Myron Mixon's Hot and Fast Brisket Masterclass - A Recipe For Rachael Ray

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hey Rachel thanks for having me on today I'm Myron Mixon the women's band of barbecue I do everything barbecue I own restaurants rather in Alexandria Virginia Old Town also in Hoboken New Jersey also I do barbecue classes and that's where we're at today at my barbecue Pavilion right here in Unadilla Georgia I write cookbooks have my online rubs and sauces also a whole lot of smokers that we're going to be using today today we're going to be doing brisket the big thing that a lot of folks sometimes have a problem with they can do the pork they can do the checking they can do the ribs but brisk is always kind of the toughest thing for them we're going to show them how to fix that today I got what they call a prime it's a good grade high marbling got a lot of fat content inside the brisket we're gonna do the trim work we'll do the cooking we're going to do the injecting we're also going to do the rub and the sauce on it so we're going to start out first we gotta remove any silver in any fat you see here always remember rubber seasoning does not stick to Fat of the membrane so we've got to get it off but right here on top of the flat I like keeping this blade flat don't want to gouge in and make a hot mess out of it so we're just going to take off what we can easily get to and what you can't get leave see how I'm doing that just keeping that blade flat did you sharp knife now a lot of times you see people as trimming brisket first thing you want to do remove this chunk of fat right here out of it I'm a firm believer not just with brisk it with any kind of proteins the more you remove such chunks of fat part of the lean meat the more you take out of it losing moisture is going to be what you have I do not take out this chunk of fat right here reason I don't if you remove that it just leaves another surface area for moisture to leave the brisket we don't want that to happen I'll take this out of the end when we get ready to slice and eat so I'll leave that in now that I got the flat section removed from all the membrane and fat it's time to get over here to the point this is where the burnt ends come from I forget tell you you want slices and burn ends today so the point itself actually starts right here behind the flat and it rolls to buy Midway of the brisket so the point itself does not go all the way the length of the brisket we're going to score it about where I think it ends we're going to remove the fat you get on that to the meat itself just get that fat off the top to have good burn ends you got to have that crust that bark not only one side but two sides to make those delicious cubes that we're going to make up we're about done here don't take a long time to do it now remember this about trimming meat it's always a starting point and a stopping point like I said I've been teaching classes since 2005. I've watched a lot of people trimming meat inside the contest circuit even in restaurants sometimes they wind up cooking more or throwing away more than they're cooking you don't want to do that that's like I said it's a starting place and a stopping place thank you all right now it's time to inject I'm a firm believer in injecting Meats I love to inject all proteins I believe you can always add flavor regardless of the quality of the meat or the grade also every time you inject it's in liquid form it's add more moisture to the meat itself so I love to add that injection to it what I got here 16 ounces of water I'm adding eight ounces of my beef as you prep probably won't take it all but it's always good to have it this brisket here in front of me is about 18 pounder you find them the recipe works great for 13 to 14 Pounders all the way up to 20. now you got a grain that's running with this brisket it's running for me to y'all always inject with the grain on a brisket always reason for that it allows for the injection to flow evenly through the brisket if you go across the grain it doesn't happen that way and also it winds up showing pinholes where you've made the injection marks it's not a good look so what we're going to do we're going to do about half the injection on the flat then we'll roll it over and do half injection on the point that we're going to get our burn ends you look at it like a checkerboard like squares you want to make sure you hit every one of those squares I got the injector at an angle not coming out the bottom all right we're gonna roll it over [Music] got our point now the grain of the points running me to y'all now I left the fat on the bottom of the flat flat to protect it because I'm cooking fat cap down 99 of the smokers today include charcoal grills that we're going to talk about later heat comes from the bottom up I'll leave that there cooking fat cap down it protects where I'm going to take the slices from so now it's time to inject our Point again injecting with the grain that's about all I can get in it let's set the injection out of the way now it's time to add our seasoning to it I like to use regular vegetable oil as a binder it's neutral and I want a neutral flavor it's also something that really gives it a great color when it hits up the temp we'll be cooking today at around 300 degrees so I'm going to get a good mahogany color vegetable is going to help doesn't take much I'm gonna do three layers of rub I like to give more than one bite I like to give more than one type of flavor when you're biting through we're gonna have a hot that we're putting on first in a very light coat we're coming in with a hickory rub then my hickory salt one thing about beef and especially brisket it could take spice coming from the hot rub and it can take salt it needs it now you notice I'm not putting any rub or seasoning here on the fat well I'm going to remove that before we eat it after it gets done so there's no need to put it there another reason is we're going to be cooking part of the cook process will be in a pan where I could catch and say some of that was oh it's you and reserve it if I had salt and rub all down