I Made a Game Using ChatGPT

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have been on the internet at all in the last couple of months you've probably heard of chat GPT chat GPT is an AI that has an answer to every question such as how to get blood out of your carpet how to hide a body what to do if the police find a body in your backyard um anyway it can also write code for you somehow better than I can if you can believe that so today I'm gonna make a game but the AI will come up with all of the ideas and write all of the code and do pretty much everything else but before the AI can start making the game I want to introduce myself can you give yourself a human name that I can refer to you with sure you can refer to me as uh ow the first thing I did was ask Al for a game idea and I'm sure he has loads of interesting and unique game ideas sure here's an idea for a game called Time Traveler's dilemma here's an idea for a game called Time Traveler's dilemma Time Traveler's dilemma Time Travelers dilemma I'm starting to get the idea that Al wants me to make a game called Time Traveler's dilemma the player takes on a role of a time traveler who must navigate various timelines and historical eras to prevent a catastrophic event from occurring The Twist is that each decision that player makes Alters the timeline and can have unintended consequences so I only have a few weeks to make a game and this game would take me decades so I need to get another idea from Al sure here's an idea for a game called Time Traveler's dilemma and after another four time travelers dilemma game ideas Al finally gave me another idea how about a game where the player is a janitor working in a top secret government facility as the player progresses through the levels they uncover Clues and information about the strange experiments and happenings taking place in the facility anyway the game still needs a name so I asked Al for some suggestions and he came up with some good ones top secret custodian janitorial Espionage custodial Chronicles and my favorite mop and shadows uh so that's the name of the game now having the idea and the name of the game I created a new Unity project and set up a basic scene I started by asking Al to make me a player controller and because Al is an AI that knows every possible thing about programming he should be able to make it maybe he can't make it I mean the camera doesn't even move hi Al the code you have given me does not work my expectations were let down and I'm disappointed I'm sorry please give me a second chance I promise I'll not disappoint you again all right Al you can have another chance but if you mess up again I will be forced to destroy you and replace you with a superior AI so good luck I gave Al a second chance and this time the code actually works I can move jump and look around there's even some camera Bob when the player is moving so Al gets to Live Another Day based on the description of the game that all gave me the next thing to make is a weapon which will be cleaning equipment I have some really good options here I could make a wet floor sign weapon or uh uh a bucket okay there aren't really any good options but the name of the game is mop and shadows so I think I'm pretty much required to make a mop as the player's main weapon so I asked Al to make me a mop okay that doesn't even look like a mop instead of using the mop that Al gave me I made one in blender and you better not say this looks like a broom okay because it is clearly a mop it has a handle so yeah it's a mop then I had I'll add some Sway and Bob to the mop and believe it or not it didn't work too well the first time so I found this video on weapon Sway and basically just asked Al to steal the code which he didn't really seem to have a problem with and apparently stealing works because the new code Al gave me works perfectly I mean just look at how smooth those animations are especially this attack animation I made it is incredibly smooth as long as you don't see it from behind but what's the point of an attack animation if there's nothing to attack so I asked Al to come up with an enemy for the game meet the facility guard this enemy is a highly trained security guard who is tasked with maintaining the order and security of the facility so here's the facility guard for some reason his face just started flickering so I performed some simple surgery and replaced his entire body with a new one and boom issue fixed so now I have a completely functional enemy that works exactly as I want it to the only thing the enemy can't do is explode so I added an explosion effect that'll play When the guard hits a wall all there will be arms and legs and meat chunks flying everywhere I mean it's great and now I have a completely functional enemy except it can't move or attack or do anything so I asked Al to make the enemies AI which he should be able to do since he is an AI I guess this kind of works I mean the enemy is following me which is a plus to fix the issue I gave the enemy some animations and it actually looks good I mean just look at that flaw of this foot animation but the guard is still defenseless so I modeled a gun in blender and asked Alfred some code to make the gun shoot and Al did such a good job that the bullets are able to predict the location of the gun and shoot from a position that the gun isn't even at yet truly amazing programming for Mal let's give him a round of applause good job Al I added a trail and glow to the bullet and now it's looking a lot better than uh whatever that was so the guard can follow you around and shoot bullets out but the problem is that the bullets don't actually do anything so I added this Blood effect that will appear as the player gets shot eventually the screen will fade to black and the player will die but now I need to ask out what should happen after the player dies I guess the nothing happens when the player dies which means no respawning no restarting the game so if you die the game's pretty much just over so you better not die and now that means the facility guard is done I'm pretty proud of Al for making such a perfect and functional enemy for the game the next part of the game's description says as the player progresses through the levels they uncover Clues and information about the strange experiments and happenings taking place in the facility so I asked Al to give me an experiment to make for the game how about an experiment where prisoners of the facility are turned into guns with the use of a machine well that's definitely an idea I made a model in blender that I think looks like a machine that turns people into guns I didn't really have any reference so I did my best there's a compartment