Speedrunning Wii Sports Resort shattered all my future athletic dreams

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so today we're gonna be playing some wii sports resort one of my favorite games of all time i'm not ashamed about it we're gonna be speedrunning two of my favorite mini games from this game table tennis and sword play both of these we're gonna be doing pro level speed runs so we're gonna be trying to get the pro level status as soon as possible which is a thousand points hopefully i won't choke too much that would be kind of embarrassing but we're gonna go we're gonna do this and i'm excited for it so let's get to it so this time we're gonna go for a boy guess see because he's just a gamer you can see it in his eyes now you can see at first it starts this out at the lowest level level zero we're facing a level 13 cult which what is wrong with your teeth dude but we're gonna start the timer as soon as we restart so let's just get going the general strategy for serves is to try to curve it which i'm not the greatest app so i probably should have gotten better at that but if you can't curve it all you have to do is one side other side other side and it's usually going to take them out right away especially the people in the beginning they're not good at this game oh my god but i'm also awful okay that was it's kind of embarrassing um i just lost a point to the easiest cpu who just did that like we're just gonna six one of them anyway it's okay but he's really trying he's trying his heart out which you really feel for him because you know he's got nothing in us like i'm sorry dude you're worthless okay i might be going a little too far on a wii sports resort game but right there we got 125 points basically if you're able to six of them you get 150 points if you're able to six one them you get 125 and it goes down from there all the way to 50. so if possible we want to six out as many people as we can because that way we get pro status even quicker ah six one is okay too okay a six two is now we're gonna we're gonna restart this one oh god the speed run is already scuffed and it's just the beginning but we're able to bring it back it's gonna be okay look did you see her effort there i kind of feel bad for her she would have like broken a rib on that table but we're gonna break our face on this table if i keep doing this thank you for losing to me i really appreciate it i'll keep the volley going just for oh you're just gonna ignore it 250 points now we just wanna six oh everybody if we six so everybody we won't lose too much time and we can probably finish this really quickly and then that happens oh god if we lose the first point it just makes sense to restart every single time and what was that return oh god [Applause] what the hell how is that not good my dude needs to control himself he's too powerful for his own good he's too powerful for his home good and he's causing me to lose the game what are you doing i don't know why she didn't just smack that in my face right there but i guess that's okay with me i just need to end this now i need to get two points in on this it's getting worse and worse that was one of the most nasty things i have ever done in this game oh god look how separated this guy's eyes are are you okay man i feel bad for him i probably shouldn't be making fun of all these mises i'm beating them at table tennis it kind of just adds salt to the injury but whatever i didn't come to this wii sports resort to make friends i came to the resort to play a bunch of sports for some reason i don't really know why this dude's really trying his heart out he was rolling on the floor getting dirty at the end of the day the only place he belongs is the trash so we just got to send them there i love when they try their hearts out only for them to get destroyed it loses a little bit of time but it just makes me feel good they're just thinking i can do this i can do this and then i end their life why am i getting people like this look at her smile she has a problem i feel like this woman would murder me if she got the chance and she's playing table tennis with me why do we even allow her in the resort it's okay because i'm gonna knock that smile right off her face actually i don't know if she's able to stop smiling i think it's a pain smile she probably has a lot of depressing things that have happened in her life the only escape from them is table tennis and i'm gonna ruin that escape for her right now your husband might have left you with three kids but i don't really care i'm trying to win table tennis and then we just hit her she's really trying she's saying please my kids are watching they're gonna disown me but you know what i would also disown my mother if she was this bad i wouldn't actually i love you mom we're slowly but surely getting there we're making a ton of mistakes i'm not gonna lie but it isn't the worst thing i've ever done okay but that might be this game is such like a hard science of when you should switch your paddle to the other side you actually have to be constantly on your toes if you don't want to lose any points because if you make one mistake these sharks will capitalize on it they're all smiling because they just smell your blood and they're just ready to go for it but finally i was able to get another 6 out it's been so long did i even get a 6-0 this entire video so far i might not have this game is kind of ruining my dreams but it's okay we're just gonna get two more six o's and we're gonna end and finally we have a person that actually looks like a real person not a freak take her out one step at a time all right we got this she might have that beautiful green star shirt which i kind of want like that's a nice shirt but we don't even have to take her out she'll take herself out with those terrible balls we're in her head now she realizes she heard that we like her shirt and she's like oh maybe he'll go easy on me maybe he wants to take me on a date no all i want to do is win this table tennis match i am the winner yeah look sad in the background you should you'll never be at my level so we can get pro status with this next game if we're able to six oh this guy this guy kind of looks like the type of guy who goes to high schools and tries to recruit kids for the army that is definitely the vibes i'm getting from this dude [Applause] it's too easy using that strategy literally always works unless you mess up which i do a lot of the time on there goes my six so that really hurts it's whatever at least there's not as much pressure on this game we can hit this dude square in his jaw which is what he deserves to be honest [Applause] okay we were able to deal with this fake army recruiter going to high school looking ass dude and now we can continue on shout out to the girl in the background with the mustache we just need 75 more points and we should have pro status this really sucks that i wasn't just able to six home we could have had this up 15 minutes why is your face so small but your head is so big goodbye dude oh my god he's insane he's insane he's actually insane just let me wit dudes calm down okay i didn't mean the face comment i didn't mean the face comment okay we hit him right in the face hopefully that will like separate it a tiny bit because i mean that would be very helpful to him in general there we were able to make it to pro status to level 1000 we finally did it we get our certificate we are table tennis match pro guest scene i love how they just have guests see there that took a bit longer than i wanted it to but that's okay now it's time for swordplay i'm hoping that the duel is going to be a lot faster because i feel like you can take people