Dumpster Diving- Wow! Store Employees waited for me to finish dumpster diving!

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all right i see stuff here nice [Music] really cute toilet paper oh came out of that dumpster and those i heard noises and there were people out there when i opened the door and they were just standing there with trash of their hands waiting for me to get out of there and i could barely squeeze through that door that was hilarious that's awesome [Applause] this is unusual wow i'm so glad you came here today oh my gosh it's so not heavy they're in the packages wow what a great score i'm so happy to have found that sorry about that i dropped the gopro okay what else is in here gift cards oh my gosh those cards what a great score they're perfect to donate somebody's going to love them the thrift store can make some money i don't know i've ever seen actual not many times at least actual hallmark card's not destroyed usually they destroy a hallmark card everywhere that we go that's a must have to or something so that's quite a little fine there because those are expensive wow i seriously i have a little um a rush going on adrenaline oh excuse what's one gotta go one of the next let's just see what i got okay it's easy to see there's probably four in there okay these are the ones i grabbed that were loose good man doing my friend great son cool look at all these these are good ones these are thick cards what is real love it's hurried hugs on our way out the door texting each other in the middle of a busy day it's saturdays around the house getting things done making things it's making things laugh oh up as we find as we go finding stuff to laugh about even in tough times that's us honey it's a nice one that is nice so so got some these must just be valentine oh a bear hug so that's like a big fat card there sweet two of those oh i'm so excited these got saved with you as my wife honey thanks for this card it was thoughtful oh i gave it to you yeah yeah thank you there's another one for my wife oh so these are great a bunch of loose ones these look like mother's day some easter mom look at these to the dork of my dreams on valentine's day i've studied the data and concluded that you have a very attractive data you're an unopened original package level of awesome that's hilarious okay valentine's these are real hallmark cards wonderful wife oh i'm so happy that these didn't go in the landfill and they're even they're still sealed these are so great how much are they each i wonder here's an example of one 8.99 this is thousands and thousands of dollars probably of things a thousand probably not thousands but there's hundreds and hundreds of cars in here and if they're all like nine bucks oh my gosh what a great score it makes me wish that um we have a thrift store that we really love to take stuff to but it's not open um because of covid it's all volunteers and it's assistance like it's older ladies that work there and it's just too dangerous but this is that's definitely where these would go if we um could go donate them there so we'll have to see where we take them but because they they would love to sort through these look at how many cards it's just amazing just tons of them oh what a good score i'm so happy thank you for giving us cards the funny thing too is do you know how many cards i've given in the past um i don't know 20 years zero we don't do cards we didn't do cards together we didn't do cards for anybody else my mom sends us cards i guess i could pick out a few of these and give them to her and she could send them but we don't do cards on to the next i know everybody got upset about when i didn't take those books and the amount of stuff i have for her is just insane because we have seen her her um mom loved her family and her mom is older and um our schools aren't open yet i'm gonna take that so she's just got oh cute she's got so much stuff i have to give her i just can't do it all but we have lots of diversified stuff getting paid so don't worry people get stuck i pass i just want to save some of my can okay [Music] oh good hot day today i know a lot of you guys have been worried about the fires for us but they're up in northern california and we're in southern california so and the wind blows thank you for the concerns [Music] [Music] hmm and go cool one to the next i wanted to see what were these they're definitely um what does it say it says two can keep a secret oh if one is dead that's funny i wonder what this is from i'm sure you guys know it's probably some special book that's kind of out or something but look how many there are that's awesome those are great i might keep a couple because i always pop my little pop off oh she actually has some clothes on which is nice i don't know what those wings how are they supposed to go on on her like that's definitely goes to her but you wouldn't just pop in like one ring one wing huh no her back just has one little hole too i don't understand what this is but the brand girls somebody's gonna like this in the bath that'll be fun and of course these little guys and these rings they go in this thing that's what these rings are about then that's fun crystal rings another fun little thing so this 365 fairy tales rhymes in other stories it's got a little slit in it here but that's no big deal taping it this one is going to be for the grandkids the elves and the shoemaker little rhymes they have little pictures this is a great little book i mean there's cute pictures every single page has something fun and the boys the grandsons are older where they could handle you know four and five they can handle a little bit longer story without having major pictures and then there's little ones with little things for little rhymes for the girls how cute i love it i'm so excited about this it is so fun when you find stuff and it was obviously meant to be it just thrills me i can never believe it it's so fun look at this little guy so cute i'm excited yay put some clothes in here though that i can donate this is ulta by the way what is that tablecloth the shirt smile scrub that's empty so hmm let's see over here [Music] all right a little cleaner than whiskey onto the next got a couple of these green bins that are just for clothes and shoes i'm just gonna hop out throw that in there right now done on to the next messy trash enclosure nothing exciting wow what a mess so it's a kitty thing though okay on to the next
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 167,257
Rating: 4.8917847 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: 5esSWqak-Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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