We Found The SET FOR LIFE Symbol! Lottery Ticket Scratching BIG WIN?

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welcome back the treasure anything with GPS guys and guess what one of our awesome subscribers has sent us a bunch of lottery tickets from Western Canada all right question can Alberta Canada so thank you ian from sending us to us thank you very much when the only scrapped Canadian liner tickets in Toronto so this is actually gonna be a first for us yeah we're gonna cut them in half and see you can win more put us in the comments and let's do it and guess what you guys are watching this show if you're the first one to see this sick new intro just made look at this [Music] alright guys I'm going to start with this pile right here let's start with cupcake cash cuz you know I'm kind of a fluffy boy myself I like my cupcakes so I read this one this one's a little unique so what you do is you scratch all these numbers down here and then you match up and if you me ended up here you scratch it off and if you get all the numbers in a row you win the icing prize and if you get none of the numbers in the row you get the cake prize over here so most likely you're probably have like one of each one so you need either all of them or none of them to win okay let's start going on here says I scratched all 14 first but that's not dramatic where's the your numbers area there were you I'd start right over here first number is 18 we got an 18 right here and then we do we have any more 18 I don't know if the numbers gonna repeat or now 13 just to be sure have we got a 13 up here and let's see again six no 633 also no 33 weird how they label the rules that says if you exactly match none of the numbers in that line you were in the key process yeah we got nothing on the bottom you know their desk number 12 on the bottom well they're guys that chance 15 now there's one right here we can get a 32 we can win twenty bucks there how far over just go up with hands right there let's try a thirty one that's down here as well so now we got two numbers down there no more 30 ones 25 now we get 35 we do have a 25 we're here so we got half of the bottom row now - what about number one yeah it's over here - look at this two more we get to 20k I like the way they're lottery tickets look more than ours yeah we got the 11 - no way to get a 7 that should be $20,000 number 10 we don't have number 3 anybody could use a good 25-minute right now yeah and number 2 so unfortunately we got no window that's a loser let's see this set for life when it's the one I've been winning in California smell set for life sir for this ticket you have to match three prize amounts in any box game one game two and I guess that's Game three Game four down here so let's start with a big box up here Game one some think we're just looking for three identical symbols or three identical prizes I guess so the game won you can on top read three identical prize amounts or you can get three identical set for life symbols oh yeah one set for life - thirty dollars also bonus play areas I don't look for that to 10ks or not one hundred thousand two hundred thousand to thirties one set to say look at that we have two of everything now if you can just reveal that it don't we have another section in here twenty well oh no it's one thousand other--like no way we just hit that and fifty so no wins on Game one let's go here to Game two really quick fifty thousand ten bucks ten bucks so why don't you get down to the bonus play three identical symbols or you can uncover the double cash symbol no one's there or a triple cash let's try it let me zoom in a little bit it's getting a little far out are you ready hunter bucks 20 bucks ten thousand bucks 1,000 bucks every different prize - 20 bucks 200 no one here in Game three let's go game for civic and Max three $8 that's to be with a prize eight ten eight and watch imma hit it I'm gonna hit it five six five oh wow alright so what do you say about this I'm bonus it's three like amounts as well but you can also uncover a double count or a triple cashable alright I got a tree and a case and I guess I gotta match their symbols a plane and a swordfish is that all of them yeah I think you had three enough and that's sex yes one name that's that's my kind of ticket a mystery box money hmm we like mystery boxes the only like ladder went up to $100,000 let's see if we go in on the mystery box money so this one just a regular ticket to get your numbers on the cover and below to five 14 or 17 let's see if we get any of those numbers down below 21 no let's see the scratch two at a time 26 27 awesome no 12 awesome no 37 and 23 nope 2 and 14 up 42 winner we got one we'll get