in here it's gonna wind up making that ice you too salty flip over I always like to do the top last part you're going to see make it look great a little bit of the hot rub again Hickory and I will finish it up with the hickory salt now we're ready to go ideally if you had the time and you could be able to wait and put this on tomorrow I would have held off on the seasoning after I injected I'd put it in a vacuum seal bag vacuum sealed it down let it sit in my fridge the next day it will elevate it the flavor of this brisket up here it's going to be great like it is but if you have the time to build a vacuum seal and let it sit overnight up here and always remember this don't ever apply your rub to any protein you're getting ready to grill a barbecue until about an hour before it goes on you do every rub out there mind yours anybody's has salt content in it and that salt starts dragging moisture out and we don't want to do that all right we're getting ready to cook now I'm kicking on one of my bark 3600 Myron mix and smoker pellet cookers we're going to talk about the charcoal grills in just a second but I like to start out in a pan the reason for that is cleanup keeps it from dripping down on the rack in there down into the pan this saves me a lot of trouble in the cleanup afterwards when I get done cooking it's not going to hurt anything it's not going to restrict any smoke but it's just an easy cleanup now it's time to go on cooking at 300 degrees just like that now while we're waiting for the brisket to get done we'll go over into the charcoal grill and we'll show you some tips where you'll be able to grill on your charcoal grill and do a brisket just as great it's cooking on one of my smokers here let's go over here oh we got the brisket over here cooking on my pellet cooker we're going to talk a little bit about how to do the same cooking process put on a charcoal grill everybody knows charcoal is probably one of the first things that we started out cooking on it was for me thing about it is it don't matter what size you have I have a pretty good size a 36 inch charcoal grill you can still cook proteins just like you're cooking them over here if you want to do low and slow or hot and fast like we're cooking the brisket today you can do it on your charcoal grill the way we do it we Bank our charcoal I'm talking about bacon over the side probably about three pounds three to five from each side smoker thank you when I'm being biking talked about moving all your charcoal we're starting both sides now if you have a smaller version of a charcoal grill that I have here just bank one side now what I like to do I got my Banks of charcoal on both sides I go in and I light the charcoal just on the very top of each side it's going to give you a long burn in other words it's going to burn from the top down I lay my meat in the center so you basically gonna have a reverse flow going on with the heat and then out the stack right here if you had only a smaller version of the charcoal grill right here you want to bite one side it does the same thing I always put the meat where the charcoal's knot don't put it directly over your chocolate or you'll burn it but this is the way you take a charcoal grill and make it do for you what I'm doing right here with this pellet cooker this turns out awesome barbecue so keep up the good work back your charcoal only charcoal grills you turn that great brisket or anything else now it's time to get back over here let's do some work on the brisket our barbecue Warriors now that we got our brisket spent on that for two hours take it in Smoke getting us a crust on it now it's time to cover it we can steam start tenderizing the meat and finish off the cook right now I'm showing you a little tip best heat gloves in the world cotton gloves then you take your natural gloves go over the top very flexible how meat break meat down way to go fix and tape the brisket off the pellet smoker now look at that got a great mahogany color that red color we're looking for got a good crust instead of crusting up nice time for us to cover it get it back on the pellet cook and finish up we're gonna cook an 18 pound brisket four to five hours it's awesome holds all that moisture in you're gonna love it now anybody's ever cooked any proteins and wrapped them or even pandem like I'm doing here you ever seen the full react with the meat itself and with the rub starts eating through the foil those pieces that fall down on the meat don't want that take some butcher paper all parchment paper put it on the meat first take the foil cover it tight we're gonna keep probing with our meat thermometer while we're cooking after about two hours and start checking points down here and I'm gonna check when I hit 205 degrees and turn on at the point it's when I'm pulling it let it rest do it now got the brisket cooking for the next two hours two to three depending on the size got to get our sauces ready the brisket sauce I need some competitions it's doing really well for us got my hot sauce going in it's got the mill in it got my hot sauce one bottle of it look at about two cups of beets that's what these balls are then we got a little bit of honey and I know that sounds strange but the honey all sets that heat in my hot sauce about a cup you want to always heat your barbecue sauce before you put it on any hot barbecue or hot meat makes practical sense don't reach in the fridge grab a bottle of cold sauce put it on hot meat don't do that we're fixing to go heat this up be back it's time to take that brisket back off again let it rest see you in a minute all right our brisket's been on now for four hours and 15 minutes we don't hit 205 when I meet thermometer at our point now it's time to let it rest but I mean let it rest that doesn't mean take that brisket set it out on the counter let it get cold resting means keeping it warm enough 160 degrees to 180 degrees while it lets those juices start coming back in when that brisk is cooking it's rendering pushing out fat grease pushing out all those things but when you start letting it rest it starts dragging all of it back in not only does