pulled deep down inside of themselves and... - Yeah, both of yours, was the shutdown? - Yeah, shutdown wasn't a wisdom, that was con. - Oh okay, so maybe it's just saving throws. - Well, okay... - But that was a limited resource. - Yeah. - (chuckles) I want... (chuckles) Ox is too far away from any of them to attack right now, right? - I think so, yeah. - I guess Ox will, I want. (laughs) Because the hatch is open I want Ox to run in and jump up and attack the vampire. - Go for it, have him attack. - Aw, so cute. Like going through a doggy door. - Oh yeah, this fire hasn't been going. - He's gone. - Oh, okay. - He's been fighting the guy that Ricky... - So that would be, what am I adding to this? Oh, that's a 15. - 15 misses. - Okay, I'm gonna... Jesus, this sucks. There's like no... I guess I'm gonna cast suggestion on him and tell him to throw me at Robert. (laughs) - Okay. He's going to make a wisdom save. - Yeah. - I love that. - He succeeds on the wisdom save. - Aw, Brennan, it'd be so fun if he bit it, though. - [Siobhan] It'd be so fun. - Wasn't it fun with Sondheim? I thought you let that happen. - So he's over here. - Daddy, please. Please let us stay up late. - Come on, Daddy. (Siobhan and Ally laughing) - Sorry. - This is terrible. - I'm so sorry. That's going to be, yeah, Ricky's not looking great all the way back over there. (Brennan mimics electronics buzzing and whirring) Objects are gonna go. - Yeah, so... For the umbrella I would like for it to take, so it's over here? - Yes. - I'd like for it to take a dash action towards, let me know if you'll let me do this. - Sure. - A dash action towards the one holding Ricky. - [Brennan] Cool. - And then open. - Okay. - So it's like in the way of everything. - [Brennan] Cool. - It's just like, he can't see probably and he can't get to his buttons. - It's just trying to fuck up his shit, cool, gotcha. - Right. - Obscuring his view of the field. - So he can't attack, but... - That's cute. - Cool, it pops open, great. - His what? - I would image you would get advantage now or he gets-- - The umbrella opens up. - No no no the umbrella opens. - Oh. - Cool. It doesn't have a numerical effect this turn, but it can create disadvantage on the attacks for that thing, yeah. - Great, and then I'll have one kiosk, can the closer kiosk get to Ricky? - The closer kiosk can get to Ricky, I believe, right? - [Siobhan] Great, so... - Which two are they? That's the real question. - Am I over here? - I'll have that one attack... - One, two, three four, yep, that one can get there, boom. - And then the other one go forward and attack this guy in the corner right here. - [Brennan] This one right here? - [Siobhan] I think that's within 30, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. (Brennan mimics pounding and roaring) - Cool, go ahead and roll. - So let's see, purple is close to me and pink is far. - Cool. - Well, fuck me. A 12 is not gonna hit, right? - A 12 is not going to hit, no. - Well, nothing hits, but at least they're there. - At least they're there. - So... - (laughs) That's like the story of this fight. Is like, I don't know. - We're there. - Oh. - At least. - They're great at running defense. - You see that actually, yes, these three vampires all rise up on these little risers to surround you guys up on the dais. - Oh no, oh, I don't like this at all. - [Lou] Yeah, this just got wild. - [Emily] This is awful. - Cool, that is... - So he's falling, he's going, he's gone. - Fall, fall, fall. - Die. - Yeah, fall, you asshole. - Yeah, if a mini shatters, we can't fight it. - Yeah, those are the rules. It's in the DMs guide, I've read it. - It's in the DMs guide. - It's not even the players manual, I mean, literally-- - It's not a homebrew from some 12-year-old in Cleveland. That's Wizards of the Coast. - We're back up at Kugrash at the top. - Sweet, cool, I'm gonna have fire elemental is gonna go after this guy that's got Ricky. It has Fire Form so it can squeeze through a space one-inch wide, so I want him to get in the cockpit with the dude. - Hell yeah, go for it. - Sick. - And once it gets within five feet of him, like an actual person it takes 1d10 fire damage just right off the bat. - Hell yeah, go for it. - So he'll take eight damage. - He'll take eight damage, dope. And then it'll make its attacks. And I think it might, fire damage and catches fire. It catches fire until someone takes an action to douse the fire. The creature takes 1d10 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. - Oh, cool. - Cool, awesome. - Each of its turns, it has multiple turns, right. - No, he's using legendary actions, I think. - [Brennan] Mm-hmm. - Okay, so two attacks. One of 'em is a 24 to hit. - 24 hits. - Sweet. (dice tapping table) That's going to be 16 damage. - Fuck yeah. - Woo! - Or no, sorry, 13 damage. - This vampire's looking fucked up over here, the one that's fighting Ricky. Cool, that's your turn, Kugrash. And then what's Kugrash do, that's your elemental. - Yeah, okay, and then my elemental, I imagine I'm about to get severely fucked up. I am going to, all right, I think Ricky can get rid of that guy. Here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to fly away. I'm going to use my movement to get out of there. - He's gonna go ahead and take a swipe at you to do that. - Fuck, okay. - Can't you just disengage? - No, I don't want to disengage, I want to do something. - He's got plans. - Does a 20 hit Kugrash? - Yes. - Okay. - Well, that I can use Cutting Words against. - Okay. - Right? - Yes. - 'Cause he's right next to me. - That'd be wonderful. - He's right next to you. Kugrash's AC is, what is your AC in eagle form? - 13. - 13, so you've gotta-- - Fuck, so I've gotta get a seven or an eight? - No, you need an eight. - Fuck. - You need to get all the way to 12. - Well, that is a one, so... (laughing) - This fucking game! - You-- - We are getting so fucked. - This fucking game. No, not yet. - Not yet. - Kind of fucked, Pete's dead. - I really don't like that Pete's died. - You take 13 points of cold damage. - Okay, I snap out of being an eagle and I am Kugrash again. - Ooh, let's get the little Kug out there. I'm going to need you to make a constitution saving throw. - Okay. God damn it, huge fail, one and a two. (sinister instrumental music) - You see that as you go to fly away you see that Robert goes, "Not so quick, little bird" (growls) and grabs your neck and says, "Why don't you just relax." Snap, and you, (mimics choking) your windpipe is crushed. You are paralyzed on the ground. You are fully paralyzed and cannot move or take actions. (Lou moans in shock) That is going to be... - Oh no! - That was the most visceral description of... - We are so fucked. - So fucked up. - That was like, too real. (laughs) - This is Robert fucking Moses, baby! - An eagle's neck is worth two hands at least. Eagles are large. - Yeah, don't do one fucking. (groans) - That's going to be-- - I got chills. - You are paralyzed, Kug. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - Wail on this fool. - [Brennan] That's now going to be the vampires. - I want to, but I'm rolling like shit. - Did the elemental go away? - [Emily] I have to hit before I can wail. - Oh, yeah, right. - You see that this vampire right here is gonna make an attack. Actually no, this one's gonna make a shove attempt. So this is athletics versus athletics. - On me? - On you, yes. - All right. - So athletics versus athletics. He rolls a nat one. - I rolled a 18. - You succeed. The other one's gonna try to throw you off the platform as well. This one, you have to beat a 12 on an athletics check. - I did. (group laughing) - These two claws come at you. Also, you see that these two heal fully. - We gotta do radiant damage. - This guy also heals, not all the way, but he heals a little bit. - Can we tell if the damage on their suits and them are separate things? - They are not separate. You see that they have IVs of blood running through the machines into their bodies. That's going to be, so they both missed there. This one is also going to now move over here (mimics motor humming) and is gonna take another swing, try to knock Sofia off. - Oh, they... - [Brennan] Now you're gonna need to beat-- - Wait a second, oh, these aren't actually attacking me. - They're not actually attacking you. - So I can't redirect. Oh, so you're being smart, okay. - Oh, I see, you're being a clever person. - [Emily] So what do I have to beat? - [Siobhan] Great. - Now you gotta beat a 27 on an athletics check. - I think we all lose, we all lose. Actually, I'm not incapacitated, right, I'm just paralyzed? - Paralyzed, yep. - Okay, so my aura's still there, but we're gonna lose it if I go out. (dice tap table) - I didn't. - This one (mimics blow landing) and throws you to the ground prone at the bottom of the balcony. - Guess what bitch, I fucking jump right up when I'm prone. - (laughs) Oh, that's right, drunken master. - Yeah, drunken master. (claps) - You do like a, like... - I take a little nip of Smirnoff, I'm back up. - That's them, that vampire's gonna take an attack on Ricky over there and he's actually gonna miss. - But doesn't he take damage from the fire? - At the beginning of his turn, yep, he does. - I would think that, oh, he is still on fire, yes. - This is actually his turn, yeah. - Okay, five damage. - Ooh! - Nama nama. - How fucked up is he looking? - Oh, how fucked up is he? He's looking messed up, he's looking fucked up. - I might just try to kill him. - Yeah. - That is going to be Sofia. - Okay, do you guys think that we should be going after Robert Moses? - Yes. - Or should I be trying to? My instinct is just to go after Robert Moses. - Yeah, don't worry about the vampires. - I feel like he is at the heart of whatever the ticker tag thing is. - Okay, yeah, all right, I am going to use a, can I use my dodge now so that if I jump up then they can't get-- - They get disadvantage? - Oh wait, that would be disadvantage. - Dodge is disadvantage, disengage is no attacks of opportunity. - Well, since I'm doing Flurry of Blows, if I were to do Flurry of Blows, can I take my disengage before I do my Flurry of Blows 'cause I get it at the end of every Flurry of Blows. - Yeah, you can spend a ki point, do your Flurry of Blows and get no attacks of opportunity. - Cool, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do