I Made An FPS Game But You’re the Bullet

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this is an FPS game but instead of controlling the player you control your bullet why did I make this game well it all started with the gmtk game Jam you need to make a game around the theme of rolls reversed oh yeah and I only have two days this should be easy first I need an idea and I don't know about you but coming up with ideas is hard so I did some research and I found the game super hot this is my game now I just need to make it fit the theme so instead of the player controlling their weapon what if they controlled their bullet it's genius I created a new Unity project made a player and set up some basic movement and then I made a gun that uh definitely wasn't reused from one of my other games I wouldn't do that and the gun works pretty good but I don't want this game just to be pretty good you see the gmtk game Jam is ran by Mark Brown the owner of the gmtk YouTube channel and the person who inspired me to start game development I want to impress my game development hero Mark Brown and what's a better way to do that than by using his own videos so I studied some of his videos about combat systems and used that information on my weapon and the results will shock you this is actually a massive Improvement I did not think he could get much better and now I just need the camera to track the bullet after you shoot which sounds pretty simple okay maybe it's not that simple so this is the code for the bullet you might not understand it and neither do I but my theory is that if I keep changing these numbers it'll eventually work I just need to find the right combination and would you look at that the camera follows the bullet and that only took me uh six hours look in my defense okay there were a lot of possible combinations the next thing to do is add some controls to the bullet so I did a little bit of coding and okay just hear me out all I need to do is find the right combination so I may have spent another six hours finding the right combination but hey at least it works now kind of there is a problem where you can flip upside down but after a couple hours of bug fixing I decided that this is actually an intended feature definitely not a bug that I have no idea how to fix now when looking at super hot the game I'm taking inspiration from definitely not stealing you can see that the time will only move when the player moves which is The Game's main mechanic I want this but I can't just steal it because that would go against my moral compass not because of various legal implications so I ended up adding a Time slow effect whenever you shoot your bullet which means I have successfully stolen superfod's main mechanic and I probably won't get sued now that I've got the bullet finished all I need to do is actually make a game and how hard can that be it's not like I spent half of my time working on a bullet that literally doesn't do anything first I want to make an enemy so I went to the game I'm stealing from I mean taking inspiration from and uh there we go I created a very original not copied model for the enemy but the enemy doesn't do anything at the moment so I decided to make it a ragdoll the enemy still doesn't do anything but it does look a little funny when he dies if I actually want the enemy to do something I need to give it some AI except I don't know how to make AI but lucky for me there is a gmtk video that explains exactly what I need simply by watching this video I will be able to create the greatest artificial intelligence in history and I was I bet you weren't expecting that as long as you overlook the fact that they sometimes shoot bullets from their feet and sometimes they will shoot when they aren't facing the player or when they're behind a wall but other than those small tiny issues the AI is perfect oh yeah I forgot about animations good thing miximo exists I can just look through their library of animations and download whatever I want but I'm just gonna download what's necessary yeah this is definitely necessary this was a good idea now that the animations have been added I have created the perfect enemy I mean the enemies are so good they have somehow Advanced 500 years and have developed cloaking technology I actually have no idea how they did this and with the bullet and enemies done next I need to make some levels I'm going to use this test level I created for the first level and I quickly created a second level that's just a hallway with a couple enemies which means I have a total of two levels not really enough for an entire game so I got to work creating the third level of the game in this level I want to introduce a new mechanic and that new mechanic is a wall this new feature allows the player to take cover and avoid being hit but get this you can also shoot over the wall it's a very Advanced mechanic but just wait because level four is even better in this level I added a way cooler new mechanic a window okay that might not seem great but there's more to it the player will spawn facing the window and I put an enemy on the other side of it so your first instinct will be to shoot the enemy through the window but what you don't know is that I have secretly placed another enemy just around the corner and when you go to take out the first enemy the second one will come around the corner and kill you at least that's the theory in practice you kind of just kill the first enemy and then kill the second enemy but at least I tried okay next I want to create one final level so I made a new room and just added a bunch of enemies look I didn't have much time left so I I couldn't think of anything very creative I only have a couple of hours left so I decided to spend the rest of the time making some menus that definitely don't look rushed and now the game is just about done so I decided to take some time to look at my email new email from the gmtk game Jam get your game uploaded now almost every year h.io servers have been bent with the weight and stress of so many game Jammers you can prepare for this by submitting early then five hours ago I haven't submitted my game yet I should have probably do that before the server shut down unless they've already shut down because it's been five hours since the war name so I exported my game and uploaded it to itch.io then I went and submitted it to the jam and it actually went through I submitted my game about an hour and a half early which is fine it's better to be safe than sorry huh I got another email I've extended the submission deadline by one hour well that's some unfortunate timing but it's okay because submitting the game is only the first step after each gmtk game Jam the gmtk YouTube channel will post a video covering the best games of the jam and that's the real goal of this game I want to get my game in one of the videos that inspired me in the first place and however can that be there are only 6837 submissions okay that is a lot of games but that's fine I'll just play some of them and I'll see what my competition is what is going on oh my god let's go I get to make a burger wait what I think I did it no what he didn't like it he didn't like it oh boy what's happening get away from me that's fine that's fine delicious delicious yes oh wait no this is the bad ending no okay pitching down going for Pigeon number two going for Pigeon number two going for Pigeon number two oh let's get spotted damn it all right so these games are pretty good it's clear I won't get in the video by playing face so I decided to use an extremely risky tactic do not attempt this at home this is a horrible idea please put me in the game Jam video I beg you please it's all I want nothing else matters please I beg and sense I have a feeling this will work but all I can do now is sit and wait for the video to release oh the video released I don't want to jinx it but I have a pretty good feeling about this instead as always the community that's not what my game looks like so it seems like someone had the same ideas me made an arguably better game and got in the video but there's still a chance there could be two games without controlling your bullets in the video yeah my game's not in the video but that's okay I'll just have to try again next year in the gmtk game Jam 2024 and if you enjoyed watch this video where I make a game in only three days to prove I can sometimes make good games
Channel: Rye
Views: 1,801,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, game development, devlog, game devlog, unity, unity devlog, indie devlog, I made a game, I made an fps game bu you're the bullet, I made a game but, I made a game where you're the bullet, I made an fps game where you're the bullet, indie game developer, unity game development, rye, rye game dev, indie game dev, indie game development
Id: kYUSfrKFFvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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