I Busted 50 Myths In Blox Fruits!

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ladies and gentlemen I created a list of 50 myths and blushes that you guys sent me and in this video we're going to be testing all of them out to see if they're real or fake in one video and for our first myth it says that ha has an infinite ranged attack now I've heard a lot of people talk about this myth before but today I'm gonna try it out myself to see if it's true to test this Theory I have my friend standing all the way on the edge of this bridge as you guys can see right there and we're gonna use the Paw ability to try to hit him all right heavy paw let's see if that hits him let's see if that ah aimed it too high we're gonna try that again let's aim right here too low I want you to hit that one should hit that one should hit oh hit him it hit him yo the rage is infinite all right so this mess confirmed Paul does have infinite range so next myth says that the light move of kilo can go on forever so let's go ahead and try this out this is a light move apparently this can go on forever so by the end of this I should be in the stratosphere it's been about two and a half minutes of you holding this I'm gonna say this is true you can use this move forever because this is not stopping myth number three is that awaken Buddha and unawakened Buddha both have the same M1 range my friend here has awakened Buddha I have unawakened Buddha so for me to M1 with unawakened Buddha I need to be within this range minimum now I'm gonna have kazaki pull up with his awaken Buddha be slightly further behind me and see if he can still hit him because he's a little bit behind me try I'm wanting M1 and he's not able to hit him so this myth is actually true that's actually weird as big as he is you would think the range would be increased next myth says that third sea fruit gotcha gives you better luck now to test this out I'm gonna have to go back to first see all right so here we are in first C first C gotcha what do I get and I get a chop fruit kind of fitting since it's first seat I got my friend in second C he's about to do a gotcha let's see what he gets and he gets a spike I guess that's slightly better than chops so so far this is looking a little bit true but let's go to third season we get there and lastly in third C we have my boy rip guy rolling for one barrier wow okay so this actually was the best one I'm not gonna lie that's kind of surprising so I guess myth confirmed next myth says that pilot element is the same speed as Mig V3 so I'm gonna go ahead and change my race till I get mink and then we're gonna test this out me and my friend are gonna race to the end of the bridge on three two one go no dashing either oh oh oh I'm actually smoking I'm actually smoking them Yo Yo Pilot helmet is not the same speed as Mika V3 this myth let me just busted this is just not true at all like even without V3 it's still slow next myth apparently love flight can glitch more than four people in a fruit raid alright so I got my boy rip guy on the flamingo now normally as you guys can see you can only do four slots per raid but with rip grab my back if I stand right here like so it'll go green and rip I will get teleported in the raid with me let's see will rip guy actually get teleported with us oh my gosh he actually came with me so we have five people in this raid realistically you could get eight people in this okay so this Miss confirmed and while we're here the next myth is that you can eat a fruit while inside of afraid so let me go to my inventory real quick there we go add to backpack let me see if I can eat this fruit I never even knew you could do this oh you could actually eat a fruit in a rage letting fruit activated so this myth is also confirmed next myth is that control apparently can make a boat flow I gotta see this for myself all right so my friend kazaki has control when he's about to try to make the boat flow let's see if he does oh you can actually do it he's flinging us what the heck he just exploded the entire boat okay so that myth is true that's actually insane next myth says that if you're low Health that the Venom flight goes faster I've heard this myth a lot throughout the days I've never once noticed it myself but let's go ahead and try it sir Prince wrath okay so I'm going this speed right now it seems about normal speed okay one more hit there we go it does look a little bit faster it does look a little bit fast I don't know by much but it is slightly faster I will say that so this myth is actually confirmed next myth is that walking over different materials in Block screws has a different sound so let's say grass versus the carpet versus the concrete okay you guys could hear that that's concrete let's look at grass it does have a slightly different sound to it I was going here and it has an even different sound so this is true this is true next myth is that rubber is both immune to Goro and guns now obviously Luffy's immune to it in the anime but is this true in the game as well try to hit me with your Rumble moves oh oh none of that none of that is hitting so I'm completely immune to all of that that's that's actually op let's see if the gun hits me all right sir kazaki has a soul guitar try to hit me with the moves okay the shoot doesn't work that doesn't work that's actually insane so this myth is actually true rubber is both immune