Forget the Oven, This is How I Make a Prime Rib Now

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prime rib is just so good and absolutely one of my all-time favorite things to eat but smoked prime rib is next level from that delicious herb and garlic crust to those slow smoke flavors this right here is going to be ridiculously delicious but first we have to start off by making that herb garlic crust sound good let's smoke so when it comes to the herbs I like to use a combination of thyme Rosemary and parsley and of course a bunch of garlic now you can swap out or even add a few things like oregano or Sage if you want now if you only have dry herbs they will work you may lose a little bit of flavor but it's still going to be absolutely delicious okay now when it comes to chopping time I always say this if the sprigs and the stems are very light and not overly thick and real young they're great to use there's so much flavor in these so what I do is just Bunch them together like this and then I just finally finally mix so I'm looking for three tablespoons total of finely mince fresh thyme when it's done we're just gonna set it to the side in a bowl right tossing this off to the side and next up is going to be Rosemary now these stems are way too thick and way too Woody so we just want to remove those leaves what I do just hold it up like this Pinch at the top and pull down simple as that then we finely mince and just like the fresh thyme I would like three tablespoons total of fresh Rosemary when you're chopping it be careful because those leaves are going to want to fly everywhere we're going to set it in the same bowl with the thyme and then last but not least I've got some fresh flat leaf Italian parsley I just like to Bunch it up roll it over and then finely mince it and again let's repeat the process looking for three tablespoons total next I've got some garlic I'm going to grate it on a fine zester or grater or a microplane if you have one I'm looking to get about 15 cloves finely grated all right the urban garlic crust mixture is just about done what we're going to do is add in some good extra virgin olive oil probably about a quarter cup now the consistency we're looking for here is probably that of like a chimichurri sauce thick but still spreadable yeah this looks this looks really really good here and we're also not going to use all of this we're going to set aside maybe maybe like a third of it in a separate Bowl because what we're going to do is add this extra at the end when we are completely done smoking before it rests I'm telling you right now the flavors are going to be awesome also what we want to do is add just a hint of red wine vinegar to this just one tablespoon should be plenty some of that acid is going to go great and cut that beef when it's resting all right at this point I am going to get outside I'm going to preheat my smoker in between 225 and 235 degrees Fahrenheit and then it is prime rib Thai my friends I've got an eight pound boneless rib eye roast you can do bone in although it will take longer to smoke this has got great marbling it is prime grade and this one my friend is going to be dang delicious when it's done so what I'm going to do is just transfer this big old brontosaurus ribeye roast to my cutting board we want to trim off some of the fat on top but obviously leave some of it because there's so much flavor there so be very delicate and gentle some of it may just pull up with your fingers just like this that makes it really easy to trim underneath and cut away another method that I like to do is scrape it with the sharp part of my knife that way you're not cutting into the Flesh and you're simply just scraping off the FED it's a great way to do it and one of the main reasons we do this is to help create that really nice bark if you remember my smoked brisket or even my pork shoulder you want that outside crust that's what makes it so delicious that my yard we need it you Gotta Have It so just continuing on slicing off that bottom part it's got a lot of nice pillowy fat on the bottom but don't you dare throw it away because it's awesome to make beef Tallow with so I'm feeling really good about where we're at with this prime rib still a great amount of fat for flavor and just enough trim to help create that awesome bark okay now what we're gonna do is truss up our prime rib now I do this with every big piece of meat what it does is it helps the meat keep its shape and helps seal in juices and flavor I promise you once you do it you'll never go back I do it with honestly all my big pieces of meat so here's what we do get some long butcher's twine if you can't find this in the store just ask the butcher shop be like hey I need 10 feet of butcher's twine he'll give it to you for free no problem all right here's how you do it we're just going to come up under one side of our primer roast I'm going to tie a double knot really quick just to get it in place to hold it so that I can tie the next knot okay here's what we're going to do we're going to come over about an inch to an inch and a half right here put your finger down and then wrap the long part of the butcher's twine underneath and then just run it underneath the loop like that and then just pull it taut so that it is nice and tight this is perfect we do this all the way down until the end then I flip it over and I like to go underneath every other twine that I wrapped it with go all the way to the end there'll still be a good amount of butcher's twine from that initial knot then I just tie a double