Trading From Rocket To Kitsune in One Video! (Blox Fruits)

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this is the worst fruit in the game but this is the new best fruit I think you can see where I'm going with this my goal is to trade this rocket all the way up to the most expensive fruit in the game kitsun in one video all right first things first y'all don't think I'm cheating I'm going to reset with every single fruit in my inventory so we only have kilo left spin bomb down smoke ice down sand down oh pain a legendary down last but not least it's about to be the most painful of them all the mammoth the legendary fruit we traded to in the last video oh oh what did I just do that all right so with that we are now a broky account that only has the rocket fruit all right though now that we reset all the fruits before we start getting into trading let's get an idea of how expensive the kitun is going to be so according to this value Game Pass kitun is value at 135 million which is about two or three leopards that's actually kind of crazy I've never even traded to one leopard yet I've been saving that video and now in this video we've got to get two minimum just to even trade for kitsun well if that's the case I'm allowing myself to get fruits by any means necessary in this video because this is going to be a tough challenge first things first all let's try to trade up this rocket trading rocket for spin okay this guy's sitting in a chair right there he jumped right up before I could even go there he's offering ghost and Quake and I bro bro how am I supposed to trade up to this with just a rocket my guy are you good are you good oh that dude has a has a sand yo yo yo can you drop sand plee never mind he he uh he stored it oh we bro I'm about to go on my begging Arc in this video man this is crazy oh he dropped it he dropped it oh yall saw that he dropped it I was too late drop it please bro please come on bro just drop it you you want to oh I got it I got the sand I got the sand yo he dropped it bro he dropped it he said you're welcome Hey thank you my boy all right let me go ahead and start that yes sir oh he dropped me a ghost too no no no no we're not going to accept that many free fruits right after bat bro so right now we have a sand and a rocket we can already trade this up to something decent like a dart let's go ahead and try to find that trade I don't want to rely on too many people to give me free fruits though so let's go just drop this ghost and then uh actually I'll store this chop that's not worth much all right now it's time to find our first Trade Trading sand and rocket for ice I know this is kind of a bit of a downgrade but y'all see why I do it in a second okay I finally found someone that has the spaces for sand and Rocket but he's offering rubber what do you have dark or ice dark oh I'll take this I'll take this accept it accept it imagine just getting a free Fruit out this and our first trade yes sir yes sir we just got our first trade of the video bro we traded up that rocket in sand to dark and Spike so we've pretty much doubled our value that we had before now our first goal is to trade up to a singular leopard and then we have to double what we do to get two leopards question is what's the best path to get a leopard guess we're going to have to figure that out but for now we should try to trade up this dark and Spike trading dark and Spike for magma this guy put a skull emoji in chat what are you trying to say what you what are you trying to say what about this guy in the trade table though come on come oh he doesn't have dark he doesn't have dark wait wait wait he's offering up Quake wait he has magma there can trade magma for my dark wait I can't even do magma even if I wanted to it's 960,000 I can't even trade up to ghost oh my God this is a lost cause this is actually a lost cause all right you know what boys I'm pulling it out we're stuck right now I'm pulling out the big guns we're doing a block fruits gsha the first one of the video theis bless be one of the good fruit another Spike but what am I supposed to do with two spikes I think I have an idea so typically people in second SE they drop their bad fruits in the cafe like a lot of people will just like drop them in this little cafe area right here so what I'm thinking is we could hop a bunch of servers and maybe we could stack up some low tier fruits and then use that to trade up to my next fruit all right there's nothing in this server also Nothing in This Server Nothing in This Server either also Nothing in This Server oh I found something in this server though hold on there's a barrier right over here okay okay that's easy barrier hold on let me get out of here oh that dude just tried to snipe me out of Safe Zone all right but we found a barrier fruit just lying on the floor there so let's go ahead and just store that now we might actually be able to trade up this darken barrier to something decent potentially although barrier has absolutely no demand let's try and trade it up to a love this guy Lobo Dragon came up to me said do you want Spider hell yeah I want Spider what you mean okay hold on let me put up dark barrier dark he has both of them oh my God this has been one of the toughest trades I've tried to make everyone for some reason has dark in barrier a few minutes later oh my prayers