Unlocking the RAREST new Sword in Blox Fruits..

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all right boys with update 21 out blo now it added two new things the kitsuna fruit and the foxl weapon and in the previous video we already finished mastering the kitsuna fruit but I haven't obtained the new weapon yet but obviously in this video we're going to be obtaining the new Fox lamp sword and master all all of his moves to see how good this sword really is now to obtain it it's a little bit complicated according to the wiki it says to obtain the sword players must wait for a full moon and reach sea dangerous level six and then once you reach sea danger level six there's a small chance of a kitsun shrine appearing during this time so it's kind of similar to getting Mirage Island to spawn but first things first first we need to get into a server that has a full moon all right now we've done multiple server hops for Full Moon as you can see we have a moon that's going to be a full moon soon we just have a little bit more to wait look at kdg bro go Pony right now riding my boy W the clouds bro really just holding me hostage like look at this y'all see this bro he's ens slaving me bro all right it's about to be a full moon as soon as that sun sets and then we can go in the danger six and hopefully the shrine will spawn except our boat is getting completely packed up by these sharks oh my God yo do something help protect the boat there we go there you go yes sir yes sir boat defense boat defense okay okay okay there should be a full moon any moment now these boys just need to keep defending the boat uhoh C Beast the C Beast I don't like the side of that we go ahead and just weave that weave that weave that weave that never mind I didn't weave a single one of those there we go the light of a full move Peaks through the cloud all right now we just got to keep sailing through St danger six now apparently there's supposed to be some text that appears when the shrine spawns I guess we just got to keep saying until we find that oh we got it a mysterious Shrine has appeared to see where is it where is it I can't see a damn thing like how am I supposed to fire this thing they're saying in chat go to Kaka guy his name is Kaka he said he has it okay okay follow the light all right all right I'm following senior Fiji he's leading the way the full boo shifts to a deep shade of blue they already activated it no no no no they're doing it without us I got to be quick I got to be quick let me go tohe go on my kit for bro we we we got to book our way over there come on come on Full Speed Ahead all right here's the try right here kitun Island what the heck okay what do we have to do do we just have to get like little little souls or whatever I don't know what the heck we're supposed to do here bro oh what the heck is this we have to we have to get these okay okay let me go ahead and just try to get him come on come on come on there we go we got one come the papa come the papa what the heck is it dancing around me bro oh we're supposed to just run into it okay okay okay I get it now I get it now so we have 5 minutes total to collect a bunch and then I don't know what we do afterwards I guess we're about to figure it out so far I have four it's where are the rest of them bro oh wait what the heck there's a lot more right here okay hold on hold on hold on hold on let me get some let me get some yo we on a row we on a row we have 2 minutes left remaining I guess we just have to collect a bunch of these Azure ones and then take them to the the center of the Shrine we have 15 right now I think I'm going to go to 20 then we can probably stop I recommend you guys have shark for this if you guys are going to be doing this otherwise you're 100% Going to drown I ain't going to lie we now have 20 Azure Flames I think that should be enough still have a minute left so we might as well just continue searching them we now have 23 total I feel bad for all these boys I'm just Ying all their Embers now what we do is we go to the middle of the shrine now that the blue Moon's faded away we talk to this I got 25 total so what do we do with these now did I just get scammed bro I got all those azures like was I supposed to take it to the lamp before the moon ended okay how do you know that say right here in the wiki you're supposed to take the Azure Embers and take them to the boulder Boulder's right here but nothing's happening all right well it seems like I missed out of this opport Unity I asked my friend kggg he said you were supposed to talk to the boulder while the blo mo was active but it's not so bad because we have another full wot at the private server so I'm about to go hop to that one all right we're in a private server right now bro we just fought a terror shark this is not good this is not good okay so it looks like we got to fight this thing all right let's just quickly fight this Terror shark cuz we have to deal with this thing now boom boom boom pack them up hold on be hit him with the wild assault sheesh taals of Agony oh my God I'm hacking this dude up bro fox fire dest ruption boom tail beast bomb yes sir I got my boy Fiji help me with the magma we haing this dude 100% G's taging me in the chat help bro help us bro we're fighting we're fighting a damn teror Shark what what do you mean help oh about to die about to die 1400 1400 Health back off back off teror shark back off back off bro back off help help help I have 1,000 health I have less than 1,000 Health go ahead take them off from you Fiji there we go sheesh okay we finally took out the Terr shark all right all right all right kg said in chat I got jumped he died oh my God bro we're about to lose this full moon we're about to lose this full moon well boys you can see how well this is going oh the moon's going down we just saded