Reacting To World's Most VIEWED Blox Fruits Shorts EVER!

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what's popping boys today we're going to be checking out some of the most viral blo fruit shorts ever starting off with 100,000 view shorts and the last short has over 12 million views for the first one is by a YouTuber named Vin dully and his title is when that one guy always says be right back is this even a blo one today I'm kind of getting bored oh why we try Blox fruit oh okay it is a bloxr short it's a pretty popular game let's go cool so what are you do in this game okay so it says here we have to slay monsters do Quest get stronger and you can eat fruits to get ability that sounds pretty easy let's get started then wait hang on I got to be back okay yeah no worries he said be right back 15 minutes later hey man be back hello dude I said want to be right back can't you just wait mad let's do this okay I'll just play a little bit 20 minutes later level 100 L yet stop being impatient just wait whatever later let's go damn bro got get 1 hour later okay I'm back let's play great timing I was just checking up on you damn wait wa wait bro got to level 1,7 42 by the time he got back n that's insane now you got to get a new friend bro did you play while I was gone yeah you were gone for a whole hour good bro want him to wait the entire time and not play bro come on you're weak I'm never playing again I'm going back to fortnite n that's insane that's insane bro bro gr for nothing also that is in accurate bro you can't even hit players that are under level 20 they have invincibility W short though POV your quest Giver NPC oh this is by JY bro Jen be having some of the funniest block stre TS in the game I'll be honest all right let's see what it's about okay so it's the POV of the quest Giver of course it says that in the title was that a magma coming by he just get hit with a magma oh yeah I ain't going to lie i' I'd be scared to be a quest Giver he's just watching all the horror unfold bro I never actually thought about that the POV of a quest Giver bro this is an interesting short man J creative with it bro he creative with it that one had 550,000 views and I can see why it was it was definitely creative next up though is a Tik Tok instead of a YouTube short the title says how Blox TRS players feel and it looks like it is a little clip it from the Minions movie okay so we have level 1400 2450 Max all right let's look at it no they got rip in Chan okay okay okay let's see what he flips it and then they got rip inra they're all booing okay rip inra Sean no bro these these vide down bad dog what the heck who the heck is he who the heck is he wait hold on who is that I've seen rip ch I don't know who this is this red-haired person dog comment down below if y'all know who that is I have no idea who that is though and then oh it's supposed to be it's supposed to be the gor version of red redhead or whatever okay okay that makes sense that makes sense how much views does this one have bro 880k on that wow okay I can see why I can see that that's actually pretty great I like that one coming up next though we have our first 1 million view short of the video and the title right here says ter shark on floating Turtle question mark wait what does that mean okay let's watch the find out so he's at sea castle right now hold on let me mute this I don't even know what's happening what the heck what the heck Terror shark onl land Y how does that even H wait hold on I didn't even know the Terr shark looks like that that man ugly as hell how does that even happen how do you glitch a terror shark on land though bro I actually want to try this out for like a myths video or something bro cuz this is crazy look at that Matt's able to use his abilities on land too so he's just boxing up with a terror shark on land I ain't going to lie if I saw this in like a public server something I'd be scared I would have walked out a turtle match i' like what the heck Terror nah that's lit though that's lit though I want to figure out how to do that comment down below if y'all know how to cuz that I need to test that out next up we have another Tik Tok and I don't know what it is but it looks like there's a cardboard version of the actual fruit what does this title say hold on let's go uh let's go copy and paste that we going to figure out what this says today let me type in right here Google translate let me paste it in right here it says these are pretty bad right I'm not going to say that word right there but y'all see it interesting title let's watch the video now okay so he's got a bunch of cardboard yo these are actually sick I'm not going to lie look at that did he make that himself it looks like it's made on a cardboard that's actually fire props to him props to him T-Rex looks pretty accur too leopard looks nice dragon looks Violet is that cement for the little horns what the heck no that's fire that's fire bro I'm not going to lie I want to check out this dude's page let me see what other skits he's got he's been doing a ton of block shots ones look at that this one right here has a lot of views 474k let's watch that I don't know what this language is but I'm assuming this supposed to be the blro gacha it's a level one going to the gacha he's pulling out his money about to give it to the gacha looks like he probably worked hard for that money BR there go is about to give him something garbage I already know I already know okay get a little scroll wheel this is actually