How To Smoke A Brisket On A Traeger | Ft Kosmos Q

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on today's video it's how to cook a brisket on a trigger well i ain't gonna lie to you it's five a.m and this is just what you gotta do you know if you want a good good brisket today is going to be a special day it's going to be an easy day i'm going to show you the how to cook a brisket on a trigger that's super super super easy skill level first timers right here this is for you so without further ado let's get this cooker let's get it out let's get it fired up [Music] all right so we got our cooker going i'm going to be running this at 2 25 i'm going to put it in there it's probably going to be about six a.m when i do and i'm not going to touch this thing till probably i'll let you know for sure but it's gonna be a solid eight hours solid eight hours running at 225 that is 225 low and slow texas brisket today but let me show you the star of the show now what we have here is a snake rivers farm wagyu brisket i want to thank them for that and we're going to be keeping this seasoning simple we're just going to be running some cow cover black pepper sea salt that's it super simple super easy so let's go ahead and get this brisket out put a light trim on it get it seasoned up get it ready for the cooker [Music] here she is all ready to rock and roll like i said super simple super easy black pepper sea salt cow cover this is gonna be a freaking tasty tasty tasty brisket oh and just so you know i'm cooking this brick let me see if you can see it this is a large full pan i like cooking them on these just it cuts way down on the mess all the grease inside there because the uh the traeger's grease trap isn't that big and this is a wagyu and it produces a ton but i got it on this little rack see this little guy down here now having it on that rack is gonna keep it off the bottom it's not gonna be sitting in the grease not that grease is a bad deal i mean it's freaking wagyu green so i mean you know we got the cooker it's running about 2 10 right now but i'm gonna be honest with you it's probably about 5 30 in the morning now i'm gonna throw it on now we're not gonna be peeking at this thing all day but i am gonna show you some updates maybe two hours four hours six hours eight hours we're gonna wrap it in butcher paper finish it this one's going to be done about 200 202 after we rest it after we pull it off and rest it we're going to wrap it in saran wrap and this is listen pro tip stick that one in your pocket right there uh if we got a cooler we'll stick it in a cooler let it rest i'd like to go pick up my razor today but i don't know if that's going to happen i would like you guys to see it i'm fixing to go to colorado uh i'm thinking about taking my camera up there and vlogging it but you know i don't know would you guys want to see something like that i know this is a barbecue channel but riding raises in the mountain drinking beer that's about as cool as it gets 210 come on baby come on baby all right i'm throwing this stuff around let's go [Music] all right i had a quick idea we got the brisket on there's nothing going on right now so how about i show you a little b-roll of cosmo casa bar and grill lit up in the dark roll that b-roll west man isn't that beautiful i freaking love this out here i have never in my life no one in my family has ever had anything this nice and i'll be honest with you i got to thank the good lord because without him i would have none of this and my wife the good lord first and then my wife second and then randy third randy built it so and then me fourth yeah all right on with the brisket all right so we've had a slight change of plans um it's about i think uh right at about two hours into the cook i have a middle shelf for the traeger and let me back up normally the pans that i cook the brisket in aren't the full size pans the ones with the tall lips i actually have a special one um in my barbecue trailer that's only an inch and a half tall you they're extremely difficult to find if i showed it to you everybody would be asking for it and i'm just going to tell you they are hard to find and they work amazing so let me show you what i did the brisket started relaxing the edges started touching the outside of the uh of the pan and i just didn't like it man you're not gonna get barked there it's gonna be touching something i i just didn't like it so here's what i did let me show you all right so i took it out of the pan put the middle shelf in and like i said this is the grate it's sitting on you can see it yeah she's coming along i put the pan under it so it still catches all the drippings uh still gonna be an amazing brisket and yeah this is two hours this is what it looks like after two hours [Music] [Applause] all right so it is now 12 o'clock it's been on for six hours and actually 15 minutes six hours 15 minutes i put it on just a little bit early but that's okay but hey i want to bring you along and show you what she's looking like so hold on [Music] [Applause] and you know how i know that it's noon hear that it'll be facing at us here in a second if you can't hear that man something's wrong with your ears yep that's oklahoma right there every saturday at noon we test the tornado sirens just like clockwork all right so it's two o'clock let's take a look at her [Music] she smells amazing now i'm wrapping this with two sheets just because i'm being