WE SPENT $400 ON LOTTERY And THIS HAPPENED! EAST vs WEST! I Bought Every Ticket In The Machine!

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scratch the last two hey 2x 2 times the money we got something for Tina whoo we got 49 right here should be 16 Oh welcome back to treasure hunting with TVs guys and today we did not spend $100 in lottery ticket we have not spent 200 we did not spent 300 we didn't spend for honor we spent four hundred and twenty dollars on lottery ticket and this is gonna be an ultimate battle for twenty because you know we're in Cali so that's all we got to do it or Kelly wait baby so we're gonna go zero it off if you could pull the most money to his channel I like him because I'm on his channel I'm gonna be the winner 120 I was the oddball I had to get an extra 20 but yeah storage stalker subscribe to my channel let's do it locking nuts [ __ ] proud to be here nice to Jebus this is exciting right here scores on his Vegas hey glad the Phoenix of Jesus there we go since you know we have the winning tickets we're gonna go ahead and go first let's see it I've never played the California Lottery in my life but we got it takes two first and $2 tickets let's get it so we got to uncover three twos in a row tic-tac-toe basically let's see we can do X boom here's it - lets go down up and there's a 2-0 it's a loser 2 and 0 what about on the bottom what's the money mean reveal that symbol in the same room Oh hold on if we get 2 - that's a OH oh it's nothing so that's eyes - loser yeah I thought it wasn't gonna be one or two let's go over here nothing nothing up California feels like Virginia losers let's go to the next one we're gonna win something here it's good on this row no winners no winners no winners well who just like home let's go to this side no winners if you wants you talk trash feel free feel free talk trash no winners here either so far two up two losers yay double check me cuz I could screw up I've screwed up before let's see if we can get another winner at least one doesn't look like it's gonna happen does it knocked in losers losers losers thank you know what that means a lot do we have anything look at this just loser after a loser if I lose on all the two dollars I'm suing the whole state of California just letting you know now let's go here yeah nothing well we can win diagonally please hey we finally got three in a row yeah finally any other winners no all right I'll see the prize if it's two dollars I'm gonna rip it it's I say don't rip it what is that what does that mean oh you get a free ticket free ticket we don't even have that at home that's kind of cool I guess we'll get a free ticket we got to go the other side no we don't have that at all another chance to lose and nothing on outside so we got a free ticket I've been new to me I've never seen that before let's go to the last two dollar ticket here nothing not even one - come on California and nothing over here is it gonna happen does not look like it one out of five one out of five just like home let's go monopoly they have a lot of monopoly tickets out here so right here availa 5150 instantly let's see we got 48 I'll come on that's close is that counting I get 48 all right let's see so we're gonna scratch these winning numbers and let's match some numbers we got 31 29 27 and 30 let's see if we can match any let's do them out a little bit so you guys you see the numbers by the way if you hear some crashing to the background we're at a bowling alley we're not getting the text let's see if we can match it 9 no well nope 11 or 22 no 14 at 38 no fifteen or 33 no 24 16 no come on why are they at 1337 now we got 27 of course nope 35 7 do we get anything for 7 no 36 no 32 42 no 44 no losers that's what we do we lose around here we got one winner on all these tickets so far what are the odds of this let's get a 50 here 53 we get extra credit we means we have 53 bucks right I don't see it 28:39 30 and 31 and 30 okay there was another number are there I might've missed that we'll check that take it I screwed up let's get it 14:20 huh I don't know I don't even believe that 34 12 36 15 nope 11:23 nope 25:24 where the winners at man 35 7 nowhere dad no no they're not 27:42 no 8 9 nope 4133 look at that both of them are losers I'm suing I'm suing my feelings are getting crushed right here so we reveal 50 or win a hunt or reveal a hunter it wouldn't instantly let's get one of the two a pig joy doping a pig I'll take some bacon right about now pot of gold no let's go down here so forty three forty six twenty five thirty eight forty five or fourteen let's see if we can get some of those numbers all right you ready 24:21 Oh 27 or 48 not happening 37 or 28 also not happening xxx 36 not happening it can we get a one winner at least 33 31 not happening 1116 also a happening come Owen this is getting repetitive 32 42 also not happening 34 12 also nope 29 or 7 no 23:47 come on you guys are worse than Virginia anything goes possible let's try to blowing it some Californians trying to blow me from behind I don't like this so reveal 100 250 or 500 let's see if we can get it thank you thank gold coin horseshoe we can't win anything come on I'll see our winning numbers 5945 34 7 447 56:39 4 and well we're gonna have one winner here or I'm just suing Hasbro for monopoly having all losers so do we have a 2 or 46 no we don't do we have 48 or 26 awesome no 153 or 13 noop 41 52 nope come on 36 21 where are the winners they must be for real your whole video that's what it is it's rigged you guys are always cheating trapping us in elevators I could have still no winners come on or there takes one that's right 29:54 know we got 59 here 39 but of course we got 29 that's how they do it around here 25 30 - nope last row down here 37 or 6 no come on 38 or 3 it always