Engineering a Porta Potty TO FLY!? Potty Racers!

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hello fellow engineers today we're continuing our nostalgic look back at some of the best flash games ever made and of course this one potty races now playing the original there were there were many many sequels we'll get into it and i'll show you how it all works so we're starting a fresh game and we'll be going to warm up hill this is our little dude and there's his porta potty he's he's engineered some wheels to go on the side of it and knocked it on its side hopefully it hadn't been used before otherwise could be a bit messy in there so as he's kindly telling us we press the right arrow to speed up and then press up when we want to ride the porch body so we're speeding and we're up and then we're going down the hill and then there's a jump and oh look at the poo coming out the back and our first ever jump we got a distance of 235.2 and a height of 88.7 oh and i forgot we can do tricks so we've got 162 money not quite enough to buy any upgrades and also it seems this this version of the game doesn't actually have the text i don't know what the buttons are uh upper bottom top or bottom i'm gonna go with top i don't know i may have just restarted anyway we're gonna do a much longer run up this time past three flags and then we're jumping on nice oh we've got some speed now we're gonna do some tricks no we're not no we're not i forgot what the trick button is yeah it's not not as far a distance from that one but we nearly have enough money to upgrade our i'm gonna see what the bottom button does oh it goes back to this okay ready can we do a backflip oh no we can't do a backflip oh oh did you it sprayed oh dear we only got 33 points there our landing had a 0.1 multiplier but that was our highest height i'm gonna keep it sort of 45 degrees oh nice so that was a good one i'm thinking maybe as we land we need to be sort of on our back wheels so that was definitely our best distance so now i've got 863 money so i'm gonna buy some better wheels that should get us a bit further oh look at those new wheels they just don't make wheels like that anymore not since they killed the flash games but uh all right keep it 45 well 25 nice three bounces at the end again so yeah there's bottom one successful jumps i think that's how many times we bounce at the end and we got 673 that time so we should have enough yes we can either go for more wheels but we've only just got them so i'm instead gonna buy a trick now being a bit of a motocross fan at least when i was a bit younger i think that's a one-handed heart attack so we're gonna go for that and that should earn us more points as we do our jumps how much more i'm not entirely sure but we shall see right we're going down the hill speed right do the trick yes oh nice we got the stars the stars can only be a good thing all right so distance was actually incredible i feel like that was our best one and we nosedive then as well and we got an extra 200 points for tricks so i'm guessing it's 100 for each trick we do definitely worth doing and four jumps at the end so maybe i was wrong we don't want a tail dive at all we want a nosedive honestly this bloody number follows me around everywhere whenever i look at my phone i swear it's 12 34. this bloody number but yes we got a thousand which means we can upgrade and i think i think we'll go for this one this is an exhaust upgrade this gives us rather than a rather than a poo pipe we've got a shiny metal version oh now you can see our exhaust system out the side we're gonna absolutely fly this time i can feel it and the one-handed heart attack can i get a third in oh i couldn't get a third and i got i got greedy but look at that distance 390. right this time we're not gonna get greedy we're just doing two one two i will kind of got a third that was like the perfect jump look how far i'm going 527 so we got 900 i don't know what points these are 900 i'm going to call it quid it's got to be quid yeah and i think it's time for some better wheels these are like chunky off-road tyres so we should fly now i love how the exhaust is already built in but we have to put the wheels on oh wow we're going really fast look at these wheels one-handed heart attack one in a dark attack let's land flat oh we landed so flat there's still a lot of poo coming out the back are we gonna stop wow so you're 1862 quid that time and we can actually add another trick maybe we should try that i feel like if we can do two different tricks maybe we'll get more money we'll see and then that will decide if we do the other ones i don't really know what this one is called uh the crawling baby maybe all right ready so one handed heart attack and then the crawling baby oh wow oh whoa that was so unexpected wow okay we did like a full-on backflip thing yeah and that one was worth an extra 100 points it seems we got 2551 uh which isn't quite enough to upgrade anything so we'll do another one and now we can upgrade i think i'm gonna go with the dual exhaust yes that's much better look at those the twin exhaust should double our speed that's definitely how exhaust pipes work right ready power backflip straight off nice and now the heart attack