that later that's correct 2 at the end waiting 10 no 36 or 38 also no and number 13 down there now over there 1 or 14 yeah yeah all right here you ready to scratch it from the side no small zeros never good only 5 bucks back on the $5 ticket that's not a way and it's not breaking even this used to be like my favorite it taking just like this back in Virginia called win a spin and you would have to put it in on your phone let's see if it's an extender or not let's scratch the numbers away and see if it's played this in verse numbers in heat that's a good sign 812 1025 in 1900 right let's see if we can win one of these prizes of course it's 13 all right 27 and 22 no winners what about one nope how about twenty or thirty two nope 314 also now 40 35 nope 33 to 1826 no ho come on 31 or 11 I got 12 in 10 but no 11 down there last little row really quick let's see 137 now what about 21 it's our 10 hey 10 is a winner last numbers a winner all right let's see what's gonna wait on 10 number 10 what is that Oh win a spin how do you do it this says that if the if you scratch the spin one visit any wcl see Lottery retailer location to validate your taking and determine your winning spins symbol prize if there's no phone validation here you have to actually go in and see what the prizes well you got ask yourself a spin let's see the big ticket here this one looks okay let me zoom out a little bit it's such pretty colors I had to get it 1 million Royalle 10 top prizes of a million dollars two million prizes from $20 to $500 okay you ready looks so fancy I hope the camera doesn't mess it up because it's so sparkly I feel like it's gonna reflect a lot let's try 25 23 32 14 21 and 44 that's really reflective we're gonna try our best year whoa what does that first symbols of two times two times simple very first one all right I'll come back to that 46 nope 48 no 26 no 11 also now I don't want to scratch too high here this is 20 to know if 32 okay never happens 31 that usually gets me high because I feel like we have one on one winner but 24 and 13 nope 16 also know what about 34 33 now just 32 you know 9 or 43 awesome now one off 27 nope 39 nope let's see 45 also one off I heat one off numbers 3 and 17 no letters either two more rows got 40 and 38 and now what if I there's my 28 27 no wins what about 18 also knowing let's try to get this up here so you can still see it 6 nope 35 also now thirty-seven and forty-one nope it looks like it's gonna be just the two times symbol all right let's see you ready and scratch from the side and let's take a little easier doesn't it double ten dollars at 20 bucks at least twenty dollars of the ten ninety that's not great but okay I'll take double in the money any time of the day alright time for my set of tickets here so I'm gonna start with the cupcake cash so let's scratch these numbers down here alright I don't like the dime or the penny I did all right what are my numbers eight that's not the numbers these are the numbers okay 33:21 1420 I'll just scratch this first row first and then go through it so 33 got it right here 21 21 14 right here 20 up top then there's our pockets oh is this 2 and 30 here's a 30 and that's it and 6 right here all right so I'm gonna be my second set I'll just fetch it at time 35 or 1717 Oh give me 20 for that one round three yeah 23:19 no 1911 no 11 and 5 dang it all right so that's a loser let's go to this mystery box money went up to $1,000,000 is this just like a regular one I think it was thing is 20th or why the numbers are small 23 31 34 and 22 let's see what we got did you scratch your bonus down here yeah okay so 33 mmm 28 this is easy to scratch 35 1925 mmm 7 mmm 36 it's like hard to figure out where the numbers are 17:23 match jordan 23 322 that's another match two matches 15 ok so I have these two matches here let me zoom in a little bit which one was it 22 so let's grab 222 off side other side $5 in 23 come on Jordan give us 10 no $5 $10 right there alright so now I'm gonna scratch the big spin see if we can get two spins see stop putting your numbers and bubbles no it's not like it reminds me like the machines everybody used to play pick three pick four yeah little machines out a little numbers out all right so 26:14 9 7 and 13 I actually got my lucky number here let's see 17 7g no one pesky 7 oh that's a winner oh wow both the spinner wins see six value some ray that was our take it back in Virginia we used to play that so much eight trying to make it ticking not shake sandwich twenty nine twenty eighteen twenty to thirty four no you're so far first two tickets no my first one I lost 39 for the next two of 125 Thomas did you win on yours no I'm not sure all right anyway we have