I tried speedrunning Plague Inc and committed glorious crimes against humanity

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so today we're speed running through play gank which might hit a little too close to home right now but whatever now the category that we're gonna be doing is all the different plague types we're starting with fungus and then we're gonna move on from there and i will show you really quick what we do for the genetic code these are basically the power ups you can give your plague you have to unlock each of them but we're gonna start right here we have the atp boost which gives you bonus dna at the beginning dna is what you use to buy different symptoms and things like that so that's definitely important we have aqua site which increases the chance of the plague spreading by c we have pathostasis which makes your ability costs don't increase as you buy more and this will be switched over to symptom stasis for the different kinds of plagues but for right now we have it here we have darwinis which increases the chance of your plague mutating and we have extremophile which gives your plague a minor bonus in all the different environments so if all that out of the way we can get started with the speed run but we don't start the timer until we actually go and start the play so before that we can start preparing and the first thing we want to prepare with is the sporeburst these are overpowered and i'll show you why now as we start our speed run yeah you can see um our plague is spread a bit so what these do is they spread random bursts of the plague everywhere in the world and this is why we get the one that makes sure your abilities don't cost more money and then right after that we're gonna try to get some more transmission ways up our main ways are gonna be through the water and through the air so you can see there are different airplanes and boats that go throughout we can spread the plague using those and that's why we upgrade the transmission right there so we can get some more of those so we're gonna get some more air and now we have to focus a little bit more on symptoms we don't want to go into two lethal symptoms just yet because as you get more lethal symptoms more countries focus on making a cure but you also don't want to wait too long so it is kind of like an interesting place to go in between we have most of the world infected right now i would like it to travel a tiny bit more before we go forward on all the different symptoms but you know might as well give some paralysis first death in the uk that's all right with me there's gonna be plenty more of them the good thing is because our sporeburst went to iceland right away iceland's really hard to get your plague into so we actually got really lucky with this rng and we can start our killing a lot earlier there are a few places like sweden which is doing alright things are going to get much worse for sweden in just a second different places are falling into anarchy there are no more healthy people in the world yeah it's time for the end of our first little run and there we go that's pretty much the end of what we need to do people are dying our lethality is pretty good we killed a good amount of people okay last few people just die you're not gonna get a cure it's okay and there we go okay excuse me oh i was looking at a certain country instead of the world so i was like shouldn't everybody be dead by now it took a little bit longer than i thought it was just going to but that's okay we got everybody and now we can move on so the second plague we're going to go to is the prion and like i said before we're going to switch this one over to our symptom stasis that's going to make sure symptom costs don't go up and symptoms are a lot more important for all the different kinds of plagues well for the first one we could just kind of cheat the system these other ones we actually have to work at it we have to transmit the plague in a way that actually makes sense which is kind of sad for me but our main ways like i said are going to be focusing on air travel and water travel we're also going to make sure we have plenty of these different non-lethal symptoms because right now we just want to spread it we don't want to kill anybody because then the cure is going to come a lot faster and like i said before greenland is the place we're worried about the most so we're going to focus a lot on water travel because greenland only has that one little port you can get into so we need one country to just infiltrate into greenland and then we're pretty much set for the rest of the run this is a pretty interesting game to actually go ahead and speed run because you're constantly on the move you don't pause the game at all and you want to make sure you don't make any mistakes but it is a scary thing i'm gonna wait a little bit until i infect a couple more people before we try to get some more lethal symptoms i think every country's infected now so it makes sense to start focusing on some lethality yeah people are not gonna be too happy about this and people are gonna start focusing on the cure because it is actually killing a lot of people but as you saw right there everybody is infected with it we don't really have to worry about the character not even close to being done with it and now it's just about killing everybody as fast as possible what i'm actually gonna do is remove some of the infectivity because we're not worried about that and then we can use that on different ways to kill people it was a nice try humanity but it really didn't work out too well and there we go that is going to be our second