I Searched 100 Fruit Notifiers To get Mythical Blox Fruits

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in front of you is a mythical devil fruit the most sought after of all fruits and Blox fruits and today I'm going to get one I'm going to be searching through 100 different fruit notifiers with only one goal in mind get as many mythical devil fruits as I can will I be able to get a mythical from the 100 notifiers or will it just be a bunch of garbage fruits only one way to find out all right so I've been waiting my private server for about an hour but it turns out someone took the Notifier even though I told him not to luckily I have two accounts in a private server so two notifiers per hour this one says 1,000 M away let's go ahead and see where it is judging by the distance it looks like it's probably at C landan so we'll go there next all right about to get our first fruit of the video it was supposed to be two right off the bat but people don't know how to listen 18 me away comment down what y'all think this first fruit is going to be man this could be really insane come on and oh we got a love fruit for the first one legendary Right off rip very good start of the video bro well that is one fruit out the way and the first hour we have 23 hours more to go and a lot more notified search through hour number two we have second fruit detected on the first account and it is a barrier for the second one we also have notifi on the other count so let's go ahead and move over to that one 12200 M away from the fruit I'm just going to take take a wild guest go Hydra okay that did not help at all 1300 M away I checked chocol at land again and once again it seems to be over here this is like a common area for the fruits to Spa third seed man 100 m away bro this is about to be our third fruit in the second hour see what we get boys are we lucky are we lucky and we get the rubber fruits okay so our third fruit is the rubber fruit not bad definitely not as good as the first one so far we've been searching for 2 hours and we have a love fruit a barrier and a rubber fruit haven't even gotten our first mythical yet so hopefully this one could be it maybe we get lucky all right we found it it's like 20 M away bro hopefully this is a mythical bro come on come on come on and oh my God it's a damn spin the literally the worst fruit of the game this is worse than rocket I don't care what anyone says go ahead and store that though why not still got a second account though let's see if we have better luck on there all right I went Turtle match and it's over here at Turtle match and we're 100 m away wait I think I see something glowing over there what is that is is that actually a rare fruit oh my gosh it's the sand fruit the cheeseburger fruit I got all excited for nothing okay well that is now our fifth Notifier and fifth fruit of the video sixth Notifier of the video please be something good and it's the ice fruit that's crazy this is a direct downgrade from the sand fruit all right I just ped my Discord server asking if anyone has a Notifier and if they do to DM me let's see if we can get any people to help out bro I know this is completely unrelated to the actual objective of the Notifier video but I just got a quake from the death king that's actually insane I'm going to go ahead and sew this man someone just dm' me saying the fruit spawned in their private server all right say less say less we're about to join see if he's lying or not all right I just joining this private server let's see if he's lying he said it's at first island so it's on Port okay which means it's got to be like somewhere over here oh it's right there oh okay so he actually wasn't lying smoke fruit for this Notifier thank you my boy even though this is uh not exactly what the fruit we wanted to look for so far our look has been kind of mixed starting off really strong and then getting a little weaker hopefully we can bring it back with this one though boys come on game give me the mythical give me the mythical and we get another smoke twice in a row we only have one legendary and everything else has been garbage but I have faith we're going to get that mythical all right I'm in another server this guy great Troyer 57 said there's a fruit on Ticky let me see what it is I thought that was a mammoth bro I thought that was a mammoth it's just a damn Falcon he said that's tough in chat appreciate you anyways though all right we quickly got another fruit we zooming through these bad boys now he said you can keep I can't store wait what was it he said it's still there I don't see no fruit he said you don't see it is this boy trolling me bro there ain't no fruit here Buddha he said check your DM okay hold on let me check real quick oh it was invisible for me bro what never seen that visual bug but I guess we got a Buddha for this Notifier he said are you blind or something bro it was invisible on my screen I swear there was nothing there that is insane though we have a Buddha for what the eighth Notifier insane but we have another server to hop to real quick hopefully this dude ain't capping all right we here where is fruit located he said it's on Turtle I mean that doesn't really help me though cuz turtle's a massive place I'm just going to go ahead and follow him right here hopefully we end up getting a jackpot bro we got Buddha for the last one which is insane is this another invisibility glitch I can't see anything oh he got a rumble what is this the fruit that spawn bro he said no what was the fruit that spawned he said is the chop ah bro it's invisible for me why is it doing this this is weird twice in a row there it is right there that's that's bizarre bro so he just gave me this Rubble for free which I'll take that but we ended up getting the chop for the actual Notifier thank you my boy thank you I lost count of which notified this is but we've just hopped to another server let's hope our luck is good here too all right so we set the fruits right over here let's see what it ends up being it's invisible that is so bizarre but it was a spring okay w w spring why is his hand attached from his body hey that's weird bro but appreciate you my boy lost