Texas Top 10 Brisket Showdown | Mad Scientist BBQ

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hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue i'm jeremy yoder today i'm here with johnny white from goldy's barbecue number one barbecue restaurant in texas and you probably know him as derby bbq from youtube but today we're going to test out some of the methods that the top restaurants use to cook their briskets hey guys i want to thank today's sponsor audible if you don't know about audible you need to learn because it has a tremendous selection of audio books they have new releases bestsellers they have music they have podcasts all kinds of resources all in one place and it's convenient to listen to them for me i use audible when i'm driving when i'm running a fire for barbecue when i'm on a plane basically anytime that would otherwise be dead time i can use to listen to audible and improve myself by listening to experts my favorite thing is to find a book written by an expert and explore new areas that i don't know anything about i know a few things i know some science i know some barbecue and i love to learn about those but there are so many other things that i find tremendously interesting and audible has so many titles i can always find what i'm looking for in fact i could be listening to audible from now until the day i die and never run out of material the library is so large in addition they're constantly updating their library of titles so you can stay up to date on whatever topics interest you and as an audible member you get one free title each month to keep now here's the best part new members can try audible free for 30 days just go to audible.com mad scientist bbq or text mad scientist bbq to 500 500 it's an amazing resource and you guys are going to be glad if you check it out all right now before we get started what's what's step one what do we have to do we gotta start a fire all right sounds good i love flyers [Music] all right derby we have three briskets here they're all from the same manufacturer everything they're all similar in size and so to do this test we're going to try three different methods what are the three different methods we're going to use so today we're going to be using the goldie's method the franklin method and the foil boat method so like the leroy and lewis type weight yes the loren lewis okay so these are three examples of top 10 restaurants in texas and so we're going to do a blind taste test and give them a fair shake yes are you nervous at all uh no not really not i think uh i think the goldie's method is going to come out on top well you already got that number one so it's hard to argue with right so we have a rub here and uh it says goldie's barbecue yes that's our uh this is our goldy's barbecue brisket rub okay so how how similar is this to what you actually use in the restaurant it's pretty much identical okay what we use so the flavor profile that somebody gets when they come to the restaurant they can recreate with this rub right here absolutely absolutely perfect okay so these are already trimmed and if they're any bald spots it's probably my fault but what do we have to do to get these ready to go on uh we got the fire started and now we're just going to flatter them up with some warm water and season them up with the brisket rub okay so what does the warm water do that you might not get with some other kind of slider if the if the fat is really really cold it's a little bit more hard warm water will soften that fat up a little bit and this rub will stick a lot better and just rubs in general will stick better to a little bit warmer fat yeah i think that totally makes sense because that same problem you have when you're trying to trim warm fat is what makes the rub stick so if you trim it when it's cold allow it to warm up enough so the rub sticks then you get even coverage yes absolutely it sticks to that fat a lot lot better okay all right let's get them seasoned up and get them on the smoker yeah because i've never said to myself after cooking barbecue man i got that stuff on too early so let's get it on [Music] um [Music] i'm excited about this i i'm legitimately curious to know which one i would prefer yeah because i've tried the the foil boat method before and like it's good it has merit but i don't think i like it as much yeah yeah no definitely i think uh well i might be able to do the foil but better than brad so what's the deal with you and brad all right so we got the three different methods we're going gonna use we've got the butcher paper we've got the foil boat and we have cooking completely unwrapped and then letting it rest in foil so let's start with the one that people usually associate with central texas style barbecue that's wrapping in paper there are benefits and drawbacks to every method but for that one i think a benefit would be kind of softens the bark a little bit it's a vehicle to add tallow or other things like that but what are some drawbacks that you see in using butcher paper that makes you not use it here as far as like the butch paper retaining moisture it doesn't do a very a very good job compared to the foil and taking it out and wrapping it in a bunch of paper can really slow down your your your cook time and and prolong the cook uh even if it does speed it