I Made 3 Games at the Same Time

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game jams are the hardest challenge that a game developer can attempt hundreds of people all competing to make the best game possible with a comically small amount of time but there's only one issue they're just not hard enough which is why I decided to sign up to three game jams at the same time I will have one week to create a game that fits the theme of three completely separate game jams starting with the rhythm game Jam which is already hard enough because I'm not even sure how to start making a rhythm game all right so the theme is Divergence all right I'm not going to lie I don't really know what that means Divergence the process or state of diverging thank you Google that's very helpful at least Google has a second definition the scaler product giv what's so now that I definitely know what Divergence is I can come up with an idea that perfectly fits this theme because I definitely know what the theme is so here's the idea the game will be an FPS game because I feel like suffering even more each shot from your gun needs to be on the beat but here's the twist you can bring out a second gun to shoot twice on the same beat it fits the theme because you're diverging one shot into two shots if that's not Divergence I don't know what it is I also don't know what Divergence is but that doesn't matter after coming up with this idea I created a new Unity project and set up some basic first person movement before I get to making the rhythm part of the game I want to make the shooting part of the game mostly because I don't know how to make the rhythm part of the game so I just want to do the easy part first the hard part is a problem for the future so I started by making a model for the shotgun and a model for a hand hand you might be wondering why would I need a model for a hand well you see the hand holds the shotgun okay hold might have been the wrong word it's more of a uh um fondal so to stop the hand from fondling the shotgun I need to make a holding animation which should be pretty easy I mean the last hand animation I made turned out pretty good so I don't see what could go wrong so here's the animation as you can see it's perfect there is absolutely nothing wrong with this at all as long as you overlook the few broken fingers behind the shotgun but it's fine I mean it's not like you can see them anyway so I don't really see this as a problem if anything this is just inclusivity for all the people with three broken fingers if you're watching this video with three broken fingers leave a comment and let me know actually I don't know if that's even possible you know with the three broken fingers so next I just need to make the shotgun actually shoot so I just used some more of my expert animation skills and created this shooting animation uh you might be able to notice the broken fingers when reloading the shotgun but I'm just going to keep it not because I'm being lazy but because I need to give people with three broken fingers some sort of representation they already have so little fingers because they're all broken anyway now I have a completed shotgun but nothing to shoot it with so it's pretty obvious what I need to add next a second shotgun I basically just copy and pasted the first shotgun and moved it to the left and with that done I still have nothing to shoot at but just like the Rhythm system that's a problem for the future speaking of the Rhythm system I think it's finally time I got to work on that the first thing I need is some music and if you don't know I am actually the producer of the world famous hit song breach I know I know it's pretty good but this was 7 years ago so hopefully I haven't lost my ability to create bangers like this and I'll be able to make something that sounds just as good never mind that was not very good so it's clear that I'm a little bit Rusty when it comes to music production so making my own song is off the table which leaves me with only one option theft the song I decided to steal is Evil by contact sensitive so go check him out I technically don't have permission to use the song so just don't let them know that I sent you I don't really want to be suit anyway now that I've got the song I just need to make a rhythm system except uh I don't really know how to luckily B3 a has already made a really great tutorial on how to sync your game to the be basically you can just calculate the BPM of the song and then trigger a function on each beat so it's actually pretty simple on each beat of the song I can just trigger a function that spawns a beat that you need to hit then I just gave each beat an animation and a timer and if you hit it at the right time you get a successful hit and if you don't you miss you can also get a perfect hit if you're really accurate and I guess that's the Rhythm system done that was a lot easier than I thought it would be and it's all thanks to the great tutorial from B3 AGS actually maybe that's supposed to be bags and with the Rhythm system done I think I'm going to move on to the second game Jam mostly because I've already used half of my time on just the first Jam don't ask me how I don't really know the second Jam is the brais jam brais might be gone but his game Jam is not what's behind the door I can make that work I don't have a level yet I don't have have much yet but I don't have a level that's one of the main things I need so maybe I can just make the level about doors I think that would probably work so after seeing the new theme I got to work on making a level I didn't say anything about making a good level I did at least add a little bit of postprocessing so the game doesn't look too bad anyway to incorporate the door into the level I just added a door it doesn't do anything yet I'm still kind of working on that so to make things more interesting I made this leg all right you might be a little bit confused why did you make a leg what does that have to do with this door is that my grandma's leg why did you steal my grandma's leg why are you eating my grandma's leg and these are all very important questions but instead of answering them let me show you well this is not what I intended to happen give me a minute I've recalibrated the foot and now I can show you why I have created this isn't