count I think this is like what the 10th Notifier or something like that out of all the notifiers we've done so far the highest things we've gotten was that Buddha and the love fruit we're only 6 hours in right now so we still have 18 more hours to go and our chances of getting a mythical look pretty decent just joined Alex D once again he said it's at Hydra okay let's do this hopefully this one ain't invisible that's been so weird that we've run into three times in a row and it is he has a God's chalice what the okay okay bro's got a God's chalice but the fruit is invisible once again wait he dropped a spring and a spin okay either way this kind of bad I'm assuming he got one of these from gotcha all right though appreciate you again Alex dare you've been putting in work my boy y winner can you activate the colors I got go sh P oh yeah no worries bro no worries I got you I got you and last color right there enjoy your inra my boy another Notifier spawn on the alt also at Turtle Island so that's perfect I'm already here less than 200 M away we're close this would be insane if this turned out to be a mythical bro I would I would like flip out bro I would flip out okay it's right over that tree it doesn't look like a mythical it's a rocket Brock I already see it jumping definitely not what we wanted store that though store that nonetheless got another fruit right here on the main it is a bomb fruit definitely not what we're looking for still storing it though once again another Notifier I've lost count of wish you're on but uh editor you know what I'm saying cook up here it goes right here let's see what it is let's see what it is ah it's invisible but where is it at oh it's a diamond fruit I don't like that this weird invisibility glitch keeps happening it ruins the suspense for me but I'll take the diamond fruit another Notifier we're zooming through these things we're on hour seven right now boys like we have another invisible one oh it's a spin oh that is disappointing that's why he said yeah dot dot dot fruit spawn on my great thrower account by the way also so let we have another one to hop to instantly all right bet just joining and he said chocolate again so it's on the same island huh it's invisible again bomb again okay okay we're getting a lot of Commons and uncommons now I can't even store it that's a shame next Notifier he told me it was at Chocolate Land let's see what we get and he gets ghost okay okay go ahead drop that for me yes sir this is this one's actually pretty decently valued 960k I'll take that I'll take that we coming closer to our goal of 100 notifiers I mean we're not really that close but let's see what we get though yep there it is right there so we didn't get the invisibility glitch this time but it was a spin he dropped that ghost I'm not going to pick that up though since it wasn't the Notifier all right move on to next one 21st Notifier at, 1600 M away damn okay let me just go take a guess let's go to cake how did I go further all right after teleporting to like five different Islands we figured out it's on haunted castle this is about to be our 21st fruit of the video first B of the video come on come on come on and it is another spin okay buddy okay buddy tired of these damn spins man all right we're joining for fruit number 22 this guy told me he was already at Ticky Outpost so let's go to TIY and just search around okay he finally revealed it and it is another spin three in a row really all right next server my boy great Trower he's been the MVP of the video he said Ticky Outpost all right say that damn Ticky Outpost twice in a row really told him to go where it spawned it's right there that same exact tree oh we got the light fruit okay 23rd for the light fruit W fruit this one that'll be our 24th Notifier right here he's already had it over there on that great tree and it's a smoke wow all right we got another server going in for the 25th Notifier here we go he set us right over here by this tree let's see what it is and it's a barrier wow okay 25th for the barrier we're a quarter of the way to 100 not exactly what I wanted but hey I'll take it I'll take it awesome but thank you my boy another block to spawn and I'm actually on the first island and it damn well I guess I spoiled that pretty early it's a ice fruit for the 26th fruit 27th fruit there's a fruit that spawned on Snow Island he said here we go and it's a smoke dog what why am I so unlucky with getting these smokes fruit number 28 he already preemptively told me it was at jungle so let me go ahead and see where it's at let's see and it's a ghost fruit okay another ghost fruit man for fruit number 28 I'll take it gotta number 29 he said it was over that Port I'm assuming back on this top little pillar right here damn what the heck which one is it which one is the real one oh that's one the second one was a real one okay uh sand for the 29th though all of these boys been putting in work if y'all are watching this man yall are God sense saved me so much time about to get our 30th fruit he set a fruit just spawned over at jungle bomb fruit for the 30th fruit of the video is that in chat unlucky very 31st Notifier it's at Skyland and it's a falcon just got a fruit of my old 400 m away from starter Island I'm going to go jungle 200 okay close close enough I think it might be on Skyland actually it's on starter Marine okay let's go there 31st fruit actually 302 what am I talking about come on G give me a mythical wait I see something in the distance oh my gosh that's a sand again bro we have 68 more fruits to go and so far we haven't gotten a single mythical the best thing we've gotten was the love and the Buddha another notifying my man though let's go ahead and get that oh my God that's another damn smoke for the 33rd fruit fruit spawned at Great tree you will like this one interesting interesting I like the sound of that now we've just got to look for it okay I see something over there I see something over there what is that oh it's a banana not the FR I was looking for it would have been nice if he told me where it was man but I I don't know oh it's over here oh wait wait which one is it which one is it the sound of the