up after you once you've wrapped it so it kind of cancels out yeah it kind of cancels out like as far as like you know you're wrapping it to speed it up and then but you also took it out and let it cool down to wrap it up and stuff like that so especially when you're doing like 50 briskets or or 20 you know 24 briskets on a thousand gallon it'll definitely slow down your book time gotcha and then it makes a huge mess i know from experience it's like everything is covered in grease afterwards uh pulling out 50 put your paper wrap briskets out of your warmer like i said it doesn't really you know trap that moisture in there like any of the fat that you rendered in there or any fat that you added to the paper it's pretty much going to end up on your floor okay fair enough all right let's talk about the next method the foil boat i see a benefit to this as you have more time to render fat yes and you cover up the meat side so maybe it speeds up to cook a little bit but why not do that um i actually have i don't have a lot of experience uh doing the foil boat um but i'm thinking it should it should work that way um if anything i think holding it might be the biggest issue of the foil but not being completely enclosed in something might um cause it to have a weird reaction to holding in a warmer for 12 hours fair enough i know there are some places that will take things that they wrapped in butcher paper and then put plastic wrap on the outside because even that isn't protected enough for that yeah even the paper isn't it will will kind of have a weird effect being in the warmer so long as well so the the plastic wrap would counteract that got it got it so the final method what you guys do here i don't think this has been revealed on the internet yet but it's about to be yeah um you're going to let it go unwrapped the entire time and then what and then we're going to uh wrap it uh once we feel like the brisket is done or uh being close to done we will take it out uh wrap it up in foil with a little bit of towel at the bottom okay so it hangs out in the warmer encased in the foil with the tallow in there so what you have is a product that's really nice and juicy and because you've gone unwrapped for the entire cook it kind of allows the bark to settle back into exactly what you want yes yes so we uh we feel like we were um rendering fat very well doing this not wrapping it the entire not wrapping up the entire cook it gives us so much time to render fat uh it is a lot cleaner than wrapping in paper when as far as pulling it out of the warmers during service sure also if you are going to add tallow to a wrap it i mean it's there's nothing better than foil and tallow and a brisket sure and uh if you think you know the paper does help soften the bark but also since we've gone the unwrapped the whole time we're going to close it we're going to enclose it in foil and that's going to help soften the bark a lot as well while it rests right that totally makes sense and for anybody watching we know that all these methods can work okay because all these methods are represented in the top 10 in texas barbecue so snow's used to well i think snow still does but wrap in foil to finish cooking yes then you had franklin that wraps in paper to finish cooking and then now we have goldies they're not wrapping in anything to finish cooking it's only after the cooking is done that they use this method so they can obviously all make incredible food but we're going to put them head to head to head and find out what we like best yep yes we are cool all right it's getting to be time to wrap these briskets so let's take a peek before we start wrapping them up [Music] okay so the first way we're going to do it is we're going to wrap in a foil boat and to help me do that we're going to bring on lane who's an owner and pit master here at goldie's and he worked at friedman's where they originated the foil boat so he's a foil boat expert and he's going to be a representative for that method here so how did it start and how do you do it what's the correct way to do it so it started when one of the sous chefs i think he pulled the foil too short or something like that but it ended up where the brisket wasn't completely covered in foil because they used to wrap in foil and then evan walked up and he said that's a pretty good idea and they kept doing it because they liked it better and just kept rolling with it they liked it better than i kept rolling with it okay so can you demonstrate the proper way because i've never done it so we're going to pull two sheets of foil and then we're gonna crisscross them okay are you gonna bare hand that thing from there it's impressive i'm still weak so once you get your foil situated you're gonna grab the briskets place it in the middle we're going to crinkle it around the edges and the idea is that it helps protect it [Applause] and then it keeps the top exposed so it can keep rendering and stay crispy sounds good yep let's find out all right thank you lane so the second brisket we're gonna wrap in paper and johnny's worked at places where they wrap in paper so he is wrapped hundreds of briskets this way he's our paper wrapping expert so why don't you come in and show us how it's done alrighty so um this is exactly how i used to do it and i want to show you all that