3 Hours vs. 3 Years of Blender

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hi my name is hrock and I've been using blender for 3 hours hi my name is Steven and I've been learning blender for 3 weeks my name is Teo and I've been a professional 3D artist for 3 years we worked on the Mandalorian Ahsoka I worked on Obi-Wan most of the new Star Wars shows if you want to find me you can look in the credits and I'm in there somewhere and today today today we each have 3 hours to model one of video game's most iconic guns the Glock 19 who remembers the command to extrude Oh e easy uh-oh this is the barrel of the gun now [Music] wait done okay I have to create this already I'm not seeing that much of a difference 187 mm by 128 so now we have an accurately sized gun I have only followed tutorials which means this is my first time modeling without any guidance if you don't do the base right the whole thing is going to turn out weird first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to block out this gun move it up boom move this down move this in make sure these are lining up all right I'm going to refine it a bit later right now I just want to get the shape down I'm going to do a single extrude grab it and move it start to align them to this shape manually moving stuff moving moving that looks good but again we're blocking right now so we're not going to worry about this all this is going to go to the trash later anyways it's literally just there as a reference for us to build around in VFX you you often get uh block out from the people that send you the shots like they'll take scans of what they're making on set and then you just get to uh duplicate that and you can just build around the shape which is like coming up with your own idea sounds like a blast but is really difficult I am curious to see how far he's gotten this dude I'm cooking dude look at this it's coming together in an insane way okay so I I know if I hit rotate right and then I hit um X I can rotate along the x- axis and if I hit Y I can rotate along the Y AIS save incremental okay perfect we have a very very basic model of our gun okay that seems like a fine blocking okay do you think I should scrap this or do you think we've already on such a good spot it would be crazy to restart all right we're going to restart with better knowledge this will be the pistol base it needs to go up this face and we're going to move it forward yes yes extrude grab it rotate it extrude scale it and I'm just going to grab them and move them Edge Loops please work yes it worked look at that we got a gun we are going to start with the top part so I'm going to build this little piece here something like this you have a lot of points uh you only want four otherwise it Smooths awfully look at that that is awful oh I don't know what happening here subdivision scares me I don't understand it I'm going to move on to the top bit this goes a little bit over the back looks done this is good it's the Cyber truck of pistols I am just like billionaire Elon Musk in terms of Design This I learned from a tutorial about 12 hours ago rightclick Loop tools at a circle that's not right okay bring this in going to circularize scale that inwards boom boom bring that out scale this in perfect Loop tools Circle okay let's try one more time Loop tools Circle Loop Circle I don't know what I'm doing that's okay can't be worse than atrio that's for sure we have a circle this was the hardest thing in all the tutorials I can't believe I did it okay where did it go wrong dude where did it go wrong cuz it was actually looking really good go back go back go back go back go back from the tutorial I remember clamp overlap uh I'm going to add these lines let's do this boom delete these I did it here that would be fine and look I'm going to make quads I'm going to reduce the topology slightly so that it's not so dense uh the model be lighter in the end you just got to make these optimizations all the time oh that's bad just going to duplicate this all Bridge boom perfect hide the image did that work that totally worked subdivide look at that baby look at that geometry look at that topology that's what I'm talking about baby I need to subdivide again that's what I need to do I need to subdivide and then subdivide again and then real Pro subdivide again thank this nice and even mesh this a little bit circularize Bo it'll be so dark nobody will see that far and it only comes out slightly and the bevel on this is tiny boom cuz I like the details okay give me a big trig how do I Bend It Like Beckham hell yeah uh we're going to Bev this then I'm going to mesh this for a sec add some here this just helps the mesh not contract too much okay next piece I'm going to add an edge here this should be good bevel and this should give me the shape I want there's a little cut out here as well so I need a round Cube for that scale it down grab this this one first this one difference that looks good look at this this is we got we got a glock oh wait every step of the way I bend it a little bit can I be honest like that looks pretty good no it doesn't I'm just going to do like something pretty simple bring that in boom look at that guys difference hey look at that shade smooth what does that mean shade smooth yeah I love it when guns look like like they're made out of jello no but I can't design it like this it's got to be flat okay I need to add more details Bo tool all day baby just going to grab it grab this classic Bo tool what else is on a Glock texture paint now I did not learn [Music] this oh yes the gigachad gun oh no Who's laughing now uh all I know is there is a way for me to do what I want to do but I don't know how to do it oh so close uh no no no add it to the Shader color node oh of course I'll just add it to the Shader color node press a then F trust we want to get the grip tape and then I can just go boom what did you do to my gun oh this is just hedge Loops move you down move you down down bring this down bring this down oh look at that just it's not going to win me the contest I can tell you that I can tell you that I'm no expert God damn that's cool looking though huh it almost says something about [Music] Society a ho for the bullets right oh I want to do one more please bull Gods does it work and it does this is just you subdivide it subdivide it again subdivide it again subdivide it again again and then delete faces that's looking good Focus yeah wow that looks nice subdivide subdivide subdivide subdivide like a little dot right up here and it goes up now subdivide subdivide subdivide this is my gun it's good enough we're going have to go with this uh that's unfortunate