yes all right so pretty good not not as many successful jumps there i've still gotta i gotta work out how we're meant to land but we have enough to upgrade our wheels again oh they are beautiful wheels look at those look at them spin ladies and gentlemen right speed a flip oh he might be able to fit in another heart attack yes we did the three oh we are bouncing like anything we unlocked a new hill as well 4256 i did not think i'd be over engineering a porsche body today but i'm glad i did all right we've got five thousand i might go ahead and unlock the final trick which looks like some sort of superman trick let's see what it's like ready superman oh look at him go get back on get back on nice so that's what i can hold for longer so we'll see if it's worthwhile doing one long trick or mixing them up a bit we are rolling so far we've gone like 1200 meters i assume they're meters oh no but we only got oh so we only had one jump there so our total is a poultry 930. you could even say that's absolutely shocked right so i'm going to do a bit of engineering trial and error this time try and work out the best way to land we will try not touching anything no tricks no nothing oh wow that seemed like a lot of bouncing what's our distance there's over 1200 thankfully it's not one two three four okay so we got we only got two successful jumps i thought it was going to be more distance was 1258. so we'll try again and we'll try landing flat this time and when i'm holding right here i'm letting go just about there right ready flat that was flat i feel like we're bouncing loads distance was better way better and we got three successful jumps okay so that could be the way to do it landing flat after all we will do a third and final test though and that will be sort of keeping my nose up keeping the poo facing down by this sort of angle wow okay distance insane so much better than before yeah and four jumps okay let's see this seems to change every time but 4 4569 i think we know what we're doing from now on we just need to mix in some tricks and stuff but first i think we need the triple exhaust yes look at that we've even got the engine poking out the side we are starting to over engineer the hell out of this the backflip the heart attack get get on your back wheels on hey gate yes we've got the angle right we've got the angle right yeah distance we're in the 1600s that's good that's where we want to be but only one successful jump okay i have no okay i'm i'm not sure i know how this works all right come on i'm gonna run all the way down the hill and just see oh so he jumped in himself there i feel like we're going lower all right so i'm gonna let go of run about there all right the back flip is real the heart attack is also real i'm gonna jump i'm gonna squeeze in another heart attack ready oh yes and another one oh double and another one no i got greedy oh why do i always get greedy already heart attack after the bounce oh i got two in right no more no more yes my poo child keep going all right tricks we got 500 points not too bad i do want to see though if we if we were to hold that final trick so if we just hold the superman the entire distance oh no it is oh god land oh i thought i was holding it the first time but it wasn't it turns out it's just a very long trick a distance still incredible considering that's our vehicle yeah so 350 for that trick all right two backflips can we do it yes and then the double heart attack on the bounce oh that was close that was so close all right four tricks in that one let's see how good it was 600 trick points i will take that and now we have enough for the ultimate wheels the alloy wheels everyone that's owning their first car knows alloys is the way to make your car faster all right ready i'm just doing heart attacks the entire way right one two more that's it and that's it i could i could have got another one in there i was a bit nervous a little bit nervous right that was absolutely incredible 5657 so we can do that a couple more times we'll be able to afford this thing which i'm going to assume is a rocket that's it double heart attack i'm going to get a third in i'm being greedy yes yes we did it we did it so looks like we got a good distance as well let's see how many points we got with those extra tricks that round whoa okay that was well worth doing nearly eight thousand so as always we go again come on little man backflip i'm going to try this trick as well i can't remember what button was oh i don't oh that was close the double heart attack i did triple i did a triple and one there nice that was risky as okay distance is good points terrible successful jumps one i don't understand we bounce so many times i don't understand uh however we can now afford the rocket so things are not lost and down here this is our rocket fuel we currently have a hundred but we can upgrade those they're quite pricey mind ten thousand and twenty thousand uh press space to launch you move the bloody arrow out of the way i think it says to launch your rocket the rocket gets detached upon hits in the ground so use them wisely i think that's what i said all right ready all right we're going up as soon as we get almost to falling i think now we're going to rock it so