I Trusted Noobs With My RAREST Blox fruits..

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this is my rarest fruit which is also one of the most expensive fruits in Block roots and today I'm going to be trusting a noob with it I'm going to be asking random noobs to hold on to my devil fruits to see if we can trust them or if they're a scammer but before we get to the rarest fruits we got to start off smaller all right to start off with I'm on an ALT account right now so people don't recognize me what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the trading area we're going to ask someone to hold on to this blizzard fruit and then from there we're going to see if they scam us blizzard is kind of a bit of a rare fruit like you can easily get a Buddha trade for that or a rumble or portal so this is a good start to see if we run into a scammer let me type in chat yo can someone hold on to a fruit for me I don't have a fruit storage someone named Luffy said I will is this him right here oh what's good okay okay perfect I'm hop in the chair he said I won't scam I promise okay hold on hold on I'm going to pull up the blizzard and I'm going to say I need it back in a bit though okay so he's offering barrier and rubber if I get scammed this is going to be a major downgrade all right let's accept let's accept bro let's accept I'm going to say I need it back in like 10 10 minutes he said I promise I won't SC we'll see bro we'll see there we go boys there we go there's my blizzard right there he said I promise we'll see bro we'll see I swear if you leave the server right now bro I'm going to be upset I'm going to say give me like 10 minutes I'm about to buy storage I'm going to sit here for like 10 minutes and we're just going to see what he's doing right now he appears to just be standing there he said he wouldn't scam us so this is good he's not doing anything thus far if this man actually doesn't scam us far blizzard that'd be very impressive bro blizzard is a decently High valued fruit that lot of people want I'm going to go ahead and put an 8 minute timer on my phone and we'll see if he's still there after the 8 minutes a few moments later it's been about five and he hasn't even moved a single inch from that area I thought he would have left the server immediately if he ends up not scamming me I will give him a permanent blizzard bro which is 2,250 Robux so it's not cheap but if he if he holds us out he deserves that oh he just moved he just moved for the first time in like 6 minutes wait he just pulled out the blizzard he pulled out the blizzard physically wait wait what is he doing what is he doing bro what is he doing this is this is looking kind of Shady bro this is looking kind of shady why did he pull out the blizzard five more seconds left on our timer boys 5 4 3 2 and there we go I'm going to move until I'm back he's going back over to the trade table automatically sheesh looks like we got an honest boy right here boy but these are rare breeds in Block fruit yo yo he didn't scam he didn't scam he said there yo thank you for not scamming he said you're welcome that's honestly crazy bro I'm I'm happy I'm happy this made me happy inside bro I got a reward for you my boy you were so honest and a nice individual bro you deserve this this permanent blizzard there you go bro there you go he said oh my God thank you so much now thank you bro you was honest I really didn't expect that I honestly thought he was going to scam me so let's go ahead and test some other people out for this next one we're going to try a bit of a different method so we're in first here I'm about to do a blocks just gotcha let's see what fruit we get okay I'm rolling I'm rolling Let's see we got a quake this is the perfect rare fruit to test it out on we have a kit user right here hold on hold on hold on don't go don't go let me tell him wait he's a kitsu noob damn you don't see those every day bro rich or something let me ask him can I ask you a favor he said yes I just rolled this fruit let me show him the fruit I need someone to hold on to it for me for a bit he said oh my god oh this could be good this could be good y'all see that reaction can I trust you bro all right I'm going to drop him the fruit real quick there we go and I'm going to say I need it back in 5 minutes I'm just going to watch him from a distance he said I'm not speaking English oh my god did I just Dro My fruit to someone one I can't trust oh he can't even understand me yo bro can I get that can I get that fruit back let me say drop it back let try to on someone else he actually Dr it back yo hey appreciate that bro appreciate that bro let's go ahead and try to find someone else that's crazy yo there's someone right here okay this is actually perfect cuz it looks like he has no devil FR let me say I got a favor 10 FR Pro oh my gosh he's not an English speaker either how did I roll a quake in a non-english speaking server bro okay I found a guy right here he's not exactly a noob but he only has 