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i don't even have enough to get to the iceland ex guys don't move to iceland jeez louise [Music] hey everyone it's here friendly noodles and welcome back to plague inc now we've played this once before for fan choice friday i made a video that turns out was in pretty poor taste because like okay look in my defense okay i saw the news that this game had been banned in china because of this like virus thing called kovid 19 and and actually the kova 19 like version of it right down here didn't even exist in the game yet it was that early on in the pandemic that we didn't really know what was going to happen um and i basically named it kovid and destroyed the entire world and the video got demonetized and everything but hey three million of you guys watched it so i guess it was a good video but guys today i'm gonna redeem myself because they have just put in the cure dlc so redemption is mine let's hope that it gets let's hope that it actually gets more views than when i destroyed the world uh that that will get more views for saving the world and more likes let's try for more likes than the original video which currently stands at 54 000 likes so let's drive for 54 000 55 000 likes because it only doesn't mean k we need 55 000 likes to beat it and to beat coven uh so can we save the world take control and stop a deadly global pandemic by any means necessary in plaguing's biggest expansion yet so this took a long time for them to come out with because it's like the opposite of the entire game so um oh no we could um okay we're gonna have to play bacteria first you know what well okay we'll see how interesting the bacteria part is but yeah we're definitely gonna play uh assemble your task force all right wait i have none oh this is gonna go really well i have literally no advisors cool so let's go okay vaguely competent politicians experts mostly listen to healthcare systems unprepared which okay oh what do we how do i oh come on okay so yeah we'll call this pax nine well okay we'll call it pax 19 whatever uh cause cause this is this is the bacterial version can you save the world a new plate is spreading out and protect undetected you need to stop it take control leave the global response protect humanity from a deadly pandemic pick a country to be your hq wow not africa i mean i guess i'll pick the us although like it's the worst place possible what are these a land border open uh let's go uh where is place possible for kovid um oh oh man it's whoa all over china india okay so we know that it's investigate outbreaks fund investigate outbreaks to search for local outbreaks okay let's fund uh is that is that investigate outbreaks it is all right cool uh government partnerships or deploy field operatives reduce infection let's coordinate can we do this yeah let's just do this what else we got um oh i don't have enough for this reduced fatality rate oh yeah we want to do that i don't know what the fatality rate is how many oh we don't we don't have it yet we don't but i see it how do we not know oh we're not testing it's different okay all right um so we've got investigation teams oh here they come they're all doubloons get get over to china or india or something land we've got it yes okay we've detected it concerning new diseases reported in india lethal pandemic may be on the horizon response initiatives now available all right oh we've got spread it just hit the uk oh and they're going to detect it now nope they didn't land there okay so we need like doctors to go in or testers or doctors to go okay we need what do we need here response it said right contact tracing we've got public awareness let's reduce infection let's reduce infection let's reduce infection um reduce infection it's very important at the spread at the start let's see we are three hundred thousand four hundred thousand not good popping bubbles getting money keep it down geez it's already it's already almost a million people all right stop it stop it stop it let's go okay how do we reduce oh people must stay two meters apart let's do that let's get some ppe okay keep it down what do we got oh dude okay oh that was oh it's going down a little bit up it's going up again all right let's get some money uh oh i'm hearing coughs no no this is bad okay ready to research okay oh a vaccine already all right it'll take a long time should be started as soon as possible i i got that but we need to we need to like control the infection rate and it's going up how do i reduce infection further reduce infection slightly reduce fatalities significantly reduce infection boom let's do that can we where is the vaccine is this it ten oh all right i need to i need to research that yes there we go down 35 all right we're looking okay spreading lots of countries yeah but it's going down i know okay we got it in the uh what is it what what yeah that is uk okay okay 18 15 my authority is good oh oh no that's that that's okay we're starting the vaccine let's go okay stop that singing man it's creeping me out little kiddo all right we got seven million cases more infectious than tuberculosis is very infectious disease so i'm glad we're controlling infection and it's going up why is it going up shouldn't it be i've significantly reduced infection i thought what's happening why is it oh we got