knot and cut off any excess this looks awesome okay now for an incredibly important part to this and that is seasoning it so I'm just going to transfer it over to that platter so that the oil and the salt and pepper won't go all over my cutting board so first we're are going to add on about two tablespoons of olive oil to the top you could use any neutral flavored oil or even beef Tallow would be great here rub it on the sides and everywhere and then after you flip it add another tablespoon of olive oil and rub it generously all over this is going to help our salt and pepper stick now when it comes to seasoning this is so important we need to generously season this so that when you take a bite in the center of this prime rib when it's done it is seasoned and delicious so do not go cheap here okay you probably want one and a half to two tablespoons of sea salt total I know that's a lot this is a huge piece of meat so we are going to season it heavily on all sides and once it's in there we're also going to Pat it down when I mean all sides I also mean the sides of everything then for black pepper we're probably gonna use about a tablespoon total same sort of deal season it on every single end and side we're also going to Pat it in this is looking perfect remember beef loves Salt and Pepper Dr Chef Parisi is almost finished the last step before we put it on that preheated smoker is add on that delicious garlic and herb blend and the exact same deal as we did with the salt and pepper we are going to generously rub this all over on the sides and don't forget to flip it over and do the bottom part all of this is going to provide so much flavor and then at the end remember we're going to save a little bit to the side and we'll finish it off with this right here it's looking fantastic and look I get it beef is incredibly expensive but this is much more of a once a year type of roast and with that being said there are many different grades of ribeye Choice Prime grass-fed aged way goo now my own personal opinion is this thing is completely covered in seasonings and garlic and herbs and that is slow smoked so it's not worth it to go overboard and get some sort of 50 to 100 pound wagyu beef it's much better to get a more budget grade like a prime or grass-fed or even choice I promise you it's still going to be absolutely delicious so let's flip this fat cap side up and then we're heading right outside to that preheated smoker to 225 degrees open it up add the prime rib I'm going to put it on the top rack it doesn't matter if you put on the bottom rack whatever you want to do I'm putting on the top rack though for a reason first scrape all that goodness off the plate get it on top of there don't waste any of this I'm going to put a disposable pan underneath to catch all the drippings I've got a plan for it later on and this is also so important you definitely want to invest in a good thermometer if your smoker doesn't already have one built in go dead center this will give us a good read we're trying to take it to a hundred degrees Fahrenheit internally and this is why I like to start off with a cold piece of meat A lot of people say take it to room temperature but I want as much time as possible to infuse that smoke and 100 degrees is only 60 degrees away from where I'm at now and comey's look I realize not everyone has a smoker and if you don't don't worry I've got a great bone-in standing rib eye roast that you can do in the oven super delicious I know you you love it okay let's go hang out and I'm going to come back and I'm going to show you how to make an au jus from scratch so it's only been an hour but I want to take a quick look you can see the fats starting to render the crust starting to form on the outside and the smell of this is so good so what's the smoke prime rib hits about 75 degrees Fahrenheit internally I like to start on the as you and real quick don't even worry about it if the smoker temperature goes up and down around 225 even if it goes up to 250 don't sweat it we'll be in good shape okay there are many different ways to make auju here's how I do it starting with mirepoix 50 onion 25 celery 25 carrot what we need to do is just medium dice it just going to quickly slice off the ends of a yellow onion you could use a white or sweet onion as well slice in half remove that outside peel then medium dice it I'm only going to be using one medium sized carrot give it a quick peel remember save those peelings later in the freezer for stock when you have enough going to medium dice this as well and then I've got one rib of celery same cut medium dice all going into the same Bowl then I have two garlic cloves just going to give them a really quick smash sort of help release a little bit more flavor all in that bowl over to a small Rondo pot I'm going to add in two tablespoons of unsalted butter so you know it would be even better than sauteing in butter going outside and stealing some of that rendered fat that's in that pan underneath the prime rib all that deliciousness that's dripping down there it's definitely more classic to use if you can get a little bit of it if you can't butter will work once everything is melted and sizzling let's add in our mirepoix and frequently stir it's going to take about 15 to 20 minutes on medium heat assume the position hand on your hip while stirring until it gets nice and browned up like this excellent we're going to deglaze with a half cup of red wine you could use Cabernet Sauvignon or low Bordeaux or even Shiraz all right we are going to cook this until