I found a SPEED glitch in A Dusty Trip..

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guys after all these years I've finally done it I've finally touched grass in a Dusty trip so yeah as you guys can tell we're playing a Dusty trip today anyways without further Ado let's just get right into it hey if you guys want to subscribe please feel free anyways enjoy the video oh lovely we have a season pass in the bottom left corner good to see that jandelle is uh claiming as much money as he can okay seesar daily Quest fuel a car with huh bro this game's something else dude oh we have a skin crate over here spin for op car okay daily rewards I will be completely honest with you guys because I don't want to be like wao this game's insane wow wow wow one thing that I don't like is he is monetizing this game way too hard like there there is so much stuff in this game now that is designed to get roo from you like Bro Look at that helicopter okay that is designed to make an 8-year-old look at it and be like wow I want to steal my parents credit card good to see that we have a car raffle over here that's awesome but yeah I mean look I understand that jandal needs to earn a bit of money oh yeah and if you haven't noticed we have this little portal over here doesn't do anything just yet pretty sure it's for the classic event all right anyways guys we're going to be doing the grass biome so we'll choose the planes and then players to one and start it up all right so we've unlocked play the game okay thank you jandelle all right we have a few crates over here that do nothing we have we have Elsa is that Elsa I don't know I don't know my frozen law I think that's Elsa but I'm not 100% oh oh that's cursed I hate that I really hate that can I throw that away please okay and we have the F1 over there that's pretty cool over here we do have some broken buildings what's in here ah a singular onion M yummy you know what we'll do the van guys I feel like the van is always a trusty companion that we can rely on whereas that thing over there is just not a fan of that car not going to lie okay pop the wheels on we just climbed up here what's up here oh just a wooden beam all right nothing's up here I don't think come on any secrets around here no what about up here got any secrets all right no secrets over here all right all right okay and we get the radiator over here and just put that thing in bulb in there there we go and then we have an engine over here we'll take you also we won't worry about doors on the vehicle we don't need any of that stuff we're Gamers okay we don't we don't need any of that all right and if we do get a sandstorm without any doors then oh well that that's just how it is one thing that hasn't changed is this painting that curses me hello there mate I wonder what his name is I for backpack there we go wasn't it B for backpack maybe it's just the Mandela effect or something slowly rotting into my brain okay put the Apple up here come on mate come on come on Apple all right there we go also I've seen some of you guys talking about the F1 tires and that I should put them on the van because I'm a man of the people I will oblige and I will do that this time because why not you know we we do a bit of trolling I still can't get over playing this game compared to the uh knockoff that I played because that was terrible all right and then there we go put down the handbrake all right so I'm just going to move a bit closer to the F1 tires I don't really want to like lug them around everywhere and then we get the F1 tires over here all right let's try and yoink out these tires over here come on oh bro this is difficult oh my gosh look at my arm it's like a long noodle okay there we go we got that one out what happens if I put this here while the other oh oh my gosh brother okay but yeah I am curious though guys please let me know what you think about Janelle's approach to the game don't get me wrong though like there's a lot of updates being added into the game but I am curious what you guys think and I do read the comments believe it or not all right and and then we'll get the gas over here now all right let's start her up what's happening with the van why are we leaning to one side hey yo we good what's happening I think we're good hey what are we stuck on come on it's never that easy is it it's never that easy in this game all right there we go all right we've got some movement now all righty goodbye place oh actually hold on we will quickly munch on this apple over here there we go just so our hunger bar is a bit more full we've started her up and now we are good to go what is this that over there hold on am I seeing things hold on okay hold on we'll hop out over here oh there there goes the van hey excuse me mate what's your name and why are you hiding behind the tree I'm guessing they're just like the enemies but they're not hostile they're just watching me from a long distance all right anyways let's not get distracted let's get on the road and let's go as far as we can all right at the moment we haven't got much happening uh we've got a shop over there but we won't worry about that oh and now it's dark uh I probably should have got headlights um you guys were telling me that the headlights do work I just couldn't find the button but um oh well yo look at the van bro we're going left and right we'll stop the van right here oh that was very smooth how we stopped is it day time already oh my gosh that was quick hello mutant so is it still just mutants oh my gosh look at that painting what am I hearing am I hearing bro I'm hearing like gunshots hold on what is this noise oh there's like magical bowls of a fireball what is that oh okay they're like meteors or something I'm guessing all right no worries we should be safe indoors right I think that went right through the house I don't even think we're safe indoors either all right you know what I'm just going to ignore it let's just keep filling up the gas canister all right there we go fill her up all right what else is in here oh we have a soccer