that more fun than just opening the door and all it costed was your grandma's leg so the idea is that the level is divided into a bunch of rooms and you need to kick down the door for each room and find out what's behind the door currently there's uh nothing behind the door I think I should probably fix that so I decided to finally make an enemy for the game and I ended up going with a police officer I don't really know why I went with a police officer honestly I'm just kind of hoping that it'll come up with something later I rigged the enemy in mixo downloaded a few animations and brought him into the game you can't prove anything officer I did not steal that BLT sandwich let us continue this conversation in the other room yeah so you can kick the police this doesn't really have anything to do with the theme it's just really fun that's not what I meant to do are you okay sir are you okay but even though it's fun to kick the police the main weapon of the game is the shotgun so I did some work and now you can also shoot the police officer I must confess I misfiled my taxes between the years of 2014 to 2017 I also misfiled my license to carry I think it's safe to say that the shotgun packs quite a punch but I think it needs a little more power much better and with that done it's time to work on something a little more important interior decorating so um I made a table and there's a chair why did I decide to do this well let me show you officer you're looking a little bit sick why don't you step outside and get some chair honestly I just wanted more objects to kick I don't know why but kicking things is really fun especially because the enemies are completely helpless and literally can do nothing to stop you which might be a problem so I did some work and now the enemies can shoot at you they can't actually damage you but I think that makes the player feel more powerful also it means that I have more time to actually make a level because my time is getting dangerously low so I started working on the level and I made two more rooms yeah it is small but you get about 10 seconds of gameplay from it I'll admit there's still a lot of work to do but for now I need to move on to the Final Jam I'll just have to deal with the level later the third and final game Jam that I'll be participating in is the gdau wild Jam yes it is a jam for the gdau game engine and I'm using Unity so technically I am breaking the rules but I'm only submitting my game to the first game Jam so it should be fine the theme for this Jam is escape since the game's enemy is the police and I don't really have a reason for that yet I want to make the game about escaping from the police so I changed the starting room into a jail cell and added a guard and I know what you're thinking something is visually off with this jail cell something pretty obvious the guard is inside the cell instead of guarding it from the outside that's definitely the only visual problem with this jail cell but the reason the guard is inside the cell is so that you can kick him steal his shotgun and Escape your jail cell and then after that you can Rampage through the police station or what is supposed to be a police station I'll admit it doesn't really look like one except for the jail cell that is a very realistic rendition so I decided to spend some time to completely overhaul the graphics in the level I added a desk with a computer and some filing cabinets I think it's now very obvious that this is a police station after making this massive Improvement to the levels Graphics I spent some time adding more rooms which turned out to be a lot harder than I thought mostly because each enemy and object needs to be properly spaced so that you can actually hit them on the beat if they're too far away or too close it will just ruin the flow of the game the rooms also need to have some flexibility in how you complete the room so I didn't really make as many rooms as I would have wanted to the game went from about 10 seconds of gameplay to around 40 seconds of gameplay if I want this game to be longer I might need to rethink my strategy the solution I came up with is a score system which doesn't sound too complicated but my game's a little bit strange most rhythm game levels are just the length of the song for the level so the score would just increase each time you hit a beat in that song but the music in my game is an infinite Loop which means that the level could technically go on forever so I need to come up with a new scoring system and after performing some pretty simple math calculations I came up with this scoring system basically I just calculate the percentage of Beats the player hits and I divide that by the time it's taken to complete the level which means that being more accurate and completing the level faster will give you the highest score the score also increases with each beat you hit and each enemy you kill to show the scoring system to the player I made a score screen that appears after completing the level it shows the score you got in your last run and it also shows you all the stats that contributed to that score so now hope y the player will be encouraged to replay the game a few times which means the play time for the game is around a couple minutes which isn't horrible anyway the 7 days is almost up so I really need to finish this game I quickly threw together a main menu and came up with a name for the game reloaded which doesn't really make sense since you don't actually reload your gun but it's the best I could come up with okay after that I exported the game uploaded it to itch.io and I submitted it to the rhythm game gym the game is linked in the description if you want to go check it out or you could watch this video where I make a game with your horrible idea trust me the ideas are way worse than you think
Channel: Rye
Views: 134,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, game development, indie game dev, unity game dev, unity, I made a game, rye, ryegamedev, rye game dev, game jam, I made 3 games at the same time, three games at the same time, three game jams, three game jams at the same time, 3 game jams at the same time, making a game, devlog, unity devlog, indie devlog
Id: YljeBtBsjvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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