today so basically we would take um a little bit of cold tallow put it right down in the middle it's 108 degrees today so it's not stained this is this is cold for texas um take this brisket right here put it right on top and then i'm just going to wrap it up [Applause] that smells good it does smell very a good bit [Applause] folding these edges and that's how i like to paper wrap it okay i have a quick question though yes what's the proper length for the paper because i use paper that's too long yes but i was like oh it's safer this way what's the proper length um in my opinion just something pretty short that just gives it a good like cover overall and uh nothing too nothing too much you have to fold up under it because usually when you uh you don't want to hold a lot of paper under it because when you're feeling it for doneness that can kind of get in the way of feeling that the lean really really well got it well us mere mortals use thermal pens when you're pulling a lot of briskets you want to be able to just like kind of pick it up like that one's done and throw it away and throw it all right cool let's put that on there we go okay there's one that's currently unwrapped so we're gonna do the the wrapping method that you use here at goldie's but we're gonna have to wait for that we are we are it is not quite done yet it will probably come off with the rest of them okay so what's the plan on that we're gonna leave it unwrapped until when we're gonna take it to about um tipping like right into the middle of the brisket i want to say right at 195 internally but we can also kind of feel underneath it as well and kind of tell where we are with that okay so we're going to show you that in a few minutes all right if you ain't looking good luck cooking if you ain't looking good luck cooking i like i love looking yeah you've seen it today we just keep looking at it what are they doing [Music] now to do the goldie's method on the third brisket we're going to have chuck who's a pit master here at goldie's and she's been making the briskets here for the last six months her pedigree working at great barbecue restaurants speaks for itself and be on the lookout for her restaurant coming very soon but until then you can follow her on instagram at barbecue wrap so chuck you want to show us how it's done yes yes yes all righty so i'm gonna first pull the foil and i don't want it to be too long about this big you basically want to have a good coverage between both sides and i have some cold tallow and i'm gonna put it right over here so i like to use about half a cup of tallow and i kind of put it where i'm going to be putting the points the fatty side all right it feels super nice look at that [Music] i put it right there and i'm checking for softness all around very nice very nice so we didn't blow it no not at all this looks one of the best uh we're checking for rendered fat so i'm just kind of pinching apart and looking at the fat and it has a caramel brown look and that's that's when you know you did the job so you you i'll take this with me to my grave yes i did it i would say all around this is a close to perfect brisket i'm gonna live on that for the next year and so now i'm gonna fold the foil to the side that side then i'm gonna kind of just karate pop and fold over and there you have it like the easiest wrap ever and the towel is going to stay in there it's sure so i just want to clarify for for any of the viewers this thing cooked completely and we wrapped at the end when it's done cooking yes for the purpose of setting a good bark and rendering fat as much as possible so it's not about finishing it earlier it's not the texas crutch it's just we want everything to be perfect by the time it's served yes okay now this is great i have to try this i mean it obviously works i've tasted the brisket so i need to try it for myself and uh thank you so much for showing us yeah thank you okay get it son okay all three briskets are done at this point and so we have to do what all the top texas spots do they let the briskets rest overnight and so we're going to taste them tomorrow overall the mill scale really impressed me it's really nice to use i want to do some more testing with that in the future but very happy with all these we're going to let them cool a little bit then put them in the warming oven we'll show you that too and then the real test is tomorrow when we have an expert panel some very special guests who are going to be tasting this and let us know what they think [Music] hi i'm jeremy hey how's it going daniel nice to meet you nice to meet you as well i think i've been reading your stuff and and watching your stuff online for i don't know a long time so it's cool to meet you no you can't tell me that you just followed me on on instagram yesterday hold on hold on oh no it's cool i'm glad you're here yeah i'm glad to be here this is awesome videos and uh yeah so we got what three different brisket methods here they've already told me how they gamed it so that the goalies yeah so we had three different ways because there are spots in the top ten that do kind of drastically different ways of finishing off briskets and so what i like to do is try different stuff and find out what works best or what i prefer and so i thought well from here like cooking with these