have been answered core core core hold on hold on hold on hold on let me equip Bo let me quit budha we need this we need to win this we need to win this by any means necessary there we go okay boom boom boom I can still get credit I can still get credit for this thing I can still get credit for this never mind there's two boers actually maybe we have 52,000 we have 52,000 come on come on come on 80,000 oh I got it I got it I got the credit we got the ice rout boys she we have ice barrier in dark we should 100% be able to get that love trade now especially considering ice has some decent demand as a physical fruit no reason someone should decline this now wait someone said me okay okay hold on hold on let's go to the trade table let's go to the trade table bro come on come on come on oh oh oh we found a trade we found a trade yo yo yo grogs Playhouse bro you a w man bro you're the only person that has accepted my trade in the last hour bro three 2 1 yo we just made our second trade of the video oh my God yo so I think the play now is to trade this Quake barrier in dark can we finesse and get up to a phoenix maybe according to this trading value calculator the most I can get out of my dark barrier is 1.2 million worth of value so our best bet is to try to trade up the darken barrier to love once again which is going to be a tough trade to make but if we can get love plus Quake that'll give us some decent grounds to trade up to a phoenix uh-oh ladies and gentlemen uhoh we have a Notifier where's it at over here maybe it's at that tree over there it's at that tree over there it's a damn ghost but you know what this has like 960,000 value but it has virtually no demand still going to store that though a few minutes later all right boys after a while of looking I found this W trade barrier plus gold ghost for love we Trad the barrier ghost for love which is a small W cuz you can see the value difference but now we have two legendary fruits love and Quake we're making decent progress here we only have two more trades left for the day though so we have to make them count actually I just thought of something genius so we have permanent Bud on account why not take advantage of it what if we did raid carries in exchange for legendary fruits let's say I carried someone through a budha raid and in exchange for that they give me a spider that could be a play right there boys oh there's a flame FR right there hold on let me just go take that real quick all right let's just get back to it doing raid carries for spider trade this guy youon said me oh wait you have a spider trade hold on let me see let me see let me see okay okay we got our spider trade we got our spider trade right here boys W man got that easy spider let's see what raed he needs help with that was easy STS for us though boys we now have spider Ling Quake I'll take it I'll take it is this flame okay that's a that's easy easy work easy work all right we're almost done with the raid and yon just said in chat by the way if you do more raid carry tell me I still have a lot of fruits damn okay this dude is going to be a returning customer and raid complete the only issue is what can we trade spider love and Quake up to I think if we really finesse we could get it up to a portal or Rumble but that's going to be tough to make well let's just give it a try trading spider love and Quake for rumble soone to check wait wait wait this guy Mr mama says I have do you need I do I do said sure all right say less say less let's get it let's get it let's get it Rumble okay okay okay let's see spider all right and love but wait he has to add something else cuz it's the value difference is too high now he's adding an ice perfect perfect so Rumble and Ice we just traded our spider love and Quake for rumble and Ice 3 2 1 and yes sir yes sir that's our fifth trade of the day he said GG hey appreciate that my boy appreciate that that's crazy how far we've gotten bro we started off with just a kilo now we have Rumble ice Spike and chop speaking of witch can I do another gotcha now finally let me see come on come on come on oh oh we got a magma fruit oh that is huge now you're probably wondering why I'm so excited about getting a magma I mean Magma's only a rare fruit right but the thing is even for a rare fruit the magma value and demand is actually kind of high and according to to this value website people are easily overpaying for magma which means we should easily be able to trade up magma to something like spider or love so we'll be able to trade up spider to a legendary plus we have ice which could trade up to a dark and then trade the dark to a magma not bad for our first day of trading I would say all right boys we are now in day two of trading we have all five of our trades back and I think the first thing we're going to be trying to do is trade this magma up to love so let me type in chat trading magma for love let's see if someone responds soon Gojo yo yo yo Gojo Gojo Gojo goj bro you know you want this you know you want this magma bro you know you want this magma sit in the chair yep see what he got see what he got please don't have magma please don't have other player doesn't have enough SP he jumped up right away bro bro put me in the damn chair there we go okay kill vme please don't have magma gravity let me ask him do you have love ghost n