Ranking EVERY Fruit From Worst to Best in Blox Fruits

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what's popping Boys in this video I'm going to be ranking every fruit and block fruits from worst to best now I put off this video for a long time but now that I'm almost 20 million Bounty and I actually got good at the game I figured now i' be the perfect time to make this video and for the tiers we have Godly a top tier great tier good tier met tier and D tier matter of fact hold on let me change that to dookie fruit tier all right so before we get into actually rank it I just want to say this is based off of my opinion and experience so if you disagree perfectly fine just try to keep the H to a minimum also this list is based off of grinding and PVP together so an overall list and for the first fruit we're going to be ready the spin fruit why the heck is it looking me like that I'm going to be honest spin is a tough fruit it kit really has no redeeming factors I mean look at this razor wind what are you going to do with that no range hardly any damage tornado assault hardly any combo potential I mean it's all right for grinding but the PVP potential is nonexistent helicopter flight worst fight in the game well one of the worst fights in the game last but not least we have air slasher which is actually an all right move I'm going to be honest but leaves no room for combo potential or anything to set up anything so yeah I'm going to be honest with this fruit it's only got to go one place and that is dookie fruit straight garbage Gage and I don't think there will be any arguing with that one next up we're going to do the barrier fruit I hate this fruit look at them smiling at me like that bro what you got to smile about your fruit's garbage let me eat that thing real quick okay now this suffers from the same reason spin does it's kind of crazy cuz this is actually a rare fruit so how this is bad I don't know this thing needs a rework man look at this though barrier wall like it barely has any range to it you're not going to H anyone to PvP with that surprise attack like this thing is slow as hell someone could Ken that the only good move this thing has is barrier prison which can start for Cle potential um if you bring them back to you but another thing this doesn't have is a good all like look at this barrier Towers slow release has high end lag so if you miss that you're getting punished but also the AOE is only vertical like you're not going to hit anyone with this PVP moral the story is do not use barrier just just don't just don't definitely need to rework although I don't see them really making barrier that good so it's going dooky tier above spin though I mean it's not going to go below spin next up we have the bomb fruit and uh do I even really need an explanation for this one you know I'm not giving no explanation for that I'm putting that Bel low barrier I mean it's pretty self-explanation bro bomb is not good coming up next we have the spike fruit now I feel like this doesn't really need much of an explanation either most of the uh dookie fruits have suffer from all the same things look at this Spike summon this is good for grinding I want to be honest this is all right for grinding especially with spiky ball has good AOE however uh I mean no potential for PVP I don't see this thing getting a rework ever by the way so it's probably going to be prob one of the worst forever it's garbage moves are not good has a bad move kit straight to dookie fruit I'll put that above spin though next up we have one of the fruits I hate the most in the game so this is no shocker we have the Falcon fruit now I'm going to make this one quick one has a trash move set you waste one of the moves on plumage which you need this move to even use your moves two it's trash for grinding only one of these moves are multi-target moves and it's wind burst right here and the damage is actually garbage this move right here Bone Crusher is a single Target move helps you not at all in grinding and also good luck Landing that PVP third we have soaring Beast oh I guess that is a multi Target so it has two multi Target moves but it's still garbage also a trash flight this this has no redeeming factors I don't want to argue about it falcon straight the dookie fruit but I'm going to put it above everything else and I honestly think that might wrap up the dookie fruit tier list Falcon barrier bomb it spin it's not bad not bad next up we have the spring fruit now this goes up to the next tier for one reason when I did that random card to size my fruit video I ended up having to use the spring fruit and I'm not going to lie I cooked players in PvP now the move set is not exactly the best don't get me wrong first ability knock is not very good and has low range however spring snipe is all right I've sniped some players with that spring Cannon is not bad you're going to have to set that up to land this you guys see right there but the thing I like most about this is the spring leap right here it's actually a really good Mobility you guys can see I I went pretty far with that and then spring Emperor which is this you guys can see right there spring Emperor it's like a big AOE which Just Hits multiple things so for grinding obviously