Dumpster Diving- I went to Six Big Corporate Stores

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yes that one's definitely display oh man when i saw that my heart skipped a beat that is cool so this is a definitely not gonna work that's really cute though oh that's cute so happy planner inserts but these are not these are actually things that can be used that's a nice frame that's a nice frame too okay let me take out the stuff i don't want i know these are usable but i can't do anything with them without all of them to donate or something is this another cricket yep man it's too bad [Music] it's cute easter egg flowers an egg wooden egg [Music] i'm just gonna look at these oh my gosh it's so heavy just to make sure it is a dummy okay it is look there's in this hole in there it's empty that's cool so that one's empty too it's a dummy [Music] also a dummy model [Music] okay [Music] that's just paperwork okay all right the gopro wouldn't work in there and i tried to had to come out and switch the battery so i have been in here but i didn't look at all of it these totes are nice but they're broken down here in the corner where steve can't do anything with them this little plate is cute i'm gonna take it i saw another one here i think i see some planes here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay like these are broken this one has small broke break in it these are cute so these i'm not a really big mosaic fan but these are kind of nice just to mess around with because i like the colors the turquoise and the blue and the black so anyway steve's been doing some head stuff maybe he'd want it [Music] you might like these that sizes are nice nothing wrong with them either i like the little lid it's nice for like treats for the puppy now i know these normally we don't even take the lids but we've been using them to block off areas that the puppy can't get in so i'm gonna take them even though they don't go to any basket we have like just to block off the back of the couch set it like this and she can't get back behind there has a huge hole in it [Music] it's down here okay more plastic trays oops it was that long wide one's kind of nice you could probably make a little planter or something it's a big toe here [Music] is it broken this looks like a lost and found remote control a watch reliance cali republic definitely taking these some of these keys all the time i saw glasses where'd they go [Music] 3m i don't know what brand those are things we lost mixed in here this must be those little clear things so they're sleeping tray [Music] here's another pair of sunglasses everybody's losing their sunglasses [Music] oh it goes to security or something okay good enough okay so these little clear things that's cute okay so i got one for each i have enough legs one one there two i need one more lid oh i got one more there okay so i need this lift and this lid those are cool i like these okay on to the next how full this is how am i even gonna get in here oh my goodness surely they can't they wouldn't mind if i took a little bit of this right a toothbrush no thanks it's closed what is that oh it was a jacket they slashed it looney tunes jacket [Music] i don't have time to fix stuff right now i just don't with a little putty so i'm gonna leave it maybe somebody else can grab it with it looks like a seat cover is that full oh it's just a baby thing i can't do anything with that i won't take it at a true store even if it is it's kid's safety and i understand that they don't know if that wasn't an [Music] accident [Music] let's see if there's anything in here nope oh maybe i see disney to infinity and beyond but whatever was there is not there anymore this little tray what else is there oh a toilet paper roll oh it looks fine [Music] i don't see anything wrong with it toilet paper [Music] i thought i heard something oh here's to infinity and beyond okay cool i can glue that back on [Music] that's cute i can do that oh peony oh it's a big candle that's a nice one oh yeah that scared me that did hear something a couple candles ocean breeze yep that's nice we gotta get out of here midnight jasmine yes bless blessed okay yeah that's good what's in here more candles okay [Music] i feel like i gotta hurry if they're taking out trash [Music] here's one more yep okay i'm taking these okay let me see what else [Music] whenever we hear the compact are going i want to get out of here because that might mean they're taking trash out right now so we should probably not see all this right now okay good idea i got gloves on let me do it we found these at this store actually the other day okay that's good perfect good thinking honey these are those plates i was talking about see how the cute colors i think that'll be cute steve totally wants to do it so he'll be seeing that coming up he's going to do a mosaic something tabletop for me and make sure there's not one more candle in here yeah that's it oh wait one more at that i found another nike neck [Music] perfect one of the odds of that let's throw this in the front with me onto the next okay i like this this yarn huh darn it no yarn it's unusual for them to have all the trash near the front here it's usually all up there [Music] cool i'll take those in here your little box going is i don't know if i'll need this box but i will look through these i just want to look for the good stuff first well i really like dumpster diving down here better than right up next to that door even if it's not illegal you don't want them to ask you to leave i know a lot of people ask i haven't talked about it in a while why do you whisper why do you try to get out of there quickly and a lot of you guys say get out of there quickly wait it takes so long but like i said even if it's not illegal to do it if an employee doesn't like it and they come out and tell you to leave you have to leave and then if they see you the next day or whatever they can start doing stuff about it like destroying stuff or putting up a sign that says no trespassing or um you know making sure nothing good goes out there because they know you're coming or they could put a lock on the dumpster so it's always good to try to be discreet keep it clean never make a mess you guys ever make it cleaner than when you came that way if it does come out they're not angry about all the messes everybody's making and take it out on you even though you didn't do them probably so clean up a little if there's stuff laying around grab it if steph's going to fly around maybe take something stick it on top sweet bunch of balloons that's awesome this will be really great to have for grandkids doesn't love balloons looks like it's got everything oh i don't know what that little strip is i gotta look for that that's cool so you could do a ton of balloons that's fun it's okay now just being a little bundle is really nice [Music] this looks like just boxes that might be all i've got today from here but i'll take it that's a awesome i guess i'll bring the box to this because i'm sure we're going to keep it actually i'm not going to donate it i'm going to keep it self right self sealing party balloons self sealing how do you do that i'm gonna take the box because i need to read about it on to the next we found some good stuff in this one but it's been locked lately and there's usually now lately been trash that's from the front of the store and stuff which isn't fun that's not a credit card that's a sim card for a phone these are empty this is somebody's old phone okay so i could donate that it's kind of wet gotta check for accessories when you find an iphone box i know you can sell iphone boxes and i've grabbed them before but we just don't have time for that right now we've got so much stuff of our own stuff to sell from our liquidation palettes and so busy with putty we just can't do it all that's a cute one these yellowed ones you can get the yellow out but i can't remember what it is it's um i think i have i have some it's like a hair product or bleach thing and i've done it before just put it on there i can't remember where you get it sally's but maybe i'll do it for a video for you guys so see how it works it's pretty cool [Music] this is cool to hold a printer up [Music] true red i could use this i'm gonna take it find something hard to put on top and then my printer can go on it when there's a porta potty around because that makes me do not have to go in a store so let me show you guys the greatest things ever the pea buddies they probably have knock-off ones too and they have reusables but i'm using this let me see if it's gross perfect it's nice okay let me show you i'm using that port-a-potty these are great if you haven't seen them um go like this females use them then you don't have to touch anything and i use a wipe and i'm done i throw it away in there awesome
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 153,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: PA273pxceXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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