I'm not doing that that's a l for me ghost has way less demand than magma might have to pass on that maybe potential trade right here luck 7808 all right luck bro put a magoth put up light for my magma no that's crazy I'm not doing this even with light and ghost no no no no I'm not going to be that's that's L that's L we need to trade up to a legendary so bald man love there you go there you go magma love yes sir yo yo I didn't think we be able to make this trade I didn't think we be able to make this trade bro what that's toxic that's toxic bro got my hopes up and everything just to jump out the chair this guy's offering Quake from a back but you know I'll do it I'll do it I'll do the trade I'll do the trade it's a worthy tra this guy jumped up that's Magma's magma has more demand than Quake what what do you mean all right boys I think we got ourselves a trade after so long of looking magma hopefully he's offering love there we go love yes sir boys yes sir if you're patient with Magma this is actually a very realistic trade and we have another legendary all right thank you my boy now we have Rumble and love and I think with love plus ice we might be able to trade up with something maybe it's time to do another gacha boys let's see what we get from the gacha a Buddha would be nice a Buddha would be nice come on Gosha come on don't know I expected anything we got a spring all right let's try to get another Notifier or a factory raid let's see if that'll work a few minutes later all right finally fruit spawn 620 M away let's go ahead and look for this thing okay I teleported to snow it's not over here here well actually maybe it is it's really close okay maybe it is on snow come on and we get a damn bomb I had a chance to get something good and I got something dooky all right we can't just sit around doing nothing we have to make some trades actually boys before we go ahead and do a trade I think a factory raid is about to spawn in a minute there we go we are breaching the factory in 30 seconds I'm praying we get a good fruit for this one cuz we need to make some stalks Boys open the gate there we go there we go all right bet let's get this luckily I am in my private server so we don't have to compete with nobody to break this thing all right here we go and the fruit is you guys are not going to believe it it's the rocket fruit the worst actual fruit in the game our luck is just not hitting today boys trading ice for dark hopefully someone takes this offer now you're probably wonder why I'm going for such a small trade here I mean ice for dark is just a small upgrade but I think with love plus dark we could maybe get a phoenix let's see if he'll actually do the trade though oh he's actually about to do it oh okay okay not bad not bad there we go easy dark right there now let's try to trade up this love and dark for Phoenix wait what the heck I looked away for a second someone dropped me this sand fruit okay okay I guess I'll start that I guess I'll start that okay so I think with love dark and sand we should be able to get a phoenix 100% bro at least according to this calculator it makes sense for this trade to be able to happen Fenix also doesn't really have that much demand so people are kind of quick to give it up let's try to see if we can to make this trade boys let's try to see all right ladies and gentlemen I found a really rare trade I found a guy that's willing to do Phoenix just for my love okay okay okay if we make this profit and we get to keep our dark and sand that's very crazy no way just actually did that oh my gosh yo this boy this what the what the heck why did he just reset with the love did this dude just want to be nice and help me out or something bro he said in chat I got to go good luck trading by hey uh appreciate that man that was uh that was an interesting individual there that is our third trade out the way though we have two remaining but now in our inventory we have Rumble Phoenix dark and sand we also have Spike and chop but I mean let's be honest I'm probably never going to trade those but I think with Rumble and Phoenix we actually have some pretty decent trades we could make with that trading Rumble and Phoenix for control let's see if we can make this trade boys if we can get that control we're at a very good place hey what do you what do you want my boy what do you want you can help me in three raid wait a minute this could be perfect this could be perfect I think spider is a fair fruit for a raid carry I have love I'll take love oh bet say let say Hold On Hop On Hop on the trade table hop on the trade table easy profit right here bro if he actually goes through with this this is huge this is huge yes sir just got a easy love we only have one trade left of the day so we do got to make this count but let me get this boy squared away first what is this dark raid okay this is easy work easy work bro he said in chat two raids three bro I ain't taking you through three different raids for just what love hell no you tripping bro you tripping that's way too much I'll do two raids Max bro all right first raid done now wait wait wait someone just said in chat please help raid anyone want to help me raid I'll pay Rumble yo hold on hold on let me just finish this raid real quick and I'm going to hit that guy up he says he needs five flame raids in chat okay okay H