magma oh it was the sound fruit bro oh my gosh yo our second legendary of the video we got the sound fruit now that is actually crazy where did he get this magma from 36 notify I was informed this one's by longma and and it is a sand fruit it was invisible he had to drop it for me but sand fruit for the 36 next fruit Notifier apparently spawned right here we get dark that's a 37th for these next notifiers let's speed run through it spin rocket ghost light sand light dark chop oh we actually got a rumble for this one bro Rumble for the 46 fruit even though it's not a mythical this is a very high value legendary fruit next up though not so lucky Falcon light 49th fruit we get another light move on to the 50th one though right here boys oh yo call for the 50th fruit this is almost a mythical literally barely under Gravity W man's this man Swifty has been here grinding all night for me it is 6:00 a.m. right now that is the 50th fruit halfway through the video boys after this hours had passed plenty of notifiers searched but no signs of a mythical all right boys we are now on the 79 spin according to my friends they got something real good so let's go check it out see what they got oh they got a portal they got a portal bro I can't even speak English right now bro that is crazy this is like a really high value legendary food 20 more spins to go before we reach the 100 not going to lie our chances of getting mythical have been kind of slim but we've been getting tons of good legendaries so I ain't upset about that going to be our 81st fruit a rocket 81st with the rocket another fruit just spawned on my alt account 530 M away going try to teleport to Desert damn that was further definitely ain't at Sky but it's closer though ah yes Coliseum seems to be the one all right 82 fruit please be a mythical come on mythical I can already tell it a spin bro I can already tell it's a damn spin bro got the 83rd fruit right here of course it's invisibility glitch though hold on I got my all pull up my laptop right here and it's a spin once again for the 83rd crazy 84th Notifier my friend said fruit just Spa at Port town so scour around till we find it I'm guessing it's up there since they're all up there and it's a rocket for the 84th okay I'll take it I'd be lying if I said I think we're still going to pull a Mythic but you know what man we still got a few more spins left we could be get lucky we could 85th Notifier let's see what it is Bomb it's going to be the 86th and it's flame wow this is actually the first time I've gotten flame in the video 87 through Falcon another hour pass another Notifier let's get this he's going to be number 88 it's another Falcon can't say I'm surprise my luck has been terrible this video come on lucky number 89 please bro please be a mythical another light you know how many of these I've got in this video time for the big gacha number 90 and we have a magma fruit we have 10 notifiers remaining boys just a mere 10 before we reach the 100 this is not looking good here we go right here 20 M away no way a spider fruit this late in the v there's no shot there's actually no shot that that spawned right there oh my God 91st fruit spider got another the second gotcha over here damn we just got Diamond 93rd Notifier there's one at Snow Island is getting worse and worse 94th Notifier coming up I can only pray and hope that this is good we have less than 10 remaining there's three different fruits here there's bomb there's quake and there's chop wait is it the bomb oh it's the bomb Oh my God bro it's bomb I was hoping it' be that Quake at least six more left it's ain't the end of the world we got this boys 96 Notifier we have the double prison spawn let's see what this is 2 me away and 96 chop oh my God Notifier number 97 I think he said he was at Hydra it is a bomb very very uh disappointing final three notifiers have just spawned ladies and gentlemen I'm at the 998th one right now 25 M away let's go ahead and figure out what this thing is I can't even figure out where it is at oh my gosh all right you know what we still have two more I haven't lost hope yet 99th Notifier 99th Notifier bro I didn't even get a chance to build up suspense it's literally just a flame okay everything is riding up on this final Notifier that I have on my main right here 300 M Away Ladies and Gentlemen come on bro I'm praying this is a Mythic bro I'm praying I've been farming for over 15 hours no sleep no resting no nothing bro all of it rides on right here boys 12 M 10 m come on 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and we get a spin for the 100th Notifier that is actually Insanity couldn't get a Mythic out of 100 notifiers well I will say even though I didn't get it mythical this did Stack a lot of my fruits man like we have two pain fruits two rumbles a portal a sound fruit a spider a Buddha Quake love and although we didn't get an actual mythical from the Notifier with all of these good fruits like Rumble sound portal and Buddha we could definitely trade up to one I managed to find this trade pretty quickly by the way my portal in Rumble for Venom so there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is actually a completely fair and good trade even though we weren't able to get a mythical from the Notifier we were able to really easily trade up for one from what we got easy venom well ladies and gentlemen that is 100 fruit notifiers in one video also if you enjoy this one make sure to click on this video right here why do 100 gotas
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 431,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox, blox fruit, leopard fruit, blox fruits roblox, dragon fruit, fruit, every fruit in blox fruits, demon fruit, blox fruits fruit notifier, blox fruits update, i searched 1000 fruit notifiers in blox fruits, new fruit, leopard fruit blox fruits, mythical fruits in blox fruit, blox fruit live, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits codes, blox fruits fruit notifier 100 hours, 1000 fruits in blox fruits, shadow fruit, blox fruit roblox
Id: nw6g1dkcXhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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