this is worse than even the dookie fruit tiers but for PVP this actually has some solid potential and for that that is why I'm putting it at the bottom of meh tier next up we have the chop fruit boys this one I'm also going to put into the Met here and it it's actually a little bit better than the dookie fruit teers I'm going have to explain why all right so since this is the Cho through anytime you fight a sword main player in PvP or sword NPC you're not going to be able to be hit so this actually makes it decent for grinding throughout the first SE cuz it's almost like you have a Loki Dodge and since a lot of players to PVP use swords it makes it a decent viable option for a counter pit however though the moves are still garbage I mean look at this tackle garbage dance like no one's going to let you hit him with that and then party it's kind of like rubber barrage I guess a little bit it's just not that good man damn this is the worst flight than spin wow literally the only reason this got to where it was is because of the passive that you can't be hit by swords that's it the moov set is it's worse than some of the dookie fruit ones next up after that we have the smoke fruit moov set wise this thing is not good you only have four different abilities but however where this excels is grinding smoke is actually not bad for grinding this move here smoke bomber I've cheesed so many bosses with this and it's not bad the damage is not bad we also have smoke blast which has some good AOE like let me just show youall real quick look how much damage smoke blast deals right here you see that right there 5,447 so the damage is not bad PVP all though just just don't use this fruit PVP just don't but if you have no other fruit and you got a smoke I mean you could use it for grinding so yeah smoke is going above chop and spring in meh rocket fruit next ah yes this is 10 times better than kilo was I'm not going to lie Now Rocket I'm going to be honest it's quite a bit better than some of the other fruits with dookie fruit missile fist is actually a long range not bad ability air strike is also not that bad of an ability it's got a cool third move as well rocket crash which I guess is kind of the ultimate you know what I'm saying you can catch a players lacking with that good AOE as well overall it's not uh it's not that bad would I use it no but it's 10 times better than kilo was still though it is going to go at the bottom of me all these other ones are better coming up next we got the diamond fruit boys now diamond for me is a bit interesting reason why is you have this move right here in crust which gives you a pretty good damage reduction PVP and that's the only reason really I put it on this High it has absolutely no grinding capabilities I mean look at this be tackle like that did that that did literally hardly any damage I mean it did half his damage but if you're grinding you're not going to do that much cuz you have no Max fruit stat Diamond hail is an all right ability in PvP cuz it's long range solar flare is also all right does good damage has a little bit of stun there too but the main factor is the damage reduction with this never personally ran into a good Diamond user but for what it is it deserves at least above dooky fruit so I'm going to put Diamond Above the Rest in meh now this next take this one might make a lot of people mad the rubber fruit right here it's going in man it's going to the top of man now before you get all upset let me explain so for grinding first of all just don't use this fruit for grinding bro and my Noob to Max but every 2 hours I eat new fruit grinding was horrendous with this the only really good move for grinding you have is Rush If you gather up a bunch of NPCs and do this you're going to be able to do some damage other than that though you know what I'm saying it's not good for grinding really now for PVP it is solid for PVP you counter Rumble users you can't be hit by guns so you would think this is like probably one of the best PVP fruits right wrong the main combo you have in PvP is something along the lines of this spiky tried and pull into the rush combo which could be straight combo if you're going against a cyborg V3 user they also can it the other abilities I feel are just not as good I mean smash is a good ability um slingshot is not as good you have to have really good aim to utilize Iz that and then Cannon is also just not that good overall the only reason this even made it up to here is it PVP capabilities it's all right for PVP I made it to 5 million Bounty with this for alone so don't get me wrong it is solid but it is held back by a lot of things that right there though is going to wrap up the Mets here I don't feel like this was too bad except maybe the controversial rubber pick but oh well next tiers we have is good great and godly tier and I'm excited to do some of these next ones next up though we have the pain fruit otherwise known as the Paw fruit now what do I think about this fruit so first off we have a really kind of a long range move set like look heavy paw long range move paw barrage also long range move paw nuke also longrange move with some AOE at the end of it since an explosion we also have a Mobility move which is self Propel pretty much