to guns and Goro next myth is that you can Flamingo run NPC so obviously we already know that you can Flamingo around your friends but the question is can you do it to NPCs all right so it worked on my partner let's see can I Flamingo ride this guy you could actually Flamingo ride NPCs that is crazy and he can't even attack me either he's literally just stuck on this Flamingo okay so this myth is true that's that's true the next myth says that leopard has infinite Sky jumps so normally you only have 10 Sky jumps 9 10 and I can no longer sky jump with leopard what you can do is you can go all the way up to the 10. now I'm out of Sky jumps let me hold spiraling kick use that and now I have 10 more sky jumps and if I keep holding my abilities I can wait until that comes back and just keep repeating that over and over again so this myth is actually true boys and while we're on Leopard the next myth is that leopard transformation makes it to where you take no damage Standing On Top of lava we're now at lava right now normally when you stand on this you take damage you guys can see but will I take damage when I go leopard form let's see wow so leopard can literally just stand on lava that is actually broken that's busted myth confirmed and now for the 15th myth apparently if two people use the spiky try to move at the same time it'll bug the game out okay so let's do it at the same time go oh oh oh oh oh that's actually true that misconfirm myth number 16 apparently if you use light flight in the frog room under the cafe it'll kick you from the game let me teleport into the frog room like so let me go in here and let's use flight flight okay so this is kind of crazy apparently if I just hold it like this for a while I'll get kicked from the game well after trying it out for a while I try to do it multiple different times I can say this myth is busted it's not true you don't get kicked from the game but it is a fun thing to do the next myth says though the higher you are with kilo the more damage a deal so obviously we know the kilo user in the anime the higher she is the more damage she's gonna deal but I don't think that's true in this game I don't believe it at all so let's test the base damage a kilo right here 10 000 kilograms how much damage is this deal 14 39 okay so now let me go higher up so let me go from this distance we're here boom 1439 it's the same damage so it doesn't matter how high you go it's going to be the same damage so this myth is busty next myth apparently if you boot a shift then use hockey then unboot a shift it'll mess up the hockey so let me equip a Buddha again you guys can see I have full body hockey right here just so we can demonstrate this properly let me transform and then hockey and then let me untransform uh it doesn't seem like anything really changed let me try that again with awaken Buddha awaken Buddha shift there we go now let me use hockey and then let me unshift boom and oh it actually messed up my head so this myth is actually confirmed it messed up my head like the hockey's no longer on my head okay myth number 19 apparently portal can make you invisible okay so kazeki I'm gonna have you use your portal move when I say go try to use it and see if you're invisible okay you use that ability and now he is completely invisible let me use observation hockey I can't see him at all he's a completely different playing field that is insane so this myth is confirmed I always thought this one was interesting next myth apparently the angel V3 can heal you faster than you lose Health in water now I do not believe this whatsoever but we're gonna find out ourselves once and for all really don't believe this is gonna do much but let's see okay we're losing Health okay and this is doing nothing to my health loss from the water it didn't even slow it down I didn't even notice so this myth is busted next to myth you can have the range of Buddha without being in the shift form I've seen a lot of people do this glitch what you do is you go form like this okay so I unshift and boom oh and my sword is big and I also have increased range like look at this I'm gonna hit this guy you guys can see how far I'm hitting him from over here so this is this myth is true this myth is true you can have the range of Buddha without needing to be in shift form you just have to time it right next myth apparently you can use the control gamer Rush even outside of your room all right guys I'm gonna test this out I have my friend kazaki inside his room he's gonna hit me with the gamer rush outside of the room you guys can see right here oh oh he's actually able to hit me from outside the room that's actually insane that is actually insane what the hell so this myth is actually true you can hit the camera Rush even outside of the control room op that's opso next myth if you hold Dragon C while talking to the fruit mover it'll make you flow forever now I can't believe I'm about to waste our Dragon for the sake of this video but hey I do it for y'all I'll do it for y'all let's eat this thing all right so what I have to do is I have to hold the fire shot talk to him and remove it all at the same time okay let's let's remove it oh he said stop her moving he said stop doing something okay so let me try doing this let me hold an ability okay we're holding a move we're talking to him stop using your ability first so this myth is busted you