How to Cook the Best Oven Brisket | Texas Styled

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what's happening sports fans welcome back to another episode of Mama and Papa Joe on the menu today is a brisket it's just before bedtime and I'm going to start trimming a brisket that we're going to cook tomorrow in the oven never did one in the oven before but we're going to see if we can't cook it exactly like we would out there on the pit except it's in the oven let's get started so what we have here is a 14lb brisket from Walmart and I want to say an inexpensive brisket but nowadays nothing is inexpensive select nothing fancy it looks like it's a pretty decent brisket let me take it to the sink get it dried off and we'll be right back we've got her rinsed off and got her nice and dry here we looking at the uh the pretty thin flat I'm going to speed through this trimming time for bed if you're interested in a more detailed trim I will place them in my top left as well as in the [Music] description [Music] so for our seasonings today we're going to go with our usual 16 mesh uh cracked black pepper 3 tbsp 16 mes cracked black pepper 1 tbsp kosher salt and we're going to be working on a smoke ring tomorrow a natural smoke ring so we're going to be using celery salt one t one tbspoon of uh kosher salt and one tablespoon of celery salt we'll see if that helps us with a smoke ring all right we got a fairly small brisket give that a nice shape our brisket is pretty dry we're going to go with a binder and today I'm going to be using my Maggie Hugo you can use whatever binder you choose uh I'm going to be cooking this brisket fat side up tomorrow I don't know that it's going to make a difference all right the rub we just made let's hit the sides press it in on those sides before we flip I'm going to put it on my tray uh because it's going in the refrigerator a little more Maggie and folks that just about did it man all right I'm going to cover this up with some Saran Wrap and we're going to put her in the fridge till about uh 7:00 tomorrow morning give or take all right so we're back our brisket has been out of the fridge for about an hour coming to temperature I've got my oven preheated to 225 going to take it off of this plastic rack so I'm going to come back gentle like and what that onion that piece of onion does is raises raises the brisket up towards the center and try to mitigate this curling that this flat wants to do and we're starting at 225 to slowly warm up this brisket again to try to slow down mitigate that curling if you shock it with 300 it tightens up real quick and this wants to curl so we're going to try to prevent that after an hour at 225 we're going to bump it up to 250 okay we're at 2hour Mark first hour on 225 second hour 250 all right we still got just a little curage on that thin end of the flat but we're starting to get some rendering now at this point I'm going to turn the temperature up to 275 and this will be our cooking temperature the rest of the time uh now that we've warmed this brisket up still not ready to do anything no Spritz in or anything I'm starting to see some render in there and it is looking good smelling good 275 the rest of the way all right we are at 4 hours o we got some curage so we've been at 275 for 2 hours and that fat is starting to break down the bark is set it's nice and dry uh on this side but as I rotate and I look at the backs side this is the problem the curling causes when that flat curls up it creates a little pocket where your bark doesn't set because it collects moisture so the only thing you can do with when that happens is sort of tilted to get it to drain so what I'm going to do now is just find a piece of foil stick it on the back side to just try to lift this up that way it will drain so with some wool gloves under here and just lift up and there we go raise that up and you can see it I don't know how well you're able to see it but it's running off so what I've got here is just a little vinegar apple cider vinegar and water the areas that are nice and dry I'm just going to miss to keep that bark soft as it develops all right so we're going to put that back in and let it continue doing its thing another hour we'll come back all right we are at 5 and 1/2 hours folks let's see what we're working with all right that is dried up man this brisket is not a thick brisket pretty thin so uh hopefully we are very close to wrapping all right 186 197 I definitely wanted it to be in that 180 range to wrap I like the color oh that it is so soft uh let's get set up to wrap this thing I want to use some of the oil from this pan but this Tallow I'm going to use to soften and to moisturize our butcher paper it's going to really keep our bark nice and moist we'll make sure we get this spread out I want to go fat down fat side down oh that looks good this brisket feels really good down remember we are fat down we come back and we're back fat up and because there's so much oil in this pan just going to use a fresh pan all right so we're going back into the oven still 275 this is not going to take but maybe another hour to hour and a half so we'll be keeping eye on it it's been an hour since we wrapped and put it back in the oven and because we were pushing 180 185 man it probes like butter 2 11 I am going to call this Good like I said just short of 7 hours turning this oven off and we are going to let this rest for a couple of hours all right ladies and gentlemen uh we've been resting for 3 hours immediately after I pulled it when it was finished I let it sit on the counter out in the open just Loosely uh covered with foil for an hour the oven was off at the end of that hour I put it into the oven the warm oven and there it sat for two hours and that is where we are now let's take a look see looks like the bar oh she's a pretty little girl man look at that nice bark oh man still nice and soft well let's see man folks this is a select nice rendering oh that fat nice shine wow you said this was a select this is a select Walmart select there you go mom wow still wow look at the shine on this thing this is a select I didn't get any kind of smoke ring from my celery salt maybe the Maggie interfered with it I don't [Music] know in the oven that is absolute money tender and juicy I'm kind of Blown Away let's close this out Mama ladies and gentlemen I'm here to tell you you know if you live in an apartment can't burn a fire or you don't have a pit or you're not comfortable uh on a pit you need to try this brisket I can only imagine if it was a prime or higher thank you guys as usual for hanging out with Mom and Papa Joe Mom and I I really appreciate it be on lookout for another video coming very soon and in the meantime we want you guys to take care of yourselves love each other and Mom and I will see you when we see you holla
Channel: Mama and Papa Joe
Views: 65,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook brisket in the oven, brisket in the oven, texas style brisket, beef brisket, oven brisket, how to cook brisket, oven baked brisket, oven brisket recipe, best brisket, beef brisket oven recipe, oven brisket bbq, oven baked bbq brisket, how to make brisket in the oven, texas brisket, brisket recipe, bbq brisket, beef brisket recipe, brisket recipes oven, brisket in, brisket in oven, brisket in oven recipe, how to cook brisket in oven, juicy oven brisket
Id: AT0Y728lPdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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