ball hey yo look at my tricks guys I'm I'm literally Ronaldo dude look guys I'm Ronaldo look at me go well we just lost the ball oh well bro can these meteors please hurry up they've been happening for so long now some people have been telling me apparently the hunger bar is going down quicker now we have the alien artifact over here don't mind if I do can we actually put this on the van now oh no it's still broken actually no that kind of works I'll use that all right start up the engine and are we moving there we go we're moving now now oh my gosh what is happening please bro what's wrong with the van come on bro why have we got like super sonic speed hello bro why do we have this speed what is going on oh my gosh we're going so fast dude we're going too fast we're actually going too fast now I am not able to control this at all let's get back on the road and then we'll see how quick we can go is that an airplane bro what is happening I need to see if there's anything I can loot from there don't worry airplane I'm slowly making my way to you oh my gosh oh and it's gone and now we have this happening bro chill game just chill for once oh my gosh we outow the wind it won't stop us oh no oh no oh no oh no come on come on roll roll back no oh I see the problem yep the engine is just completely gone this game is something else it's at times honestly come on flip over come on come on there we go all right we'll sit down here all right let's see how fast we'll go it probably wasn't a good idea putting on the F1 tires cuz these do like to like slip around but that's okay oh my gosh dude dude we are going so fast oh what what's that is that like a greenhouse oh my gosh oh my gosh where am I going oh okay let's head to the greenhouse and let's take a look I need to be very careful about like my movement in here what do we got in the greenhouse oh is that a different type of mutant did he just like die dude you good um okay well we we continue we we just continue um this is literally game breaking like this is so fast and the acceleration as well it's like immediately like 1 to 10 gazillion like speed we've already completed a bit of the battle pass as well oh that's a new house dude what is going on I am curious how far we can actually go like this you visited the river oh no oh no oh okay um is the river meant to do this hold on let's take a look at the river I don't want to like skip over this it is slightly hard to control where I'm going right now there we go we've got back up here now come on oh no all right hold on oh okay that's probably for the best that was a bit too op you drowned okay thank you you should take some swimming lessons yeah I agree see now I could revive but we'll go back to the lobby pop on the wheels here all right and then we'll put the weird looking Stanley Cup inside the van and then we have this doohickey thingamabob thingy that we'll put in the van as well come on I don't want to sit down I want to put this in the vehicle there we go all right and then we'll start it up come on let's go and then there we go okay and we'll get some gas from the F1 as well and and we will head off I wonder what's over there is that like a desert hold on so yeah we just came from the desert yeah that makes sense okay so we haven't even really gone 100 m yet and we have a house we'll go loot that it's one of the New Mutants oh and I just and I just like rammed into them as well oh his name is Sprinter okay so we have like a sprinting variety of mutants that's pretty cool all right we'll get inside before they get to us we closed the door see you buddy all right eat the pizza do we have any thing oh what is that oh it's a it's a chair okay you know what we'll do we'll just slightly open up the door do one of these bad boys see if fellas oh get back are they dead did I get them I think I saw one of them flying away oh yeah there's one over there okay they did get them all right perfect also guys we aren't going to focus too hard on the valuables we just want to try and survive as long as we can and hopefully this time we won't lose an engine and and then go insanely fast not going to lie though I I won't complain that was kind of fun bro this radio it ain't that bad okay dude I've heard that a million gazillion trillion times okay I don't want to hear it no more is there an option to like rip you out of the vehicle yet oh there's a plane over there that just crashed um as I was saying they should add an option for you to like turn this off so it's like Ultra hard difficulty but then again I I I have a feeling that uh jandelle wouldn't want to get rid of this I feel like this generates a lot of money for them I mean not even going to lie even I used it at one point I think I can see a bit of rain kind of pouring down a bit and you know what if we come across another house we'll just quickly stop there just see what's up you know see what's going on okay all right we got a house uh come on all right open it up what have we got oh IM mutant great and we have some oil over here too perfect do we need to fill this up with any oil nope we're good for now pop you up there just in case okay mister oh got some water for for me oh this needs a bit of water actually yeah this is actually really clutch all right filled her up now and then check you there close you and have we got any food in here okay Apple anything else you know what we'll take this vase as well just for good luck we're going to continue all right see you Mr Mutant have a good one mate all right so last time I think it was 3,000 M we had like a little water type of bridge so let's see this time if we do have one oh we get a few trees over here o it's looking pretty cool I do like the planes a lot actually it's very it's very relaxing despite you know planes crashing and meteors landing and all that sort of stuff like you know it it's pretty nice oh and it's completely dark oh perfect okay and we'll stop right here oh got some caps over here and we also have another we have another alien artifact over here can we try and angle this one like