I tried the NEW 4-2-10 BRISKET method

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wow a big thanks to barneyx smokers for sponsoring this video ever heard of the 4210 method of cooking brisket let's put it to the test one of the barbecue channels that I personally follow is smoke Trails barbecue this guy is really awesome he makes freaking awesome videos and it's mostly about brisket so definitely go check that out if you're into brisket the links down below so I was watching one of his videos and he explained how chefs that have barbecue restaurants smoked their briskets but don't cook it all the way up to the finishing temperature but take it up to a certain temperature and then just let it run for a long period of time now he took that method and put it into the real world like our world you're me the way we cook briskets so I wanted to see what this is all about I never tried it I'm calling it The 4 to 10 Mythic because that just makes it a little bit more easy to understand it is four hours smoking at a low temperature two hours at a high temperature and 10 hours keeping it stable and letting it just melt and the melting part sounds really good so I got a beautiful brisket this is an Australian wacky brisket it's got a lot of intramuscular fat but it also has a lot of fat on top I don't want to get rid of all of that fat I want to keep some of it on I just want to clean it up a little bit for instance this little floppy bit It's gotta go I'm going to trim this side up as well now this is going to be a home style Texas brisket so I don't want to overdo it on the trimming now a classic texture style brisket it's all about the black pepper so I'm just going to sprinkle this with some salt now I want to use coarse salt and don't worry about putting too much salt on in my case I'm using Fleur de cell which is one of my favorite types of salt we're going to do the same at the bottom and that salt is going to dry moisture it's going to melt down onto that beautiful brisket and now as it's customary with a beautiful Texas brisket is black pepper we want bark so we got to put on a lot of black pepper and now you actually do want to cover it now it doesn't want to stick smoke Trail says just spray it with a little bit of water in my case my brisket is already super moist I'm just going to sprinkle this on and I'm gonna allow for a little bit of time to have it stick to the brisket and as you can see this is already a big bark I'm just going to give this five minutes to let it stick and then I'm gonna flip my brisket around it's Gotta Have a good crust of course we want to cover all sides making sure that we got a good looking brisket Now isn't that pretty there we go I'm going to be cooking the brisket on the best brisket cooker I have and that's the bornead smoker now you may be the person that doesn't know about this smoker this is an electric smoker and it's actually perfect for this job I'm looking for hot dry air and this thing runs on electricity and makes smoke itself of course out of real wood as you can see the inside actually looks like a real Pit I've been smoking on this thing for a long time already and it build up a beautiful seasoning on the inside at the bottom there's an electric heater and on the side there's a smoked wood chip auger all I need to do is place in a tray that catches the dripping and put in a bowl with a little bit of water that catches the wood chips of course Real Texas barbecue requires Post Oak so that's what I'm going to be using now the first step is four hours of smoking at a low temperature I'm gonna set it on turn on the auger for the wood chips and then I'm going to set the temperature to run at 120 degrees Celsius now 120 degrees Celsius is around 240 degrees Fahrenheit we're going to be smoking we're going to go as slow as possible and we basically want that brisket to pick up a lot of smoke flavor I'm going to set it in the highest position and since this is an Australian wacky brisket I'm gonna put a tray underneath that's going to catch most of the dripping that comes out of this wacky brisket because letting that fat go to waste would be a shame I'm going to show you how to reuse that fat later on in the cook it is time the clock is sticking 40 seconds and then four hours have passed that's what happened so four hours from the 4 to 10 method it's currently at 120 degrees Celsius and I'm going to go up and let me show you the reason why I have to go up because if we take a look inside at this brisket then you can see why that is if you take a look on top of this brisket you can see there's a puddle existing there and there's a little stream going down here which means this brisket is sweating it's puddling it's going to affect my bark so we've been cooking building a bark but now it starts sweating and now I want to go up in temperature remove that puddle only with dry air so I'm going to switch off my smoke generator so I got my bark I got my color I probably are already have plenty of Flavor now I want that puddle to disappear and I also want to check on the temperature I want to see what's going on now I'm going to close the smoker and let it continue to cook for another two hours there we go time's up two hour mark let's see what it looks like running at 140 degrees Celsius and look at that bark you can almost push it away or make it fall