like the rumble Dash except you only get one of them last but not least we have the ultimate which is torture another long range move but if it hits him it does a damage over time which actually does pretty good damage you guys can see right there doing over 4,000 actually 5,000 I'm going to be honest for grinding this thing is just don't use it for grinding it I do not recommend using this for grinding I'm going to be honest PVP though it is all right it is all right you can do combos like this where you do like spiky Trident pull boom papage you know what I'm saying combo like that and that's a good combo to use in PvP I'm going to be honest with Paw it's going to go it the bottom of good tier simply because it's pretty much getting elevated just because of it PVP capabilities it is good for PVP I'll give it that grinding don't use this for grinding let's go with an interesting one next the spirit fruit o we where to start with this one man where to start with this one all these moves pretty much lead into a combo except the frostfire grassp frostfire grassp it is a stun ability but it has too much and like the combo off of it however you have this one right here Wrath of shoe which directly leads into the ultimate right here which can lead into a spiky trient pull and whole combo there so it got combo off of combos off of combos you also get Buffs you guys see this little Spirit bar right here if you tap it while it's on the blue side you get speed SL Health Buffs like so you guys see right there if you tap it on the red side it summons monsters which you deal damage stun this fruit honestly is top tier it's one of the best for PVP in the game if you sleeping on it I suggest you learn it cuz this fruit is busted man now for a fruit like this there's nowhere else it deserves to go other than Godly and it's going to go to the top of Godly tier like not the not the very best but it's definitely top three and I will argue with any of y'all to that on the grave next up we're going to do the control fruit now control is an interesting case because it's not good for both grinding and it's also not good for PVP for PVP to even use any moves you have to activate this control area which you know you're not able to use any abilities while you use that so you're literally a Sitting Duck when you're trying to activate the room the moves themselves are not that good this is levitate um no one's going to sit there and let you do that Echo knife you have to set something up to even get this to land same with the all no one's just going to sit there and let you use this ultimate so in terms of PVP in order to actually do good with this you have to run a very specific build because otherwise everything is going to get Kent tricked other than that though it's not good for grinding or PVP really so for that I got to put control and good tier I'm going to put it below pain too cuz I feel like pain is a little more versatile definitely needs a rework man I can't wait till control gets a rework okay next fruit we're going to do though is the sand fruit cheeseburger now this one's actually pretty interesting for grinding it's not too bad I made the moves right here you have desert blade a long range ability that comes up pretty quick hardly any end lag or startup you do also have loia so they can't really hit you for a while so that helps grinding a little bit PVP the combos are good sand coffin everything revolves around sand coffin you see right here very high stun and then you do Sandstorm and then you do combos whatever so it's really good for PVP D for grinding has late Dodge honestly it's not too bad people be sleeping on Sand a lot I ain't going to lie I'm going to put this one at the top of good tier for now it's not going to be the best good tier but it's going to be definitely like probably top three in good tier what fruit should I do next what fruit should I do next I think the sound fruit is a good place to start now sound fruit is a recently released legendary fruit that honestly shocked us all very high damage has a Tempo meter right here that when it's full you get faster do more damage take less damage very spammable as you can see right here raps City notes for thesim Mo has a high AOE multi-target hitting stun ability symphonic Radiance a little disco ball which can lead to many different things has a really good alt like what doesn't this fruit have like this is an insane fruit I'm not going to lie the damage is nice PVP it's nice actually decent for grinding I'm going to be honest like you see the spam ability right here boom boom boom boom B of this entire move set and everything you get with it I'm going to be honest sound is going in great it is it is a very good fruit you can't go wrong eating this fruit PP I would say if you're going to be grinding or you're not Max eat a different fruit but PVP can't go wrong with sound flame fruit next decent for grinding has loia Dodges so it'll get you through first or second C but where it really excels is the PVP look at this prominence burst long range ability allows you to do some combo potential you can do a spiky Trident pull after that if you hit them and they don't have Ken blue fire bullets good for chip damage long range as well now with the real magic