Iconic Gorgug Moments/Scenes (Season 1) || Fantasy High || Dimension 20

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[Music] i i look around for the biggest and the strongest man uh or student uh in the in the kind of the entry area um uh look around [Music] he's the tallest person here i'm holding a metal flower i walk straight up the going gun uh and i say hey how you doing buddy huh i'm good um it's my first day i guess it's everyone's first day oh it's your first day do you want this metal flower i swing it [ __ ] here i'm sorry i got mad at you uh you can still have the flower if you want don't kid don't give him another girl he has absolutely not earned any congeniality i hit him too so all right uh gorgong you snap into not wakefulness but some strange pale consciousness and you behold a dim forest stretching out around you oh no the leaves fall with a shrink and a whimper and blood you look through your hand to see the ground beneath it what you hear a voice next to you as the leaves part and the spectral figure of mr gibbons stands up oh wow some really powerful feelings here what happened well i don't why are you here i uh last thing i saw my boss murdered me and there's a lot of powerful feelings there his eyes start to glow a little red yeah yeah i think it's going to take me a while to process these feelings yeah you know i think i have some unfinished business yeah yeah you're looking awful damn a little talk uh you snap awake in your body on the cafeteria floor oh my god he's gonna haunt you forever so what's confusion then right what does that feel like um like when you when it's when your brain just doesn't understand what's happening yeah there's a it's like there's a wall there in it yeah now what you feel like when there's a wall that's stopping you from getting where you want to go how does that start to make you feel it's like not good like it's okay you're not good but yeah bad when you right so you come up against that and there's a bad feeling right and you can't get what you want right and there's something in your way what you do well my mom and dad would say sing a song at it like let's see everyone else that's exactly right that is exactly right that is amazing thank you uh please stop get out of my way that's like a song my mom or my dad don't fake feels bad so she tries is it get out of your way or don't get out of mama it depends on if how much they're in your way even in your song you're you you don't want the obstacles to remove themselves yeah i'm sorry i just was trying to share her answers to right i wanted to piggyback off of it all right well you know what we're gonna take a break here's a little tip generally speaking barbarians don't use words like piggyback can i just oh that's awesome i'd love that that'd be awesome um what are you doing out here i'll make an insight check both of you can i make one too you get one disadvantage because you're in a backpack can i make a perception check yes you can eight i only got five oh and that one i got a sixteen five what are you far away so you she looks you cannot hear what they're saying but you see a facial expression that looks like deep hurt and worry um i should have gone over there do you remember a girl named penny luckstone rizz throws up in your backpack [Music] um i see the ramen dropping from your backpack did your backpack just make a [ __ ] it stinks yeah of course my tupperware spilled what you know gross [ __ ] lunch does your dad pet you that you [ __ ] it's he's generally eating it's just a lot of citrus and raw meat so i'm gonna i'm gonna go clean this out but hey hit me up if you ever need that party all right all right uh actually do you mind if i leave my backpack here i'm gonna go grab the that i would rather you stay and the backpack go okay you know what actually uh i just shocked my backpack and i and i just rolled it and i got a uh i got a 10. you you make an athletic shake you have to be at 15 to get it to where uh uh oh nope nine uh so you go leap for it gorgon um i'm gonna say that you rizz take uh six points of damage as you are hurled skyward and slam into a car through the glass shatters i think that freak loser just stole your backpack out of that car you hit oh what a [ __ ] loser oh you're not back you [ __ ] freak that's your deal you're [ __ ] creep this kid's a [ __ ] creep i'll take care of it i'll and then i pretend to throw fire at him but it's just thaumaturgy am i allowed to do that for sure so i'm like i'll take care of it but it's not it doesn't actually it's not fire you see she goes jesus christ you are a [ __ ] insane [ __ ] and i [ __ ] love you yes i just run around the corner oh no oh no oh there's no clothing left in the lost and found for you to change into can i have like some of your shirt i'm small no you can have like a crop top i just started biting his shirt to make a crop top so i can wear like a toga you see uh gorgon you're going to your locker um and you see that there is a um a young woman uh who's at the locker next to you um you see that she's got sort of like hair like hanging bangs in front of her face and she's got like a sort of weird like sweater that's a little bit too big for her and she's got goat legs and a little pair of horns that come up uh you see that she sort of uh opens a locker next to yours um and looks up at you and goes oh uh cool cool drumsticks oh uh thank you um i'm pretty sure i'm gonna learn to play sometime