away a a whole full full moon because we we suck we suck okay okay we have to hop for another one you said this about to have a full moon next moon yeah yeah yeah let's go the moon's covering we got we got to go like now do we need a boat to spawn the miracle Island yeah you need a boat to spawn the island okay I was about to say I could just cheesy use the K that would be too easy though if we could just do that boys let's meet in the middle of each other hey yo what is he talking about kdg no no no don't you don't you come on me H wait what no that's crazy that's technically I total not two it is opposite day about to come up in three my tail two tail one zga 1 okay shut your goofy ass up okay okay the full Moon's about to Spa there we go full moon oh wait where's the sh where's the sh it's way down there it's way down I see I see it's way down there okay we just got to go straight ahead where's it at where's it at where's it at the Shi sh oh they started he started the event oh we got hurry tough stuff how far is this guy damn this guy must be deep I go to the right direction yeah yeah keep going straight keep going straight can I ride you pause hey yo what the all right boy we follow kitua Island bro now what we got to do I'm not even going to waste no more time I'm just going to go ahead and talk to this thing okay kitsa Shrine let's see what we get you offer your aard Embers to the shrine okay kude ribbon oh we just got the kude ribbon that's one of the accessories okay let's do it again let's do it again we need we need to do it again Shrine is displeased with your offer wait do I not have enough we have 2 minutes and 40 seconds to find more Embers bro and also go to the shrine and purchase another things so we have to be quick we have to be quick okay two more right here boom boom got that how many Embers do I have now two it took all 25 oh that's crazy I I'll get 10 then I'll try to go back we have five right now a few moments later okay okay where we at where we at where we at we're at 10 we're at 10 I'm going to go try to talk to us see if we can do with 10 okay there we go trying to accept your offer I got 600 fragments no that's that's there's such trolls for that there's such trolls for that this is insane I did all that just to get fragments that's crazy the bo boot is beginning to fade okay okay we're going to need to find another one 100% let me try to see if I can get any more wh while we're still here though to prepare for next time Blue Moon Fades away sadly so we did end up getting the fox lamp which uh sucks was we got an accessory called kude ribbon which I guess looks all right wait who the heck is attacking me bro relax oh we're hitting this dude with a straight jump combo bro we're hitting this dude with a straight jump combo hold on hold on yes sir just quickly packed them up all right well we weren't able to get the fox lamp but we did get these little uh Kitsune ribbons which I actually don't know if they're good or not obviously it's not what we're going for we need to get the fox lamp we still have three azure numers left over looks like we just need 10 in order to interact with the Boulder so looks like we have to find another full moon all right I just hopped to a new server let's go ahead check if this is a close moon to Full Moon I think in one and a half nights this will be a full moon okay okay we'll stay in this server we'll stay in this server a lebra I'm so tired damn block streets in their RNG BS bro like this is crazy like why do they make this the the requirement all right there should be another full moon boys this should be another full moon the light of a full whe Peaks through the closet all right now we just got to find the area again for like the 10th time okay we're in level six 6 now now we just keep going till we find it hopefully can't see a damn thing though Terror oh my gosh y I don't want those problems I do not want those problems come on man when is this island going to spawn don't tell me about to waste another full moon on no Island bro my boat died fiji's boat died it's all up to KGG to find it now man one eternity later we've been searching for over 20 minutes the full mood is about to end and we still haven't even found it it's going so well boys it's going so well all right once again we're in another server that's about to get a full Moon hopefully we can find the shrine this time there we go it spoted a mysterious Shrine has appeared in the sea let's get it it's straight ahead I see it I see it yes sir here we go straight ahead wait is it right on Mirage Island oh my God okay okay let's go ahead and Spa this thing though all right they spawned the full moon shifts to a deep shade of blue all right all right all right let me go get these uh let me go get these swisps it's a little bit tedious since we have a terror shark and a rough sea right on top of us but hey man what could you do what could you do K G he's getting packed up k g no oh here we go go here we go here we go we got some wisps okay one two all right all right if we can get 10 we can we can get a single roll which means we'll get a chance to get the uh the fox slam so all we need to do is just get 10 oh here we go three bar right here boom boom boom there we go oh my God the terror tracks on me bro bro bro get off me get off me I only have 7,000 Health you take he died no that's crazy that's crazy hold on let me go out here let me go out here I just saw some wisps come out here do they spawn out here oh they do they do spawn this far okay okay there's one right there there's one right there boom okay there's one right here oh there's all types of ones out here okay one right here is well boom there we go we have 3 minutes remaining bro I've gotten a ton of them should I just go try it out we have 12 right now should I just go try to get