happens is this right here flaming Vortex launches them up which you could do this boom you know what I'm saying do spiky Trident start any type of fighting style combo it's really nice so for PVP I feel like people be sleeping on this a lot maybe think it's worse than it is but it's not half bad and because of that I have to put this towards the top of good gravity fruit next our third mythical of the video I'm going to be honest I'm not holding back on this one boys I'm not holding back if you're a Gravity Man you may get upset firstly this move set is actually terrible for grinding gravity push it does have some AOE but the damage is just not there gravity oance is a pretty good both for PVP and grinding however the damage also is leave something to be desired meteor pitch that move is lacking both in PvP for grinding and then meteor rain is all right for grinding but it has a lot of knockback so the chances you're going to hit all those meteors are very low now this is a stun fruit so for PVP it is all right you could do combos like this like no blood Bane drain spiky Trident pull gravity o Basin and this is a decent combo it does good damage right but the thing is there are so many other stun fruits that do exactly what gravity does except 10 times better it 100% needs a rear so because of that I'm going to put it in between pain and control these these three are pretty much one and the same all righty Quake next now Quake is an interesting fruit I feel like this is not that bad of a fruit maybe not for grinding I wouldn't use it for grinding it's just it only has four abilities one of them is a single Target move you can see right there so not for AOE air crusher it is kind of a narrow AOE move you can't really like turn it it's not like big AOE special shock wave is a nice move damage is not really there though and C Quake obviously you know it doesn't really do that much damage I'm going to be honest like look at that only 2,000 damage for that not that good now where I feel this fruit really excels is PVP I faced good Quake users they are a problem the only issue with Quake is that every single move has really long and lag so with this fruit you have to be perfect if you miss any moves you're leaving yourself up to be punished so while I feel Quake is pretty decent I'm going to put it above pain and gravity though hopefully maybe one day in the future we'll see a quake rework I think that'd be lit cuz I do not think they did Quake that much Justice to this game bro white beard is stronger than that love fruit next this one is interesting now love recently got a rework at the beginning of 2023 which Honestly made it really good for p okay first off we have heart shot which is a really longrange ability that has decent AOE so it's it's solid for grinding we have CU Zone anyone in here gets stunned so you can do combos like this you know what I'm saying boom you have irresistable traction which pulls up towards you also stuns you have best friend which is a problem in PvP they pull out their best friend they F keep his Zone they're pulling out combos on you you're getting hit by him and your best friend it can get toxic bro a good love user they're problematic I'm not going to lie this kit is very nice not as good for grinding but it really excels in PvP and because of that iest think love is a great fruit now it's not going to be at the top of great it's probably going to be at the middle or lower end of gr but it is very good fruit can't go wrong with it the list is coming together boys the list is coming together hopefully I haven't pissed any of y'all off too much ah yes the D fruit next the D fruit does this really need an explanation you know I'm going to give it an explanation first of all for this one you have Lan Dodge you guys can see right there so it's all right for grinding I did a n to Max with d and it actually wasn't bad it pretty good longrange ability brain dead missile jab you can just Spam that very long range also has stupid AOE so even when you think you're not close you're still going to get hit pastry river which has a two um use to it look at this if you jump up and use it in the air it does this whole like fist BR combo which actually does crazy damage piercing cloth line this move I hate getting hit by this move PP look at this look at this right here it slams them up slams them down and you could basically just start stupid comos with this I'm going to be honest man do has got it all grinding brain dead combos in PvP loia Dodge spam ability I I hate facing this in PvP it's stupid it's stupid I'm going to be honest man it'd be criminal to put dough in any other tier other than Godly it's going in Godly 100% And I ain't arguing or debating y'all that ever blizzard huh interesting I honestly feel like blizzard is a well-rounded fruit got some good spam ability longrange abilities High AOE look at that very high AOE multiple M all of these moves hit multiple targets you guys can see right here oh by the way this is a loia Dodge you guys see right there PVP you don't really have as much combos however this right here look at this domain expansion right here like is really spammable so it's good for grinding and PVP all around the fruit I'm I'm going to be honest this is not