soon so i have them sick that's cool you're one of the six kids who the the freaky thing happened to right you guys started that like the six of you were in detention when that thing attacked can i make an insight yeah go for it um you have never guessed correctly when somebody likes you before and you have some reason to believe that you might be a a thimbleful cool to this person on this occasion oh um i mean yeah i guess that was us yeah it was a it was kind of crazy i guess i started trying to go through my back my do my combination on my locker uh go ahead and give me a slight of hand check four plus one you uh as you were talking about how cool you are you cannot get the combination to your locker open so yeah pretty um uh that was um that's that's awesome um if you ever i don't know like i [Music] am thinking about trying like the barbarian class at some point but it's it seems like not like for me i don't know or whatever yeah you were well i'm well okay i uh i was a i'm in a barbarian i'm in a barbarian class i'm a barbarian gladly wow that's awesome i'm still figuring out yeah kind of what i'm going to be totally um are you having trouble with right i'm just playing with it i'm gonna make a bunch yeah um what is that uh what would which one would that would be sorry uh oh just a seven um you see uh she looks at you and goes oh rad i play with the box too yeah it's just like being funny i mean i know he's a creep but it hangs out there um i wanted to say nada i still haven't learned drums yet but can we watch it i'm not it's like a michael sarah talking to michael sarah and well i'm sorry i threw that guy in front of you it's okay i am whatever i honestly like you know everyone does stuff you know like i don't wear pants and it's just because like i'm covered in fur but like it's not a thing it's like you can't see anything because it's all fur i have goat legs i'm sorry you see that she just starts sweating i'm sorry that was [ __ ] stupid i didn't mean and walks away uh i hmm okay uh gorga is gonna try to do just to try to do cool [ __ ] guys gorgong is going to try to jump on the back of the ramp to try to to use the momentum to pull it back off of its feet uh okay go ahead and make an opposed app you're basically trying to do like a shove right oh cool a pool but yeah it's a shot and i will give him my 17. oh okay uh can i roll my blasts on top of it or do i need to uh i guess it actually is replacing your roll you can roll your bless and then add your athletics okay ooh four uh so uh 27. um you see that quark gets up as this thing's like toddling around leaps up hangs on to the back of this [ __ ] thing oh i've got a plan uh uh just like you guys see just his hoodie is like expanding as his muscles [ __ ] stretch out and you see that this hulking thing goes and it stumbles five feet back now gorgog is hanging right over the pit of acid oh coco coco i will need a dexterity saving throw from gorgog actually if you just want to carry him and take him with you with an advantage saving through do you have good dexterity i have great dexterity but i have really bad luck i'll jump out of the way at the last second okay you fail uh go ahead uh roll uh and roll on this roll dexterity saving throw okay with bless with less yep 20. [Music] [Applause] um you this is the dopest thing we've ever done you guys leap from here into the [ __ ] acid you see this golem it's covered this is the stuff they used to strip rock from mithril back in the day [Applause] because it corrodes the half pipe sinking into the [ __ ] acid uh you guys both of you guys [ __ ] through and spin back around kristen you guys on the strands of the [ __ ] web go whoo through the half pipe and the flame whoa whoa and land boom boom over here [Applause] so dope whoa um that's going to be gorg all right i'm taking a step at this owl bear yeah is it flying can you fight in the air uh he can fly actually face me in the air i come back down to the ground i do i'm just gonna take a reckless attack on this guy go for it all right and that's a 28 uh knot that hits okay so that hits believe it or not yeah so i hit it for uh five plus uh 11. uh wham uh roll again another attack yeah okay uh i hit uh well that's uh 24 hits go ahead no damage okay uh uh that's 18 18 damage on that one oh jesus uh wow now it's i mean i'm still i'm frenzied here go for it that's uh uh that hits for sure uh go ahead and roll uh another 11. another 11 damage yes it's nuts uh come up as this thing turns to adding after she's healed you raise your axe up and after two blows fully decapitate this beautiful creature it's so beautiful i'm sorry oh my god kristen can you heal it yeah please can you cast inspiration on it yeah uh fabian that's you and still that is like what did that mean oh um i'm gonna look over at this mess behind me and fly around over here oh my god and fight me in the sky and uh begrudgingly kind of land uh and i mean let's let's face it i'm gonna i'm gonna reckless attack on this man you can be if you'd like i i think i let go you let go he gets up and does the like first things first i need you to i need you to kneel before gorgong and tell him he's a big strong man what's happening this seems unnecessary uh rod kneels before gorgonz says you [ __ ] big strong man you've picked some man you took me out dude [ __ ] took me out dude [ __ ] uh does that feel good i can call you it doesn't feel good honestly i'm sorry i just asked him to