that, jump up, and go after Robert Moses. - Jesus, so all of them go to swing, you miss, drunken master twirl through the air. No need for a jump check, you pop straight up. It's only like, what a 20-foot straight high jump. - Yeah. - Easy. - And I'm going after Robert Moses. First attack is a nat 20! (players cheering) - That's what we need! - I would also like to point out to Robert Moses that when you hit me back there, I don't know, something about it jostled something up, and I'm looking pretty radiant, wouldn't you say? (laughing) I'll also be doing some radiant damage. - You're less than half? - Yeah. - Oh, wow, fuck! - Yeah, yeah! - Yes, bitch. - So my first thing would be-- - What does crit do, damage and a half? - It doubles dice. - It doubles every die. - 11. - Oh, doubles, that's sick. - Or we'd roll double the amount of dice. - That's so sick. - Five, 16, plus, so it's 21 for my first hit. - Jesus. - I'm going again. I'm guessing a 13 does not hit. - No, it does not. - Okay, going again. That does not hit, going again, does a 20 hit? - A 20 does hit. - Okay. So I hit him for another 12. - (shouts) You leap up. He has just broken Kugrash's windpipe. He's come in, killed Pete. You go up and he says, "Ms. Lee, "let's not have the entire Lee family die at my request, "what do you say?" - There's literally only one Lee that I fucking care about. Oh wait, no, Lee, Lee's my husband. (laughs) Jesus fucking Christ, now I know what you're going after! (laughing) Fuck you! - You (mimics blows landing) and you feel his fucking Lich skull crack under your rain of blows. This guy is very powerful, but he is a spell caster. You gotta leave a fucking sick crack across his skull wailing on him as he skids back across the balcony. - And some of that was radiant damage. - Absolutely, yeah, the radiant damage fucks him up for sure. - Nice. - That is Sofia's turn. This guy's gonna take another swing. You take eight points of damage, Ricky. And that is going to be Pete. - I mean, am I in Nod, what am I seeing? - Yeah, you float into Nod and you hear a noise of like people watching a show. (people clapping distantly) And you look over. You're in like a weird red light district of Nod you haven't been at before. And you hear someone say, "Welcome to the stage "Bubbles, our next dancer." And you see there's a bunch of weird dream beings. They all kind of look nonplussed and like they find this distasteful. And you see a bunch of copies of your dad dressed in bubbles come out and start erotically dancing with each other on stage. - Oh no. - Fuck no. I sprint as fast as I can to wherever The Golden Door was to see what it looks like in Nod. - You start rushing to The Golden Door. You hear a voice behind you go, "Pete, Pete!" - What? - And you see your dad calls your name after you. - No, that was, yeah, that's my name. Yeah, that is who I am. - You see that all of his clones run off the stage as people start going, "Boo, keep dancing." (crowd booing) And there's like five of your dad just there. (panting) What's going on, what happened to me? - Um, I am magic and I had a surge. And I don't know what I did to you, but I did send you maybe to hell, I don't know. - I don't know if it's hell. I honestly don't know if it's hell here. - Oh, I sent you here, that's nice, it's not. I think I'm dead right now actually. - Okay, I've figured out a lot of stuff since I've been here. - Okay. - I had a very narrow view of what the world was. - Yeah. - I saw a snake fuck its own asshole with its head. - Cool, was it consensual? - It was doing it to itself, I think it was masturbation. - I'm just-- - My point is this. I had a very narrow-minded view and the bubbles talked to me. - Cool, uh... - Do I live here forever now? - I'm not sure, man. - I think Mom and your brother and sister at some point should know that I'm here. - Yeah, yeah, but I'm dead, too, unfortunately. I wish, uh, what have you learned? Do you know anything that could help me revive? - I was wrong about my, I was wrong about the prostate. Your mother talked to me about it a lot of times, it's great. - Yeah, that's a lot of men. They find it too late, they all say it. - I missed years and years and years, it's really incredible. - Yeah, eating ass has had a comeback, so luckily people our generation are cool with it, but there's just a lost generation. Anyway, we shouldn't talk about this. Can you please help me in any way? - There was a panda in a full clown costume and it opened its-- - Can I cast Commune with City to get answers? - Yeah, he starts running after you. You just see that your dad basically has not been in hell, but has basically just been in a mind-bending phantasmagoria for the past three weeks that he's been here. - Whoa. - And has been like, you don't know, he hasn't had like a redemption. It's just that his whole mind is fucking unraveled, and there's like, hope for something. But also, you don't know if he's learned anything. He's just literally been on-- - He totally has. He called me Pete. - He calls you Pete, yeah. You think that that is a result that something about your trip that you sent him here on means that the weird, horrifying, conservative things he had about what can and cannot happen, it's like, hey man, you saw, like, a wind serpent from like an ancient, long-gone religion fellate a B-list '70s celebrity in a spinning doughnut going down the street. Is it really that weird to change your name? - Yeah. - Is that really the weirdest fucking thing that you could do? - Great. I sent my dad to Amsterdam. (group laughing) - He runs with you down the street, but there's about five of him as he runs. You look and see in front of The Golden Door that sigil in blood appearing and start to move into the position that a knob would have. - Can I, once a day I can cast a dispel magic in fourth level or higher has to make a saving roll. - I'm gonna say that because this is happening in a single round of combat, your Commune with City is how you get here and find this. - Okay, cool, you got it. - But you arrive there. Your dad says, "What am I looking at, Pete?" - So there's too much to explain. Bad guy trying to get through this door. - Got it, all right. Well, I can suck and fuck with the best of 'em so... - God. - That's great, are you okay? (players laughing) - Yes! - [Ally] Okay. - I am doing great now! - Let's just, let's take a breath and let's say nothing sexual for a while. - Okay. - Let's just take a breather. - Cool. - Feel our body on our own. - Yep, I've done all the drugs that there are! - Oh. - I was wrong about that, too. - Cool, I'm actually sober now, yeah, great. - Hey, good, congrats. - We hug. - Yeah, big hug, pats you on the back. - We hug for the first time in decades. - Yeah, yeah, there's a lot about myself that I like that I didn't say yes to. - Yeah, totally. - You see that we snap out of the dream realm as you hug. - God damn it, what the fuck? - All your dad's weird dream clones as he kind of screeches and twitches. And we cut back, Kingston, it is your turn. - So is Pete dying? - Oh no, Pete is full dead. - Pete is full dead. - Full dead. - Great, I cast, can I cast revivify? - You call on some very powerful magic. As Robert's surrounded and fighting, he looks down at you casting this Revivify spell. This is resurrection. What is Kingston do this moment? And you look down at Pete. - I put both my hands on his stomach and I say, you're not done yet, kid, come on, we got work to do. - You are sucked out of the dream realm back into your body. - Ah, Dad! - What, me? - Duh? - I'm, you call me? - No, I'm sorry, I was just with my dad. - Yeah, that's fine. (laughs) Ooh, that's crazy. Anyway, we're still in it, Pete. - I'm hugging you. - Yeah, you see that as you bring the Vox Phantasma back something broken in the magic of New York that has been broken for some time is healed forever. The dreaming and the waking intertwine and Pete is brought back by your magic and you know what this spell is trying to do, that's-- - Oh, can I mind link with everyone and let them know what I just heard? - Yeah, go head, what are you gonna tell 'em? - (chuckles) What am I gonna tell them? - Your words, yeah, what do you say? - I'm not even quite sure what I just saw. It was like, like whatever blood is happening here is happening at the door inside Nod. - So this is the lock or this is the-- - Yeah, this is probably him creating the lock here that will end up there. - We gotta find the key. - Kingston, do you do anything else? - Can I move? I'll move to like, I'll stand right on the edge of the thing. - Cool. - Unless he's creating a lock, and he already has the key and he's just gonna open it. - Right. - All in one move, yeah. - Also, you have one hit point. - Oh, really, dope. - Oh, we should get you healed. Anyone else have heals? You're paralyzed. - I mean, I'm up on this platform and I don't know if I can do spells. - Cool. - Yeah. - Probably not, right? - It gets to be Robert's turn again. - Oh, ay, yi, yi, yi. - Of course. I'm up, bitch. - Sofia, do you have less than 150 hit points? - I do. - No! - You see Robert gets. (growls) And he goes, "Mean left hook kid, let me give it a shot." Wham, and you are stunned with Power Word Stun. Automatically you can make saves at the end of your turns, but you are fully stunned. Rowan, that is going to be your turn. - So within his globe of whatever I can't cast spells? - [Brennan] Actually-- - Or can I can spells on the-- - You're in the bubble now so you're with-- - So within the bubble I can do it. - That is correct. Yeah, you are past the 10-foot barrier. - Sick. Then I would like to cast puppet on him. So it's a constitution saving throw and on a failed save he has to move where I tell him to and drop what he's holding. - Gotcha. He fails the save. - Fuck yes. - And burns into some of his interior willpower. - What is this? - Yeah, what is this thing? - It's an ability in 5e called Legendary Resistance. - Legendary Resistance. - Fuck. - Yep, it's not infinite, it's just very powerful. - That's why-- - That didn't, okay. So can I cast a cantrip as a bonus action or no? - Yes, as a bonus action, if you have a bonus action cantrip you can, but I don't know if you have-- - I don't have a bonus action cantrip. Fuck, fuck, fuck. And my weapon is attacking this robot over here. (sighs in exasperation) Can I fucking