I tried speedrunning Bad Piggies and barely preserved my sanity...

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today we're speedrunning a few bad piggies and yeah this is gonna be a thing now the speedrun we're doing is the groundhog day speedrun so we're gonna be going through each and every single one of these 45 levels starting with the first one which is also where we can start our timer and yeah here we go it's a game where you have contraptions you're a pig and you just gotta make it to the end of the level and then get hit by tnt i guess and yeah that's basically the general idea of the game for this speed run it is nice because we've already made the different contraptions we just kind of have to use them it does make the speed run a little less dynamic but i also like it because i do not have the best memory so i would definitely not remember how to do every single one of these contraptions off the top of my head it makes it possible for me to actually do i mean that one was literally just your pig fell that probably wouldn't have been the hardest to remember but then you have ones like this which is also your pig just thought okay maybe this wasn't the best example at least we get hit by tnt there that was pretty exciting but don't worry because as we go on in levels like i said there are 45 different ones they get more and more complicated like this one now we have a fan we don't really do too much with it but it's different it's more than just a pig what do you want from me and then we get to this one which again is just a fan these are some very cool levels in my opinion there we go we make the jump and then our boy is nice and happy makes it to the map good for him but like i said these will get more complicated as we go on and there will be more for us to do i mean there are levels like this which are pretty cool setup i'm not gonna lie but we don't really do too much after that but as we go on there's going to be more stuff for us to touch but yeah we're not there yet again just kind of a level where we do nothing it's already pre-made for us i mean it is a puzzle game so you can't really expect too much action going on in it but we can just set that up we make it to the map nice and easy what's the level we have next i always forget what it is until right when i see it and yeah this is the one where we get soda bottles they're gonna take us you know we get to get some nice fast speeds and we make it to the end you can already see things are getting a little more complicated as we go on some more stuff to use like this time we have two different kinds of soda bottles instead of one i know this is this is amazing and yeah we made it to the end our cart kind of crashed on us but we don't need it anymore so whatever and now we have this one where we have two soda bottles facing one direction and one soda bottle facing the other direction so you know the levels are getting a little more dynamic i know you can see it starts out nice and easy gets slightly less nice and easy and then at the very end the difficulty very much gets very large it's kind of annoying actually like you start out so easy and you keep going for easy levels and then like the final 15 yeah those are gonna be a trip but we're not there yet we can just focus on what we are now which is tnt that was the level and hey look for the next level we also get tnt these are my favorite kinds of levels because they're explosions and they're one click oh and now we have a tnt rocket so we rack it up and then we tnt that was at least a little bit more complicated but if you thought that was good you'll be excited for this level too which is the exact same thing you rock it up and then your tmt i don't know why they thought making both these levels would be a good idea i love this game it's so great now we have the umbrella so the umbrella is weird it has really weird physics which you kind of just have to get used to i've played this game a lot unfortunately so i've kind of gotten used to it and i only say unfortunately because yeah this game is kind of breaking me like all the games i play on this channel do but we're not going to talk about that we're going to talk about haha funny funny pig please pig make it to the end don't do that don't do this to me pig please there you go that's all i needed from you yeah you can probably see why this is one of the games that breaks me it's luck dependent and things just don't go my way all the time but we're just gonna hope that it can get slightly better as we go on so for this one it's kind of cool we use our soda bottles at the end get them to take us over there i mean not the biggest thing but it's kind of showing you some more things working together that time we have three different types of items all working in unison and you know it's kind of showing you where this game is coming to i mean we have this level which isn't as difficult i almost messed it up by not opening up the umbrella fast enough but we're just not gonna talk about that and then we have this one which is the first time which we get a motor so the motor as you can see kind of powers up your different things more so our fan is able to push us even farther but for this level we don't really do anything i press the button once and then i kind of just wait hopefully make it to the end we almost got bad luck there but hey we made it you know good for us and what is this one going oh it's this one now we're using the motors to power our umbrella which don't really ask me what it's do i just i i don't know this is one of the funniest looking things i've ever seen in my life is just the umbrella like angrily pulsating and then breaking on me please yeah sometimes you get unlucky like that like i said this game is full of just luck and hoping you get a good run so we're gonna keep going with it and just hope we get a good run at the later levels it still is a funny looking thing i mean it just goes through and i have no idea why it didn't