I Added Infinite Crafting to Minecraft (with AI)

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I've been playing a ton of infinite craft lately if you've never heard of it it's a new web game where you can take any two words and combine them together since it uses AI you can get practically anything but it got me thinking what would happen if you added this concept to my other favorite game about crafting Minecraft okay so here's the idea I can take any two items and I can put them together in this infin crafter but big problem it doesn't work and even bigger problem I have no clue how to code a Minecraft mod but I do happen to be an expert in acting like I know what I'm doing until something eventually works so here's my three step plan first I need to set up a system to add any item to the game then I'll use Chad GPT to generate combinations of any two items that I throw at it and finally I'll try to use AI to generate custom item icons on the fly so Minecraft has over a thousand items and blocks and while that's a lot it's not anywhere close to Infinity but the problem is that I can't just add a new item into the game whenever I want every item in the game needs to be registered with a unique ID and a ton of other junk that's only run when the game is first loaded so instead I'm going to have a single item that can change into any texture all right so I have my first item here but right now it's just one big solid pixel so the idea is I'm going to split this model into a 16x 16 grid and then I can assign each square a one or a zero so a sword like this would become this set of numbers okay yeah that doesn't look right right now I'm pretty much recoding the rendering system for items and that's just as hard as it sounds all right we have a red sword in the game now and it doesn't render completely right but it looks good enough for now what's special about this item is I can change it on the fly to any shape I want without reloading any of the code obviously though not every item is bright red so instead of just ones and zeros on my grid I'm going to give each square a color value all right let's design our first item so I'm going to try to make like a star yeah I think that looks pretty good and now without adding a single texture to my mod I have my item but it would be pretty boring to just have a single useless item for everything so I added a couple properties okay so depending on what the item is you can eat it or you can throw it by the way I'm building a castle but I'm building it without placing a single block myself that's because I wrote a custom script that places a block for every subscriber I have we're at 27,800 subscribers and this is what 27,000 blocks looks like this block right here was placed by my 10,000th subscriber the castle is going to be finished at 100,000 subscribers and when I hit that I'll release the world so you can see exactly where your block ended up okay let's take a break from Minecraft and work on the crafting part of the mod this is where the first bit of AI is going to come in but it should be pretty easy to implement I'm pretty sure that infinite craft uses something like chat GPT to come up with the item names so I'm going to try to do that too okay let's see what happens when I ask chat GPT the combination of a diamond and a dirt block okay it gave me luxurious Garden gem that's interesting so what I have to do is I kind of have to change the prompt a little bit so that it it gives me something better than that okay so now I have a prompt where I can replace these two items here and then it pops out a new item what's good about chat GPT is that it's super easy to add to pretty much any coding project except that it does cost like a tenth of a cent every time I ask it a question which reminds me I can't publish this mod and it's not because I don't want to there's two big issues the first one is that Well Chad GPT costs money so publishing this mod would mean everyone would just drain my bank account and the second problem you'll see later in this video okay so we almost have everything we need to make this thing work but it will be a pretty boring experience if every item you get is just a star or something so we need to find a way to give a custom texture to all our items infinite craft just uses emojis and while that would be pretty easy to implement it would get confusing really quick trying to find an item in a chest or something my first thought was using mid Journey or Dolly 2 but both of those models can't create pixel art and even more importantly they can't create transparent backgrounds so while this pickaxe is pretty cool it looks like complete garbage in the game luckily we can just use chat GPT again to generate our textures and while it can't draw because it's a chat bot it can write code that creates an image for us okay I'm going to ask it to make a star okay so it's thinking right now okay so all I should have to do now is copy this and put it into Minecraft uh okay well that's actually pretty good honestly I thought it was going to do worse so what I want to do now is I want to see how it does for something a little more difficult wo that is definitely not a pencil I mean it's almost got the right colors right it's but that is um crap okay so that obviously wasn't going to cut it so I went to Google to see if anyone else had tried to generate pixel art with AI I came across this website it's called pixel lab and it kind of does exactly what I needed to but unlike Chad gbt this doesn't look very easy to implement that's because it's actually an extension for an art program so to use it I just have to click generate character and then I type in my prompt okay and it's generating way quicker than chat GPT was but the big problem is that I have to use this art program to make the images and uh remember how I said that there was a second big problem to why I can't release the mod well my solution to this problem is to have the art program open on a second computer and then I wrote a script that takes control of my mouse and clicks through the art program as if I was using it okay I'll admit that this is a pretty terrible solution to my problem but I don't want to hear any programmers in the comments whining about it because it actually works the last thing to do is to put this all together I quickly made this infinite crafter block you saw at the beginning it has three slots two for the input and one for the output and what's left is to get to crafting I want to see if I can get to the word subscribe and once I do I'll end the video okay so