Winter Anime 2021 in a Nutshell

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That transition into Ex-Arm fucking killed me

👍︎︎ 1603 👤︎︎ u/GhostOfLight 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Gigguk actually is following a schedule what a mad lad

👍︎︎ 1273 👤︎︎ u/Nome_de_utilizador 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Clearly Wonder Egg is the first Strand-type anim-"

I haven't been all on Gigguk's humor lately but that had me bust a gut for a second

👍︎︎ 391 👤︎︎ u/garfe 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Unsurprisingly, Mushoku Tensei and Wonder Egg Priority got the most attention and praise.

👍︎︎ 1075 👤︎︎ u/Smudy 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Redo of Healer is the prime target to cause an absolute shitstorm online, except this time I don't think anyone is gonna be defending it"

Has he even read the comments in the r/anime discussion threads or glanced at the MAL forums?

Anyways, this is a really good video. While it has jokes and praises I expected, a season isn't really complete without a Gigguk "in a nutshell" video to archive it for future generations. Also I like that he extensively covered Ex-Arm, that shit deserves every single bit of popularity it gets.

👍︎︎ 680 👤︎︎ u/Groenboys 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mildly surprised he mentioned Kumo at all. Glad it's getting some attention though

👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/PotatoKaboose 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm sad he didn't mention Kemono Jihen...

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/Rod-kun 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

" Non Non Biyori 2 "

Yup, he hasn't watched NNB.

👍︎︎ 256 👤︎︎ u/Isles0FMists 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

That Sora no Woto ost caught me off guard, didnt expect music from a niche 2010 anime

👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/SenpaiSemenDemon 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
pov you're an anime fan in 2020 ah well i'm deep and locked down but the season's pretty dry i mean i'm gonna be watching kagia i guess i'll watch tower of gods but there isn't really anything else that catches my interest oh well pov you're an anime fan in 2021 what the hell how is the season so stacked attack on titan three zero again look at all these sequels look at all these other shows how the hell am i gonna find time to watch all this oh well what the [ __ ] is going on with this season where do i even begin my 2020 anime of the year re-zero is finally back to complete its arc promise neverland is returning with more toddlers playing 5d chess b stars egging me on to convert to ferryism slime 2 is hype so is log horizon 3. so is euro camp 2 so is 7 deadly so it sells at work too quincy not on bureau 2 and on top of all this we have attack on titan final season meeting every high expectation we had and punching straight past them [ __ ] everything i said about modern anime classics we are watching a classic being made right in front of our eyes and i'm not gonna be talking about any of those because on top of all this we still have the non-sequel shows which by themselves are enough to match any of the seasons from last year this might be one of the most single packed season of anime in the history of anime is this actually it is this where the 2021 redemption arc finally [Music] begins anime is doomed [Music] ladies and gentlemen i would like to welcome you to the future for years we've been pushing the limits of computer technology as technology evolves so has our approach when it comes to keeping on the cutting edge of animation reinventing how people see cg reinventing the shows that uses it reinventing anime itself five years ago we gave you berserk 2016. four years ago we gave you berserk 2017 today i present to you berserk 2077. i think we found it guys we found the best animated show of 2021. apparently this is an anime coming from a real studio with staff members who've never worked on a single anime before i'm absolutely shocked i don't think i'm overstating it when i say that xr may set a new standard of animation that will send ripples in the industry look at this 3d i haven't seen 3d this clean since gary's mod was released which i'm guessing is what it was also animated in the lip flaps have obviously been inspired by dubbed kung fu movies by how accurate they are they even got my favorite 2000's rock band to do the opening slink 183 and on top of all this you may not even notice but in some shots if you look really carefully you may see that some characters don't even inhabit the same dimension i've seen a lot of people compare this to ps2 graphics and i don't know why people would say something so insulting to ps2 graphics i'd say this is far more reminiscent of cyberpunk's stunning visuals showcasing a futuristic setting and t-posing the original trailer boldly said and i quote declaring war against all sci-fi series around the world which as bold as the claim may be i think also technically constitutes this as a war crime remember this day gentlemen as we are witnessing history this may actually set a new benchmark never before seen in anime generations from now we've been looking back and saying remember that time when attack on titan season 4 was airing was it really better than x-arm you know how sometimes the show is just so weird you have no idea how to describe it so you're just grasping at straws trying to find a point for comparison i've seen people describe this as a hybrid of about 10 different anime directed by satoshi yokohara shinkai onoywasa which just makes it more confusing and i think they're all missing the point because clearly wondered is just the very first strand thai panel so this young hooded girl has a casual conversation with the cicada before finding some egg seeing a bunch of girls cosplaying hentai censorship and then having a full-blown argument with some talking toilet paper listen the egg then hatches into a girl and at this point you're just thinking damn i want whatever she's on but as the episode unfolds you start to get a hint of what this is actually about we're peering into a glimpse of a damaged broken psyche and it's up to us to piece together what really happened what is this world what happened to her why did her friend jump it's a cerebral tale of bullying and depression and out of everything in winter this was the one that edged its way deepest into me i'm not gonna pretend i understood what i watched but what i will say is that it was the only show i kept thinking about afterwards and i don't exactly understand why i had that slight feeling that i was watching something that could blossom into something really special i still don't know what this is going to be about but i'm definitely going to stick around to find out if it'll be better the next arm horizontal i'm in this picture and i don't like it i'd like to think for the most part that the anime and manga community are one and the same but sometimes that comes along a title that just makes me think that margaritas live on a different plane of existence hori miya was a highly anticipated manga adaptation that i've never heard anyone mention or talk about prior so when all the margaritas scurried out of their rocks to exclaim their excitement so i thought it must have a big cult following or something so i check it out and huh it's the 13th most popular manga of all time on mal what from the trailer i thought it was just going to be a serious love triangle of romance drama and the likes of toradora but honestly this is just wholesome as [ __ ] a rom-com about looking past appearances are never judging a book by its cover for example he may look like a straight edge nerdy student who follows the rules when really he's a secret bad boy with tattoos and piercings and also he's he's he's he's [ __ ] hot and she may look like the pretty popular girl in school but nobody knows her little secret that will change the way everyone looks at her she's a good sister who does chores at home and she wears her hair in a bun if that's not gamer enough for you though we've got bottom tier character tomozaki following the top rated player and definitely not smash bros for all you real gamers out there a true gaming anime about a gamer who's really good at gaming meeting a gamer girl as they become gamer friends as she teaches him how to win at the biggest game of all the game of life gamers and so starts his training arc as he learns that to be a true pro gamer who wins at everything he first needs to learn how to lose his virginity as someone who had zero social skills growing up this was actually really interesting to me it's a romantic comedy that breaks down social interactions and gamifies them and it's a fun watch if you don't take the concepts too seriously it's a pro gamer learning how to function in society with a cute anime girl teaching him social skills personal hygiene and grooming yes that's right folks this is literally the uplifting story of a smash player discovering deodorant you know i feel sorry for any volleyball anime coming straight off the heels of high q especially when it's about the bromance of an ace duo starring a geniuseto got pushed out of his previous team because of a bad attitude because well it's coming straight off the heels of high q don't think the high q squad are worrying too much about bullying depression and suicide so if you're looking for a darker edition