I Tested STRANGE Mythical Blox Fruits Experiments..

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experiment number one you can turn the mammoth fruit into a ghost okay so apparently if you equip the ghost fruit and let an NPC kill you you can see I'm invisible now if I go equip the mammoth fruit I should still be invisible let's see yo I just became a ghost Mammoth that's crazy today I'm going to be testing 40 crazy mythical fruit experiments you guys sent me to see if they're real or fake for number two if you use dough scorching donut into a portal apparently it bugs the game so I'm going to tell my friend over here teleport to random place okay so I'm going to use do F what the heck where what did that just put me let me go back to where it disappears scoring donut look at it it just randomly bugs you to a random place so that experiment was actually true that's interesting for experiment number three if two dragon players both use draconic claw each other it'll bug each other out I got my boy zo's bathwater over here he's using Dragon let me go equip Dragon myself all right Zoro when I say go unleash it go oh oh oh damn y'all saw that it was actually making his bug okay look at him R CH cat what the hell nah Zoro just came up with a crazy idea he said we could try all on each other like all three of us that'd be crazy let's do it it all right so we're going to get all close to each other and 3 2 1 go what the okay that was crazy that was actually a good one right there that was good for experiment number four T-Rex can walk on water so obviously we already know kitson can run on water as you can see right here that's nothing new you know we we we already knew that but let's see if we transform into the T-Rex form if we can walk on water as well all right I just got my theory meter bar let's go ahead and transform and let's see if we can walk out water with this and we definitely cannot we are dying very quickly rest in peace now that was our first experiment that wasn't true but let's see if this next one is kit soon has lower base and one damage than leopard I honestly do not believe this one let's go ahead and do leopard first since this the less valuable one let's do M1 real quick okay 1354 for M1 let's do a whole M1 combo 6,601 now let's go ahead and switch over to Kit soon and let's transform to full form let's see how much damage we do with the m1's here okay per M1 we deal 1,96 full M1 oh my gosh 11,000 damage plus burn burn damage oh that is completely false Kiton deals way more damage experiment number six control can cut sea castle I don't exactly know what y'all meant by this but I'm going to go ahead and just test it out anyways so I'm at C Castle right now let's go ahead and do the room so obviously normally you can cut trees like that that's noral right there but what we're looking for to see if we can cut the building let's see okay no we can't it just does the rock let me see if I can try other parts of sea castle let's try this pillar right here let's see if this works nope just doesn't nor Rock what about this building right here oh oh you could do this building so that technically counts you can cut sea castle so this experiment is true you can just only do certain things experiment number seven apparently kitsunes can stack on top of each other I do not believe this one but I have a 30 million body player in the server that's telling me otherwise all right here we go so I got this guy right here he says go up and remove your fruit oh this is interesting okay okay I got to go up and remove my fruit so I go talk to this guy and I go talk and remove my fruit sure blocks first removed oh yo what the heck what I didn't even know you could do this like I'm still in the kit suit for but I remove my Blox fruit and he's just sitting on top of me yo I wonder if we could extend this further yo Yen go kit soon form okay now that Yen's mounted on top I have to get to this NPC and then this guy's going to reset his fruit and then Yen's going to be able to transform look at that bro we have three k stacking on each other that's crazy w7th experiment imagine seeing this in a public server you just have three kitu just like charging at you this would be insane experiment number eight if you reset while someone's mounted to you on kit soon you fall through the map so we did the glitch once again and what I'm going to do is I'm going to have this 30 million bunny player reset and it's going to make us fall through the map okay now that're the bottom I'm going to tell him reset let's see what happens he going to reset look at it it just fall straight through the that's crazy look look we literally it just literally just broke the game that is insane bro we literally just found that out right now by the way and I decided to add that to the list it's bugging out like crazy bro experiment number nine the leopard can do the T POS now this one's been in this game for a while I've never been able to do it we're going to try try again once again today every time I do one of these types of videos I always include this and I've never once been able to do it let's do it so apparently what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to go in this little chair right and you're supposed to hold transformation while trying to step into the chair see it just the timing is just really tough okay hold on hold on let me go like this transform step in the chair didn't work we're going to give it three more tries if it doesn't work then we're going to say this experiment is not true we're going to go transform ah it still didn't work bro we're going to go like this we're going to get right up on the chair right up on the chair it's it's just not letting me get in that chair bro it is not whatsoever bro okay okay at this point this experiment has been either patched or fake I don't know what it won't even let us get in the chair bro but what if the mammoth