I Made a Horror Game in 24 Hours

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so I decided to try and make a horror game in only 24 hours please no please and I want to try and make a game that can rival even the biggest games in the indie horror genre hello what is that if I want to do that I need an idea and it's got to be a really good idea game takes place in a scrapyard so the player will need to enter the scrapyard and collect the scrap to earn big money when the player picks up the scrap there is a chance that it's actually a scary monster oh my God and then the monster chases the player away and the player's got to run away as you can clearly see for my perfect visual explanation I have a pretty good idea for the game I can break the game up into four sections the scrapyard the scrap item generation the monster and finally the ending so to start I got to work on the first section the scrapyard I started by making this fence model and then instead of just placing multiple fences around in a circle which would drive me insane to the point where I would self unal myself I used unity's spline tool to spawn multiple fences around in a circle for me and there we go we have a scrapyard which means that the first section of the game is complete except the scrapyard isn't really a scrapyard just yard so I guess the first section isn't complete so to try and make this yard look a little bit more like a scrap yard I made this 3D model based on your fortnite scill because it's garbage and then I used the model to make a garbage pile just by dropping a bunch of them into a box as you can see it didn't really work out the way I was expecting but at the very least it does show a more accurate measure of your fortnite skill which is very garbage so I came up with another approach to make the garbage pile that's actually a lot simpler I don't know how I didn't think of this before I just modeled a small hill and then randomly added the garbage bag model around the mesh using blender's geometry note feature and it actually turned out pretty good at the very least it's a lot better than my last attempt I made a few variations of the garbage pile and then I placed them around the map I also modeled some dead trees because I mean come on they're pretty scary and I scattered them around with the garbage piles and now the yart is looking a lot better but let's be honest it's pretty ugly and also looks pretty empty and I don't feel like doing any more 3D modeling which means that I need to get a little bit creative to solve these problems so first to try and make the yard look better I just downscaled the game's resolution to 360p which makes the game look pretty bad which kind of makes the game look good because the game looks pretty bad this is a pretty standard game development tactic it's okay if you don't understand next to fix the emptiness of the map I just pressed unity's fog button and added fog into the game which makes it a lot harder to see how empty the map is mostly because you can't see anything which means another problem successfully solved and now the yard is officially a scrapyard which means that the first section of the game is complete except there's not actually any scrap so it's technically still not a scrapyard I guess it's more of a garbage yard I don't really know what the proper term for that is it's a good thing that the next section of the game is the scrap generation because then this will actually be a scrap yard and then after that is the monster which I'm sure you're looking forward to but you'll have to wait a little bit longer I started work on the scrap Generation by coming up with a comprehensive list of 10 pieces of very valuable scrap which includes you know gems a computer scrap metal Pizza I don't know about you but if I just came across Pizza in a scrapyard I would be happy so with my extensive list of scrap created I got to work modeling and texturing the scrap items I made sure to make the textures look as bad as possible so that they look good just like the rest of the game except for the painting I poured all of my artistic abilities into this masterpiece and created one of the most beautiful paintings of all time wait do you see this I think it says if you don't subscribe right now a horrific creature will follow you home break down your door and devour you on the spot oh no actually it doesn't say anything I think I'm losing my mind from sleep deprivation after creating the models I added the scrap items to the game and now finally I have a scrap yard once I actually set up the system to spawn the scrap technically there's still no scrap and this is still a garbage yard but I can fix that only one problem I don't really know how to randomly spawn objects on the map I do have an idea but it's definitely not the correct way to do it and I really don't know if it'll actually work I can create an AI navigation map on the ground which normally is used to help AI characters move around then I can take this script that I made in one of my other games that randomly spawns NPCs on the navigation map and just replace the NPCs with the scrap items and it does actually work there is probably a way simpler way to do this but I mean it does its job just like the little Chinese child in my basement anyways because I dramatically downscaled the resolution of the game and made it pretty much impossible to see anything which includes every single piece of scrap with the only exception being the gems I don't really know why but they're shinier than the top of V Diesel's head and that's really saying something so to actually make sure that the player can see the scrap I decided to add a little particle effect that'll show up when you get close to an item so hopefully now it'll be a bit harder to miss any scrap which means that the scrap generation is technically complete except the scrap items are basically worthless because they are actually worthless so the next thing I need to do is add some money to the game my favorite thing in the whole world that's why I take more than a month between each video to add the money into the game I gave each piece of scrap a scrap value with the least valuable item being the pizza and the most valuable item being the painting because come on it's a work of art so next I let the player pick up the scrap with a basic raycast and then I made some UI to display how much money you have and with the money added the scrap generation is now completely finished which means that I can move on to the third section of the game and probably the most important part of the game the monster my time is running out but I should have enough time to make something pretty good going