in the u.s this is bad what is happening here man why 130 wait okay 54 high infection rates are overwhelming the health care system in pakistan okay all right hold on hold on okay health care system i need to invest slightly okay reduce fatality yeah we want to do that can we reduce fatality reduce fatality staff expansion do that wait can i not why can't i not there we go critical care management treatment efficiencies reduce fatality what else we got three oh okay what's this do lock down any neighbor had to register the case of disease by force yeah let's not do that unless we have to all right 45 come on bring it down bring it down bring it down uh it's spreading why is it going up and my authority going down i'm trying my best here guys 50 34 it's okay mitigation's working a little bit 31 all right what do we have for a fatality right here does it not tell us like the facts of 12 yikes 1.6 million cases a day oh wait what's this targeted quarantine force a target country shut down border connections lock down for a month non-compliance will we don't need to do that yet we don't want non-compliance non-compliance is always bad reduce infections and yes let's do that let's do that we yeah let's do wait what was this one oh okay my authority is okay oh it's down to 78 already that's not great actually okay let's see what we got we're in may now so it's been about what three months oh we got negative dude yes that's great but the the the death rate is increasing though or is it no it's it's decreasing we're going this is looking good oh and we've got some money to spend now a new strain in afghanistan it feels appears to be slightly more lethal can we like quarantine them we don't want that okay so we so lethality has gone up all right but we are reducing so what was that oh what was that was that like a boost or some uh fatality rate hurts authority too many dead people fun response initiatives and lockdowns but i don't want to lock people down okay all right i will i will i'm working on i'm working on we've got we've got low spread it's going down so far like this is good i mean the i think it was not really telling me the right thing there wait how do we reduce fatality so oh okay so i just need a little bit more on that yeah let's do that because it said that's that's my biggest problem so we just need 13 there we go oh reduce authority loss caused by high numbers of infected no not as important as treatment efficiency fund it let's go okay so we should be bringing this down now come on yeah come on it's almost going oh yeah we're good we're good we're good boom that's what i'm talking about yeah keep it okay all right okay no no no no no no no no no no no what's happening why is it what is happening dude is that it's that increased spread one so we're 50 to vaccine i want to accelerate that but my authority is decreasing i think i'm after that global authority thing bam bam oh no no no why is this going up like i've done a lot to protect against this i thought oh here we go here we go no what was how do i get my authorities if it gives low 50 i'll i'll i'll i'll use it come on come on come on we need that we need the we need the fatality rate to go down slightly reduced fatality rate is there a reduced fatality rate and increase vaccine research speed improve supply chains reduce fatality rate reduce authority loss caused by high numbers of infected that's not as important because we don't have reduce infection slightly reduce it fatality no we want to do this reduce yeah let's um ppe package or do we want to do these oh wait does it tell me what it's gonna oh there it is okay yes that's what we want i wasn't even looking at these little bars down here okay how are we doing how we doing let's go negative let's go negative cut it cut it that's good that's good uh-oh who's coughing oh my goodness this looks terrible did everybody in pakistan die no no no no we're good all right there we go it's under control all right we're almost a hundred percent on the vaccine although i have not done can i okay i i don't think oh my authority's still high 60 is still high okay that's good okay limited preparation for mass production slightly accelerate vaccine and manufacturing okay we're good how long oh production 44 45 good stuff everything looks stable uh just as i say that no it's okay it's okay i need more money okay 14. that's what i was talking about i'm gonna leave that running what do i have here this is eight resources accelerated manufacturing okay let's go and oh we need excel oh 28 we need 28 let's go let's go come on come on oh we're seeing like a big increase in europe though there we go we're getting reduction how's europe down good good 84 i don't even have enough to get to the iceland x guys don't move to iceland geez louise are you kidding me are you kidding me who approved that i mean no offense iceland be iceland dicks but y'all crazy vaccine complete let's go world where is it it's releasing it to the world we got this dude look at the vaccine look at all the beautiful blue blades let's go yes releasing 60 look at this yes it's working all right now we got to try covet i think we've done this so i'm just going to fast forward did we do it 76 84 done yeah and only seven how many 27 million wow 27 million people the season wiped out but not before it killed a huge