punch him? There's nothing else I can do? - Can you throw me towards Kingston 'cause I'm so fucked up right now. (laughs) - Oh yeah, you are a little paralyzed boy. - I'm just paralyzed up there. If you could throw the bird. - Throw a dead bird off a balcony? - Oh actually, I'm a rat. I'm a rat again. - Throw the dead person. - He's not dead, he's paralyzed. - Yeah, I'll do that. - Rad. You move and just huck-- - Jesus Christ. - You see that Kugrash, it's like that little thing of a little rat body goes (mimics splat) and lands. - That thing of like? - You know. - Yeah, we're like, hashtag-- - That classic-- - I'm just trying to think about, like, taking like a little gross, mangy rat and just like, like a very anti-climatic (honks) as it like honks and lands on the ground. - It's like when you a throw a rat, you know that sound it makes? - Yeah, we all know. - Good night folks, I'm gonna head out. (players laughing) - What size rat-- - They can get a Foley on that. - What else, what else, what else? - Because everyone knows that, that sound-- - Everyone get in the fucking comments. Rats honk when you throw them. (players laughing) - Don't at me. - Rowan, yeah, you toss the rat no sweat. - And I just take a quick look at Robert Moses and just, I would love to see what his fucking deal is 'cause we haven't really been this close to him face to face and all of a sudden he's green? - Yeah, he's called on some, he no longer, it looks like he, make whatever roll you're gonna make. Make insight or arcana, whatever you like. - Great, I'll do insight. (die taps table) 16. - Robert Moses purified himself and is no longer considered undead, but is undead. - Oh, shit. - Like, he purified himself so in other words he has all of the abilities and none of the weaknesses of undead. - Motherfucker. - That's gonna be Rowan, (hums) now-- - Oh, is the list still up there? - Yeah. - [Siobhan] He just threw it on the ground, right? - He tossed it on the ground. - I don't have enough time, though, to also pick up the list. - No, you do not. - All right, well, next time. - It takes a lot to throw a rat. - It does. - As we all know. - Well, exactly. - It means a loud-- - This constant action we're always doing of throwing rats. - This weekend I threw a rat and I had to sleep right after. - I threw a rat right before we started filming this. - Cool, that's going to be... - This is stressing me out. I'm much less stressed now that Pete is no longer dead, but he's still at one hit point. - One hit point, yeah. - And it's giving me serious anxiety. - I'm gonna need a constitution save from Rowan. - Oh, I didn't wild magic. - I'm gonna need a wild magic. - Two. - This isn't for my concentration, right? - But it was back to one. - So close, it was back to one so two. - I almost want one now. - Give me that constitution save. (die taps table) - Oh, fuck. Eight. (sinister instrumental music) - He reaches out and sucker punches you in the stomach and you are paralyzed. (mimics blow landing and reverberating) Take it easy, Ms. Berry. You also take 13 points of cold damage. - Okay, I have a question. Since I'm a War Caster, can I still cast while I'm paralyzed? - Can you hold on to your concentration? Well, give me another constitution save 'cause he just did damage to you. So you take 13 points of cold damage. - Okay, hang on. And then this is for my concentration, I got an 18 or 20. - Cool, great. - Oh, can we keep concentrating when we're paralyzed? - I actually believe that yeah, you can. - Okay, 'cause I had my fire elemental go, but if you don't mind can I roll to keep him? - Yeah, go for it. - Okay, cool. I got two twos. - You do not keep him. - My man. (laughs) - Cool. - Two gang. - [Brennan] You are paralyzed. - So I can't talk or anything. - No, you are fully. (mimics energy fading) - We're mind linked though, right? - You could mind link. - Yeah, I just was like, can I, 'cause I have War Caster so I don't have to use my hands to cast spells. - No, there's-- - But if I can't talk also-- - Can't talk, yeah, can't move or speak. - Yeah. - That's gonna be Ricky. (Lou laughs) - God, this is so tiring. - Okay, so I'm just going to try to kill this one and run over because I don't feel like he'll get attacks of opportunity, et cetera, on me. - You got this, Ricky, I believe in you. - He has disadvantage 'cause there's an umbrella in his face. - That is correct. You had advantage 'cause this umbrella's going. (mimics umbrella opening and closing) - All right. - [Brennan] And like popping in his grill. - Oh my God. - No way. - You still have Ox? - A one and a two on the first. - Another one and two. - Jesus Christ. - You have luck points, right? - Yeah, I'm gonna use a luck point on that. - Cool. - And do I get to roll two again or just one? - [Brennan] No, just one. - Okay. (die taps table) Okay, does 17 hit? - 17 hits. - Okay. (Emily cheers) So I'll Divine Smite him. I'll do a second level Divine Smite on him. - Cool, so that's gonna be 5d8 plus eight. - Okay, can I have someone else's d8s? - Do well, my boy. - Oh, yes. Come on, get in there, pink. - 5d8s plus eight. Okay, I got it. (die taps table) - Oh my God, mine got an eight, my kid got an eight. - So what's my kid doing? - I had three eights plus nine. - Fuck yeah. - Eight, 16, 24, 33 plus eight. - Mine just rolled three. I gotta talk to my fucking kids about what what they do when they leave my house. - 30-- - 41. - 41, Jesus Christ, okay, yeah. - Is he still up? - He is still up. - No! - But you see you go and slash his chest wide open and and burns and it starts turning to ash. He looks fucked up. - All right, I'm going to take my second swing at him. - Cool, this one also has advantage. - That's a 28. - Yep, that hits. - And then I'll just do a first-level Divine Smite on him. - Yeah, it's gonna be 4d8 plus eight. - Okay. - Great. - He used mine, but my kid didn't do well. - Okay, (chuckles) oh God. - Mine got a one. - That is... - It like they achieve and then they underachieve. - Five, seven, eight plus eight, 16. - Kids are tough. (grunts) (blow landing) - Finally. - Nice, one down. - Fuck man. Our only person, I mean now Sofia has-- - And then now with-- - Yeah, but I'm also stunned. - Don't I get a? - You have Ox's movement, yeah, absolutely. - Okay. So I'll use Ox's movement and run all the way up. - What is Ox's movement? - He has 40. - 40. - Plus mine. - [Brennan] So you, five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45-- - [Zac] Can I use the double movement with Ox? - Yes, you can actually. - Okay. - So that's five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Cool, you make it all the way here. In fact, actually, if you want to make it even closer you can probably make it over here 'cause diagonals are better in 5e. - Okay. - So Ox is-- - Or if you want to be over there, you can, too. - Dope to have help on saving throws. - Yes. - Yeah. - But that's only 10 feet, so I'm trying to decide if I-- - You're hitting Kingston and Kug there. - And I'm fucking dead so that'd be dope. - You're not dead, you're just paralyzed. - Also, Ox is probably kind of like, probably kind of drooling a little bit and it's getting in the blood and it's messing it up a little bit. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. (laughs) - I-- - Just tell me where you're moving. Do you move there or there? - I think right there. - Cool. - Will be good. - Cool, so you took your attacks so you're gravy. - All right. - You rush up. Boom, that's Ricky. You see that, again, Robert Moses with everyone paralyzed and stunned on the dais with him goes, "I hold the key to the city." He takes the key out, clatters to the ground. (mimics electronics buzzing) - [Emily] Fucker. - And the objects go. - Oh, the objects, that's me. - Yep. (laughing) - What, who? How far does his globe of whatevers extend? - 10 feet. - Okay. - Could I have taken the umbrella with me? - (chuckles) Just like, grabbed it? Um, attack, attack, move, move, move. You didn't use a bonus actions. I'll say bonus action, you grab the umbrella. - Okay. - Oh my God, I'm just picturing you twirling your umbrella on your dalmation. - So cute. So I would like to have, the one that's far away I would just like to do a dash action so it's as close to everybody as possible. - So it's five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. - Great, can the kiosk pick Ricky up? It's right next to him. - Mm-hmm. - And throw him up on that balcony? - Give me, I'm gonna say that's a DC 20 athletics check. - Great. - On the part of a kiosk? - Athletics is strength, right? - [Brennan] That's correct. - So I have 14 strength, that's pretty good, so that's-- - So you're gonna need plus two. - Plus two to strength? - So you're gonna need an 18 or higher to get him up there. - Okay. - I'll say on a 15 or higher Ricky can grab the bottom ledge. - Okay, great, and do I get extra on, this isn't a saving throw. - No. - Okay, so I just need to get... - 15 or higher. (die taps table) - That's an 11, so 11 plus two so 13. - This thing grabs Ricky, hucks him and he-- - Oh no, I want to pick him up and like take him over there, I don't want to throw him. - Oh, Gotcha, okay, so it's not throwing him. Oh, in that case there's-- - Yeah, it's just carrying him like some kind of beautiful divan. - Yeah, you see, it actually just lifts him up. - Yeah. - Up so that he is like-- - [Siobhan] To give him a step up to there. - Yep, there you go. Boom, there's no roll necessary. - [Siobhan] Great. - Still would have been cool. - Still would have been cool. - Is he still, is Kug still in his range for saving throws? - Nope. - Oh, okay, well, you know-- - [Siobhan] Sorry. - Sacrifices, oh no, that's fine, it's good. - Unless you, you know, yeah. - Sacrifices are important. - Yeah. - And then can I also have it smash against the balcony or is that too many things? Am I pushing it there? - That's too many things. - All right. - Can you just do that and leave me on the ground and that way I could just kip-up the thing? (chuckles) - Are you sure? - I'm pretty sure I could do that. - Okay, great. - Yeah, so Ricky, yeah, you don't have to go if you don't want to. - [Zac] Yeah, so I could stay next to Kug - [Siobhan] You can stay next to Kug. - Yeah, 'cause it's like, Ricky, come with me. - I mean, it looks like steps, right? - Yeah, get on. - Yeah, that's true. - Please, Ricky, please