800,000 Bounty let me drop the Quake real quick let me say oh my God I didn't mean to drop can you drop back did he just store it oh my gosh oh my gosh yo he just stored it is he about to leave the server dog and I have it back no where are you going dog BR just straight up ignoring me he just he just stored my quake and left oh my God we just got scammed bro we just actually just got scammed you know what bro I'm not going to take that lightly yeah yeah yeah I'm getting my Quake back bro I'm getting my Quake back whether you like it or not he is not getting away with my Quake oh he's Bo too oh say less say less I like this I like this boom th000 strikes th000 strikes yes sir bro thought you could scam me and get away with it no sir no sir so so far we have one honest person and one that just straight up ignore us and York like Quake let's continue and see what happens next okay we're in first C again I'm on another alt count we're going to give first C noobs a chance to redeem themselves let's go ahead and do a gotcha real quick oh we got a bomb fruit that's not that good but we can still do the test this a random Noob just came up to me he said please fruit H this The Perfect Dude to test this out I'm going to say I got a favor for you he said okay what all right all right let's see if we can trust this guy I need you to hold a fruit for me real quick but I need it back in a few minutes he said okay I won't scam promise hey man hey man they say that all the time let's say that all the time let me go ahead and just drop him the bomb fruit let's see what he does he said I won't scam I'm going to tell him I'll be AFK for a bit I'm just going to go over like right over here we're just going to see what he does so far he's just standing over there he's not even moving but he's moving right now he's just turning slowly there's also some other random Noob just over there fighting oh wa the noobs going over to that guy what is he doing how he walking up to that Noob what is he doing is he just looking at him with the bomb did he just store the bomb yo I don't see him holding the bomb anymore what the heck this is weird he running towards me what the heck he just walked up to me and he's just staring at me pulled the bomb fruit out again so he still got the bomb so I know he didn't store that he just stored it wait what the heck yo he just took my bomb bro what I would have gave him a permanent fruit if he had just not scammed it bro did that for a bomb he he disconnected for a bomb that's insane two back to back is kind of crazy though it's always the ones claiming they won't scam I promise to end up doing it bro a few minutes later boys I just hopped on another alt and you see this title luck of the draw we just rolled a Buddha fruit is perfect hold on we're going to do a crazy test right here this guy right here William he looks like a noob I'm going to go up to him with the Buddha I'm going to press it I'm going to be like oh my God I meant to eat please drop back this is crazy bro if he ends up scamming me I'll lose on a Buddha the craziness we've rolled in this video is insane this guy came up to me said o yo drop back please this guy Legend is encouraging him to drop back to me he says drop it back to him W man's will ly bro please man drop it back he's just sitting there saying no he St it no we lost a Buddha bro oh my God wait wait Legend is saying in chat wait Beast come here oh wait yo is he actually about to is he actually about to do a Buddha bro is he actually about to do a Buddha he put up a blizzard yo this guy's such a w he said free since you didn't get your bootle back oh my gosh this guy's such a w man I don't have anything to give him though I can't give him anything I'm going to say I can't give anything I have no other fruit your W for that man I must say I must say it this guy right here willan man just straight yoink to my Buddha like that that was insane I I I expected more out of it I expected more out of it Legend though bro if you see this video man you're you're a very good soul and I appreciate you for trying to make things right can't believe you took my Buddha though will I can't believe you're not even saying anything bro he's not saying anything wow bro three scams back to back things are not going good bro like first we get scammed out of the Quake that guy just randomly leaves with the bomb I don't know why he did that and then this dude just yoinked my Buddha hasn't said a single word hasn't said nothing to us he just straight up took it and it's been going by his day bro BL Street players looking like they in shambles right now bro we're going to do one final firsty one to see how this one goes boys I ended up rolling a sand fruit which is not bad for noobs so we could have a noob that might want that we haven't gotten the starter Island yet that's where we'll find the newbest of noobs the level one is there anyone here I don't think there's anyone here in this island oh there's someone right there yo okay we got a