I went Dumpster Diving at Buy Buy Baby, HomeGoods & Burlington

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okay we have got a grand baby on the way so i hope i find some baby stuff because we're going to go see adriana and jay other kids soon i think that's just a blanket totally cute what is this [Music] so here she [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] that's right so [Music] machine [Applause] [Music] okay these are all cute [Music] this is pretty cool universal i think that's what goes on any stroller that's neat one of the next it's this personal stuff it looks like a cool bench or chair it is a bench is it broken it was somebody's personal um we need a bench in the backyard let me pull it out what's wrong with it you want me to pull it out what's wrong with that i don't know it's not perfectly level i know but why i don't understand [Music] what is going on why would it be wrong crooked it's very wobbly okay so it looks like personal stuff in here today is that a poster right there yep but the frame is broken yeah there's gum on it got an old piece of a gum covered gum don't like that it's cool but it's definitely um broken and nothing really exciting in the frame oh what's this look at this it's so cool little dresser thing it might be antique it's gonna be heavy i think what's this [Music] i like the little wheels it's a little it's definitely old for sure it looks like see the metal wheels something my grandma grandpa i've had look at this this is definitely my grandparents it's cool yeah it's cute we could donate that [Music] cute [Music] bike pump dirty really pretty [Music] let's put it in upside down huh we're on its side maybe [Music] well this buddha's didn't quite make it it's pretty heavy safety does it say prince somebody might like that i think it's his prince why am i so bad at reading these things take it oh it was cute look at this little guy camo or something oh a giraffe with this little thing i can glue that on there i'll try at least it's kind of cute it's just a coffee mug that's broken owl okay this looks the same as when we came the other day one of the next okay i just set this up because i wanted to see if i had all the pieces this is so cool but look at this in store retails 85 bucks special 42.49 they tried to get rid of it which i'm glad that they just didn't throw it away at least they tried this is might be an issue but um 85 bucks and look these little guys have um different things they do like this one has a light up star this one plays some music this one's got a little mirror how cool is this i don't know why it's 85 bucks that's crazy but it has a little built-in pillow to like hold them up and all i got to do is take it apart and throw in the washing machine it i think all the pieces are there that's amazing yay this is cool some passies that i just grabbed because mila can use it for her baby dolls or ryan i don't know what this does exactly i mean we've had them before and the kids played with them but and steve has one that's like for um like rubbing out joints and stuff but this must be something for babies i don't know these i grabbed because they're just cool to have an extra cup holder i don't know if they'll work i think they would work on anything that had like a a post you know depending on the kind of stroller it might clip on most of them which would be awesome so those are 20 bucks each then this i don't know what exactly i don't know if it goes on a baby changing table it doesn't it looks too narrow but very long but it has velcro on both sides i don't really know maybe it goes over the edge of a crib and then oh that might be it goes over the edge so they can don't chew on it or whatever and then through the cracks you can velcro maybe i don't know she could use it adriana could use it as like a changing pad um you know just have it out in the living room this thing is pretty cool it's a um rubber sheet thing but it's a seat neat so it's rubbery on one side so easy waterproof thing maybe just to put on their seat or maybe it goes on the table i know when we used to take you know the kids out the girls both had these little rubber mats that they'd put down so when we go out to restaurants they wouldn't be you know they wouldn't touch the table so maybe it's something like that adrienne i'll know what to do with it if nothing else it's also an easy little thin waterproof thing to stick in the car for changing diapers in the back or something you know easy to clean so these were all meant to be how amazing is that that's so great all of these items that i found today can get used um because we got a new grand baby on the way yay and it's a boy so this is perfect at least that's what the initial thing said it was a boy um amanda and i thought it was a girl i think adriana thought it was a girl too but steve said was a boy the whole time so and he's been right most of the babies that have come if not all so we'll see but anyway this is what we got yay okay so i was gonna donate this little guy i repaired his neck right here it doesn't look great or anything but i was just gonna throw him in the donate thing and then i noticed this thing said um reinforced jasmine scented so i was like what the heck on this smells i smell it it does smell like jasmine and i didn't see a hole or anything in here for this little cactus so i don't think that went with it but when i was um gluing him i saw this little thing in here and look there's like i can't pull it all the way out unless it must be glued in there but there's a sachet or something in here isn't that weird so september 10 2020 manufacture date and i can't quite see in here what's going on but there's definitely a satchet and this is what the smell is have you guys ever seen anything like this before i don't really want to know what's in here is it like a uh a pellet or something it's in a i don't know or is it like potpourri it's in there it's like glued in there so i'm gonna rip it out i've gotta know i can't get it out i can kind of see down in this hole anyway before i decide to rip it all the way out have you guys noticed one of these before what do you think's in there the potpourri i'm gonna break it if i try to rip it out and it'll just explode everywhere and make a mess if it is potpourri so anyway i'm just gonna leave it in the bathroom since it's smelly i'll stick this little guy in there since it's foam he can just sit right there next to this little thing this was a uh this is what i've decided to do with some of these i kept two of them now um so when the grandkids come over and i always have broken candles like this you know it's broken i don't want them touching it so now i've got them in these um little glass things so this one's missing a side right here but i can leave it at the back and this isn't getting too hot to touch it's fine so and they can't reach that far anyway but they always want to blow the candles out they love to blow the candles out so that is what i'm doing with this this was a jar i found somewhere and i just shoved a candle one of the ones that was just a circle shoved it right in there and it's a soy one i think it's not even making me smoke or anything but it smells good i can still use a little door if i want to and i'm putting a real candle in there why not any of the broken ones i have i'm totally going to do it like this one this one will go in there next um anyway this little tray was here in case that broke but it's fine but this was dumpster dive dumpster dive dumpster dive dumpster dive dumpster dive dumpster dive all of it's dumpster dive um dumpster dive soap dumpster dive soap i think this is from a palette steve loves that by the way uh the man groomer it's uh he can shave his own head i don't have to shave him so he loves it anyway palette we always have tons of razors to try but anyway that is um this is my bathroom of dumpster dive dumpster dive dumpster dive i think that was on a pallet anyway enjoy your life
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 110,068
Rating: 4.9314284 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: 6qcrFeW-PY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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