Overnight No Wrap Brisket - Pellet Smoker Brisket Recipe - Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's pet bbq on today's video i'm going to be smoking a brisket overnight on my yoder ys 1500 stay tuned [Music] all right so let's get started on this overnight brisket cook i'm starting with a 15 pound usda prime brisket as you can see this is a whole pack of brisket so i got some trimming to do you guys that have been watching my videos know that i like to start by simply removing this decal just like that got a little bit more right here somebody had asked me one time in the comments if i save this oxidized meat off the brisket to make sausage i don't okay i normally trim it afterwards but i'm gonna go ahead and trim this right now since i'm not gonna use it see this piece of me right here so i just throw that in the trash as far as everything else it looks good so from here on out i will save every last piece of the trimming i like to remove some of the silver skin and fat off the top of the brisket now you don't have to take all this fat and silver skin off the top of the brisket but if you do have some bigger pockets like these right here just take them right down you don't have to take all the silver skin off so one thing that will help you when you trim a brisket is just put your hand on the bottom stick your fingers on there and lift up that meat a little bit makes it a little easier to trim see that all right so that's it on the top of the brisket real quick and simple now this is a little thin right here so i will be trimming this in a bit on this side i'm going to clean up this edge and remove quite a bit of this fat right here [Music] round off your point remember you want your briskets as aerodynamic as possible [Music] so one thing that i'm planning on doing is smoking a brisket without trimming it just to show you what happens to a brisket when you smoke it and don't trim it aerodynamically don't trim the fat enough etc i think that should be a fun cook all right so this edge looks good this side i've got to round it off and trim off some of that real thin edge here and i gotta sharpen this knife and i'm also gonna round off this edge right here just kind of follow it start right here and round it off all right that looks good let's trim up this fat cap all right so there are two types of brisket trimmers those that love to leave this mohawk on because this is really good meat and those of us that make sausage that don't mind taking this mohawk all the way down just lay your knife flat and simply remove the mohawk so on this side of the mohawk you do have this really heavy layer of fat okay and i like to trim that down quite a bit as well [Music] all right so i am switching nice because my dow strong needs to be sharpened so we've got about half an inch of fat here so i'm just going to take this down just a bit all right so this brisket is looking good got it all trimmed up got about a quarter of an inch of the fat cap on there this is looking mighty fine so on this cook i am not going to use a binder i'm just going to use my homemade spg which has salt pepper garlic paprika and also a little bit of cumin if you guys want the recipe to my spg mix check out the link below and give it a shot pat that rub down don't forget to get your edges so these overnight brisket cooks are fantastic if you don't want to sit next to your offset smoker like i do sometimes i don't cook overnight usually but sometimes you just need to cook a brisket overnight for a lunch party or maybe you're hosting the big game etc you don't want to stay up all night you want to have energy to entertain your guest this is the perfect time to smoke an overnight brisket and as i mentioned earlier i'm going to be smoking this on my yoder yes 1500 and that is a bark building machine you guys will see that towards the end of this cook all right so it's 7 p.m on a saturday evening i don't plan on putting this brisket inside my smoker until 10 p.m so i've got about three hours i'm gonna pop this in my fridge let it stay nice and cool i'll fire up my yoder yes 1 500 and i'll bring you guys right back all right so it's 10 p.m got my yoder ys 1500 fired up and running at 225 degrees let's load up this brisket all right so i'm placing this brisket on the top shelf with a point towards that fire pot just like that so i'm going to go ahead and use my pro for this cook i don't normally use a probe but for this cook i do want to monitor the temperature so right inside the point all right so i'm going to go ahead and close the door i will not be opening the smoker until about seven o'clock tomorrow morning see you then all right so it's the very next morning and nine hours later and i do want to show you guys the brisket but i do want to talk about a few things just in case you guys want to do this overnight no wrap cook so if you guys are planning on doing an overnight no rep cook like i did on this brisket right here just make sure your hopper is completely filled and