Trading PERMANENT T-REX for 24 Hours in Blox Fruits

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we are going to be trading the new permanent T-Rex fruit for 24 hours of Blox fruit if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to like subcribe to the video guys by the way there is going to be a massive giveaway throughout this video for per at T-Rex so make sure to watch the end of the video and let's get right into it all right so before we can even start this of course we have to actually buy the T-Rex roof so fortunately it's actually right here boom boom store into inventory and there we go I'm going to go ahead and buy the T-Rex 2.4k roox it's actually quite a lot stored per T-Rex inventory and let's get right on to the first start of the video all right so we're into the first server here and you guys know what we need to do we of course need to trade the Perman T-Rex fruit so we got rip Alondo here king of the sea Knights edge with 33 million crew Bounty absolutely crazy crew Bounty right there n I'm just playing Lords of milk is where it's at but this rip up Manda guy is just so flabbergasted that someone would already have the permanent T recruit and he is not putting anything into the trade so let's see what this guy over here has to actually offer we got 1 V one miira permanent T-Rex Bro Look at that perminate t- rexo the SE Beast Hunters what is this guy saying he's saying I watch you well you know what man I appreciate it if you watch this video bro shout out to you man thank thank thanks thanks for watching my videos bro I appreciate it look at look at this guy it said main please I want that yeah but you didn't put any fruits in bro it's just it's just too late it's too late now to say sorry so this guy's putting in Shadow budha what else you putting in bro should we so we got Shadow Buddha he's putting in hashtags into the trade I guess cuz that's all he's saying right now is hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag and then bro so we got Shadow and Buddha I'm guessing this is all the fruits is going to be putting into the trade because he's too busy saying bro but we got perent T-Rex I appreciate you liking the videos Man I appreciate that oh he's actually is putting in more fruits we got Shadow Buddha Phoenix and sound they said this all I got unfortunately Akira that is not enough and I feel a little bit bad so you know what bro I'm going to spin a fruit let's see what I get maybe I'll give it to you I got the Quake fruit man look here here you go bro there's your lucky day Man Quake fruit from variety J himself bro enjoy enjoy the Quake fruit enjoy it also I will say the tail looks very goofy with fish it just does not look right together all right so now we're in the next server we actually got a lot of Traders in the server unlike the last one so let's see what we actually have so we got who who's this right here oh he can't sit down all right Neymar I I'm is this seat glitched he's not able to sit down in it am I just better than him no the seats literally glitched I don't know what's been going on with Blox through but like these seats are like seriously glitched I there's so many servers where you literally cannot just take a seat you can't squat down take a seat and just enjoy your trading man let me let me trade bro there's so many traders to the server I want to peace I want to see what people want to offer for permanent T-Rex the the people watching the video need to know no oh my goodness gracious let me sit down oh my gosh you guys keep jumping up and trying to trade each other man ACD God pro then we got Lieutenant Commander like Lieutenant command the seat in under my under my butto man let me sit down bro I'm just going to do this I'm going to be that guy dude you you guys are you guys keep trading each other bro let me sit oh my goodness gracious you know what do you guys you guys lost you guys lost out on the permanent T-Rex all right we're in the next server here let's see what we have to offer we got aod na permanent T-Rex bro what is what is the guy doing one Leo eal Dragon that wait what one Leo eal Dragon you'd give me a dragon for your leopard I don't really understand that's a terrible trade for you bro aod that is absolutely horrid but we have leopard Spirit D and Shadow they're not bad fruits in all honesty but I I'm I'm looking for a little bit more you know I'm looking for some of the new fruits if I'm going to be honest that's kind of what I'm on the hunt for hey man I already traded you you don't you don't get a second shot at the permanent T-Rex let's see what Mr Derek here has to offer oh dude look look Dragon this guy's looking for Dragon this guy has the dragon let's I I wonder if he's going to trade the Dragon for the Leo but we have Dragon Spirit magma what else you got bro Mr Derek is your is your is your so you have two really good fruits which is dragon and spirit and then your next best is magma and you're just too ashamed to put anything else to the trade also what is my limit of my fruits right now 64 all right that yeah that's actually pretty good that's actually that's actually a good amount so we got maxill right here the Super Sonic Lieutenant Junior grade what do you have to offer Mr Max put it into the trade this what is this guy saying he's saying OG I'm Noob rip bro that's an absolute rip you know what at least you