all SEC which means almost gone so all of the wine is just about absorbed we're going to add in four cups of good beef stock I've got an awesome recipe for you for homemade let's crank the heat a little bit higher to medium high bring it to a boil then I'm going to turn it down to about low medium and let it simmer for about 10 minutes we want to reduce the amount of liquid by about one third at this point I'm just gonna run it through a fine mesh strainer or shinwa even better if you have one right into another pot I like to press down on those vegetables in there get as much liquid off as possible it's going to be really flavorful all right back to the burner we're going to season it up a little bit more I've got tablespoon of Worcester sauce we're going to add in there then we're going to season it well with sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper now this is going to be our au jus we're going to dip our steak in here so it should be incredibly seasoned and flavorful Stir It Up try it out see if it needs anything else remember season Once taste twice all right so the auju is almost finished I've got one other awesome trick but I can't do it until the end now that the smoke prime rib is at 100 degrees Fahrenheit internally we are going to crank the heat up and get this thing moving to get it beautifully Brown on top it's going to move very very quickly here we go hold on we are going to crank the heat up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit this will allow everything to Brown up really nicely almost like a reverse sear only we're not searing we are roasting it you can see the smoke rolling off there we are going to take this to in between 118 and 820 degrees Fahrenheit once it gets anywhere in between there we are good to pull off so let's come back open up our smoker and oh my gosh yes this is what we're looking for got a beautiful Smoky crust on the outside the flavor the smell is to die for can't wait to get into this okay what we want to do is pull out the thermometer be careful because it is hot it's been at 500 degrees we are going to use some tongs and a spatula to remove that then let's go grab that pan that caught all the beef drippings we're going to add this in there there's so much fat that fell off there it is going to add incredible toasted nut sort of flavor I'll explain what it is a little bit grab the beef let's go inside set the beef on the countertop and let's just get one more look I mean it's just so good looking all right take that little bowl of rendered fat we're just gonna put it in the freezer for the whole time at rest so that it solidifies up got plans for it I keep telling you just hold on all right go right back over to that beef remember that third of that paste that we set to the side we are going to smother this prime rib all over with that's just gonna make the flavors more intense and more delicious so I like to cover it in foil although you don't have to we're going to let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes during that time the temperature is going to increase about 10 to 15 more degrees of that perfect medium rare internal temperature let's take that chilled rendered fat out of the freezer it looks awesome with that little toasted nut flavor with the butter it's known as Bern noisette now I like to finish all my sauces with butter just provides a lot of body what about if we finish off with this with a little toasted nut Smoky flavor going to be so delicious this auju I'm telling you what is beyond flavorful if you don't have that burned on that butter regular unsalted butter will do just fine we're in for about four hours total of smoke time that is not bad at all and the flavors are amazing it looks really good the crust on the top is exactly what I wanted and I'm telling you right now we'll always go back to these fundamental classic cooking techniques even when it applies to smoking when you put these into practice over and over again it will absolutely elevate your everyday cooking all right let's plate this up probably the most important thing right out of the gate remove the butcher's twine no one wants string with their smoked prime rib all right I'm going to transfer this big old hunk of meat right over to The Cutting Board to make it easier to slice it just looks so so good all right using a slicing knife or a chef knife let's just go right in the center and see what we're looking at here I can hardly wait I hope we're good here it was about 130 after it rested yeah wow absolutely gorgeous right here this looks so good you guys okay also don't forget to serve this up with our tasty aju and if you want some creamy horseradish I've got a great recipe on my website that you can check out right here oh man this is such a treat and if you want to impress some guests I'm pretty sure this is the one that could do it I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and if you love this and want to serve it up with something awesome check out my au gratin potatoes they are so good I've got a recipe video see you on there [Music]
Channel: Chef Billy Parisi
Views: 1,254,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoked prime rib recipe, prime rib, prime rib roast, smoked prime rib, prime rib recipe, how to make prime rib, how to smoke prime rib, how to smoke prime rib roast, prime rib roast recipe, smoked prime rib roast recipe, chef billy parisi, chef billy, billy parisi
Id: K91oBbYoyuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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