I Want Nagatoro To Bully Me.

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One of the things he alluded to I think explains the phenomenon best; if you've been bullied, the idea of a girl who's bullying you but is doing so because she secretly likes you is a very compelling wish fulfillment fantasy.

👍︎︎ 177 👤︎︎ u/Egavans 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Legit got through like 4 episodes before I finally thought aloud “wtf is this dude’s name?!”

👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/Mjrbks 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Edging for the soul, LMAO!

👍︎︎ 103 👤︎︎ u/Figerally 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm a cough gonna need the sauce for the Artistic Drawings of the Cultural Nature right before the 5 min mark

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Totaliss 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ah yes, a grant video.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/NightCupcake 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I just wanna say that I'm glad Akutsu-san and Anjou-san got a shout out.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/cppn02 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Gigguk takes his usual self-deprecating humor and cranks it up to 11 here, and it's bloody hilarious.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Existential_Owl 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

This pretty much sums up my journey with this. Watched the first episode and was immediately put off by the bullying and dropped the show. Decided to give it another go and enjoyed what I was seeing so read the manga and it's wholesome as fuck.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/JammyMan 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/tentacles_01 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by raycon you know what you know what sucks bullying childhood and adolescence can be hard enough as ears and no one deserves other [ __ ] kids making their life even harder than he is whether it be getting the [ __ ] kicked out of you getting ridiculed for the stuff you love or god forbid being called grant it's just not a pleasant thing according to stopbullying.gov 20 of people aged 12 to 18 have experienced bullying in america bullying affects all youths and its effects can be felt till adulthood because you know what that [ __ ] stays with you it's an awful experience and no kid ever deserves to be bullied so with that in mind who the [ __ ] actually wants to be [Music] don't toy with me nagatorio is one of the most popular anime this season if you've been hanging around the weeb space recently you've probably seen this place floating around perhaps you've seen it as a screenshot while scrolling down in your timeline or near the top anime being watched you've seen it as someone's profile picture if it's not already your profile picture i feel like nagatori is that one show where people seem to have more of an opinion about the people watching nagatoro than nagatoro itself in between her face being the topical waifu profile picture of the month and people losing their minds at one of the subtitles using some word that conveys nagatori's feeling of mistrust towards another party or something it kind of feels like publicly liking the show is the equivalent of being that guy who turns up at an anime convention wearing an ahegao hoodie using words like pogbas in a normal sentence like that's a socially acceptable thing people do in a functioning society but why are so many people getting so riled up about nagatori this season and what is it about the girls teasing a flustered classmate that seems to be becoming the trends nowadays are those of us watching this doing so just because they have some masochism complex where they want some anime girl to step on them and call them trash yes well that's what i'm here to find out because surely there's more to this than meets the eye right so what's this all about i will now begin the plot synopsis of don't toy with me nagatoro don't toy with me nagatoro follows this girl nagatoro as she toys with her senpai that concludes the plot synopsis of don't toy with me nagatora this is the latest show on a new trend that's popping up called [ __ ] smug girl mentally abused a senior classmate for the amusement of weebs worldwide or i mean i guess we could just call it the teasing genre and most of these shows are just exactly that normally it follows an unlikely duo between a talking anime profile picture and her the shows takes us through various situations where the girl playfully teases her classmate of interest like they are still on the school playground except this time those girls that bullied you as a kid are just secretly doing so because they like you and not because they're just [ __ ] who picked on an easy target like that one time you got shamed in front of everyone just because you liked anime oh man this got pretty real the biggest difference though right off the bat between this and other shows like teasing master takagi-san and uzaki-chan is that man doesn't hold back like okay our main boy is a beta with a capital b the man has a spine of a [ __ ] jellyfish and nagatora isn't afraid to remind him of that one bit in episode 1 she bullies him insults him makes him cry this ain't just your average teasing this is for long mind break cia interrogation psychological warfare just to let this guy know that he has small pp energy i was honestly taken aback at