could do it yep for the 10th experiment we're doing the same exact thing let's see if Mammoth can sit in the chair while doing this okay okay I tried to transform it wasn't able to work let's try one more time let's try one more time let's go in the chair yeah it wasn't able to work bro okay we're we got to try this a few more times I don't want to give up on first two tries okay we got this we got this we have to just time it there we just have to time it like this boys go in there like this right oh oh wait we kind of dis something there it like put us in the chair but then it glitched us out so I'd say that experiment is actually kind of true bro experiment 11 apparently Mammoth can fly so he said in chat I need to have permanent spiders so let me go ahead and equip permanent spider real quick there we go I equip spider what next bro he said click once on any equip button of your perm fruits let me go do Mammoth then do spider F and click again right after you got to be very quick it says stop holding your move first he said actually equip the fruit before you do the spider F okay so we have to do it slightly before Oh we did it we did it i'm fling I'm flying hold on hold on bro my hands aren't even on the keyboard I can't I can't stop I can't stop it bro hold on let me go Mammoth I'm literally just flying as a mammoth this is so goofy bro what the heck I can't stop it though I can't stop I can't even control where I'm going so this experiment is 100% true that is goofy as hell dog look at this experiment number 12 T-Rex transformation messes up your camera angle so the entire premise is that basically you equip T-Rex you unlock the transformation so we got to get our Fe meter up Fe meter up now we transform and what we do is we waste all of our moves we just start spamming moves to lower down our furom meter right and we're not supposed to hit NPCs that way it actually goes down so let's just waste it all and I guess once your fear meter runs out your camera angle should be messed up a little bit more to go I'd say one or two more moves there we go oh camera angle is weird what the heck yeah that that that that is weird man this is like tripping with me let me reset you guys about to see it's about to change back to normal wait it's still bugged what the oh let me leave the game and come back now it looks normal once again this is how it's supposed to look experiment number 13 if you transform to leopard while jumping in water it negates drown damage there's no shot this one is true but y'all put it in there so I'm here to test it out let's go ahead and equip leopard let's see what we do here and let's see how this works okay so I'm going to jump in the water right transform I think I did that wrong hold on let me retry that again okay so I guess I'm supposed to transform the moment before I go into the water right so let me go like this okay I'm still drowning maybe I did that wrong let me try one more time okay I'm going to go like this transform no I'm still taking damage that uh experiment is fake that's not true next experiment if two players use doc at the same time they will both take no damage I'm I'm interested to see how this one works it's similar to The draconic Claw one we did earlier so hopefully it does some buggy thing or something interesting let's see so I got my dough user right here we're about to test this out soon as I say go we're going to use it 3 2 1 go Pi a cloth line we're about to hit to each other what the heck what the heck wow it literally just negates all damage that's crazy we took both of us took no damage still a w experiment nonetheless next experiment T-Rex can stack on kit soon so we already seen earlier that Kiton can stack on kitoons let's see if T-Rexes can stack on kitson so I'm pretty sure it's going to be the same premise and Method as we did before so let's make our way up here got my Fury bar full let me go ahead and mount this guy right quick now he's going to go reset his double fruit and let's see if I can transform yes sir hey hey that looks kind of weird I ain't going to lie bro I'm able to use all of my moves he said do an attack I'll run for Passive oh that's interesting that's interesting bro so this experiment is actually true next experiment Dragon form can fly a boat let me Spawn this miracle bolt right here then let's go Dragon form and I guess what we're supposed to do is we're supposed to try to position ourselves on the boat boat how do we do that though where's my body said go first person okay let me just try to go first person and just go on the boat oh yo what the heck look at this the boat's literally flying right now oh my gosh bro are these experiments are kind of crazy bro look at this this is crazy I wonder if I dform right now if it'll just stay in there let me jump up will it just stay in the sky no it won't okay so Dragon was able to fly both but let's see if kitsun could do it as well the heck he's literally riding on my boat on the thing right now anyways same premise as last time let's go ahead and just spawn the boat Miracle right there transform the kit soon and then I guess what we're supposed to do is go first form and then see if we could just go in this thing I guess come on try to position this this is not working as well as it was for Dragon he say Chad it only works with lanterns let's try this now let's go in here let's try to back them up into the thing yep go ahead Mount me let's back him up in the thing oh there we go what the heck yo yo yo hold on hold on we got to do that again we got to do that again he said let me control it okay I'll Mount you all right there we go look at this look at this what the heck yo yo je this is insane experiment 18 holding do SE move while we're moving fruit will bug your animation so we're going back to se Castle we've done a lot of experiments on that guy up there that removes your fruit let's see if this one works as well boys