I Got Addicted to VTubers and Regret Everything

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Of course this degenerate turned out to be a Haachama fan

Not being one was never an option

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 858 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zodiamaster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice manner of him to mention that people shouldn't mention his name at the Hololivers chat. Maybe he didn't think that his tweet would blew up and that people will spam his name at the chat.


Additionally some people are asking about the recent controversy and sponsorship. My guesses are these:

  1. The script and voice segment is made before the controversy, but the editing is done after. That might be why he didn't talk about the controversy but the video showed some thumbnails from the recent controversy.

  2. About the sponsorship, it is most likely that he is bound by some contract or partnership with Mihoyo, since he has also done ads for Honkai Impact 3, and breaking the contract/partnership would have severe penalties for him.

These are guesses tho, so please take them with a grain of salt.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 443 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Villyana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He probably knows that the sponsorship doesn't match the content and just said screw it cause Coco is a big part of why we're all in this rabbit hole anyway

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 218 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/destroyah19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video is sponsored by Genshin Impact

Didn't they censor Coco's name? Heh.

Edit -- Apparently only in the Chinese client.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 302 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Arcterion πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Me too, Gigguk, me too . . .

I don't regret it one bit, though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 229 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/year2016account πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Okay boys, get ready to teach the newbies the proper etiquette. There will be massive influx of them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 167 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ritchuck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Yagoo may have set out to emulate AKB48, but what he got was more like a v-tuber AK47." lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 119 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/velspar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hi guys, I'm new. I just watched this video today, and I decided to check out what he was talking about. This is actually my first time on the subreddit. But I think I'm addicted now...

And yeah, im a haachama fan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spell6421 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Glad the videos helped Gigguk on sharpening his japanese listening skills.