how hard she went initially there wasn't anything playful about it it was just full-on mean-spirited there were some moments that made me so uncomfortable for the guy that i actually think i physically took cringe damage thankfully that was just episode 1 though and as the series goes on it transitions to something far less mean-spirited and more just playful teasing but this start certainly doesn't help to diminish the image people have this show and the people who watch it see there's just something about the setup and dynamics of the main leads that makes it feel like everyone knows who this series is targeted towards and what the main appeal is and that was definitely evident when i've read ahead in the manga because i see this art i see the premise and i see these beautifully smug faces that perfectly catch the eye and i remember immediately thinking one [Music] oh this guy's definitely drawn porn which unsurprisingly if you look further into it oh he has and look i know we're not allowed to say that this anime girl gets people horny anymore without the risk of getting arrested by the twitter police but i think a massive part of the initial appeal for anyone who's um partaken in the consumption of artistic drawings of the culture of nature is that this just radiates the same energy as a lot of dojinshi's you've probably seen and i feel like there are a bunch of shows that air nowadays that radiate that same energy i can't put my finger on exactly what this is because it's not simple to say hey this is just like every other edgy fan service show cause it's not but if i had to put into words it takes a very specific skill set to be able to create some of the mischievous facial expressions you see nagatoro make you see some of the most well-known dojinshi artists have a certain talent at making unique and extreme facial expressions to complement some of the more intense moments of their dojins let's just say there are some very memorable faces out there and sometimes you see that same energy radiating from the art and facial expressions even if the situations aren't exactly the same as what you'd find in that other genre i mean look at this perfectly smug face look at these nude alarms it's like that [ __ ] from itadaki seiki had a tan's baby with a ball of cup ramen like the exact moment that he confirmed it for me was during the beach chapter where of course all the girls show up in swimsuits alright okay nothing too unusual here just a normal beach episode and then nagatoro shows up and i'm just like wait a minute are those tan lines oh this [ __ ] knows exactly what he's doing i mean come on just look at this the man even broke the cardinal sin and gave nagatoro both flesh fangs and actual fangs i don't know if he's trying to start a civil war or stop one but he ain't losing either way combine this with the teasing the almost masochistic dynamic at times shared between the two main leads and this is very very reminiscent to the dynamics in certain other places and because of that i can kind of see why so many of the crowd that partakes in the consumption of artistic drawings of the culture nature seemed to be the ones that were reading nagatoro and other works similar to it you can almost see the invisible tags of culture on the episodes even if compared to other ecchi manga and anime out there right now this one's actually quite tame in comparison from a fan service perspective you know with all this context in mind it kind of feels like i can't don't say it you know it kind of feels like god i know what you're thinking don't [ __ ] say it it kind of feels like having that bloody little sister hentai dynamic without having to morally worry about the incest tag oh for [ __ ] sake and i feel like this is the main reason why nagatora and the shows like it have the image and reputation that they do if you just watch the first episode see the crowd circling in know where the artist came from you're probably like alright i know exactly who and what this is for it's the aigow hoodie wing crowd probably has an anime profile picture definitely rogers hentai maybe it's that one guy who thinks shouting out discord memes in public is funny even if they weren't even funny on discord but reading further into the manga there's something that just gets kind of drowned out in the general discussion that i haven't seen many people mention yo this is awesome as [ __ ] that's right this nagatoro the same miss gonna cry piss your pants i'll step on your peepee nice to meet you ma'am your son calls me mommy too nagatoro is wholesome and i'm not just talking about the obvious well you know she's really mean to him but secretly she really likes even if that is somewhat true but there is genuine character and relationship development between the two the biggest draw that kept me watching the next episode that kept me reading the next chapter of the manga wasn't to see what culture tag we'd be adding next but because in between the teasing and the bullying out of nowhere the show will just slap this really heartwarming moment you weren't expecting that would just make you go god damn that was adorable as [ __ ] and also since it starts off being a very episodic virgin bullying of the week kind of show i was honestly surprised when the manga started to introduce story arcs with an actual reoccurring plotline which is when i actually started to get properly hooked into the manga recently we've even been finding out a bit more about nagatora and while there's no dramatic dark backstory what it