noob here he's grinding away minding his own business his name is cais Clay what the heck let me say yo hello okay we got someone that responds that's good that's good we've had a ton of people ignores this video I need a favor from you he said sure I'm kind of new though okay okay that's fine that's fine I need you to hold on to a fruit for me I'm going to need it back though he said okay all right say less hold on to that for now he said sure I don't like that did he just store it oh he didn't store it oh I was about to say I was about to say all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go up to this little Windmill and just watch him let's see let's see what he does he's just holding it out right now bro what is he doing with it what the heck okay it looks like he's about to go back to grinding he accepting his quest right now looks like he's just being a good little bacon here that sounded kind of weird and creepy when I said good little bacon here all right you know what bro you know bro let's just watch him let's watch him he looks like he's just Bandit beating just grinding as any Noob should okay interesting I honestly don't think this guy is going to scam me so you know I'm just going to go back up to him he still has the sand too I'm going to say I'm back and drop now oh he dropped it back W bacon all right say l say we have a w MZ over here I appreciate that a lot better than that dude that took my quake and Buddha let me say since you were honest you can have the sand there you go he said yo thank you bro hey no problem no problem you was honest yeah I just joined another server in a block responded right away let's see what we get oh it's a ice fruit okay it's not that bad not that bad I'll take a free ice I'll take a free ice okay that last first SE one went pretty good but let's see how this next one goes I'm I'm going to trade someone one of my legendary fruits and we're going to let him hold on to it for an hour while we test other people and see if he scams us he holds on to the fruit the entire time I'll give him the permanent of the one I let him hold on to but first things first I got to change my title so people don't know I'm the YouTuber so we go down here let me unequip my YouTube title all right we disabled our title now let me put in chat can someone hold a fruit for me I need to get a fruit storage the first person we ran into with this was honest to us let's see if someone else is as well this guy right here poops guy so cool what type of name is that let me ask him yo can you hold a fruit for me oh he said okay okay let me go in the chair let me see the fruit I'm going to have him hold I think I'll have him hold a portal cuz Portal's pretty rare I'm going to tell him I need it back though in an hour let's look at him bro there's no way this guy's going to be honest let me put in the portal he said portal question mark yeah portal now I'm going to say just put trash fruits a really good fruit man he said you don't have any more storage a this dude can't even trade me H all right I wasn't able to trade with that guy he also wasn't understanding the assignment let's try again here all right boys I think I got got someone I was telling people in chat that I needed them to hold me a fruit he said okay me can but our yes my mom is going to buy me a storage he said can you do more fast there's 30 minutes hope he said K all right say less we got somebody here he is right here let me go ahead and go over to the table he said and don't be scared that kind of makes me more scared bro what all right instead of doing portal we're going to do Buddha since Buddha is like literally the most popular grinding fruit I'm going to say Buddha and I'm going to say I'm going to need it back though in 30 minutes all right so we're trading them the Buddha for love I'm going to put on a 30 minute timer we're going to do other trades and while we're waiting we're going to come back all right there we go hold on to that I'm going to tell him add me real quick he said okay I'm going to wait you all right bet bet bet he actually added me okay wow this is looking good I don't think this dude's going to scam me I'm going to say all right I'll be back in 30 all right let's see how this goes let's see how this goes boys all right so while we're waiting for the 30 minutes on that dude we're going to do our first mythical test today we've done legendaries we've done rays we've done comments we haven't done mythicals yet and for the first one we got to make it big we're going to do a mammoth yo can someone hold on my Mammoth fruit for 5 minutes I need to get a fruit storage I think I got someone someone in chat said okay let's go and chair let me put down the mammoth boys will he even have enough to trade me for this he put down a blizzard okay okay I'm going to tell him in chat I need it back in like 5 minutes though he he's not responding he's not responding this get me a little nervous this get me a little nervous boys he said okay all bro