Meanwhile, I just got an even deeper weeb/japanglish accent when I talk english.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SephyJR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
finally i freeze myself from gotcha hell oh i can finally get on with my life wonder what this is not again forgive me father for i have simped 2020 has been a year of things happening it seems like this year the world just decided to do a gold split speed run of setting itself on fire with a new exciting record of depressing shits being set every month but while the entire world has gone to [ __ ] and we've been forced to stay inside there has never been a better time to just hole up and watch all the anime that we've wanted to watch imagine watching out of me in 2020. you see in between the [ __ ] apocalypse we've been experiencing we've been given a beacon of hope this year a single ray of light in the endless darkness we've been experiencing gentlemen i've seen the future cute anime girls on youtube youtubers or virtual youtubers has been a trend that has absolutely exploded onto our scene this year a genre comprised of real people using normally anime themed virtual avatars to create content online if you've been following me on various other platforms this video is probably the worst kept secret on my channel in between my slow descent to the rabbit hole to um some moment of weaknesses it's kind of just taken over my schedule it was something i started to get into near the beginning of the year and has since grown to a point i didn't think it could this is like the third iteration of the scripts i've worked on because 2020 has been such a massive year for v tubers that by the time i finish the draft some parts have become irrelevant and new parts needed to be added that's how fast the scene has been evolving this year for those on the outside it may just seem like another passing fad but right now it is bigger than it ever has been before every week there seems to be a new one debuting more and more interest has been expressed over the internet and right now seven of the top 10 earnings super chat users in the world on youtube are be tubers love them or hate them they are rising up fast and it looks like they are here to stay but what is the appeal of these virtual girls and why are they becoming so popular now well today i thought i'd document my own journey with youtubers over the past few months introduce those of you out of the know why so many seem to be watching them right now and speculate what they could mean for the future of online entertainment this is your introduction to the 2d girls that are taking over welcome to the v tuber rabbit hole [Music] before we get into how 2d girls are slowly taking over our souls we need to go back to the beginning to happier more innocent times before the world was plunged into chaos yes that's right we need to go all the way back to the prehistoric age of 2016. yeah it's rewind time [Music] the idea of having a virtual avatar represent a live human playing them is far older than what we know modern youtubers as today which begs the question who actually was the first v tuber oh i got it wasn't it like amy yamato that virtual vlogger that came out way before the times nope think again [ __ ] annoying orange was the first feature nah you're all wrong with my bird it was the [ __ ] gorillas wasn't there whatever your technical definition of what a v cheaper is there is undeniably one person we can thank for starting this modern be cheaper scene he's an artist it's pretty well known that the godmother of the entire youtuber scene was kizna i debuting in november 2016 she made massive waves in the anime community and beyond immediately amassing close to a million subscribers by the end of 2017 which as someone else in the anime community who also reached a million subs at the end of 2007 took me 10 damn years to do but i'm not a cute anime girl so i'm not even mad it's impossible to ignore that the roots of the modern v tuber stem heavily from the idol culture in japan and of course vocaloids in between the pure perfect image of a human idol and the digitally generated mascot of hats when they miku and ko kiznai was something in between both of those someone who was clearly more human than the vocaloid digital pop stars but still technically a character who wasn't human instead of a real idol we had a virtual idol someone who could combine the best of both worlds to create something new when kids and i first debuted i remember thinking [ __ ] this is the future how are we meant to compete with real waifus on the same platform we were never meant to compete with cute anime girls to me something like this was inevitable it was only a matter of time before someone attempted something like this the only trigger was waiting for the technology behind it to become feasible i thought to myself this was just the start and it was kagia luna mirai akari siro kiznai started a boom with a whole new plethora of youtubers popping up to try and imitate the success she saw and some of them did decently well by march of 2018 there was something in the realm of over a thousand virtual youtubers and that number saw exponential growth over the coming months hitting 8 000 around 18 months later according to a japanese virtual youtuber tracking site which is a stupidly large number youtube has created its own massive space in japan you could argue to the point of over saturation but despite this it would kind of just remain within its own niche after the initial boom a lot of people especially outside of asia just kind of forgot about youtubers for a while we all knew about kiznai and that vichy was had become this massive thing in japan but that was mostly the extent of our knowledge and many of us went back to doing what we had always done watching cute anime girls in anime instead of watching cute anime girls on youtube but eventually that would begin to change [Music] for the most part the popularity and appeal of youtubers would stay localized in japan mainly because well most of them were japanese despite a loyal fanbase dedicated to translating videos no one btuber would get the same kind of wide recognition as kismet i and over the years even her popularity would begin to decline with her parent company even introducing multiple personalities in an attempt to increase the amount of producible content without limiting it to one person playing her so you may be wondering what is the modern v tuber scene like today well remember this clip that went semi viral around our parts back in the day well imagine if we could just