ULTIMATE Lottery Challenge! Loser Has To EAT THIS! Lottery Scratch Offs

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today we have another lottery challenge however we got different tickets this time because all the same I only have a fun twist at the end so we cashed in the $10 particularly yesterday and you know what happened we 120m cash that in we won 30 that's what we want to have some money $100 so we decided let's do it again this time we're doing things a little bit differently though whoever scores the absolute lowest out of the three of us Oh absolute lowest the other Tahoma are going to go with the kitchen and make up the grossest concoction they can possibly [ __ ] with any other person past me we're gonna make this a little more fun I think it sounds a little bit more entertaining that way guys so don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it all right guys first again hope you're having a great day let's get into this extreme multiplier where 2wz actually no I can't pull through this I'd rather lose money they have to eat whenever girls crappy restaurant with so lose 30 H I got everyone numbers thirty eight twelve thirty three forty five eight and thirty one alright alright corny six this is nerve-wracking now because I don't bury weeks dumb thirty-five there's 48 I'm on page 13 because like everything that friends I'm gonna eat so it doesn't matter to me for you know I'm not too nervous 32 have much Tony Hoare we don't have much in the house but I mean it doesn't matter what concoction you me I feel like it's gonna be whatever my experiment pot brownie would be much ice cream that we're oh no that's fine making chocolate pepperoni you know now that'd be good cat food Oh video you know in the kitchen silverware so now we have the $20 big money on what that win all bonus let's do this nobody in account for what why don't we all get zero but I don't know I'm covering big money's never win all 25 automatic zero this is dramatic on what all bones okay I prefer to be said shut up that's morally sorry alright winning numbers over here ways you know I was in the kitchen problem number one one of the calf might be in the kitchen I'm like cooking up one of the daddy 4139 145 24 311 29 I'll make you eat Dexter let's see 37 yes no comment 37 38 15 32 16 there's like a bamboo playing a city here to 2131 by heaven I know 34 1 1946 533 I have to win 42 42 I'm feeling I'm gonna have 0:18 okay well I was it um two people lose oh no I didn't think about 14th ward they're two people get like ten as follows didn't happen we don't think of the logistics behind this well that's alright we'll figure out when we get there I'll cross that bridge when we get to it two more numbers okay we're over it's a loser last one is for 11:45 the boy you want but today 43 huh that's it what's right the middle of the tube 43 all right down here what is your last chance huh I know I didn't even realize I had this down here all right if you're a number of matches a winning number in the same row across one fresh show okay so did maginot procedure 64 65 47 50 to 69 5569 nice nice 58 57 4850 now this is like their favorite game to play all day 61 and 62 this whole ticket was a loser guys I'm actually rooting for you all right so I'm gonna dirty our chicken in his little five dollar casino cash tickets so let's see if we can win on this this one's kind of annoying f4f and I first played it so you get a lucky number and if you match the dare you get one times your prize matches there five times after there ten times so let's see if we can do it 35 everybody what what if one person is like salmon or one person they $10 with a free ticket to them so when they actually - $10 that they tied a memo or $10 kind of more than appreciate it's just whatever we're gonna go straight cash value you can't even see nothing there holy crap I'm trying to blur the light here let me do it like this light 37 I can't wait to get the studio lights in no way this it's okay now start no okay trying guys thinking well no way on the final ticket that's okay because we got the big one here $30 you guys know how I like to roll I don't get as many chances but I can win one match on here it's probably a good one let's do this so we got a round and veal one hundred two fifty five hundred or thousand on there so that's your locket yep horseshoe gold bar clover gold coin no bonuses that's okay because we're gonna win here let's see what all our numbers are 29:59 18 44 55 1656 of 28 538 now let us hit the guaranteed winner but now it's not 39 and 43 down there are you ready for this all right oh you trolling ha ha no okay I'm just gonna stop there it's gonna stop there 35 nope I need a win 24 no either it's a nerve recognizing it it's a good area because this is your last ticket I've already got here oh yeah it's true so I need something no for all right 46 it's not in there 11 it's not there 57 it's also not there what about 31 I was looking at the camera and scratching up and stuff also not there 45 let's see let's do like this horrible 54 I am sorry no it's not like it's trying to adjust the camera 712 No 34 also now I need a win here 49 no 29 and 59 and 39 so we get 49 it's how it works I have to keep putting it up like this I think you know this is even nerve-racking for me because before you desire if you get a winner