that's all that's going to be a while grinding bro but if I trade him that love for that Rumble oh that's that stons right there that stons right there boys we got to get the bigger picture here all right just finished up this guy's raid let me go ahead and make my way over to mansion and get that Rumble and we about to do five more flame raids bro all right let me put up this love give me that Rumble my boy give me that Rumble we about to make some crazy promise bro I might get scammed sorry what I ain't going to scam you bro I literally just helped the top Bounty player in the server with two flame rates ask him bro all right man if this dude doesn't believe me I ain't going to waste my time plge at doing business with your Gregory let's go ahead and hop servers what the heck what the heck yo this dude just gave me a MAG okay that was random but I'll take that I'll take a free magma bro sheesh look at that look at that inventory now Rumble Phoenix love and magma our goal now though is to trade this Rumble and Phoenix for control all right boys I think I got a trade here for my Rumble and Phoenix he's putting up control say less let's get it let's get it boys little bit of a downgrade in terms of raw value but control is a mythical so this is going to be huge he Ted in chat pleasure having business with you golly bro we just started off with a rocket and now we have control love and magma in our inventory that is the rest of our five trades for this day though so we have to wait another 8 hours go figure but before we do that might as well do a gacha real quick since we can't get any fruits from trades might as well use our other methods to get fruits and let's see what we get oh okay that's not bad that's not bad ice fruit I'll take that I'll take that now we just wait for some notifiers or factory raids a few minutes later all right boys a Notifier just spawned I'm going towards it right now let's see what it is oh oh yo yo a spider there's actually no shot this is actually perfect boys let me throw that real quick before we DC H with spider love and magma we could actually get a good trade for that maybe we could even finesse a portal for that which is a little unlikely but we could 100% get a phoenix with it all right boys the 8 hours are up and we now have our five trades available let's go make some stocks what I'm going to try to do is I'm going to try to trade this love and spider for Phoenix okay seems like we got an offer pretty quick gu guys offerings Phoenix and he's willing to take my love and spider okay this is a pretty good trade all right there we go he said Thank you thank you my boy I think now what the goal is we use this magma and Ice to try to trade up to another love all right we got ourselves a pretty quick offer this was not hard to make at all magma and ice for love fruit this is a very decent trade I mean magma has decent demand but so does love so this is a cool trade up now we have another easy legendary fruit and there we go easy that's two out of the five trades we still have three remaining this is how our inventory is looking right now though Control Phoenix and love I think the next place we try to trade this Phoenix and love maybe for rumble but that might be a little tough to make let's do aasa just for good measure let's see hopefully we get something good please gotcha please yo yo yo bro oh my gosh yo this is crazy first the spider from the Notifier earlier now spider from the gacha this game just wants me to have spiders bro this game just wants me to have spiders let's go ahead and store that now we have a spider a phoenix and a love we should 100% be able to get rumble or portal from this trading spider Phoenix and love for rumble hopefully someone responds man hopefully someone takes that offer there's this guy say the chair saddest let me offer him up spider Phoenix love what you got to offer my boy he said nice bro put up quake and magma oh my God n dog I got to get up to at least the higher tier legendary all right boys I managed to find something not exactly what we were initially looking for but it it it's something so my Phoenix spider love for this guy's lizzard which he's going to have to add something else to even make this trade cuz the value difference is too high blizzard in love hey all right BR I guess not exactly what we wanted we wanted to go for the rumble but blizzard is around the same value just slightly less demand so w trade overall thank you my boy all right I'm not going to lie now we're in a pretty decent position we have control and blizzard which are two pretty high valued fruits I think the next play is what I'm going to try to do is I'm going to try to trade this control up to a Venom and then if we could push it maybe a spirit if we could do that we'll be in a very good position but it's also important to note that was our third trade we only have two more left for now though let's focus on getting this trade trading control for Spirit we should be able to make that trade boys a few minutes later all right boys we got ourselves a little offer right here we got ourselves a little offer my control for this dude's Spirit turns out this trade wasn't as hard to make as I thought it was yes sir he said GG's GG's bro that's four out of five right there we have one more trade for the day and I think the trade to make is