really like too bad in any ways the only issue is nobody uses this is cuz it has no hype around it it's not really a fun fruit to use I would say but for that all the reasons I just listed I I'd say it has to be a great fruit definitely below love I'd feel because I feel like love is just better in a lot of ways but can't deny it's a great fruit let's get the ghost fruit out the way next I don't have one of these permanent so I'm about to eat this right now now the ghost fruit just got a really deserved rework and because of that it's going to be a lot higher than I would have put it if it didn't get that rework so the first move is pretty much the same as before it's a launch that stuns kind of a little bit hard to combo off that because of the end lag on this but the next move special release is a good ability that has some stun allows you to go combo third move which I believe is the best move in the kit cries of the underworld it stuns there for a while actually has some decent long range which allows for com potential then you have Ghostbusters now Ghostbusters I don't feel is really as useful for PVP however because of Ghostbusters this makes this actually a decent grinding fruit like you can see right here my Ghostbuster guy is packing up this guy right now bro it also they also use your fighting style so you can see I'm using sanen art so the Ghostbusters are also using Sanu art if you're just using combat or something it's it's not really going to be as good now this isn't the best PVP fruit the main thing I would say for PVP that's a problem is that the passive when you die you come back with 50% Health that's nice that with the rework and that it has actual combo potential now you know what I'm saying I would say this is not that bad of a fruit so due to all these factors I would put ghost in the upper tier of good I'm going put that above flame while we're at it let's go ahead and wrap up the good tier next up we have magma Magma's going in good tier because of a few reasons so obviously it is a low good Dodge you guys see here can't be hit it is very good for for grinding the damage is super high look at that 16,000 damage just off of one move so for grinding this is immaculate you can get from level one first seat all the way to third seat with Magma alone it's going to be boring the issue with this that holds it back a little bit is it PVP capabilities um the moves are all very slow it's a little tough to hit especially in today's meta with high paac one- shot combos magma just doesn't have that it's not really a combo fruit so PVP really holds it back grinding is immaculate with this fruit though so because of that I'm putting this in good tier I put it but flame cuz of grinding now the last fruit that I'm going to put in good um this one may be a bit controver actually I don't think anyone will disagree with this Phoenix um I don't really think Phoenix really like excels in any category to be honest like it's a good fruit has good damage has the healing capabilities right here the moves are not all that great though it has a M1 I guess so it has some spam ability and some combo potential like that but no one really uses this fruit for a reason it doesn't really excel in any category and there are fruits that do exactly what Phoenix does except better man I would to be honest yeah man I'm pretty confident about that placing I don't think Phoenix is good enough to be great but I don't think it's bad enough to be under good yeah I'm going to go ahead and put Phenix at pretty much the uh the top four and good and that's going to wrap up good te right there I guess I'll find out once you I upload this video and the comments come through we only have The Godly tier and the great tier next boys and we have under 15 fruits remaining okay next up on the list I'm going to do the Buddha fruit I'm going to be honest this one's pretty easy to place there's not really any complications with this one 100% the best fruit at grinding because of this move right here shift whenever you're grinding you'll always be able to hit enemies but you'll be just out of the range to where they can never hit you so this is the best fruit for grinding hands down or at least one of the best top two this fruit is also really good at PVP for those same reasons um you can literally just catch people lacking and PVP just by M1 spanning let's say you went up to them did s guitar then you just M1 spam them to death bro you could catch people lacking like that I've gotten caught lacking like that so this fruit is really good for both PVP and grinding however I'm going to put it in the middle of great tier I know I probably just made a lot of yall upset how isn't it Godly winner how isn't it Godly it is 100% getting carried by his PVP capabilities while yes I did just say you can get caught lacking and PvP with it if you're going get a good player that knows what they're doing all they're going to do is outrange you as Buddha so it's really only great for grinding next up we have the spider fruit this one may be a little personal biased I'm not going to lie um I personally think this one is underrated we got high Mobility right here right you got good damage dealing moves you got long range move with old he sniper you could