get on me. - Awesome, so-- - Okay, so then I'll do an attack roll then against the balcony. - Against the balcony or against one of these? Or yeah, balcony's fine. - Are you paralyzed? - No, it's the machine, it's the animate objects. - Oh. - Yes. - Go ahead and make an attack roll against the balcony. - Yeah, I like this. Yeah, little machine, fuck 'em up. - 16. - 16 hits. Go ahead and roll damage. - 16 hits that fucking balcony. - Yeah, fuck that balcony. That's not wearing plate armor or anything. - It's a DC 24 balcony. - Yeah. - Huh Moses, should have gotten plate armor for your fucking balcony. - That's 13 damage to the balcony. (impact resounds) - You see Robert Moses wobbles a little bit as this thing cracks into the stone balcony. Balcony's looking pretty structurally sound. It's a huge stone balcony, but some cracks appear in it. - Okay. - Awesome, that's the objects. Kugrash, you are paralyzed which means that you cannot take actions, but at the end of your turn you may roll another saving throw. - Okay, is this con? - This is a... - You will become, this is to become... - This is a constitution saving throw. - To become unparalyzed? - You add four to it. - So your turn, you cannot move or speak. A paralyzed creature is incapacitated, can't move or speak. - This is at the end of my turn. - [Brennan] This is at the end of your turn. - (sighs) All right, I only have a plus one to constitution so this is a tough one. Nat fucking one. (motor powering down) (sighs) You (mimics choking) twitch on the ground, necromantic magic seizing you. That's gonna be the vampires. - Oh, shit. - Mm, that's gonna be the vampires. - We're just mad at this point. We're like, fuck you. (dramatic instrumental music) - This one's going to make... (dice tapping table) Cool. This one's going to grab Sofia. - So I'm stunned and grappled. - Yep. - Life is good. (Lou scoffs) - Oh my God, well guys, it's been good knowing you. This has been fun. - [Lou] Hey... - [Emily] Dale, I'm coming-- - 14 episodes. - This one, actually, hold on. - It explodes? - Yeah, it like... - Is that what you were rolling for? - [Siobhan] He suddenly becomes a good person. - He's a wild magic sorcerer and he... - This one grabs Rowan and he goes over here. - Oh, so he just wants to keep us away from him. - This one goes to the ground here and is going to take a swing at Ricky. Hits Ricky, you're grappled. - Oh, no, no, no. - So I'm just grappled, no damage? - You are just grappled, no damage. - You, fuck you. - That's going to be, that's all the vampires that there are, so that's going to be Sofia. - Okay, so I'm stunned and I'm grappled. - That's correct. (players chuckling) - You know, I guess, I'm gonna have a think, you know, while I have this down time. - You can save at the end. - At the end of your turn you may make a-- - A roll to try and get unstunned. - Yes, that's correct. - Okay. - Jesus. - So we just gotta fast forward to that, okay, cool. - [Brennan] Mm-hmm. - What am I doing, con, con save? - [Brennan] Con. - (sighs) 11. - (mimics choking) You remain frozen at the end of your turn. - Did you have bardic? - I already used it. - Oh. - At the end of your turn one of them is going to hit you for, (dramatic instrumental music) one, two, for 10 damage. (energy hums down) Your HP max is reduced by seven as it drinks your blood. - Fuck man, there's no way that we can do this. (dramatic instrumental music) (dice tapping table) - Rowan, you are hit for 13 points of damage. Your HP max is reduced by 10. (static crackling) One, two... - Are you enjoying this, you having fun? Are you having a good time? - It is so wild to feel the energy that is normally at this table. Put that tongue back in your fucking mouth. - You're a vampire! - Put that tongue deep in your mouth. - He is being a vampire. - Dog killing motherfucker. - He's taking our power. - Put it the other way in you, take that tongue-- - Ricky, this one goes to bite you, it does not successfully bite you. - Okay. - That's gonna be Pete. That's your turn. - Great. - You're prone, you can spend half your movement to stand up. - Oh, sorry, I already pulled myself up, but.. - Oh yeah, you're great. So half your movement standing up. - That's fine, can I roll an arcana check to see what would happen if I cast dispel magic in Nod at the door on the other side? - Give me an arcana check. Go ahead and roll with advantage. (dice tapping table) - Oh yeah, that's great, 22. - You can't hit Nod from here unless you get to Nod, but as you're looking you're like, tingling with your dispel magic. You realize that nothing, no spell can bypass the globe of invulnerability unless it's higher than fifth level. However, a spell can reach the globe itself. So there is a potential to dispel that Globe of Invulnerability. - Got it. I could get to Nod if I blinked, but that would a lot of turns. - That would be a lot of turns. - [Ally] Okay, cool. - There would be a chance that it wouldn't happen. - Great, then I am going to use half my movement to get up and then the second half of my movement to duck behind here. - Cool. - And cast dispel magic on the globe. - Fuck yeah, let's see this. This is gonna be Box of Doom, 100%. - Level three or lower I cast it, but four and up it's a roll. - This is definitely above that. This is a, let me see, one, two, three, four, five, this is a sixth-level spell. - I'm absolutely gonna do bend luck, cast another sorcery, couple sorcery points. - Cool, yeah, this is sixth level. Where is dispel magic? Hold on. - You know, when I die that's why-- (Lou vocalizing) I'm gonna always fondly remember that I finally got to use tipsy sway-- (Lou vocalizing sadly) - Guys, it's been really fun. - Come on, everybody. We can do this! - I'm just glad that I got to have-- - Read your cards, read them again! - I have been going over all my cards being like, there's gotta be something. - Right? - I can't get stunned, can I? - Yeah, this dispel magic is on Plug's med bracelet. - Ooh, awesome, that's right. So this is gonna be, it's a DC 16. We're gonna get the Box of Doom out. - Fuck. - Am I gonna roll bend luck? - So it's just plus, so you're gonna roll bend luck. Go ahead and roll bend luck in the box first. - Oh, okay. (sinister instrumental music) - One. - One, fuck, fuck! I hate these dice. - Nat 20s exist. - So now the difficulty is 15. You have a plus five to your charisma bonus which is what you're rolling to dispel. Let me double check that. - Are you near me? Oh nevermind, it doesn't matter. - You need to roll a 10 or higher. - Okay. - That's very doable. - 17! - 17! (players cheering and clapping) Yes, fuck yeah. - You raise up from death. You see that-- - Gemini Dice. - You see that Robert looks down at you and says-- - Gemini season. - Rob looks at you and says, "I thought I fucking killed you." - You didn't, bitch. (group laughing) - Boom! - As I'm hiding. - The globe is fucking gone. (glass shattering) - Good! - I'm so paralyzed, but so impressed and I hope that you can see in my eyes. - I'm both stunned and grappled and I'm impressed. Oh, but you don't want to fuck me, right. - Roll for wild magic. - Oh, right. (die taps table) Three. I keep being one above when it would trigger. - One above what it would trigger, exactly. - God damn. - Incredible. That's going to be-- Wait, does Pete still have the radiance from the previous? - Oh, the radiance, no, him dying somewhat faded the glow on him. - Okay. - But he's back now. Kingston, that's gonna be you. - I walk over to Kugrash and I pour a bunch of Holy Grail Detergent on him. - Wait, do you, oh yeah, yeah, good. - Oh, hell yes. - We gotta get Kug up. - Yeah. - What's that do? - It's a Greater Restoration. - Oh hell yes. (mimics liquid pouring) Fucking thank you. - Yes, you are fixed. That's your action, any bonus action or anything else? - That's my, oh, a bonus, no. - Cool, no worries. - I have-- - Oh. - Are we getting the sense that this, that their stuff is powered by that greed? By that shit we saw in Hell and stuff? - Certainly, yeah. - And what happens when I eat the bagel? - Oh, you go full, it's a full fucking cosmic. I'll put it this way, I as the DM haven't invented a mechanic for what that does because what it does is so potent. - I thought that it was like killing yourself. - Yeah. - It kind of, it destroys yourself. - Also, I am gonna use a-- - It's, yes. - Sorry, I am going to use a bonus action. I'm realizing that Holy Grail Detergent's not a spell. I'll cast a-- - Oh, nice. - Third-level, I'll cast a fourth-level Mass Healing Word on everybody. - Let's see how much that does. - 2d4, two, come on dog, six. - Yeah. - Six plus my spellcasting ability modifier. - Which is five. - Which is five. - So 11. - 11 hit points. - Everybody takes 11 hit points. - Wait, ah, yeah, are we like, we're really close to his full thing being over. - Yeah, we need to fuck him up. - So we just really need to attack. - Kingston, Robert Moses looks at you, raises his hand, (mimics wind howling) hits you for 34 points of damage with a fire bolt, they're points of fire damage. And then he goes, "I'm getting real tired "of you putting people back in the fight, Vox." - Okay. (players laughing) - You then hold on one second. I gotta get some dice out. (dice rattling) - Oh no. - Hey Brennan, fuck you. - He's looking for the d4, he's looking for the d4! - Hey Brennan, fuck you. - It's really-- - [Lou] Quit it with this-- - Stick a fucking eagle statue up your ass. - [Zac] I figured it out, I figured it out. If we just kick Brennan's ass... - You're right! - We all just start kicking Brennan's ass. - Six on one stomping. - Turn these fucking cameras off! - Let's just take a fucking DMs guide and just whap him over the head! - I want to cut right now and then we'll cut back and Brennan will just be covered in bruises. Robert Moses says he doesn't wanna do what he wants to do. - Robert Moses had a change of heart. - [Zac] We could just tie-- - [Emily] And he's taking us to a Yankees game. - I'm gonna need a constitution saving throw from Kingston. - No. - Is he within 10 feet from me? - Am I within, yes. - Yeah, he is. - So what happens now? - Adding four. - Ooh, baba. 12 plus four plus seven equals more, 19, 19, 23-- - 26. - 26. - 26, you see he points a finger at you and says, "Die!" (mimics energy reverberating) and this helixing spiral of ash and smoke and