trying to get this blizzard up to Buddha I don't know if y'all can't tell bro I'm like starting to get really tired it is 500 a.m. right now I've been up here trying to do these trades bro and it is taking a long time time but it's going to pay off now hold the phone real quick with Spirit blizzard and love I'm valued at 16 million I could probably get a dough which is valued at 20 million it'd be a little tough to find but I could find that or I could try to trade these two for Buddha and it would be 16 million which would have more demand I'd be able to get that easier trading blizzard for Buddha someone reply please they're worth the same thing it's just blizzard has less demand all right boys I got myself a little bit of a trade here Buddha for blizzard value difference too high oh he needs to add something else cuz this is 2.4 million Diamond all right I'll take that I'll take that yes sir he said thanks hey appreciate you too my boy look at our inventory boys we're slowly getting stacked little by little now what we can do is we can trade Spirit Plus Buddha for D I did that trade in the last video trading the mammoth so we should 100% be able to do it now but first I ain't going to lie I did sleep for 8 hours so let's go ahead and do a gotcha see what we get and we got a ghost fruit actually this is not too bad bro because with this love ghost and barrier I could trade those up to a gravity all right we got ourselves a trade here love and ghost for Gravity now we got ourselves a spirit gravity and Buddha and you know what I think we should trade back up to Love by trading this barrier in Diamond that should very well be possible this has 1.4 million value love only has 1.15 all right you may count this one is cheating a little bit but I have my boy RIT maras he said he has a love so I'm going to trade him the barrier and D okay never mind he doesn't have either of those but getting I love back bro I swear we've gotten so many loves throughout this video but it it's just a decent legendary fruit that has decent demand one and there we go thank you my boy Mari since we only have two trades left the best players to trade this Spirits love and Buddha for do and then trade the D for Dragon and then that'll end off our five trades and then we're going to need to farm we're going to need to go crazy on the notifiers of gotas man cuz we got to get something crazy to get that leopard all right boys this next trade is about to be huge I'm putting up my spirit and Buddha for D and he's putting in a gravity in there but I'm assuming it's cuz gravity is worth nothing okay never mind he took away the gravity and put up spider okay I'll take that I'll take that that's more fair that's more fair only a 7% value difference this is actually a pretty good trade this is the same trade I made in the last video Spirit Plus Buddha for D so this is big this is big boys this is going to be the turning point of the video yes sir yes sir we got D bro we got D thank you my boy no problem yes sir now for the last trade of the day what we're going to try to do is we're going to try to trade this D up to Dragon trading dough for Dragon see if anybody will take it this dude has a spider though yo imagine he just drops that right now that'd be kind of crazy oh oh no way I predicted that no way I predicted that oh my gosh sheesh what are the odds that happening bro two spiders now all right I believe I got a trade right here do for Dragon yes sir W bro that's crazy Dragon this is the first biggest step of the video boys but with that we are out of our five out of five trade it's time to do a gotcha let's see what we get boys let's see what we get okay okay we got a magma fruit that's not bad that's not bad all right boys I got a trade right here spider and magma for Phoenix easy Phoenix small profit there we go got ourselves a trade Phoenix in love for blizzard over here Blizzard's pretty much equal to Buddha so we essentially just got a Buddha trade boys yes sir okay that was actually a pretty good trade he said thank you I appreciate you too my boy I have a plan here boys let me cook trading dark and ice for love all right boys I got myself a trade dark and ice for love I'm so lucky love has virtually no value so I'm able to just get it easily there we go that's third trade of the day so now what we're going to do is we're going to loop around once again trade love and spider for Phoenix and then after that we'll trade Phoenix plus gravity for uh rumble or something like that all right we quickly found a trade for Phoenix for my spider and love this trade was not very hard to make boys and that is four out of five right there all right now the goal is to trade this gravity Plus Phoenix for something like portal or Rumble and according to this calculator it looks like this trade shouldn't be too hard to make busted out the old Discord to help me find this trade real quick I'm actually genuinely losing my sleep over this one man oh we all right boys we got a trade here Gravity Phoenix for for rumble a quake let's go ahead and accept this and that is our fifth trade of the day five out of five anyways we now have dragon blizzard and Rumble boys I think I actually don't even know what the next play is man we can't even do anything right now I'm about to sleep all right boys the five out of five trading period is