take this one clip and make an entire genre around it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] right now youtubers are in the midst of a second renaissance and if you've been hanging around anime twitter or the rest of the community you may have heard names like hololive being thrown around who are right now the group right at the center of it all so what is hololive well we can let the founder of the group himself explain it is so that was a [ __ ] lie follow live is the brainchild of motoraki tanego better known as yago in the community it's essentially an agency for v cheapers but while someone like using the eye is managed by a single agency hololive has a whole plethora of youtubers that operates under the hololive umbrella while there are other very successful agencies like niji sanji that are operating i'm mainly spotlighting hollow lives for just how much of an effect they've been able to have on the vichy was seen outside of japan no other agency has come close to seeing the international reach that they've had and have really led the boom we've seen this year so what's changed since the kisner eye days well instead of scripted or pre-recorded content the youtubers are now far more associated with live streaming content and [ __ ] posting there's a lot a lot of [ __ ] posting yes jago may have intended to create a v tuber akb-48 but what he actually got was closer to a v tuber ak-47 what i find interesting about how the modern scene has grown is that it's almost de-evolved from where it started kisna-eye completely revolutionized the concept of using virtual avatars using full-body tracking and 3d space which considering the technical knowledge and initial cost for equipment had a huge barrier for entry but now most youtubers can get away with a simple live 2d avatar superimposed on some basic face tracking software which pretty much anyone can do hell even i've used it before in some of my previous videos however despite the more limited technology this new wave is arguably just as if not even more successful and for those looking from the outside in it may be confusing to see what exactly is the appeal of a v-tuber i never got into kids and i when she first came out and i've never been into live streamers either despite the fact that i respect both as content creators and the content that they make so on paper i should have never gotten swept up in this youtuber renaissance right but i underestimated my love for cute anime girls okay yes i know i have a problem i should have known better vichy was first started to appear on my radar earlier in the year with clips here and there of these cute anime girls speaking english and very occasionally just saying the n-word but it wouldn't be until a few clips started to appear on my youtube homepage that i would truly start to fall into the hole all it takes is one or two videos before youtube's algorithm takes over and gives you an endless flood of more the ones that got me was matt's retelling her band-aid story and fabuki singing her version of man and it was as i was watching a cute anime girl singing about how much she wants to beat up a pineapple i had this epiphany i don't know what it was about these clips that stood out to me immediately but if i had to put it into words it was very reminiscent of the appeal of old youtube i mean at the end of the day it was a bunch of girls [ __ ] about behind an anime avatar one was just doing this really really cute song cover and the other was just telling the story about how she wore band-aids as a bra once for school these weren't some super polished high production videos they were just some bare bones avatar doing what smosh did back in the day or og story time vloggers and there was just something inherently charming about that and then that was that once i went v i could never be free on the outside the anime avatar thing can just seem like a gimmick but even without that it's impossible to deny that many youtubers especially the ones at hololive are just very talented at what they do there are a ridiculous number of different youtubers with different personalities and appeal doing all sorts of different content some of them are very much acting as a character and some of them more often than not slip into their real life persona but whatever their style all of them have found their own way to be really entertaining whether it be [ __ ] posting a ton being good at video games or just acting really [ __ ] adorable to put it in a way that any weeb can understand youtubers are just anime's newest genre cute girls do live streaming things and some of you may be thinking well why would i want to watch a youtuber over a regular streamer then why do people get invested in youtubers when they are just playing this character and well the closest analogy i can compare this to is wrestling okay just hear me out wrestling is fascinating to me because it's something that exists between a scripted show and a real sport we all know that wrestling is fake wrestling fans know that wrestling is fake and yet they are able to invest themselves in these events these characters as if it was a real sport with real people but there are times when the line between a wrestler and real person playing them can get blurry storyline and characters can sometimes bleed into the real world that can make you unsure whether you're watching a scripted piece of fiction or a real event unfolding but whatever the case the fan investment in them is 100 genuine okay i'm gonna stop pretending that my wrestling knowledge extends anything beyond a super eye patch wolf video but the point i'm trying to make is that i think v tubers exist in that same uncanny valley you know there's a real person behind this anime avatar you know they are just playing this character but who the [ __ ] cares about that it's a [ __ ] puppy girl playing video games and it's adorable as [ __ ] okay that's right youtubers is just wrestling with waifus jesus i can't wait for that line to be quoted out of context the attachment i feel towards a v tuber is the same i feel towards a fictional character but i give them the same kind of respect i would any real person or just another content creator and just because they are anime avatars doesn't make them any less authentic because just like wrestling fans your investment in these people these characters can create genuine moments for you or in other words your feelings for her are not real they are real to me but look i can talk all day about the theoretical appeal of youtubers and not get through at all because the best way is just to experience