apologize i appreciate that uh am i playing my base you're playing bass in the backyard can i ask for my uh the one tool or proficiency to be playing a basic drum beat yes absolutely cool uh so you've joined into the band okay can i do an acrobatics check to see if i can dive through this window at this guy past hell fast food please do so i'll do it you can do acrobatics or athletics oh i'll do athletics for sure sure and i have an advantage for that oh hold on i just wanna yeah ooh two eighteens brad uh you effortlessly like plus seven yeah i watched hulk out uh you getting a tech opportunity from that one uh which hits you for um seven uh for eleven half to five damage uh now you're gonna make opposed athletics with this [ __ ] fire elemental okay uh so just roll again yeah you have to beat a uh a 13. okay i'm gonna roll bardock inspiration so that's uh 10 plus seven so yeah okay uh you see gorgon you're like getting pulled out of the window with this fire elemental gorgong freaks out and full [ __ ] owl bear tackle bam whoosh russia the second story bam smash into the beer pong table and destroy it man this is house party dude can i do athletics yeah okay i i got a 24. nice 25 yeah leaps from the elemental just pounding your flesh hands into the chimney smashing through brick you you are on the [ __ ] roof my man and i couldn't snatch it with this turn still right you used your movement to get out you took the hit so yeah you can snatch the watch you're trying to snatch the watch uh make an opposed athletics uh you have to beat a 14. i did that yeah you run up to this tornado cheerleader snatch the stopwatch press it press the button you find zelda on your crystal there's the little add friend button uh her a profile photo is a black and white like filter like blurry ink rendering of just like an eye and a piece of her hair coming down such a cool picture uh okay editor okay and then send a message too just like yeah or will you go to her chat you need to chat her i have to wait for her to accept my friend request right you see that the request is confirmed and then you are immediately unfriended ah and then a friend request comes in for you and that friend request is deleted what and the friend request comes back and then deleted and then the friend request comes back can i do an insight check if the if that she's just having like a panic attack or if someone else is controlling it um it's not going to be the best it's going to be a 10. no sorry 11. i got 18. 18. she she's freaking out she's like okay so cute um hey that's it tyler you just got a tattoo i didn't get it do i have to go get a tattoo now don't just listen to me don't listen to favorites now um what's up see some art ask you to go and see i don't know i've been like it's nighttime though i can't believe i just found out my dad sank in a ship yeah and we're helping him for it right now take some noises all right that's totally fair i will play your favorite sad song i say what's up uh uh how's your semester going what that's so bad why is that actively in danger right now say that you need to meet up you need to meet up gonna say you need to meet up but all right that's thirsty don't say you need to hey what's up how's your semester we need to be here we would like we need we would like to meet up yes we we no you you you i okay uh hey how's your semester i think you might be in trouble alone no no no no no no no keep that in love with that you get a response back that says uh not much you asterix good not not much asterix not not much i didn't mean to type not much i meant to say good my semester's going good i don't know so just tell her you need to meet up right now she says she says i'm in trouble lol like how do you dot dot dot lol dot dot dot what oh my gosh she thinks that you're like being flirty with her okay say uh let's meet up tonight i know this sounds crazy but where are you what if we would just went to like again do you want to get ice cream tonight i know that's wild lol there's a long pause like about a two-minute pause uh i'm sorry buddy maybe she's like she maybe they got her oh no oh because you couldn't nut up he's got a message you get a message back from her saying so sorry i dropped my phone in the toilet i'm on my computer now um what okay she says lol forget about the toilet thing that didn't happen something else happened i took a pause in the conversation for a different reason not the toilet forget about the toilet thing i said you cannot date this person you absolutely uh she says on my way to basrara's right now lol hope that you like bananas sundays because i also like them and then that would be a thing we had in common that'd be a good for me too good for you too that would be a good thing for me too to eat a banana split it's fantastic i guess i like them too i guess commitment i got it all right all right cool okay let's go to the ice cream shop that's going to you see that uh gorga goes and stands over there zelda looks immediately terrified uh you see that she's noticed your friends here uh and she's just like wincing ahead of time she looks up and goes um are your friends here like as like a prank or something no no oh they're just they were like when they heard that i was getting ice cream one ice cream too so they're just it's good to see you oh cool yeah my friends they all pieced out they didn't want they didn't they were all like we have we we all live in different homes we have to