I want to do a little more check it out baby now that's a gun time to texture let's do a quick UV we're going to smooth a couple times just for the bake or 100K not even that bad UV editing um smart UV project perfect let's go substance painter looking phenomenal now texture paint no we're going to start with a gunmetal on everything that's going to give us our base texture paint a image shading panel oh I get it TR planner three select [Music] this what rubber gold plastic 12 plastic three plastic four here we go adds everything for us that's gold that's not metal it's not a very shiny metal that is crazy bumpy turn down the scale 0.01 0 01 5 10 15 and maybe 20 gradient boom yeah that's fine that looks good back to shading back to edit mode texture paint object mode texture paint select this dude if you tell me to do this one more time I'm going to freak out to assign this gold I didn't UV unwrap smart UV project then look at that object edit click a I'm selecting it I don't know what I pressed bro all I know is this should be easy like I've done this before I've done the painting part take a look intensity and move the height up slightly and what's that going to do is make my hand grips slightly pop out let's add texture yes texture paint okay it's unwrapped texture paint yes yes yes here we go change my rotation scale color ramp I think honestly dude that's not bad what if it's got like a red streak yeah dude yeah okay yeah the front all black right and the trigger too Elon I'll put a nice x on it yeah Wicked boom boom that'll do now sweet looks good let's get the text invert great dissolve faces wait is that going to with the texture paint a it's way better I want the screws to be like shiny ass metal again black metal black metal does that work I mean kind of yeah get rid of these edges boom look oh yeah that looks good but damn that looks good okay make a render of it to make it pop I think you're right render image add a mesh of plane and move it down we're going to make it rubber oh damn C I need to move my camera I need to move my camera I need to move my camera I don't need to why Why move the camera when I can move the gun to me okay I have a little crate that I like to render some stuff in our shot is this area we are so close why is it rendering this one part this is a giant ass bullet I'm going to grab a little pistol box this is the company I work at and we have lots of assets actually this one's look good not the same but it'll do I don't get it yeah this is cool this is like CS Vibes like I remember how to do this I remember how to do this it's in the world background open woo control R alt zero yeah great perfect render image going to tell them I'm just about done launching a render this is this is what rendering is all about just sitting here staring at the image while it pixels move it's the life man this is the essence of 3D I'd like to get this image as my background go back to texture page oh my God render it let's see what it looks like rendered what I don't know what's happening if I delete this is it go back to normal it does so strange now that I have a new object I can go to texture paint oh perfect new yes yes add yes texture image texture yes open yes yes yes just did it I just built it different sitting here look at this beautiful shiny ball to show the environment these for color matching which are blurred out so they're not even useful right in the center gun last thing I need is light I need some lights I need some lights going to shift d copy it and then this one is like five it's just a nice little backlight here I'll make it yellow cuz it's gold give it some more lumens okay oh yeah yeah I got to tilt the gun a little bit the Cyber gun put it like this yeah oh yeah the key light the one that everyone sees needs to be here by golly that's as good as it's going to get render render image what if we change the bloom intensity and radius and threshold oh yeah oh baby boom done plus my smooth edges are back 95% and done that is just good that is just good that is just good looks good introducing the Cyber gun I'll be taking no questions let's talk about the egregious amount of Bloom like did people have to look at that for 2 and 1/ half hours no they didn't because I didn't figure out how to do Bloom until the last 10 minutes it's still so Jes on you bucko I also like how we can see the edges it's a good it's good to show off your modeling I didn't know how to paint the gun in texture I didn't know how to do that I forgot that was the one thing I showed you we met and I literally showed you how to extrude and how to paint and you were like I don't need to know anything El I said I only need the first half bro I only needed the extrude you can already see there's definitely some stuff that's missing Bloom it's missing bloom got a couple couple artifacts around the holes and such I think this texture some of the textures look good but they look fake also your trigger is fat yeah these aren't a part of the gun like I had to do like a bunch of like different objects yeah bullion's bad this could not be a good gun model for a game but it gets the job done let's go to the pro temo what did you create in the last 3 hours this bad boy right here God damn wa it's on a camo so do you do you just grab a surface subdivide and then start putting all those into place is that and where does the bloom come in you know the bloom there there is slight Bloom obvious light and I noticed the lack of Bloom on yours is though and clearly us two have figured out something about Bloom oh look at that grip back end you didn't even see that yeah the grip wow sick they could have been nicer but you know short on time always making sure to keep nice quads everywhere that is important you know you don't want end guns most game engines won't handle them yeah it's got the little double trigger I probably add the whole thing yeah it's not it's not fat enough for my liking but I'll take it turns out that the uh skill levels aligned very closely to the results to wrap up the video Teo helped put together these animations to show the progression of each gun model and honestly I think atrio crushed it my first blender experience was just as slow and just as painful lastly huge shout out to Teemo for taking the time to school both of us and show us how it's done thanks for watching consider subscribing and we'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Isto Inc.
Views: 3,186,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, isto inc, blender, 3d modeling
Id: XEaoHoH4qf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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