one all right let's go get a fox SL then maybe maybe we can get 10 more okay hold on hold on hold on let's go there we go 600 F oh my God they're trolling they're trolling me they're trolling me bro why are they doing this 600 fragments for all that all right all right let's get one more let's get one more come on come on come on come on wisps come on wisps why are you running away from me bro why are the Wisps running away from me oh my gosh bro bro why is this Terror shark still on me bro a few moments later oh we have 10 we have 10 we 10 okay okay let's go back let's go back let's go back do another offering let's do another offering we have a chance to get Fox L 600 fragments oh my God this game is so infuriating this is insane okay okay let's just try to get as many more wisps as we can in the next 48 seconds and is over bro well we weren't able to get another 10 but we were able to get to Seven this game bro this game oh we just got another full moon and immediately there's a there there's the island over there I'm not wasting no time bro I'm not wasting no time I'm going straight to get tun we we we make our way right over there BR we're here we're here okay okay I don't think they started the Blue Moon yet so that's good that's good go ahead start that thing boys go ahead start that thing yes sir full move shifts to a deep shade of blue all right boys all right boys here's the Strat here's the Strat let me go over here let's get the spirits let's get the spirits okay okay okay let me get these ones boom got that one we got to get to 20 and then we can try to uh do the spin okay another one over here why are they like going in the building and everything bro I don't like this I'm just going to keep trying to get these my to the best of my ability bro it keeps going to these trees right now we at 16 I'm want to get to 20 before we even attempt to do it we're at 22 all right let's go do the thing hopefully we get the uh the mace come on come on come on new title oh my God bro let me take my boy fiji's advice let me go let me go with this let me go with the Phoenix grabbing them like this this is actually pretty good strategy I ain't going to lie Blue Moon is beginning to fade uhoh uhoh uhoh come on come on stop running away for me you damn you damn Blue Flame the the Blue Moon faded away we managed to get 11 all right we found another katune Island let's go ahead and gather these Souls all right we got 20 little wisps let me go ahead and just actually you know let's get maxed let's get maxed while we're at it got Max got Max got Max got Max okay okay okay go over to this thing okay there we go kitun reward you Kitsune mask no bro I got kitune mask another accessory bro I needed I needed the weapon I needed the weapon okay but this is cool though this is the next accessory we need get in mask that thing looks kind of ugly though I'm not going to lie I think we just got to do this like one or two more times we should get the weapon all right boys we got another Island I have the maximum Azure flames right here let's go ahead and do it hopefully we get the damn the damn Lantern please please oh wait oh oh I got it I got it Fox life bro I got Fox life yo yo we got it bro we got it bro I've been farming this thing for like 10 hours we finally got it bro oh my God sheesh the suffering is about to end boys oh my gosh bro I'm so tired bro I'm so tired but we finally got the fox lamp bro okay okay now that we finally obtained it now it's time to master it out unlock all the abilities all right boys i h to my private server let's go ahead and fight some bosses and get this Mastery up let's go ahead and start off with the port toown boss Stone there that boy go right there I just respawned him well first of all hold on let's look at this okay so this is what it looks like it's literally just a lantern and it has like fire Souls around it let see what these m1's look like oh it sounds like the Drell m1's and then look at that has like a little blue flame on the m1's okay that's not bad that's not bad m1's are kind of quick too it's got long range on it so this could be a fire for grinding although you know you're not going to get this unless you're max level hopefully the moves are worth it I mean I know I already saw the Showcase from the trailer but using it in game is a completely different thing speaking of which we have two moves scorching a an infernal Firestorm I'm pretty sure we'll get close to the first move of this first boss just go ahead and quickly pack this boy up and one m one and one and one and one there we go let's see what Master we end up getting to okay we got 116 still not what I wanted exactly but let's go ahead and head over to the next boss which is at hydr town about to pay my favorite boss a visit Bo what ha what's popping what's Popp I'm not even going to fight this one for real bro I'm just going to hit her with the wall strats you know what I'm saying for the cheer like these I'm too tired to actually fight her myself just go ahead and pack her up like these she's run at half Health okay we're doing good progress good progress wall Str for the win boys wall Strat for the win and one and one and one and There She Goes we should get our second ability off this I hope 147 really bro only three Mastery off oh this game is trolling me this game is trolling me all right all right we have another boss we can fight right over here the man the myth the legend the Jack boss all right bro back up I going need you back up bro hold on we got to pack this dude up uhoh oh he's actually kind of he's actually kind of dealing damage for real hey yo bro relax relax relax bro hold on let me go to Buddha yes sir big lamp now big lamp now yes sir my friend just joined in chat said you good nah I'm done dog what is what is he talking about I wanted that sword too