go to go home all my friends live in different homes too i message to him tell us she looks nice um you you uh hey look at my you look are you bored no no no what did you say i said you look nice uh go ahead and make a uh persuasion i wouldn't get him we get him cool with bardic and spiderman this is actually just a charisma check charisma check gorgonz charismatic right wait do i get out of here [Applause] flat five flat what you see he looks at you and goes oh could i'm sorry i'm nervous it's cool i'm nervous too i uh your friends are like popular and loud yeah they're really loud i take out a violin bone start playing sometimes i feel like they're just so loud all the time and i would just love to be quiet yeah i get that my family's super um loud too um and i'm like the least loud uh one that's me too i don't i like to be quiet can you want some ice cream should i get some ice cream yeah pastrar comes over oh hello to the young couple congratulations on what is this some sort of uh anniversary i notice you have a flower oh yeah see uh zelda looks and she goes i actually just was i and just eats the whole rose thorns and all oh the ball did you see that did that did the girl just eat the flower yeah sometimes people eat flowers i'm part go so i can eat super anything yeah uh do you want more flowers nothing to eat oh okay sure no if you want if you're getting do you want something we get a sundae with some flowers on it oh all super she asked me to hang out tomorrow but i'll super not wait what uh yeah maybe you shouldn't but also where did she say that she wanted to hang out it's like at school okay cool um what kind of music do you like um i like a lot of different stuff like i like screamo i like emo i like um like punk and like some pop punk i like i like metal i like rage metal i like death metal i like scream metal um i like mad metal i like hate metal um i like um uh mad metal you know crazy metal i like thrash metal uh smash metals some of it's good i like the older stuff um i like uh slice metal is good um i like chopped metal it's good i throw something in this uh you guys watch the rest of this very cute ice cream date between gorgon and zelda kisses for all of you i kiss everyone yeah that was my first kiss that's me too well i'm gay so you're gonna have to talk about this in therapy later no it's set you up for failure which one of you is you are the boyfriend i don't know if i'm a lord boyfriend yes he grabs you and kisses you firmly on the mouth i am the father of your woman okay was that your second kiss [Laughter] he got his kisses today someone put my girl in this ball oh of course is it a crystal you see there's a pallet zest okay we have lost every other palace we have we can get her out of there yeah we think we can get her out he says you can get her out and trust you when you get her out you know what you must do hey we'll give yes i do i will i think he means the honorable thing is to marry her oh i want oh no we worship the god of wine and ecstasy we have wine yeah i have a bunch of you know what you must do i have to get drunk with her that's a start my man oh okay all right god oh thank god okay hey that first one was a three yeah so uh 19. 19. yeah jesus uh you run through here and see that biz has set up some kind of trap you see pixelated versions of yourself leap out to grab you and you fully jump with your music playing and go perfectly horizontal and corkscrew through the middle of them to land right in front of [ __ ] bits uh and that's your action magical i have four bombs can i just pull the pin on all of them and and run right here on the stage yeah uh uh you you want to throw so you can throw one at a time okay okay um uh it's not like you water uh it's not like a band-aid you can pull all the pins uh you can definitely throw one down here on the stage if you want to yeah i think i am ooh 15. uh what do you say to rod rob behind you i'm sorry that we killed your friend but he was kind of a jerk to you where'd you get that black eye no dude dean was the best man i went and told him because i talked to jawbone and he said just talk about your feelings and i told dane about my feelings and he socked me in the face and he said that he wouldn't tell anybody and so i could stay on owl bears but he sucked you in the face right look behind me do you see that he looks behind you and goes i was like i was i loved dane i told you okay not the time but there's other things there's other danes out there you know nobody's ever i'm just an idiot and i'm ugly no one's ever just gonna kiss him make out fake you pull my god you haven't kissed zelda yet this is your first my second kiss someone's dad kissed me or something i kissed everyone yeah yeah zelda's dad kisses that's right sorry this is your third kiss yeah um you pull rog in close plant a tender kiss [Music] well i got kissed at prom help us kill this dragon you look over at the orcish band loading up their band equipment you guys need help you see one says oh thanks man i got crazy in there are they still killing that guy in there uh again oh wow uh hey uh uh yeah uh you wanna give us a hand shirt thank you um see he looks and says oh by the way do you i don't know if you know any uh half works around here that are adopted or anything like that about 14 15 years ago i had a human girlfriend here in town we got pregnant we were just young about 14 years old um wow we were young we [ __ ] up um he says that'll