let's go ahead and trust him I hope this man don't scam me bro I hope this man don't scam me let me say don't scam me please all right the trade is done if he scams me there's nothing I can do about it now I'm going to say I'll be AFK real quick Let Me Wait over here for like 5 minutes to see what he does a few moments later right now he just appears to be standing there I hope this man doesn't leave the server if he leaves the server that'd be crazy bro this dude's saying yo winter clouds bro don't stop blowing my cover bro stop blowing my cover I took off my title how is he still recognizing me okay he's walking up to me he's just walking around me that's interesting doesn't appear to be doing anything crazy or saying anything right now I think this guy might be honest bro so far he's just going about his day minding his own business nothing's really happening bro I think I'll wait like a cool like 2 three more minutes then I'll go up to him and ask for the fruit back is he about to go on a trade with someone else bro wait wait a minute is he about to trade my Mammoth nah that's crazy that's crazy I got my eyes locked on grav Digger 0508 bro I got my eyes on you bro this guy's saying please friendly bro move out the way I'm trying to watch my target wait wait wait bro bro bro bro I looked away for one second he gone he left the server no bro my M he left bro I was about to come back in like a minute and say yo I'm back this is crazy bro man just yed my Mammoth and dipped that is insane that's got me worried for that other dude with the Buddha I mean 30 minutes is a long time he could have un added me he could have just left blocked me we got to try to get that Buddha back we still have 18 more minutes to get the Buddha let's go ahead and try to do two more mythical trades and see what results we get there seems like these mythicals are just too tempting Man Okay so last time we did Mammoth this time we're going to do do which is a level above mammoth in terms of value and it's also way higher demand wait this person came up to me and asked me to PVP all right all right let's go ahead and just pack someone up real quick I don't got no problem with that I don't got no problem with that boom boom you know what I'm saying boom hit him with that Tails burning Agony tail beast bomb okay he's almost dead he's almost dead Cal enchantment what's good G what's good G you ain't got nothing on me boo oh you're you're you're you're a dragon huh you're a dragon huh that ain't going to do nothing for you bucko get with that ta Beast bomb and GG always nice to just pack someone up real quick all right let's get back to the objective someone hold a fruit for me for like 2 minutes the time traveler bacon said I can all right let's trade let me put up the dough on here I have a feeling this guy's going to scam us you know what bro hold on hold on let me not go into expecting scam I'm expecting something good be a good bacon okay he put a quake in a ghost I told him I need it back in a few minutes though bro if we end up losing this this is going to be the craziest scam of all time bro he said okay I got you something gives me a good feeling about this guy all right the D is trading in three two 1 all right I'm going to tell him all all be AFK real quick this one is going to be really short we're going to give him like 2 minutes and then I'll ask for him back he said I sent you a friend request oh he sent me a friend request yo something tells me I feel good about this guy I don't think he's going to scam me if he's actually honest I'll give him a permanent D I swear that let's just monitor what he does let's see what fruit does he have active he has Dragon eaten that's a good sign if he has a rare fruit that means he's probably not going to scam me for a dough I mean dragon's worth more than do anyways something tells me this guy's going to be honest man something tells me a few moments later all right it's been a a little bit he's kind of just standing still let me tell him I'm back he said okay can I get that dough back oh he's going in the trade table yo this is a good sign this is a good sign he said yeah it's yours I like this I like this you know what bro just because of that I'm going to give him a portal for the dough back which is better than what he gave me he said nah it's okay put my fruits back I'm going to say nah you were honest yes sir he accepted it w man W man this is the first honest person we've had in a while bro two scams back to back is crazy she you know I'm saying I'll take that he said oh well thanks you know what because of that I'm also about to give him this permanent D Ryan so cool 2020 bro your honestly is about to get rewarded my boy he said have a good day don't leave bro don't leave yet don't leave Ryan so cool D there we go about to gift him this hope you enjoy that permanent Dome my boy W honest man W honest man he said oh my God thank you no thank you bro thank you you w w if y'all made it this far this video say W Ryan's cool and