you smell the stink of like iron and blood and grime, hits your chest. You would have taken 52 points of damage. Instead you take 26 points of damage. How's Kingston looking? - I was at 65 after the first, now I'm taking 26? - [Brennan] 26. - So I'll be at 39. - Insane. - I'm really thankful for Cockrash. (players laughing) - Say it again out to the girl in the back. ♪ I'm thankful ♪ - You see Robert lifts his hand up in the air after he does that and says, "Sinatra's Law. "If you can make it here." And that's the end of his turn. That's going to go to Rowan. You are grappled and paralyzed. - I mean, is there anything I can do? - Cannot take actions. - You could give a bardic? - Can I give a bardic? - No. Well actually, let me see. We're gonna look at-- - Paralyzed from where? - Yeah. - Wait, at what point am I paralyzed from? - Can't take actions or reactions. That doesn't say bonus actions. - Oh, really? - Hold on one second. - In which case I Misty step and... - Slam. - Creature automatically, I'm gonna say that you can take bonus action if you think that you would do it without speaking or moving. - Misty Step onto Robert's head. Seriously, we just need to start doing damage. - Misty Step specifically has verbal and somatic components so you can't. - Oh, right, right. - Or just verbal I think. - Are there any spells? - Who hasn't gone yet, Ricky? - Ricky has not gone yet. - Sick, okay, I'm going to give Bardic Inspiration to Ricky. - You see a paralyzed Rowan looks over at you. Honestly, without moving or speaking, she's just so hot. (laughing) - Awesome. - And you're like, I'm a fucking hero and my hot-- - Save me, Ricky. - Incredible, Rowan, at the end of your turn-- - Two hotties staring at each other. - [Brennan] You can make another constitution-- - It's like, so pure. - Another constitution check. - Great. This is not for my concentration. This is just a regular-- - Your concentration's fine for right now. This is just for the paralyzing touch. - Great, oh fuck. (die tapping table) 20 not nat. (Emily cheers) - You become unparalyzed. - Okay but I'm still grappled. - You are still grappled, that is correct, yes. - Okay, well, that I can deal with. - Cool, all done. - Just this body is so young and flexible and agile. I just do a little wiggle just 'cause it feels good. (players laughing) - I do a little wiggle just 'cause it feels good. I said I do a... (Ally vocalizing) - [Brennan] Cool, that's gonna be... - Absolute banger in the club. (players laughing) - Robert looks fucking mad and he, Kingston, hits you again for 10 points of fire damage. These vampires, one of them's gonna take a swing at Rowan. - I was 99 at the beginning of this turn. - Misses, sorry, yeah, misses Rowan as you start wriggling around in its claws. Another one is gonna take a swing at Sofia. Hits, dealing Sofia seven points of damage. - Okay. - And then the one with Ricky is going to take a swing. Hits for five points of damage. And that is now going to be Ricky's turn. - Okay, Ricky is going to, well, okay. Ricky has that umbrella. - Mm-hmm. - Is it obscuring the view of said vampire robot? - Yeah, it can still be providing you advantage on that robot. - Okay, I'm gonna shove to try to get out of it. - Cool, so use one of your attacks. - Okay, so-- - So you're just rolling athletics. - Do I have advantage, or that's an athletics. - That's an athletics check. - Okay, but that takes one of my attacks. - Takes one of your attacks out, yeah. - Okay, it's just athletics then? - [Brennan] Mm-hmm. - Okay, all right. - Thanks. (dice tapping table) - Does a 16 do it? - A 16... - Can I roll a lucky point? - Actually, I need to roll 'cause this is not the same as an escape for the grapple. So this is actually just, oh, you succeed. - Okay. - You escape the grapple and you knock it into the center of the little ritual circle here. - [Zac] Okay. - Cool, that's one of your attacks, what do you do now? - And then Ricky and Ox are gonna run up to there and try to hop up onto the platform. - Okay, give me, for both of you, a DC, I'm gonna say, 15 athletics check. - Okay. (dice tapping table) Yeah, both of them. - [Ally] Yeah, oh, we've been needing this! (claps) - Dope, boom, boom. (Brennan mimics dog barking) Fucker! - And then Ox is going to attack with advantage. And it's, you know, whatever, what's it called, Blinding Light? - Yes, with radiant, or yeah, Pack Tactics. - Okay, that's a 19 plus, yeah, plus four so 23. - 23, Robert burns through a shield spell and Ox still hits him. - Oh, okay. - Ooh, yeah, waste that spell slot you bitch. - It's realistic. It's like, ah, dog! Fucking hate dogs, I hate dogs, I'm so bad! - You also hate dogs. - What a bad guy. - He does five damage to him and then he has to pass a DC 11 strength check and not be knocked prone. - A DC 11 strength check. Hey, check it out, Rob ain't too buff. So it was DC 11, you said? - Yes. - I'm gonna do Box of Doom 'cause I think this is humiliating. (players tapping table dramatically) - Come on. - He needs an 11 or higher to save. - Come on, Ox! - Come on, everyone's rooting for the pup. - I'm doing that thing that dog owners do who are too intense. - I'm my Cutting Words. - [Brennan] 17, he saves. - Wait, mm. - Sorry, oh yeah, sorry. Roll, roll, you said you were gonna roll so you're allowed to roll. - Yeah, you want me to do it in Box of Doom as well? - Yes, so you're gonna subtract this so that means-- - [Zac] Seven or an eight? - So we need to get a seven or an eight. - You need to get a seven or an eight. - Again, it's worth a try. That's a two. - Two! (groans) ♪ Nevermind, I tried ♪ - Yeah, you tried. - [Brennan] No worries. - Trying is succeeding. - Mm-hmm. - And so I still have one attack. - In the book of life. - Yeah, go for it, take your attack. - In the book of life. Not in the game, we're losing. - I'm gonna use a... - We're very much losing. - A second-level Branding Smite. - [Brennan] Okay. - I can't do that and a Divine Smite, right? - You can do them both and you haven't used a bonus action so you can do Branding Smite and Divine Smite if you want. - Okay, I'll do that. - Cool. - And that's... - If you got the slots for it, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - If you got the slots. - Smite the shit out of 'em. - Honey. - If you got the slots. - Honey, if you got the slots. - Honey. - Do it, honey. - Honey, honey. - Yeah, so first-level Divine Smite. - [Brennan] Yep, go for it. - Charge it, honey. - Oh, I gotta make sure I hit. (laughing) (die tapping table) 19 so 19 plus 29. - Definite hit. - All right, so that would be-- - And he's undead, so you're gonna add your extra d8 for Divine Smite. - Charge it to your Amex. - Okay so that's, can I have 2d8 from somebody? - Gladly. - What slot are you burning for the Divine Smite? - I have a first-level spell. - Cool, first-level spell. So that's gonna be 3d8 from Divine Smite plus the d8 for the ax normally so that's 4d8 plus 2d6 from Branding Smite. - Yeah. - Whoa. - Plus eight. So you're gonna roll all those dice plus eight. - Ooh! - Fuck him up, Ricky. - That's right, Ricky! - Fuck him up! - All right. - Ooh, a lot of sevens. - Eight, seven, seven. - My kid got a seven. - So eight, 16, 30 points plus eight. - 38. - 38. - [Siobhan] Fuck yes. - You and your dog pound. Ox goes, "Wow, Ricky, we're doing it! "We're real heroes!" - I hope we are. - And then you see that, you said 38, right? - [Zac] Yeah. - And then you see that your ax says, "Sire, I hunger for this one. "Let the light of justice be done to him." You go up, (grunts) boom! And Robert's rib cage scatters out of his suit. - [Murph] Jesus. (dramatic instrumental music) (mimics grinding) - He stands. (mimics wind howling dryly) The wind kicks up. That's a $12,000 suit, asshole! - That would be what he says. - That's too expensive for a suit. - Yeah. - You see he looks furious. But he is badly, badly hurt. - And his shield's gone now, right? - Yeah, he used his shield. - It was just a reaction. - It was his reaction. - Yeah. - So he can't use a reaction again, right? - Can't use a reaction again so... - Oh, I mean that orb. - Oh yeah, the orb of... - [Zac] You did dispel that, right? - Yeah, yeah. - The orb is, yeah, exactly. - It's been gone. - The orb is gone, his shield didn't do shit, and he used his reaction to cast that shield spell. - Great. - It is objects' round. - Great. So since the umbrella is up there, the umbrella is gonna attack. - Cool, go for it. - Which is... (die taps table) 20, not nat. - 20 hits. - Great. - No, he used shield. It does not hit, sorry. It stays for his whole turn. - Really, oh wow. - Oh yeah. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, shield stays for his whole turn, yep. - Okay, and then the kiosks can't get to him, right? - They can move 'cause the vampires clambered up on them so your kiosk can like hang on the side and go over and take swings. - Okay, yeah, I'll give that a go, why not? - Yeah, go for it. - Do I have to do athletics checks with them or something? - No, they're just gonna use their movement for this one. - [Siobhan] Okay, great. - But yeah, just go ahead and make your attack roll. - Great, and the other one as well. - Dope. (mimics electronic servos moving) These kiosks come over here. - Sick. - Five, these animated kiosks are so fun, insane. Cool, they make swings. - Great. Oh, that is gonna hit. - Nice! - Oh, I think, so that's a 21 and a 23. - The 23 does hit. - Ooh! - Oh right, fucking shield. (dice rattle and tap table) - Nice, so that's 13, 14, 15, 15 damage. - 15 damage? - Yeah. - Yeah, he's looking fucked up. - Man, he's still fucking... - Is he like, you know, distracted or... - At the end of your turn he looks at you, Ricky. He's gonna take a swing, he hits. I'm gonna need a constitution saving throw from you. - Okay. - Oh, but you're powerful. - Constitution, so that's... - Do you get to add four to yours? - I had 20. - 20? - [Zac] Yeah, 'cause I add-- - You succeed, you are not paralyzed, but you do take 11 points of cold damage (epic instrumental music) as he wallops you with one of his fists. And then he concludes his statement. - Oh no. - "If you can make it here you can make it anywhere." He holds up what looks like a golden gnomish lock. The circle glows with red light. - [Lou] Is that guy in the center of it dying? - [Brennan] Nope. - You already replaced that one. - Oh, I