now we're going up our rocket fuel ran out instantly yeah that did not last long but we are flying there goes our rocket oh wow i really should have done some tricks okay we're coming up to three and a half thousand and we're still rolling right so 5295 i think if we add some tricks in we could be golden all right ready the back flip and the rocket oh no i think i wasted that i think i wasted that badly we did not go up at all a quick heart attack oh no that was a write-off that was a complete write-off right i am i do just wonder what happens if i launch my rocket like now i can't i can't tell i get on i'm going to launch it down the hill then nope still can't okay good to know we'll do the back flip we'll do the heart attack and then we'll rock it and we can still we can still do tricks while rocketing all right ready ready we're going to bounce oh god it's so we were so high how high were we and then third bounce heart attack nice we got quite a few tricks in that time that should definitely give us some extra dosh to spend to 7 000. the successful jump thing is a major killer on this i'm gonna spend some money on some more rocket fuel so we've got 150 we've increased by 50 that can only be a good thing i wonder if anyone's ever circumnavigated the globe in a porta potty and i'm actually i'm not going to hit the rocket until we bounce i want to try and get the successful jumps ready oh no we lose the rocket i forgot we lost the rock oh what is wrong with me oh dear yep good work matt good work sic i still got six grand i feel like that was one of my better i got three successful jumps right this time i'm gonna try launching straight off so as soon as we go up the rockets are away oh i think that was the right thing to do we're seeing stars so many stars so many tricks all right ready we're gonna we're gonna hit the ground hard i am worried boring more heart attacks that's enough that's enough tricks now i'm scared now whoa okay we bounced the hell out of it so that was an incredible distance let's see how many successful jumps we get because that's the one thing i can't really work out we got four we got 20 grand yes i honestly never thought i'd be this excited to upgrade a porta potty all right so now the question is do i go for the big mofo engine or do i bung some more rockets on the side i'm a sucker for these upgrades so i am i've got to go for that i'm sorry i'm sorry if you disagree but look at look how cool that looks now there really can't be a lot of space left in that portal bossy though it's like all engine pretty much all right ready i'm doing the rocket straight off again and then tricks for days and for those that didn't believe me about that bloody number following me look right we are still actually going up i'm pretty sure okay stop stop with the tricks we are bouncing boing all right another backflip oh that was risky that's all right it's all right it's all right it's under control all right what's our distance going to be with our new improved engine we're over 8 000 we're looking good we are looking very good it rolls for so long the background's very familiar for all of this as well okay successful jumps one one what why all right this time i'm just gonna go for height so i'm gonna go down this jump jump on we're gonna aim up and now we're going straight up come on and then oh no he's getting covered in the poo all right let's land completely flat boing all right i would say that's at least four jumps that time surely okay so that was better than last time we got two successful jumps still not entirely sure what the hell is going on but uh let's upgrade our rockets we're nearly there people we are nearly there oh now they've each got 150 oh wow this could be a game changer well not really it's the same shitty game oh well we're getting planets and stuff i see planets i see planets that can only be a good thing let's do a backflip to celebrate the planets yay all right we are falling fast oh god boing back flip oh my eyes hurt from the clouds there's so much cloud edge that's the technical term for clouds flying past you all right our best distance by a long wave well over ten thousand eleven thousand we're going to get 12 000 easy so we got 30 000 quid so now we can upgrade our fuel and i think we're done completely max level we have well and truly over engineered a porta potty and it looks beautiful you you cannot disagree that is the most beautiful portable you've ever seen although saying that i've been to a wedding and there are some nice wedding ones we are well into space i'm trying to keep the 45 degree angle oh we're going so like what are these there's cogs in space there's gears and all sorts celebratory backflip as we enter the atmosphere oh god we've done a bounce the superman he's getting his knees covered in poo but it doesn't matter it does not matter look at the distance are we we're still going up i'm not sure what celebratory stars and what our actual stars anymore i really don't want to up the tricks now i'm just gonna i'm just gonna play it safe right our distance is absolutely flying we've got the biggest engines the most exhausts the shiniest alloys i wish we could tuck our head in though that does not look aerodynamic but can we get