them for yourself so giggup how does one get into v-tubers so giggup where do i start with this rabbit hole what is the watch order give me the watch order this is the first one in the series kerone monogatry or perhaps kiriyukoko's feet stay night what the [ __ ] is a feet compilation the only compilation i know from x videos is a cream pie compilation the good news is that there's not exactly a lack of choice and the best thing is they're all such good girls it's so hard to choose a best girl i mean you got best girl and then also best girl and best best girl and best best best girl and a [ __ ] psychopath stay home actually now i think about it most of these girls are [ __ ] psychopaths aren't they recently hollow live debut their english talent and for anyone english speaking that would most likely be the best gateway into the world as it gives a good idea of what it's like watching a v tuber and overall what's being part of the hololive experience is all about there are a total of five girls each with very different personalities and appeals so if you give them all a go there's probably gonna be one that floats your boat and while they're still very new they've already managed to leave a strong impression you've got a tinder a death god rapper in modi karaoke who's actually insanely talented in music and releasing her own original songs the comfiest [ __ ] streamer in nino my innerness whose voice can soothe your soul a chaotic energetic detective in amelia watson a love walker for chicken i mean majestic phoenix in kiara and gagura who's so [ __ ] sweet watching her streams is like injecting pure glucose into my [ __ ] veins despite just debuting they've all managed to establish themselves very quickly and all very talented individuals but out of all of them gargada probably understands the internet landscape the best which shows that she's probably the fastest growing horror life member right now of reaching over 500 000 subscribers in just a few weeks beyond that we have the established japanese talent of which there are now five generations with dozens of girls all who have their own law and memes and also have different relationships with each other it's going to be impossible to go for every girl in this video so instead in no order or preference here are some interesting stuff that might catch your interest if you're a newbie getting kitty koko is probably one of the most newbie friendly youtubers and it's not really a secret that i'm a regular viewer of her channel and before holler life english debuted was the closest thing to a liaison the international fans had as she's both fluent in english and japanese a three thousand year old dragon girl who found is american born thanks to the way she moves her hips yes you can even be a 2d girl but even in anime hips don't lie that is america's ass she has a show called asakoko going over the latest news in holla live but recently she's also been doing a series where she reviews english hololive memes with other japanese members and not only is this a very fun watch but it is genuinely interesting to see how internet humor translates across different languages and culture in terms of being a pure content creator she's not only charismatic but understands what makes good content and is able to deliver on it overall coco is great and she has the thighs of a greek goddess herself thigh review kinomori luna has a design drawn by the aeromanga sensei artist and for once going against the anime trope of having a lolly who's secretly 2 000 years old luna's age seems to be about negative 20. [Music] fabuki is [ __ ] adorable and if you watch only one thing after watching this video just watch one of the song covers this is what youtube was invented for wanna hear someone try to input a [ __ ] tekken 7 combo via laugh input will always have a soft spot for me because it was a lot of her clips that first pulled me into the hole out of all the girls she actually seems like the most normal it doesn't feel like she's playing a character she's just a genuinely charismatic and fun girl who's also a [ __ ] degenerate seriously just check out any of the clips if you want an authentic genuine stream of a girl just [ __ ] a balance behind an anime avatar porsche marine is horny there's corona she's a dog that's pretty much it now you may be wondering what's the appeal of watching an anime dog live streaming i mean it's just a cute little doggo playing video games like she's a innocent ball of wholesomeness who can melt your heart and cure depression like what's so special about making the cutest little noises like and i don't know about this smile that will make you want to drop everything and pledge your allegiance to protect it it's not like i want to head pat her or anything why would i want a head powder okay maybe she deserves the head pad someone should give her the head pads i'll give it to her let me just sit here get up get off me get it get off me sydney let me hang that up she just loves the handbags [Music] which how do i begin to describe the hachima experience hachima is the [ __ ] chaotic degenerate energy i didn't know i needed in my life in my mind she's the waifu offspring of filthy frank and howtobasic her content is cursed it's anarchy it's full-blown [ __ ] degeneracy and it's absolutely amazing want a waifu who can cook for you well why not watch her destroy basic cooking skills and such classics like [ __ ] made pasta want a pure perfect idol no problem why not listen to some wholesome vomit asmr as she accidentally pukes on stream doing the spicy noodle challenge what's the matter out in the chat type out kawaii oh you think the fans are the degenerates here don't worry she was the one who asked viewers to send in their feet videos so she could review them herself in one of the most cursed streams ever made i don't really have a point of reference to pinpoint the kind of entertainment this content is like there's even a stream where she's reacting to her own leads that artists drew for her i am watching a [ __ ] anime girl reviewing her own loot is this not the peak of internet content why am i even trying how can anyone compete with this and this is part of the reason why i got into youtubers from purely a content perspective some of the stuff these girls are doing is genuinely interesting and entertaining content that wouldn't be as fun if it was a scripted anime or a regular irl streamer it's because they exist in the space between anime character and real person that they can explore original ideas or get away with things that other people can't who exists in the same