creative BR I like this T-Rex no way he got a T-Rex from that wa who's this he jealous he jealous he coping he out there coping dog what you about to do walk up to him ah not while he has a T-Rex in his hand bro okay okay I thought he was about to kill him he's just about to do the gacha so this is a Max Level player doing gacha this man fed up he done done so many gacha and got nothing good okay yeah yeah cough over that money to the Goa bro watch him give you a rocket okay let's see what he gives him let's see what he gives him nah bro you saw how it went like stopped at the T-Rex then went straight to the rocket that man got scammed he coping he coping W short though bad W short that was pretty creative this next short has 2.2 million views and it's a YouTube one it says portal users when you ask if they'd win says leopard spammer I keep dying to other spammers okay let me mute that I don't want to get copyrighted I have leopard but somehow I keep dying he just spamming revolver okay is this Gojo it says maybe because you have skill issue okay you think that in the worst case you can just transform and start spamming you're dying to win but you might end up dying first true true true would you even win no portal Runner but I won't lose damn damn this man dropped a hard edit bro sheesh I like the RTX mode too this thing hard bro this thing hard if only I could listen to the music with it but I am not trying to get bopped subscribe hey I'll drop you subscribe for that bro that was lit that was lit okay next up we have another one by this YouTuber named Vin dly yall love sending me this guy huh life of a Blox fruits NPC dealer hi my name is Jordan and I'm the local Blox fruits dealer I've been in this job for quite some time now please give me a good fruit oh sure that would be $69,000 please this is all I've got thank you okay and here you go are you kidding me SP I'm an NPC my business is as legitimate as it comes guys as legitimate as it comes man You' be scamming so many people I get a fruit please yeah sure that be $75,000 please okay thank you oh no oh he actually got a budha here you go you saw you saw he was like oh no no B congratulations thank you so much happy see guys cut the camera cut the camera boys boys cam what the heck thanks guys no no no bro just jump that man I got his budha back that insane if you guys have any questions please make sure to comment and our last question is why does it take you 2 hours to restock fruits good question good question you want to know wait wait what do you mean what do you mean you know I don't want he just did he yo he just murdered a block TRS player I'll see you guys in the next video make sure to subscribe no that is insane that is insane bro imagine NPC dealer actually was doing some nefarious things to restock his fruits I'm just saying man I'm just saying not vly he actually got some good shorts bro I'm going TOS him a like there's just no way lol luckiest block fruits player okay I'll be the judge of that so he's talking to the death King I'm assuming this was when it was uh the Halloween event okay he got a hollow Ence first try that's actually not that bad he got a spike fruit second try it's actually kind of rare to get fruit so commend him for that another Hollow Essence really two Hollow Essen is back to back okay is he about to go fight uh Soul Reaper yet oh he got the hollow Scythe first try on the soul Reaper too damn I ain't going to lie this man's got some crazy luck he's talking back to death King and he got another three holes back to back yo SM hacking what the heck okay Hollow sight back to twice I don't even think y'all realize how rare Hollow is hold on so if we look at the drop chance of this thing it only has a 5% drop chance and he got it twice in a row let's get back to watching let's see what else he gets cuz the video still got like 30 more seconds he's talking back to death King what else does he get oh he got a hollow assist again no shot dog okay let's see what else he gets come on he's got a fruit bro yo he got a spider dog he's going to do got he got a Buddha from the guy nah n this guy actually might be one of the luckiest players out there dog man's pulled like four Hollow esses back to back got a spider got two Hollow SCS from each drop and pulled a Buddha insane there's no wonder that one had 2.5 million views cuz that is phenomenal this next one's by Jen this titled this is so insane okay okay let's see let's see Yo is that magma fruit let's go wait huh what the heck you hey yo no eat theori no what are you doing no wait wait wait no no no you know what why is he walking slowly nah not the rumbling again dog come on bro Jen why you always making these monkey calls bro to these to these buddas I bet the eador would win against all them though I ain't going to lie damn this video had 169 ,000 likes yo go off Jen go off that was fire Rich Roblox players and then the title says new Blox players in a nutshell okay by Sun Boku another YouTuber that I know this one also has 169,000 likes okay we this probably going to be fire all right let's watch let's watch okay little n spawn man I can't wait to buy the most expensive fruit okay it's got to be the best right yep got to go with the best dragon wait when was this made Dragon hasn't been the best fruit for a while let me see when was this made bro February 17 2023 oh so it's kind of old all right fair enough OT time to grind damn BL looks way different he's grinding little does he know dragon is actually not that good of a