plague and now we can move on to the next one so for our next one we're going to do the nanovirus which is a really interesting type of play the reason behind that is people start studying it and trying to develop a cure for it right away like literally right as it starts being a thing people are like okay we gotta stop this thing which makes sense because it's a nano virus but you can see they're already up to seven percent it's something you worry about a little bit but as long as you're being smart about it we're using our code fragment interceptions to make the spread of it stop a little bit it's not too much of a trouble as long as you're a bit smart about it we just gotta make sure it spreads pretty fast and then the resistance goes down a lot gonna make sure we get all these different kinds of bubbles get some more places to spread it make sure we have our cold resistance because again that's really important for greenland and also make sure our transmission goes up by sea yeah a lot of stuff is happening they aren't gonna be doing too well in just a second you can see humanity's really trying they're 50 percent done with the carrot but now i'm gonna mutate it a bit to make sure yeah that doesn't really happen anymore okay i'm trying to get all these different things while focusing on everything there's a lot going on in this game at one point and you got to make sure that like the cure doesn't happen too fast you got to make sure everything's working you got to make sure you're actually killing people it's just a lot to worry about but it looks like the cure has officially stopped its movement i mean it's going up a little bit here and there but yeah they really did try i mean it was a good try they started really early they started often and they almost had me but yeah now it's time to just go ahead and kill everybody and yeah no healthy people left on the world cure percent is now 44. it went down by six we pretty much destroyed humanity or i guess not even pretty much we just did and for our next one we're going to be going to bioweapon bioweapons also a pretty interesting one because i mean it's a bio weapon well with all our abilities and all the different things we have going for us of course i'm not too worried about it you can see we're pretty much always doing the same sequence of events we're starting in saudi arabia we're getting transmission through the water and the air and then we're getting the same couple of upgrades on the symptoms there is a little bit of difference on some of these and there are ways to make them go just a tiny bit faster here and there but to be honest it's just kind of the same thing for the most part and yep that is a big amount of points i'm gonna get some more good stuff for that thank you i do feel bad for saudi arabia because we're literally just bullying them every single time we start there it is what it is i can't stop it it's just who i am i'm a speed runner and i guess now a world ender so that's another thing i can add to my resume okay i'm like confused on what i should get i guess we should start getting some lethality up there because we have infected most of the world we got greenland which of course like i always say is the one i'm most worried about pretty much all the places we need to be infected are getting infected and yeah they're gonna start the global research on looking for a cure it's not gonna really work out for you you tried it was a good try you were almost able to do it but you know almost isn't actually making it there no more healthy people in the world that is music to my ears okay please do not take that out of context and i guess we can increase some of our abilities but at this point it doesn't really matter it's set to eradicate humans it is over that's gonna be our next one and now we only have three different plagues we have to do we're gonna start with the parasite one this one's actually a little bit worrying i've actually lost some runs to the parasite because it's just a weird one to do with all these you just gotta be a little bit careful about you can't get lazy with it you gotta make sure you're doing it the correct way otherwise things are to start going bad our main worry is people getting the cure out early we just got to make sure we're only getting the non-lethal stuff we got to act like we're an innocent virus and then you know we'll show our true colors in a bit it's kind of fun just clicking on the different buttons that come on it's kind of like whack-a-mole but you know with an ipad i might just be satisfied with very simple things that could also be it oh people are starting to work on the cure well what happens if i use symbiosis now people don't even notice it's happening to them people are just like yeah i always throw up three times a day that's just normal for me okay the cure is so close to getting finished i'm actually really worried about this this might have been a lost run i might have messed this up again uh yep that happened well we lost i'm gonna do another one and then skip to the parasite part so i'll see you then so i finally got back to parasite and i realized what i did wrong i was just playing it wrong so for parasite you're not just supposed to try to use non-lethal methods you want to use lethal methods those are the best ways of spreading it around so i just completely was doing it the wrong way of course we do want to infect a good amount of people first but we're gonna get there in just a second thank you for all of these i appreciate it countries thank you for uh getting infected for me we just have to make sure we don't let people develop a cure