chat W Ryan School in the chat we still got 10 more minutes left for that dude we're waiting on the Buddha for and we have one fin fin mythical to trade left the one I said at the beginning of the video we will trade our leopard fruit this is a fruit that gets so many noobs caught up I 100% believe I'm going to get scammed for this one let's go find out this is the one I'm really nervous about let me type in chat can someone hold on to my leopard for a few minutes we got a lot of people around me let's see who says something this guy named redhead said okay and then he instantly just sent me a friend request he's saying me all right bro all right bro you going to be the one I trust are you going to be the one I trust can I trust you bro he said yes okay okay let's go Step at the trade table I'm putting up my leopard and this dude trading gravity and sound he said accept me no bro just put bad fruits he said this is my bad fruit okay okay I'll go ahead accept I'll go ahead accept let me say I'm going to need the Leo back in a few minutes though 1 second and the leopard trade is done bro the leopard trade is done he said okay you ain't about to scam me right he said yes what what hey yo what do you mean yes you're about to scab me dog what are you about to just take my leopard bro he said no he said I back your leopard I guess we'll see if he actually gives me my leopard back he just went out a safe Zone and started doing PVP what the heck oh he's a 19 million oh he's actually a 19 million and that's a good sign that means we have a good chance of getting our leopard back a few moments later he's saying you want back your leopard let me say yes go ahead and trade table we waited a little bit he see he didn't leave the server he seemed pretty honest he was also sending me a bunch of friend requests let's see oh five out of five trades no oh that's crazy I didn't even account for that I didn't even account for I forgot bro I forgot let me just tell him yo since you were honest keep the leopard he said thank you hey no problem no problem bro I I technically just scammed myself out of leopard like this dude was honest bro I'll give it to him I'll give it to him he was honest the whole time but me I'm just dumb I'm just dumb while we're on the subject though we have one trade left and we have a minute remaining before the 30 minutes are up he just messaged me right now he said 30 minutes done question mark now since my trades are done I told him right here I ran out of trades on this account can you add my ALT so I'm going to log in on my account on there and see if he actually added me okay I logged on my account he actually sent me the F request okay this is a good sign this is a good sign okay let's accept that now let's join a game let's see if he actually trades me back bro if he actually gives me this Buddha bro I'll give him a Buddha permanent cuz holding on to a fruit for 30 minutes and not scamming is crazy okay he's in the server he's in the server there he is right there the man himself bro the Mad himself bro go ahead show the Buddha the Buddha is there the Buddha is there hold on let me put up some trash fruits in here accept it bro except for the Buddha he said it's you right oh he's making sure it's me I want to say yes it's me 100% oh my gosh bro 30 minutes he's been holding on this budha and man did not scam me this has got to be the W Man of the Year right here bro 3 2 1 we got our Buddha back bro we got our budha backs he said you're a YouTuber I'm going tell him yes we're about to give this man a permanent Buddha bro no Crazy Good Deed about to go unrewarded with me bro that man stay there for 30 minutes held that Buddha and did not scam it you deserve to get this permanent Buddha bro player already owns this Robux for oh my God okay since he already has Buddha we'll do the next best thing which is permanent portal I'm sure he'll be happy with that as well bro I'm sure he'll be happy with that as well your good deed it's definitely been rewarded my boy well ladies and gentlemen I thought this was an interesting video we got scammed a few times we had a bunch of honest people as well let me know if y'all want me to do this again shout out to sizzle block CU he's the original creator of this idea full credit to him I just thought it'd be fun to do this myself
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 260,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trusting noobs with my blox fruits, blox fruits trusting noobs, blox fruits trusting, trusting randoms with my blox fruits, trusting random blox fruits players, blox fruits hiding fruits from noobs, blox fruits noobs, trusting random players, trusting subscribers with my blox fruits, trusting subscribers, blox fruits trolling as a noob, blox fruits fruit begging, fruit begging blox fruits, blox fruits hiding fruits, every fruit in blox fruits, giving fruit in blox fruit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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