literally snipe someone across the map with that you got good Combos and easy combos well look at this silk prison straight into to Heavenly punishment and this deals insane damage it's also not too bad for grinding I mean like it's not terrible for grinding there's better fruits out there I wouldn't use this for grinding but for PVP I I think it's underrated I really do hold on let me just show you what I'm talking about real quick let me show what I'm talking about Sil prison boom Heavenly punishment hit him there still going still going boom combo's not even done yet San art get a whole entire Sanu art combo right there if you have cyber V3 bro I'm convinced that's going to kill 30 million body player right there so because of that I'm going to put this at the bottom of GRA coming up next we have the shadow fruit now this one I've never used personally so I'm not going to do a little move showcase I don't use this for PVP I know it's trash for grinding but it does have insane one shot combos we're going to put this in great but we're going to put this like kind of like in the middle of great next up we have the ice fruit boys those of you who not know this game yall know this one's getting placed high so first off this thing has LGA Dodges okay well these NPCs have hockey but it also has m1's so it's actually not half bad for grinding this can get you through first and second C pretty easily especially if you have it awaken where it really excels is the PVP let me show yall the most brain dead easy combo that even someone who just started playing the game can do okay so you do flash step absolute zero right then he's on awaken sea right then you use cold storm and one and one and one and one then you do a whole little g whatever it is and I guarantee you bro if you have cyborg V3 that is killing even a 30 million Bounty player that is crazy so yeah ice is easily like one of the better PVP fruits in the game right now it's going under sound and great all right now the dark fruit the dark fruit and Ice are pretty much one and the same they're both stunned fruits the only difference is dark doesn't have as much good damage and it has better Mobility you guys can see right here like that also a benefit to dark is that you can use their moves in air so so unlike ice you need to be on the ground to use absolute zero which is why ice isn't in Godly tier dark it's a bit slower too so if you use your moves and you miss you get punished I think both are pretty much one in the same a little bit it's just ice is slightly better than dark dark is more versatile I think exchange for being slower mon is going to put them right next to each other you can make it really far in PvP with dark it's just the grinding is worse and actually now that I brought up the grinding I'm going to put this below Buddha just because of that cuz grinding wet dark is treacherous only a few fruits left boyos and for this next one I'm going to go Venom now I feel this needs hardly any explanation bro you know let me just do it let me just do it all the entire move kit for grinding PVP whatever you're using for Boss farming it's good look at this poison daggers spam ability has pretty good damage right has damage over time as well poison knock a shock long range auto aim ability which which also deals a lot of damage has uh damage over time toxic fog any enemy that gets close to you gets poisoned and their screen starts like hallucinating or whatever right surp ra you think this is just a flight right wrong deals damage so it has really long abilities low cooldown so you can constantly spam it one of these moves basically has auto aim and guess what the top it all off you have a fury meter and a transformation let me show youall transformation right here right and all of your moves have changed well only two of them it's not super W you guys can see it has three dragons floating around it which when you use it the dragons attack enemies nearby extra damage right look at this toxic fog big poison cloud and anyone who stays in the middle of this is going to take a lot of damage and to keep him in the middle of it all you have to do is just use your moves right keep them in there deal tons of damage I did a noob to Max with Venom and it was one of the easiest Noob to Maxes I've done yet it's really good for grinding it's definitely a problem at PVP whoever you run into with this they're going to get annoyed Bros they're going to get annoyed for that it can't go anywhere other than Godly Mammoth fruit next now this kit is pretty good for grinding I won't lie you have this transformation right here which makes everything able to be spammed where Mammoth kind of lacks is combo ability the combos aren't really there it's pretty much you just go in Mammoth form and you spam and you also have long-range abilities and you know good good stuff like that with Mammoth even though it's really good we're going to say it's kind of tied with dart next up we have the light fruit I'm want to make this one quick right okay so you have m1's with it you also have loia Dodges so a lot of NPCs are not going to be able to hit you spamable moves boom you guys can see right here a lot of moves can start a combo with it you know what I'm saying so easy combos life speed