that other stack of tickets to scratch to see also the problem is with the spinner win there could be a million dollar one yeah yeah well mine's not yeah mine was just a number match it was a spin so it could just be a spin - yeah my eyes are getting hard to scratch down here 30 and last number is a 38 okay so all I got was this 7 right here let's see what the 7 is oh come on money five bucks not bad all right I feel like we're waiting a lot more you take your test for sure all right so let's start with this game one I'm pretty sure all these were just reveal like three identical prize amounts yeah so that's what is that 100,000 the next one it's 1,000 next tendo 100,000 so I got to 100,000 right off with that that would be nice fifty-five another one thousand two hundred thousand two thousand ooh there's a set for life symbol another set for life simple if I gotta get 1/3 1/3 across the bottom Oh another $5 simple so that's a loser box game number two I think is the same thing right yeah they're all the same thing all right a thousand five hundred hundred five and five that's five dollar winner right there look I'm racking up five dollars ten thousand five hundred five dollars then ten thousand five hundred and ten that's the litter box game number four that's what I did okay down here I don't really specimen so we have eight six one thousand six that's it yeah that's a loser alright and then in here it's gotta get three symbols innuendo bonus okay so train case plane-tree I was like killing my forum right now anyone ever like wonder what symbols so that this was a loser but I got $5.00 in Game two on that one you know what's weird right now looking at this behind the camera what the pile of winners is actually a significant pile of loser I don't think I've ever seen this in my lifetime all right so now I have this one lucky numbers so this is just like ours your simple $20 one 7-eleven right off the bat 7-eleven 24 48 and 35 eleventh gonna be your water 23 yeah 32 for 27 30 negative 47 I'm gonna 4845 mmm 49:44 come on I need 48 not all these other forties so 37 6 no 36 18 8:14 two more rows and then I got a 5100 on here 33 1 40 41 21 38 dang it winner 39 no 42 and 26 or right down here assuming it's just the number or something or maybe match the symbols probably mastered simple all right so these are here supposed to be three identical symbols I had to read the back real quick so I have a sports car a scale horseshoe scale boat boat okay so no three symbols this is the same thing crown month egg another crown star pearl and a diamond so that is a loser ticket now we have to scratch these ones off to the side all right so after many minutes of scratching look at my fingers looks like going to lottery warfare I won two of the ones we scratched off of camera and he won none but all together these are the winners so these two are marked houses together I have 29 and then he got $25 of these two plus the mystery prize on this spin so let me point out a detail actually the address on the back plug okay well I just specify that the win prizes are between 10 and $10,000 on the spin so at a minimum it's $10 yes so technically even with the minimum he says 35 and I'm 29 he won but I think overall I mean LeeAnn I don't think you count that as a way because I think you spent like over 80 some dollars but sounds like a decent butcher yeah I was like 84 I think I counted it up but I mean with 35 and then 29 I mean that's like 60 some bags which is not bad and you're already assuming that's the minimum price anymore I mean you really well I kind of broke even or even made more on this so good job LeeAnn pick good tickets thanks for setting them again all right so we hoped again that you enjoyed these lottery videos we love getting lottery tickets from you if you want to send us some to scratch on video just send it to our Pio boxes it in the description but include a self like prepaid envelope with your letter as well so if you did enjoy it leave it a big thumbs up as always and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 68,111
Rating: 4.6711464 out of 5
Keywords: lottery ticket scratch off big win, lottery ticket scratch off, lottery ticket scratch off strategies, lottery ticket scratch off videos, lottery ticket scratch off win, lottery ticket scratch off winners, lottery ticket scratch cards, lottery ticket, scratch off, scratch off ticket big win, scratch off tickets, scratch off tickets big win, scratch off win, scratch off winner, winning lottery ticket, lottery, big lottery win, lottery win, scratching off lottery tickets
Id: T3WwMbl-PO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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