Dumpster Diving at Michaels, Burlington, Staples, PetSmart

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wow these are all cracked in the corner or any of them not cracked this one's not bad that blue one's nice i wonder if we should take them all there's some more father heavy okay [Music] thank you i think we're gonna take them all just see steve just walked out i think thanks honey nice now he spooks me when he walks up i think he said we gotta go well well this one is plastic [Applause] that's cool scratches but somebody's not gonna care you know what this material is kind of fun i think the grandkids would like cutting it with scissors and they could make little stamp guys or something out of it foam sheets [Applause] cool these are nice definitely donate these they go through june 2021. perfect that came in flat i think these aren't slashed these are okay i think cool donate those see another pant leg oh these are slashed these are thrashed i don't know if you guys can see them that's a shame those are nice there's another pair in here oh okay so there's just two pairs of pants two slashed up ones these are slash two really slashed that's too bad metal in this one there's like a this whatever this big thing is in the way yeah or a table or something what is that oh it's one of those chairs it's the bar stool chair part that you put your feet on the bottom is down there yeah just the bottom i don't see the top of the chair that the top is down on the very bottom right yeah here's another pair of pants that looks thrashed though slash but they're already slash shoot pants yeah she's broken her whatever it is yeah there was two of them what is that i don't know cute here pop it up is it a tr laundry basket it was that was cute it would have been a cool one because you do it like that yeah you know what though my backup puts a different fabric on it what does it look like it's you see what it looks like if i could pop these open attach that thing like you did i just put a new piece of paper and a new fabric on it i'm gonna try it we'll see if i can do it rainy day project i think i see a shirt down here or something probably thrashed but maybe not yeah it's thrashed they slashed it just donate it people don't be throwing it away was that other trash can empty yeah it had a few bags these look okay do you see any splashes no okay i think these ones are fine i see a bunch of buttons are these for kids well then whatever [Music] what's that sandals those are cute take them wait the bottom is just um flip so don't be careful those are cute [Music] how about some burlington gift card well something's heavy in here go look in here maybe it's hangers something feels bulky though what's this oh cute oh my gosh how adorable it looks okay this might have been lost and found it is cute it doesn't have a tag it might have been lost and found so maybe there's lost and found in here [Music] to secret friend from leslie secret santa trash [Music] i love lost and found ooh nice merchandise credit vanilla i'll take that [Music] vanilla gift card because you never know especially if there's a lot of bound bag that's where you find um gift cards that fell out of somebody's pocket put this in the car too okay the monster dumpster that vacuum cleaner oh here's another merchandise credit oh what's this congrats burlington nice oh that was fun another merchandise credit i can't remember if i can check merchandise credits on the website i think i can [Music] let's travel that's cute oh no it broke in there okay here's another burlington credit i know it's been recently that i did a gift card video but i kind of feel like doing one are you kind of fun [Music] good this one oh it's empty it's not in there pen works okay so the hangers were what was heavy [Music] oh here's another one [Music] [Music] all right good enough shove this to know this flies out [Music] keep it cleaner than when you came [Music] okay what was he saying that smashed on oh some farming thing oh those are ceiling tiles like for uh the drop ceilings and that's a vacuum has been here a while on to the next it's a box of acoustical tiles it's like they let them how do they get the dumpster on top of it i couldn't i tried to move it probably stickle tiles like for sound like no drop ceiling you know okay acoustical ceilings or whatever they call them i think they're called acoustical files but the drop ceiling tiles i mean look at them there's a few of them under there yeah but yeah they put that thing right down on top of it i know and i've been wanting to throw that that vacuum cleaner away but i don't want them to think we did it so i've left it but these acoustical towels got protected yeah on to the next cut i could sew that though or at least use the clip and the hook the d-ring sweet looks dirty but i can take it out and wash it that's nice it's the perfect size for a kennel doggy shoes cut them they're cute though [Music] they are cut though i cut this too greenies baby teeny greenies i'm not taking them because they're open though onto the next oh these are kind of cool yeah what we're going to try to do let's count them i'm gonna try 19 of them i think to make make this a concrete table because they are correct but if we can make it out of concrete if one of them works then i'll do multiple well i don't even well i guess we'll see what you're talking about no idea what you mean i'll have to frame it around the outside pour it like imagine a frame going around this pour this oh and then mash that in there and then when i take it out it'll be have those little uh those pockets in it that's cool but it'll be concrete and uh we'll be able to use it right right patty so that i know it's so hard to even talk about this stuff when i just look over and she's there what are you gonna do with this i don't know i just thought we hadn't looked at this yet i don't even know exactly what where these go do these have holes yeah but you were just saying you could make that for putty can just run in and out i think that she could just look how big she is i don't understand oh what is that how do you get out hi sweetie she's like no i know no maybe not but if it's on its side yeah i don't know these little things poking is there well the mechanism of it is pretty cool so if you yeah i like how it yeah if that was a clothing you might be able to unclip this and maybe put a new fabric in there sew these in and then i don't know what you do with it it's not very sturdy like it seems like there needs to be a hole for each of these little things to pop into give it to the grandkids they could throw balls in it yeah from a distance whatever all right we looked at the top of this we opened it yeah i don't even know what to say i don't need it careful though i thought maybe something might be broke i oh we thought it was candles but that looks like candle holders maybe these are ceramic or something they're funny can you pick up the whole thing oh you love the pump things so it's not it's not it's surrounded like glass didn't it yeah so it is like a ceramic something putty look oh putty liked it what's this paper towel holder i don't know well we gotta pull it out let's see what we got oh boy oh i thought maybe there was something on the bottom but maybe there is this this noise is making her make her four-piece bathroom accessories dispenser toilet brush holder oh so that's what this is oh there's a little toilet brush it's okay it's okay oh it's cute i'll probably keep this that is kind of cute maybe that's what's wrong with it it's kind of not really it's weird oh that needs to go in it okay oh and then it shuts i don't know i did it too i'll have you fix it anyway that's to go in there well that makes sense now oh that noise i know it's terrible sorry buddy what is it two cups a soap dispenser okay that's this toilet brush a tumbler two tumblers but it just says tumbler so that's right so it didn't happen really fancy like the texture of that right here look at her she wasn't liking it i know i don't like that noise either it's terrible let's see if i can get there oh my goodness i know i really put it on there oh she wants it she wants it what did you do to that okay so the toilet plunger is not gonna be used at all what i can't believe this are you kidding me don't need to bite that where'd it go did you buy this all right i don't know what to do with it because there's no jump in here what is that okay you like that i got it off only twice don't forget that okay this is just a piece on styrofoam is just the grossest oh my gosh she chew on everything all right this is just going to be like a uh you know how to make it set into the go ahead get in there nobody cares about anything other than this do they hey do you want to see what it looks like yeah oh yeah that's nice i like it it's very this thing to me is tacky i don't like it okay it is pretty very it doesn't feel we'll just donate it i mean what are you gonna do you're gonna stick this and then what happens to this ew this will get covered with poop and then you'll set it on like that why is there poop all over it because you're clean and putting oh she's gone [Laughter] good girl oh she's so tiny girl oh our lives are so complete you did good you can't check she looks so much like jerry oh she does okay little aunt putty we'll keep you you see on the other channel what we do with these projects and by the way she has her own channel called putty the dog p-u-d-d-y and you can see her life growing up ow that was quite a hunk all right okay on to the next putty bye on to the next
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 222,418
Rating: 4.9175701 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: e2-oSSjRgX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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