number of people he may recover but scars will remain [Music] all right let's go okay surgeon general advisor oh oh we get an advisor too all right let's do this all right virus underestimated infectious and difficult to trace okay so new advisor discovered all right let's get our um where is he surgeon general all right reduce global fatality rate i will hire you sir nobody else i wish i could hire a lot of people but whatever i don't need an advisor anyway clapping scares the disease away no all right here we go it's me versus you kovid let's go can i save the world yes i can i'm gonna do the same thing as before um but it's a virus so it's more infectious right why is my authority starting so low hang on i started 100 before okay so okay i've got resources already let's do this isn't that yep let's do field ops wait do i have a response yet no i can't do response yet should i save for that no we're gonna do government partnerships let's go where's it coming from where is the disease so wait why are these countries like grayed out oh because we're not oh this is weird cause like we're only seeing stuff here now where's oh wow it unlocks the world piece by piece so it could be spreading so much without us knowing all right let's do this all right okay still i mean we got to send out more research teams guys this could okay all right we're setting them up there we go we're hitting africa now i think we can do like but see oh there it is covered 19 detected it is in saudi arabia lethal pandemic may be on the horizon we got response teams all right let's pop that bubble okay virus is a novel of course it is duh people need to be convinced this is another seasonal flu but something far more serious all right we got four cases we need to stop this right now dude uh that would be under response right we need to let people know immediately whoa whoa whoa it's blowing up egypt's got it and yeah see we're just uncovering these we already like these this was already here oh man i don't like that yo wait saudi spread it like crazy to africa we got at the us all right we need to stop okay the little kids singing that ain't good oh so do i do this or do i do that i feel like i want to wait on that let reduce okay can i i can't afford that either uh slightly reduced fatality rate no infection's more important right now we need to save up we need 13. come on come on come on come on let's go let's go oh dude bop bop bop okay let's do it let's get that infection rate down can we do the vaccine yet no public warning oh yeah dude oh i it told me to do that i didn't do that yet yeah because the compliance was actually quite high oh look at my authority it just bumped to 100 baby they like it spreading lots of countries stop the spread to avoid it damaging your authority well my authority is a hundred percent so oh yeah let's start it okay oh we gotta get this infection right down and also oh the death rate is not great either 200 death rate yikes no no no no no no no how do we reduce fatality we need oh dude what's the best way wow that really reduces the infection rate but we need yeah they're going to start complaining about the fatality right i need eight oh yeah i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait because i don't i yeah okay more infection than tv we kind of i mean that's the same as the other one suit oh i thought this is susan sudan overwhelmed by covid high infection is over on the healthy care system okay significantly okay i'm sorry i'm sorry sudan i i'm i'm trying to help you all out here i just did the wrong thing or did i i don't know yeah let's do that and that yes okay so compliance is gonna become a worry soon and it's weird because i didn't even bother with that in the last one with uh with what pax 19 but we're gonna be covey guys we're gonna save the world here okay all right look at that look at that that's what i'm talking about compliance risk i think we're gonna have to like reiterate i saw a reiterate thing that it's serious uh just so people oh no i'm sorry sudan i tried to help you out there oh okay no no it's not too bad i mean that's terrible how do we stop people from dying oh i see so we're not really monitoring borders yet so but we need to let's do that and then we'll get this person there which one was it yes okay there we go see if we can get this infection rate down negative there it goes look at that very effective but our death rate is reducing as well okay all right yo look at this stupid coven you got nothing coping look at that i am a very good leader look at that i am the global leader oh that's my birthday against coven19 wait what what are you talking about hey hey i'm working on that okay i'm working on that don't give me that all right all right so i don't know what i spent money on but it's fine i guess uh we need okay this is this is this is it's not too bad on the death rate yeah it's going down right yes it is it is it is okay we got 12 wait how much do i need i think i need to like yeah yeah that's good all right we what do we spend on here i mean okay wait what's the problem so we've got compliance risk here all right so i think what i want to do is go to the vaccine right we want well how far are we 17 yeah we do we do we do we do we want uh accelerated research but there was one on this that had a reduced infection increase