work the first time but worked that time i'm just gonna keep going with it whatever i guess that's just life sometimes oh and now we have this one which this one is kind of the bane of my existence because we have to explode this tnt at the right time otherwise everything just goes wrong so that looks like it was good enough i kind of use safe strats right there we could get it at the lower place instead but that's a lot harder and i'd rather just take my free dubs so you know we'll just have our pig kind of clumsily dropping down there he made it to the end you know good for him what do we have next it's going to be this one oh and it's actually something where we do a fair amount of work so we start out right here stop that open up the umbrellas go right there you have to make sure you start that fan soon enough if you get down to that hill you will not be able to go up like you can see for this hill we are barely making it up there look how fast those wheels are going and then we can open up this umbrella again use our soda can to go back here and yeah we make it right to the end come dude are you how did that break there whatever we'll just say it's on purpose even if it wasn't you know maybe it did something good for me whatever now for this one we have this umbrella thing and like i said umbrella physics are not my favorite because i'm bad at them but we were able to do that i've played this level way too much this entire game is deep into my brain but it still messes with me you know it wouldn't be an easy speezy video if i wasn't losing my mind the entire time i guess that's kind of just a requirement at this okay why make it i just got impaled by that umbrella it worked out so i'm okay with it some of these times it feels like this just shouldn't work and it does but i'm not gonna complain when it just works when i don't think it will i'm always going to take a free win even if it has me kind of going and just wondering what's going on yeah you can tell i've been playing this game way too long this is what happens sometimes with these videos i just play them and keep messing them up and like this one i messed up because i wasn't thinking can we save it we might actually be able to save it i don't think we can save it what i had to do is i had to press those rockets sooner and it's something i always forget but then we can finish out with one of those go down there it's not that difficult what am i thinking but that's the hard thing for me with these types of games because they're level by level you can't really prepare for the next level until you see the level before it so it's very easy for me to just mess it up and not realize what i'm doing wrong but this one i actually remember for once in my life we have to use the rocket sooner than i'm ready to and there we go we made it over there with our very weird looking contraption that we used for some reason now we have this one which this one's actually a pretty cool one hope that i did that at the right time and of course i didn't what we're doing for this one we're letting this drive for a while go right here we're going to stop the car a little sooner than we want to slow down a bit but that's because we want to go down right there we're going to stop the engine again make sure that we don't just destroy our vehicle and yeah there we go we made it back here oh this one's an interesting one so for this one what we want to do is we want to use all three of these at the same time not like what i just tried to do i have to do this faster since i'm using a mouse and keyboard i have to be really fast and way faster than i'm ready to do oh come on dude give me the right thing but of course i'm using an emulator for this just because it's way easier to see and record with but there we go that one should be did i just go over it i i went it worked but i went over it i have never gotten that much speed but i guess yeah again it worked i can't really complain okay and now we're on to this one this is one you really have to have a lot of control on because it is very easy to tip this thing over we're just gonna slowly go there take a little bit of speed go right here get on the ignition stop right there keep going and then just hope we have enough speed to make it to the end here sometimes you do sometimes you don't it's like this entire game where it's just completely luck dependent we get a hit right there it kind of slows us down but we made it to the end nice and easy you know our boys nice and happy and i'm actually pretty happy about that too because in the world record they actually messed that one up and completely just don't do it right okay i don't know what i'm saying i should just commentate about that how we don't do anything because we have this super motor now the super motor is nice it takes its place is pretty fast and we don't have to do anything which is nicer except now we're on this level which is my least favorite level it already has started out bad this level you have to be really precise with otherwise things are just not going to work out in your favor so we have to stop this engine right about there and we just kind of have to hope that our thing doesn't crash like it did there come on man i've had such an okay run so far and i will take okay just let me do this that is not what i want dude okay that's not gonna work this level is single-handedly ruining my time right now so i'm gonna stop right here we're gonna try right there and that's probably a good one that one will probably work how okay keep going come on man okay that works for me okay we're out to the next one now now we're gonna stop right there do a little more right there go here uh there we go we're gonna fall down there and we made it yeah i'm still kind of confused about what just happened on that last level but i'm not gonna worry about it anymore and now we have this one which is going to be the last level of the normal levels then we can go to the special levels finish out with