guys try them all three and find out which is the best brad well um what took you so long man well i'm glad you didn't get crushed let's go back dude this okay our special tasting panel is going to consist of lane jalen and chuck all pit masters here at goldie's and then we have chud you guys probably know chud's bbq and of course we have the supreme barbecue pope daniel vaughn the barbecue editor for texas monthly and so we have as good a tasting panel as you could possibly hope for and then i included myself because i want to taste these briskets the process is going to be pretty simple we're going to bring out one sample then the next then the next after which we select our favorite after that we can talk about the merits of the ones that we like and maybe things we don't like about others but we'll have an open discussion but that's going to be after we've selected our favorite and we don't discuss it amongst ourselves first [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i really like the smokiness of a it certainly had the most smoke to it i really like the flavor of all of them i think sea it was the one i think i enjoyed the most the burnt end i think had the best flavor of anybody yes i see of anything that i have today i agree with you on that so in order i thought one was goldie's two is foil boat three was franklin i thought that this one was the most robust it had that crunchy bark the bottom's definitely washed out like you mentioned i thought one was really great awesome flavor all three fantastic that rub whatever you guys used salt stuff it's really good all right chuck chuck is uh you've been covering the briskets here for what six months all right so the person who's responsible for maintaining goldie's reputation for six months what do you think i agree with chud those were my first guesses and i second guess myself well like i did a whole another review but i'll go with my first guess save as chad so did you pick a favorite chuck uh i had the same thing as you where i was more concentrated on picking uh which one was which and didn't really because this is a competition about rightness that's really what it is i think a was i won't say that was the paper one that had like the least rendering on the top fat so i'm guessing maybe that might be it b was definitely foil boat i do like the bark texture on the foil boat i would say c was our our method they had like really good rendering pretty much on the fat and you can kind of taste that towel in there too so i would say that the best thing was c i thought it was the juiciest had the best fat render the texture was nice i thought that was the goldies about the fatty end on c so maybe a slightly bit grainy um on b i would say and a was the most smoky maybe a little too smoky for me c is my favorite lean m and c slash a are my favorite patties so c you said the fatty and was grainy yes is that a code word for overcooked yeah okay do that green structure control more than me so i really only taste it on sundays i initially thought that a could have been the goldie's one and i was getting confused with the amc so i knew from geeko so i think we can all agree that there was good flavor the skeleton of what each one of these is would be good maybe dial it in a little bit more i don't know that you can make a wrong choice obviously they've been number one restaurants that wrap in paper they're the number one that wrap in foil and then you guys are number one you do your your own kind of version of this so they can all obviously work it's just about how you execute it so can you tell us what a was it was paper b okay yeah that was the weird part about it that's why it kind of that's the liquid smoke that johnny added but it was also the saltiest so i don't think it was like something like that i think you've tried different methods uh on your own briskets and so you do the tallow and you do the foil which one do you think is muting the smoked flavor then that's hello at the end okay i guess being heating it a little bit too because it's not it's the the towel that we add to the uh to the rest isn't smoked it's just uh so i think that's balancing out that smoke flavor along with the salt that i feel like the butcher paper might have been you said it's in the middle though right in the middle yeah it sounds really weird yeah maybe it pulled out like more moisture to the top or something i don't know why i have no idea why that one would be the smokies it was like by a good amount it was aggressive yeah we're gonna have to i mean i'm asking because i've had i've had uh i've gone to barbecue joints who use foil and it starts it really washes out a lot of that smoky flavor and turns it into sort of a roast flavor i have a i have a theory you can reject it if you want so i think there are two things that are possibly happening one is once you seal that in with fat all around it it will prevent the exterior surface from drying out i think some of those compounds the flavor compounds in the smoke because they're by definition volatile that can be given off as a gas if you seal everything in it kind of keeps it there but if you dry it out then i think it can again be given off as a gas and so you may be possibly eliminating some of the smoke flavor and then and then sure and then and then possibly i don't