up I ain't going to lie I took a crazy sleep let me go ahead and do a gacha real quick as we usually do let's see what we get let's see what we get oh oh oh oh yo yo yo yo yo oh my God oh my God bro bro bro there's no shot there's no y'all just saw that y'all just saw that bro Mammoth Mammoth oh I feel lightheaded I feel lightheaded bro I feel lightheaded that's crazy bro Mammoth is is is basically the same value as Dragon we can trade up to leopard now Dragon plus Mammoth for Leo you got it you got Leo hold on let me see Dragon Mammoth oh oh leopard yo yo leopard bro bro bro bro bro hold on hold on hold on boys if we get this leopard we are so close well actually not really we got to get two leopards but bro three two 2 1 yes yes bro oh my gosh we've made it so far boys we started with a rocket now we have leopard blizzard and Rumble now we've just got to get a second leopard boys I know y'all boys are going to be upset by this but at the beginning of the video I said I'm allowing myself to get fruits by any means necessary now I have 563 Roblox that have been on my account since when I last bought roox I'm going to allow myself to use all 563 of these to buy game passes so we have two times drop chat that's only 350 as B that's also 350 two times money 450 and two times Mastery 450 so we got a lot of option here boys but I think the best way we can go for is either two times Mastery or two times money all right boys here's what we're going to do here's we're going to do I figured it out we're going to buy the plus one storage Game Pass gift it store into inventory now what I'm going to do is I'm also going to sweeten the deal by throwing in like a I'll just throw in a perm chop because why not I mean nobody's going to want this but it might sweeten the deal a little bit now we're going to trade these two things up for another leopard I Can See Clearly how we're going to get this trade now a few minutes later all right I've rallied up my trade real quick let me go to the Manion there you go leopard W boys we just got up to a second leopard this easy she that's our second trade we still have three more trades to make but now we have two leers which means we are only one step away from getting the kitson boys only one step we need to make some trades with this blizzard and Rumble I still have enough Robux for a permanent rocket so I'm just going to go ahead and gift that to myself real quick all right so I think the next play is I'm going to try to trade this blizzard and Rumble up to a spirit and I think with two leopards spirit and permanent rocket we should 100% be able to get a kitum all right boys I think I got myself a trade for spirit let me go ahead and put up the blizzard Spirit right there boys this is the last piece of the puzzle boys this the last piece of the puzzle woo we about to get that kit soon we about to get that kit soon three two one shees oh my God bro two leopards spirit and permanent rocket nothing can stand in our way from getting that KSU now oh my go the Journey's finally come to an end boys we just got to find that last trade we're going to have to use the Discord for this one because well it's going to be near impossible to find someone in public that has kitsu there all right boys we have the chat right here two leopards a spirit and a permanent rocket for kitsu let's send that in there hopefully someone responds this guy messaged me right here he said yo I can do it I asked him to kitsun tr he said yeah so we're just waiting on him to add me and then we'll see if we can get this done boys a few minutes later well sadly he ended up uh declining so that trades out of the water lucky for me though I had a backup plan in case that happened my friend shim over here recently just pulled this kid Su from the gacha not too long ago and he told me he traded to me so long as I give him a fair trade and as we saw at the beginning of the video people said kit stun goes for two leopards minimum we have two leopards a spirit and a permanent rocket so I'd say this is a pretty fair trade ready to trade my boy he said yeah all right let's get this all right let me sit down on the trade table let's put it on them let's put it on them one leopard two leopard spirit and last but not least permanent rocket all right all right come on shimer come on boys last trade of the video last trade of the video please don't jump please don't jump shimer I feel like you're going to jump he's a troll bro 3 2 1 yes sir yes sir boys kid donate for the fourth trade we finally did it there you have it ladies and gentlemen rocket to kitsuna in one video this was the hardest trade challenge I've ever done
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 3,524,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitsune fruit, rocket to kitsune trading in blox fruits, blox fruits kitsune, rocket to kitsune trading, blox fruits trading, trading blox fruits, kitsune, blox fruits kitsune fruit, trading kitsune fruit, blox fruit trading, rocket to kitsune, kitsune fruit blox fruits, trading rocket to kitsune in blox fruits - part 1, trading up to kitsune, rocket to kitsune blox fruits, blox fruits noob to pro, trading kitsune, trading from rocket to kitsune, kitsune blox fruits
Id: eRp1SDNeGzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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