space and that's why this is something i legitimately believe falls into its own genre of entertainment like i didn't wake up thinking that watching this anime girl die inside as she sees this yoshi plushie getting violated by foot would be so entertaining but it is and i have no idea why and i'm gonna stop it there even though i just barely scratched the surface but i get it now i get why youtube has become such a huge trend in japan all this time idle culture or not and with their explosive growth this year it makes me think what this could possibly mean for the future of online content [Laughter] hololive's recent english talent debut was an event that just dominated all of the discussions in our community for a while ironically more than i've seen for any of the anime that have aired this year so far the buzz created on social media was staggering youtubers seem to be inescapable and if you think about it it kind of makes sense the reason we call it a rabbit hole is because with the amount of content being generated even just by hololive alone it is literally impossible to consume it all you may fall in deeper and deeper but you can never reach the bottom and all this content isn't even centralized under one channel you've got the hololive channel the individual hot alive talents channel niji sanji independent youtubers dozens and dozens of individual highlights channels all interlinked within youtube's algorithm creating this perfect storm the v tube of rabbit hole was practically designed to take over youtube and i don't see it going away i think the big turning point for me was seeing the discussion around vichy was reached way past the community who'd usually watch it pokeyman came out with a youtuber avatar along with many other notable streamers looking to follow suit soon and many many more are either about to debut or have expressed interest in wanting to become one themselves because trends aside money speaks and the message is loud and clear it was revealed that seven of the top 10 earnings super chat users in the world were youtubers and at the top was coco earning around 810 000 since debuting late last year averaging way over 100k per month that is through donations alone not including other revenue streams which be right back i'm just going to retire so it can become a cute anime girl no matter how you look at it these are insane numbers and judging by the initial stats of the english speaking term 2 that's a trend that seems to be continuing internationally too i mean just look at how fast this super chat is going there are few things in the world that can transcend the language barrier money laughter compassion and now [ __ ] simps it's really no wonder why there's so much attention and interest which is why even if this hype dies down over time i don't think it's just going to be a passing fad i think we've seen the birth of another subculture within our community i've focused a lot on hollow life on their rise but i didn't even touch on the independent victory was seen because really the first youtuber who've already broken to the english speaking scene was probably project melody earlier this year she debuted earlier this year as the first virtual cam girl breaking all kinds of viewership records and has cinch established herself as an all-around vicious live streamer and has really led the way for other independent content creators on twitch and other live streaming platforms this year really has been the perfect storm that has taught us that 2d was the future all along if 2020 has taught me anything it's that weebs are far too willing to drop cash when it comes to cute anime girls like i don't know if we just come with something hardwired into a [ __ ] brain that just gives us this uncontrollable reflex to throw a bunch of money whenever we see 2d anime tiddy or you know some beautiful [ __ ] anime thoughts i don't know maybe that's just me is simping v tubers tax deductible are you [ __ ] serious but you know what i will say that watching youtubers has at least given me something tangible or at least helped me work towards something tangible like when i was getting into gacha games i'm sure a lot of people saw that video and thought wow this looks like a dangerous addiction i mean this is just basically a waifu casino right and look what i'll say to that is if i'm gonna have a gambling addiction at least i can have a gambling addiction i can jack off to but watching v tubers without subtitles has legitimately improved my japanese listening skills as someone who's trying to learn the language far more than years of watching anime has done because you're forced to really pay attention to what they say so unlike gacha games this has actually helped me in a real life skill basically what i'm trying to say is if i'm gonna have a japanese learning resource at least i can have a japanese learning resource like 2020 has been the year of youtubers and it looks like it's gonna stick around so while you're here why try to fight it if there's ever been a time to dip your toes into something new why not join us in the rabbit hole and welcome our new 2d overlords because you know i may have played it up as a joke but please don't go simp crazy guys i'm not really some waifu addict who can't stop dropping cash on cute anime girls v cheapers are great and i love them but this isn't really an addiction it's fine guys i can quit anytime i like [Music] joe augustine ivido we bologist ricky zob mondo and everyone else my patreon for helping to support me for this month oh and just a quick note if this video has gotten you interested in getting into the youtube rabbit hole remember guys these are their own content creators with their own rules for their own streams look i just want to give them respect and the last thing i want to do is have my name spammed or anything spammed on any of youtubers i've mentioned in this video i'm just here to promote good content and like everyone else i respect them as creators and i just want them to keep doing what they're doing anyway though that's it from me i hope to see all of you in the rabbit hole by next week i've been giggup and i will see you all next time rip anime content in 2020
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 3,160,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Vtubers, Vtuber Rabbit Hole, Hololive, Best Hololive GIrls, Top Hololive GIrls, AsaCoco, Kiryu Coco, Virtual YouTubers, Top Vtubers, Best Vtubers, Vtuber Clips, Hololive Clips, Im Scatman, Nijisanji
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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