replaced that one, sorry. Oh, maintenance. - My God, you fucking idiot. - [Ally] This'll be an insert. This'll just be an insert, we all know that. - It's an insert. - Uh, the runes are upside down, you idiot. - I know, I'm bad. - Wow. - [Ally] I'm bad. - Honestly, I'm bad. - I'm throwing around idiot a lot, but I think you're doing a great job. - Hey, thanks, Zac, I appreciate it. - I don't. - (mimics electricity buzzing) The lock shoots into the center of the, just like past that vampire, disappears into Nod, you see Nod and the spectral image of the key to the city shoots into the lock in The Golden Door in Nod. (door latch clinks open) And the door opens. Golden-white spreads everywhere and you see Nod, the buildings of Nod begin to buckle and snap as though hurricane-force winds were rending the Sixth Borough apart. And the portal to dream closes. Robert starts laughing. (laughs mockingly) That's going to be Kugrash. - So the ritual's complete. - The ritual is complete. - The door's open, but he hasn't gone through the door yet, right? - Well, all of these have happened, and it looks like whatever he was trying to do to Nod has occurred. You saw The Golden Door open through the portal into the realm of Nod for the split second that smoke and (mimics wind whooshing) appeared. And you saw that, indeed, as he held up this lock here a lock was created on the other side in the door. - All right. Well, I don't think there's any kind of funky stuff I could pull with a bagel now. I'm just gonna try to do damage to him. - Yeah. - I guess so. - You guys think the bagel idea could work? - I mean, I don't fully understand what the bagel does. - Yeah. - I think I was told that-- - It would kill you though. - It makes you like, part of New York. - So you, I mean. (laughs) - It sounded like a-- - He told us that he doesn't know what it does. - Yeah. - Well, he said that-- - The bagel's so powerful that even I as a mortal can't, me, Brennan, I can't tell you what the Bagel of All Things does. - I have a possible funky idea, too. - All right, then I am going to use, I'm gonna use Wall of Fire. - Hell yeah. - And I'm going to set it up in such a way that it is starting at him and then going through here. - Okay, so just like right on top of him. - Yeah, so that it doesn't hit my friends here. - [Brennan] Cool. - Oh, it's up to 60-feet long. - Yeah, you don't have to make it a full 60. - So I'm just gonna make it over those guys so like 10 feet, whatever the hell it is. - Cool, dope, hell yeah. Go ahead and give me that damage. - Man, we've gotten so much use out of these little fire things. - [Ally] What do you need? - I need five. - The gift that keeps on-- - Of how many? - 5d8s. - Oh, sick. - Oh, d8. - Take my son. - D8? - Let my son do well. - Take my daughter. - Take my daughters. - I think, I got five here. - Oh. - Cool, thanks. - You got it, okay. - I have some children over here. - 'Cause she, you know... - Here we go, let's see, let's see. - She usually gets sevens. - And then they make that sick-- - I wanted him to get out there. My d6 sons are kind of trash. My d8 son, fuck, my guy got a two. - [Emily] You got a two, oh my God - 12, 14, 16... - What are you feeding him at home? - I don't know, juice? - 18. - (laughs) That's your problem you gotta feed them oatmeal. - You do 18 damage. - Yeah. - Hold on a second. - My kid is never leaving the house again. - Okay. And then that one is... (hums) The wall horribly burns them. (fire roaring) Which way is the wall facing, by the way? - Wall is facing... - [Zac] Can you block him from that? - I guess it's facing in so that it doesn't hurt Kingston. - Cool, faces this way. This one's gotta roll a dex save, and it takes half that much on a success. - That's fine. - Cool. - Oh, not the kiosk. - You figured that out. The kiosk is there, that's your concentration. Your fire elemental's already gone. - I mean, it's gone, it's rolled a three. - Oh, how many hit points? - Oh wait, so it takes damage? - It takes 18 points of damage. - Yeah, it's just for it to take damage. - Oh, that's fine. So it's at 38. - Make sure to just, yeah, track their hit points as well as your own, yeah. - And then I'm gonna back up so that I'm not in everybody's line of sight here. - Cool, that's Kugrash. Then it's the vampires. (sinister instrumental music) - I don't like when the vampires go. - Me neither. Oh, which time of the six times that they go per round? - Plus nine, 18. Your AC is 19, right? - Yeah. - This one can't bite you even though you're paralyzed. - Awesome! Then Tipsy Sway, right? - Oh shit! - Can I do like a reaction like that or? - Yeah, I think you can actually. - Can I spend a ki point to make him attack his neighbor? - You can, he hits. You see that he goes to bite you and touches your leg and even though you're paralyzed it triggers some nerve in your leg and you kick him in the head and he wigs out and smacks that dude for (dice tapping table) a bunch of damage. - Yeah, fuck each other up. - Insane. And then this one's going to attack rowan, hit. And Rowan, it's gonna deal you (dice tapping table) 18 points of damage. Your HP max is reduced by 13. - Fuck, okay. - Vampire here is going to go and move out of the wall of fire over here. That kiosk can get a swing on it. - Great. - And it's going to go for... - Does 21 hit? - It sure does. - Yeah, stop it. If it gets attacked then it, it doesn't get to... - No, that's only Ricky that has the sentinel ability. You can go ahead and roll damage. - 15. - 15 damage? - Yeah. - Hell yeah. - Oh, that's sentinel that stops it, okay. - Whap, this thing runs over here, makes an attack. Grapples Ricky. Let me see, if it was there it goes five, 10, 15, 20, yeah. So Ricky, you are grappled by this thing. That is going to be, that's them. Sofia, that's back to you. - Okay. So I'm stunned. What does stunned mean precisely? Essentially I can't do anything, I just have to roll. - You gotta roll that con save. - Okay, but like, involuntary actions like maybe I could just at least like, piss it? - Yeah, absolutely. - (laughs) Okay, I do do that. And then does a 16 save? - What's that? - I'm crossing my fingers. - Oh, crossing your fingers, 16 does not save. (groans) - Okay, I'm... - Vampires are gonna go. - Again? - Yeah, legendary action. This one's gonna bring Ricky away. - So soon, it's so quick. - Fuck. - Move you over facing this way. This one's going to attack Sofia. Hits. - You mean Rowan? - No, no, Sofia. - Oh. My one is attacking Sofia? - No, no, sorry, this one is attacking Sofia. Sofia, you take another 14 points of damage. Your HP max is reduced by 11. That's one, two, three. (Lou sighs) And then one of 'em's gonna make an attack on Rowan, hits. - And I'm gonna do my last Cutting Words on that roll. - Okay. - Does anyone have any spells that like unparalyze someone or anything? - I do, but I'd have to touch you. - Four? - Yeah, same. - No, still gonna hit you. - [Emily] 'Cause I could do radiant damage, I just-- - All right, well I wasted so many things this... - You take eight points of damage. Your HP max is reduced by seven. - Okay. - That's their round. - (sighs) We were feeling so buff at the beginning of this day. - Pete, that's you, baby. - Okay, can I do insight to see how fucked up Bob is? - Yeah, go for it. (dice taps table) - Great, eight. - It's hard to tell 'cause he's laughing so hard. - Can I mind link with Pete real quick? - [Ally] Mm-hmm. - Pete, you wanna do something crazy? - Mm-hmm. - You wanna shoot spells at the same time at Robert Moses and see what happens? - Yes, okay wait, I have a question. - Yeah. - In an earlier episode Alejandro when I gave him the jewel said if I say his name three times he would appear no matter what. That was a promise that he gave me. - Yes, absolutely. - Could I blink to get to the other door in Nod and call Alejandro and start working on this from the other side? - Yeah. You can absolutely do that if you'd like. - Okay. - No, do your thing, do your thing. - I like your idea, too, but then maybe we can get another actor in on this. We can start shooting stuff back. - Cool, I want you to, so you say Alejandro's name three times. - No, no, I blink first and then I call Alejandro to go to the door with me. - Okay, you cast blink, go ahead and give me your roll. So that's your action, go ahead and give me your roll for blink to see if you go to Nod or not. - Okay, it's 11 or higher. (dice tapping table) No, it's four! Wait, Tides of Chaos. - Gives you advantage, right? - [Ally] Yeah. - So you can roll, that's a d20 roll, yeah. - Advantage on one roll, okay. No, the same four! (groans) - Oh my God. - But you can still call him, right? - Yeah, still call Alejandro. - [Zac] He would be really helpful no matter what. - Yeah, Alejandro, Alejandro, Alejandro. - Cool, go ahead and give me an initiative roll if you'd be so kind. - Fucker, if it's a four, it's three, great, oh my God. - That's good, it means he'll go soon. - He'll go in a few. - Yeah. - Oh, that's true. What the fuck is happening? - That is so annoying. - You're rolling so badly today, it's embarrassing. - Truly unbelievable. - Give me a wild magic roll, Pete. - All right, 11. Cool, there's the 11 I needed for blink. (laughs) - Cool, that's going to now be. This is one of those fights, I tell you. - It's just one of those. (laughs) - That's going to now be Kingston, that's you. - That was Limp Bizkit. - Sofia's paralysis, magical in any way? - It is magical. - Can I cast dispel magic? - You absolutely can. (Emily gasps) - It is a powerful stunning magic so dispel... - Oh, wow, more powerful. - I just want to make sure that I understand here real quick because let me look at, I just want to make sure that you are operating with the most information possible. - Hey, thank you so much. - [Emily] That's so nice of you, Brennan. - You said I'm a bad DM, but the thing is that I'm not. I'm actually quite-- - I never said you were a bad DM. - No, we're saying you're a bad person. It's nothing about your DMing. - Yes, no, I'm sorry. - You are the best DM-- - We don't like you personally. - [Brennan] Yes, yes, yes, for sure. - Yes, truly a-- - But a DM, wow. - It's about you as a person, not you professionally. - I want to also point out that if you have a slot to cast dispel magic, lesser restoration is touch, but in other words, so I don't, yeah, I don't