choosing how people will die

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all right so we're checking out the only game where your entire purpose is to find the most creative ways to kill people it's death incoming death incoming is basically final destination you are effectively the grim reaper and you must use your grim reaper bullsh powers in order to kill people in horrible and unique ways i like that this is uh the the final destination tutorial see it's helping you to get your very first death this guy's over here he already thinks his life is bad enough he's talking to his ex-wife he's like what do you mean you're taking the kids child support is the least of your worries good sir so unleash the water guy gets his freaking bloodstream evaporated and death comes in and reaps his soul actually it looked like his scythe smashed the man in the groin great now i gotta deal with kyle broteen over here singing and prancing around the bathroom the game is telling me to do this right now to help me out but there's oh you can click on other stuff too it doesn't kill him it just pisses him off i appreciate that they allow you to torture people before murdering them okay so bring this here this guy didn't deserve to live you know what we should come in and read his soul how do you trip and fall on a clothesline i like how now we have an adult macaulay culkin with a skin tight pink muscle shirt doing front flips on a trampoline while his dog creepily watches him well the game's not giving any help anymore well the game is kind of giving you help the little bowl and the shovel over here are pulsating as if to say help us kill him but coke must pay i guess we'll go from left to right i feel like this is going to be an implement of death i'm going to try the dog food over here you got to give it to the guy okay so the dog food bowl wasn't heavy enough to move this meat hook i think that the real question we should be asking is what the hell is this doing here like it's a forklift but its entire purpose is to hold this incredibly menacing meat hook right near where this guy is jumping on his trampoline it's not a big trampoline this guy was like man where do i set this thing up i know there's one thing i love to do it's look death in the eye while i do my acrobatics the deaths have actually been pretty tame so i really don't know how bad it could possibly get but [Music] all right well the game just went to 11 very quickly and now death is gonna sit here chugging a soda i like how he has this look on his face like really you understand what kind of game you're playing right there's a lot of things wrong with this scene first off what is this guy watching guy's wearing denim on denim so he deserves everything he gets all right we got a pulsating cola and a pulsating controller all right let's see here okay real quick he didn't drink that cola he performed an inappropriate act on it don't believe me let's watch it again the people who made this game are very sick i like this game i guess we got to use the controller this dude's like this girl still isn't naked i'm changing the channel [Music] is he choking on the controller i thought this was gonna be a two-part level i guess things are just a little bit easier in the beginning you know what that's what that guy gets for putting his freaking soda bottle down his throat his controller got jealous okay i think i got the idea here right uh bulls get pissed off whenever they see red so you paint the tree red and then the bull shovels horn up the guy's rectum now that may sound farfetched but from what we've seen so far i feel like this is gonna be it yep rectum it is that's not blood by the way that was just pain it's a non it's very non-violent game oh you can be different deaths well they just taken everyone up in here got the saw guy pyramid head uncle sam you can change the weapon too you could reeve souls with the american flag i know what i'm spending my coins on young lady driving her truck about to make a delivery [ __ ] she is and i put this in front of the truck all right there's one thing i learned from final destination anytime you see like tubes or poles or rebar it has to go through the human body like this [Music] okay it totally worked i feel like there's a really obvious joke here like her boyfriend calls and he's like what are you doing honey and she's like go just hang around you can see a man snorkeling looking at beautiful happy fish but little does he know that the violent south florida butt chomper stalks his backside what do you do like shove this fish into his pants or something oh all right oh he's he's still alive [Laughter] i thought i had failed what i didn't know was that a shark the size of a buick was gonna come out of nowhere and rip the guy in half this dude's out here he's like honey open the door honey i'll give you my bejeweled beats my dre headphones got an axe and a key damn this dude just went all freaking it's a shining and that's what you get for turning into jack nicholson [Music] this is that one jackass at the show that doesn't stay behind the freaking gate he's over here like you can't tell me what to do damn it i was trying to get the car to go off here and land on it but instead he got killed twice over he got hit with the ramp and then the car maybe there is no way in some of these to not kill the guy maybe no matter what you pick he has to die does that is there a sign in the background that says stabbed to death the he'll kind of sit here his shirt says stabbed me he was very very popular shirt label okay i think i know where this is going so you put the roasted chicken in the dog bowl the dog pulls the table and then the beer penetrates the guy's head i really don't know all right let's try it okay chicken in the dog bowl dog gets super pissed [Music] i thought i was just gonna what two for one soul reaving i thought i was just gonna get one i love how the dog totally doesn't care the dog is like oh i'm eating good at night i get this chicken and then both my owners okay this is america as hell we're not in a shooting range we're in a grenade throwing range okay so you have the grenade and whatever the hell this is maybe you give it to him don't drink and throw grenades there we go yeah have a nice long swing how about the dog can the dog get wasted no you can pick up both of these grenades maybe the dog will play with the grenade did he did that the dent dog just eat that grenade [Music] of course not can't kill a dog in the game that would be immoral great now i'm it look at my balls all right you're on mars you're treating it like a freaking sandbox when all of a sudden what are we gonna piss off like martian dinosaurs what happens give him the give him the shovel he starts digging right how about we claim mars [Music] yeah it's one small oh he cracked his face shield and now he's putting the post inside of his dead body way to screw up the claiming of mars it guy how to piss off a dragon in three easy steps we got