think this actually happens but it's worth testing right when you wrap in the tallow and paper it kind of soaks the outside of the paper and there are certain hydrophobic compounds or fat soluble compounds in smoke that could potentially start to leach into the paper and then onto the brisket possibly interesting i don't think that happens though but at home i smoked a towel oh we they all got smoked the sandwich yeah and then in the beginning like that's when you get most of the smoke flavor anyways yeah they all got smoked the same with the getting all unwrapped all over all were you all wrapping with paper when you opened here yeah yeah so what is it that made you want to change uh the fabric i also think that putting tallow on but stripper you're trying to turn butch paper and the foil basically might like seal kind of ceiling but with the foil boat method you're getting the same amount of smoke yeah on top you just get the nicer crispier fat yeah that's awesome so why not just do that what is most interesting is that that the foil boat and the uh uh goldie's way wasn't the two smokier ones but yeah as far as that goes uh we do like the crispy bar but it's really really great um but i think it's just purpose thing where we like the softer more melody part from them like we're basically doing we're basically doing the best of our boat and paper by uh no wrapping and resting before and sometimes it is than like this one like it's definitely not as crispy as like a foil boat but it's definitely got like some sort of christmas it does it does have a slice this one didn't uh show that as much well yeah and i mean if you had like a foil boat pro it would be even more crispy what do you think about the what was it yeah i think it was great did these all have the same slather and rub exactly the same okay yeah i mean honestly that was the the best fatty slice i have is the middle one i thought the bat looked really nice on the uh as well as the uh that's the sea one or as they called it yeah honestly after i had the floyd don't mind i'm not scared i was gonna be the best one yeah yeah that's the one you like the best but you guessed it cu is yours i like to lean the best on c the money guy was best on c okay if daddy was best on a because i had slices from the middle of the brisket on the fatty am c definitely had more of a glisten to it but i went with the uh i went with the flavor over the visual but did you did you choose one is your favorite i like bee um but i like that crispiness but i also think that the bee is probably that foil boat is probably harder to deal with when you're holding for a long period of time yeah it takes up more space because we can't stack them you can't stack them yeah this was fun though did you like it it was eye opening for sure i think the one i liked the least actually was a and i've been wrapping in paper no but but i thought because because it had the the bark with the least integrity and that wasn't rendered as well as the other two i thought this was the paper i was i'm pretty much ready to take it to the bank that b was oil boat but the very best bite of any barbecue i had today was from c and so i chose c and that's why your burnt ends gone that's correct there were people who who wrote in to me uh after the top 50 came out and basically telling telling me what an idiot i was for choosing this place you got my letter and i shouldn't chose that one of that one yeah and they they asked me for a comment like the people from texas monthly who handle the roar of the crowd right the comments and they said you have any comment and i said yes and you can print it you may all go to hell and i'll go with goldie's i love that that's good and they didn't print it yeah i didn't print it that would have been great thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed the video hit the like button down below and you can subscribe to the channel also make sure to check out chuck's bbq derby bbq and goldie's barbecue on instagram if you want to be up to date on all the happenings in barbecue and you can also check out daniel vaughan rice the best barbecue articles in the world thank you guys for watching we'll see you guys next time talking talking talking talking i'm here today with john white and a truck that piece feels real nice definitely super nervous next to the mad friend yeah don't be i can't even though [Music] i feel like it's a big insult to [Music] love it this is great it's it's like and the winner is johnny takes the camera [Laughter] and this guy right here i think they just opened lowry's bottles and dumped it look at that slab big ol boy [Music] you
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 668,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, barbecue, brisket, beef brisket, offset smoker, how to cook barbeque brisket, overnight brisket, yoder, beef tallow brisket, beef tallow, yoder smokers, butcher paper, butcher paper vs foil, foil vs butcher paper, butcher paper brisket, how to wrap a brisket in butcher paper, mill scale, pink butcher paper, how to wrap a brisket, mad scientist bbq, foil boat, chuds bbq, foil boat brisket, brisket foil boat, foiling, chuds bbq brisket, goldees bbq, fort worth bbq
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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