Destroyer you guys see right there every move pretty much ties into each other almost so it's very spammable good for grinding although I feel like there are just fruits that do what this fruit does except better like there are better spam fruits than light so this is really good we'll put it above dark even because it's better for grinding okay that's the end of great tier all these next ones below are above great tier let me order great tier real quick so far I feel like I've done pretty well in this like I tried to consider all aspects uh my personal experience with grinding and PVP I think we're doing good I think we're doing good Dragon next now this is going to be liable to change very soon dragon is getting a rework very soon grinding dragon is not that good it's not the worst but it's not that good PVP is where it really excels we got a super easy combo one shot combo the about to show you guys our St Dragon shower so I you try and pull boom go like this go like this then you use got human SE and then Heatwave beam the only thing Dragon really suffers with is dealing with air campers so if you deal with air campers is kind of tough but then that's why you have this you know what I'm saying the dragon form so obviously dragon is going in Godly tier man it's going in Godly tier above Venom below doe I think that's a good place all right for these next two they're pretty much going to be tied we're going to put portal under spirit and we're going to put rumble under portal I'm going to be honest portal and Rumble are pretty much the same fruits they're both stun based fruits they have slightly different nuances but they both have very high Mobility they're both stun based they both combo a lot now to be completely transparent I think Spirit Rumble and portal are probably the top four PVP fruits in the game you're probably wondering what the fourth one is we'll get into that later portal you have the portal V spamming Loops all that annoying stuff Rumble you have the rumble X the you know Thunderball destruction all those stuns High Mobility with the dashes portal you have the ability to escape any combos so yeah I'm going to put those there next up we have leopard people overrate leopard a lot it's a Godly fruit don't going be wrong it's not as good as all these ones I'm going to put it below do above Dragon I know what y'all thinking I'm sure I've made a lot of yall upset right there but think about it you have the transformation mode which you can spam a lot in here right but as for one shot combos there ain't much with leopard are there there are combos out there that one shot but I feel like they're not as good and they're like harder to do than what you could do with Spirit portal rumble or dop so leopard obviously is a Godly fruit no denying that just a Spam alone can get you really far with leopard but I don't think is as good as these other four right here next up we have the T-Rex fruit want to be honest the kit on this one is pretty good longrange abilities combo potential especially with Predator Screech you know what I'm saying boom start combos like this you know what I'm saying so it's really good for Combos and stuff like that also decent for grind because you have m1's and you also have a transformation so this is 100% a Godly fruit no denying that the damage is really high now some people say this damage could is even almost as high as magma but the difference between this and magma is the combo potential is really nice and I'm going to be honest when you go in this transformation right here it's deadly so if you hit somebody you see that icon above their head if you run away from them they take damage over time so this is going to stop Runners right in their tracks boys you also got some bird damage with this as well on top of the damage over time I think it's a really good addition to the game I really like it I feel like T-Rex is is honestly above leopard below D in godlet tier all of these are pretty much around the same just slight differences last but not least though we have kitsun and this is Nob brainer kitsun is the best fruit in the game man I'm not even going to go into detail why kitsun is the best fruit in the game if you've ran into a kitson or you've seen maybe some of the videos or some of the combos H you understand how brain dead kitso is man it it is a problem to deal so yeah that is our entire tier that's completely finished right there I honestly felt like I did a good job with this I took a lot of time to think about the placements but with that said boys happy New Year's to you you all hopefully y'all are starting off your 2024 with a B
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 638,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits best fruit, best devil fruit blox fruits, blox fruits best devil fruit, blox fruits tier list, blox fruit tier list, tier list blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits short, race v4 blox fruits, blox fruit best fruit, best fruit blox fruits, blox fruit best awakening, blox fruits devil fruit tier list, blox fruits update, devil fruit tier list blox fruits, roblox blox fruit
Id: qbJ4slkqtiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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