know if you can-- - I'd have to like get all up in the business of the mech. - Cool, so it is a, so go ahead. We're gonna do a Box of Doom roll again. - Well, what would it be 'cause maybe you might not wanna be. - Yeah, what would it be? - Four, five, six, seven. Go ahead and give me an arcana check. - Okay, okay. That's gonna be 11. - The odds would be against you, but it wouldn't be impossible. - You're worth it, let's go. - Aww. - Cool, Box of Doom. - Oh my God thank you so much. - I'll use Bardic Inspiration, or the Bardic Inspiration I have left. - Ooh! - Oh yeah. - Holy shit. - God damn. - [Siobhan] Don't use it unless you need to. - Did Alejandro show up or that's more when his roll comes up? - That's when his roll comes up, but you say his name three times. Then Kingston, this is an eighth-level spell you're attempting to dispel. You are adding your wisdom modifier to this. - Great. - You need to beat an 18. You're adding a plus five to the roll. Let's roll the d8 first if you're using bardic. - The d8, okay. - Or actually no, 'cause yeah, you can modify roll. - You don't have to use it until you need to. - Let's see how we do here. - 18. - Oh! - What is it? - 18? - 18. (players cheering) - Hell yeah, hell yeah. Coming through when it counts. - (screams) I hate this game! - Kingston, in this den of fucking wickedness all of the power and might bent on sapping blood and strength and wealth and hope from the people of New York you have been nothing but a tide of light rolling in here fucking dispel, revivify, gone. And you remove the paralysis-- - Oh, stunning. - Remove the Stunning from Sofia Lee. That is your action. - Oh, oh Kingston, thank you! - And then I'd like to move. Oh yeah, I have to move, I'ma move back here with Pete and Kugrash. - Hell yeah, you duck back. Okay. Rowan, you take seven points of damage. Sofia, you take five points of damage from them just slamming you with their giant, metal arms. (mimics metal blows landing) Ricky... - Boys, boys. You take 18 points of damage. Your HP max is reduced by 12. That is... (metallic clanking resounds) Bada-boom, that's going to be our old pal Robert. I'm gonna need a constitution saving throw from you. - Okay, I can't hide? I can't hide. - Ready or not, here I come. - Oh actually I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm wrong. You're more than 30 feet away. He's gonna hit Ricky with this. - Phew. - Or actually... - What do you need from me? - Actually, sorry, Ox is still there attacking him, right? - (snickers) yes. - He woulda seen it, okay? He would've maybe seen it. - You see he goes-- - I think it's-- - He goes, "Oh pal, "is this your dalmatian here?" - Yeah, why? (growls) - No! - He rips its head off of its body. - Eh, it just turns back into light. - I'm still crying. - Yeah. - It was horrifying. - Between that windpipe and that ripping of a dog's head this is... - I think he might be the bad guy. I think he's not, like, a great dude. - I think he might be. - I'm bad! - Yeah, I don't know, I'm still, I'm not sold. - I'm not sure. I'm starting to think he might not be good. - Is he taking fire damage on this turn? - Yeah, he actually moves out of here so-- - You gotta wait till the end of his turn. - You gotta wait to the end of a turn. So he gets out of the wall of fire. - Oh, sorry. (laughing) I thought end his turn he would just get-- - No, I was gonna be a real like, um actually, at the end of your turn you didn't move him. - And you guys can watch "Um, Actually" on DROPOUT. - Yeah guys, check it out. - New episodes every Thursday. - New season's now. - - Wow, just a table full of champions. - Oh yeah, we've all been on it. - No, I have not. - What, outrageous. - Oh shit, oh, it's 'cause Trapp doesn't like you, right? - Yeah, Trapp hates me. (laughing) Fun fact, Trapp hates me. - Rowan, that's gonna be you. You are grappled, but you are not paralyzed. - I am going to Misty Step the fuck out of there. (twinkling resounds) - Whoop! - Next to my boy Pete, I think. Is that within 30 feet of Robert Moses? - Not within 30 feet of Robert Moses. - Oh, but within 60 feet of Robert Moses there, right? - Let's find out. - Is it within 60 feet as well? - Yeah, it looks like it. - Yeah, for sure. - Great. So I will cast Vicious Mockery on him as a cantrip. - Cool, go for it. - It's a wisdom saving throw. - He succeeds. - He succeeds. - Well, good for him. - Cool. - I'm like, hey you dropped this Cartier watch. - You just have that on you? - [Brennan] You did that. - It was in my backpack. - How many children did you kill to? - No one died, okay. - Yeah, but like... I mean, I'll take it. - Fuck yeah. - [Brennan] Hold on here. - I'm doing like a celebratory dance even though I have 12 health. - I think we're all gonna die. - I'm alive! - Exactly, another paragon is in the midst of being created, but Pete is dancing. (vocalizing) ♪ Going downtown ♪ ♪ Hey taxi, where do I go ♪ - Pete, what are you doing? - What? (laughs) - Sober Pete is much weirder than I expected. - Pete, you died. - I thought that the drugs were making him weird. - No. - But actually it was already there. - Robert Moses reaches his hands out, does 35 points of fire damage to Ricky. - What are you at? - The amount of math in everyone's little health boxes, mine is not. - Yeah, everyone's max health going down, too. - It's such big numbers as well. - Ricky, that's you. - Okay. I'm going to shove my way out of this hold. - Cool, you've got to beat a 16. - Oh wait, why do I have two-- - On just an athletics. - I'm gonna lucky point that. - Cool. - Beat it. - Fuck yeah. - And now I just, while flying through the air could I jump at him? Would I shove off of him? - I'm gonna say, let me see. What is your strength? Hold on a second. - My athletics is nine. - And your strength is 20, right? - My strength is 20. - Wow, that's a strong boy. (grunts masculinely) - That's the guy I work out with. - I'm gonna say I'm gonna need a DC 20 athletics check for you to just jump and grab onto the ledge. - Oh, can I also make a perception check before I do that? - Yeah, sure. - 16 plus... - You got it, kid. - 21. - Yeah, what are you looking for? - I'm just trying to see how hurt is he. - Oh, he's extremely hurt. - Okay. And I have Bardic Inspiration. I have not used that yet. - Cool. - And that's a d8. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Okay, DC 20. (die taps table) Okay, that's a 13. So is there any way to get up there without doing this? - Oh, is this kiosk still here from your animation, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, actually, sorry. So yes, you can kip up there. What did I say the original? - 20. - I said it was 20, but I think I said 15 before to get up there the other time. So you don't get all the way up there. You push off, you have an extra attack, but you get to like here on the edge of the kiosk. - Can I take the attack from there? - With disadvantage, I'll say, as this thing like tilts and rolls. - So this is my entire movement, right? - That's your entire movement to get there. - Okay, well, then I'm gonna use this d8 to get up higher. - Okay, yeah, you only have to beat a 15. - Okay. (die taps table) (groans) - What is it? - I have a 14. - You have a 14. - All right, so with disadvantage I'm going to... - What is bend luck? - How many times can you use bend luck? - Oh, it's just points. - Really? - So I have nine sorcery points now unless I'm mistaken. - Everybody out here with points. - I have a Bend Luck card. - Yeah, ki point, sorcery points, pretty much that's all. - I'm trying to get on this point game. - Spend two sorcery points, yeah. - Right, I think I might want points next time. - Yeah, cool, yeah, you can do that to... - I can do it to a creature's roll before the effects-- - You can use your reaction, you burn two. - I still have a lot of sorcery points. - You get Ricky over there. - Okay, Ricky's up there. - Oh, 'cause no matter what. - No matter what. He only needed one more point. - Oh, cool. Just so we know, it was a three. - I mean, that umbrella's gotta be fucking him up, right? (laughs) - The umbrella I think is still there opening and closing in his face and fucking him up. - The umbrella's just singing. - Ricky, you have attacked with advantage this entire fight. - So is that an advantage? - That is an advantage. - All right, so... - Holy shit. Can we all carry umbrellas with us for the next fight? - Yeah. - 28. - Umbrellas, key to fighting. - Yes, you hit on a 28. - I realize I have one third-level spell that I will use for a second-level Divine Smite, does that make sense? - No, you can do a third-level Divine Smite. - Oh, a third-level Divine Smite, then fuck yeah. (cheers) - So you're gonna do, so that's gonna be 6d8 plus eight. - Just give me all your die, please. - Yeah, I mean, this is his end, but let's see how truly... - This is his end. (dice rattling and tapping table) Did my boy get a one? My boy is trash today. - Oh, what did my kid get? - 15, 18. - My kid only got a three. I think they're tired, you know? - 22 plus eight. - Mine's gonna get home schooled, dude. - That's just seven dice, aren't you doing eight? - That's seven nice, oh, then one more dice? - Yeah, 'cause third level should be 5d8, no, it should be... Smite is 2d8, for third level that goes 3d8, 4d8, and then he's undead so that's 5d8, 6d8 with the ax so it should just be 6d8. - Okay, then that was right. So it's 30 points of damage. - Ricky, you leap up to the balcony, boom, boom. "Oh kid, I make you mad?" - I'm pretty mad. (laughs) - You see that Moses smiles, closes his eyes and says, "I'll see you in the funny papers." And you take his fucking head off. - That felt bad. - Oh, he's not dead, is he? - Yeah, here is what I'm worried about. He just forgave himself of his sins. So I don't know if you have another revivify. - So now he's like, gone to Heaven or something? - Yeah, maybe. - Bring him back to life. - Dale'll deal with him. - Yeah. - Oh, that growth was near Heaven. Oh nevermind, I keep obsessing about the-- - You see all the vampires start freaking the fuck out. But Ricky, that's you. The objects go and on that turn. - (chuckles) Alejandro. (Brennan vocalizes cheerfully) - Way too late, sorry guys. - No, don't apologize. - You see Alejandro goes, holy shit! What's why? Pete, what is going on? - He did the entire Sinatra's Law and he