jump jumped up cuz you knew that you didn't have the value so many Traders we have yet another person we got shrub the shrub what you got to offer bro banana Cat by the way he jumped up from the trade too two people in a row jumped up from the trade from permanent T-Rex oh we have another person rip Luffy are you also going to jump up from the trade man are you going to are you going to be a nerd and jump up that's not very nice I'm just joking and I I understand that they know they don't have enough value so they're jumping up so that's pretty good this guyy is saying D miss it man you are far off from getting a d fruit you are really far off right now oh this guy said I love your videos thank you man I appreciate that all right we're in the next server here let's see if we can get a trade we got Mr fary his name is faresi all right let's see what you got bro all right a leopard not bad not a bad start I think this is the second time that we've had a leopard at Spirit in a trade so that's actually that's a pretty good start to the video these guys are actually these guys actually have some pretty good fruits seems like people are starting to get some value this guy trading leopard Spirit control and control for permanent T-Rex unfortunately Mr fesi I don't think that this is the value I'm looking for bro but you got some pretty decent fruits all things I'm actually going to go over here and sit he said I'm looking for a T-Rex guess what bro you're looking for T-Rex guess what I have man I have T-Rex but I have the permanent version I got that permanent T-Rex fruit Mr OS he said do you have one that is not perm does he think I speak Spanish he's like he said it in Spanish like what do you instantly think I'm Spanish my name has English oh this guy says I only have Mammoth Venom controlling Quake well you could definitely get the T-Rex through but you're going to have to wait for it to lower in value it's probably going to be a round man in all honesty it's a little bit higher than Mammoth of value but we have permanent T-Rex for Mammoth Venom control and Quake just not good enough man and now I'm being punched because I didn't want to trade on my permanent fruit these are these are truly sad days did I already trade this guy oh yeah this is the guy that started speaking in Spanish randomly there's nobody trading everybody's just fighting make peace that war all right we're in the next serer here let's see if we can get some good trades we've actually had some pretty decent trades someone invited me what the heck that should not be a thing all right so we got X reeno right here he's trading the real T-rex fruit not the fake T-Rex fruit we got two dragons a mammoth all right XO not bad two dragons a mammoth and a dough now in all honesty after the rework this will probably be a big W but for now I don't think I'm going to take this trade just because two dragons a mammoth and a dough I don't really think that's good enough for permanent T-Rex and you know it's really good fruits don't get me wrong like these are actually really really good but I don't think I'm going to be trading you permanent T-Rex bro in fact he's going to take my seat all right all right man bacon enjoy your seat bro enjoy your seat I I hope I hope that seat is nice and warm from me sitting on it you know what in fact I'm actually I'm going to I'm going to trade you just to show you what you just missed out on for taking my seat Mr drip bacon what what what do you have to trade Mr drip put it in the trade go ahead bro this guy said OMG Venom sound ghost what else you got bro and barrier drip you took my seat to trade someone Venom and sound come on man these aren't even that bad of fruits these two fruits these ones are terrible value-wise but these two fruits aren't even not aren't even that bad but you can't take my seat bro that's not very nice that that's what me mean people do and you don't want to be a mean person mean people never win we got per T-Rex right here this guy has light look at this guy look at this guy he's dripped out over here man he got the blocky Avatar going on with the light spear we got Shadow pain spider and love for permanent T-Rex from God okay kind of of a weird name but it is what it is man I I I don't think this is a good trade Ider all right guys so I managed to find a really really massive major W for permanent T-Rex so let me know what you guys think about this trade I quite frankly think this might be the biggest W I've ever gotten block fruit so permanent T-Rex look at that right there big fat Dino head everyone loves the big fat Dino head let's be real no I this fruit a lot of people do not like this fruit but it is what it is this guy is the blizz man okay so he likes my videos I guess but ksun katsune look at this two ksun for permanent T-Rex he's saying thanks so much nah bro thank you let me know if you guys think that's a w or l in the comments below I think that's a huge W in my opinion and uh we're going to go into the next one now all right guys so now we actually have to buy the next T-Rex for so boom boom boom stored to inventory 2 .4k Roo right there would you like to buy T-Rex yes I would boom I stored in my inventory and I guess we're going to go on to the next permanent T-Rex cuz I'm doing more than one cuz I'm an absolute Savage all right so we're to the next server here let's see if we can get