definitely keep an eye out for this one we got the cells at work spin-off cells at work oh my god i'm black i actually enjoyed this more than the original it was way more interesting to see cells function in an unhealthy body even if it did make me feel [ __ ] in my own lifestyle choices on the upside though apparently that means having a white blood cells that gets my cells at work if you know what i'm saying i can't believe it's taken this long to get an actual skateboarding anime and i can't believe the first skateboarding anime is unironically called skate the infinity with an eight god if you're gonna do that might as well just go all the way bring back the coolest say it's ph fat because you know what for all these pretty skater boys all the girls seem to have said see you later boy this is coming from the director of free and banana fish and um you can definitely tell that there are definitely a lot of pretty boys along with gene simmons you've got [ __ ] lelouchy apparently and our main character is actually canadian which i think is great because we finally get more representation in anime for my favorite country america 2. that was a joke canadians it was a cheap stupid joke i didn't really mean it i know canadians are nothing like americans you guys are great please don't kill me oh what are you gonna do apologize me to death let's see what's next why are there children playing in the road god damn oh yeah this new easy guy this season what are you doing what does it look like i'm doing i'm taking a leak look away look away oh come on man right on my book look i hate spiders as much as the next guy and i don't need some cheap spider propaganda showing up in my timeline but god damn [Music] this is a cute little spider i don't care if you give a [ __ ] about isa cow or not ow yuki absolutely steals this show as a girl reincarnated as a spider i just watched a high practice spider figuring out how to be a spider for 20 minutes and it was entertaining as [ __ ] am i about to give best girl to a [ __ ] arachnid like not even a waifu guys sigmund freudian i wanna [ __ ] this spider but an actual [ __ ] arachnid oh look it's basically is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon except the guy is actually picking up some girls we got suppose the kid from the last dungeon boonies moved to a starter town this is another one of those isocyalis isakai shows about wait what's the show about again oh yeah i don't know why gohans insists on continuing the handshakers legacy but they've really outdone themselves this time using a literal green screen explosion effect you can find on youtube giving us a masterclass and visual coherency not seen since the likes of ex-arm five minutes ago remember that one scene from episode one of goblin slayer that everyone got super upset and offended over have you ever looked at that and thought to yourself like what if we made an entire show around that one scene but just 10 times worse if you ever needed a reminder that we live in a post into species reviews japan remember that a real human being was successfully convinced to give redo of healer an anime adaptation i think this is the first time i've watched an anime and thought to myself i should probably chill out to something more vanilla after this how about a bit of rant izukai harem monogatari perhaps maybe even something wholesome like berserk for some light reading it's beyond edgy it's everything people got upset about in goblin slaying shield hero multiplied to 10 fold it is the prime target to cause an absolute shitstorm online except this time i don't think anyone's gonna be defending it so all i can say is thank god twitter thinks attack on titan cg is more offensive mashoku tensei's light novel is touted as the grandfather of modern isokin one of the greatest the genre has to offer so as the seasoned isekai trashman my expectations were high coming into this and it somehow met every one of them it's obvious right from the get-go that this was not influenced by the cliches of other isekai but is in fact the progenitor of them they're not just speedrunning the death and reincarnation proper time is put into his life growing up and learning about this fantasy world instead of just assuming we know the ropes already but because of this there's a level of detail in the world building and magic systems that aren't present or are just glossed over in other isekai the magic system isn't just controlled water because this is a fantasy world there's natural logic and structure behind it the protagonist is an anti-social otaku but that doesn't mean he was an otaku who happened to be good-looking athletic and just perfectly built to become a hero he was a fat stinky ugly bastard who literally gets introduced jacking off to hentai he's the ugly truth of what the usual isakai protagonist should have been he's flawed he's hella horny he's been bullied he's been traumatized and this doesn't all just magically disappear because he's been reincarnated into a fantasy world he doesn't just feel like your typical vehicle for a wish fulfillment protagonist but an actual character so even though we are treading on concepts we've seen in so many other isakai before it somehow feels fresh watching this felt like watching the godfather after years of only watching gangster squad after seeing generations of generations of these concepts being watered down and turned into tropes and cliches it was surreal to see the actual foundations they were all originally based on this isn't even mentioning the insane production values that went into this from the soundtrack to the animation it can at times feel like a feature film production and it's probably the best looking anime airing this season so what is presented here feels like an anomaly this is an isekai that's reminiscent of all the generic trash isakai have gorged myself in over the years but just genuinely feels like a good show without any twists or gimmicks in the formula guys maybe this is the isikai we've been waiting for how long has it been how long have those of us in the isekai garbage dump been persecuted ridiculed mocked for having trash taste just another basic [ __ ] craving a cheap escapist pal fancy show with yet another bland protagonist only there for our wish fulfillment but no more my brothers the winds are changing times are changing here we could have a show a good show that can prove to people that maybe just maybe it wasn't so bad after all maybe there was potential to be seen that no one else could see underneath the hundredth overpowered protagonist in the hundredth fancy world copying the hundredth rpg maybe isaka was never meant to be trash maybe it was meant to be beautiful exam anime of the season hey guys hope you enjoyed the video thank you very much this month to alpha sigma basil box elephant joe augustine mike elfin payne patchett walter zob mondo ivido and everyone else on my patreon for making this video possible and yeah apart from that i've got no further updates today that's why i'm not on camera so i am going to just keep it short and sweet the season's pretty damn awesome so i'm going to go back to watching anime for once so i've been gigguk and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 3,011,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Winter Anime, Winter 2021 Anime, Best Winter 2021 Anime, Top Winter Anime, Top Winter 2021 Anime, Top 10 Winter Anime, Top 10 Winter 2021 Anime, Best Anime Winter, Best Anime Winter 2021
Id: lJ0yjsbDQ00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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