so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold those SE how am I actually going to do this damn I can't even hold seat while I'm talking to how do I do this how am I meant to do this do okay hold on okay let just remove it there we go what the heck how did that even work bro he didn't even allow me to remove the fruit this guy said they patched that one oh okay buddy I guess you have it right there next experiment if you use human V4 dashes while Transformer kits soon you'll be invisible first step I got to get the human race so let's hope we get it first try and we get shark okay what about the second try what about the second try we get Rabbit third times the charm we get shark there we go got human after like five attempts okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go try to get my V4 and we also need to get our Kiton tails up give me one second boys two seconds later all right I got my human V4 let's go human V4 there we go now let's transform into kit soon let's use the dashes let's see see if it'll make me invisible oh it made me invisible only temporarily but then it comes back that's still op though what about this next experiment will it work with the person mounted on me so let me go ahead and Ally him me tell him Mount me all right so will it make him invisible no he doesn't make him invisible he's just sitting there floating on top of me clear as day okay so that second experiment is not true next experiment T-Rex takes no damage on lava so we're at hot and cold and second C right now we're about to test this out I know for a fact leopard I'm pretty sure takes no damage obviously magma takes no damage let's see if it's true for T-Rex all righty here we go let's transform to T-Rex form let's see do we take damage on lava oh wa damn we take a lot of damage H my health was just zooming down look at that okay so that experiment is false okay so T-Rex obviously can't withstand lava but what about Kit soon really hoping this one's true boys really hoping this one's true all right we got our full transformation form let's try it out on the lava and yeah that most definitely does not survive on lava oh my gosh my health is just tanked experiment fake next experiment Buddha can go faster while holding rocket in unawakened form I know this isn't a mythical fruit I just wanted to test this one out myself all right so what you have to do is you have to go to Awakening expert you have to unawakened Z okay I already have it unawakened then I guess what you do is you go pull out a rocket right here you hold out in your hand transform hold that in your hand right and then I guess you're supposed to be able to go faster this doesn't seem to be working bro hold let me go let me go to my friend maybe he'll know how to do it I think I may have figured something out boys here's what we're going to do we're going to untransform right we're going to transform instantly pull the rocket and then we're going to go like forward or something thought I had something but we lost it oh there we go right here right here right here right here look at this look at this look at this you see how far we Dash you see how far with Dash it I got it I got it boys I got it basically it makes you go really fast that's interesting look at that the speed of that see that that's crazy so it pulls you a specific Direction it's interesting though watch this this the direction I'm going this time boys my God that is quick i' say that was a worthwhile experiment even though it wasn't a mythical bro that was funny I forgot what number we're on but next experiment leopard C goes the same distance as Flash step now this was not too unbelievable but we got to find out firsthand because that's the point of this video testing experiments all right so I have my boy Marise right here standing right next to me so I'm going to tell him go ahead and Flash step there he goes okay that's the distance that's the maximum distance of his flash step now let's see the maximum distance of my after image assault ooh it doesn't go as far it's just barely further bro so it does not go as far as flash step kind of close though and while we're on the topic of distance this next experiment is interesting T-Rex leap goes further than Mammoth leap so let me tell my boy right here switch to Mammoth I'm going to go T-Rex of course we're both going to try to go the maximum distance our leap can go and then see which is with all right so he's about to use his maximum we'll see how far his goes all right go ahead let it go damn that went kind of far okay so let me see how far can mine go okay okay how how can I aim this let's aim it like that damn did I aim that wrong if I if I aim that wrong that's crazy cuz that didn't even go close to the dist as his he said I think I can do it better too yeah let's do a rerun let's do a rerun okay let's do his he's going to go further oh my God that was way further okay okay you know what bro you know what hold on hold on let me try this let me try this I'm not about to get beat like this oh my God bro T-Rex I to LEAP is not anywhere close to the distance Ms go so this experiment is fake bro this next experiment is one I've been curious about for a while Venom flight goes faster when low HP now I've heard people say this a lot me personally I don't notice much of a difference it could be true but we're about to find out for ourselves right now first off let me make my way over to the bridge so we can race all right I'm going to have my friend over here I'm going to have him get me to about one tap then we're going to do a race all right I'm right here he's right over there let's go in 3 2 1 and go let's go ahead and go let's see which one's faster how much faster is it oh mine's Faster by quite a bit bro mine's Faster by quite a bit this is even close look at this look at this y'all see much much faster it is when you're lower okay so this experiment is actually true