I'm calling the beat it I started oh no that's true that's why I take the risks 15 no higher high reward 53 also now also high chance for big loss 48 now we have two rows left guys two rows 52 no look at that prize there to saw that 250 not the other 50,000 there on six also now no 21 no eight no and 17 wasn't last row oh gosh it's nerve-racking 14 no 25 no zip if we all lose 0 which I mean it's gonna suck but hopefully all of those linking rock-paper-scissors I got a match 44 no 44 second-to-last number 44 and 44 over there so you can see it question it was a $30 free ticket to that more like $10 cash yes we're kidding I said earlier it's cash value $10 free tickets $10 cash whatever whatever has the most cash value let's see if we can get a match down here that see little dollar sign key wishbone necklace and bell know when they're so all we got is that 44 can't even see what it is can you look at that that's weird you can't see nothing cuz there you go are you ready got you guys it's a dollar amount is it yeah there's a zero there how much you think thirty thirty bucks nothing that favorite and her that good but hey that's on top right now I think I might be able to pull it off what's up guys some last one Jesus got 30 ever got zero but I'm pretty confident that among these I better win something so you know let's try this even five so let's see makes you safe lucky numbers okay I guess I guys I just played across each a number cross yeah depending on where you match it sounds good 9 3 11 26 31 30 29 oh I don't know there is no because no matter what I can't lose yeah Amber's over there probably sweating a little bit she'd 0 and maybe the chicken clothes right don't know like dodging the press onto the rocket all right that makes it fair all right this is gaming channels everything and then again he's got all these tickets only one $5 right I think you should have another one and be talking pretty quick not just trying to have [ __ ] over there trying to fight it let's see you cover our win crowns did it they gave things I'm the king no I need to get to me it would've gave it to you that's how they do they give you money they give me royalty 39:18 35 40 did you think you know all this numbers have in common their numbers think of it like that did you like my soccer team please wait is dollar no match at dad oh I don't want the winning numbers to leave the view 15 what 36 what 29 but it's never gonna be a 12 gamble on Jelena gambling 37 no 21 no 35 oh I got a winner bye bye amber you're dying here it is so I feel we want hey hey hey do not Oh My Goddess I just give four come on out no no no none of that not you're gonna have to see what we wanted maybe we won a million dollars faster slowly from the right side I can already see what it is done is it a ticket it is doesn't matter that's my dog's cash value remember yeah well done done deal we gotta call it was something horrible I think I can do that I'm pretty good at that maybe some catfish inside of a soda can lucky we'll have a blender well you know we do have our hands you know you know what else is in the kitchen what I should we maybe eat anthrax we're good killer I think we do there is it sue at this point I've secured my place so I just wanted to add more money so we have more money don't get lottery tickets zoos all over again I'm like sweating look at this guy see me see this the ticket like sticking to my arm okay when is that cover Allah this is like my ticket here look thank you so much scratches smoother I like just what's here yo more it's like she's lots of dance you got 28 so you're welcome it's gonna be a good one for two million dollars 16 now nah no 42 43 or the winner event 1500 a lot of ins no no 34 Oh No 36 49 no 47 look it's like like 46 47 48 49 everything yes one no about 45 46 mmm we're about new I wish it's fine it is 38 no I got 2807 forty-four no AI 145 I want 45 52 33 and uh I know it's still sticking our arm oh sorry Sarge you guys don't stop to pick it off - no engine direction so we're at I'll get it after 29 53 54 43:57 got 52 53 54 let's do that 55 no I'm gonna do you want to 55 guaranteed I I agree yes so those sad that not to attend Lisa 39:55 you get a 51 1 31 33 lamb 51 and then it was like barely there our second round back to age 35 I've done this before seen this episode I've already watched this episode 7 cheapest in there 56 - following the 55 I'll give this other tickets watch to get sticking to my arm is a if it if it focuses mega sevens sevens cover 100 oh I saw that like 1 oh I thought symbols I saw 100 my god it's actually hundred that make sense each material she scratched all I had like different like how hard you have to do to scratch an account that make sense like this on the scratch is easier than other ones people that don't scratch you're like what are they talking about yes definitely like yes everyone's like saying their favorite one of their pen I love up seven I love my red hot chili ate something random sounds legit the exit 13 I got a 12 32 you know little thing at first it looks like a Monty song I said - I think there was like a dollar amount in them no probably would today that's yeah so any number you got to get cut off for so I can talk I'll zoom out a woman a minute 48 or 49 of course 30 note 35 no not no zoom out a little bit never get last row 28 29 course