those and for this one it's another one where i don't really have to do anything i kind of just start it stop it and yeah now we get to celebrate with a ton of tnt horray for the pig i guess and now it's time to go all the way back and we're going to be doing the special levels now where our hat fell down for some reason so we have to get our hat and how we do that is tnt yeah tnt always solves your problems i'm sure our boy very much agrees to that point and he gets some more right there and then we can go on to the next one which again it's just always your hat falls down i'm not sure why that's the lore but for this one we're kind of just using this thing and hoping it works out so we get kind of a bounce right there we go here and it didn't work out that time we got bad luck there this run again it's luck you just gotta hope you get the good stuff okay that one should work and now we can also use the fan right there i think i might have messed it up a little bit the first time but whatever we're just gonna keep going that's two out of them done now we can get on to the third one our hat falls down again i don't know how i keep losing my hat oh and this one's great we get the king to lift us off first and i messed that up you have to be really fast with that this is what sucks about using the computer for this because i can't just use two fingers please do not wreck me okay that thing almost ruined my thing we're gonna go down here and we'll start using that about there let that launch us off and we should make it okay i almost messed it up but you know almost isn't there i can be happy about that we'll go on to the next three again hat just falls away and for this one we actually have a kind of difficult one so we're gonna start out with those we're gonna wait a tiny bit use some more of our soda pop and then right here we kind of explode right there hope we have a good explosion angle to make it over here and yeah we kind of just fall right into our hat nice and easy that one's probably the most fun of these special levels i really enjoy it because you have to figure out the launch angle you have to use and all that kind of stuff so it really works out well but now we have this one which is the complete opposite we use one thing of tnt and we go right here our boy follows a very long area and he made it to his hat hooray you did it you got to be proud of him i guess he's having a good time i don't know if he's having a good time actually but he's having a time and now we get to literally the worst level of the speed run because it's slow and you just kind of use these this is the level we switch between using those fans and these fans and we go back and forth and i'm gonna be honest there's not much more i can say about this level usually i try to find something interesting but i mean it's just a level we have this spring that's kind of interesting we have these motors he's inhaling all this smoke into his lungs right now he's just sniffing that up and he's enjoying it a lot it seems like hopefully that won't hurt him in any way more than it should but whatever that level's done and now we only have three left we can go over to these do our seventh level out of these special ones and then this one's pretty cool we kind of just wait yeah i said it's pretty cool but it doesn't start out pretty cool but it gets better after this so we go on here we're gonna get a certain amount of height before we stop and then we explode and yeah we made it to the hat i actually really like that one it's a it's a neat one only two more we can get to this one and here yeah it's another one of these where we just kind of have a motor we have to control it a bit our boy just got knocked out are you kidding me oh this game sometimes okay like i was saying we have to control it a bit we're gonna stop it right about here we're gonna wait a second start the motor again get over here completely go full throttle on the motor and it should go right into the goal right into our hat we're nice and happy and now we're gonna finish out with the last level which is great because we get to do nothing in this one you start your motors and then you just sit back and relax this is the speed run i mean i like it we lose something and then we're kind of just chilling and we fall down and we can end the run right there with an 18-27 yeah so not the worst time in the world also not the best and if we look at speedrun.com we will see that we're at a nice and comfy fourth place was it the best time in the world no not at all but my sanity just can't take anymore but if this video is able to get a hundred thousand likes i'll get world record in the game i'll promise it right here i don't know why i keep making these promises but i'ma do it i'll do it i did it for angry birds i'll do it for bad piggies too but i'd like to thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also subscribe to the channel i do plenty of these types of speedruns for old nostalgic games and also newer games as well so check that stuff out and if you want to see me do any more speedruns for bad piggies for all these other levels let me know i guess if the want's there i will do it even if it will hurt my sanity but enough shelling thank you guys for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 2,812,207
Rating: 4.9489226 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, bad piggies, speedrun, speedrunning, world record, speedrun world record, wr, bad piggies speedrun, bad piggies world record, speedrun bad piggies, angry birds, angry birds speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, speedrunner, speedrunners, glitch, ezscape, any%, fail, agdq, sgdq, gdq, games done quick, gsa, summoning salt, karl jobst, meme, bad piggies wr, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy bad piggies, phone game speedruns, phone game, phone speedrun
Id: LSEstjobTbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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