wait did i do that one oh no i've already done that one okay okay okay okay so yeah let's let's move toward the vaccine we've got to eradicate this thing uh yeah we want accelerated research and then oh uh i didn't do that one last time but let's do we'll do accelerate manufacturing man you fact well do i want that yet there's no use in it yet if we haven't researched it right okay we're seeing we're doing okay we're doing okay we're doing okay uh i'd like to yeah to see negative a little more negative okay yeah i want to get the the death rate down it's still insanely high right what do we got 16.8 that's ridiculous that is that is my fault surge protocols will greatly reduce it or oh this one um oh but that decreases infection also oh increase yeah let's do that one that's the one we want oh look at this oh man oh whoa yo all right dex methadone oh this is yeah because it's actually covet right okay uh convalescent plasma also helps but do we yeah let's oh i haven't done any contact racing are you kidding me how am i even surviving here dude all right here we go watch this sink look at it sing dude watch that death rate sink let's go let's go oh this is sinking too wait i thought that was supposed to significantly increase the research speed why is it so slow we're already in july here let's go oh no no no no why are we whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay that was picking up quick we need mask wearing we need convalescent plasma look at this this is so low i think we're good i think we've already beaten covid come on bring it down the mask ring should bring it down a lot i think right for negative stop coughing next come on why is it going up no what are you guys doing wear the masks there we go there we go okay there it is look at it yeah now it's working now it's working huge earthquake in france okay it's doing all right oh we got in greenland what can we do um how man should i have been see i don't know what that even does because it doesn't seem to reduce much oh that reduces fatality wait local lockdowns oh compliance risk goes up though oh this is cheap slightly reduces though let's wait oh yeah dude that's what we want reduce fatality rate increase yes uh do that dude we're only at 53 why is this taking so long how long did it take for the last one this is a tough vaccine come on warp speed let's go so like this is not going down the death rate like is it 14 what what else do i have to do to reduce that i like i've done all the treatments haven't i oh this i mean hardly at all though where's something that's reduced fatality i mean surge protocol reduce fatality yeah i guess i'll do that one next let's do that i just want to see that number go down man this well actually now that wait a minute i'm so st wait uh this is what should be going down this fatality rate not this percent like this will never go to zero right this will never go negative you can't have people undie right isn't isn't that 14.27 yeah that is decreasing also my authority is decreasing why what have i done wrong come on come on are you kidding me how do i increase my authority oh yeah let's do this authority i'm exerting it greenland guys don't move to greenland either what is it with these two countries here iceland and greenland man yo that really not cool really really uncool oh come on come on i need i need i need i need one more i need one more dollar give me another dollar how come i'm not getting those like vaccine boost things i don't know what that thing was that i was oh wait i had like oh send the field operatives oh was i supposed to like oh i've got they've got zero dollars uh i don't even know what that means okay yes i want to do that accelerated manufacturing because we've got a vaccine on the way wait a minute oh this is the one this is the number of people that are currently infected okay yes all right completed the vaccine october 21st i beat the the real world see we didn't get until december all right let's go well it has to test doesn't it or production oh dude it's already wait a minute really wait i produced it in like 10 seconds or like three days you're kidding let's do this we need we need distribution safety checks yes okay completed uh november 1st uh worldwide distribution will begin immediately release it i have been coming i have saved humanity let's go boom i ain't doing nothing hit it look at my authority it should go way up dude look at this it's going down to zero why is my authority not higher i should have a hundred percent i just saved the world get down goodbye goodbye coven bye bye coven 19 eradicate the disease we could please wipe out although many people died most of humanity survived thanks to your competent leadership right here guys your competent leader yes the world is saved boom [Music] so um what did we end up with did it uh 12.55 fatality rate total score 63 000 i don't know if that's good or bad but we did it i saved the world guys oh when i got new advisors which i didn't listen to at all oh well so that is it guys i've redeemed myself for the previous video i hope you enjoyed it if you did click the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,820,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OwVMd63nNSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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