they scanned me I'm calling father before not 36 24 no dad what do you what is that I think it's a 19 so no loser well that's it but I did horrible but guess what I still got a dollar amount time to make me eat something gross all right so she's in another room we're in a kitchen here let's come up with a gross this thing we can come up with I think we should set the camera up on the tripod here what do you got first check if the VIN extreme let's start with a bowl it's a culinary concoction together in you look at all that the state either that cook the right pink like that that's how it's supposed to be over contact poison control tell States supposed to be cooked perfect so we definitely gotta have some Vegeta's kale in there I never sent baby kale get some kale in this is for the bearded dragon essa/jesus we don't eat this kind of healthy stuff yeah look at that do we look like we eat kale you can strap a tree all right so I'll start with that you know what raw eggs let's open an agony we should put an egg in the egg dangerous no Steve will do it didn't he all right head of a house Alan I thought you did honey you got on the counter there nothing gonna crack nice yes mom usually does it I think some taco sauce right yeah you open it for tacos - I don't think it was open yet was it no oh great all the steak over here just taking me down that's how it's supposed to be cooked wait I don't have very much some ranch in the gym god I don't want to touch my fingers frantic because it ranches submit rose definitely not eating more rare steak back here this brand is like frozen now this is actually a good salad salad you put these back I've never actually had horse take more ketchup hmm doesn't know it's scrumptious it's actually done I don't mean yeah what else you get god I'm gonna mix it up a little bit oh yes mix it up now would he do this and it's gonna be a perfect cake oh my god you can't smell it like it smells pretty bad yeah I think it's good yeah all right let's bring it in and let the punishment begin all right so here comes the delicious four options Mia you ready I am ready where's my fork signaling I want food all right first of all I see kale I see an olive cause it actually the smells that bad oh you're crazy right yeah literally the only thing that I'm like and about is the egg okay so oh I have eat the olives okay put it this way all even olive and I'll also eat a green with water on it oh yeah so all of these you get guests of all the ingredients me yeah yeah okay um mayonnaise no actually what is branch yeah yes salsa yeah olives yeah kale yeah egg yeah I know but I'm gonna eat the olive what and then the rest okay oh my god so I don't really like always well you know Jesus salad okay oh sure you show that - a little bit just lift the ball up something look at this guy's that is just awful awful it looks like butyrate puke just pretend this beauty okay olives down can I just eat like this leaf gotta get some salsa tea now how do I get salsa stain a leaf that I tasted the leaf salsa em raw ant no raw egg that was only leaf they said I'd eat I ate the olive I completed the challenge I win they didn't win they monetarily won I won all right guys well you know what you guys know down in the comments do you think the whole challenge aspect that makes it a little bit more fun I do maybe it's because I want I'm gonna call it every single time that we've done a like gross challenge after the lottery video I always do it I've eaten garlic I hate his sock and now I don't have to concoct it it's like every time it's a challenge it's like my lucky charm like if we're just playing I always lose with him you may get a challenge that always wouldn't maybe that's the key I'm not gonna walk to the casino tomorrow and be like if I lose I have to eat an egg just walk into a machine like a pin I don't know but guys we're just doing these because all next week there's auctions over the weekends there's no auction is no way way nowhere who us is it really awful somewhere in the country but whatever we have options every day next week if you thought the lottery challenges are fun let us know down in the comments because I think it adds a little bit of a even though it just makes it more dramatic so anyway that's it for this one if you did enjoy it make sure you leave a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button frost my treasure hunting videos all the time if you do want to fall in our social media links they're gonna be on screen click links down in the description below and make sure you follow us on whatever you have website Facebook yeah especially Facebook thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 13,414
Rating: 4.7874227 out of 5
Keywords: lottery tickets scratch off, lottery tickets scratch off mrbeast, lottery tickets scratch off secrets, nc lottery tickets scratch off, playing lottery tickets scratch off, winning lottery tickets scratch off, lottery tickets scratch, scratch off, scratch off tickets, scratch off tickets secrets, how to win the lottery scratch off, scratching off lottery tickets, lottery, lottery ticket, scratch offs 2019, scratch offs big winners, scratch offs tips, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: PHYoc2vMCjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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