and the only way to do that is by not letting them live you know yeah you gotta think about it that way people can't develop curse if they're not alive so yeah we wanna make sure our lethality is good because the more people stick the more people dying the less people can work on the cure and we do hope that everyone will get infected it looks like canada's the last big area that's kind of trying to hold on but they're not going to be able to hold on for too long i also realize i need to focus on what increases your lethality i was kind of just going picking whichever one i felt like it and it wasn't a good idea i should have played that a lot smarter but we got done with that now we can move on to virus and hopefully we'll actually be able to finish this run out virus isn't too bad or at least i'm gonna say it isn't and then it's gonna prove to be too bad and then yeah everything's gonna go wrong i could very easily see that happening but we're gonna hope it doesn't you know there's that yeah now we're back to one of the ones where we don't want to kill people right away it's just for some reason i guess because we're trying to do that for all these different plagues i forgot the way of doing yeah it's just bad but now we can focus on just doing the right thing i have the rest of the plan down in my brain and we'll be able to get this run done so i'm just gonna keep focusing on getting all this stuff okay we got our first death it must have mutated on its own which isn't the greatest thing in the world especially because we haven't gotten to greenland yet but hopefully they're just gonna send a ship over there will be nice and easy come on guys just do it for me there we go we got the one we needed and now yeah it's time for the end of humanity pretty much once you get greenland infected you know hey i can start killing because they can't close down their ports fast enough they're just gonna spread it it's gonna get bad yeah you don't know how long i spent just doing these over and over again and messing them up i'm pretty happy with this run right now at the very least it's gonna be a completed run i don't really see a way for it not to be and you know now that i say that obviously for the next plague for the last one i'm gonna mess it up but there we go that's infected for all of them and now the last one we have is the first one you're supposed to do which is bacteria bacteria similar to the other ones don't kill people right away be smart about it get it transmitted first get the couple of things like cysts all that kind of fun stuff and just hope that greenland doesn't destroy our run i do place a lot of my troubles on greenland i wonder if it really is the thing that's killing my run or if it's just something i don't understand but i don't care because we're gonna get this one done i'm not gonna not let it happen okay i don't care about your mass panic i'm too busy spreading a virus why would i care about a mass panic i guess i'm causing my own mass panic so it's gonna be a much better one you know if there are ever mass panics just make sure your mass panic is better than theirs that's that's some words to live by oh we just got paralysis it just mutated paralysis for us that is not a very good thing that's a little worrying um we really have to get stuff spreading now because that can affect us in a very bad way so we're just gonna hope we can spread things really quickly just be a nice guy greenland let the rio olympics come back on we don't care let them happen and how about you go to the rio olympics that'd be awesome we're getting a ton of points real olympics were a success and there we go greenland has been got i saw the little thing and yeah now it's time to go back on my murder rampage i guess canada and the us are doing all right right now but don't worry that map's gonna get read in just a second i'm gonna get some drug resistance up i don't think they're gonna have time to get the cure i think we pretty much just won this and i'm not really too worried about it i do want a bit more lethality that's gonna help a bit and if we can get it up to there that's gonna mean everything's gonna end off soon i think we infected everybody in the world and yeah that's going to be the run i spent so much time trying to do this one thank you finally there we go your dead lo destroyed humanity and that's a victory and if we look on the speedrun.com leaderboards we'll see we didn't get the greatest place in the world but in my defense there are only three people who have run this and i don't think i can take my sanity getting any worse by doing this again but i'd like to thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps me with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also i do plenty of different speed runs on my channel so if you're interested in that kind of content subscribe but enough chilling thank you guys for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,929,263
Rating: 4.9534531 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, plague inc, plague, speedrun, speedrunning, world record, speedrun world record, plague inc speedrun, plague speedrun, plague inc world record, plague world record, plague simulator, virus simulator, simulator, simulation, simulation speedrun, virus game, plague game, plague inc evolved, wr, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, glitch, any%, fail, summoning salt, karl jobst, meme, plague inc evolved speedrun, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy plague inc
Id: YbFlZaW7Flg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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