apart I don't want to break the bark I want to keep it as good looking as I can so now it's time for the third step of the cooking process the 10 hour at least 10 hours of the next step and the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you the trick that I was talking about look at all that fat that came out of this brisket I'm gonna put it on my table and already laid out the butcher paper I'm going to use this fact to make the butcher's paper wet why not use the fat that came out of your brisket to put it on your Bluetooth speaker we're going to wrap it the brisket and with the fat in the paper it's not going to soak up any more of that fat and juice from the brisket so it's already soaked up it's not going to need much more which means the rest of the fat is still going to stick onto the brisket oh oh my it looks so good excellent Texas brisk and see how it shrunk down so it fits the smoker actually I'm gonna put it to one side of the paper there we go we're gonna take out the thermometer we're just going to drizzle on a little bit more of that beef Jello I should put this in jars and sell it it'd be worth more than caviar now there are people out there that tell you there's an exact way to wrap up your brisket and personally I've never wrapped a brisket myself the same way so every time I do it's going to be different depending on the size depending on the size of paper that I have so there's not one set way to do it it's just roll it up make sure you got it tight and secure two flips and that'll be more than enough I'm gonna cut this excess paper off get rid of it good looking brisket wrapped up and it's ready for the next stage now this next stage is a bit odd because it requires kind of like a steaming face normally you would run it to the temperature where you want it to be so there's got to be an end temperature currently our brisket is running at a temperature of around 80 to 85 degrees Celsius so we're not at a fully cooked Point yet we're not gonna go there either we're going to let time do its job we're going to get a 10 hour period where our brisket is going to be steam is going to get a bath so I'm tucking it in a tray and to the tray I'm adding half a cup of water just to let it steam a little and I'm going to seal it off with aluminum foil now seal it off properly around the edges so there's no steam escaping it's secure now and I'm gonna steam it at a temperature of 65 degrees Celsius so there we go putting it in just go to smoke Trail Barbecue's YouTube channel he has an awesome specific video about this technique all I want to do is see for myself how well it works and I got the perfect device to do it in so I'll see you guys in 10 to 15 hours I don't know emotional what time do we get up tomorrow foreign [Music] the next day it's been a little over 10 hours it's just well I had to get a cup of coffee you know the deal no stress though what we're figuring out here is will it hold for longer periods of time because you might have some friends over and things like that and it might not be exactly done where you want it to be done but it's been at least over 10 hours this thing runs stable all night while I was sleeping nice sound in my bed didn't have to check anything didn't have to do anything it just went now let's take a look at that brisket and see if this method actually works let's get that aluminum foil off wow look at that amount of moisture that sits in the pan it's gonna set that brisket out look at that don't throw that away that is pure Liquid Gold what a beauty such a nice bark and the good thing is because it's been running at a temperature of 65 degrees Celsius it's actually at eating temperature all right let's slice into this beautiful brisket take a look inside it cuts like butter look at that that is one good looking brisket and of course the fat that sits between the two pieces of meat that runs out of the juices that is naturally flowing but more importantly what this method does is make sure that the meat is actually juicy take a look at how juicy this meat is and I didn't do anything yet and it's just sitting there it's not even drying up this is fat that was sitting on the inside coming out it's just juicy I didn't press it I didn't do anything it's as juicy as can be I want to get a slice now brisket slices shouldn't be too thick [Music] I'm gonna get rid of that fat that sits at the bottom and then we have one juicy bit of beef let's see how it pulls is it tender enough it has a little bit of pool but it's definitely tender flavor wise and the texture is perfect the flavor is perfect the bark is perfect barbecue smoke Trails 4 to 10 brisket method it cannot fail if you want to never fill your brisket again try this method hope you guys enjoyed this video see you guys next time until then tomorrow and keep smoking brisket oh this is so good oh
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 1,588,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBQ, barbecue, PitmasterX, Roel, RoelWestra, recipes, KeepOnGrilling, eetsmakelijk, PMX, Grilling, Eva, best brisket, brisket, I tried the NEW 4-2-10 BRISKET method, beef brisket, taco, brisket recipe, bark, texas brisket, texas beef, smoked beef, salt and pepper seasoning
Id: gSrcc325H5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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