grinding fruit come here ow ow ow why am I so weak damn bro got ped up by the damn please don't kill me why isn't bro just fighting back maybe I just need to grind a bit more maybe so I've been grinding for hours hours bro you just started you just spawned I'm still getting destroyed I hear someone is that a bomb user how is he so strong bomb op but I have dragons bomb best fruit that's cap that is cap that is Cap bomb is definitely not the best fruit it's not bad for grindy though but above Dragon shees capping capping straight capping dislike for that matter of fact no I'm playing let me chill it was a joke soku it was a joke you see I took away the dislike the best and worst updated blocks fruits by Divinity blocks okay you got my attention this one also has 4 million views boys so we're working our way up up 20 changed how all fruits look except for Dragon Venom and spirit for some reason but almost all of the fruits look way better I think the best changes are probably Rumble which looks like this cool animal thing which I mean just look at this little dude and the light fruit just looks so happy I love it but some fruits have definitely gotten worse like smoke bro yeah I ain't going to lie about I I do not know what smoke is like look why is bro smiling like that bro you're trash fruit one of the worst fruits in the game you have no reason to be smiling like that what did they do to you and love this looks aw why could love don't look that bad dog I mean like okay it's not that good it's not that good I'm going to be honest but love like is Smoke's definitely worse than love they make it like a flamingo or something and sand fruit I mean it really isn't that bad but it looks more like a ninja pancake fruit I ain't going lie sand has become a meme now like everybody's calling it like cheeseburger fruit Grilla cheese fruit like I don't know all these other types of names sand I like the what what they did with sand cuz it's created a bunch of memes for the new fruits sound looks perfect I love that design and Rocket's pretty cool but bro Mammoth looks so goofy why does it look like this it's a Mythic what bro Mammoth is cool mammoth's fire bro it's got like the little horns out of it and everything bro like I thought Mammoth I thought they cook with Mammoth design though me personally should I give that a dislike for let me CH let me chill let me chill I don't need to give him dislike for that you know I'll give him a like w video all right this next one is a Tik Tok and it's by jujo TV I know this guy I know this guy we're actually following each other it's titled what I got kit Su and fruit oh my God from Factory I love this game so much full video long at title let's see what he's doing though okay so he's a second C he's a noob using light he's going to factory no way he actually gets kid from this right why is it bro making it look so intense bro it's just a factory r Wait a minute I just realized bro this guy's level 1489 and if you look at the upper right corner he's 8.8 million Bounty bro's got to be like one of the strongest level 1400s ever this is crazy okay so he's fighting the factory and that help's going down quick yeah yeah they fighting for his life I'm assuming this man's going to get credit he claims he got Kiton from it let's see let's let's look down at the bottom there's no way he got what no no no no no no no there's no shot he actually got kitsun bro there's no shot he actually got kitsun is this fake I want to see him droping so we can see if he actually got it or not bro cuz that is insane the chances that happening are like 0.01% chance like what the hell right now he's just saying oh my God mama why you calling up for your mama bro nah bro if he actually pulled that that is crazy I don't know it could be Capp though it could be Capp though but shees W's and that one had 5.5 million views wow another vulia one y'all just keep sending me vulia ones titled asking friend for a gift I'll give it a chance vully want to been fire so far yo I just bought permanent butterfruit watch this okay oh fire visuals fruit box I mean nice another fruit to your hundreds of permanent fruits collection I love it so much cuz cuz I'm short in real life so bro my pal my Broski what is it we've been friends for a couple of years now right here com Here Comes y already know what he about to do he about to beg for fruit huh oh and do you remember that one time I let you borrow $1 for lunch oh yeah but you forced me to pay you back $10 because of yeah yeah but you know oh no oh no that's crazy that's crazy if someone made me pay back interest they ain't get no give from me I'm going to be honest they going to have to cope they going to have to cope I still lent it to you okay so what what's what's your point can you gift me a permanent fruit yeah sure damn that easy yo thank you so much D bro got or something oh my dad's calling me I got to go see you all right catch it bro oh it's been a while a dude what's up hey wait did you get butterfruit yeah look what's the matter isn't this cool hey bro my pal my brosi sorry I I got to go walk my ice cube see you heck please damn he going to be like that he was just making for a fruit earlier and then when someone else does it he's going to leave that's crazy bro did not reciprocate so far we've had a bunch of shorts ranging from 100,000 views up to 6.6 million views with that last one this next one though has 7 million and it's by this guy named Divinity blocks one we saw earlier playing as a monkey in blocks