three choices a mirror some boots and dr strange's cape i don't know i guess i'll go from left to right here's a mirror [Music] okay we're not dead yet so that's that's a fail here's the boots with the fur that's gonna be it at least someone's eating good tonight toolbox can you like turn on way to go and then she just walks away she's like yeah i'm not getting involved in this come back here you murderous [ __ ] i like how this level starts and you can see this chandelier is itching to kill this kid the chandelier is like i've been waiting my whole life to do this if only there was some dick who would bring my dreams to fruition don't worry chandelier i'm here basketball worked okay i have to i have to mention something real quick while we're driving inside of this truck there is a very very low set of power wires that cross us every now and again i feel like those are going to be important uh okay so hold on put this up here maybe so he has to stand to get it i thought it was gonna electrocute him this game never ceases to out to outdo my expectations okay okay real quick did you see the breasts on the nerves it's like something i would draw look at this this dude over here he's like yeah keep the viagra coming all right let's see you got a book a phone and i think that's it can't grab her i don't know if knowledge can kill this guy okay he falls asleep now what anything it it's sucking the blood out of his body what the hell kind of medical device is this i mean to be fair it's something that i would devise but there's so many different ways that this man could die he could get strangled by this rope maybe he'll fall to his death uh what is he getting is he getting like pissed off at the squirt bottle or am i spraying him in the eyes [Music] he's like oh my ass how could things get anywhere why is there an anchor so i mean this is another one of those scenes where if i had to describe this to someone they would think i was crazy because it's a woman in a hot air balloon being attacked by a bald eagle while having a slingshot and a slab of uncooked meat hanging from the hot air balloon this bald eagle's over here he's like i'm not gonna be the only endangered species for long do you like thick meat mr eagle don't really know what to do with it all right he comes down for the meat oh damn it she still lives okay clearly you have to piss the eagle off oh i thought the eagle was gonna penetrate the hot air balloon wasn't sure if it was gonna show her death but with the game we're playing of course it will this is a level where the dude's already stuck inside of a pit i could just leave him down there and he'll die what else do i have to do to this poor bastard i gotta stone him to death oh you can move the cloud okay now you may be saying to yourself that is unrealistic no that's pretty much how it rains down here in florida this is great it's like a beaver that looks like he's strung out he's looking around making sure no one's watching he's like i can grab this guy's wallet i know i can do that or he's gonna take the axe and kill this man he's like you cut down my trees you bastard it's time for revenge so if you grab the axe do you give it how about if you give it to the beaver you hate the freaking okay so that doesn't work how about if you take the beaver and you stick it on the tree put the beaver on the guy put the beaver on the axe how about put the beaver up here i don't know how a beaver would get up there but it really doesn't matter this dude didn't get crushed by the tree he got stabbed by it we had a birthday party eating cake and enjoying a mocha al pacino when all of a sudden see there's a light got a balloon and this put the balloon here no balloon down here okay here we go how does the knife even get tied to the balloon it's like physics don't even matter at this point like our eyes are derping out to the sides this is what happens when you undo a balloon to suck in the helium and make jokes with it all that balloons like parents and brothers and stuff get pissed off because you killed their friend for such a petty reason no fishing this is what happens when you don't is that a goddamn ice shark the shark is like the snow bird of sharks he just hasn't moved down to florida to retire yet i'm guessing you grabbed the shark hold on if you just grab a normal fish this guy is happy but if you grab the shark is he gonna is he gonna pull him out of the water and bite the guy in half oh no he's just gonna drown him to death in the sub-zero water walking around in your heels not paying attention it's all because of that damn cell phone your mom says so there's like a potted plant that she totally doesn't care about let me try and get it at the right moment here now oh all right manhole cover wait for it potted plant there we go look at this loving couple it's like a female richard simmons poisoned the food i'll bet how do you you knock it off or what [Music] ah there we go those damn seagulls again they're like the feathered felons of florida amazing you get to ruin a person's life as harry potter or are we killing harry potter oh i see you can turn the guy into either a dog or a t-rex say goodbye to all your freaking gryffindor points you bastard yeah you're a wizard harry yeah we're at the point where we're getting decapitations now with the k i failed to see how this dog with his stubby ass legs is going to kill us but you know what this game never ceases to amaze me you can't give the dog the bone can you put the bone [Music] okay i thought maybe you put the bone on the fishing pole but instead the dog just bucks the guy off and he cracks his head open on a freaking frozen rock there's a lot of things wrong with this scene the fact that these seagulls aren't immediately attacking this guy's sandwich in his bag is the first problem i know these seagulls are gonna cause this guy to die it has to happen see look at this goddamn seagulls you i knew it every time and that right there is the most floridian death of the game well i think at this point we have creatively killed enough people my dreams got fulfilled the second i got to murder a man with a seagull anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of death incoming until the next time stay foxy much love oh [ __ ] me so i get asked for this all the time i have partnered up with makeshift in order to create the very first custom spleens plush you can finally adopt your own spleens today
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,155,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, greystillplays, gray still plays, grey still plays, simulation, simulation games, tycoon games, mobile games, heaven and hell games, games where you make terrible choices, multiple ending games, grim reaper, grim reaper simulator, grim reaper game, grim reaper gameplay, grim reaper sim, life choices game, simulator funny moments
Id: 28wes9pE5pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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