When You're Glad Everyone Around You is Dead.

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this video is sponsored by viz media there are a few things more saturated in this world than the zombie genre anime may have its isakai but movies tv series comics and yes even anime and manga have made it rather tricky to find any new kind of take on the genre another guy wakes up and there are more people eating people and sometimes they're dead or alive or infected or can walk or can run and they meet a group of survivors and one of them gets bit in secret and then tells nobody and that society starts to fall apart and in the process of surviving we suddenly realized that the real monsters were the humans all along so when viz approached me and asked me hey do you want to talk about one of our newest releases a zombie manga i was like uh i'll get back to you in that one i was very skeptical about it but after giving it a try i was pleasantly surprised to see a genuinely fresh take on the setting so i present to you zom 100 bucket list of the dead everyone who's had an office job knows this feeling i do i had an office job because i work for the bbc did you know that i didn't know if you know that you're sat at your desk doing work you don't care about for a company that doesn't care about you like when i work for the bbc it feels like nothing you do or achieve really means anything you slave away for an unhealthy number of hours minimal breaks unpaid overtime and the worst part is you take it all home with you when you're at home all you can think about is the dread of going back to work so you barely take care of yourself days after days of instant ramen and an unhealthy amount of money spent on ubereats a short night of light sleep then you're back at the office as quickly as you left don't you ever just wish it could all just go away don't you wish there was a nice little fun event like i don't know a zombie apocalypse rendering humanity in a state of peril where deaths around you at every turn and everyone you care about is either in danger or dead just so you can get away from that life welcome to zom 100 bucket list of the dead a story about exactly that akira tender has worked at a company that's just exploited him for three long years and after he's completely reached his breaking point from ungrateful co-workers constant unpaid overtime and soul-breaking levels of stress he wakes up to find the world in sheer anarchy from a zombie apocalypse and after seeing all the blood gore and chaos surrounding him he thinks to himself just one thing oh [ __ ] i'm gonna be late for work but after the sheer gravity of the situation he's in finally sinks in he reacts how anyone else would do erupting in pure jubilation because hey anything's better than working at an office shop am i right bbc immediately he feels a weight off his shoulders and the world around him suddenly feels full of color and joy again so all these dreams he had in the back of his mind things he'd put off indefinitely because his job prevented it he sets out to do and achieve so he starts to fill out his to-do list and try not to let a bunch of murderous brain-eating drones get in the way of his newfound happiness this is akira tendo's bucket list of the dead which uh is a slightly strangely worded title i know as it's his bucket list and not the dead and you know seems a bit difficult for the dead to have a bucket list of things to do before they die when they're already die now it takes a lot in the current age to make a zombie apocalypse story interesting it's a formula that's been overplayed and stretched out even further than the walking dead felt like past season 4. there are a few examples of fun zombie stories in anime and manga and there are also a fair few examples in cinema of zombie films with a light-hearted tone falling outside the traditional genre of horror this unlike a lot of those stories takes the concept and runs with it knowing full well everyone watching it understands zombies and has seen it plenty of times before i mean the manga hard opens up in a scene of akira watching a zombie movie and loudly exclaiming god i wish that was me in his best pornhub comments voice and because of this there's none of that pissing about trying to figure out what these things are what to name them and how to deal with them they're zombies we know it the writer knows it and so does everyone else in the manga so the only repetitive tropes and zombie film cliches you see are played up for being those exact things it somehow does succeed in being a zombie apocalypse story that feels fresh and interesting confessing to his co-worker and in the process finding his boss who's now a zombie and resigning by rugby tackling him through the door this is the kind of [ __ ] you imagine in the shower with all the shampoo bottles applauding you as horrific as a zombie apocalypse may be the juxtaposition between this and a carefree guy just living his life to the fullest while everyone else is stuck in a cliche zombie movie is what makes this manga everyone else is out there scavenging life essential resources food medicine weapon no toilet paper though that was pretty unrealistic akira though doesn't have these problems he runs out of something far more precious that's right beer thus ensues beer shopping of the dead he reconnects with old friends goes on road trip adventures anything you can think of he's on it like a car bonnet it was honestly refreshing to see this positive outlook in such a horrific situation we've seen zombie stories with a more lighthearted tone before but what immediately connected with me was how it was used to let akira really reflect on everything he wanted to be everything he wanted to do everything he'd forgotten about himself only took the end of human civilization itself to get to that realization better late than never right zom 100 really brings to light this desire for anyone who feels like they're in a bit of a rut in their lives whether it be a dead end job no job at all or start pursuing something in life that doesn't bring them any joy when you're a kid you look at these adults who'd follow the rules and have to go to work all the time and that just seemed boring we were never gonna be like that we had dreams we had ambitions and nothing could stop us from doing what we wanted to do but as we grew older we got shackled by the weight of responsibility and slowly but surely we became trapped sometimes you fantasize about something that can give you an escape from all these responsibilities maybe something fantastical could happen like getting transported to another world finding out you've won the lottery or even the end of the world itself what we have here is a wholesome uplifting tale set in the middle of a zombie apocalypse it's not just about zombies it's a reminder how easy it was to forget all the things we said we were going to do all the things we said we wanted to be and sometimes all you need is that kickstart in life to get that fire going again even if that thing was the literal apocalypse and if that sounds like something for you then i highly recommend giving zom 100 bucket list of the dead a chance and yeah that's pretty much it again thank you to this media for sponsoring me today you know this is the very first time i've accepted the sponsorship where i talk about one singular title or manga or anime or whatever and the reason for that is because i genuinely enjoyed it i didn't know if i was going to make a video when they first approached me but honestly i'm kind of glad they did because i would have never read this manga if they didn't and they were kind enough to give me the physical volumes look at that yeah guys real books still exist look at that honestly i miss the feeling of reading physical manga so much i've really enjoyed this experience so if you want to give zom 100 bucket list of the dead a try then volumes 1 and 2 are available right now all you have to do is click the link in the description and yeah i hope this video wasn't too short for you this is kind of new for me as well i wanted to make something short and quick but i guess that means you guys didn't have to wait as long for new content so i'll probably leave it at that i'll keep it short and sweet i've been gig up and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 1,660,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Manga, Zom 100, Zom 100 Manga, Bucket List of the Dead, Zombie Manga, Manga Recommendation, Zom 100 Review
Id: BJenabW9Dh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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