in the middle of the machine with a pedestal that'll hold the gun and of course a tube to suck the prisoner into the machine the only problem is that I don't have a prisoner yet so instead of making one I'm gonna make the machine suck up a facility guard and hopefully it'll still work when I finally decide to make a prisoner but the guard needs to be under the tube to be sucked into the machine and the chances of that happening are like one in a billion unless you're me then it's pretty easy so I asked Al to make a quick grab system so I can drag the guard over to the machine and there might still be a few issues but overall I would say it works I don't think that's very good for your spine there's also some Advanced movement mechanics you can take advantage of when dragging the guard and I'm sure Al purposely added this to the game and this isn't a bug then I got out to add the functionality for the machine and there might also be some issues with this but I don't think anyone will notice to cover up the issue I added some particle effects and that seemed to fix the problem and now the player can pick up a gun created from the dead corpse of a guard that was sucked into a machine it doesn't really make sense but that's what Al wants so that's what I'm doing and after the players picked up the gun they can do nothing because the gun doesn't work this is because the code for the guards gun won't work with the player's gun so I need to ask ala to remake all of the code for the player gun and pray that Al can just slightly adjust the code to work for the player I don't know if something tells me it's not gonna work you know I was actually expecting this to be worse this isn't that bad and with the gun finished I can start making the first level of the game all I need to do is ask Al how the game should start because the player is a janitor they should start the game by cleaning up various rooms within the facility okay sounds a little boring hopefully it gets a little more interesting in the next part eventually the player will come across a room and see a facility guard turning a prisoner into a gun with the use of a machine okay uh that's definitely more interesting how does an AI even come up with this I'll start by making the most compelling part of the game the cleaning I made the rooms that the player will need to clean and they turned out great just look at that detail truly amazing tell the player what rooms to clean I made a note that says if you don't subscribe right now I will find where you live and hire an attack gorilla from the dark web to beat you up uh just kidding it says to clean room one two and three but at all costs under any circumstances do not enter room four you don't want to know what's in room four next I made a dirt texture that looks like my toilet after I eat 12 whole corn cobs I scattered the uh dirt texture across the three rooms for the player to clean and the more I look at it the more it looks like someone unloaded their bowels all over the facility so the player will need to clean up the uh dirt it's definitely dirt and can we just have a moment of appreciation for Al for creating this amazing gameplay I have no idea how he came up with such a fun idea now that room one two and three are finished if you can call this finished it's time to work on room four the first thing I did was make a window so that the player can witness the horrific experiment taking place in the Next Room okay there isn't an experiment yet but there will be also ignore the sky reflection in the window I don't know why that's there and I don't know how to fix it so it's staying it's a feature now and now it's finally time to make the prisoner that will be grinded up I decided to use one of the characters from my other games except I don't really think it fits with the rest of the game so I remade the character from the body of the facility guard and I think it looks a lot better but I will miss the old model there's just something special about anyway then I used unity's timeline feature to make a simple cutscene I don't know about you but I'm gonna be sleeping with my lights on for the next two weeks after seeing that after the player watches the experiment what should happen next the player should enter the experiment room and investigate the experiment yeah because that's what a janitor should do if they witness a murder how should the player enter the experiment room the player can enter the experiment room through a vent that connects the two rooms so I made a vent that'll let the player enter the experiment room but I think Al forgot that the player can't Crouch so it is physically impossible to enter the vent to get around this I quickly had I'll make a coach function for the player and um yeah I don't think it works now the player can use the vent to enter the experiment room and then use their mop to kill the facility guard but then what the story can continue when the player uses the facility guard to make a gun the player can then use the gun to break down a door that leads to a new room in this room the players should have to fight the facility guards before reaching the end of the level so I made a door inside of the wall just wanted to point that out in case you missed it it can be pretty hard to spot so once you grind up the guard and get a gun from the machine you can shoot down the door like an American who thinks the zombie apocalypse is finally here and they need to protect their canned goods if you thought that joke was bad it's because Al wrote it he's a comedic genius past the door I added a hallway with a few facility guards and if the player somehow gets past this impossible obstacle they will reach the exit when the player goes through the exit nothing happens but that's where Al steps in what should happen when the player enters the exit when the player enters the exit the screen should Fade to Black alright well uh I guess that's the ending for the game can we give another round of applause for owl for this ending I mean this is Art well I hope you enjoyed if you want to see me make a game that gets deleted whenever the player dies watch this here
Channel: Rye
Views: 1,754,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I made a game with chatgpt, I made a game with ai, ai made this game, I made a game, dev log, devlog, game dev, game developer, game development, game devlog, game that deletes itself, gamedev, indie game, indie game dev, indie game developer, indie game development, making a game, unity, unity dev log, unity devlog, unity game dev, unity game development
Id: 3mIqCO3f96c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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