some good trades we got no no trikes three there's a lot of people in the server that really want to trade me by the way they're all over me right now so you know what it is what it is nano trikes 3 what you got to offer bro we got love all right Quake all right it keeps getting worse I'm I'm guessing that's your best fruit which is love all right love Quake ghost of bear you're not enough there's a lot of people try to trade me in the server so I'm going to try and see what everybody has to offer wow no no tries you try to you try to you try to hey what are you doing no no trikes what the heck dude all right we got gen kanana all right what you got bro this I think this is one of the people that wanted me to trade him what you got man we got Venom blizzard Rumble and portal wow this guy instantly accepted I think this is one of the only people that have actually accepted the trade he accepted this with Venom blizzard portal and Rumble and he saying please so please is an instant uh instant cancel out bro you watch my videos and know how that goes but you know what man your fruits are not that bad they're just not enough for permanent T-Rex I mean permanent T-Rex is 2.4k Roo so and it's new so that's something that's something right there all right so rip bro's putting in ghost fruit what else you got man is that it you you only got that ghost fruit bro ghost you only have that ghost fruit wow that this is quite possibly the worst trade I think I've seen today so far he only has a ghost fruit that's that's actually kind of crazy all things consider that's that's a little bit loco man we're in the next server let's see if we get some juicy trades oh he tried to take my seat not today sir we got W likes jinny what you got to offer bro your name is a little bit odd I'm not going to lie just the the name itself wouldn't be a little bit odd but I think that's a little bit a little bit weird of a name but we have control control what else you got man control control Venom and Venom two Venoms and two controls for permanent T-Rex I think this goes without saying that this is not worth permanent T-Rex pretty cool fruits though honestly like having two of each is actually pretty nice all consider let's see if we let's see if we can get a pretty decent trade I'm actually going to go take his seat now cuz I'm a Savage what is the guy looking for he said I can't PvP with Buddha that is a lie that's a lie Pablo you are straight up lying right now because you can PvP with Buddha what are you talking about bro Buddha is not even that bad two dragons a spe and a venom for permanent T-Rex that's honestly all things considered that's not even like that bad of fruits I think we've seen a trade re like very similar to this recently and it just wasn't it just wasn't good enough oh look I actually finally found a server that had people in it I've been hopping for a little while now and there's there's been servers with literally nobody in it we got Betty Melco this guy guy said please trade who have leopard but guess what bro I got it I got that T-Rex bro ain't no way this guy just put in rocket fruit and then hit a set what is this guy doing bro this guy this guy is just trolling because he put in rocket and then hit his set what the actual heck man this guy said me nah man not you you're not it bro that's that's not no you're not trading me after doing that what do you think you're doing bro oh my goodness man I'm not trading you after you did that oh my God all right we're doing the Tango we're doing the chair Tango right now until one of us gives up like look at this guy why is every try to sit in my seat you guys want to trade with a rocket user you know what look at this look at this yo boy we got rip new player what you got to offer bro we I got that permanent T-Rex over here man what you got to offer man this guy said OMG Yes Man OMG indeed I got that I got that permanent T-Rex bro we got you got gravity Rumble love and Quake unfortunately sir those fruits are definitely not worth permanent T-Rex especially after the trades I've been declining so I'll pass on that oh my gosh rip new players stop it bro ain't nobody want to trade oh my gosh let them new man trade all right you know what people will be people they're not going to get any good fruits from trades this guy said who has T-Rex guess what bro I got permanent T-Rex yeah bro permanent T-Rex there's too many people in this server sometimes there's too many people sometimes there isn't enough people oh look we actually got a Trader in the server call me Ohio guess what bro I'm from Ohio I live in Ohio what you got to say to that bro immediately jumped up from my trade when I put in perent T-Rex bro do you not do you not want to trade permanent t-x man like what the heck call me Ohio does it's like I don't want that Ohio I don't want that Ohio permanent fruit this guy said Buddha guess what bro I got permanent T-Rex man you're not trading Quake for Buddha bro that is not happening no scope pro eight no way man no chance sir no chance all right we're in the next server here let's see if we get some good trades we got Aziz 511 right here bro what do you have to offer man you got dragon all right not bad Dragon Venom Shadow and what else you got bro Dragon Venom Shadow and portal come on aiz that's that's not that's that's not enough a per T-Rex but I will say dragon is a pretty