can't even talk to him while using an ability that actually sucks I thought that was going to be an interesting one while we're on Dragon let's go ahead and do this next myth apparently if you hold the dragon Heat Wave B move it'll disappear after holding it for a long time so let's sit here hold this I don't know how long this is gonna take I've been standing here for about a minute straight nothing's happening I'm just gonna stay here a little bit longer and see if anything happens so far this is not looking good a few minutes later oh it went away after about two minutes of waiting it went invisible it shows nothing no animation or nothing let's see this move still come out oh it does still come out but that myth is true it does go invisible after you hold it for a long time and we are now at the halfway point boys myth number 25 the magma fruit can walk on lava without taking damage Now by all means this would make sense for us to not take damage but I don't know I'm always skeptical about it let's check this out oh wait a minute so magma actually makes it to where you take no damage at lava so myth confirmed that is actually true you take no damage with Magma next myth if you try to use spiky try to pull on someone sitting in a boat it bugs the game out okay I'm gonna try to pull this guy I didn't really bug out the boat kind of just made it like lean a little bit so I'm gonna say this myth is busted I tried it out twice didn't really do much next myth light flight goes slower when you're low health so unlike Venom this would be the exact opposite so let's go ahead and look at lightfly right now this is how lightflight looks right now it's pretty fast one of the fastest transportations in the game give me a little bit lower there we go that's good let me use shiny flight and this is a lot slower so the exact opposite of the Venom fruit this fruit gets worse the lower Health you are well this myth is confirmed Max Smith unawakened Buddha is faster than awakened Buddha so me and my awaken Buddha friend right here are gonna race to the start of the bridge on go let's get it three two one go no dashes we're just gonna go regular base running speed right now it seems they're about even maybe an awakened Buddha is like slightly faster doesn't seem like a wicked Booter on a wicked boot to have any disadvantage or Advantage as far as speed go and it is a tie myth busted on a wicked Buddha is not faster than awaken Buddha next myth piercing clothing line on awakened doe can't go on water let's test this out piercing clothesline it can Okay so this myth is actually busted piercing clothes I can't go in water though it doesn't last for long but it can go in water so that is actually busting Smith spirit is the fastest fruit in the game now there is a spirit glitch that exists that you can do if you have it permanent what I'm gonna do is wait until this Spirit bar goes to nine and then I'm gonna tap it only when it's on the blue side you guys can see right here I'm pressing it right now only when it's on the blue side boom and then I go quickly switch over to a different fruit you guys can see I now have a speed boost you can stack this multiple times and you can get it to the point where the game actually like registers you going too fast in the anti-cheat kicks in so this myth is actually confirmed all right now next myth supposedly sand takes more damage from Quick waves now we know crocodile takes double damage from water in the anime it was true for rubber let's see if it's true for this so I got my boy Yen here he's about to do the waves do the waves let's see how much damage it does without me being on Sand okay these are very anticlimactic waves but it did 2929 2929 is how much damage I took now now I'm gonna switch to San he's gonna do the same thing okay okay there we go how much damage was it 29 out of 29 same okay so this myth is busted sand does not take more damage from Quick waves but while we're on Sand let's go ahead and test if sand takes more damage from the water than other fruits so let me go in here let's see okay damn damn that quick what the hell okay that definitely seemed faster than other fruits but just for reference let's go ahead and test it out with a different fruit now let's see how quick we die with leopard bro okay okay oh you definitely died quicker with sand like I died so quick with sand so that myth is actually true sand does take more damage in water than any other fruitsmith says that if you get teleported to Lava and stand still you won't take any damage from the lava so I'm gonna have one of my friends teleport me over there all right teleport me to Lava and this is actually true I'm not taking no damage my hand is off the keyboard I'm not taking any damage but hold on let me see as soon as I start moving I start taking damage okay so that myth is actually true next myth typing sub to winter clouds in chat before doing agasha guarantees you a legendary believe it or not I actually have history of this being true just look at this clip right here typed in slash sub to Winter clothes that's gonna get him a legendary for sure they gotta Rumble no no no way no way so you guys can see he got a rumble by saying that so let's type it in chat sub two winter clouds and then let's go ahead and do a gotcha I I should be guaranteed to get a legendary right bro no way I gotta Quake we got a legendary from that