that's crazy bro hey bro I've been farming up for like hours 10 hours all right though let's kill that boss out the way we unlock our first ability scorching azer go ahead and check that first ability out real quick scorching Azure boom Oh my my God yo holy bro okay hold on hold let's see that again let's see that again scorching Azure okay you can hold it this animation is actually like very beautiful and it has that crazy stun which could just lead to so many different things bro hold on hold on let me equip like uh something like Rumble let me equip like a stun fruit okay so say I just went up like this oh my gosh oh my yo yo this opens up so many doors for combos that is actually busted okay okay boys okay we have a few more bosses to go through let's just keep going let's just keep going all right beautiful pirate it's time to fight hold on let me practice some combos on this boy bro okay oh man the combo potential with Fox lamp is about to be insane bro like look at this bro boom you know what I'm saying hit him with the god human moves throw in one of these you know what I'm saying like this is about to be insane for BP and I'm not even doing anything crazy right now if people actually started labbing this like who we it's over it's over bro all right all right let's do this boom okay all right you know I'm literally just having fun packing this dude up with Combos and whatnot let's actually Focus here we go back to Buddha yes sir pack that boy up go ahead transform to your second phase my boy there you go there you go it ain't going to do nothing it ain't going to do nothing boom scorching Azure all right he has about 30% Health left oh my finger is getting tired bro all this clicking is like my body is just shutting down okay just got a little bit more to go and then I'll be able to rest beautiful pirate down okay let's see what Master we get to hopefully 200 okay never mind 193 crazy part about it is this requires 350 Mastery to unlock the final ability we going to be here for a minute boys my boy rip Mar in chat looking up a guide saying Oh my days this looks annoying he's talking about the obtainment to to get this sword bro you talking about some looking annoying bro trying to spend 10 hours and it did come tell me bro let's pack up this longma boss real quick though this about to be a breeze he's going to get packed up in seconds bro's already under half and he's about to go down with that scorching Azure pack him up 210 Mastery nice there's only one more boss I can defeat left in third sea and I believe that is the big mom boss we go back to portal real quick teleport to Ice Cream Land let's get to packing her up no words wasted bro let's just pack her up okay so what we're going have to do is we're going to have to M14 times we're have to start dashing cuz she's going to use her uh buddy sword ability see right there M14 time start dashing weave this okay y weave that wait why did she use again this is scaring me why isn't she using it there you go weave that all right use this ability okay weave that yep yep yep I found the strats boys I found the strats I got the meta I got the mechanics all right start dashing start dashing start dashing yep weave that she hasn't hit me a single time yet bro she's almost dead she's almost dead yes sir M1 And1 M1 and one squishing aure and big Mom down we actually got buddy sword from that and we got 230 Mastery I ain't going to lie boys fighting the bosses may not be enough man let's go fight some NPCs how about that bro words cannot describe how tired I am this is how stressful it be during update days boys but let's go ahead and do a quick little grind Montage on these NPCs boys Bo Mastery [Music] 250 2 2 oh bro I'm like falling asleep as I'm grinding we only have a little bit more to go let's just keep it going let's just keep it going 340 Mastery just 10 more to go 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 and 350 golly bro it's taking every bit of willpower for me to finish this video let's go though boys we unlocked the last move infernal Firestorm let's check that thing out infernal Firestorm boom Oh My Gosh bro that's basic Al Talon lighter from Dragon Talon let's check that thing out again let's check that thing out one more time bro infernal Firestorm sheesh oh my gosh now there are actually two uses to this move the first version you just saw me use there and then we have a second version which if we hold it it'll do something different now let's hold it as you can see now it's like a flamethrower type thing and it has a little lunge at the end so that means this will be both good for Combos and farming cuz you could literally just use it like this boom if you just want some quick damage or if you have a bunch of mobs and trying to do a bunch of damage you just hold it like so that's actually very fire bro this may actually be one of the best swords in the game like especially like like both of these abilities are fire I must say but ladies and gentlemen with that we have finally fully beat update 21 in Blox Roots we unlocked all the accessories the Kitsune mask and Kitsune ribbon and fully mask it out the fox lamp
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 351,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unlocking the rarest sword in blox fruits for 24 hours..., whats the best sword in blox fruits, what's the best sword in blox fruits sea 1, blox fruits swords, every sword in blox fruits, i unlocked the dark dagger in robox blox fruits, blox fruits new world, blox fruits rengoku sword, what are the new blox fruit leaks, swords blox fruits, whats the best weapon in blox fruits, new fruits, i found the rarest weapon in blox fruits, blox fruits best swords
Id: ecsTl_K-ij4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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