make sure you have some pellets on stand by now we cooked at 225 degrees so that's why i only used half a hopper of pellets if you're going to cook at a higher temperature you will use a little bit more pellets than what i did but again i only used half a hopper full of pellets [Music] all right so one last thing that i do want to talk about before i show you guys this brisket is getting your smoker prepared for an overnight cook make sure your fire pot is completely cleaned out and vacuum out all the ashes off the bottom of your smoker remember one of the nice things about using a pellet smoker to do an overnight cook like this is that you don't have to mess with it but you do have to get your smoker ready so the best advice that i could give anybody that owns a pellet smoker is make sure that you clean it out before you use it on any cook your fire pot and again vacuum out all the ashes just like you guys change your underwear daily make sure you clean out your pellet smoker before you start to use it all right you guys have waited long enough let's take a look at this brisket again nine hours oh my goodness all right we've got that morning sunshine shining all over this brisket as you can see we have some really nice bark i never spritz this brisket it's looking good in fact the probe is showing that the brisket is 200 degrees so i'm going to check for tenderness and see where we're at all right that's still a little tough right here on the flat ooh that point is like butter but you know what i'd like to get this flat a little bit more tender i'm sitting at 193 degrees on the flat and that point [Music] is 197 ish all right so we're at the nine hour mark as i mentioned earlier i'm gonna let this go a little bit longer once i pull it off i'll let you guys know exactly how long that takes and i will be letting this biscuit rest for at least two hours before i slice into it stay all tuned so the brisket is ready and the total cook time was 10 hours that got the flat nice and tender and it has been resting for a couple of hours let's see how we did smells delicious by the way look at that beautiful looking brisket nice soft bark a little bit of tallow here all right so i'm going to slice up the entire brisket and then we will give it a try and see how we did all right so this brisket is slicing really nice it's nice and tender and it's juicy did get a little crispy on the bottom but that's okay all right so i'm going to turn the point and get some nice slices in this direction oh it's still really warm and this brisket is really tender and it's still really warm even after resting for two hours that folks is how you slice up a brisket check that out looking mighty fine all right let's see how we did on our slices here oh man it's tender look at that it's falling apart really tender check out that smoke ring really nice and juicy hopefully you guys can pick that up on the camera but it is tender check that out good looking brisket again it got a little crispy on the bottom but i'm okay with that still a fantastic looking brisket our point is just as juicy check that out oh man this is still really hot [Music] i gotta tell you for a pellet smoker that ys1500 does an amazing job on brisket look at that bark yes sir let's give it a taste all right let's give our overnight no wrap brisket a try check that out that fat has rendered nicely got a nice yellow color man that ys1500 is a savage smoker here we go man this brisket is so good i'm not saying it's offset smoker style good but it is very close this is fantastic let's do that pull test look at that falls right apart let's give this point me to try and see how we did just rip a nice chunk off here look at that bark hmm i'm telling you guys that ys 1500 is a bark building machine check that out so good all right so i'm gonna give this brisket a nine and a half out of ten and the only reason is because the bottom got a little bit crispy on me but it's still a fantastic tasting brisket i gotta tell you if you all have never done an overnight no wrap brisket you have got to give it a shot i hope you guys enjoyed this brisket video if this is your first time to my channel do me a favor hit that subscribe button and if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up until next time joe with smoking joe's pit bbq see [Music]
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 560,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, smoked brisket, smoking brisket, smoked brisket bbq, bbq brisket, how to make, beef brisket, how to smoke brisket, brisket pellet grill, traeger brisket, no wrap brisket, texas brisket, overnight brisket, smoked brisket recipe, brisket recipe, offset smoker, pellet grill brisket, beef tallow, brisket on the smoker, pellet smoker, overnight brisket recipe, pellet smoker brisket, brisket, bbq, pellet grill, yoder, smokin joes pit bbq, ys640, ys1500, pellet smoked
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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