before bro what's this alien artifact doing it's not even letting me like put it down anywhere it just keeps going back okay maybe that's fixed it hello are you fixed have I fixed you oh no what man this game has a mind of its own at times come on man just like stick to the vehicle come on oh oh hold on these headlights work oh perfect I was trying to do all this weird stuff to get them to like kind of hook onto the vehicle and not glitch out but it turns out they're actually the proper headlights to use okay oh oh we have a Knights helmet hey can I put that on just like put that on me also hey mate can you please leave me alone I want to explore what if I shine this in your face does that scare you all right this time we can actually see where we're driving which is really good also no it apparently isn't 3,000 M we've gone past that now maybe it was 4,000 maybe I'm going insane all right we're moving a bit quick now I should probably slow down a little bit oh okay now we can see never mind oh oh no it's meteors isn't it I recognize that red sort of mist oh great knowing us we're probably going to get the lake again with like a bunch of meteors Landing everywhere all right we'll quickly go over here just to chill hey mate okay um oh NOP the meteors are definitely here okay we pop you up here oh 12 caps don't mind if I do bro can this meteor like go away dude it's going to clutch out the van again and I can't have this I want to try and be a little bit legit with how I play the game okay everything here is fine um not really much we can do I mean we could probably stuck up on more stuff but like eh that's fine bro just got meteor all right we continue okay maybe it was 5,000 for the lake I don't know anymore all right we're zooming hold on break break break no oh oh my gosh okay I was so focused on pulling the handbrake that I didn't realize we weren't going too too quick I was afraid that we were just going to like completely launch off okay um we'll do the handbreak just in case we don't want to be a silly goober and then this needs fuel well um what does it well what does it take oil maybe we have oil if you want some oil oh hold on we did get a sign of life for a moment oh it takes oil okay well that's perfect but you don't want to run out of oil otherwise you were just done for all right well we have a bit of oil over here that should be enough to get us par I hope I hope that's enough uh it looks like it is all right what about the van are you doing all right okay I think we go on good I think I actually put a bit too much oil in there oh well how much have we got 2.1 a that's reasonable okay all right cool all right start up the van there we go and now we're past the lake perfect bro I found like a canister but I don't think it does anything I think it's just a prop I was going to say like what else can you add to the game like can are you going to add Like Ur or something that I like put into the car and like make it go really quick all right no no no just leave me alone please all right there's nothing in there that I should really worry about too much oh and I just saw one of them spawn in great oh hello there mate I was just pulling down the handbrake and you just gave me a bit of a scare okay no this is ridiculous is there is there a gun in here I need to get rid of this guy he is annoying me oh skateboard hold on hey yo can we ride the skateboard oh man I don't think we can oh we have another transparent brick that makes the whole world gray oh perfect well we make sure to sell that got a lot of food in here which is pretty cool oh we have a little fly swatter might try and SWAT this guy no no just leave me alone bro that's it I'm annoyed now hold on all right that's it you get the big pointy stick you get the big pointy stick with the little Cog thing on the very end all right we're bonking him with the pointy stick you messed up mate look it didn't have to be this way if you just stood over there in the corner it would have all been fine all right there we go he died bro that noise what was that noise for his death and then we'll fill up the gas tank bro how much gas is in the pump surely that's it it it can't keep going right hello what it's normally like 1 lit oh my gosh okay this one is 1.2 L okay so it isn't actually just 1.2 L it just goes way beyond that bro we are literally loaded on gas at the moment oh my gosh I never knew that the gas stations were this good I thought they were like limited and bro we're still going okay there we go 47.9 out of 60 L okay I never worried about them cuz I just thought there was not enough gas in them but apparently they're pretty good all right what's this house got have you got any water cans or anything like that in there mate oh it's not looking too good hold on bro are they like buff mutants in there oh yeah they are quite literally called buff okay oh we have a whole secret compartment up here bro we got the doohickey over here okay well we need to give this one a try oh and we have water over here too perfect oh no that's gas oh well we don't really need more gas okay what about this diesel well you know what the fan is pretty gangster so we will use the fan come on please I don't want to be down there this buff mutants all right so what way does this actually like go I I'm really scared I want to figure out which way it goes but I don't want it to fly away oh oh well it flew away oh great some things are too good to be true sometimes guys maybe that wasn't my time to use the fan who knows we've driven about another 1,000 M um there is literally nothing but like these little shops um oh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on the engine is is smoking up all right yep and we're out of water okay we have 2.6 L that's fine okay we'll fill her up and now the engine is getting cooler okay we really need water now bro what's that red thing going through the dash over here oh we have water in there I think oh oh hello there mate okay we've we've tricked him he's stuck there okay let's head on in oh my gosh this place is massive