I have no clue where I'm going to start but I'm thinking maybe if I get to like YouTube my first thought is to get like a computer maybe so like Redstone maybe I can give myself a command block Redstone Contraption okay that's interesting it's like a tube like a neon tube okay what about like glass maybe we can make like a screen or something laser there's our laser right there maybe I can make electricity Hopper and light lightning rod this makes Thunderbolt okay that's almost electricity it's kind of a lame texture Thunderbolt and copper thunder strike that's not very useful lightning rod and Thunderbolt makes electricity okay look at that that's beautiful can you eat it you can't eat it light bulb that might be useful command block and electricity makes power block maybe what I'll do actually is I'll put up all of my um my discoveries I'll put them on a big board right here wow look at that light bulb I want to keep using electricity but I want to combine it with random stuff electricity and sea lantern makes neon wave a block of Quartz and electricity makes lightning I thought we had that no we had a thunder bolt a block of netherite power Cube we have power block and now we have power Cube okay that's lightning apparently and then this is neon wave let's do San terra cotta circuit is actually very useful circuit could make computer what's with the lightning bols being like tiny little things Moss block and electricity makes spark Moss this is spark Moss it's like a cute little Slime Guy well what are computers made of maybe circuit and iron block robot oh my God there's a robot I wish you could like spawn it in and like have it walk around or whatever but maybe maybe in the next update I'll put him in my off hand so we can look at him Redstone and circuit Droid another robot we'll see which one's better okay this Droid is lame this one sucks I want to make internet ebook Okay that that's like an internet thing but it's not the internet can you eat it or the Slime Guy no that's you should be able to eat the Slime Guy he looks edible what can you do on the internet H Nets are there any Nets in Minecraft there's nether string and like fish seaweed no this looks like it could actually be an item in the game can you eat the seaweed oh you can eat the seaweed yay fishing rod and string makes please make a net fishing line string and string makes a string of course fishing line could be useful fishing line and fishing line makes net oh my God okay this is good we have net now it looks like a pair of underwear net and circuit makes internet woo this is huge this is the Internet it's like a series of tubes I wish you could eat the robot no I don't that's a lie player head and internet makes Avatar wow look at that guy I think I'm just going to combine a bunch of random stuff with internet Avatar net ring net viral explosions what in the world is that thing advertisement a pixel blockchain website ooh website is good I kind of picked subscribe pretty arbitrarily and I thought that maybe it wasn't going to be possible but you know we're actually getting kind of close meme okay wait website and meme makes Reddit we're making websites now meme is a cake Reddit oh that's like a cursed like Binding of Isaac Reddit guy I wonder if I can make Minecraft easily let's see diamond pickaxe and internet makes data minor creeper head and meme creeper meme that's so cute it's like a little squid guy here let me make a section where I can put all the cute characters we make we have creeper meme this I like this one virus this guy's cute too oh wait and Al I also like this this Moss guy spark Moss meme plus viral explosion makx okay I made Tik Tok Tik Tok and Reddit what a great combination of apps that's Tik Tok logo social light okay we're getting close meme Reddit and meme karma karma and Reddit up vote diamond pickaxe and meme makes Minecraft okay I made Minecraft wow why is it so hard to get YouTube oh this is cute all my guys are green all my cute guys are just green influencer website makes blog okay blog content content is good Tik Tok where's Tik Tok this is Tik Tok Tik Tok and content is video okay here we go video website is going to make YouTube it's got it it's got it it's got it Vimeo what it makes Vimeo before it makes YouTube okay maybe it's like program not to give me YouTube why would it give me Vimeo but we're close though that was content and video did we do influencer and video maybe that'll give me YouTube Tik Tok no that is definitely an Among Us streamer who is this I was going to say moist critical video video makes movie website Netflix YouTube is the Netflix of video I guess let's see Netflix video movie I'm losing my mind more we're so close I can't believe it I got Vimeo and Netflix and Tik Tok and Reddit it's crazy twitch YouTube is the twitch of video stream look at the twitch logo it actually made the twitch logo have so much garbage twitch plus Tik Tok Tik twitch I'm actually losing my mind giy uh we have so many we ites now Vlog okay Vlog is good right Vlog is good cuz then you do Vlog and website and it's going to give me YouTube come on no Vlog site content YouTube I don't even know what I did oh my God okay I I was like starting to think that you couldn't make YouTube oh my God I'm so happy there's the YouTube logo just how I remember it subscribe is the goal not YouTube but we're so close bell bell and YouTube no notification wait okay influencer vlogger Vlog tube Trend tube Diamond tube ah man oh I had up vote but it doesn't have an icon I guess it's just invisible icon up vote and YouTube like that's so close we're going to do up vote and influencer it gave influencer Plus up vote influencer plus up vote plus YouTube gives subscribe like no oh my God no how do I get like out of there my heart is is beating no stop YouTuber I keep doing like a dramatic hover over because I think it's about to be it I have so much trash Oh my God infl subscribe plus subscribe like makes in sub like plus oh this is so stupid plus subscribe like makes follow okay follow I've said this a lot but I think this might be it this might be the moment YouTube and follow makes subscribe let's go oh my God that took forever it's possible you can really make everything
Channel: Blucubed
Views: 967,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Commands, How to, tutorial, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.17, bedrock, java, edition, pc, phone, mobile, pocket, xbox, new, easy
Id: bD6PSBtQwww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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