they love the one often it's their favorite I know they get a joy out of it 57 or 43 oh this is video ho come on this is crazy I'm professional loser I've told you guys before in lottery baby I'm a professional loser notice today no thank you thank you you guys try to trap us in an elevator that's messed up man I planned this I know it fast 250 let's see if we can get two pairs do not play by rules oh oh you they got me they have look at that 256 you know what that that's worth doing we're suing this day to go to 15 57 36 638 18 8 look at all these geeks 14 and 4 I'm not gonna tickets on the ground that's all right let's get it let's get at least one win here 12 I can't even see my numbers because of the blur let's see 12 32 21 4348 look we have eight eighteen and thirty eight so they put 48 in there they know what they're doing they know what they're doing let's see forty-four no cuz we have four and 14 we don't get the one we need if you wanna I'm good at County I could do that that's the only thing I'm good at 16 why do we get 16 we have 6 and 36 they just like to play with your emotions 37 or 25 not today we think about 36 they give you 37 they love the one off - I think you have a gambling problem with any number that comes up you related to something that's when you know you got an issue 55 56 28 there's going every single eight that we didn't have up there so anything else that ended at 8:00 you know it's a winner five no 24 no plea a four and 14 they love this I guarantee California Lottery has itself in the office just laughing 39 nope 27 seven no 53 or 45 this is this is getting ridiculous I don't think it's possible to lose as well we have anyone's nothing back we want a ticket all right let's try again 1513 nothing we have 15 to 13 why because we have 14 right in the middle they're cheating us 26 no 34 and 1 everyone's walking by like what is wrong with this guy Oh Joshy crazy baby 1931 - no 22 another loser this is the last ticket and you know shouldn't got it look at that California million California million Maya you know what I don't wanna go there that's a $30 $30 ticket so we at least have something back besides one free ticket California come one so let's see $500 spot $4.99 there we go the best one off you can give me everyone let's get the 5-under 497 you know what I'm suing there's a lot of numbers here so let's see what we got 859 let's turn it sideways make this quick here's how it goes guys anything on this thing we need like 30 million views all right exactly please we got 911 side by side that is not a good sign let's get into this and let's see we could win something please 35 nope trying to angle it up so everybody could see it 35 no 25 you guys better get excited is there by little possible every ticket you gotta have some winner somewhere 38 no 23 nope 13 we are they add it's like a rocket seriously 46 or 17 where are the winners 31 or 49 no of course not I think we got to a theory here if the numbers down here I don't think it's gonna be up there I think that's the rule of this game 28 nope 44 of course not seven not a chance come on 39 or 36 we have one of them of course not no 48 hell nothing this is crazy 54 nothing this one should be a winner just by the name it should but you know California all they do is lose out here six even your elevators don't work in your storage unit I don't want to hear it 21 or one nothing not one winner this is why I should've done this 19 or 52 nothing 51 nothing 43 what 3 nothing 32 nothing okay 34 nope 45 no let's scratch the last two Hey 2x 2 times the money we got something right it has to be 27 right let's get this hold on I told you of the biggest dramatic oh oh oh yeah we got stuff down here - lets get that - ACK you know what no no no let's make it super dramatic ready 3 2 1 2 times 15 come on man you gonna give me my money back on it that's some scam stuff right there that's some scam stuff I want my money back I didn't win nothing let's go down here let's go down here uncover a money we're all simple win the prize but let's just the only bad going on bail a rainbow there you go for Kelly a crown and a chess so we got 30 bucks in a free ticket in California joy at least we got a frickin chest you know what I think we found something worse than Virginia all right locker nuts here I'm stepping up to this challenge not exactly a burst in the scratch-off world so you get to be this I don't think I could do too much worse than Jebus yeah yeah they give me just scratch it you could probably be terrible we gotta get his money back people scream in the background I might be good for them so when we got bills in rainbow okay here we go matching numbers up 41 16 12 mm mm losing like a pro yeah we're making a california lottery big bucks oh and no kiddin paying for our lousy schools yeah like to see how everybody scratches it cuz you have some people that scratched just the numbers don't checked like if they won like in a Virginia we have numbers and stuff or letters at the bottom and tell us if we won and we just scratch the numbers but you scratch the number and the fries hmm I guess someone that's just my natural style because that wasn't practice or anything that's alright anyway there's any winners let's see did we get winners I'm gonna go on the limits they can do I would put my money on that as well no one will double-check for you please there's the next ticket right it's all we do do you are not playing a chance drawings where you are here we go you had to start with these guys here not even quite sure what these do there's a 30 $30 a second chance get to right here we got okay let's get these for ticket in any way that have been a pretty difficult challenge okay I think my where the winners yeah we gotta be in there somewhere they get you close you