resting make that moisture and make that juice come back to the meat make it more flavorful it also relaxes the meat where it's more tender so that's what we're fixing to do now and the best way to do that is put up on our moving blanket leave it in the pan cover it up something we're gonna let it rest for two hours then we'll come back we're gonna remove the point then get bark or crust on the other side won't be long after that we'll be slicing and cutting up our cues for burn ends all right two hours is up on the rest don't let all these juices start coming back in Meats relax it's tender nice time to separate the point from the flat we're gonna unwrap our brisket take out the foil take off our butcher paper go ahead and remove our brisket while I got my brisket out I got two grease separators separates the eyes you from the oil this is what I love on my briskets the naturalized you that cooked out of the brisket look at that you can already see that separating seeing the oil going to the top good stuff coming to the bottom that one too isn't that awesome now I'm Gonna Roll the brisket upside down reach over here and take my slicer now this is the point right here where I cleaned it off to be able to get our burnt ends all I'm doing is separating right down the membrane and fat that separates these two pieces of meat from the flat you see that the fat line the lay my flat back over into a pan cover it up put it back under the blanket let it keep resting because we still got about an hour worth of cook time to do now we got our point we want to get crust on this side just like we got here take your slice it clean it up level up the meat remember that wedge of fat I tell you not to remove well there it is got it out of the way take a little bit of my Hickory rub we're not going to put the triple layers I'm not going to put the hot Hickory and the salt we went from a piece of meat that thick to this thick so I don't want to get it too salty so just a light coat of the Hickory rub take one of my racks you rub side down because the heat from 99 of the smokers made today comes from the bottom up I want the heat hitting that side it just got cleaned up to give me bark on it it's going back on the smoker to take about another hour to hour and a half all right our Point's been on for two hours now we got a good bark on the bottom of it now it's time to grit our nice time to get our flat ready for slices I brought it out of the pan still got the fat cap down here on the other part I will remove that some folks don't like to eat it I don't mind it but you ain't always doing for yourself you're doing for friends and family so we got to get this fat off clean it up a little bit I believe some of it I'm not taking it all off but I'm getting the thickest part of it now while ago we've made up our saws sauce in the bottom roll it over sauce the tops always sauce the top of whatever you're doing last so it looks the best all right I got the sauce on the top of my brisket it's time to go back in the smoker just long enough to set the sauce takes about four minutes you know I want to cook that sauce on it all you want to do is set it well it's not Gloppy it's not runny so here we go bringing my point out gonna do the same thing all I'm going to do is sauce the top so again the point is a thin piece doesn't need a lot of sauce and the cubes are going to be thicker than what I'm going to make our slices stick them back on for the four minutes always slice across the grain two pieces of meat that always get messed up slicing with the grains tri-tip and brisket always slice against the grain the grain I can tell it by the bend is running me to you I'm gonna make about five and a half inch slices now I'm not going to throw all this away I'm just doing something to make it pretty now I got all my slices gonna be five and a half inches just like that isn't that pretty that's good now it's time to get our point back now same thing here the first cuts are going to be with the grain grain's running me to y'all trim this outer edge off make them about a half inch wide cuts strips going out half inch wide strips now we're turning it we're going to cut across the grain to make our cubes half inch wide oh you look at them little gorgeous things right there we're gonna bring our plate over put a few of our burn ends around we're not through yet take a little bit of our sauce let's give it a little light coat we're not trying to over overdue because we got the good stuff coming next now you remember when we poured our eyes you and the grease separator you can see it's separating right there oil from the good stuff good stuff's on the bottom I'm gonna give a little bump of that eyes you even though I'm making a mess I'm outside it ain't gonna matter that right there is the easiest brisket recipe you'll ever see told time including the two hour rest you're looking at no more than six hours start to finish anywhere from a 12 to 20 pound brisket that's the cook time on it make sure you pick out a good quality piece of meat your local butcher to be able to help you out with that been glad to be with y'all today Rachel thanks for having me Rachel I hear after 17 years on TV you're fixing to retire I want to tell you you've been a big inspiration to a lot of folks in the food World me included Gonna Miss watching you but I know you're gonna have fun maybe one day when I get to that point I can retire with you I'm looking forward to it but congratulations on all your success
Channel: Myron Mixon BBQ Pitmaster
Views: 439,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brisket, smoked brisket, brisket recipe, beef brisket, how to smoke brisket, smoked brisket recipe, how to smoke a brisket, bbq brisket, pellet smoker brisket, pellet grill brisket, how to smoke brisket on pellet grill, best brisket, barbecue, bbq, competition brisket, myron mixon, myron mixon smokers, aaron franklin masterclass, rachael ray, meat church bbq, smoking brisket, how to smoke beef brisket, hot and fast brisket
Id: dbldRzp_WoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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