good fruit like I said before Man actually unironically pretty good hey look there's a little spin fruit on the ground I'll just donate to this guy this Luffy guy right there enjoy enjoy the enjoy the spin fruit man you want to trade me Luffy oh this guy is lagging bro look at this all right we got Luchi which is just Luffy but with c's instead I guess all right what you got Mr Luchi two leopards okay all right was not expecting a two leopard trade we got two leopards dragon and de basically three leopards guys um three leopards I'm going to be honest this is a really really good trade but I honestly think I could get better like Luchi here from the commander this guy look Luchi the commander Ultra Instinct mode and look at him look at his Avatar bro literal Ultra Instinct but two leopards a dragon and a de it's not even that bad like it's not even that bad of a trade for permanent T-Rex I'm kind of just looking for the new fruits like I said but this trade is a little tempting I might like this is a little tempting I I all right I'm sorry bro I I I'm not going to take the trade man I'm sorry Luchi I'm sorry bro we got mesopen Harrison right here what do you have to offer bro we got drag okay he put in spirit took out spirit and then put it back in that's a real man right there we got Dragon Spirit control of Venom messy fan Harrison putting in these fruits right here and then hitting ready what the heck man look at this boy right here Dragon Spirit Controla and Venom for permanent and then hits a set I'm going to be honest this is a this is I've actually seen these fruits a lot today like people really have gotten their values a lot higher recently people used to have like nothing I used to just get terrible trades all day but now I'm actually getting like really good fruit trades 24/7 we got Venom Shadow pain and Phoenix for per T-Rex I guess um I guess the the train has ended because the new train that is beginning is the Pain Train whenever I see the pain fruit I literally get pain I just start developing pain man it makes me just want to tail swipe predatory Screech this boy ain't no way bro let what are you doing oh Ao no sir I do not want to trade you Aus Ao no no no fruit for you ISO I'm going to go grab this chest man give me that chest oh yeah $3,000 oh yeah look at my money rise all right we're in the next trer here we finally got some Traders man let's see what these guys actually have to offer come sit down Mr YNN X all right man looking good man putting in the Boda Buddha fruit what else you got bro Buddha gravity and light for permanent T-Rex listen man YX the the true gigachad this guy's saying nice nice indeed bro and then you put in the rubber fruit let me see what this guy has to offer Mr Forest over here what you got bro permanent T-Rex for rubber Diamond all right fair enough fair enough rubber diamond and what else you got man I'm guessing that's it because this guy definitely kind of seems like a noob that's it's a little bit that's a that's a bit of of a shame sir that you only have diamond and light fruit oh look this guy's not even trading look he didn't even hop back in the sea he knows he knows look at him over here with this oh wao he he just switched Bro Look at that man he has a face I just wanted to show you guys real quick I got I actually found a T-Rex trade so yeah I found a T-Rex trade let me know if you guys think this is a w or an L so it's going to be a fruit storage plus I'm actually going to be giving a dragon fruit for t-x let me know if you guys think this is a w or an L I think that this is a slight L for me but I actually want to know you guys' opinion on this and I just wanted to show you I could that what T-Rex is worth right now very overpriced so I wouldn't recommend getting it but that's one T-Rex down all right guys so I managed to find a pretty good trade for permanent T-Rex but let me know what you guys feel about this trade like let me know if you guys think this is a w or an L so just van zzz right here bro is going to be putting in katsune leopard it doesn't stop there guys another leopard and guess what guys another leopards so three leopards a ksun for permanent T-Rex is the trade let me know if you guys think this is a w or an L I actually think this trade is quite good in my opinion but as I said before let me know what you guys think I just love katsune in all honesty like I said about the giveaway guys all you guys have to do to join the giveaway for permanent T-Rex is like subscribe leave a comment below your favorite part of the video was and join my Discord and subscribe and notifications on hit that Bell thank you guys for watching the video to the end and I really appreciate you guys' time peace
Channel: VarietyJay
Views: 319,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, dark blade, rip indra, blox fruits trading, trading blox fruits, blox fruit tier list, blox fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit roblox, blox fruit trading, blox fruits trading 24 hours, blox fruits tier list, blox fruits update 20, blox fruits leviathan, blox fruits sanguine, sanguine blox fruits, rocket blox fruits, blox fruits super fruit box, blox fruits trex, blox fruits t-rex, blox fruits permanent trex, blox fruits permanent t-rex
Id: 5chRgh1yZq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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