that is actually insane myth confirmed myth confirmed next myth says that you can use unawakened Dole roller on the water if you have the shark race now we all know typically roller donut does not work on water as soon as you try to use it in water it just you know interrupts the move and you start taking damage question is will this work with the fisherman wrist let's go ahead and check it out oh oh you can actually use it with the Fishman race okay so if you have Fishman you can actually use the roller donut unawakened and it'll it'll be a decent Transportation move okay so this myth is actually true and all right boys the next myth is that you can reach the beautiful pirate domain through a hidden passage in the Yama waterfall so there's an area you can go in the waterfall right over here but apparently there's a hidden secret passage area right up here there's a little Gap right here and if you go under here you can see the entire map of third sea and uh I guess now we just have to find the beautiful power domain area which I believe is right here right under the great tree so let me go ahead and go over here beautiful pirate domain okay let me try to see if I can glitch in there there we go we glitched through and we've reached the beautiful pirate domain so that's actually true that's actually kind of interesting bro I never even knew about that coming up next the Whitebeard Cape logo changes depending on if you're a marine or pirate I think this is it right here accessory Coke okay here we are right here you guys can see it's the Whitebeard pirate emblem right now let's go ahead and talk to this guy marine recruiter and there you guys go you see you see the logo not only just the logo but the color of it actually changed too so this myth is actually confirmed Nick Smith if you hold dark bomb above your head for a long time it'll stay there forever I'm assuming this is going to be similar to the Dragon one where I have to hold it for like two minutes so let's just go ahead and try this one out dark bomb this will actually be lit if this stays above my head forever though a few minutes later I've been standing here for about four minutes uh nothing's happening I'm just gonna let it go and see if anything happens nothing happens so I guess this myth is busted it doesn't stay in my head forever I was hoping it would but that that's a little disappointing the next myth is actually suggested by one of the fans in the server he says if you hold an ability while going in the portal your game is gonna bug I think it means the portal up here so let's go ahead and do this let's hold um oh I hold I held an ability it didn't really bug my game but it just didn't teleport me hold on let me just try this again great Spear and I just didn't teleport me okay well I don't know if that's considered bugging because it kind of broke the teleport and made it not work but I would say that's definitely MythBusters next myth apparently if you use God human while sitting in a boat at the same time it'll make the boat bug out all right God human now let's spawn Swan boat I think what I have to do is I have to like use this okay that didn't really do much let me see try this one more time to try to get it as glitchy as I'm looking for so let me just try doing this oh there we go there we go so myth confirmed it did make the boat bug out like crazy I like that that's why I like to see that's what I like to see you know what I'm saying and with that we have only 10 myths left to bust we almost there boys it's been a bit of a journey thanks Smith you can get a permanent Phoenix or if you use the healing move in fast kick at the same time so let's try to do this real quick a little famous fast kick uh I don't think there's any physical way we could do at the same time hold on let me see let me see so I try to use it at the same time uh I don't know if this works can you even do it at the same time give it one more try let's give it one more try this time I'll try to do fast kick first and then maybe blue Flint you can't do it you can't do it that's third time I tried so that's myth is busted I was hoping this was going to be true but I guess it's not but that's not the only Phoenix myth I have apparently going half form makes you lose your limbs so let me go to hybrid flight real quick um it replaces my arms with wings but let's see if they come back okay so they came back no worries though I'm gonna try to awaken every move once again and see if that maybe bugs him out hey let's waking all the moves Swift flight okay so now my arms are replaced with bigger wings now let's undo these and my arms are still there so I don't know if this myth is busted just yet I'm gonna give it another try and we'll see if I can give it to glitch well after several attempts of trying to get this to glitch um I can't seem to make it make my limbs go away I could have sworn this happened to me once before but for now I'm just gonna have to say MythBusters next myth you can awaken a fruit without even having to do a raid so if you guys go to Cafe go under here go all the way to this corner right here and then teleport you guys can see I'm now under the map in so I can see now if you go all the way over to I think it's right there that building right there there's a little platform right here if you look inside of it you guys can see this is the Awakening room right there all right