does do is give opportunities for our main boy semper wait what the [ __ ] is his actual name are you [ __ ] kidding me what it does do is give opportunities for our main boy to affect nagatoro and vice versa honestly my favorite part of the manga is seeing how the both of them slowly change each other in a positive way by hanging around nagatoro naoto gradually gains confidence in himself not only in his social situations but his talents as well and despite what she may appear like on the surface the same happens for nagatoro seeing the both of them playing off one another and motivating each other to change for the better might not be the most original thing i've ever seen but god damn if isn't wholesome as hell i was surprised that genuine character development was happening in front of me that before i knew it i was invested i don't know there's just something about an unlikely duo helping one another and possibly developing feelings for each other that i just have a soft spot for okay look i love me some straightforward romantic wholesomeness like horimia but sometimes i just need a little bit of that tension you gotta tickle the balls just a little bit so i need a little bit of that spice like with nope i'm just not gonna go there anymore unfortunately pera beta male afraid of his own shadow with a smug tinder who doesn't know how to come to terms with their own feelings and what this means is of course that it takes [ __ ] forever for any meaningful development to happen within their relationship normally i'm against anime relationships that progress at a slower pace than hawking radiation but you know what i'm here for it i get it i'll just live off that high of seeing that one blushing wholesome moment in between months of getting blue balls just oh god please just don't be teasing my heart and please give them a happy ending you know i think i finally get the teasing genre these anime are basically just like edging but for the soul god i hate the way my mind works sometimes in conclusion despite how the series starts off nagatoro is a genuinely wholesome story about two unlikely characters affecting each other for the better yes it may at first remind you of a lot of dojins you've seen and it may have some fan service element but this isn't nearly as horny as i thought it was going to be and the further i got the more i just wanted to see the two of them be happy i started for the smug but i stayed for the smile [Music] so yes i like nagatoro because of course i [ __ ] do i initially came into this ready to brush off as just the new hot waifu profile picture of the month you know what i'll get some easy memes and views out of this job done let's move on but i came out this being like what other bully manga are there out there maybe i'll read this one or this one or this one that one looks good oh god have i woken something inside myself again you know what why am i even trying to deny it anymore i might as well just accept who i really am and take my place with the people i truly belong with poggers hey guys hope you enjoyed that video thank you again to reikon for sponsoring me today look if you've been watching my stuff for a while you know the deal once again i am asking you for my recon support you see raycon are back at it again disrupting the entire electronics industry by offering premium wireless earbuds for about half the price of its competitors they give six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design for a more comfortable noise isolating fit raycon was co-founded by ray j and celebrities like mike tyson and snoop dogg are obsessed with them they offer their wireless earbuds in a range of fun colors and patterns with a variety of fit options and no dangly wires or stems and don't forget that raycon also have a 45 day free return policy honestly i've been using my rakons every day for the last month or so because i've recently just picked up my japanese lessons again and i've been using them to listen to half an hour to an hour's worth of japanese lessons every single day it's been really useful to be able to listen to japanese lessons wherever i am even if i'm on the go on the train or something i just hope i don't look like a psychopath to strangers to just mumbling japanese to myself when i'm in public thank god everyone's wearing a mask so what are you waiting for click the link in the description or go to biorecon.com for 15 off your order that's by raycon.com for 15 percent off look i swear to god i did not go into nagatoro thinking that i was going to like it at all i just really ended up liking it okay oh god damn it god i don't know sometimes i just can't escape who i am i'm sorry i'm sorry okay i'm just a slave to the smug face okay i'm a simple guy anyway i'll probably just leave it at that today i don't really have any updates to tell you guys japan's back in an emergency state so i'm going to be inside for a lot once more i just hope wherever you are in the world the situation is improving so that's all from me i've been giggling and i will see you all next time and you know what i hope you have a wonderful day
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 1,271,131
Rating: 4.9555225 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Nagatoro, Nagatoro Anime Review, Nagatoro Anime, Nagatoro OP, Nagatoro ED, Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro, Nagatoro Episode 1, Nagatoro EP
Id: KVUik2UK4l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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