a little bit extra cautious super simple fold it over this is always kind of difficult to do and it doesn't have to be just perfect that sucker over get on over there turn it down like that fold over this is the kind and i kind of tuck you want to tuck right there as best you can it's kind of difficult sometimes but hey man you know just do your best and then pull it tight right here this is what you do suck that sucker down just like that now i'm going to flip this again and i'm going to have a little overhang so i'm going to go ahead and tuck that booger in right there now remember we went fat side up so the fat's on the bottom now now we're back to fat side up just like that let's go put this on the grill all righty put it back on the grill your trigger i'm gonna go ahead and pull this little rig out now for this portion right here i'm gonna turn it up we're setting the tooth i bumped it up just a little bit ago we're going to go 275 boom hit it let it rock and roll all right so here's the deal we got a wrapped i don't even know what temperature it is but she's looking amazing um i'm probably going to let it rot it's two o'clock right now i'll probably wait till about 2 30. i'll stick a probe in it probably in about an hour and a half 2 30. yeah well it's 2 o'clock now so 3 30. put a probe in it and then just let it ride out from there but once we get this sucker done that's what we're going to pull it out let it rest for a little bit probably 30 minutes just set it on the counter just let her hang out wrap her in saran wrap tuck it away in ice chest or i think i got an ice chest we'll find something worst case scenario stick it in the freaking oven don't turn your oven on though if you do just turn it on till it gets about 150 degrees and shut it off just to heat up the outer walls but do not turn your oven on and let this thing rip or it will be a bad deal so it's been about an hour and a half we put the probe in we put it right in the middle in the thick part and we're only reading 157 so at 202 which shouldn't take long we're gonna pull this sucker off all right she is done it is now let me check let me check 5 10. so we have been running uh roughly 11 hours 11 hours uh [Music] something like that 5 45 to 5 10. so we're going to get this baby pulled off let it rest 30 minutes and then probably what i'll do is just go ahead and shut the traeger down and put it back in the traeger and let it rest and then slice it up and see what we got [Music] boy she smells amazing she's hot though come on come on yeah let's go ahead and get her shut down all right so we got to finish 202 she's been sitting here for 30 minutes we're gonna wrap this in saran wrap and then put it back in the cooker and just let it hang out for about an hour and then we're going to get to slice them all right so super easy right here we're just going to pull out a couple couple sheets of saran wrap and this is a pro tip right here this is what makes that brisket moist and juicy it already is because it's wagyu but this is really going to help [Music] we may have to do a couple a couple extra wow i think we good all right boom there we go it's hot too just want to make sure she's wrapped up like i said this is what makes all the little crusty edges soft again hold that over hold this little rig over boom shove all that air out tuck that little bugger in here we go set her back in the cooker let her rest for right at about an hour at least an hour and then get to slicing so let's go i'm just gonna shove this little bugger in here shut the door and let it set well man i'm gonna tell you right now this not only looks amazing smells amazing but feels amazing oh and by the way if you guys watched this video from the very beginning you saw how dull these were click this video right up here and i'll show you how to sharpen these this thing's a razor now i've actually shaved my hair and nicked myself just a little bit but that's okay that's how we do oh my goodness i'm telling you guys man if you've never done this saran wrap trick you are missing out look at that i'm saving all that eyes you all right here we go this is straight butter look at that baby here it is let's see how we did oh straight butter oh my goodness is this not look freaking amazing look how juicy that is that is what i am talking about son get these slices out [Music] [Music] all right let's see how the pool does is that not awesome look at that straight butter right there straight butter now for the true test how does it taste that is beautiful beautiful right there hey if you guys have always wanted to try a brisket on a traeger this recipe is going to be down in the description go down there try it you will be happy and if you love brisket go click on this video right here and get ready to get your mind blown thank you for watching and i'll catch you in the next video you
Channel: Kosmo's Q BBQ & Grilling
Views: 418,005
Rating: 4.8965096 out of 5
Keywords: Kosmos Q, How to, How to BBQ, Kosmo's Q, traeger brisket, traeger, brisket, smoked brisket, how to smoke brisket, pellet grill, bbq brisket, pellet smoker, smoked brisket recipe, pellet smoker brisket, traeger grill, traeger grills, how to bbq right, brisket recipe, how to smoke a brisket, pellet grill recipes, beef brisket, kosmo's q, cosmos q, how to bbq, Smart Grills
Id: zewQMD_FywU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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