created a lock and key and opened up a door in Nod and then we killed him. - Alejandro looks around. He is going to go ahead and cast a powerful spell. Go ahead and tell me what your objects are doing while I'm looking this up. - Well, the one near Ricky is going to attack that vampire over there. - [Brennan] Cool. - [Lou] God, this is sharp. - Whose is that? - And then the one on the other side is going to attack the one with Sofia. - Yes. - [Siobhan] Not that, it's the one that's by the, it's up. - Oh, this one. - This one. And then the umbrella's also gonna go after that one. - Gotcha, cool. Your objects are going to attack. Yeah, go ahead and roll your attacks. - Ooh, well, the umbrella crit. (laughing) - (laughs) This fucking umbrella. - It's hard to celebrate. (laughing) - And then a 12 is the highest. The other two miss. - If only. - Gotcha, the other two miss. Kugrash, that's you. - Wait do you not want me to roll my attack? - Oh, oh, did you? I thought you already rolled them. - No, the umbrella crit. - Oh yeah, roll damage. - I didn't roll damage. - Yeah, roll damage, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Sorry. - Umbrella, ella. - 2d6, so it's 4d6? - Hey. - Hey. - Hey. - Under. - My umbrella. (laughs) - 16. - Ooh. You see the cockpit opens, this one ties to drink Sofia's blood and your umbrella shoots through his eye (screams) screaming. - Horrifying. - Horrifying. - Yeah, that's what it feels like to bleed! (Brennan and Emily laughing) - Fuck. - Kugrash, that's you. - I'm going to try to polymorph the dude in the mech suit over here. - Cool. - Funny, funny. - Gotcha, great. - Make him a weapon. - Make him an umbrella. - [Brennan] You're gonna make a save. - (laughs) No, they will fuck you up. - That vampire burns through its last point of Legendary Resistance. - They had so many points of Legendary Resistance. - They all had three. - They all had three. - Wow. - Which considering this fight has been four rounds is a lot. - Yeah. - That's going to be, you guys see that the vampires turn into gaseous mist and begin to flee from the cockpits. But actually, they turn into mist, but they do not yet move. Sofia, that's going to be you. - I fight the mist. (laughing) - Make some attack rolls. - This is some real fucking monk shit. - I'm technically grappled right now. Does this mean that I'm rolling with-- - It doesn't give you disadvantage at all. - Okay, I'm gonna Flurry of Blows on the mist. Does a 17 hit? - 17 hits. - Okay. - Just a drunk woman kicking the air. (laughing) - That's how you know things are bad. - Okay, that is eight. Three of those are radiant damage. And that's also gonna hit. Another 16, four of that's radiant damage. It's gonna hit again. - Sofia, are you okay? - I'm fine! (laughs) Another 12, three of that's radiant. And I hit again. (laughs) - Incredible. - And that's for another, wait, nine plus 16. - Damn. - Hey, where was that? (group laughing) - I was paralyzed the entire time! - You see Sofia, as Moses disappears and the other vampires flee you see Sofia grabs a wisp of fog and just starts pummeling it in what the head would theoretically be and is just kicking the shit out of a wisp of steam over in a corner of the room. - Honestly, sick. (Emily laughing) - I'm gonna say that you successfully pummel this vampire to death as you. (mimics blows landing) As your radiant claw... - I'm sobbing and I never stop. - Well, that's the one that fucked up Liz, so... - Liz, so thank you. - Oh, okay! - You've done me a great service. I'm glad you didn't let that one get away. - Yeah, you pummel that vampire dead. The other two vampires misty escape. And you guys are left here in the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. - Can we hit up Em and see how Liz is doing? - Yeah. - En? - Em. - Yeah. - Yeah, how is, yeah, is there a way-- - Oh, wasn't Em watching her, the fountain? - Oh, I think we asked Em to go check on her. - You see Alejandro looks around and is looking at the runes. Immediately is like, "My God, this is as bad "as we can imagine, the door is open. "Okay, it is still, the door's open, the ritual is done. "There still needs to be a, "the Paragon cannot come through "without a great act of magic, a powerful, powerful spell. "Robert must have something else up his sleeve, something else." - Wait... - But he's dead. (dramatic instrumental music) Something that he can cast from-- - He said, "See you in the funny papers," right? It's gotta be some kind of clue. - Well, maybe he's just-- - Wait, who would say that? Did you know who would say, see you in the funny papers? - Let me roll... - It's an expression from, maybe it's an anachronism. Robert Moses is undead, so-- - What time is it? - It is about nine o'clock at night. You guys also see there's like scattered stuff up on the dais. - Okay, so midnight. Something's gonna happen at midnight. - It's gotta be something about night. - Oh, can I mind link with Gray Baby, gray person. - Yeah, you can, or do you have commune or something like that? Yeah, you can like-- - Yeah. - Cool, yeah, you reach out to Nod. - I let Nod know everything. - Cool, Nod says, "The door's open, I can't close it. "It's rending the dream realm apart. "Something very powerful is happening." - Can we investigate around? - Yeah. - And see if there's-- - Don't you guys think though, something's gonna happen at midnight. - Nat 20 on investigate. - Pete, you blink up, blink up at the dais. You look around, you see all the stuff is here. Like the water from the fountain, Santa's List is here, the Key to the City, all of that is here and it's just sort of lying. It looks like Robert discarded it as though after he used it for the ritual it was of no more significance to him. - Was there anything else? 'Cause each battle had something that he was gaining for this. - You also see the Big Book of Bits and Bobbins up here. It is a goofy little clockwork book that has like gears and stuff on the cover of it. - Any dog-eared pages? - Yeah, can we look in it, yeah, and see? - You see that the little golden ribbon to hold the place is specifically to the page on time stones. - Did he use the Time Stone in this and discard it? - [Emily] He didn't use the Time Stone. - You did not see him use the Time Stone. - That must be the big-- - So that's what it is. The Time Stone uses energy from a specific time. It's gonna be midnight, the ball's gonna be dropping. - You see in the passage, Pete, as you read it, a time stone is used to power incredible spells of enormous magnitude. - Okay. - You see notes written sacrilegiously in this religious text that Robert has warped something. He has a Lich's phylactery. Meaning when he is destroyed he reforms at his phylactery and he has found a way of turning his phylactery into a time stone. - Oh, he's gonna come back as a time stone. - Or has turned-- - Has already. - He's going to come back at, he's going to be born of the time stone. - So he wanted to die. Fuck, he wanted us to kill him! - It also says, time stones gain the height of their power at specific times, dawn, dusk. The rarer the time, the more powerful the time stone is. So every hour-- - New Year's Eve like midnight. - So we have to wait until Leap Year, is it a leap year? - (laughs) Yeah, we have two months, everybody. We got two months. Everybody go home, rest up. (players laughing) We're gonna get 'em. (laughs) - Also, just like the Grand Central kiosk, time stones don't only draw power from a specific time. They actually also draw power from being observed and being counted along with. - The ball drop. - It's the ball, the ball is going to be the fucking time stone. - That ball is shiny as hell. - Yeah. - I mean, obviously not that I would ever have gone to Times Square 'cause it's extremely gauche in my opinion to go to Times Square. - You can get M&M's there! You can get custom M&M's. - For New Year's though. - We gotta-- - All right everybody. - Go right now. - Yeah. - The last thing you guys find as well here is a small contract, a little unfinished piece of business which was a contract from Titania selling or waiving Faeries' right to Robert Moses's soul in exchange for him doing a favor of placing a mirror. - Man, she sold him back easy. - Can we look at Santa's List there? - [Brennan] Yep. - Is Dale on there? - Yeah, I was gonna ask that. - Dale's name is on the nice list. - Is Kugrash on there? - So he was alive at the time of that, right? - Right. Is Robert Moses on the list? - This has the names of people alive and dead on it. - Oh, okay. - Oh, got it. - Well, I mean, I feel like we know what we need to do. - He was nice. - I mean, the location's the only question. - Wait, why did I think of Yankee Stadium? - Ball drop at Yankee Stadium? - You see Alejandro shrugs. You feel the Questing Blade to you says, "Oh, the stadium, there we may find "some of the spirits of heroes past. "There is a boon waiting for you there, Ricky Matsui." - Cool. - Okay. - Well, we got three hours. - Right. - [Ally] We have one boom. - I can, I have the Maserati. (group laughing) - Sick, traffic on New Year's is a nightmare though. - You see that you hear the car outside be like, (inhales dryly) "Traffic will not be of concern." - Your Maserati's a creep. (group laughing) - You guys, exhausted, depleted, look at each other and it is three hours to midnight and that is where we will end this episode of "The Unsleeping City." - Shotgun! (laughing) - Fuck! - You guys hear sort of the rolling of thunder. - Like a natural thunder or like a... - Yeah, natural thunder. No, extremely bad, apocalyptic. - God damn. - There is a very real chance that the world will change forever tonight. - We need to get everybody that we know in on this. - The trumpets of war be blown! - I'm just determined, I don't fucking care. - Incredible night out here in New Year's. - [Crowd] Nine, eight. - We're about to see the ball drop. Man, we gotta get the fuck outta here, let's go! - [Crowd] Seven, six. - Nat 20. (gasps) - [Crowd] Five, four - Fuck, man. - This is the hour. - [Crowd] Three, two. - This is it. - [Crowd] One. (thunder crackles)
Channel: Dimension 20
Views: 392,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3HzN11pnXdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 7sec (9367 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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