want to keep keep it open yeah they love those one-offs I think they party with those one-off numbers in their office I'm gonna love it I feel like whenever you get one off number this basically the Yeah right I'm not seeing winners yet smell like a loser that's just the west coast in general my using your coin G here G B's you got a winning they might up geez give you a Wooden Nickel alright I'll double-check here the next ticket thank you okay big money that's what it is big money we're all gonna average like thirty dollars together like thirty to forty dollars on like four hundred sicknesses place the numbers these ones call fake money up top this right here down the side they don't label these very well okay those are numbers a lot of twenties all right let's see man odds are that I get something right now I remember why I don't like handling you guys don't fight lottery office yeah never is it a very time where you got it lottery before I like scratch honest honestly if I do a scratch office like a dollar he got his gambling from his dad so it's passed on and now I can do videos it's better but before we lost a lot of money um yes I don't like to lose money I like gambling on storage lockers it's the same thing they got a bottom two okay still smoke are you gonna match him yeah still open mo all losers all right I didn't exactly represent I'm gonna give the store dr. pirate a chance than the last two tickets well see if he's got better luck all right here so I became a designated scratcher to help Jackie need some good luck so we're gonna start off with these bonus banks come on what do we need to win these gold bars no that don't do nothing that only works a storage unit given horseshoes they've got plenty of gold coins we're looking for those in diamonds all right what kind of winning numbers 37 is a good number I'm not fond of 34 13 is my lucky number if anybody knows me there's my lucky 49 like the greatest football team in there all right 28 now 3354 nope 342 meaning a life no the galaxy 137 441 whoo we got 49 right here so we got a web I'm just gonna scratch it off cause already did it you got 30 bucks back on that way all right we're a team you want anything else no pressure I handle very well 57 1931 it's getting boring now 25 you know number one oh that's my number right there 39 you hate number one yes why do you hate me cuz we always get it whenever win number wanted 28 we always tell him he had a dream for number 28 21 anyone a million dollars bonus room bonus round all right let's do this we got a key oh no no those are not a treasure chest we love those in storage unit a rope and a wishbone all right that's the bead our winner now all we need to get is a hundred times a hundred dollars and we're good is the big one right so we're going to do a back to 49 to fortify think better than 149 is to 40 minutes look at these wonderful knives here so far we don't have any bad luck 23 is my 97th favorite number 427 all right like what do we have 38 we I want to help in the last 146 is a boring number shout w77 is my number who is one of my numbers my top five favorite numbers number eight one my top five favorite numbers as well I got a lot of favorite numbers everything here's me that's my left that's one of my lucky number it's my third lucky number 48 that would have been you can't want we need to get Jack to win here they manifest the winner right now right right for now comment below manifest the winner twenty-five note that is not going 14 is not a winner 9 is not a winner I'm a nine person to astrologically speaking so that should be a 1602 build suspense I learned this from Jesus we're gonna build suspense number 13 that's my I love number 13 tell you why on camera back 4139 thirty-six Buddha we appreciate 11:5 as a morning shout anybody likes five is still good informant we got a six here we got a 57 no pretend that work we got a 29 we have the greatest football team again number two senator Javits 53 number 22 no.6 number 42 again we're at 32 so we have a winner at 16 right here is a winner was everybody think right now comment below stop pause what do you think that's gonna be I'm gonna go up the hundred grand twenty bucks that's good enough close enough Jackie one so guys we just finished up everyone just finished you know what the sad part of this is the champion of this got back half buddy not 75 percent not 80 not breaking even half over the money he's been and we're gonna call it a winner for some reason I don't know why but I guess that's what we're doing today so the West I need to team up and I send my lover to him so check out all their videos to make sure you find out who won star stalker I might have won I don't know yeah you'll find out you got to go to my channel from James the shower links going to be there for all of us to be there go in there and check it out look at it we're gonna be there we stores hundred Vegas I'm not really my tripping up my tickets cuz I might have one find out marker notes tonight we all kind of want sort of but you guys can be winners by going these channels and subscribing yourself [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 56,405
Rating: 4.7678275 out of 5
Keywords: i bought every lottery ticket in the machine, i bought every lottery ticket, bought every lottery ticket, bought every ticket in the machine, every ticket in the machine, buying 1 of every lottery ticket, i bought 1000 lottery tickets, i bought 50000 lottery, bought lottery tickets, bought lottery tickets and won, lottery prank, lottery vending machine, buying all the lottery tickets, texas lottery, ar platinum, scratch off, texas candy, texas scratch off, winning tickets
Id: K6yTgcF5wNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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