I didn't think it was that much of a difference though look at that that's kind of crazy L count of the experiments were're on but for the next one it's saying Kiton has more Dash attacks than any other mythical let's go ahead and test this out Firs hand so obviously we have gravity gravity actually has no dash attacks okay so we're off of [Music] that last but not least we have kitsu it seems the average has been about two per mythical let's see this okay Tails burning Agony wild assault okay those those that's literally only one but I guess if we consider the transer cuz this one is the only one where the transformation drastically changes the moves all right so we have one wild assault right there let's transform now we have another one right here curse enchantment okay now we have taals of burning Agony that's two and then we still have wild assault okay so that's three so I guess kid does have the most huh next experiment control can cut down the diamond tree and by Diamond Tree I mean the one that's in second seed this one right here I have no doubt that control could pick this thing up but I need to find out firsthand for myself let's do control area let's do levitate okay yeah I perfectly can that's that's no problem for control that was easy but can controls still pick up and Float boats let's go find that out all right let's go over here we'll do like Sentinel okay that should work let's go control area and then let me go ahead and use levitate in the boat what the heck W it's floating the boat there's no doubt about that it's literally floating right there but I wanted it to float it with me on it let's do it like this there we go I did it I managed to make myself float okay so this experiment is still true you have to be really quick and uh have a little bit of luck and timing next up a flamingo flight can mount a kit soon so let me go ahead and get my tail beast form once again all right there we go you're about to see me transform to kid t for the million time this video now let me tell him yo can you come over here with flamingo flight there he goes right there okay let me see if he can come Mount me let me Ally him first there we go doesn't work wow okay it literally just killed all of my excitement it just it straight up doesn't work what if you mount first then try to use flamingo boat okay he's mounted first it just it just takes him off okay yeah that just doesn't work next experiment if you hold leop X while you're out of Sky jumps you'll get more sky jumps I've done this one a lot but I think they patched it as of recent so let's go ahead and find out ourselves so let's go leopard form let's use all 10 of our jumps right here and I'll keep pressing space for until we're out there we go we're out now we hold spiral and kick which is our leopard X move and then supposedly we're supposed to get our uh jumps back I've done this in the past let's see if it still works all right we should be good now there we go and it doesn't work anymore they patched it damn that is actually kind of disappointing I liked that one Dam it block shots next experiment says that the T-Rex prey Mark will multiply depending on distance now to properly test this out what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a full M1 combo to test the base prey damage and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to test it again and they're going to teleport to a far away Island to see if it does more damage okay so let's see what a full M1 does so we're walking away let's see how much it does so right now it's at 4,000 5,000 5,145 so now I'm going to tell him when I do M1 teleport to ice castle M1 okay teleport to ice castle hurry let's see how much more damage it does yo that just did like 2,000 or 1,000 more extra damage sheesh so the damage does multiply if you're further away okay so that experiment was true let's take it even further for the next experiment we're going to have him go in his portal V Dimension and see how much damage it does then so we did 5,000 base damage it did over 6,000 when he teleports to the island let's see how much it does if he teleports to V let's see how this goes so M1 all right there we go let's see how it goes he's in portal V okay the damage is going up pretty decent it looks about the same rate as when he teleported to ice castle yep 5,948 it's about the same looks like okay so them going into portal V doesn't increase the multi application interesting I thought it would and for the next experiment it's also a t-rex run and this one says that the pre Mark can stack so what I'm going to try doing is me and him are going to try attacking this guy at the same time to see if we both can hit him with the pre scale let's both try hitting all right so three 2 1 and go let's hit him all right does he take double damage KZ Fufu in chat said my passive doesn't do damage oh so it only can count for one so they did that on purpose so it wouldn't be toxic that makes sense all right that experiment did not work now this next one also isn't a mythical one however I think it's a very fire one I think y'all want to see this my friend in chat is saying love has infinite range so he's teleported all the way to the winter castle and I guess the premise is he's going to be able to hit me with a love ability all the way at winter castle so let's see okay we're waiting here you got to wait for it to travel oh what the heck yo he was right on the money I guess it just took a long time to get there let me tell him do it again this time I'll be more patient okay okay I think he did it again I think we just have to wait for it to show up this that's actually crazy that it has infinite range dog that is actually insane what so love actually has infinite rage it just takes a long time to get there now I'm going to be honest you ain't sniping anyone across the map with that but that's still crazy to know next experiment is that D on awaken f