happen that's me i'm a half work i don't know i'm adopted am i are you my dad he pulls a little thing and he shows a little picture of digby and wilma at the thistle spring tree and him and a very young girlfriend um the you know teenager is like uh you see he says we moved out to the dune fort and we're both you know almost 30 and we thought we'd try to come back and find you well uh i'm here celestine says these are your folks digby and wilma yeah he goes those are my other mom and dad you see he clasps you in a giant hug because was that you shredding on those drums like a maniac yeah that was me see he goes well holy [ __ ] uh my name's gore bag no way yeah gore bag i'm gorgog i mean you know that right yeah yeah my name's gore guys he's like he's like i i gotta i was like i gotta uh you see he gets a little facetime on his phone and you see a woman in her late twenties there looks over and says gorbach what's up but he says roz look at this look this is gorgon uh you see he looks you look at each other you see he says well hell uh holy [ __ ] i thought maybe you know somebody but it's you uh i that's i don't even know what to say they've been looking for you forever he says i i almost didn't ask honestly i you gotta ask i ask everyone people make fun of me because i've asked probably five or six people today if they were you just got to keep asking yeah you just cast a wide net i went up there's one kid there was a kid are you my dad sorry you're right no it's okay yeah kid there was a kid at the mall i asked i saw there was a vulture that was selling a post couldn't hurt to ask there's i saw vulture and i almost it flew away but says well i'd love to meet your folks again it's been a long time let's do it let's do it he puts his arm around you uh you guys walk away basically i i'm uh going to get possessed by fawnus who's again the god of wine and ecstasy sure and i need to have a lot of friends there um you know performing acts of revelry or uh the god could spiral out of control and destroy my body so um my last birthday uh we got a cookie cake it sounds really cool that sounds really cool that party ripped okay um [Laughter] i'm lying down random stupid i'm sorry so funny it's like it's a good joke yeah i appreciate it uh you see she says um so do you like um uh are you like uncomfortable with any of this or is this all okay no it's all it's perfect everything here is perfect one question to save your life do i need to do anything specific or should i stand anywhere sometimes these rituals have like um like very minor like little trickster spirits will will come but it's totally like if you just fend those off it should go off without a hitch we're pretty prepared so cool that's so cool yeah um i'll do that and um also i guess just i don't even know if it's worth asking but uh you have to do this is that good um if i don't i think the rage will slowly corrode my body awesome yeah okay well great all right this is cool party this is really cool oh i'm so glad thank you i appreciate it gorgonz sees this circle happening and he just feels like um uh he's trying to decide if he should do anything he leans over to the uh cody the bear and he's like it's my girlfriend in there so you know she's pretty she's pretty cool it's her party um i'm gonna go i guess try to hold her legs down [Laughter] so she doesn't isn't killed by some sort of rage inside her [Music] you know what i mean [Applause] i mean when you put it like that there's no simpler way um so this morning i did some drugs but they were like normal [Applause] so long story short i uh i can see truly right now and i am looking at her and i know what she's supposed to look like but i do see that she is something much more frightening i don't know if i'm i'm not magical at all i was wondering if maybe one of you could like confirm this for me can we have a quick team huddle yeah yeah yeah we're just gonna one second just one second just one second that's mindset yeah just one quick where did you get these back i'll ask you later okay what the [ __ ] i know right are we he's dripping with charisma [Laughter] [Applause] yeah i've never seen such a natural actor in my whole life that's what the huddle was about right i okay so where's the wig add-on's holding it okay and is it evil do we know it looks are you trying to try on the wig i'm looking around and i see all this stage craft and these ass games something's kind of cool about it does gorgon want to put the wig on korg you put this beautiful wig on in that moment what does gorgog most want to look like um a bunch of gnats [Applause] it's a big eye right it's a big eye [Applause] so yeah so a cloud of gnats wearing a beautiful blonde wig holding a battle axe um you see wait does each not have its own wig on or are all the nets wearing one they're like holding it with it [Music] it's a storm of tiny wigs you see mr pepper looks at this and goes avant-garde i have become tiny gnats
Channel: Dimension 20 Highlights
Views: 217,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dimension 20, Fantasy High, Fabian, Kristen, Fig, Riz, Adaine, Gorgug, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Ally Beardsley, Zac Oyama, Siobhan Thompson, Brian Murphy, Emily Axford, Lou Wilson, Compilation, Prompocalypse, Zelda, Iconic, Moments, scenes, Austin, Brooklynn, Date
Id: bwvjYrTDXlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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