to twenty thousand ah not quite not quite but oh 57 000 we got four successful jumps that is the main thing uh so we may as well get all these tricks and there we go we got the buy everything award all right so then we're going to give this one more go i'm going to go easy on the tricks this time and just simply go for distance and height that's what we have to beat oh wow my alloy's changed have i got spinners now i'm pretty sure i've got spinners now all right 45 degree is surely what we want oh my god we are absolutely flying oh look we're going through the gears that's where the saying came from so height 6 000 i think that's i think we beat our height record look at our spinners go though in credible i don't know if i want to face up we're literally in the tardis now the turdus quick get get our wheels down kill our wheels down all right 45 degrees is surely the key does our distance change depending on our orientation like the rate i don't know get the wheels down i gotta stop cocking about matt okay he's been he's been going for like a good couple of minutes now and the numbers still going up the spinners are still spinning us forward right so that's my record then 23 722.2 of course and a max height of 6172 let me know in the comments have you played this have you beaten that score let me know i'm just gonna go have a little look at the other levels and see what we've got we shall try the beach cliff no you can't we can't go on it we shall try the happy hill all right so thankfully we get to keep all of our upgrades so this is completely new level that i assume are going to absolutely smash rockets away flying through the gears now i have no idea what this actual level looks like oh we've gone through the gears we're like above the gears there's nothing up here 7000 height well we're still going up eight and a half thousand height we're finally coming down my spinners look a bit wonky they're uh it's not the smoothest of spins that as before i'm going to try and land on the back wheel a bit it seems to give us more successful jumps whatever the hell they are all right we got a little look at the level there i saw some grey maybe some buildings uh very pleased to be on a new level though i'm very happy we unlocked it yeah i didn't see anything maybe a skyscraper sort of urban urban level is it another no still no we're still it's still just sky it's all the sky right there we go i saw i definitely saw something there and here's our new level it's flying past i can't even see what's going on oh my god look at the distance thirty thousand are we slowing down i'm worried we're not slowing down ah so we're just shy of 35 000 meters feet some sort of unit uh okay so that's pretty insane again in the comments whatever this was this level called happy hills let me know did i do well i assume i did quite well it sounds good i can't spend my money on anything which is a bit disappointing but uh let's give the beach cliff a go all right ready we are full of beans power now we just sit here and wait for it to finish oh wow definitely not as high i don't know what i did last round then there's a different level so i'm guessing maybe the jumps were just a bit different obviously i need money so i'm just doing tricks for all those upgrades that i left oh bollocks i got greedy oh why did i do that i'm gonna have to sit through all this again well fortunately we're still gonna break some records even i don't know where i don't know where a guy is like is his head okay it was poking out so i'm a little bit worried uh we still got 22 000 meters on the distance when we were aiming for 2800 so we did all right then let's try blaster hill i think we might struggle to get the max distance and max height here ready speed power and boosh rockets away here we go here's our new level it's uh it's got a lot of traffic lights all right finally slowing down oh look congratulations we got a party we did it distance 31 899. well looks like we completed potty races uh i'm not gonna lie just like using a pause potty i feel a bit empty inside i feel like the upgrade path was a bit too quick and i didn't i didn't fully appreciate the final levels we unlocked but maybe next time we'll try one of the sequels anyway guys if you enjoyed that don't forget to boost the like button and give me some suggestions of more flash upgrady type games i can play i want to know what can i over engineer next first a penguin then a porter potty who knows what will be next anyway guys peace love and porta potties and i'll catch you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 185,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indie, pc, funny, gameplay, potty racers, potty racers 2, potty racers 3, potty racers 4, potty racers 2 speedrun, potty racers 5, potty racers game, indie games, flash games, upgraded this porta potty to extremes, flash game, too many upgrades, i upgraded, real civil engineer, rce, upgrade games, overengineering, over engineering, porta potty upgrading, porta potty upgrade game, porta potty flash game, porta potty flying game, porta potty flying video, flying porta potty
Id: KvLCWdyqExA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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