out quicker in this game than you can in table tennis and i think our problem was we chose guest c last time for this time you know what i'm gonna switch it up i'ma go guestee i think she's gonna be able to take out all these random people and she's gonna get me the win easy so again we're starting at zero going all the way up to level 1000 this guy's level 13 and what is your facial hair situation dude like why do i have to face this guy i feel like this guy's a creep but you know what i guess it just makes more sense to beat him up then we're gonna get this win we're gonna keep going and hopefully we're gonna be able to get this done fast oh my god already a bad start already bad start okay there we go that's a little bit better wasn't my best start in the world but we're gonna keep going i definitely feel like i could be doing this faster and i'm just not but it's okay we won the match we just have to win a bunch more matches let's see how much this levels us up okay 100 points for that that means we have to win 10 matches as long as we don't lose any of the rounds that shouldn't be too bad i'm trying to emulate the strats that people use but their strats are so hard people are so good at this game for some reason i guess it's like any other speed game as long as you practice you're gonna get much better i feel like we're gonna be going for the sub 10 minutes if we can get a sub 10 minutes i'm going to be very happy with the speed run also we have another weird face person that me knows is just not a nose anyone should choose i don't think that's a human nose and i don't know why people choose it but it doesn't matter all we're worried about is killing them it doesn't matter how they feel how they look you know whatever i love how in the background they're just doing the drown of shame they have the water sprinkling off them as they're looking super sad they make them climb back up there just for them to look sad why look happy oh my god they actually hit me back that hasn't happened this entire speed run so far stop stop it okay we were able to knock her off i really should have learned some better speed run strats before this like i could probably be going so much faster but you know what our girl guessed whatever she is is just gonna take the win wait why was that only 73 points was it because she hit me do you lose points if they hate you that is ridiculous all right greg i can't have you hitting me with your squidward nose you don't look as good as squidward so it's like why even go for it and what is that hairstyle what are you doing with that obviously nothing because it just looks bad and okay i need to actually block just fall die i don't care if you hit a rock on your way down there okay how little points are we gonna get for this this is not gonna be good 20 points are you kidding me this level up system is insane how is that a thing if i just get hit a couple times i just go down that much that makes no sense we're just gonna play more of a defensive game now because i can't afford getting hit so many times we need to be smart about it at this point because every hit seems like it just destroys our score for some reason like what is this scoring system i don't understand we put them off their center and then we take them out it's the easiest formula in the world okay 100 points even though we got hit there so as long as you're doing a good game as long as you're smart about it we should be better theo we need to talk about your forehead it's not okay dude can you die please fall off go to your desk so you can get a new forehead do you see sandra's crazy eyes jesus this is a why are there so many murderers in wii sports resort okay you deserve to get knocked down most of these people do honestly okay finally a regular looking person i don't like her smile i feel like she might attack me in a dark alley but you know she at least looks kind of regular she's not that creepy the bar must be pretty low and looking not that creepy is good why can't all these knees just look like beef boss that would be so much better okay we're getting up there slowly and slowly if we can do this in three more matches i will be very happy and fritz another kind of normal looking person i mean i don't like the way he's smiling at me um kind of creepy it's kind of a given that me's are gonna look creepy unfortunately as long as they're not looking extremely creepy i guess that's a win you know as we're going up in the ranks people are looking more and more normal and you know i appreciate it dude do not don't do what you want to do okay let me win i'm speed running okay just just understand that i need to win stop and fall off thank you sub 10 is dead but sub 15 is definitely on the horizon all we need is two more wins i think two more wins no matter how badly we perform should get us that way this is a completely normal looking old lady why is an old lady sword fighting though i feel like that's the thing we should be addressing more than anything and why is she so good at sword fighting that is another thing we should be addressing she's insane stop it she knows exactly where i'm gonna strike die please die okay i'm restarting this one i was not ready for an old lady of destruction that just destroys you every time jesus come on stop okay this is it's it's going down the toilet okay i hit her in the head four times she might have massive brain damage now but that doesn't matter because i won the duel get out of here old lady it's okay you can go to your death now you've lived a nice long life we need a hundred pointer to go to pro level after this match and i don't think that's gonna happen again especially against our soul like look at this dude okay we took him out quickly if we can take him out quickly one more time i think we can get the 100 pointer but it's going to be close this is going to be so close please just let me get this fast win please thank you that was beautiful okay i really hope that this is going gonna give us pro status i really hope i think we got this oh my god we barely made it that is the closest margin i've ever seen in this game of course the old lady's gonna be better than that random dude but holy that was so close but as you can see we got our pro class you know we made it but hey that was pretty fun those are two of my favorite games so i'm happy i got to them but if you want to see any more wii sports resorts content in the near future then make sure to tell me there are plenty of different games that we could speed run and plenty of different modes so if you want to see that i'd definitely be down but anyway if you enjoyed the video please leave a like on the video it really helps me with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also only a small percentage of the people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoyed subscribe to the channel it's free and you can always unsubscribe so there's really no downside but enough shilling thank you guys for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 416,592
Rating: 4.9462085 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, wii sports, wii sports resort, wii sports table tennis, wii sports resort table tennis, wii sports swordplay, wii sports duel, table tennis, swordplay, duel, speedrun, speedrunning, world record history, world record progression, world record, wii sports speedrun, wii sports resort speedrun, wii sports world record, wii sports resort world record, wii sports table tennis speedrun, wii sports swordplay duel, wii sports swordplay speedrun, Speedrunning Wii Sports Resort
Id: EQdAeOCmph4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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