okay where do I even start dude there's so much gas and everything in there is there a gun okay all right all right all right diesel we don't want that all right we're here for the water okay if we can only get one thing it'll be the water 5.3 L is what we need baby okay there's nothing else really in there that's fine was there even any food do kind of need food I don't think there was any food okay no worries oh come on dude all right we hop in come on oh no he's on the roof of the car please please get off oh oh and he just flipped the van that's awesome oh you love to see it guys dude he's just annoying at this point like leave me alone man come on flip we need to try and do something about this guy all right can we lose him around here and then he stays there all right I think we've lost him okay now we need to figure out what's happening here so it doesn't want to flip over is there a reason why oh no there isn't it just it wants to flip now okay all right our hunger is getting pretty low we need to we need to move we need a building with food and then we also need a bit more water if possible but unfortunately the game doesn't seem to be providing at the moment we are slightly struggling on that end man I keep looking at the engine I'm I'm really scared that the engine's going to start smoking up again okay fill this up make sure that the engine doesn't overheat on us okay so we've eaten as much as we can now which is perfect oh we have special Tires over here too we'll just Chuck them through here perfect this tire wants to be special for some reason we are all good now we've got a lot more water and now we are full so we don't have to keep stopping everywhere all right we're zooming now fellas we are zooming okay 9,500 nearly at 10,000 also I'm very happy that we have a headlight this time it's uh it's really good being able to see you visited the forest award oh okay I don't know what that means but thank you have we entered a new area or is that just saying that oh no we've definitely entered a new area we at 10,000 now oh this place looks pretty nice but what's the catch though there has to be a catch it's it's never going to be this easy oh dude hold on I think we have like a little pathway oh my gosh we do we'll quickly Drive in here just to have a bit of a look okay so we have a house over here looks uh pretty scary not going to lie I feel like I might get kidnapped or something and empty house ah perfect well let's just head back to the car and hope that we don't get knocked out on the way in oh get me out get me out I don't know why I stopped here this is the spookiest place to be at night oh come on oh no the road here is really difficult to get onto all right we've got a bit of a run up now just do that there we go going to make sure to watch out for these rocks over here too trying to oh okay oh and I all right we've got out of the forest that was pretty cool I like that I don't know what the point was cuz there was nothing trying to kill me but that was pretty Scenic I like how I find it weird that nothing's trying to kill me I'm just like so used to dying in this game all right right now we are like maxing out our speed we are going super fast all right make sure you never look off the road guys um little word of advice for you because otherwise you might hit either a pedestrian or in this game you might hit a rock so yeah try not to look off the road it's a very bad thing to do believe it or not what just dropped in hold on what was that oh I think it was just a mutant okay all right let's quickly do a little stop over here anything in here uh nothing too crazy can I kill them with the S blade still can't oh man bro this guy is annoying me oh my gosh where are the guns in this game I feel like they've made guns really rare now what's happening maybe they made the game a bit harder for us I'm doing some weird magic right now trying to get this guy not to attack me close that there we go perfect okay 14,000 M now we are slowly getting there you visited the tunnel orward Okay so we've got a tunnel coming up now oh golly gosh I'm pretty scared oh what was that I saw like rubbish or something oh no oh perfect why they got boss battle music playing dude oh no I'm stressing are we good do we win what is that bro oh dude there's like there's like flying Rocks coming out of it oh dude it's tumbling oh my gosh imagine it just keeps tumbling like the whole world just keeps collapsing oh my gosh all right there we go The Tunnel closed and we are good oh man bro imagine dying to that couldn't be me you know what if I hit something there I would probably be dead not going to lie I would like freak out and then I I'd just be like well okay I guess I'm dead bro why am I shaking like I've just taken like five energy drinks in like the past hour as they always say guys even even if the car is fuzzy at least you know the world is still you know the last time the car was acting like this and like all fuzzy and all that you know uh something magical happened where I didn't use up fuel or anything let's hope that bug hasn't happened again otherwise oopsie but oh well we are nearly at 30,000 M now well I figured out that there is no end to this game as you guys have pointed out but who knows maybe at 30,000 M we might have jandelle trying to give us a handshake bro we are like slowing down right now and we are almost at 30,000 come on dude oh yeah we hit 30,000 all right guys well I've had a look and apparently there is nothing else ped here so well thank you for watching um I do appreciate it anyways guys have a good day all right
Channel: Blorp
Views: 52,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roadblocks, Blood, Violent, Treversal, Traversle, Horor, Survival, Melee, Combat, A Dusty Trip, A long drive, The Long Drive, Road Trip, Desert, Vehicle, Mutants, Zombies, Procedural, Survive, Wasteland, Inf, Gas, Infinite Speed, 999, High Speed, Crazy, Exploit, Glitch
Id: h-VV777t3_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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