I managed to get inside the rooms and I'm gonna switch to a fruit that I'm able to awaken and hopefully we'll be able to talk to this guy in awaken one of my fruits let me talk to him greetings mortal what do you seek Ascension wait wait you cannot talk to this NPC okay okay I got really excited there this myth is busted though you have to actually go through the raid you can get in the room which is cool but it's not gonna let you away Nick Smith says ice Moon moves can damage Seabees there's actually a lot of fruits that can't damage sea beasts like a lot of portal moves don't work on CBS so I'm curious to see if this is actually two all right we got a Sea Beast now it's time to see do the moves do damage let me check M1 okay M1 does no damage ice Spears Okay Ice Bears do damage I surge I surge did no damage let me see Ice Bird Ice Bird did damage okay so Epoch does this damage later Epoch did no damage so this myth is confirmed while we're still on Ice let's go ahead and test out this next myth ice can stand on lava without taking damage obviously leopard could do it magma could do it let's see if ice could do it let's stand on it and this myth is busting damn I'm not quick as hell damn yep yeah that myth was definitely busted ice cannot walk on lava like leopard or magma cam we only have five more minutes to go boys Nick Smith the control fruit can pick up the second C bridge I'm on my alt right now with the control of fruits let me use room let's see if we can levitate this bridge levitate oh wait wait you actually can break the bridge limit did it okay that's fire that is fire right there yes sir okay so we can destroy the whole Bridge like we bobbed ability or something bro that is fire that is fire and that myth is confirmed but that's not the only myth I have with control the next myth is that control can cut through barriers move so you guys can see right here I can cut through this tree with 11 tape move I just cut off the top of that tree but what we're trying to prove is if ope can cut through the barrier moves or not so I got my friend here with barrier he's got the wall right there let me see uh okay so that is not a good sign it's not actually cutting the barrier move it's just making a rock out of it okay we got the stairs now let me see ah it doesn't look like it can actually cut through control cannot cut through barriers moves it just simply replicates the color through the rock Smith big and Marine gets you better luck in the fruit gotcha so to test this Theory out what I'm gonna do is I'm Gonna Roll right now as a pirate I'm gonna go on a different alt account as a marine and we're gonna go pair what we got let's see what I get as a pirate I get the bomb fruit okay let me drop that okay now we are on my alt account as a Marine um I don't know why it's in first seat but let's go ahead and do it gotcha here and let's see what we get yes sir a barrier fruit so technically this is worth more the bomb so technically this bit's true myth number 49 the damage you take from water in each sea is different all right so first things first let's go ahead and test this out in first see I have the portal fruit I also switch my race let's see okay so I'm dying pretty quick uh I think that took me like maybe like five or six seconds to die let's go ahead and try this out in second C so I can see attempts now let's go in the water okay okay that feels about the same to me third C test now let's see how quick we die and this appears to be all at the same rate there's no changes so this myth is 100 busted HC drains your health at the same rate and for the final myth the love Flamingo Rod can make boats fly now I tested out this myth in another video where I was trying out Tick Tock glitches let me try to get him oh he got it there he got there okay okay does this work does this work no it appears it doesn't and uh y'all all claimed I did it wrong y'all claimed it was actually true so we're about to try right now and what I have to do now is try to set him down so this is going to be a little bit of a process might take me a little bit okay there we go I think he sat down now um didn't glitch the boat at all so I think I might have did that wrong let me see let me try to back him into it oh oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute it kind of glitched the boat there a little bit hold on hold on you pack it up ever so slightly oh oh oh it works it works you know it's actually confirmed if y'all saw that it was messing up the boat oh the boat's floating the boat's floating oh oh I actually got it to work perfectly no way no way this is the most fire myth of them all bro this is actually crazy I can't believe that actually worked what a fire way to end the video foreign
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 693,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox, blox fruits myths, i busted 30 myths in 24 hours, i busted 26 myths in 24 hours, i busted 24 myths in 24 hours, i busted 50 blox fruits myths, busting 50 myths in blox fruits, busting 26 myths in 24 hours, busting myths in blox fruits, myths blox fruits, i busted blox fruits myths, i busted 15 blox fruits myths, i busted 17 blox fruits myths, i busted 16 blox fruits myths, myths in blox fruits, busting blox fruits myths
Id: JD5qpAwaZH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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