fruits okay did you know there's another option than pirate or Marine if you look at the bottom of the screen and push this tiny banana you can actually play as a first SE gorilla but playing as a gorilla is really hard everybody's super mean to you and just hits you for literally no reason and my monkey friends don't even like me I was getting tired of this life so I grinded all the way to the second sea and in the second SE people were like super nice like crazy nice and they kept giving me these disgusting fruits that did not taste good at all but they inspired me to continue my journey so I continued grinding all the way to the third Seas once I was in the third seat I saw these markings on the wall which I could immediately understand is I what the heck getting close to my goal so I hopped in my boat and I set sail for where the markings told me to go and I found this massive Mountain oo I feel like I can smell it or something I'm getting close oh my gosh yes we won what the heck that was actually funny that was W storyline W story line bro I got I got to give that one a like bro that was that was hilarious imagine actually playing and living like as a monkey through all of blo from level one all the way to 2005 you know what that sounds like a newb to Pro idea that I'm not going to ever do what y'all thought y thought I was actually about to do that come on now next up we have our first 10 million view shorts boys this is about to be insane and guess who it's by the guy we just watched Divinity Blocks he's got some popular ones I ain't going to lie like if I go to his page right here bro go to his shorts Tab and search my most popular look at this 9.4 million 7.2 million 6 million 5.8 4.7 4.6 like bro is stacked on views for shorts let's stop wasting time let's go watch this one I made the strongest Noob account in Block okay wanted to see how strong you can make a level one account in Block shoots and since I'm obviously not allowed to grind I spend hours and hours collecting chest after chest just so that I could get the strongest sword in the first SE the soul cane after that I spent another 100K on the strongest range weapon I could get the cannon but there was still one more thing that I could get so after another 5 hours of chest grinding I was able to buy fisherman karate for 750k which means now I need to get the strongest possible fruit is level one and after a lot of wait you can't even do a godz level one you need to be level 50 what was this made August 1st 2023 what begging and maybe abusing my power as a YouTuber a little bit too much I was able to get someone to drop me Buddha this is the strongest level one account in the game and oops Dam he ended it off by breaking that level one so he got all the strongest weapons he got all the strongest fighting styles and guns as a noob and somehow reached Buddha as a noob and ended off like that come on bro I got to give that a dislike no I'm playing bro why do I why am I so so toxic today why am I so toxic and all right ladies and gentlemen we have now gotten to the final short and most popular short of the video and it's by the YouTuber Sun Boku most extreme dare in blog TRS history this one has over 12 million views boys take that number in that's insane let's go ahead and watch it eat every devil fruit in your inventory and every fruit equals 1,000 likes first of off let's just see how many likes this boy almost has 1 million likes on this video I I would say this they're definitely paid off cuz one million like yo dog all right so he ate a kilo SP this video is extremely graphic graphic well hold on I am not trying to get copyrighted I don't know I don't know if this is music copyrighted but why does he have so many common fruits bro okay let's see how many how I wonder what number he's going to get to cuz right now he's at 25 30 damn damn damn bro damn it just keeps going on how many how many common fruits this guy have damn all these Falcons bro what the hell yo y look at it he had like a 100 fruits almost he's still going he hasn't even got to a single Mythic yet by the way so this man is stacked on like Commons UNC what that was a spear right there okay okay he's eating a quake a bunch of quakes love spider this is before all the fruits got changed I saw Rumble there I saw Paul gravity next myth leopard damn okay okay he's leading leopards now control we're on the mythics I guess this video is going to hit 178,000 likes yeah yeah yeah you surpassed that like tfold bro like 961 th000 likes congrats man congrats you have one of the most popular shorts on Roblox ever well ladies and gentlemen that is it for this video we've reacted some of the most viral shorts that have to do with blo shs on the platform comment down what y'all want to see me react to next but with that boys hope youall have an amazing day
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 885,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, roblox fruits in blox fruits, reacting to the most viewed shorts, the most viewed blox fruits shorts, blox fruits update, blox fruits shorts, roblox blox fruit, reacting to blox fruits, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits dragon, blox fruits trending, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits codes, reacting to funny blox fruits videos, reacting to the funniest blox fruits videos, reacting to funny blox fruits moments
Id: IJn8f2Ei3qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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