back to my perfect visual representation of the game you can clearly see that the monster is a mimic that will disguise itself as the scrap in the game so I gave each piece of scrap a chance to spawn the mimic when you pick it up the more valuable the item the higher the chance that the mimic spawns so when I pick up this valuable piece of scrap the mimic should spawn prepare yourself because this might just be the scariest thing you've ever seen look okay this is just a placeholder for the mimic I haven't actually created the model for it yet but I think this is just as scary as what the mimic will eventually look like but to make the mimic even scarier if that's even possible I added some smoke when the uh mimic spawns okay yeah I should probably actually make a model for it right now so I started modeling the scariest horror game creature ever created so this is the mimic I would say he looks pretty scary I brought the terrifying mimic model into mixo to animate it and I downloaded a running animation since the mimic will be chasing the player and then I brought the model into unity and set up the animation and as you can see the mimic looks pretty scary for the observant people watching you might notice that the mimic isn't actually chasing the player so to fix that all I need to do is make some pretty simple AI for the mimic all I need to do to get the mimic to chase the player is to give it nav mesh agent component and then set its destination to the player and now he will chase you forever there is nothing you can do to stop him he will continue to chase you until the end of time he is also really fast so after a couple of seconds he'll just be right behind you which isn't really that scary it's just a little bit uncomfortable so I made him a little bit slower but he will still never stop chasing you so I just added a random timer that starts when he begins to chase you and once the timer's up he'll disappear Into Thin Air so now the mimic AI is complete and next I just need to make it scary because let's be honest it's a little bit goofy I think the diamond might have been a little bit scarier but one way I could fix that is with audio cuz it's kind of hard to be scared when the monster is just silently and slowly chasing you so I gave the mimic some footsteps that are reasonably loud and on top of giving you permanent hearing damage it does make the game a little bit scarier but it's not enough so to really increase the spookiness of this game I decided to do something I swore I would never do again create music this is my last attempt at making music from my previous video I think safe to say it didn't work out but this time the music actually turned out all right mostly because I just repeated the same note over and over again but I would argue that maybe it just makes it more impressive anyway with the song added to the game the spookiness is off the charts but there's one thing missing the thread of death which is normally the biggest factor in making a horror game Scary oh my God behind you behind you so I give the player some health I added some pretty cool effects when you take damage like this red stuff and the UI also has a little animation pretty cool right you can take three hits before you die except uh you can't die yet normally in my games death is just fading the screen to Black which I'll acknowledge is not very good so for this game I want to do something a little bit better and I came up with a pretty good solution when the player's been hit three times and they're killed instead of fading the screen to Black I just add physics to the camera so that it falls to the ground and it pretty accurately simulates what a person looks like when they die don't ask me how I know which means that the monster is finished and it's time to work on the final section of the game the ending the only problem is that I only have a couple of hours left so I'm cutting it pretty short so to make the ending I made a new version of the fence model with a door on it and I added it into the fence line then by holding e you can leave the scrapyard with all of your money um I didn't forget to add a clip here this is actually what it looks like when you exit the scrapyard so to replace the Eternal void of Darkness that's currently in the game I made an ending menu I also made a death menu and a main menu where I decided to call the game the yard and now that I've completed all four sections of the game you might think that it's complete but you would be wrong there's still one last thing I need to add before this ending is is complete something integral to the entire point of the game and the horror genre as a whole I can't believe I didn't add this earlier this exit sign how else are you supposed to find the exit and with that added the game is pretty much done and with really not much time left over and now that it is finished I want to see how this game compares to the other games in the horror genre so I called upon my most trusted game tester which is me don't worry this is an unbiased review of the game right here already a ruby give me oh shoot all right that's fine I'm out of Sprint that's not fine he's getting pretty close he's getting pretty close all right that was pretty scary but now I have $130 oh my God it's a pizza oh my God okay all for a a pizza oh my God oh my God get away oh no leave me alone leave me alone oh my God I'm terrified oh metal sheet oh my God you don't have to hurt me please please so I can take one one more hit before I die I could leave but I kind of want more money I don't think I have enough yet come on I got to hit 1,000 that's my goal once I get 1,000 I'm out of here this will put me up to 1,000 if I grab oh I'll get the pizza first and a computer there there's so much here okay screw 1,000 I'm going for way more oh my God okay I just got to grab everything and run oh my God I got to get to the exit he's coming for me where's the exit where's the exit I don't remember oh no please please please please please please no please well I died I think I would give this game a 10 out of 10 which would make it the greatest horror game ever made and if you want to give it a go there's a download link in the description or you can go watch this video where I make three games at the same time goodbye
Channel: Rye
Views: 33,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, game development, rye, horror game, indie horror game, unity, unity game dev, dev log, I made a game, making a game, making a game in 24 hours, I made a game in 24 hours, I made a horror game in 24 hours
Id: MzSOb2U8qNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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