move can go on water so first things first I have to go equip D then we have to go unawakened f move which is the dut roller move I do not believe in this one I'm not a Believer but we could be surprised bro Awakening expert una awaken F I feel like I'm about to just be proved right here but y'all are the ones that put this in there so I got to test it D roller test and now yeah okay that is just straight up just not true the moment I touch that water it's straight up interrupted my thing bro let me let me try again just for good measure don't roll it yeah yeah that interrupts right away bro don't don't give me no Roller Time next experiment apparently control can't cut barrier moves let me tell someone chat someone eat barrier so as we shown earlier normally control can pick up anything like this tree right here I can pick that up this tree over here I can pick that up that big tree up there I can pick that up but let's see if it works on this barrier move barrier stairs I can't pick that up okay this barrier wall also can't pick that up let's see if it works on the ultimate ultimate right there also cannot pick that up so yeah ah control is pathetic against barrier I'm not going to lie this is crazy cut cut everything other than these barriers next experiment T-Rex takes more damage from meteors we have another T-Rex one we've had a lot of these this videos but this one I'm actually kind of curious about cuz it would make sense get it cuz you know dinosaurs meteors Dinosaurs extincted the meat you know y'all get what I'm trying to say so first off I'm going to stay on a non T-Rex fruit first to see how much damage his meteors do let's see how much it does right around 1,964 okay soon as I'm out of combat we're going to equip T-Rex do the same thing and see how much damage all right I got T-Rex equipped let's see how much damage this one does okay he said 1.8k okay so it's Bas basically about the same so that experiment is disappointingly false next experiment says that do f is faster than kitsu so we're about to do a race to prove that wrong cuz I know for a fat kid is about to win all right 3 2 1 and and go you know what I'm saying I don't even need to worry about this look at that eat my dust bro eat my dust sh pass that with flying colors bro it's not even the competition like kitu is just like 10 times faster so that experiment was false straight cap we only have three more experiments to go boys experiment number 40 Buddha transformation can ride on kitsu we obviously seen it work with stacking kitsu we've seen it work with T-Rex and leopard let's see if it works for this one I don't know if it's going to be any different because of how large Buddha is so that's why I'm kind of on honestly curious all right here we go okay I'm got my transformation let me go ahead and Ally him all right got my Buddha user let me go ahead and talk to the NPC yes sir there we go try to transform bro what the heck what the heck dog what that is so goofy bro that's so goofy I want him to try it with awen let me reset let's try this again all right round two let's get it let's get it go ahead and get on top of me wait paused don't clip that don't clip that boys all right do it sh that's kind of crazy bro oh oh my God so it like shrinks him down he's not as big as he would be but I must say this is this is still kind of crazy this is wild so experiment proven experiment number 41 if a magma user rides a Kiton the lava will appear on water I don't know how true this one is I I don't really expect it to be true whatsoever but that's what we here for we have to test this out let's go in the water let's see if the lava pools appear uh I mean I guess it kind of does but it's not saving me from drowning you got to be kidding me so I guess this is like technically true it's appearing but look it's like so delayed for one one and for two it's not appearing in time for me to like actually not drown so I I don't I don't really know what to deem this bro I don't really know what to deem this I guess it's technically true all right boys and for the last experiment of the video kit soon can glitch more than four people in a raid so you see normally you can only put four people in a raid there's only four slots however with the mounting capability of kitsu we should be able to glitch more than one person in there first step though I need to get two more people in the server all right here we go I got five people in the server three of the slots are filled right now so only slot left is me right so I'm going to go over here I'm about to Ally my ALT what I'm going to do is I'm going to go transform into my tailed beast form right on my alt account I'm going to go ahead and just Mount onto him from here I'm going to go buy a chip and we should be able to teleport him in with me let's find out okay let's get in there teleport all righty let's see if it teleports With Me 3 2 1 oh it did so it works it perfectly works that's W's W way to end off the video boys so here's a way you could glitch in your uh your buddies to do raids with you well that is all the experiments for this video boys we did 42 mythical fruit experiments I really enjoy doing these type of videos hopefully you do too if youall want me to do this again make sure to comment down more experiments for me to test for the next one but with that I'll see youall later
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 754,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits codes, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits update 17 part 3, blox fruit live, roblx blox fruits, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, fruit, blox fruits update 20, i tested experiments, blox fruits live, blox fruits race awakening, roblox fruits in blox fruits, blox fruit tier list, blox fruits troll
Id: 5evOEsrCbTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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